To Save a Life (2009) Poster

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reduxinflux-123 January 2010
Listen - although I understand the passion behind this movie, I'm not going to sing uncritical praises as some have. It has flaws but it's also not as bad as the weighted user rating suggests (at the time I wrote this review, it was hovering around a 4.6) However, after viewing it tonight, I would not say this movie is for the public at large (thus the undeserved 1 star ratings its garnered - which I believe is more a rejection of the worldview espoused by the film than an authentic impression of the movie itself).

Although I contest the sincerity of the low ratings, I think I know why: To Save A Life is produced by a church and it feels like it. Primarily - it's a film exhorting Christians to BE followers of Jesus rather than passive egocentric judgmental consumers. Secondarily - it's a powerful listening ear to the hurt, depressed and marginalized among us who may feel invisible to the cold world around them. It also empathizes with those who wrestle with fundamental questions of purpose and meaning. Where I appreciated this about the movie, I'm not too sure how well its narrative will translate to disinterested audiences. It might come across cliché or as religiously charged melodramatic propaganda. And I wouldn't blame anyone for feeling this way. Regardless, you can't go into a horror movie and expect a comedy. Know what to expect: It's a Christian movie.

That being said, for what it is (and what it was intended to be) my wife and I both thought it was solid. Narratively and artistically. Our 17 year old cousin Nathan agreed. I'm 30 and my wife is 29 so we're not too far removed from the high school experience ourselves. As Christians, we all found the story very authentic. The characters followed natural paths and the emotion captured never felt disingenuous. Dialogue can be tricky - and save a few perfectly-timed cliché moments and pedestrian deliveries, it was engaging and believable. We also appreciated the humility of Jim Britts writing - self-indicting the Church as a major contributor to the pain its trying to heal was both surprising and refreshing.

Also, this may sound lame, but I went in with the preconceived notion that this would be another 'rich white person' saves 'poor disenfranchised minority' movie. Ironic - I'm white - but for whatever reason, it's something I've noticed in movies and television lately and it's been bothering me. But To Save A Life isn't like that. When I saw the trailer, I almost wrote it off, thinking it would just carry the torch. Angry black dude kills himself. Stud white dude saves the day. I was pleased to be proved wrong as minorities play prominent positive roles in this movie and its not the rich white kid who rides off into the sunset as hero as you might have reasonably assumed. Turns out - dude needs saving too.

On a technical note, as someone who loves film (context - my favorites include Godfather, John Hillcoat's The Road, PT Anderson's Magnolia, American Beauty, Children of Men, Fight Club) I'm always mindful of the cinematography, editing, etc. I especially pay attention in Christian films - which are typically inept. But not so here. The crew should be proud.

No matter what harsh criticisms will eventually befall To Save A Life (there will be plenty), this movie exists for people who need to know they're not alone. Leaders and outcasts. The churched and unchurched. We all need saving.

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Up and down a bit, but some scenes hit home
bh_tafe39 March 2012
I should start off by telling you a few things about myself to remove any false pretenses. I am a committed Christian who Pastors a youth group. About 3 years ago, my best friend from primary school killed himself and this woke me up from my complacency and caused me to re evaluate the world I was living in. We should have an awareness of the effect we have on others we meet and have contact with in the world and hold ourselves accountable for them. So there are a lot of points in Jake's story and also Chris' that really hit home to me, and I showed this film to my youth group last night. A group of kids who'd been tackling and screaming each other minutes earlier sat completely silent for the next two hours.

The film starts with the main character Jake at the funeral of his childhood friend Roger, who we soon learn committed suicide right in front of Jake after shooting up their school. Jake is haunted by Roger's final words "you never cared anyway," and thinks back to the way their friendship ended, with Jake rejecting Roger to go and party with the cool kids, and then consistently ignoring him for the next two years until his death. Attending Jake's funeral leads to Jake meeting a Youth Pastor named Chris, who helps Jake when he is stranded drunk after police raid a party.

Jake eventually ends up coming first to church and then to youth group. Jake researches some of Roger's blogs online and comes into contact with a whole community of depressed teenagers and eventually decides to befriend one of them, Johnny Garcia, and that's where the title of the film comes from.

