Alien: Battlefield Earth (2021) Poster

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This place is not a place of honor
madameminty8 January 2022
I approached this movie thinking "it can't really be that bad, can it?" No. No, it's way worse, and then some.

It's just a lot of disjointed stock and public footage (including recent anti-vax protests mentioning real people's names), repeated several times to make the movie longer, literal Zoom calls, and below-modern video game renders with I can only guess a collection of random 3D assets one of the creators just happened to have. I cannot shake the feeling some of the renders are just stolen, due to how inconsistent the assets and even framerates are.

I would hope seeing a buff alien in a wheelchair, Latin symbols on alien devices, and a goddamn dragon all within 5 minutes would be at least strange enough to be funny, but no.

Text-to-Speech is used for a LOT of dialogue. Human actors are occasionally worse.

Writing is pretentious and cliché as one would expect. Racist, too, which is ironic and sad given the plot.

It's so bad it crosses "so bad it's good" at near light speed, rams into "bad again" and then drills in the bottom for an hour until it reaches a long time nuclear waste storage facility. You've been warned.
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too bad you can't enter negative numbers!
tekvax11 January 2022
WOW! I can't believe just how bad this movie is... when they replayed the same footage three times in the first 5 minutes of the movie, I thought okay this going to be really bad...

It was actually worse than that... To say this movie has any redeeming factors whatsoever would be an understatement.

I actually fast-forward through most of this movie, and I can safely say I didn't miss a single thing, watching only bits and pieces... Don't waste your download data, nor your time...
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Some times scripts should remain on paper...
paul_haakonsen8 January 2022
Right, well I have to be bluntly honest and say that I harbored zero expectations for the 2021 sci-fi movie "Alien: Battlefield Earth" when I stumbled upon it here in 2022.

First of all, I had never heard about the movie, and the title alone was just oozing with low budget and questionable sci-fi. But I have to admit that I was really intrigued by the movie's cover/poster, because it looked really interesting.

Needless to say that the movie's cover/poster was the best thing about the entire ordeal. Sad but true. And also needless to say that the movie's cover/poster over-sells the movie by several miles. The movie was nowhere near what the cover/poster insinuated.

The storyline in "Alien: Battlefield Earth" certainly had potential, but it just felt half-hearted and sort of rushed. So while writers Andrew Jones and Sharon Jones were on the right path, the movie was a swing and a miss.

And to make matters worse, then the CGI used for the aliens was just downright abysmal to look at. It was like something from a mid-2000s computer game. The animation was wooden and rigid, and I was laughing so hard at the lack of animation on the mouths when the aliens spoke. Sure, I suppose it was supposed to be telepathy, perhaps, but come on. And needless to say that the aliens in the movie looked nothing near as interesting as they did on the cover/poster. It was as if the CGI department were cut short of funds before adding the detailing textures and finishing animations.

The acting performances in "Alien: Battlefield Earth" were every bit as wooden and rigid as the poor CGI. But hey, I suppose the actors and actresses were having fun making this project come to life.

It is movies like "Alien: Battlefield Earth" that give the sci-fi genre a bad reputation, and also why I am usually hesitant to sit down to watch sci-fi movies.

If you enjoy sci-fi movies, do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this one from director Andrew Jones. It simply isn't worth the time, money or effort.

My rating of "Alien: Battlefield Earth" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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Glad I stole my copy....
ak670227 September 2021
Not even a good movie ...was a mess from the start. Hard to believe someone made this .I feel bad for everyone involved. If there was any way of giving it less than a star I would.
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Almost makes one long for Alien Surveillance
milkhole21324 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alien: Battlefield Earth is a confusing, disjointed mess combining Roswell, Ancient Aliens, The Betty/Barney Hill case, Greys and Reptilians all into one almost indigestible stew. This is obviously a pandemic era film as none of the cast are ever really together and we get lots of uninteresting zoom dialogue scenes including two characters we barely know and don't care about revealing they are pregnant. Well, just the woman obviously. There's also lots of dialogue between admittedly well-done CG Grey aliens including a roided up one looking kind of like an alien Bautista. There's some scenes of cities being destroyed and space battles but much of it seems to have been taken from disparate sources (including Ancient Aliens!) so it comes off poorly. Apparently the Grey/Human war has something to do with the Greys from the Roswell crash being held captive. Unbelievably Earth holds it's own in the battle and the Greys want to sue for peace. The production values on this aren't too bad for this sort of thing but it's just such an uninteresting, unfocused slog it just has precious little to offer. There's even a non-ending in an apocalyptic future which sets up an unwanted sequel. Another wretched "Walmart" horror/sci-fi film and the worst US/UK co-production since World War II.
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Absolutely horrible.
ejl21798 January 2022
It looks like it was shot with a Galaxy S3 phone that hadn't been updated. The acting was forced. The CGI was on par with that from the 70's. Just terrible. If you had the money you could have had a decent cast and better tech to shoot this like it should have been. The premise and basic story was good. But the execution failed miserably.
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Don't waist ur time
znou-313568 January 2022
The worst i've ever seen. Don't watch it. I don't know who can invest in this kind of works.

