X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Video Game 2009) Poster

(2009 Video Game)

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Cut to the chase Bub
sharkattack19785 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is the definitely the definitive Wolverine game out on the market. This one puts X Men 3's video game to shame and pretty much any other X men game ever. Why you ask? Well it's because we the gamers finally see Wolverine's full Berserker rage and the awesome damage that Wolverine can actually do. Be warned this game is definitely not for the kids. Wolverine's attacks are vicious, unpredictable and brutally violent, so much so I loved it. The violence is bloody and quite gruesome. Wolverine has many moves that include the dismemberment of any enemy stupid enough to get in his way and trust that happens a lot. From cutting arms off, decapitations, impaling on spikes and even vivisection with plenty of claret (blood) almost spraying on the screen, Wolverine is a guilty pleasure as you do love killing anything that decides to shoot at you, come at you with machetes and inhuman monsters out to snuff you out. The wounds on Wolverine every time he is hit are graphic and jaw dropping as you can actually see inside his body for a limited time and see all his guts and bones underneath his shredded flesh and chargrilled entrails. No other game has done this ever and no-one else has had the balls to make a superhero game that as violent as Xmen Origins Wolverine. There were quite a few times when my jaw dropped to the floor after seeing Wolverine pull off certain moves like taking a pilot of a gunship and shoving his head into the blades spraying blood everywhere. This game will easily keep you happy after you have had a stressful day at work and you want to let off a lot of steam. If you love Marvel and you want a great game with plenty of gore then Wolverine is one you shouldn't miss. be warned though sometime it can get quite frustrating.
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Not the best at what it does... but not the worst
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews17 September 2010
I have not tried this on the X-Box 360, and this review is not of that version. Before the events of the three X-Men, Wolverine had a past... well, he had about seven that conflict with one another. And this is one of them. He was in love with and living with Kayla, out in the woods, and he held down a job, made a living. This is after he abandoned the secret squad that he and his brother Sabretooth(...don't ask. Just don't), along with other mutants, was on. One day, Creed kills his love, and he hunts him down. Our hero is not a match for him, however, and his old leader, Stryker offers him the opportunity to undergo an experimental process, that will cover his bones in the unbreakable metal Adamantium... including his trademark claws. He again goes about finding Victor... and getting revenge on him. If you've watched the so-so movie(I won't spoil it), you already know that the script of it was basically that of a video-game. Licensed games are almost always crap, and when the film(this follows the plot of it very closely, and doesn't really bring in anything new) is lousy... well, you'd think this was awful. It's not. Oh, it's not a masterpiece, either. These things are usually rushed, at times incomplete. There are portions and aspects where you can tell they ran out of time. Meanwhile, it isn't buggy or even glitchy(like the Iron Man one, for a recent example). The game-play is you running(well... walking at a mildly determined pace) from points A to B, fighting(so much so that it grows stale; then again, this is so short that you can complete it in a day and a half or so, so you're not tired of it for long before you're done with it) many enemies(about half of the types aren't really "evil"; for example, those poor fellow woodsmen!) along the way, and occasionally solving simple puzzles/tasks. Quality of design for the linear levels ranges, if none are downright poor. They tend to be positively tiny, and this nearly constantly loads the next area... fortunately, this process goes fast. Honestly, there are spots where you spend one minute before you go on to the next bit, and ones where there is no one to take out. This doesn't elaborate on the wars the sibling duo of cat-like killers have participated in. I would have thought that was one of the things they'd use to extend the time it takes(instead, expect to spend a lot of time on William's personal army). Bosses are OK(this doesn't always give you an idea of when you can hurt them and when to steer clear), if they don't tend to be memorable. The last one is the easiest of them(and none of them are all that challenging), and in general the ending is anti-climactic. There are some cool settings, like when you engage in combat atop a moving truck, or run away from a flooding dam(yep, *that* one). The acting is passable. Yes, the people from the flick(to an extent) return. Schreiber does fairly well. Jackman... less so. He's kind of flat in this. The lines are reasonable(some good banter), with a couple of nice ones. You can't always tell what is being said, especially in the flashback, over the radio. This isn't very challenging, with exceptions. You seldom go far back when you die, it saves by checkpoints and does so frequently. The camera moves on its own, and not exclusively in a helpful manner. You can't see a great distance before it's just dark or "horizon". The graphics are fine, and there are a decent amount of details to it. Most cut-scenes are in-engine, with a few full CGI ones that are well on the way to being downright awesome. AI isn't terrible; I've seen a disarmed foe present a knife or try to retrieve their gun. You earn XP by doing well, and it can be used to upgrade, thus getting new attacks. Beating this entirely allows you to play it again on the hardest of the three difficulty settings, with everything you've "earned" intact. There is nothing else unlockable, other than a rematch with the Blob, win for 750 points. In five minutes for an additional 750. In portions of this, you have to Lunge, leaping or the like from place to place, and all it is is moving the Wii-Mote in a certain direction when prompted to. This occurs in specific battles here and there; in that situation, it's better and more immersive(it's still got nothing on, say, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones). The clawing and slashing is pretty fun and can be intense; you can do fast ones or a strong ones, and there are combos and chains, and since there are only two buttons to activate them, they're straightforward. It would be excellent if you could switch back and forth between who you're hacking at, instead. Blocking is useless. Strikes in quick succession will ramp up your self-healing(you won't stand still to regain life... you do, a couple of times, run around avoiding being hit, to do so, though) and fills up the red meter, allowing you to enter Rage mode. You go swifter and are tougher that way. Opponents can stun you, and there is an average variety to them. Some are invisible, and you have to use Sense mode to tell where their scent is(they won't be revealed, their movements will leave a residual smell that you can pick up on... thought out and implemented well), which you can also use for hints on how to proceed(it can tell you what you can interact with). Animation is attractive enough(and seldom awkward), if movements and controls can be a tad stiff. There is plenty of mild violence with a little blood and disturbing content. I recommend this to the biggest fans of the character. From what I understand, it's better on the other consoles. What a gyp. 7/10
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Release your rage animal
swedzin3 October 2012
This game is awesome! Very well done with good graphics and good story adapted straight from the film. Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber are here again and they even did a good job here. I have to be honest with you... if you are angry, I mean really, really angry, don't yell at people, don't punch them or call them names, instead get this game sit down on your PC or Xbox, or whatever and plays this game, it's a great anger management. It really gives you that sense that you need to release some anger and unleash the rage upon your opponents that varies in so many forms. Wolverine is one good badass here, a pure animal full of anger, with his growling sounds and powerful yells, the way it should be. I say get this game and play it. You'll really feel better after a few levels.
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kirk-24630 June 2009
2 days ago,I went to Game Stop to find a game that I really wanted to play.There were many choices,but in the end,I chose 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'.Once I got home,I immediately put the disc inside my Xbox and started playing.Once it started,I didn't want to stop.This game is simply fantastic.The graphics are good and it manages to stay true to the movie,which I also loved.If there's one thing about this game that I will always know,it's how much blood and gore is in the game.You play as Wolverine,which gives you the advantage of ripping your enemies in half,cutting their heads off,etc.Overall,this is a great choice if your looking for a really fun game.
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Just a ridiculous amount of fun. (X-Box 360 Version)
Zombie-Kermit16 October 2009
It is a pretty interesting situation this game has... the movie (which I actually have not yet seen, so am not going to judge) received very mixed reception, whereas the movie tie-in, which in general are notorious for being thrown together quickly to be released in time for the movie, seems to be receiving unanimous acclaim. After playing it, it's really not that hard to see why. In the first minute of the game you will realise, this was not a game made for the Wolverine movie, this is a game made from the Wolverine character. You will dismember, disembowel, be-head and just cause a large amount of pain all around on your travels through the game. There is enough blood and gore to satisfy the most "hardcore" of Wolverine fans. I'm not one of the people who thinks adding gore is a good way to cover up a game's flaws, but in this case, it is. There are plenty of flaws, but most of the game you will be too absorbed in the coolness of it all to care.

