"Supergirl" Fear Knot (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Series)


Jesse Rath: Brainiac-5



  • Brainiac-5 : We were only able to obtain a small sample of Supergirl's DNA. This will require all of it.

    Alex Danvers : So we'd better make it count.

    Kelly Olsen : Okay, the Q-wave interface is live.

    Lena Luthor : [seeing their captive react]  Our Phantom's got Supergirl's scent. Once we get to the Phantom Zone, his Q-waves will lead us directly to Supergirl's position.

    Brainiac-5 : Impressive. You guys did all this science stuff without me.

    Dreamer : But what if we run into less... tame Phantoms out there?

    Alex Danvers : The Tower's shields should cloak us, but it's still going to be dangerous.

    J'onn J'onnz : That's because we can't count on the same methods we used to fight the Phantoms here. Based on what I've learned from Silas and Malefic, the Phantoms' powers work differently in their native dimension. There, they attack with fear visions, your deepest dread brought to life.

    Brainiac-5 : Like a Dementor.

    Dreamer : Or a Boggart.

    Brainiac-5 : Or Harry's Dementor Boggart. You understand?

    Alex Danvers : Yes. Uh, yeah.

    Dreamer : So, uh, Kelly, you gonna teach us how to cast a Patronus to fight 'em?

    Kelly Olsen : Well, all my fear management strategies may not be magic, they are the next best thing. In therapy, we use grounding techniques to help people regain control in traumatic situations. You start by naming things that you can see, touch, hear, smell, that you know are real.

    Brainiac-5 : Computer, electrons, filtered oxygen. Pizza residue.

    Kelly Olsen : [Alex swats his hand away, annoyed]  Okay, that's a good example. And if one of your fears should suddenly show up and they're not one of those things...

    Lena Luthor : Then you'll be able to separate the visions from reality. Take back control from the Phantoms.

  • J'onn J'onnz : [after a flash of turbulence]  That was a bad one. Our shields took a hit, but it looks like they pulled through.

    [seeing the clock] 

    J'onn J'onnz : But the last ten minutes are unaccounted for. What the hell happened?

    [getting an alert] 

    J'onn J'onnz : Oh, no. The temperature's dropping. Alex. Double-check the Phantom's containment, make sure it's still in place. Alex?

    [seeing her eyes frosted over] 

    J'onn J'onnz : Brainy?

    Brainiac-5 : [momentarily frozen]  Uh, I'm okay, but it-it seems like the rest of our team has been compromised.

    J'onn J'onnz : That electromagnetic turbulence.

    Brainiac-5 : I-It caused a malfunction in the Phantom's containment unit. Right now, it's just enough for its power to leak out and affect our teammates. But the whole unit's compromised.

    J'onn J'onnz : Why aren't you and I affected?

    Brainiac-5 : It's possible your Martian physiology and psychic powers have safeguarded you. Your psychic bond with Malefic might have conferred to you some measure of, uh... resistance.

    J'onn J'onnz : And your Coluan nature is doing the same for you?

    Brainiac-5 : Well, sort of. My 12th-level intellect allows me to compartmentalize my fear. That and Kelly's coping mechanisms. But I assure you, I'm still... very much feeling it.

    J'onn J'onnz : You are?

    Brainiac-5 : For me, this entire room is filled with balloons.

    J'onn J'onnz : Balloons?

    Brainiac-5 : [balloons only he can see fall from the ceiling]  Yes, balloons, J'onn. Balloon, balloon, balloon, balloon. Thin sheets of rubber holding in all that pressure, not knowing when to pop, balloon, J'onn! They must be stopped!

    J'onn J'onnz : Okay. I don't have time to unpack all that.

  • Brainiac-5 : May I just say I'm quite glad to have you aboard this mission.

    Kelly Olsen : That's kind of you. I'm just trying to stay out of the way until it's time for me to help Supergirl.

    Brainiac-5 : On the contrary, I've been challenged by my emotion of late. Okay, always. And given the imminent risk of a Phantom-induced response, I'd greatly value your expertise.

    Kelly Olsen : Well, hopefully, everything goes according to plan and you won't need it.

    Brainiac-5 : Mm.

    Kelly Olsen : I'm good with never seeing a Phantom again.

    Brainiac-5 : This is your first time back in the Tower since...

