American Murderer (2022) Poster

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Well Under Par...
Xstal28 October 2022
There's a conman name of Jason has some debt, quite an irritating soul you won't forget, perpetually he lies, then denies, denies, denies, not sure he's ever done a thing, that he regrets. Some people do believe the things he says, then he sucks what he can get and makes them pay, but he's living borrowed time, he needs to make more than a dime, before he's turned into a figurative fillet.

It's not the most engaging tale of a con artist who digs himself a hole and keeps on digging. Based on true events, you'd like to think that if you were Jason Derek Brown you'd have a bit more of an impressive made for TV film than this to reflect your life - Catch Me If You Can it is not.
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I'm your mother
nogodnomasters14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is based on the true story of Jason Derrick Brown (Tom Pelphrey). And by being called by three names he is clearly a murderer. If the film he comes across as a likeable sort of goofy kind of guy, as if Ryan Reynolds and Pauly Shore had a love child. He lived out west and was a small time scam artist. He made the FBI most wanted list after he killed a guard. Just one person. He managed to drag his brother David (Paul Schneider) into his mess as well as his sister Jamie (Shantel VanSanten) but his mother knew him too well. Their father disappeared about 1980 and was never seen again. Jason loved to party and tell lies.

The film was told in a haphazard fashion with numerous flashbacks in a repeat fashion. It was easy to follow, but I don't know if that method added anything to the story other than film. Jason, if you are reading this, phone home with a burner.

Guide: F-word. Brief sex, brief nudity ( Emilyne Guglietti ?)
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Profanity Fest
crumpytv30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Pelphrey played the lead well, but the character was despicable and you have to feel for all the people whose lives he affected.

This is also one of those movies where the title is a spoiler. We did not get to that bit until about three quarter of the way through it, so the viewer is waiting for the title to make any sense.

No worries that he didn't get his just desserts. The text at the end suggests he is still out there. I think it more likely that he didn't last long and is buried in the desert somewhere, the people he owed money to having dispatched him there.

The language is appaling.
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Shill reviews hiding in pain sight.
MK_Ultra_23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I never pay much attention to what others refer to as shill reviewers, but I'll be damned if there isnt at least four just sitting here, just lauding the actor and director while not making much mention of the actual film, and just how mediocre it actually is. Another reviewer mentioned "made for TV movie" and that is EXACTLY how it comes Lifetime "thriller of the week", and pay even less mind to the "awards and nominations" as these seem to be coming from the minor leagues when it comes to independent films being picked up. This fits exactly no where genre wise, other than that aisle you visited last when Blockbuster was a thing. You know the one---where all the barely B films collected dust.

This is nothing more than 3rd rate actors, under the guise of first rate. The script almost feels the same; lightweight, for something that is supposedly based on true events, a little embellishment is the only thing that could save this story. Its just like watching a paint by numbers...both literally and figuratively.
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Perfectly decent grift movie
amaz-219042 December 2022
No idea why this film is getting 10's and 2's.

It's based on a true story so if the whole most-wanted thing bugs you, it's the truth ... that accolade does seem a bit bizarre all things considered but there you go, brutal what he did but given who he was sharing that list with !

Any i digress ... Well acted for the most part, decent script, and direction kept me interested the whole way through which is a lot more than be said for most movies these days - have no idea why it's scoring sub 5 at this point in time.

Def worth a watch, if you want a well put together crime / drama ... if guns blazing and car chases is your thing, it won't fill that buzz.
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bluejra25 May 2023
I don't know where these positive reviews are coming from. This movie was a major snooze fest. It contained the most obnoxious actors in the history of Hollywood. For a character that was supposed to be charismatic, the lead actor came off more of a precocious jerk than anything. I honestly don't know how Ryan Phillippe keeps getting acting roles either. He is so wooden and one dimensional. Put both of them together and you have a recipe for pure crap. This movie was pure crap. There was nothing memorable, remarkable or good about this movie. The writers, producers and actors all should be on the FBI's Top 10 list for boring people to death.
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»American Murderer - A True Story«
jesaustralia30 January 2023
"American Murderer" is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the life of a notorious serial killer. Directed by Matthew Gentile , the film offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the mind of a murderer.