Words can not describe how satisfying it is to slice your way through mass amounts of bad guys in so many different ways. Want your enemies blended? You can do that. Want to pop of an enemy's head like a pimple? It's gonna happen. It's just a game that gives you a great sense of power. Great for those of us who have a bit of low self esteem! Forget drinking your problems away, slice them away through Wolvie! (Remember people, violence may be fun in video games, but it is never cool in real life... so don't be a fool. The More You Know). And this sense of power is evident from the start... wait until you really start to level up! The amount of power you have can sometimes make the game a little easy, and the automatic healing ability helps a lot as well, but there are still some pretty challenging parts and as I have said before (and I can not stress this enough) the GAME IS FUN! When I was playing it, I wasn't thinking "This is too easy," I was thinking "This is too cool!

From a technical point of view, the game is really nothing special... there are little bugs around, like amazing disappearing and reappearing clothed... apparently Wolverine can regenerate a singlet, but it will take him a lot longer than actual skin. The graphics are also nothing special, except in the major cut-scenes in which they were amazing. There were a lot of video game clichés, like platforms that move for no apparent reason and stuff like that. The game's story is nothing fantastic, jumping back and forth a little, but it contained enough fan-service to keep me entertained. Another thing that added to the quality of the game was the voice acting, which was very well done, and I felt Hugh Jackman sounded more like Wolverine in the game than he did in the movie (not that I don't love him in the movies). Also, the controls in the game are very easy and will become intuitive after just a short time of playing.

