Journey to Hell (2022) Poster

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Biblically-sound film about hell
shanen-ceaser20 February 2021
Biblically-sound in every way about hell. This movie was really great in my opinion. If you like the faith-based genre then this is definitely for you. The effects are great and the make-up is exceptional as well. the two lead characters and all the demons really compliment each other in the roles they are in. I wouldn't expect something phenomenal but this genre of movies is rarely gifted with such a insightfully plotted movie such as Journey to Hell.The character build is great and the background of the characters isn't completely clouded which is awesome, there's no feeling of confusion when it comes to whats going on. He's in hell. Or is it a dream? BRILLIANT story-telling. It seems in some scenes the director was going for a certain emotion which made it feel awkward but the action and reactions are nice. Shane Badman really came across as tough doomed and uncaring in his previous life, while his wife came across as determined and brave. There is no reason to not give this movie a chance, if it seems like something you would like, i recommend seeing it. The concepts and setups aren't something of the usual nature so its a welcomed change of pace. I don't rate this 10/10 because is was astounding and mind shattering, a movie of the century, I rate it 10/10 because it was about truly accepting JESUS into your life and asking true forgiveness - He's not some insurance policy. The score and soundtrack are great as well, providing some depth into certain scenes. The contrast and colors are good, although looking a little too dark in some scenes. The movie takes you to many places, so there is no feeling that you are in one place, sometimes I feel that movies that take place in the same space create a feeling of urgency, not so in this film. Some enjoyable aspects is the historical tie ins and use of terminology. All in all, this is an exceptional movie, it moves from scene to scene with little dragging in one spot, and has a great ending.
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"You had 2,300,253 chances to find Christ...."
billg0ooi30 July 2022
"You had 2,300,253 chances to find Christ...." That is one of the most powerful lines in the movie. It blew me away when this dude is asking the demon why he can't get a second chance.

This is a rare gem that take the viewer to look in depth at the Bible's word on hell. Jesus spoke on hell more than anyone in the Bible. It's true.

You don't have to think it's perfect or a film to see twice, but it should be seen as a deeper understanding of Jesus's purpose on Earth in the Christian faith. Journey to Hell is one of the best Biblical movies ever made, and a great cinematic portrayal of God's ultimate love. Hell is actually reveals how awesome God really is. You can go there or you can go to heaven. Your choice.
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19 people voted a '1' probably haven't even seen the film.
clayton-49431 July 2022
We will all stand before God someday whether you want to believe it or not. You vote a '1' on a film you haven't seen. Very sad.

To everyone else, this film is transcendent. It transcends acting, cinematography, and directing. It is spiritually apprehended. Those who are spiritually dead, find little to nothing here. Those who desist the Lord Jesus Christ vote a '1' without having seen the film. They will stand in judgment someday. They laugh now, but wait. However, if you are brave enough to consider that there is a real, Infinite-Personal God running the universe and that His sovereignty IS NOT manifested by Imperial Powers, but rather by irresistible Providence, then come see what YOUR world might look like with God running it. WARNING: this is not for those with advanced Theophobia or for those who are afraid of God's forgiveness and love. Otherwise, this is a life-changing film about the most powerful force in the universe (prayer) and the Loving God who unleashes that Power through the Lord Jesus Christ...enjoy!
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.....if there is one movie to see your lifetime, this is it.
leonardvillan29 July 2022
To understand this movie fully is to understand why Jesus died for our sins.

The carrying of the cross was equally intense as was the crucifixion itself.

If you choose to see this movie, be prepared to be shaken to your very soul. It's not scary. You will simply be overwhelmed with joy. You have to see this film to understand what I'm talking about. I agree with everyone that this is the mother of all evangelical films.
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TampaBucsFan8916 February 2021
Wow. I haven't reviewed a film in 14 years but had to with this.

The movie ist awesome written, great played and very profound. You may laugh if you want to, but it just illustrates in a very good story the reality of the spiritual world we're in. You don't want to go to hell. I love how the trailer says Jesus spoke of hell more than heaven. Fistly the amazing performance from the actor who played 'Legion'. He brings an unashamed, manic, crazed, chain-smoking quality to the demonic realm, and his portrayal is completely believable. The other actors are all incredible. Really appreciate my friend recommending this amazing film.
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Ummm this was terrible
Mngirl19747 August 2022
I'm literally embarrassed for people that are scoring this is a 10. I can't imagine what they saw versus what I saw that would make them feel this deserves anything other than 1-5 max. The movie was simply not good.