The cinematography is superb, with each scene capturing the intense and haunting atmosphere of the film. The music adds to the suspense and contributes to the overall tense feeling of the movie. The sound design is also noteworthy, with the use of subtle sounds to increase the tension in key scenes.

The acting is nothing short of excellent, with the lead actor delivering a standout performance as the murderer. Their portrayal of the killer is haunting and chilling, bringing the character to life in a way that is both believable and unnerving. The supporting cast is also strong, each delivering standout performances that add depth to the film.

What sets "American Murderer" apart from other films in the genre is its focus on the psychological aspect of the murderer's mind. The film explores the motivations and triggers that led to the killer's actions, and raises important questions about the nature of evil. The film takes a non-judgmental approach, instead allowing the audience to form their own opinions about the murderer.

The film also touches upon the criminal justice system, and raises questions about the reliability of eyewitness testimony and the limitations of the criminal profiling techniques used to catch serial killers. The film's exploration of these themes is thought-provoking and adds an extra layer of depth to the film.

Despite its heavy subject matter, the film is well-paced, with a tight screenplay that keeps the audience engaged from start to finish. The film is not for the faint of heart, as it deals with disturbing and graphic subject matter. However, it's important to note that the film handles these scenes with sensitivity, and never glorifies or sensationalizes the violence.

In conclusion, "American Murderer" is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers and true crime stories. The film is well-crafted and intense, with excellent cinematography, music, sound design, and acting. The film raises important questions about the nature of evil and the criminal justice system, and offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the mind of a murderer.

Don't believe the low ratings - Overall, I would give "American Murderer" 7 stars out of 10.


#CrimeDrama #Thriller #TrueCrime #MurderMystery #AmericanMurderer #SerialKiller #LegalDrama #CourtroomThriller #CriminalJustice #JusticeSystem #InvestigativeJournalism.
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boring, slow, unfocused
camel-wides1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching movies for a long time, and I should have trusted my instincts on this movie. 10 minutes in, the desire to turn it off kicked in, but I ignored it. "It's going to get better," I told myself.

It didn't.

The movie rambled on, jumping from time to time with no rhyme or reason. It couldn't seem to make any choice on whether it wanted to be a true crime thriller (it didn't hit that mark), a heist flick (another miss), or a con flick, (and a third miss). I've seen people saying it is a great character study, but it felt so incredibly one dimensional that it makes me question those people's character.

It was slow, and plodding, and just didn't make any effort to connect the audience to anyone in the movie whatsoever. His big crime is an armored truck robbery which isn't even mentioned until halfway through the movie. It is called "American Murderer" and didn't show any murder until the last 20 minutes of the movie. It is implied he killed his dad at one point, but other than that, just the armored car driver.

I understand it is based on a true to life story, and that is what happened... By maybe just call it "American Douchenozzle" then. Even if the dude was constantly jumping from con to con, maybe show us more about that if you want to work that up. Is he a hardened criminal, lets see that... He seems to have been a garden variety party boy con-man, which could have been a really interesting story, but they just couldn't pick a thing to focus on.

It's not the actors fault I don't think. They all worked with what they had. The director wasn't working to pull the deepest performances out of them, and the writing was sub par.

I would pass on this one if I could. It murdered 2 hours of my life.
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Ok let's be honest with ourselves
martinmatthewnovak21 January 2023
If your looking for decent acting, no action and an overall mediocre experience this is for you. And what further more stinks to say is, it had potential and manage to mess it up every single time.

First of all with a storyline like this, you have to be very careful and give the main character a heart. There was never at ANY point of this film that I cared about ((Jason)). There was also a lack luster effort to show case the lives of people Jason hurt.

