The Old Ways (2020) Poster

(II) (2020)

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Not a bad film, but not really a good one either
darkreignn26 August 2021
"The Old Ways" is, in many ways, your run of the mill horror flick. In other ways, however, it manages to pull its own weight and elevate itself beyond what you would typically expect from a film in this genre. For better or for worse, there is ultimately not enough fresh and unique ideas at play here for me to recommend this, but at the same time this movie wasn't nearly bad enough for me to tell you to skip it. At the end of the day, "The Old Ways" simply is.

This is an exorcism movie, and if you enjoy those types of movies, chances are you'll find at least something to like here. It has the type of content that you'd expect from an exorcism film; however, where "The Old Ways" differentiates itself is through its use of hispanic superstition. Foregoing the typical priest, this movie employs a Bruja, or a witch doctor, to cast the demon out of the body it is inhabiting. And admittedly, this means that there is some cool imagery at play, especially with the traditional rituals that the Bruja uses. I myself come from a superstitious Spanish family, so I appreciated this latino twist.

That said, besides the fact that the film aims for a slightly more creative way to exorcise the demon(s), there isn't much else that's new here; from the characters to the plot, you've seen it all done before. This wasn't a horrible movie - I didn't hate it by any means, and I actually enjoyed the different take on a tired genre, as well as some of the imagery. I did enjoy the soundtrack, and the film looked good; the writing, too, was pretty good for what it was, besides a few cheesy one-liners here and there that I only imagine were utilized to add some levity.

Besides what I mentioned above, however, nothing else managed to leave any sort of lasting impression on me. If you're a horror fanatic you could certainly do a lot worse than "The Old Ways," but you could also do a whole lot better.
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I liked it.
onebengalcat29 August 2021
I throughly enjoyed this movie. Great acting. I liked all the main characters. The atmosphere was perfect for the storyline. Old fashion exorcisms, Mexico and a bruja. About time something a little different came along.
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PedroPires9027 August 2021
Interesting atmosphere, acting and great soundtrack. It doesn't really scare and sometimes there is too much drama for what is expected, but it still ends on a positive note.
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Lots of untapped potential...
paul_haakonsen25 August 2021
Well, I hadn't actually heard about this 2020 movie titled "The Old Ways" before now in 2021, as I had the opportunity to sit down and watch it.

And I will say that writer Marcos Gabrie definitely managed to come up with an original idea. And it definitely was one that quickly had my attention span. However, I will say that writer Marcos Gabrie sort of takes you all over the place throughout the course of the movie. Just as you think you've figured out what is going on, then the storyline changes direction. So it makes for a very non-linear storyline.

Director Christopher Alender did a good job at bringing the story to life on the screen.

However, I must say that while "The Old Ways" certainly is a watchable movie, it was not a movie that had me all worked up. Nor does it prove to be a movie that has the contents to support more than a single viewing.

I feel that the storyline was just a bit too chaotic and random to be wholeheartedly entertaining for my personal preference. But sure, the movie was watchable and enjoyable enough for what it turned out to be.

The acting in the movie was adequate. And I can't claim to be familiar with the cast ensemble that they had managed to get together for "The Old Ways", aside from actor Sal Lopez. And that is certainly something that I enjoy in movies. I will say that Brigitte Kali Canales (playing Cristina), Andrea Cortés (playing Miranda), Julia Vera (playing Luz) and Sal Lopez (playing Javi) definitely put on good performances and carried the movie well.

Visually then "The Old Ways" was adequate. This was not a movie that was heavily reliant on an abundance of special effects and CGI. But whatever special effects and CGI were in the movie was good and served its purpose well.

A shame that the movie's storyline was so chaotic, because it could otherwise have been a more enjoyable and wholesome movie.

My rating of "The Old Ways" lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars. The potential was there, just a shame it wasn't utilized.
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How about some milk?
jfgibson7318 July 2021
I enjoyed this movie. I liked the characters and the setting. It doesn't have the most original story, but they made the most of what they had. It was definitely worth the watch. As far as how well I remember it, it didn't leave a burning impression on me, but I think it is above average on every level.
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Waste of time
jrpereyra-4647629 August 2021
Slow, boring.

