Sijipeuseu: The Myth (TV Series 2021) Poster

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Really hope there is a season 2.
bajungadustin-2798221 March 2022
This show isn't in the same realm as DARK (a similarly themed time travel show) but it's not bad. I see a lot of hate around it here and there and just wanted to put my thoughts down.

The characters are solid. All the actors played their roles perfectly. The story is very easy to follow for a time travel show (which is not easy for some time travel shows to do). The characters are wel thought out and the back story for the supporting characters comes in an interesting way. You find out about their past from their past which hasn't happened yet. Like a guy watching his past self be mean to his wife and hating himself for it. That kind of thing.

The graphics were well done. There was very little cgi work to speak of. The time periods felt great and the characters experiences in those time periods felt relatable.

I loved this show. It's got a lot of interesting takes.. And if you like time travel and are interested in seeing people use and abuse time travel like no other time travel show has done.. Then this is the show for you.
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interresting, sometimes silly
rdvljunk20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plot is Sisyphus is interesting enough. People traveling back in time to prevent something from happening. Oddly the script goes back and forth in quality. Sometimes it is very good, sometimes it is totally silly. The chase at the expo and the way our hero's escape is laughable. In many other cases the way people behave is illogical or solutions silly, like a fridge door that protects against bullets or a small cut that makes people faint and require rescueing while other cuts are taking without a problem. Or dialogues that are laughable. The camera works also isn't of constant quality, sometimes they seem to experiment with angles and movement, while in other moments it is pretty classic. The general plot is interesting enough to make you want to see more, but the implementation is sometimes so silly it takes the interest away.

You get the impression that there are a few main actors and that all other people involved in the making change every few shots.
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Interesting plot but badly executed
IamGrtl25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline of time travel is always appealing and interesting enough to keep the watchers entertained, however it feels somewhat stupid at times, the way they escape, the script etc. Apart from multiple silly errors in the script, the finale in my opinion didn't make any sense.

SPOILERS: As I interpreted it, the timeline of the future didn't happen at all since Tae Sul was able to avoid the war by killing himself, at the same time he found a way to exist in a "time pocket" with the version of Seo Hae that he loves even if in reality they both died (we know this is possible because of what was explained in episode 11).

In the end everyone in the present timeframe is actually alive except for Tae Sul: Seo Hae is still a kid and her family is alive and well, mr Park didn't kill anyone and even sigma is alive and well.

What I didn't get is why they showed the ending scene with sigma. Did they want to leave people questioning whether he really went away? But him being the bad guy would not make sense anymore. Apart from the fact that Tae Sul is dead in his present time, why would he still have the journal when everything from the future timeline disappeared? How would he know about timelines and time travel in general when his knowledge and power derived from things that didn't happen yet but now will never happen?

This is where I am confused, for this reason while I was going to give this series a 7 it dropped to a 6.

Nevertheless I think it is still worth watching as it was at least entertaining.
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Time To Defend The ⏰ Or Regret Tomorrow °Outstanding°
50fiftillidideeBrain26 October 2021
Sisyphus is the show that escorted me through the looking glass into the wonderland of Korean programming. It explores the claim: "Just because you could do something doesn't mean you should." It's got action, fantastic romance, time travel, & a brainiac that can Macgyver anything.

Though not issue free, Sisyphus is an insightful commentary on humanity: We make the wrong choices & then we live with regret the rest of our lives once we are finally honest with ourselves.

Themes explored are selfishness (if we only care about ourselves & what we want, it's radiation poisoning that will destroy society). Also featured are corruption, hate, revenge, & pride, which are all forms of selfishness. Messianic imagery is a major player, as are regrets - they follow selfishness. Kindness to those less fortunate is critical, or we will create the monsters that rip into us. Hatred against immigrants & xenophobia is depicted. Sisyphus also examines the False Dilemma argument: Just because someone (especially a bad guy) says you have two choices, doesn't mean it's true.

The title is based on the Greek God Sisyphus. Per Wikipedia: he "was punished for cheating death twice by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity. Through the classical influence on modern culture, tasks that are both laborious and futile are therefore described as Sisyphean."

The question of whether the future is static is brought up quite a bit. Mr. Park, from Asia Mart, says: "Do you believe you can change things?" He laughs. "You know you can't change anything, right? You can try all you want, but nothing will change." And yet, Sigma & his minions all make references to alternate timelines, hinting at the many times the end-of-the-world drama plays out.