Yes, this is based on s true story, but come on now we could change things around a little bit . Overall it gets a C+ for trying. But there are far better true crime stories.
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And a half
Headturner1120 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is why I barely watch movies anymore and only if I've nothing else. I can't believe this guy was on the FBI ten most wanted list next to Bulger andI forget who but I cracked up when I saw that! How this idiot has eluded capture for this long is beyond me?!? It could have been better if it actually told a story but this was all over the place and I had no idea when and why they were questioning people and they certainly didn't display this guy as some dangerous criminal?!? He supposedly ran scams of all sorts but they never get into that the only thing they show him do is stick a bunch of golf clubs down his pants and flee the store! How could no one catch this moron he fled on a bike after the robbery for christ sakes! And the acting sucks and the editing is awful. The only good acting was from the lovely Australian Jacki Weaver! I don't know if I ever thought Phillipe was but I've seen him in a couple things over the years and he's awful! Most of the A list actors I thought were good years ago S#ck! Maybe I thought that because it was years ago or maybe they always did. Non the less this could have been better if they told more of an actual story!
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Stunning performance by Tom Pelphrey
wvfempwolford12 August 2023
I don't understand the low reviews. This is an absolute accurate depiction of a sociopath/psychopath/scam artist. Tom Pelphrey's performance is eerily mesmerizing as he portrays Jason Derrick Brown. The camera loves Pelphrey, and his every nuance and inflection is perfect in this role. I don't know if he received any awards for his performance but it is entirely worthy. Perhaps people who have never been victims of (or even casually acquainted with) the consummate con artist may think Pelphrey's performance was over the top exaggerated. I was astounded as i watched because his the identical behavior of the con artist who victimized me and others. Well worth the time to view. Highly recommended.
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A fascinating study into a man and a family
thejdrage21 January 2024
My view of this film is that it is, IMHO, one of the best studies into a man and his family that I've seen on film or even in documentaries.

Unfortunately for me, I've known people like this - I think we all have whether we know it or not.

This film has a strong cast (including Jacki Weaver, a favorite actress from Down Under who played their mother) who made it easy to follow the story based on actual accounts. And I forgot about that until the end. Jason's story is complex and maddening. The people left in his wake have stories too.

In this film, it makes Jason one character that I would like to sit down with and talk with but ....

I read all the negative reviews and saw the low IMDb score, but took a chance anyway given the story. I'm glad I did and you might be too.
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This is way better of a movie than it's been rated!!!
steezyt-3275326 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I suggest everyone watch this movie.... The rating is a terrible representation of the film. Both the main actors in this movie straight up KILLED IT. There's so much to learn from this story & I'm about to do a deep dive to see if the man has yet to be caught.... This is exactly what people need to see in todays day & age. With so many mass shootings and Mental health in America a real crisis, this really opened my eyes to what's possible and that anyone can be capable of becoming the main character if they are pushed to their limits & how there are probably hundreds of thousands of people like this!!
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Riveting, at the edge of your seat type performance
ianarjohnson16 April 2023
Don't believe the weak reviews. This movie is a 9 easily. There's nothing B about it, usually I say that when there's bad ratings like a 5, but there's only a few bad ratings. Overall really good. I guess many people have not seen it yet. I'm sure it will be on Netflix and go #1, so how long is that.. but it'll be a sleeper until it gets big. All it takes is a person to watch. But anyway. It's got a great cast, good production, a great story, riveting throughout the whole movie. Tells the story, Just goes into the mystique of this guy, and what happened, and how he hasn't been caught. This is what the movie should be about, so they can catch this guy. You'll like it. I thought it really captivated it, and told the story, of what took places those days. So we can get an understanding, and bring awareness so we can catch him. The actor did a great job, he really did a great job.
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Realtor license in Hollywood movies never needed
MovieIQTest28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are things in this movie that I couldn't understand:

When the culprit wants to lease the property, did the female realtor ever checked his credit and other important and absolutely necessary information of this applicant? She just accepted what he said and she so easily believed? How conveniently she just got the lease listing from the owner just lived across her house. And when the FBI agent showed her his FBI license and requested to talk to her about the resident across the street, she just let him enter her house? Did she ever think this FBI guy was just another con artist, or in order to save some explanation, the realtors in all the Hollywood movies were just like her, taking whatever people said for granted, agreed to lease a property, allowed a stranger into her house, without any further verification?