The acting in this film is serviceable. It is no master class, but there are no real cringe worthy moments either. The script is uneven, containing many genuine moments, but every now and then descending into caricature and over simplification. The production values are surprisingly decent for a Christian film, probably a few too many slow motion shots and short crane shots of characters during arguments, two of my least favourite film making clichés. But these can easily be forgiven. The overall authenticity of the story and the consistency of the message being delivered ultimately win out.

This film is essentially a call to arms for all people. It's time to shed our apathy, reach out to the people who need it. The old man who sits at the same bench at the supermarket every day. That one person in our workplace or school who everyone picks on. Just a bit of effort can mean a whole lot. It's not really about converting a person to my world view, it's about showing a person with nothing to live for that life is worth it.

Be mindful of the rating. This DVD, with beer pong, chugging, a reasonably authentic suicide etc is strictly for older youth.
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Every Teen Should See This
tjsprik24 January 2010
As someone who absolutely loves a good movie, I really enjoyed this film. It has a great message (people need people; people need God), good acting, a good storyline, and it really keeps your interest.

My group of 40-something women friends all thought it was well worth seeing. Judging by the size of the crowd (mostly teens), it won't be in theaters long,however, so see it immediately or be sure to get it on DVD as soon as it comes out.

The first 10 minutes I was was feeling like an amateurish attempt at film making. But that feeling was gone quickly. In fact, I would give the actual filming a 10. Some unique techniques were used that really made it a cut above. Also it was laugh-out-loud funny at times.

The story drags a little bit about 3/4 of the way through. And some of the drama could have been eliminated (such as Jake's parents' relationship). The dialog didn't flow at times, usually between Jake and Amy. And a few other flaws I can't mention w/o giving away the too much.

But overall this movie will make you want to treat those around you with care and concern, and will motivate you to watch for those among us who get lost. Every youth group leader should take their church kids to see this. It could literally change the world if even just a few kids began to reach out like Jake does in this movie.

Great message w/o preaching.
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A 10-Rating, Must-See Film!
inshock23 January 2010
We seldom go to the movies because most aren't worth watching (in our opinion) but my husband & I went to see "To Save A Life" yesterday (opening day) knowing it was a faith based movie. We're 40-50 something in age & have been in prison ministry for around 14-15 yrs. This film is a true-to-life movie that shows the reality of what the kids & youth of America go through every day. The suicide rate for teens is unbelievable. Too many of those who don't kill themselves, kill someone else or get into crime & end up in prison...all because they believe nobody cares & life is hopeless. We were impressed with the movie in many ways & found it to be made as very true. I left bawling (that's Texan for crying hard) even though it was humorous in places, too, because we've seen the results of those who have managed to stay alive on the street, but get sentenced (most for the majority of their lives) to prison, just to fight & struggle to survive. Prison life isn't living, only existing. It really is true that we each can save never know what someone is going through & sometimes just a smile or friendly gesture can make the difference in life & death. We don't think this is just a young people's movie - everyone should see it! We are Christians & have been quite some time, but after viewing this movie, I left changed. Go see won't regret it.
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FINALLY a Great Christian Film Without all the Preaching
Metalcoholic23 October 2009
Let me start out with saying I was VERY surprised with the production value of this movie. I managed to catch an early showing on 10-22-09, and I have to Say this is the BEST (if not only) Christian film to hit theaters since The Passion.

Don't let the PG-13 rating scare you off, the rating is appropriate because of the serious issues that are dealt with in this film (divorce, teen pregnancy, drug use, and suicide), but nothing in the film is gratuitous. This is definitely a movie that a Junior High youth group could see without upsetting (most) parents, and the message is wonderful. The best part is this is not a film FOR Christians, it is a Family film without the cheesy 7th Heaven feel.

The laughs are there, and several times in the theater everyone was laughing, the bits of humor were natural and didn't seem scripted or forced, and that made for good pacing in such a serious film. Teens and young adult, both religious and otherwise, will be able to identify with many if not all of the characters in the film, and I was surprised to see such issues dealt with in this kind of film. The plot is not in any way predictable, and by the end hits closer to home than many will admit. Christians, fortunately, are not shown as all mighty know it all's of "The Word", but instead people just trying to understand life. Humans make mistakes and no one is perfect, not even in this film... not by a long shot.