I watched it with low expectations yet, it still disappoints.

Save yourself sometime and watch something else.
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A refreshing take on the exorcism genre
Tweekums25 September 2021
Cristina Lopez is an American reporter who has travelled her ancestral town near the city of Veracruz in Mexico. Here she hopes to write a story about the local folklore. After going to a cave she was told to avoid she is held in a small hut. Here she is told that she now has a demon inside her and that getting it out will be difficult, dangerous and painful. A local bruja, or witch, leads the exorcism with the help of a man named Javi and Cristina's cousin Miranda.

I thought this was a really solid little horror film. It starts well without wasting time on the set up; what we need to know we learn later. This means the viewer's confusion mirrors Cristina's as we see her in captivity with a sack over her hear. The location gives a good sense of claustrophobia and the scenes of the exorcism are suitably disturbing and quite gory. All the time there is a sense that Cristina is in real danger in a situation she has difficulty comprehending. Having the exorcism based in native Mexican beliefs made a refreshing change from Catholicism; and removes obvious comparisons to a certain film made in 1973! The small cast does an impressive job; most obviously Brigitte Kali Canales as Cristina and Julia Vera as Luz as the Bruja. The special effects are pretty good. Overall I enjoyed this more than I expected it and would recommend it... as it is only ninety minutes long you won't waste too much time if you don't enjoy it.
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neosoul150028 August 2021
I went into this movie with high hopes. At the time of my review there was a 95% critic score of this movie on Rotten Tomatoes. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. Its not that this movie is bad, it just does not do anything that separates it from the pack of horror movies on Netflix. The pacing was okay, the main protagonist has uneven character development. The atmosphere was the only positive thing out of the movie. Lets all treat those critic reviews with a grain of salt as they just seem to just have a motive behind them.
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Unfolds like a dangerous flower.
el727 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of The Old Ways concerns a Mexican American journalist named Cristina, who goes back to the town where she was born in Veracruz, on an assignment to write a story about the titular old ways. While exploring a cave site called La Boca, she is kidnapped by locals who then explain to her that they're only trying to save her soul. For you see, only the possessed deliberately seek out La Boca.

Cristina, who had been staying with her cousin Miranda, had been repeatedly warned not to go to La Boca. Flashbacks show the viewer that Cristina has a history, not just with that particular site, but also with the bruja who is now holding her captive and trying to drive a demon out of her body. Cristina's mother had been a patient of the bruja years earlier. As the story unfolds, the viewer is left wondering if: Cristina is hallucinating, because it would appear that she's a heroin addict. The whole possession thing might be a cover for a different type of dangerous endeavor taking place at La Boca. Cristina might have come back for revenge against the bruja. Or maybe she really is possessed, and has been ever since that first incident shown in the cold open.

The narrative lets the viewer continue to wonder as it plays out its cards ever so patiently. Eventually Cristina figures out who to trust, but it turns out that even trusting the right person might not be enough when the enemy is so canny and manipulative. Some people are complaining about the suddenness with which a certain turnabout takes place, and yeah, there's a super cheesy line that could have been uttered with more conviction (if you're gonna try to pull off a horror one-liner then you should swing for the fences) but there's also an intuitive leap that is shown, not told, to the viewer. If you're paying attention you'll see how that happens.