If it wasn't the terrible acting, it was the horrendous green screen. If it wasn't the green screen it was the ridiculous storyline. The whole thing is terrible and I'm embarrassed people are giving this a 10 just because it's a "christian film."

If this is how the ratings work for these types of movies that's a problem.
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The audience BROKE into a HUGE APPLAUSE several times in the film.
NataliainSantaMonica18 June 2022
I was UNBELIEVABLY blessed going to the premiere last night at Fox Studios on Thursday, June 16, 2022.

I agree with a previous poster who said it's the most evangelical film they've ever seen.

JESUS is in almost every scene. Bible verses are in almost every scene. Truly stunning.

This is one of the most intensely dark and beguiling movie that has the MOST INCREDIBLE UPLIFTING ENDING.

The audience BROKE into a HUGE APPLAUSE several times in the film. Unbelievable again.

I almost cried. I went with some friends and they were in tears.

Many movies have portrayed demons as an ugly, violent monsters often not intelligent enough. This movie portrays the demons as they actually are: intelligent, subtle, patient, taunting, masquerading as the angels of light. And one more thing: They hate God. Their true call is to convince people a loving God does not exist.

This is a film that I can see over and over. INSTANT CLASSIC. The music and cinematography are simply amazing. This film is a keeper.

An absolute masterpiece 10/10.

Thank you and special props to Laura for inviting me! God bless you girl!
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Is this satire?
sampsonart7 August 2022
Is this film a joke? Very campy.. looks like a student film. Very silly and sorry but "hell" isn't a real place. There's literally NO reason to think it's real anymore than Valhalla is a real place. Christianity and Catholicism has used this claim for centuries to "scare" people into converting. It doesn't work as well in todays modern society because humans have better means to actual facts now. Anyway, even for a science fiction film this movie is garbage.
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My Review - we just saw 'Journey to Hell' at the theater
dinamiles7 August 2022
Our entire group LOVED this film. We stayed and talked about this film before they kicked us out. NEVER had this experience before. This is truly a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME experience. Still speechless. I can't even begin to describe it other than it's a very powerful film that obviously has the hand of God on it. It calms you into really ENJOYING your salvation. I know that sounds hard to believe and again you have to see this film to understand what I'm saying. All I can say is watch this. If only one movie in your lifetime, THIS IS IT.

Rating 10 out of 10.
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What the ..........?
people-228-579504 March 2021
This movie came up on my Facebook page . I'm not "god fearing" by any stretch of the imagination , but I thought I'd give it a go. Oh dear . Terrible doesn't come close, Maybe if you are a devout Christian that still believes in heaven and hell , you would enjoy this movie. However , if you are truly religious you will realise this is hypocrisy at its greatest. It truly is appalling. Please , for the sake of all humanity do not watch this movie.
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diamondbreitbar29 July 2022
Thoroughly uplifting movie.

I was blessed by seeing this at an advanced screening.

I cried uncontrollably at the end. I think it's one of the best endings in any movie I've ever seen. Jesus died for us so we can choose heaven.

I came with a ton of depression and I've been completely healed of it now.

Really amazing, incredible film.
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Something they won't tell you.....
tuckerc-athome6 August 2022
In spite of all the hatred spewing out from Christianphobes, Christian-haters, Luke-warm Christians, Relevant Cool Christians, and other poor souls, this is a great movie. So great, this is a trivia that no liberal media outlet wants to talk about: "Because of their experiences during film production, many of the cast and filming crew converted to Jesus after the completion of the film. Among those who converted was an atheist who who converted to Christ one hour after seeing 'Journey to Hell'." We need more movies like Journey to Hell. The movie is filled with a lot of subtle details that provide a "backstory" into a man who thinks he's a Christian, but isn't. You can shout, yell, mock, deny, distort, curse, cuss, swear, disgrace, but the Son of God came to Earth to save us all. Thus we say: We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
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Entire Churches and Bible Study Groups Really Need to See This!
tessfaustino630 July 2022
Entire Churches and Bible Study Groups Really Need to See This. Absolutely the whole counsel of God is shared in this movie. Nothing was left out, not the reality of Satan and his intentions, not the existence of sin, not the truth that all we like sheep have gone astray, not that our righteousness, apart from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are filthy rags doomed to hell. It is all there, the truth shared with a pure heart fervently. At a time when hell is not real to many Christians, this puts hell front and center!