    Kelly Olsen : The Phantom attack on M'gann. Yeah. I'm not gonna lie. I feel a little out of my depth. I mean, you are all superheroes, and I'm just...

    Brainiac-5 : The one keeping us all from losing our minds.

  • J'onn J'onnz : We're under attack. Shields are being breached.

    Brainiac-5 : Now that the Phantom's containment has been disrupted, it's attracting other Phantoms to us.

    J'onn J'onnz : We need to maneuver the Tower, see if we can lose them.

    Brainiac-5 : No, you can't fly the ship and free everyone at the same time. And if we don't save our team, it won't matter if we make it to Supergirl. Let me do this. You just focus on the tiny job of saving everyone else. Computers, electrons, coconut shampoo, pizza.

    [balloons continue to fall] 

    Brainiac-5 : No, hmm, you're just rubber filled with air. I'm not frightened of you.

  • Alex Danvers : [after being infected by a Phantom]  This is all my fault. If I had just listened to J'onn and gone into containment in time, I...

    [getting an idea] 

    Alex Danvers : But it's not too late. I am not gonna be the reason that Kara is trapped in here.

    Kelly Olsen : [seeing her head to the airlock]  Alex. Alex, what are you doing?

    Alex Danvers : As long as I am on board, I am the problem. You could all die and we lose Kara forever.

    Brainiac-5 : If you open that airlock, we'll lose you forever.

    Alex Danvers : I thought I was the one that was vital to rescuing Supergirl, but it's the opposite. I was so wrong. But I can draw the Phantoms away, and you can save her without me.

    Kelly Olsen : There has to be something else.

    Alex Danvers : There is no other way to save you... and Kara.

    Kelly Olsen : No, you can't leave me.

  • Brainiac-5 : [entering the Phantom Zone]  We may encounter some...

    [the ship rocks with a rumble] 

    Brainiac-5 : ...interdimensional turbulence. Glad our shields did their job.

    Alex Danvers : That was *with* the shields?

  • Dreamer : One sample of Kara blood fresh out of Midvale.

    Alex Danvers : Ah! Finally.

    Brainiac-5 : Why, yes. We did just traverse time and space to get this. No big deal.

    Alex Danvers : And thanks to you, we now have the last piece of our rescue mission.

    Brainiac-5 : Ah.

    Dreamer : Wait. How long we were gone?

    Kelly Olsen : About three days.

    Brainiac-5 : Three days? Sprock! I am a terrible time traveler.

    Lena Luthor : Well, we put the time to good use. We're now fully equipped for the Phantom Zone.

    J'onn J'onnz : And M'gann is already patrolling to protect National City in our absence. Everything is ready to go.

    Brainiac-5 : All right, well, give me a moment to update the Legion ship so we're not relying on parts 3D-printed in 2009.

    J'onn J'onnz : That won't be necessary.

    [pressing a button on the side of a table] 

    J'onn J'onnz : When I first acquired the Tower, I installed some... upgrades.

    Dreamer : The Tower is a ship.

    Alex Danvers : I love Martian technology.

  • Brainiac-5 : [finding the Phantom safely in its containment unit]  Everything seems to be under control here. What exactly did you dream?

    Nia Nal : The containment unit was empty. Except for...

    Brainiac-5 : What?

    [hearing a crash, J'onn then calls on the intercom] 

    J'onn J'onnz : That's the hull integrity sensor. There's some kind of breach. Brainy, you and Dreamer have to find it.

    Nia Nal : [reacting as a piece of wall panel is torn away]  Brainy!

    Brainiac-5 : Nia! Sprock! Our shields must have been breached! The pressure could tear this whole ship apart! We have to seal that airlock, now!

    Nia Nal : [remembering her dream]  Of course. The thimble! It had a picture of the Tower, cracked. That's why it was in the containment unit. It was telling me to contain the problem, protect the Tower.

    Brainiac-5 : Well, help me fix it now! You dreamt this. Help me stop it.

    Nia Nal : A thimble means sewing. Sewing... maybe I need to use my powers to sew this shut.

    Brainiac-5 : [she tries]  That's it. That's it, you're doing it!

    Nia Nal : [losing her grip, the whole panel is torn away]  Brainy!

    Brainiac-5 : [hanging on to a pillar]  We're too late! The breach is already too big! If we had gotten here sooner...