The acting is top notch, the writing spot on, and you aren't hit over the head with all the preachy Christian rhetoric. This is a great film that will make you and your teens think, talk, and perhaps question their own morality (or lack thereof). If you want to see a quality family film in January check your local listings for this film, and you might learn something about yourself.

And I am a 25 year old male that just wanted to see a free movie.
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overstuffed but fine religious fare
SnoopyStyle15 August 2016
Jake Taylor and Roger were the best of friends. Roger even saved Jake's life once which left Roger with a permanent limp. The boys drift apart during high school. Jake becomes the basketball star and starts going with cheerleader Amy Briggs. He abandons Roger to loneliness and bullying for his limp. Roger takes a gun to school and commits suicide. Jake feels guilty and lost despite getting a full college scholarship. Amy doesn't understand. His friend Doug pranks loner Jonny. Youth pastor Chris reaches out to Jake. Roger had gone to church but Chris failed to talk to him. Jake starts going to church and befriends Andrea which alienates Amy and his friends. Danny is the weed smoking cynical slacker son of the lead pastor. Jake's parents are getting a divorce. Amy is pregnant with Jake's baby. A date between Jonny and Andrea goes badly and he goes back to cutting. Danny overhears Amy's pregnancy and spreads the news in school. Next Danny pranks a fake bomb threat from Jonny getting him arrested.

There is no doubt that this movie tries to cover too much area with too many movie-teen issues. I do like how most of the issues are handled but there is simply too many of them. As far as Christian films go, this is better than most. The actors are somewhat charismatic. If the issues could be cut in half, this would allow more time for each issue to develop and resolved in the Christian way. It would also allow the movie to be a more manageable ninety minutes.
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Must see for teens!
cathywatson-642-81784526 January 2010
Saw this with my 14 year old daughter this weekend. This is an excellent movie for teens between the ages of 13-17. If you're deciding whether to watch it, don't be swayed by the overall rating as those who gave the lowest ratings do not belong to the intended audience group (males over 45 have given it the lowest rating - not sure why they felt the need to review it as it wasn't a movie for them?) I teach leadership to 14 and 15 year-old students at my school, and they were so excited when I showed them just the trailer! If you work with students then you know that what is portrayed in this movie is not exaggerated, but issues that they are actually dealing with on a daily basis. Even at my private, Christian school bullying is an issue. This movie has an excellent message and will help teens have the courage to stand up and be themselves, instead of just following the crowd.
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Covered all there is to it
Seraphion1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie covered just about all the problems that are the highest potential cause of a teen suicide, those which are present in every country and culture. And the story kind of rightly put it at the right weight emphasis on each subject; like that peer pressure causes more stress than dysfunctional family or unplanned pregnancy, because peer pressure happens to all teens, no matter what demography they belong to. The subjects are weaved in quite nicely, utilizing the duration of the movie. Although I must say that the flow of the story feels kind of strange because we see Jake going in and out of problems in such a fast pace. The acting is definitely not the strong part of this movie. All the actors are merely doing enough to have the story delivered, yet there's less effort in conveying out the emotions that should be depicted.
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Give this movie a chance - I think you will be surprised!!
shasta13926 January 2010
Best movie I've seen in a long time. Deals with real life teenage issues (the messy ones that no one wants to talk about or face). Even though those issues are going on right in front of us everyday!! I was amazed at how many different issues were actually dealt with in one movie! It is NOT a self-righteous religious movie. It's a movie with hope in the midst of reality (even when reality is ugly and hard). It's not a SWEET movie, but a very thought provoking movie! This movie is for kids on BOTH sides life. The ones that "FIT-IN" and the ones the "DON'T". All teenagers, parents, teachers and anyone who comes in contact with teens should see this movie. Adults are sometimes blind to what's really going on. If teenagers would actually get hold of this message it could make a change in schools, neighborhoods and cities everywhere!!! I'm going to see if for the 2nd time this next weekend. I hope it is in theaters for a while!
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This movie dares to address the issues
dk1517-463-29675310 September 2012
Peer pressure, drinking, teen sex, abortion, suicide, family problems, even kids at school who need a friend--this movie addresses all these things and does a pretty good job in doing so.