Ohhhh man, i regret that i waisted 15 mins of my life, my nephew can write a senario better then this lol.
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Worst Film ever
mrpyqcys18 January 2022
This movie was made in 2 days, with no budget at all, most of the footage was stolen from different sources. Terrible terrible.

I don't recommend anyone to watch this, its not worth it, its absolutely ridiculous, no point or whatsoever.
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Kindergarten graduation project
publicemaildump10 January 2022
This movie was a kindergarten graduation project. All animations and CGI were hand-drawn by children.

I give it a rating of negative two million on a one to ten scale....
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gemstone_w19 October 2021
This is very bad. Its got the worst daytime TV "acting". The men are worse than the women but the women hit every clichéd stereotype 🙄. The costumes are terrible, you can see seams!!!
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Oh yeah, it's bad - but it's funny.
casablancavic13 January 2022
The movie is a horrible movie.

No doubt. It's cheaply made, the clips are overused and overused and overused and overused and overused and overused again and again and again.......

The actors really don't have a huge chance of a career unless they get work in Asylum movies.

The story is whacked. The costumes are laughable, the effects are equivalent to a first year film student in their first month.

And you knw what??? I like it.

Yes, this would never become a blockbuster would become a CULT hit - much like The Happening or Plan 9 From Outer Space or The Room.

But over the course of the last 3 years I've watched many MULTI MILLION dollar movies - with huge well known celebrity stars and they were absolutely abysmal on levels I didn't even have the energy to post a negative review.

The Fast and Furious movies and many others come to mind.

This movie was cheap and it looked cheap and it felt cheap...but I enjoyed it far more than those done with 160 Million dollars and were total trash.

It's not the best movie you'll ever see...far from it...but at least you will get to laugh at it because that's what the entire point to it all was.

The director, writers and producers as well s the cast and rest of the crew realized this...but it's fun because it's so cheap.

I had more enjoyment watching this than sooooooooooooo many other movies out there.

No - I did not work in this movie. No, I wasn't paid to write this.

I just liked it - but don't get me that I've seen it, I won't be watching it over and over. It's not Terminator. It's Not Back To The Future.

The cover art made me want to watch it.

The sheer insanity of it all kept me there.

Hopefully the creators can also do better than this, otherwise they should get out of the business.
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Depressingly realistic
calchie7 January 2022
Not great for the special effects buffs or ture blue American patriots to be depicted in a light that approaches how most of the world views them.

At best average acting, poor special effects but a story line that exposes how current policy is implemented in a scifi setting. Sad reality.
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So Bad , You Have to See It
cjstanford-6509727 August 2022
It really is so bad, it's fun to watch for while. Amazing what can find distribution. It's comprised of about 40% B roll showing military action. Each shot is repeated at least twice : I counted one shot 4 times. The original film has the worst special effects and costumes imaginable. The Earthling side is portrayed using video calls between military, government and scientists. The script is idiotic, not remotely believable and stunted. Believe it or not, it has a plot: special interest control U S policy. So it gets a 1.