The main protagonists are the time machine inventing genius, Han Tae-sul, & Gang Seo-hae, who travels back in time to save HTsul & thus, the world. The world needs saving because the time machine will usher in the complete destruction of the Korean Peninsula via nuclear war.

By the time Seo-hae travels back to present day Korea, the country has been taken over by thieves from the future. They survived the nuclear war because they were in prison when it broke out. Volunteering to be the first group that travels to the past, they accumulate massive wealth due to their knowledge of lottery & sports outcomes & also stocks. Next, they take over all the power positions in the country & set up the Control Bureau. The CB is an immigration enforcement agency that prevents others from the future from gaining the advantages they themselves enjoy. CB officers have very few restrictions & are allowed to kill on sight. All of this was crafted by the mysterious Sigma, traveler & villain #1, who is rumored to be the person that starts the war. Everyone in Sigma's circle is controlled by a desire to protect loved ones, or a desire for power and selfish gain.

Sisyphus takes off to a confusing start. Ep1 is a tough one to get through. Many Korean shows begin that way; setting the dials & levers that will operate the rest of the show. Watching HTsul save a plane that's going down is the biggest reward for watching Ep1. I first saw Sisyphus before I was doing reviews, so I decided to watch it again before writing about it. The beginning is entirely different in the second go-round.

When we meet Seo-hae & follow her trail, we see that she's a cool customer. From age 7 she rode out the apocalypse with her policeman father. He trained her in all kinds of combat as hunting for scarce food & water is very dangerous in the anarchy of the future. When we meet HTsul we see that he's pretty cool, too. Pretty bada$$ cool. HTsul does something amazingly clever in most episodes. They're both on the Crazy Train, but they each have their talents.

HTsul is also a pathetic-pill-popper, ridden with guilt over the way he treated his brother, HTsan, the last time they met, prior to HTsan's passing. His ex is his psychiatrist. She dumped him, but only after he cheated on her. What could go wrong here?

Trains & train stations are featured frequently, & apoear to represent fate. Right from jump when Seo-hae arrives in the past she sees a bright light & hears a bell. There's a train coming down the tracks right at her: Foreshadowing. Later, HTsul& Seo-hae see each other at the train station while a fast train screeches between them. It's a metaphor for the onslaught of events headed their way that could separate them. There's also constant foreshadowing broadcasting HTsul's end of show options. They are always brought to the forefront.

Almost everybody we meet in Sisyphus is selfish, even Seo-hae's father. Exceptions are Seo-hae & HTsan. They will bring about change to those around them. Early on Seo-hae tells HTsul: "You're really selfish. You'll do what you want & not care how many people died because of it. You selfish jerk." HTsan said it first to Seo-hae: "You just care about saving the world, not my brother. I'm just the opposite."

Initially, HTsul displays corrupted values, thinking he can solve any conflict by throwing money at it. He founded his company, Quantum & Time with grad-school friend, Eddy Kim. Eddy does all the work. HTsul does whatever he feels like, and completely takes his friend for granted. Throughout the course of the show, jealousy & resentment, cause conflict in Eddy, due to HTsul's neglect.

Sigma & HTsul are contrasted. The series delves into the concept of families, struggles, abuse, & ostracism. HTsul lost his parents to an accident, but he had his brother, HTsan, to care & provide for him. Growing up, Sigma suffers severe abuse at home, underscoring that no parent is better than an abusive one. Sigma clearly isn't stupid, but almost nobody in the world is on HTsul's level: His perception that HTsul had it easy in life introduces jealousy.

At some point he descends into total madness, & falls in love with fire & death. He's smart, but a sociopath, arsonist, narcissist, & likely a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome sufferer. Killing 50 million people with a nuclear bomb is just a game for him. He brags incessantly about what he truly cares about: outsmarting HTsul. He loves to taunt him, beckoning: "C'mon out and play," to him.

The backdrop for all of this is the thrills, action, & the wonderful romance between Seo-hae & HTsul.