Overall, this is a satisfying possession horror and worth a spot in your queue if you like the genre.
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Plain horrible
shtefan-103512 September 2021
This is one of the worst films I've seen this year . Everything from pacing to acting to plot is just ridiculous. The script is lame and predictable, full of clichés, the actors speak like 5 words per minute constantly and it's full of poorly executed jumpscares.
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Surprisingly good!
krice2327 August 2021
First of all, you should know that I am not a fan of the horror genre. Suspense, yes, horror, not so much. So the very idea that I am reviewing this film makes a statement. I felt every aspect of this film was well constructed, a work from the heart, I would Imagine. The actors were excellent and worked very well together. The casting, plot, setting, dialogue, soundtrack, the few special effects they used(and not abused), and particularly, the demon were all admirably executed and pulled a rating of 8 from me. I probably don't need to add that's likely the highest rating I've ever given a film of this genre. There's some blood and guts, as it were, but no real gore. It didn't try too hard, it was a relatively simple plot, yet creative, and they didn't attempt to overshoot it, which frankly, is refreshing in any film. In short, they did it right. I would easily recommend this film to anyone, regardless of their film preferences; it's just that well done. It's a good viewing and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, as I was.
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Love the Latino style
DaegT25 August 2021
It's another trapped journalist/tourist story, and the initial cinematography constantly reminds me of another movie called The Ruins. With an element of exorcism against a backdrop of Central American jungle (Mexico??), this story cannot be described as original. Yet it is quite a unique one.

First things first, it has no excessive usage of jump scare. A smart move of that as this technique is kinda predictable and mediocre, if not old-fashioned. Rather it has the warmth and beat of many Latino movies which excludes unnecessary violence and dark horror. As the end of the story I even find it a bit humorous like a comedy.

Many details have been left untold. The demon should have been elaborated a bit more. Now even the boss fighting seems a bit too brief and plain. Or maybe the director simply didn't wanna make it too much like a horror movie?

If u r a fan of exorcism n wanna try something different, i think this is the one for you. Cheers n enjoy!
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Not a really great movie
arjanmooij5 September 2021
Bad casting, bad acting, main character already has make up on after an exorcism ritual, story line not really strong.. I could go on and on and on: just leave it and spend your time on something worthwhile..
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Absolutely awful
Carolineee2245 September 2021
I have only rated one other movie on here years ago, forgot my password and literally went through the trouble of getting a new one just to write this review.

Upset is not even the word to describe how I felt after watching this film. "Nearly perfect score on rotten tomatoes" and "better than the original Exorcist" were both statements I read multiple times before bringing myself to watch this film.

1) whomever wrote that review even comparing this film to the original Exorcist should never be allowed in a theater ever again because within the past almost 50 years no exorcism movie has managed to top or even come close to the 1973 Exorcist and at this point its disrespectful to even say that especially if it's just a form of advertising.

2) I have no idea what's going on with Rotten Tomatoes but now I know that it's all a lie.

3) such a promising film within the first five minutes turned into complete garbage with excessive pointless conversations and dragged out flashbacks. There honestly wasn't a single scene in this movie that I would call memorable. If you actually like and enjoy horror movies don't ever waste your time with this film. I wish that I could rate it even lower just because it was compared to The Exorcist (1973) which is literal blasphemy. Honestly such a waste of time.

Saw this movie with three other people; one fell into a deep sleep in which he was able to reach his REM cycle and the rest of us battled with heavy eyelids because that is exactly how boring this movie is.

Do not waste your time!
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Exorcism ... necessary?
kosmasp29 August 2021
Exorcism movies do have a really tough job. Because of the Exorcist. It's almost impossible to top that movie. That's how I am feeling about it. That being said, it doesn't mean that some movies have not done something fairly nice with the theme.

In this case we are not even sure if an exorcism is needed ... or are we? I think most will know the correct answer actually, but no brownie points for guessing right, since it can only be one or the other.

There are some nice effects and our main actress has some other issues non related to ... although I reckon you could call those demons too! They have to do with narcotics ... interestingly told and really well edited, this will work for those who like horror and less with others.
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Devoid of any merit
richy_payne10 September 2021
I watch a lot of horror films, and this was dreadful. Be prepared for zero character development, a wafer thin plot and nothing of substance happening.
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Exorcism with slightly different twist...
elhonig-902-12989629 August 2021
Not a bad exorcism movie. Went a bit long in my opinion, but it did take the time to create a mood and certain tone. The setting in Mexico added a little different angle to a worn exorcism story line. All the acting was pretty good. Perhaps the writing could've been better. If you enjoy this kind of horror movie without a ton of CGI, it's worth checking it out.
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Yawn Yawn
Movi3DO26 August 2021
Zzzzzz... BOO!! Zzzzzz... BOO!!