Most of the video calls shows the person listening which as boring as a video call can be. It's fun to watch them twist up their faces to the alleged information. Occasionally they show side by side videos.
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Not so bad
jnosko-2352020 July 2023
The only reason I am not giving this movie a one star rating is because it was terribly hilarious to watch on mushrooms. They had some interesting subliminal or subtle messages brought up in the movie, other than that the whole movie had no plot or story to follow and felt pretty chaotic and boring. The awkward facial expressions on the zoom calls was pretty hilarious, they looked just confused as anyone who would find themselves watching this movie. The CGI and edits was so ridiculous there isn't anything much redeeming or positive about it. Definitely nothing special about this movie but with some mushrooms it almost becomes so bad it's actually not so bad.
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Slaughterhouse Five
bemyfriend-4018413 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very similar in message and execution to Slaughterhouse Five, the film based on the novel by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Vonnegut had actually been a prisoner of war in Germany, during WWII. At that time, he had witnessed the fire-bombing of Dresden, by Allied forces. The film had an anti-war and anti-government message; as does this film. The aliens in this film are laughable. They are dolls, or CGI, or something; and there is little attempt to make them look real. And that is by design. They are props for the message conveyed in this film. Seen for free on Vudu.
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Bad bad bad.
MovieLover19259 January 2022
The opening scene with the aliens talking killed it instantly for me 😂😂😂so bad don't watch it. Lol. Probably the worst movie I've ever seen in a very long time lol.
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I liked the general idea
kruizer04-268-1867048 January 2022
I did like the general idea, but the dodgy special effects, bad acting and script was enough to kill it off. Seems they had a budget of about $500,000, which for this type of movie is a little inadequate. I don;t know that the Americans would actually take this route when confronted with an advanced Alien race, but then it is only a movie. Hmmmm... still needed more thought put into it, lets hope these guys do better next time. Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but it's up there!!
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Wasted time, avoid
supermellowcali8 January 2022
This is mostly just a mishmash of voiced-over stock video clips- I've seen a bunch of them before- and is a pretty good effort for the first film of a high school student, but it shouldn't be on imdb or released to the public. If this movie had a production budget, someone got swindled.
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So bad it was comical!
stevedowdy-97-27498124 January 2022
All parts of this movie were horrible, the acting, the storyline, even the CGI. After 30 minutes, my wire and I were laughing so hard, at the pitiable acting, I was afraid our sides would split. Even the ending was so bad I began to question why I gave the movie two stars. Maybe, all my reviews contain one star too many. If anyone that reads this review breaks down and decides to watch the horrible flick, it was because of my comical comment. Happy New Year!!!
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dubbelroll-fallrepu3 March 2024
Absolutely horrible in every way, but you knew that already.

What I wanna talk about is the shot showing the 'crashed alien ship' on the moon at around 11 minutes 50 seconds. It appears they decided to just take take the Battlestar Galactica and put it in their movie.

On the one hand this is absolutely hilarious in how lazy it is, but I'm also somewhat impressed with the audacity of it. Sure, you're trying to squeeze the budget, you wanna put some pre-baked assets in there to cut costs. I get that. But really?

Should have thrown in some X-wings, Star Destroyers, and maybe The Enterprise for good measure.
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This is my favorite movie ever.
phcompanyus2 December 2022
I swear to god this is the funniest movie I have ever seen in my life. I don't understand the hate, because I couldn't go 30 seconds in without loosing my s*** in laughter.

When that first Alien came up and started talking and then the ripped one popped up I literally couldn't take it. Tears were coming down my face for the next 15 Min. The joy that this film has brought me is overwhelming.

I will be showing this to my children and telling them this is Disney's "Star Wars: Rogue One". I still can't believe that this is on the the shelves at my local Walmart, and who ever decided to put it there, thank you.

Absolutely worth the $10 that I paid.

And finally, I know this isn't saying much, but this is way better any Disney movie created in the past 5 years, because I only had to watch it once to know that I will never forget what I saw.

Walmart don't you dare take this off the shelf.
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IMDb atings system
kwraikarn-9275924 February 2024
I'm rating this film simply to drive down the 2.1 rating that it currently has. IMDb should use the median or mode rating rather than the mean, because this film really should be rated 1 out of 10.

It does deserve 1, because of the amusement factor, which can be achieved by watching it for only one minute.

There is extensive use of stock video and what looks like news footage and nonsensical repetition of the same footage over and over. They don't even bother to match the apect ratio of the clips, and the special effects are equivalent to 1980s television sci-fi comedy.

I've seen better quality acting on early morning daytime soaps like Sunset Beach. Way better.
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Can't be that bad, can it? Yes, yes it can.
muffleybrad18 March 2024
🤣😂🤣😂 the amount of PS2 level CGI and stock footage. I made it ten minutes into the movie before deciding to create an account here just to say something to hopefully spare you some braincells.

I like me some campy sci-fi but this is definitely not it 😂🤣😂🤣😂

This movie is so horrendously awful that it gave me IBS, a stroke and now I must find the eye bleach in order to recover from how hard I cringed. I don't think I can make it much further, I'm turning this dumpster fire of a movie off before I lose anymore braincells.

The acting is horrendous, the CGI is seizure inducing, and the number of times they reused shots is astronomical!

I'm also pretty sure they ran with idea of trying to make a movie purely from stock footage.

Jesus Christ save us from this horrible abomination of what I assume is supposed to be a movie.


It's so bad So so very bad.
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The best movie made in paint 3d
kczarpp31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So basically the whole movie could have ended in 15 minutes but trough useless dialogue they got it to a whopping 1h and 20 minutes. Idk how but the CGI and the Scenes are basically 5 clips played in a random order and nothing relates to the previous clip in any way.

The only plus sides are a very very very handsome and buff alien and a meth using grandpa who talks about some conspiracy theories every ten minutes of this movie.

I highly recommend watching this if you plan on ending your life the same day because after this I don't have the will to live anymore.

I really think this movie was made with a 5 euros budget and a donut.
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