There's a GREAT scene showing how she looks out for him. He's desperately trying to call by rigging a trashpicked office phone into the phone lines. He's shocked when she says she's a little busy. She next yells: "Duck!" He does so quickly while she eliminates the threat right behind him. In shock, he steps away & sees more than 15 bodies on the ground between him & the overpass, where she's standing with her rifle. He hadn't noticed any of it, too the viewer's amusement.

"The girl or the world." He is constantly threatened that he'll have to choose the girl or the world. HTsul will figure out for himself what options he has. He knows he must outsmart Sigma or lose everything.

Some people don't have the capacity to enjoy fantasy. It can be too intellectual for some, or not logical or real enough for others. Sisyphus is fantasy based on an intelligent script, & it's directed smashingly well. The condescending "1" ratings have no basis whatsoever. If one hates some of the logical quagmires or the pacing, a rating of 5-7 is fair, but Sisyphus, in any timeline, doesn't deserve a rating under "5." So leave Sisyphus alone!

We get a clear sense that it's not over yet. Hopefully they won't take their ...time... putting out season 2.

~Quote~ Gibson: The future is already here. It just has an evenly distributed yet.

IMHO... 🎬9 🎭8 🤔9⚡8 💓8 🦋7 🎨8 🎵7 🔚9 Ages 14+.

I also did a spoiler review

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Most Action-Packed K-Drama
PalmBeachG12 June 2022
This is the most action-packed K-Drama that I have seen. I hate to give it a lower rating, which I did, but no fault of the actors. Both lead actors. Park Shin-hye and Cho Seung-woo did fantastic in their rolls - Park Shin-hye in the action packed gun scenes and Cho Seung-woo in his portrayal of the smartest man in the world - a computer coding genius and CEO. The lower rating is for the writers as it was confusing - are we now in the present, past or in the future? The ending is extremely confusing and if you have to go online to get an explanation and then find no one else gives a proper explanation either, then the writer hasn't done their job. I also don't care for writers that include story lines about nuclear war either as some of us are old enough to remember the fear we felt during the Bay of Pigs incident when we were told we weren't going to wake up in the morning. To use it for a movie theme I don't think is right and the word never used to be even uttered and now movies are made for entertainment. So All my stars go to the actors who did a great job and those who did the fantastic filming in the show - I am sure it was extremely difficult.
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charleslanobucklin4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Right before episode 12 I was pretty fed up with this show. If I saw one more character "crying" I was going to throw in the towel. However, episode 12 totally redeemed the show for me. I do not get all the negative reviews so I'm giving this show a solid 8 stars. I dug the time travel theme and I thought the acting was very good. Cinematography and soundtrack are all very good. I enjoyed this series and I think more Folks should give this show a chance. Special nods to actors who played Kang Seo-hae, Han Tae-Sul, Park Hyeong-do - they were all uniformly terrific!
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Slight above average quality drama but still can be done better
mailtaskservice29 June 2022
This drama is cast OK, story still can be better when it is slight above average creativity. Directorship is also slight above average only. The effects is none, still a budget drama.

I only can give 7.3/10 which is slight above average because a lot of parts fall into less logical as the episodes nearing the end. Overall, its not that excellent as many dramas made in the year.