WARNING: This is a Christian movie with the intention of showing us the positive and life-changing results when we make a commitment to Christ. If that is not your thing,you will be disappointed. For committed Christians, a warning for you as well: If you are bothered by the subject matter, some mild profanity, some passionate kissing and sexuality in general--though no nudity--this movie may not be for you. Either way, you have all been forewarned.

One thing I liked tremendously was that all these things were happening to Jake at the same time, or soon after he had given up his old lifestyle of drinking and being the cool kid at school, and had turned his life over to God. I love the fact that this movie brings out the reality that just because you're a Christian does not exempt you from the trials of life.

Yes, a great movie to show to your church youth group, so long as both parents and teens are aware of the subject matter. This movie dares to address the issues of the day facing teens.
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Good intentions, but falls very flat
CeilingofStars31 January 2010
First, I want to say that the movie I saw was almost nothing like its preview. I walked into the theater expecting a relatively dense, deep portrayal of guilt and doubt. This movie had very, very strong Christian overtones, to the point where my friends and I were laughing out loud - not because it was funny, or even because the scenes were cheesy, but that one thing after another kept adding up, and it was SO unbelievable and over-the-top.

The casting director for this movie needs to find another job. The two main characters were easily in their late 20's. The girlfriend is supposed to be super popular and desirable, but she is hunched-over and wrinkled. No high schooler looks like that. The "troubled kids" actually looked like real teenagers, and the styling in that sense was pretty realistic, but it only served to contrast even more with how old the other cast members were. There was an extra at the kegger that was easily in his early 40's. It was ridiculous.

But all of these things aside, my biggest complaint is that this movie had a real opportunity to explore some deep issues related to life, faith, and guilt. The main character had no soul. He was going through the motions of being hurt, angry, and confused, but I didn't believe it for a second. The only believable scenes were those that involved his parents. I don't completely blame the actor for this. I think it was largely the fault of the screenwriter. My hunch is that the screenwriter, who is a youth pastor, has had personal experience with parent trouble, how troubled teens act, etc. What he does NOT understand is how it actually feels to be a troubled teen (all of their diatribes were along the lines of, "Nobody understands me. I feel so alone." It never went much deeper than that.)

Even more, I am almost certain that this writer doesn't know what it feels like to experience heavy grief as a teenager, or to feel guilty or like he caused someone to do something horrible. He (and the actors) make a valiant attempt to imagine what it would feel/be like, but it falls so painfully short.

People who think this movie is an accurate representation of that kind of pain have most likely never lived it. I suspect the same could be said about the issue with the main character's girlfriend at the end of the movie, but I have never personally experienced that, so I can't say for sure.

In summary: If you are an average Christian churchgoer, particularly one that belongs to a slightly more modern church (say, one that uses electric guitars in the church band), than almost without a doubt I think you will really enjoy this movie. It speaks to your reality and might broaden a few minds. If you are a victim of childhood/adolescent trauma, a serious crisis of faith, or severe depression - all of which I have personal experience with - then I suspect you will find this movie falls disappointingly short.
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Excellent Movie for Teenages and Parents Alike
pssstlady28 January 2010
I took my son to see this movie. He is 16 and has had a tough time of feeling like an outsider at school. It helped him to see that everyone has problems and everyone else's life isn't perfect. This movie dealt with real things teenagers deal with on a daily basis and how they chose to deal with life. It might just save a life. For those kids who think it's cool to make fun of others and treat others like they are not worthy of consideration, that somehow they are better than others, they should watch this. It will help to see the effect that you have on others. My son didn't even care to see this movie but, when it was over he said it was good. I highly recommend this movie to teenagers and parents alike. It was worth seeing.
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Great Movie although the 'GOD' factor was tastefully done
azuraman226 December 2010
I've seen a lot of movies and this is a very good movie covering all the aspects of a tragedy. I've seen some movies that put the 'GOD' factor out there as the end all beat all way to go, but this movie has done it very tastefully and not preach the all mighty too much.

There have been lots of movies out there that take tragedies and deal with the human element and not go near the religious side of things, but this movie could have cut a couple scenes on it.

