Black Easter (2021) Poster


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Absolute nonsense
jabandrade5 October 2021
I'm crazy about.time travel movies, but the script for this movie is so absurd it's funny. One sequence more unbelievable than the other until the last scene.

I'm not even sure what to think after 1 hour and 50 minutes of absolute nonsense.
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duncan-0043715 July 2021
I had good expectations at the begging. The credits show various awards won for screenplay etc. But, in reality this one's a dud. I love science fiction and the plot was intriguing. Honestly, in my opinion the acting is not that good and worse than a high school play. Do the actors have any experience? The plot is confusing, the action scenes amateurishly edited and there's almost no continuity between scenes and the narration is off putting at best. The characters were put into situations and scenes that didn't tie very well together and I found it easy to get confused as the movie progressed.
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Self proclaimed price winner
svanwelie-177-49684430 November 2021
The movie starts with a lot of prices it claims to have won during the opening creditz. If a movie needs to proof it is good to start with that, prices it won before the movie came out, it never can be good. And indeed after a few minutes the bad acting, storiyline, special effect, etc make this one of the worst movies I have ever seen.self proclaimed price winner.
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Hilariously aweful
lawsonr-0293625 June 2021
It's like the Blair witch project, but made by some really stoned kids at an evangelical summer camp drama project. Requires first crucifying your critical faculties and biblical levels of the suspension of disbelief.
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For A Low Budget...
gab-6759925 June 2021
I have seen worse. If you go into this movie with extremely low expectations then you will not be let down. It is hard to come up with a new movie idea these days when it has all been done. Then when you do a movie biased on an already done idea and it is not A + material you get downed for it. I give points for originality and vivid imagination. I am a Texan so seeing in the end credits that Dallas had a hand in this made me like it that much more. It was not preachy like some other new movies done, it was just pure made up craziness, with a moral compass. I myself will not see it again but if you have NOTHING else better to watch I say yes.
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As bad as it sounds
LucyKempers24 June 2021
Not the brightest spark in the box who directed this movie. You can just tell they do not have the artistic vision as a director. Do not waste your time, the film is very poorly acted, has a plot with so many holes open, amateurishly shot and the dialogue is just abysmal.

I am struggling to call this movie in fact, it is more just moving images on a screen that your brain cannot intepret.

Awful in every way possible. 1/10 and that is being generous.
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simply unwatchable
giovannischmid21 August 2021
A screenplay so stupid and poorly crafted that it is impossible for a normal person to get to the end.
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Amazingly bad... in the worst way.
buckybowen040968-15 July 2021
I mistakenly thought this had a rating of 7.8 on IMDB and thought "Hell yeah! Time travel, killing off Jesus., a good rating... let it rip.". The best thing about the movie was the camera work... which wasn't anything great, it was just WAY better than the acting, script, or the really spotty "science" behind time travel and creation of alternate time lines. Yes, I know time travel doesn't exist... as far as we know, but at least try to make it plausible within the framework of the movie. It was breathtakingly bad... a complete waste of time. It looked like a mediocre film student attempt, with a larger budget than the norm. Don't waste your time, there's nothing redeeming anywhere to be seen.
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Terrible acting, hilarious premise.
kbkoeller1 July 2021
Not well produced or written. Hilariously shoe-horns Jesus in wherever it can. The acting leaves much to be desired, and the sets are only fit for a small budget SyFy tv show. Hard pass.
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So... it was bad
omega-metim26 June 2021
At the beginning, it lists all of these awards it's received. I went in thinking that maybe this was an independent film gem. It was not. Much of its low rating was based on the acting, which is poor from the beginning. The concept was interesting, but that was about it. That being said, it holds its morals. It tries to teach its lessons. There's just a lot going on. But it's par for the course in time travel stories, and this film relies so heavily on it that it's hard to take it seriously almost immediately. But then it keeps happening over and over, until they set up the final twist at the end. It feels like there may have been too many writers trying to put forth too many messages, or possibly just too many characters considering each person introduced in a new time period is essentially a new character, as they differ from the original version. With a story like this, less could've been more- it would at least cause less confusion.
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Unexplicably entertaining
mineanything26 June 2021
I'm surprised by all the bad reviews. Even though it was low budget with some cheesy acting, it was also highly entertaining. It made us laugh out loud a few times. Yes, there were plot holes, but it keeps your attention throughout. Very original and something I have never seen before.
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Bad movie, fun watch
katie-385788 April 2023
This movie is really, really bad. However, It's action packed and filled with unintentionally funny scenes. If you're looking for a solid movie about time travel with a coherent plot, this definitely is not the movie for you, but if you want to watch a laughably bad movie with some friends, it's perfect.