Finally, the Church can watch a movie that speaks faith and shows the hand of God in the lives of His people. Taking the Lord at His Word, living it, loving it, breathing it, memorizing it. Such is the bread of life!

For man shall not live by a baker's loaf alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The message of this movie is exactly that. Man must decide today, "Whom shall ye serve? God or mammon?" Choose this day. Don't wait. Now is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time. Hell is real as they keep saying throughout this fantastic film. And it is a very joyous film.

If this country will, with a contrite heart, bow to the King of Kings and repent, and turn from their wicked ways, then will He hear from heaven and heal our families and our land!
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I wept 5 times in this film....the best Christian movie I've ever seen.....
kevinshuster457 August 2022
Just got back from the theater with my church group. I wept 5 times and the group stayed until the end credits were over. I can't give away the ending, but if you're not emotionally moved......all I can say is maybe you better examine your heart with God. I can't see any true born-again Believer not being affected, touched, or moved by this powerful film. It's NOT all hell. It's way deeper. It's really the incredible love of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will move you in ways no one can. Kudos to the filmmakers for the best Christian movie I've ever seen.
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Saw it at Ward 16 in Hawaii - thank you!
fortlauderdale-18 August 2022
Saw this with my Bible study group in Hawaii and we all loved the film. We sat there like everyone else until after the credits rolled. We were all awe-struck how powerful the film was. Mahalo to the film people behind this movie.
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Its a movie I guess...
lucasgonzalezg22 August 2022
Genuienly, this movie isn't a good movie. Sure it exists and yes, it is about religion, repent and hell, but it isn't well made.

It's sad to see a film like this and it trying to make so much money off of something that doesn't bring anything new to its story, it's plain and quite honestly, boring. If the story resonates with you and your own belief in a hell, good for you, for others, it honestly doesn't say much about what we haven't seen before: man goes to hell, feels bad and doesn't want to be there, magically it's all okay and has a second chance.

And don't get me started with the green screen, now come on, someone had to notice in post-production that it didn't look great.

I know that making films is a hard process but really, this film is repetitive in it's themes, makes unnecessary racist jokes with one of the people in hell, makes no effort into making a compelling story, flat one dimmensional characters and just feels like a complete satire.

Don't waste your time on it.
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If you don't believe in God, you're obviously not going to like it.....
bobleer30 July 2022
As a one time agnostic I wouldn't have got this film at all. Not anymore, now I do believe and I do get it, It's powerful and doesn't pull any punches.
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I loved this
BandSAboutMovies10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is loosely based on John Bunyan's Journey to Hell. Well, I learned about his Pilgrim's Progress from Glenn Danzig, who started the original version of the video for "Mother" with the line "Then I saw that there was a way to Hell, even from the gates of Heaven."

"Welcome to my book collection," says Glenn, shirtless.

Shane Badman (John Terrell) isn't a bad person. Why did he end up in Hell after he drowned? This surfer went to megachurches and wrote them big checks, so why is he next to Hitler (Ron Gilbert), Chairman Mao (Val Victa), Judas (Anatolii Reeves), the Zodiac Killer (Mikael Mattsson), Eric Harris (Jens Sweaney), Dylan Klebold (Nicholas Adams), the internet scam Nigerian Prince (Jako Crawford), Adolph Eichmann (Frank Mitzi), Pontius Pilate (Zachary Chicos) and the Vegas shooter (Steven T. Bartlett)? Was it because he gambled and may have cheated on his wife (Emilie Soghomonian), whose only character is that she's pretty and always harping on Shane for not going to study the Bible? Because he was mean to a homeless man (Darrell P. Miller)?

Inside this green screen 50,000 years of Hell, Shane whines to the demons (Arron Groben and Harry Goodins) who look like Abbath and Demonaz from Immortal and I really appreciate that these demons are true kvlt. And I like that Hell isn't filled with LGBTQ folks and democrats but plenty of those who ran megachurches and were fake Christians. And man, the dialogue, as Shane calls the Columbine shooters that they are "less than dog poop." In Hell. After thousands of years of burning. And then the Zodiac Killer threatens to kill him all over again. And Hitler saying, "I've been in Hell since 1945, don't tell me what to do!"

Directed by Timothy A. Chey (who also directed Slamma Jamma, Fakin' Da Funk, Suing the Devil - in which the devil (Malcolm McDowell) gets sued by a law student - and a movie I need to track down, Interview with the Antichrist, which is a live interview during Armageddon), who wrote this with Victor G. Chey and W. Thomas, I really ended up loving this movie. It's so earnest, the acting is all the worst choices and the sheer wildness of it all just has to be seen to be believed. Most importantly, it succeeded in its mission. I have thought about the way that I act and how it impacts my soul. I mean, did I still watch some insanely upsetting movies afterward? Certainly. But it also made me think of ways that I can make the world better.