That's me watching this movie. A exorcism horror just added to Netflix.

Man this movie was slow and boring. It's like the only way to grasp audience's attention was to throw in a jump-scare fest. One thing I can give this movie was that it had good visuals and designs. Some scenes were pretty gory and intense.

However, this still did not help with the slow and lacking story. The main character got possessed by a demon, and we only knew bare minimal surface stuff about the demon. There were also many tropes used in this type of movie.

Overall, a boring horror despite some great visuals. 4/10.
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Average, One time watch
srutimisra31 August 2021
Movie: The Old Ways

"The Old Ways" is a Spanish English language American horror film that was premiered at the Sitges Film Festival in 2020. The story revolves around a Mexican-origin reporter. She visited her birthplace to do research on tribal rituals. She got kidnapped by locals and the bruja told her that she was possessed by a demon.

The director blended a mixture of folk horror with exorcism. The visuals are great. But there is a huge lack in the character development of the protagonist. Many things are left untold. The storytelling could have been far better. The movie is unnecessarily slow. Some scenes are really gory. If you're a horror flick fan then you will find nothing new except the blend in this movie. You have already seen these things multiple times.

According to me, "The Old Ways" is an average film and a one-time watch.
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ariadriantama2 September 2021
Why I have to watch this garbage... boring.. and waste my time ...
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Watch it, Fiends!
sunnygreenings26 August 2021
Starts without boring exposition.

Weaves several stories together into a good watch; yet we have to question the reliability of the POVs.

Seamlessly weaves in cultural/folk ways that aren't just random.

Good script; good casting.
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BandSAboutMovies13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about going pretty far for a story. Cristina Lopez, a Mexican-American reporter, has come back to her hometown near Veracruz - do I needlessly need to remind horror movie characters to never go home again - to write about witchcraft when she became the story itself as the bruja believes that Cristina is possessed. Well, you know, when your mother was possessed and that demon left you all scratched up too, you kind of become a suspect.

That demon could also be her heroin addiction. Just maybe.

Or maybe it is the demon Postehki, who makes her throw up hair and black ooze.

Or maybe it's both?

Regardless, Cristina must live up to the title - the old ways - to become the bruja of her village and successfully repel the demon - and others like it - once and for all.

I really liked how this film blended Mexican folk horror with the traditional possession film moments. Director Christopher Alender and writer Marcos Gabriel worked together on Memorial Day way back in 1999 before returning to their horror roots. With the success of this film, I can say that some people can go home again.

There's an amazing moment when teeth and snakes get pulled out of Cristina. It only gets wilder from there.
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Boring and predictable
aleho-475782 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Slow, boring, predictable. They never get to explain important stuff such as Cristina's mother's story, or the kid that was present during her mother's exorcism and her own.

I was so disappointed.
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Nap time
alexoreo-5950531 August 2021
I'd rather watch the paint dry on the old lady's face than to watch this movie again.

Way to slow and boring.

They could of made this movie so much better. What a shame.
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Bruja Exorcist
Pairic2 September 2021
The Old Ways: A refreshingly new take on possession and exorcisms. Cristina (Brigitte Kali Canales) returns to the remote Mexican village where she left as a child; now a journalist in the U. S. (Cristina was fostered there) she wishes to write an article about local folk traditions. She's kidnapped, though not by gangsters, her relatives are involved, believing that Cristina is possessed by a demon. As far as she is concerned her only demon is her heroin habit. A Bruja begins the ceremony, milk instead of holy water is thrown on Cristina. The ritual proceeds using methods alien to the Christian forms of exorcisms. Snakes, bird skulls, even spirit surgery are used as She appears to do battle with a demon within. Some really disturbing scenes as the demon reacts and Cristina is scarred as the Bruja and her assistants fight on. A tale of two cultures, a clash which brings about some surprising results. Directed by Christopher Alender from a screenplay by Marcos Gabriel. On Netflix. 7/10.
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