From the intermittent narration that adds nothing to the confusing time loops, this movie feels like a fever dream. The acting is horrible and the choices the main character make are confusing. Everything is a plot twist when you're confused, so there's an element of excitement through the whole movie wondering where in the world its going.

All things considered its an awful movie, but a very fun watch if you pretend like its a comedy.
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A Mixed Bag
messing-9227326 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, a disclosure: I am being paid a nominal amount to provide a review of this movie. I intend to make my review as honest as possible, but I wish to disclose this potential conflict of interest. Also, be aware that when I am paid to review a movie, I watch it with a more critical/analytical eye than I might otherwise.

Next, a warning: This review will contain some spoilers. I will try to make them as mild and and as vague as possible consistent with getting my points across.

I really wanted to like this film. This movie seems like it should be custom made for me; I am both a Christian and a science fiction fan, and have long wished that there were more entertainment available that incorporated both genres. Unfortunately, the movie did not live up to its promise.

When a film is truly touching, it tugs at your heartstring; but when it tries too hard to be moving, it just makes you feel that it is trying to manipulate your emotions. I regret to state that this film fell into the latter category: It used every cliché in the book, from schmaltzy music to the father clutching and crying over the doll of the daughter he accidentally got killed. The abrupt transitions between the comedic and tragic scenes also resulted in a bit of emotional whiplash. (And all of this is within the first ten minutes.)

While all of the characters seem somewhat two-dimensional, it was especially disappointing that the only Muslims depicted were of the stereotyped throat-splitting, torturing, Christian-hating, terrorist variety. This problem is only slightly lessened by the token inclusion of the narrator/protagonist occasionally saying things like, "Don't be hating or judgmental on Muslims, Ahmed is an extremist." One simple way to solve this problem would have been to have made one of the scientists on the protagonist's team a Muslim.

Then there is the problem of point of view. The entire movie is supposed to be a re-telling by the protagonist of his experiences. Given that, there should be no scenes depicting events of which he himself is unaware. Instead, there is a plethora of them.

Any movie which has Jesus doing and saying things that are not in the Bible ventures into risky territory. The writers chose to have Jesus speak with a time traveler and they put words into His mouth. The film-makers also presented a Crucifixion scene unlike any other I have seen. Any details I would give would be too much of a spoiler. I'll suffice to say that I expect some people will very much appreciate it while others might be offended by the liberties it took. I have not made up my own mind about these two scenes. For me, though, the bridge too far was the film's interpretation of the angels at the empty tomb.

There were also several other problems with the plot or the writing which I won't go into here.

On a more positive note, some of the humor was enjoyable, the acting was serviceable -- a bit too broad for my tastes, but in keeping with the type of film it is. The production quality was impressive, considering the small budgets that most independent Christian films possess.

I think that this movie might go over very well with an audience much younger than myself: People who (like me) enjoy science fiction but who (unlike me) are still inexperienced enough with movies and with life in general that they need to have things painted with a very broad brush. I am guessing that twelve years old or so would be the perfect age: The viewer would need to be old enough to understand the concepts of time travel and alternate timelines, but young enough to appreciate the schmaltz for what it is and possibly need to have the fundamental concepts of time travel (such as alternate timelines and the ethical dilemmas) explained in detail. I would have put the ideal age as being a couple of years younger, but the movie contains some violence that would not be appropriate for a younger audience. Examples of violence include beheadings and people being shot. (The film-makers do take care to avoid showing blood or gore, but the scenes might nevertheless give children nightmares.) If you are a parent of a pre-teen or young teen, I would encourage you to vet the film first to determine your thoughts on it before possibly having your child(ren) see it. And if you do watch it as a family, be prepared to discuss the film with them.

As I said before, I really wanted to like this movie. I had high hopes for a science fiction movie that did not look down on non-atheists. And knowing that I would be paid to write a review made me want to be able to write a glowing one. As it is, all I can say is that while there were parts of the film I did enjoy, it is not a film that I could whole-heartedly recommend.
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Don't bother....
ronpetrabooden-561469 September 2021
What a idiotic movie I've just seen. Not worth 1 star. Terrible.
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Imagine a high school play but much much longer
pirateyarrrr8 August 2021
If this film won any awards for script, then awards need to be stopped altogether until awards are no longer given for scripts like this. I can't imagine a script being worse. Did I mention the script was awful?

If this were grade school and the film was a grade 3 play, the acting would be considered acceptable. Since these are adults, well, the acting was un-good.

I hadn't seen such a pandering, cringeworthy film in decades. It tries so hard, so often, to be taken seriously. Sometimes it fails hilariously, sometimes it fails with deep cringe. The point is that it fails.