I recommend to watch this drama when you had nothing good to watch. !5 episodes are not that long so still OK. It seems that they will make Season 2 as I seen in the last episode that the way they made it.
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A Korean Back to the Future - this could get good
refordgarry10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched Sisyphus and Vincenzo together, initially taking more to Vincenzo for its wit, but as episodes notched up Vincenzo looked more like a soap opera, and Sisyphus a Franchise. Initial mistakes are forgivable, provided the production forthwith get sensible, interesting and absorbing, which Sisyphus did for me. Kang Soe Hae, (with due respect to her) was a complete miscast. How could a scrawny woman, scripted as suffering from malnutrition take on a man in combat and win? This stuff smacks of bad Hollywood. Han Tae Sul, in contrast was a good male pick, a person to whom the audience could certainly warm. Love the time-travel intrigue with the ever-laughing gangster Park, and the debonair James-Bond-style baddie, Sigma. It definitely improved enough to be good, even better for S02.
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Korean Scifi that is worth the watch
gfarrell017 January 2022
Sijipeuseu is worth the effort. It is Korean and subtitled but the writing and acting are good. The ending isn't the way I would have done it but the story is interesting and very engaging. Korea is putting out a bunch of great content the last few years. This show is one of the good ones. Give it a shot is if you like scifi within a mystery then you will like this.
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Cool Premise, Really Dumb Execution
CyricTheCynic28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love sci-fi/time travel stories (like Travellers), so I was ready to enjoy this one. The concept is interesting, but the writing and scenes play out so poorly that I just couldn't be bothered to finish it. First off, the show treats you like an idiot, flashing back to scenes when big, obvious revelations are made (it's not WHERE, it's WHEN), like yeah, we got it. The main girl is also really, really bad at her mission despite presumably doing extensive preparations for it. She pretty much immediately gets discovered when she arrives because she decided to walk along a passenger train track (lol did her father not teach her about trains?) and only manages to escape because the main antagonists are ALSO terrible at their jobs. That's pretty much this show in a nutshell; everybody sucks at their jobs/missions and that's the only reason things are able to happen. The assassin is courteous enough to wait until AFTER his target is warned to shoot, despite having like a solid 20 minutes beforehand with a clean shot. The guards who approach the old lab are nice enough to give Hun enough time to improvise a home-alone style bomb rather than just immediately storming the building. It's giving me flashbacks to All of Us are Dead, in that both shows seem to prioritize writing that is superficially exciting and/or dramatic but doesn't really make any sense when you think about it for more than 5 seconds. If you want a good time-travel show, watch Travellers, or movies like Twelve Monkeys, Looper, Time Trap, etc.
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Surprisingly Good!
itt-4049529 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline, plot, performances and action are stupendous! Park Shin-Hye never disappoints. She's too good. And what to say about the great Cho Seung-Woo? The man does it in his every drama. He is so versatile & talented that sometimes it becomes difficult to realize he is the same man playing totally opposite/unique characters in his other dramas. Shin-Hye & Seung-Woo pair works really well. They chemistry is beautiful. They look great together. This is one of the major attractions of this drama. The OSTs are catchy, go with the mood of the show. This drama is not only about time travel, it is more than that. It is about hope, love, and never giving up approach to life. Only complaint is the CGI, it could have been better. Rest all is fine. Emotional aspect touches your heart.
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Stupid fun
stevey-211 March 2022
This is a pretty fun action series, light on sci-fi, heavy on "you need to suspend a LOT of disbelief to enjoy it".

If you approach it like you're watching a Hollywood action flick from the 80s, you'll find it entertaining enough.

The only real problem with this show, and it's a serious one, is the casting of the two leads. They are both easy on the eyes, but they were both terribly miscast for this role. For starters, the girl is a truly terrible actress, and is embarrassing to watch. I'm sure she's fantastic in rom-coms, since she really is beautiful. But this role demanded more, and she was entirely unconvincing--even though I was happy to suspend all criticism and just enjoy it. But boy howdy, is she ever a bad actress. Any situation that requires her to do something other than "be cute" is ruined. With one exception--she does a great job with the fight scenes. But that's maybe five percent of her screen time, and for the rest, you have to watch her acting like someone who has never been in front of a camera before.

But even worse is the male lead. He is a decent actor, but he is *terribly* unfit to be the romantic lead. He and the woman have zero chemistry. No, I take that back. It's not zero. It's _negative_. They are clearly repulsed by one another in real life, and their attempts at romance are so cringey that we finally had to give up on the series after twelve episodes. We only had 4 left, and we were enjoying the story, but the romance was really just as awful and unwatchable as many other reviewers have observed. And honestly it's the guy's fault. He looks much older than her, he acts and dresses cringily young, and he is much smaller than she is (in both height and weight). It's clear that neither of them likes the other, and every time they hug it's like cousin hugs. It was just terrible casting.

The rest of the show is pretty awesome, don't get me wrong. Great pacing, lots of plot twists, pretty decent time-travel sci-fi, and really solid, top-notch acting by the entire rest of the cast. The special effects for the postwar Korean Peninsula are outstanding, and overall the series feels like it had a decently high budget.