What I did like was how well the story dealt with how many children these days are faced with peer pressures and not know how to deal with them or have others out there to turn to. If all families could take the time to see this movie and make the effort for themselves as well as their children to be better people than they might all ready be.

Life is full of challenges, but we don't have to struggle through them alone if people would keep an open mind and heart to others.
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Unbelievably poor
Tommyboy-3712 January 2011
This is kind of a typical high school story, and specifically a story about bullying. Acting is probably among the poorest performances I've seen all around. The story isn't exactly focused on the bullying issue, eventually starts jumping around topics, all important topics, don't get me wrong, but way too many, until you reach the point where all that is missing is some kind of terminal illness to be complete and have all the tragedies a sixteen year old could ever suffer; and of course, the movie falls short on truly developing all the topics and questions it raises, and eventually find some sort of closure. It is filled with clichés and common places and everyone is a stereotype. It has a lot of references towards God and Christianity, which is OK for those who believe or find it helpful; but for the rest of us, it makes it really hard to relate to the idea that all your problems could be prayed away and all solutions could be found in God. As for the technicals, cinematography is poor, editing is really poor, "drama" sequences are predictable, soundtrack is obvious teenage soundtrack... In the end the proper definition for me would be that it's not really a BAD movie, the correct term is poor... everything is poor and shows little- to-none respect for the viewer's intelligence.
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Excellent movie for all - especially teens and parents of teens!!
dtp_mb23 January 2010
All teens and parents of teens should be seeking this movie out. This movie really hits home to my own personal experiences in high school. It can be a cruel world and this movie takes up that issue and more! The message is clear. The movie does a great job of making it "cool" to change your life. I think teens will relate to many of the scenes with their own life. Parents should see to "remind" us of the pressures our kids are under in today's world. If just one kid changes the course of his/her life from seeing this movie, it was a movie well worth supporting. Amazing to think that the writer has never scripted a movie before. Go see it!
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Excellent message, do we just avoid those who are "different", or do we stick our necks out to try to make a difference?
TxMike11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Virtually all the negative comments about this movie come from those who have built up some sort of resentment towards Christianity. There is a parable in the New Testament, about a man being beaten and robbed and left for dead. Many pass him by, but one stops and renders aid. Who is your neighbor? Everyone is your neighbor. What is the meaning of a life well-lived? It is giving back more to humanity than you receive.

This movie is about all that. It is about a young man who kills himself because he doesn't feel he belongs. All his classmates help make it easy, they mock him for the color of his skin and his handicap. a damaged leg he earned while saving someone else from injury.

Randy Wayne, who was 27, plays California high school basketball star, Jake Taylor, who has always dreamed of going to Louisville on a basketball scholarship. Deja Kreutzberg, who was 26, plays his girlfriend, Amy Briggs, who has also gotten herself accepted at Louisville so they can be together.

The dramatic event in the movie that gets everything else going is when the young man goes to school with a gun and kills himself in the hallway, among his fellow students. Jake feels guilty, he was the boy's best friend until Freshman year, and if he had reached out to him instead of avoiding, maybe he could have saved his life. As the movie comes to its conclusion, Jake gets another chance, with another boy, and this time does the right thing, and does save his life.

Joshua Weigel is good as the youth minister, Chris Vaughn. The movie is not naive, it does not paint everything with one broad stroke, if you are a Christian all will be well. There is lying and cheating. There is a teen pregnancy. But the movie handles all that and more in a very respectful way, and it has a great overall message ... care for your neighbor, even if it feels uncomfortable, because it is the right thing to do.
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188 points of cheesiness on a scale of 100
jlinkels3 November 2012
If you ever have to define the meaning of "cheesy" refer to this movie. It isn't necessarily that bad, it is just overdone. It is a bit too much of everything. Too many problems, too much good behavior, too much sincerity, too much caring for one another, too much "hi it's so great to have you here", too many good intentions. to much working to a good future.

For one thing, for a Christian movie it was not bad at all. In some Christian movies, Jesus is pushed down your throat every five minutes, and then again and again and again. This movies is how Christ can help you if you want to accept it. Very much like Fireproof and Flywheel.