    Nia Nal : We wasted too much time. I wasted too much time. Because I couldn't interpret my dream right.

  • Alex Danvers : J'onn?

    J'onn J'onnz : This is real. You are free of the Phantom's powers. You did it. You all did it. We have the Phantom back in full containment, but this trip's not over yet.

    Brainiac-5 : [getting an alert]  We're close. We have a lock on Supergirl.

    Alex Danvers : Are you sure this is real?

    J'onn J'onnz : Yes, but we're still being swarmed by Phantoms. We'll have to get as close as we can to Supergirl. And have that yellow-sun bomb ready.

    Lena Luthor : On it.

  • Nia Nal : [waking from a dream]  What was that?

    Brainiac-5 : That last patch of turbulence damaged the Phantom's containment, allowing it to briefly slip out of its bonds and affect all of us. Terrible fear visions for everyone.

    [she glances at the Phantom Zone map] 

    Brainiac-5 : You okay? Containment unit's back online and Phantom's locked down tight. Everything's back on track.

    Nia Nal : Are you sure? I had a vision there was something wrong with the containment unit.

    Brainiac-5 : [checking]  Everything seems to be fine.

    Nia Nal : Something's wrong. I know it. It's the containment unit. We have to get down there. Now.

    Brainiac-5 : [following her to the elevator]  Are you sure? I can run a full system diagnostic...

    Nia Nal : There's no time. It was in my dream. There is something wrong with the containment unit. The Phantom's gonna try to get out. I know it.

    Brainiac-5 : Nia, look, I... I don't want to say this, but...

    Nia Nal : You think I'm wrong?

    Brainiac-5 : Not "wrong". Of course I believe in you, but perhaps we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Remember your dream about Midvale? And then in Midvale... sometimes your interpretations aren't always...

    Nia Nal : I may not always know exactly what's going on in my dreams, but I know this is something we need to pay attention to, Brainy.

    Brainiac-5 : Look. I know you're doing the best you can. But you know you never got the full training before your mother...

    Nia Nal : I *can* do this. You'll see.

  • Brainiac-5 : I don't understand. We should be cloaked from Phantom detection. Unless...

    Kelly Olsen : Guys, what's going on? The Phantom Q-waves went nuts.

    Brainiac-5 : Alex, your neck.

    [she covers the scratches] 

    Brainiac-5 : And you're shivering.

    Alex Danvers : I, uh...

    Brainiac-5 : You've been infected by the Phantom.

    Kelly Olsen : Alex, no, that's not po...

    Alex Danvers : [backing away]  Just...

    Brainiac-5 : It's your transformation, it's drawing the other Phantoms here.

    Alex Danvers : We'll outrun them. We'll fight them off.

    Brainiac-5 : No, there's too many of them, and we've taken too much damage.

    Alex Danvers : Well, we can't stop now, right? Not when we're this close.

  • J'onn J'onnz : Dreamer, you'll be on Phantom detection duty. If they attack the ship, Lena's got a surprise for them.

    Lena Luthor : [showing them a yellow sun bomb]  I cooked this up from the DEO's yellow sun grenades. It has enough firepower to disperse any Phantoms nearby and recharge Supergirl's powers. But it's a one-shot thing, so we have to use it wisely.

    Brainiac-5 : I'll be the getaway driver, ready to make a quick exit.

    J'onn J'onnz : And it will need to be quick. The Tower shields can only withstand the Phantom Zone for two hours before the ship will start to degrade around us.

    Dreamer : [sarcastic]  Great. No pressure.

    J'onn J'onnz : That power level meter will keep track of how strong our shields are. If it drops into the red, we'll be in trouble. And we'll have to abandon the mission.

    Alex Danvers : Well, we're not gonna let that happen, because we're ready, and we can do this together. Now, we only have one shot.

    J'onn J'onnz : Well, let's be sure to get it right. Everyone take your positions.

  • J'onn J'onnz : I can't fight their battles for them, but maybe I can make it easier. Give the Phantom something else to fight against. Split his focus.

    Brainiac-5 : Yes. If you could force the Phantom back into containment, then everyone else can find their own way back to reality.

    [J'onn heads to the elevator] 

    Brainiac-5 : J'onn, there's still a chance that the Phantom can overpower you.

    J'onn J'onnz : Not when I have this much to fight for.

See also

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