If you can put aside your confusion about obvious time-travel plot holes, and you don't mind the male lead pawing at the female lead like a sex offender grooming a 14 year old while she cringes away from him in disgust, then you're in for a fun ride.
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Sigma's backstory ... thud
jeradd-2032026 March 2021
I love this episode but this episode was a real clunker. One of the few mysteries left was who is Sigma and why does he want to destroy Korea, well sometimes a psycho is just a psycho but that was not the worst part. Han Tae is a genius with a few blind spots. In this episode he looks dumb. He narrows his search down to a relatively small pool of candidates and then has to manually sort through papers for the final identification. Hmm ... do you remember the spooky kid, with the crazy eyes, who made Van Gogh quality drawings, who burned this house down and slaughtered stray animals and predicted you would build a time machine? Wait, now that I think about it ...

You are not going to forget someone like that. I'll accept time travel, pre-cognition, time paradoxes, etc, but not the smartest guy in the world being that stupid,but guys all full this series fake drama mocking and dirty so please member me only 1 star sending for all episodes and this series is very best.ok,please.
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Can't wait for season 2
sirohihemanshi9 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With slight improvements in the direction of the series...I'm sure season 2 will be amazing.
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Started great, but going downhill fast
imdb-11968-227278 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
4 episodes in. Great storyline but the directing is abysmal, especially the action scenes, huge numbers of agents with guns all facing each other in a circle (crossfire). Just silly. Also peoples reactions to certain events are just silly at times, there's no way a normal person would react the same. All due to a great story, mediocre script and awful directing. Fingers crossed it will improve... not much hope.
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Loving so far....
irielluciamarie25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What-ever that last reviewer said...don't listen. This series is only 3 weeks in and it has an exciting story line, the characters are rich and personal and engaging and it's fun seeing where it will take me next. Give it a chance!
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Worth watchin, a very South Korean production!
randyfreemire12 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As an American that spent 2 months on a work assignment in Busan in South Korea 20 years ago, I have limited exposure to S Korean culture. At the 4 star hotel I stayed at I thought the Koreans I met as hotel staff reminded me of 1950's America, very traditional, if you weren't married before 30 or younger, there was something wrong.

Had a hard time following the story at first. Tae Sul and Tae San, brothers, way to close in spelling for me to distinguish easily. After watching 5 episodes I ended up reading the synopsis for those episodes and re-watching part of them.

Besides love time travel dramas, I was hooked in mainly 'cause I enjoyed seeing genius/brilliance in action. So many super hero movies reveal characters that have extraordinary powers but usually they've done nothing to deserve them. It's fun to watch someone who can use his smarts for every situation he gets in, and at one point reveals himself to be somewhat cold/uncaring except for what he's concerned about- that seems realistic based on smart people I've known- more worried about saving his brother than the world.

I don't watch many Korean tv/movies. It's so overly dramatized by American standards! It's all about the sentimental attachments to family, and even the 'jerks' sometimes care as well. For my tastes, they could cut way down on the sentimental moments which are often dragged on for too long, but no worries, there's always the remote, and I do want to see other cultures in action without being impatient or judgemental.

Found it amusing if not a bit disturbing that the main female character was very capable and battle hardened but was portrayed as more a child in many ways than a woman. Couldn't tell if she was 16 or 26, though my guess would be a wisened 20 year old with very childish attachments- so maybe she had to grow up too quickly and never grew out of her child stages, but still, seemed consistent with how I've seen S Korean women portrayed in media.

Overall I've been enjoying it and like the doling out of episodes every week, it's just too easy to endlessly binge watch a series, and given the subtitles to read and the cultural differences, a little goes a long ways!
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Ignore the 1 Star Reviews
ericasuperslayer2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is spectacular at keeping you guessing and the comedic ploys during the calmer (SERIOUS) moments helps alleviate the droning of a suspenseful storyline. Yes, the acting could be better, but marks at the top for Korean cinematic endeavors. The only moments that reproach this critique is any scene filled with "action". While choreographed, much of the action is very.... frustrating. However the story redeems any short comings of the acting and choreography kerfuffles. I recommend this show to anyone that enjoys Korean Drama in any aspect.

Also, since I have to mark this as a spoiler review.... They die.
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What happened didn't happen - mind blowing
vivianla31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Because the war was stopped by Tae Sul not ever inventing the uploader, all the painful scenes we saw particularly with Seo Hae and her father never happened. Mind blowing. What could happen didn't happen or what happened didn't happen.
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You can't change the future
alaningle731 May 2021
Women from the future goes back in time to prevent a nuclear war by preventing a man inventing time travel. The story is a little weak and I would have scored lower but I really enjoyed the apocalyptic future with the girl and her father. It is well acted by all the cast and it is the weak repetitious script which lets it down.
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time travel romance gone wrong
Hououin_WalterKyouma2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible,I'm pretty sure the writers picked all the ideas from other time travel epic(steins gate,twelve monkeys,dark),but failed to build a solid sci-fi world,plot and character developments. The romance part would've been good if the characters were well-written or similar to steins gate,but here our main characters are annoying rich boi/cheap tony stark and female john wick from future..