It is not Christianity that makes this movie over the top. It is the movie itself which is just overdone in every aspect. Don't expect a great movie. Do expect some interesting views into American high school life and how Christians try to conquer people's souls.
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Need more movies like this.
anggoforit10 June 2010
I saw this movie last night with our youth group at church. I really feel the this world needs more movies like this one. So much is happening in this world these days. People need to know God is in control. We need to send this message out. So thanks to the movie makers for this one. The story line, they chose for this movie are real and happening all are the world. God wants us to play the part and be there for others. We need to be a role model and share a part of our selves with others. Be there for each other, lend a hand and not turn our backs on Gods people. I laughed and I cried. I really enjoyed this movie. Hope everyone who watches this movie will be touched. I have lived with knowing someone who has been in the same shoes. Thanks again.
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Former Christian Review - Please Read
twogiantsstudio2 February 2021
I saw this film at a screening in 09 when I was 16. At that time I was Christian in high school. Loved it then because it felt relatable to me. I too lost a friend to suicide and felt that I could have done something to save them. Feeling lost, questioning my existence and even considering if I should go on living. This film helped me get out of my shell and ask for help.

Now, years later I have outgrown/ lost my faith. I don't know if there is a God and if life even has a meaning.

Revisiting this movie now, despite not being a part of it this film's themes; it's very flawed. Poor acting at times, script is predictable, and editing is weak.

But I can't just give it a 3-4 and call it a day. Because this film can help those who do feel lost and need that push to seek help.

If you or someone you love is suicidal or is going through the grief of a loved one from suicide, it's never too late to ask help. You don't need to be a Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, etc; just show compassion and listen. This film may be for you and even if it isn't there is one line you can take from it:

"We do crazy things for $20 but what would do for a penny? We treat people the same way. Some are worth our time and others pass by us"

You are worth it.
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A Great Christian Movie with a great message!
thisaintascene8423 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went to this movie without the knowledge of it being a Christian based movie.I think the fear of producing a movie like this and not having a good reception took part in the limited release. Unfortunate for those who can't see it, but fortunate for those who did.

The movie produced a lot of feelings and range of emotions while the viewers watched it. You went through it with laughter, tears, anxiety and hope.

My review won't be very helpful I guess; but I do recommend you take your 12 and up children and let them see this movie. I went with a mother of 4 and wants to take her oldest children who are going through what Jake did with the youth group. I know a boy who is a stoner like Danny who is just dying to fit in but didn't know how to lose that label and get what he wanted, he watched the movie and swore to change and give up pot.

We all know a Danny, A Jake A Johnny and A Roger. We can all relate to his movie in one way or another and I'll tell you what...

When I walked out of that theater, as I wiped my eyes I looked around the sold out crowd waiting for the next show and saw them all wiping their eyes. Even the guys. All discussing the movie, the message, the cast and nothing about how hot so and so looked, or talking about where they were headed for dinner. They discussed what they got from the movie, what they liked about it and the acting skills of the actors that touched their lives so much.

If that isn't an amazing movie, I don't know what is.
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Good film
drwillianmhubne19 September 2021
I wish it more of an evangelical message, but it's ok. Too many faith films shy away from Gospel message - so afraid, so cowardly.

So many times we go through life simply reacting to the circumstances that are presented to us and in doing so we become self-absorbed and focused on the moment only in how it touches our own wants and need. And to this the film did well.
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It screams "lifetime".
splishsplash3332 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched this at a church. I couldn't believe it when people were standing up and clapping when the credits rolled.

This is a movie with plot lines about high school age kids you've heard before, only with messages about religion and faith. It's one of those movies that tries to be real but misses and becomes stereotypical and sappy rather than interesting. Jake, the varsity jock has it all: a hot girlfriend, cool friends, team captain, but what a twist, there's something missing from his life! And the movie becomes centered around bringing people together through religion. The whole scenario of Jake's old friend going to school and killing himself while there was gimmicky, but it could have been redeemed with some real exploration about what really causes these feelings of isolation. What the plot focuses on is bring people together through faith, but the way it's carried out is not realistic and feels preachy: as if all these kids in this movie should come together under one faith and this particular faith is what people are missing from their lives. I did not believe these characters or their dialog, they don't act like real people, and these moral messages about faith and Christianity are too propaganda ridden and unconvincing. I think movies like this are meant to grab people who are agnostic as means of showing them how important faith is to life, but I don't this movie remotely does the job. In short, I do not recommend this to anyone.
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TO SAVE A LIFE will spark a revival among teenagers.
OneWayFilms20007 December 2009
Since Sherwood Pictures released FACING THE GIANTS and FIREPROOF, I expected other churches to be inspired and step out into the field of film making. The surprise success with Sherwood Pictures cannot be expected to be reproduced, in fact, just the opposite is expected. Just as Hallmark Pictures seems to reproduce every blockbuster hit that comes along on a much smaller scale with poorer results, we can expect other churches to release a few clunkers in hopes of attaining the same success that seems to have graced Sherwood Pictures.