We all knew that the realtor license in America never was easy to get. There are tests, examinations to pass before getting a realtor license, and it needs to be renewed regularly. There are seminars and classes to train the licensed realtors about the scams, the cons, the dangers that a realtor might have to face or to deal with. Even the applicants could submit the required materials to prove they are qualified, but in nowadays America, experienced con artists still could easily fool the realtors with all the fraudulent papers, fake credit scores, fake referrals, fake employment records, fake current pay stubs...on and on, to fool a seasoned, well experienced real estate agent.

Yet what we saw in this movie and many similar movies, real estate agents are morons and so easily to be fooled.

We all know that almost no pawnshops would still open after 5:00PM, they won't open after dark, albeit deep into night. Yet what we saw in this movie was a pawnshop was still open in a pitch dark shopping lot.

We also saw the culprit, the protagonist tried to fool the pawnshop owner who again, like the realtor so easily to be fooled. And why the culprit saw another car approaching and parking outside, he suddenly became so panic? Why?

Well, all the scenes, all the scenarios we saw in this movie were just conveniently arranged for this movie, and it claimed it's based on a TRUE STORY. Yeah, think I'm that stupid?
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AMAZING directorial debut
zcbroad4 November 2022
A fast-paced, exciting thriller that manages to tap into the inner workings of a complicated, nuanced character and his journey to offer a ride that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The directing is brilliant-- it's shot beautifully and newcomer Gentile gets incredible performances from his entire cast, particularly Tom Pelphrey, who's absolutely mind blowingly good. Not to mention stellar cinematography, a pitch-perfect score, and fantastic guest performances from an amazing cast overall including Jacki Weaver and Idina Menzel. I never would have known this was director Gentile's first film if I hadn't read it online-- truly an incredible first effort and a wonderful ride all around!
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A dark-side-of-humanity story ACTUALLY about humans for once!
kraftwerk42326 October 2022
I saw this last night...and it was absolutely one of the best filmic surprises of the year for me! 🙂 Not only is it probably one of the most casually-grim character study films you'll ever watch (in a way that even supersedes movies like "Joker" and "Pearl" because it's based on a true story, and it's all deeply, indelibly grounded in reality), but it's also an amazingly-confident experiment in sprawling non-linear storytelling, attempting a timeline that not even Stephen Gaghan would dare, lol. In a lot of ways, it's like what would happen if Harmony Korine made a modern-day American spin on "La Dolce Vita"...and I'm so, so psyched that Matthew Gentile was able to achieve ALL of this for his very first full-length film with nothing but hard work and lots of persistence! 🙂 Deeply, deeply-inspirational stuff...
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Listen the podcast with the producer!
lynnmobel9 December 2022
I love podcasts! Especially crime ones. Loved the podcast and had to watch the movie.

The producer did a fantastic job and this is his first film. I can't wait to see what else he creates. Podcast is on the Murder Sheet.

I thought the movie was very factual after listening to the podcast. Definitely see his narcissistic, almost bi-polar personality and why he did what he did. How he has disappeared and has never been caught is a mystery. I believe he is in another country where he is probably dead in the dessert or mountains somewhere.

It's definitely worth the watch and do some research on him.
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Dynamic Duo - Ryan Phillippe & Tom Pelphrey!
rdsampogna25 October 2022
The cast was spot on! Ryan Phillippe's percolating frustrations was perfectly pitched as an FBI agent and Tom Pelphrey was a fearlessly likable con-man. You're rooting for them both at times, knowing they can't both win - but their performances made you feel for them both and want more of it. The entire supporting cast did a stellar job with their roles to improve the relationship between the viewer and the central characters, but not overpower the main story. I had never heard of the story of Jason Derek Brown before and didn't know much of Tom Pelphrey (but now I have to see him on Ozark!), but this is a solid feature from a first-time director!
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