Nothing in this series makes sense..long flashbacks,brainless actions,fancy guns,dialogues all feels like some kind of cheap parody,what a waste.
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Park Shin Hye rocks!
phd_travel2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great looking exciting series with a good cast. The action sequences in each episode so far have been inventive and thrilling and have a big budget movie quality. Ep 4 drone chase is quite something. The close quarters fights are well done and authentic looking.

Plot wise, the Terminator like premise still works and draws in the viewer. Both the control bureau and the broker are after them so need to concentrate with the flashbacks. But unlike Terminator, Park Shin Hye does some superb action sequences and is so convincing as a top fighter without sacrificing any loveliness. She is so watchable and sympathetic that she keeps the viewer interested during the quieter moments. Cho Seung Woo has some fun scenes by using his engineering skills to save the day. And he doesn't seem to old for Park despite the age gap but they still lack chemistry.

Enjoying this one more than Vincenzo. One fault is the latter half has too much meandering. I felt lost quite a few times.
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Flawed but enjoyable watch
martijndijksterhuis21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously a production with a budget so sizeable that it had to be spent on something. Just lacking some grime as seeing the female lead run through a desolate nuclear wasteland with stylish survival clothing is a bit unsettling.

Are there better K-Drama's ? Plenty, but apparently there was not yet one on nuclear war on the Korean peninsula with a time travelling twist and a Hollywood budget.

The story itself for all its truck sized plot holes is full of interesting and flawed characters. It is the onion layer peeling of their backstories that kept the story from falling into a rut. In the end most stories are resolved mostly satisfactory and ensured that the series didn't sink. The human condition was its best part.

With tighter writing that solved some of the most obvious flaws this series could have been excellent.
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Not recommended
sirdigo-1450226 April 2021
After episode 1 I was happy and felt the series had great potential. But then it went downhill very fast. The story is not new and deals with time-travel and several factions and their agendas. The main protagonists get caught in between and have to deal with being hunted or whatever. So far so good. The problem is - the main story stalls and doesn't progress a bit. The main characters run/fight/talk their way through the episodes and nothing is achieved. The hilarious secret organizations are incompetent and only show repetitive behavuour and action - very often to a point where I could only shake my head in disbelieve.

The script is full of inconsistencies, the timing and cutting of scenes is often totally off - which IS a problem in a series about time and time travel. How organizations like the police or whatever work is shown in a naive and absurd way here. The details about the war and the future setting are inconsistent as well. Disiplined and skilled survivors have almost no food or supplies, but some stupid ganster-kids have drones, batteries and unlimited ammo.

Korean TV dramas are known for their tendency for romance, but this simply doesn't work. You actually know everything from the start, she will most likely die to save him, she rejects him now (but secretely has already fallen for him), he is unaware of every signals of women (while being a playboy), and so on. It doesn't make sense and it's not fun to watch. All of a sudden the girl, who decorates her guns with aegyo stuff, bursts into military style James Bond action, defeats dozens of armed guys and with some help of the genius engineer main guy, they get away - again and again and again. Did I mention that in every other episode he has to show his brain skills by doing some hilarious calculations to save them, while being under massive fire from the enemy (about 5m away), having zero time left and in the end, this din't even help at all? They simply get away, anyway.

Their characters are created from a mix of stereotypes, that show up one ata time, they don't resemble personalities with secret aspects, carrying their personal traumata, they simply switch skins from one scene to the next. It's a mix of terrible writing and mediocre directing.

Besides beautiful faces and nices shots of Seoul and interiors, you won't find much here , best rate for this series fake drama dirty this is one star not more .
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One the greatest korean Drama
madylucent21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is the best kdrama i'v ever see,n every episode takes you in a new whole imagination and scenarios, it is so interesting that you never expect what will happen. I m sure Korean people are so proud of this amazing art.
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