Also: Mao Zedong threatens a man with kung fu in Hell.
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My Top Ten Faith-Based Movies of All Time (in order)
michaelwebb-280-505 August 2022
My Top Ten Faith-Based Movies of All Time (in order)

1) Chariots of Fire 2) Ben Hur 3) Journey to Hell 4) War Room 5) Courageous 6) Passion of the Christ 7) The Hiding Place 8) Silence 9) Time Changer 10) Suing the Devil.
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Must See for All Christians
nashvilleman00930 July 2022
I saw this film like others at an advanced screening. I know the film hits theaters on August 5, 2022. Essentially it's a Christian movie that speaks of hell is a real place. But, ultimately it is a call to every true Believer in Christ to courageously lead and tell others about a Savior Christ the Lord. Men and women everywhere must turn from sin and trust in Christ who died for our sins and was raised from the dead.
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Thought-provocative, well-crafted plot, intense characterization - will challenge your luke-warm faith
I saw a special advanced copy of this. I loved this movie dearly. I'm actually planning on seeing it again today. If you're just looking for some action adventure you're more than likely going to be disappointed. Its one of those movies where you have to appreciate the topic to like. What exactly happens if you die and reject Christ? This is the most important question that you must face now.

It all begins with the Bible. If you truly believe in God and this is His word, you also must believe in the Lake of Fire, Judgment, Hades - it's either ALL or NOTHING.

How does the road to personal salvation mesh with the dire need to save the world?

All aspects making sense and leaving the very questions that are asked resonating in you. Yes it does have a happy ending, but only for those truly saved in the blood of Jesus.

If you believe in Christ and a literal hell you must watch this movie. Atheists not need waste your time. Great movie and I'm hoping for a prequel or sequel!
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All Glory and Honor to Christ the Lord. It's that simple.
dPrice200028 August 2022
Thank you to the filmmakers for such a God-Honoring film. The attacks from these atheists and anti-Christs are sad. I'm sad for them because they will someday finally meet the wrath of God and will be going to the very place this movie talks about. To the filmmakers, keep your chin up and actually be DELIGHTED that they're attacking you. Jesus said, "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven..." Matthew 5:11.
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Prepare to be gobsmacked for Christ!
psteelermovies5 August 2022
What a surprisingly rewarding film. I have not watched a film that is so engaging for a long while. And it's a powerful Christian movie. I sat there long after the credits ran which shows how powerful it is. I had never even heard of the film before and only saw it by chance at the theater's website. I am glad I came as I enjoyed every minute of it. Journey is very clever depicting hell realistically and giving a totally truthful example of how people can un-knowingly be sucked in by the devil in our brief lifetime. That actor who plays Legion gives the performance of a life time, he is perfectly cast opposite Shane Badman who is also very impressive. The two posses an obvious chemistry. I'm so glad I'm saved and going to heaven. I recommend you see this movie ASAP especially those battling depression and anxiety. Your spirit will be lifted.
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Eye Opener
sammyfrica8 August 2022
EVERYONE should watch this movie. This movie is meant to open our eyes and our hearts. Yes it's a vivid story of a man who dreams he goes to hell. Imagine what it is like to actually go to hell? This is a great conversation starter to your non-Believer friends of salvation and how serious you take it. Jesus took seriously enough to die for you. I hope those who watch this movie are moved to know more about Jesus and how you don't have to die and go to hell. By dying Jesus paid the price for our sin. "but now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel". 2 Timothy 1:10.
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if this doesn't make you cry, nothing will I think
doris595 August 2022
Its a good movie. I like that they showed preeetty much how it really is in hell even thoe its a christian movie and they are cinda know for that they dont show explicit stuff. The acting is very good in my eyes but if someone would say that it is some times to much or a bit centered on religon I kinda have to agree BUT its a christian movie so what do you want. It has some very intense and funny parts and thats why i personally liked it even more. A very good movie to watch with the family. Aspecially with religios parents !!! Xd

BIG TIME PROPS for holding the values of Jesus that are challenged in these days and looked at if they would be the worst eeeever.

I´m not a big time reviewer and my english is sometimes still kind poor but I could talk about this movie for a while.
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