Apparently a sequel to the movie has been green-lit... as I have not seen the movie, I don't know whether I'm excited or not. One thing I do know is that I desperately hope that Raven decides to do the tie-in game for that as well, so the nerdy heart may smile again.
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (The Video Game)
wolveren31 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hold up, Bub. While this is second to none in the market for violent slashing and graphic violence and awesome moves and combos as what one would expect a Wolverine game should be, it just comes short with some limitations. I am first and foremost a free roaming gamer. Those are the kinds of games I like. One that you are free to roam anywhere in the entire given map. But that doesn't happen in this game. You are locked in a specific location and are limited to a lot of things to do there. I can't climb the rocks. Duh, Wolverine and his adamantium claws can slice through rocks like it was butter. You just can't do that here. Instead in some instances you are given a hanging rope to climb on to or there are specific areas where you are allowed to climb the rocks using your claws. There are lots of metal objects you cannot destroy. In the fictional story there isn't anything stronger than adamantium. How can some metal objects be in God Mode and indestructible in this game? Your character here has the ability to target an enemy and lunge at him from a distance. But on his own, Wolverine cannot jump mere distances without an enemy standing there to target. Escaping from the Weapon X facility would've been easy as I could've sliced my way thru any of those stupid metal doors no matter how thick they were. The plants are almost all indestructible too. Gee. I knew the developers couldn't possibly make it too perfect. That's why I gave this game a 9 instead of a 10. All in all it's an amazing game if you're willing to shrug off the ridiculous limitations they put on Wolverine in this game, then it's a really fun game. I'm still waiting for them developers to really come up with realism in games. Like in most games, how come I can't go smashing thru any door at all and are just allowed to do so on some doors specially if they were part of the game mission or something. I may not be huge and superhuman, but I have smashed thru wooden doors so many times in real life. Duh even without guns and just my bare hands!!!
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An Underatted Movie Game To Get You Claws On
kervindonngo9 January 2023
X-Men Origins: Wolverine in the movie didn't absolutely get the proper attention for any type of Marvel fan but in the video game version this game would have been the best game to ever even play it.

X-men Origins: Wolverine is another one of the best Marvel games to ever get your hands on and trust me that playing this game is actually better than watching the movie.

The game obviously lets us play as Wolverine who uses his sharp Wolverine claws and kills every enemy getting his way let me tell you that making Wolverine have a hack-and-slash game was tremendously outstanding.

The controls are fun to use! Giving us the power to perform endless moves against other enemies, the graphics remain beautiful and smooth which stands great for an old game a long time ago. And the best part of this game is that this game introduced newer characters before other X-Men movies like Mystique and newer bosses like the giant Sentinel which should have been part of the movie. Even though it may become a high budget in the movie if they add one.

What I really also love is that the feature Wolverine has is battle damage. But mostly in the shirt area.

This Wolverine game brings real absolute fun that should have been stayed kept. Because this game is an absolute treasure.
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wnel472 April 2024
There is talk of a Next Generation Wolverine Game. Well, it's not necessary. X-Men Origins Wolverine is one of the Greatest Games Ever. It is surprising that a Game that came out on the PS3/Xbox 360 is as good if not better than anything that is out now in 2024. And the Game, has a better Storyline than the Movie, with a ending that the Movie could have used. And for it to be two Generations behind, it looks damn fine. We got "Logan" but we never got a Rated R Wolverine movie in his Prime. Well, this game is it. Wolverine is basically unstoppable in this Game. The Wolverine you always wanted to see, well get this Game. And how can a Video Game flesh out Characters better than a Movie. Play this Game and find out... Classic !!!
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running around with a wife beater
fh14731 May 2024
Do you get nostalgic for the tie in game that is actually worth something, because Raven has created it and it is fun, but God it is janky .

The best part of the game is running around with a wife beater. Just destroying everything around you with the claws and going around sometimes good looking environments.

But there are different environments in the games , some of them looks awful like every time you are in a laboratory especially the first one that jungle looks bad and the latest part of the game, but I'm gonna give the blame to unreal engine 3 did some horrible stuff for video game graphics at the times.

I played the Xbox 360 version it has some bugs, falling through the ground dying random moments because I felt through the ground and one boss who falling through the stage so I had many problems getting through it. I'm lucky. I played it before so I could skip it.

But there is beauty in this game. It is a video game ass video game, where you want one stage a playing against maniacs wind machetes in the African jungle to giant assassin ladies and just unexpected video game enemies just appear and it is nonsensical and I am so happy because it is my kind of jam this video game nonsense.

My favourite state was that look mostly distinct and was fun to play through which was chapter 2 with the snow levels and chapter 3 with the giant robot. It is when I have fun because the other levels were frustrating

But the fun part of this game the thing that made me play it after all these years are the regeneration mechanics where you can see Wolverine pulling himself together and insane combat where you are a lawnmower just destroying everything.

Even if I really only enjoyed missions 2 and 3, I am still happy to have played it. It is a fun game despite as many flaws.
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