That was my expectation when I discovered that TO SAVE A LIFE was the creation of Jim Britts, youth pastor of New Song Community Church in Southern California and that over 80% of the cast and crew were locals, some with no experience at all.

Let me start my review off by admitting that I was HORRIBLY WRONG. As I sat in the dark during the advanced screening of TO SAVE A LIFE and began to wonder to myself, 'is it possible? Can lightning strike TWO churches with an unexpected success story?' I am pleased to announce that it does indeed appear that lightning has strike twice. NEW SONG PICTURES is the NEW Sherwood Pictures of Christian films and they are going to make quite an impact in Hollywood.

High school stud / jock, Jake Taylor (Randy Wayne) seems to have it all, popularity, friends and the girl. But when his popular lifestyle forces him to choose between his best friend and the IN-crowd, the results become deadly.

Now with the weight of guilt on his back, parents on the brink of divorce, and a girlfriend expecting a baby, his whole life seems to be falling apart, until he meets the local youth pastor and a few Christian teenagers. Now he must make the ultimate choice.

The story seems simple and trite, but it's so well-written and greatly performed, that it seems fresh all over again. Randy Wayne(Numb3ers, The Haunting of Molly Hartley) is no amateur actor, and his performance shines alongside a cast of true professionals, like Deja Kreutzberg (CSI Miami, As the World Turns) who plays Amy, the popular party girl who introduces him to the In-crowd and D. David Morin who has an extensive history in Christian films,(Time Changers, The Wager, Mercy Streets, The Moment After, The Ultimate Gift & A Vow to Cherish).

The quality of this film was surprisingly top notch and the results seem to touch and challenge the group of teenagers I reviewed the film with. They laughed at all the right spots and never once seemed bored or distracted by the engaging story. The rousing round of applause at the end was the final seal of approval by all who attended, myself included.

TO SAVE A LIFE will spark a movement among young people with the hard-hitting message that every person matters to God. The Gospel message is presented in a bold way, but not in-your-face, like witnessing a testimony unfold, instead of sitting through a preachy sermon. It goes down smooth and with flavor that leaves it's viewers wanting more. TO SAVE A LIFE will do more than entertain, it will strike a revival in the heart of teenagers and Christians alike. This is how Christians films should be done.

Set to be released in theaters on January 22, 2010. Make sure you don't miss this Christian movie event.

  • Scott Green
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Christians are trying to cheat you!
chisps28 June 2015
This is a terrible movie, don't try to watch it!

The IMDb's rating is because most of the critics are religious people... nothing against religions, but the plot is flat and predictable... the characters are poor, the actors are worse.

The story is about an idiot that changes to good while becoming a Christian... in real life you don't need to do that, you just need to think a little bit... or go to therapy!

You may see lots of critics saying this is a good film for teens and parents... FALSE! They are just trying to convert you! I recommend you to seat and talk to your children for a while instead of wasting 120 valuable minutes of your and their time with this title.
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A Must-See Movie For Teens!
demobonez23 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I know this movie has religious implies, meaning that like in this film part of what helped Jake Taylor was becoming Christian, but even if you are an Atheist and don't believe in Christianity, I think you will still enjoy it because not only is it strong in the message it carries but also it is inspiring, very touching, and simply realistic with the way many teenagers are treated for being "uncool", and simply standing out from the ordinary. It's wrong. But it still happens. "To Save a Life" shows what can happen if a teenager is bothered so much- suicide for him or her, guilt and sadness for the people still standing in this world.

If you have a teen son/daughter, teen friend or know any teen- show them this film. It is something they should see.
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