I do wish the cast all the best - but recommend that they take greater care in not anchoring their names to this giant mistake. This film will never attain "so awful it's funny" status. There will be no cult following. I can't imagine what would have to happen to society for this to happen.
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Super Hilarious
alexandre_silsan19 July 2021
I can't stop laughing about the story line and the actors and I really don't need smoke for that ... I am still in the looping of the time to still understand this movie!! Low budget and bad scenarios!! I can wait to enjoy this with my friends higher lol.
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not good
mikenimo-8779524 June 2021
Not well scripted and the effects were not great. I would save your money and go for a walk outside.
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Bad to the point of being insulting
luimlask5 February 2022
It's been a while since a movie insulted me so much by robbing me of my time without entertaining in the slightest. It begins with a literal record-scratching "this is me" moment. It proceeds by literally telling us everything it couldn't show us about the characters, because the director and writer is unable to build any depth out of anything - characters are presented by the MC in one or two badly written phrases, building off common stereotypes. It builds on a convoluted story wide as a lake and deep as a pond, constantly breaks suspension of disbelief, is extremely insensitive of non western cultures to the point of trying to sell its absolute bad taste as "ooooh controversial movie", uses ridiculous premises that are unintentional comedy (such as the guy that goes back in time and kills Jesus because his family died in a car accident), has absolutely no idea about the science it tries to build a story on, the list goes on. It's also a Christian movie, and it doesn't tell you that - which explains a little of how weird it feels, but just a little. It's pure limp cheap energy from some forgotten awfulness from the dark age of cinema. The cherry on the cake is it throwing away any chance at quality and depth by trying to have messages and morals - Christians, man -, as if I were an ancient Greek peasant trying to understand basic ethics from bedtime stories. I'm not, and this is insulting.

The aggressive marketing campaign is pathetic. The many blog posts written on request or by the creators themselves are pathetic.

The movie opens up, ironically, with a list of awards it received, which is why I watched it in the first place. There are many hidden gems out there. Or so I thought - if this piece of absolute waste of spacetime rounded up so many awards, either we have a LOT of prizes to go around, or we are absolutely out of good movies.

It is, however, consistent - if you want to have a literal bullet list if everything that makes a movie bad, this is it.
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Embarassingly bad. Would rate a 0.3 if allowed.
Arussuron22 August 2021
If you are a fan of Christian mythology there are far better options out there than this garbage.

The idea that science or science fiction is associated in any way with this film is ridiculous.
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Calantro is better than this movie
dvddog-1252328 July 2021
This movie was horrible the acting was horrible everything about it was horrible it was a train wreck I was waiting for Kurt Cameron to show his like head But he had in fact had nothing to do with this.
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Nonsense and bad acting
herkansje3 January 2022
Don't waist your time, like I did. Just bad movie and bad acting. Timetravels idea worse used ever. Timetravels and believers.... Gesusss... 150characters about this movie? No!
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Great Entertainment and Completely Different
bradkeller12324 June 2021
Don't believe the early negative reviews coming in. Most are from an oversea hate group that never even watched the movie. They just assume that because Extremists are trying to kill Jesus before the resurrection, that the movie hates on Muslims. It does not. It even defends Muslims. Many of these hateful reviews were placed on this site before the movie was even released.

Anyway, I'm the Writer and Director and I can tell you there is nothing like this movie. It is not hate filled or racists. In fact, it has a strong message of love and forgiveness. But more than that the movie is a fun ride.

The film screenplay won more than 60 first place finishes in film festivals worldwide. We would have loved to have some big names as our main actors, but we only had a shoestring budget. But the actors we found, knocked it out of the park. You will cry and laugh during the movie.

I hope you enjoy the movie for what it is. An entertaining, sci-fi, time travel, faith-based, adventure. Where else can you find anything like that?
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Honestly a pretty unique story
crash1228 June 2021
This movie is fairly low budget and the writing isn't outstanding, but the story is creative and unique. If you go in with low, amateur film expectations, you will likely be pleasantly surprised. In a time where there is more content created than can ever be consumed, it's nice to have something different from the normal stories.
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yrhkmhr24 February 2022
I love time travel stuff, so I thought, "why not"?

Initially, the acting was so wooden and the dialogue so juvenile that I was hoping it would be so bad it's good.

But it's not. It's just bad.

Couldn't finish it.
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adri_is_a_dino27 July 2021
I didn't know what i got myself into watching this movie but it was confusing, all over the place and very amateurish however the actors seemed to be into it which made it more bearable? I wouldn't recommend this movie for the weird christian/"extremist" war throughout the film.
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