"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" The Serene Squall (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Tell the writers where the Impulse engines are!
slarty-2399316 June 2022
So far I'm enjoying the series far more than the emotional cluster frack of STD & the complete let down of STP. Like the crew, but the writers or the visual FX guys need to know what part of the ship does what, the big tubes either side of the dish are for the WARP DRIVE! The glowy red things at the rear of the dish are the IMPULSE ENGINES. Hit what the order says please or just shoot the mess hall who cares it's pretty right!
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Definitely one of the weaker episodes so far
mars3750-511-85237517 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole person we thought was legitimate turns out to be the bad guy has been done so many times before.

Everyone on this show seems to be required to act stupid in order to ensure the bad gal gets her way, including not checking into her background more.

I didn't find the plot to be interesting even when you ignore the plot holes. Hopefully next episode is better.
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If you don't think this is Star Trek...
mshalk16 June 2022
This was a fine episode. Not the best. Not the worst. But another good installment of Strange New Worlds. For the predictable comments about "woke" this, or "not real Star Trek," or "If Gene Roddenberry were alive" I suspect you've never actually understood Star Trek at all. I suggest you start with the Star Trek (The Original Series) way back in 1966. When you get to the season 3 episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield," we'll talk again.
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One's sexuality is no substitute for having a required skill
UNOhwen20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Speaking as someone who is gay, and had never had a problem with it, I found this episode - which I was initially (first ten, or so minutes) was enjoying.

Yes, I could even tell the person playing Dr Aspen want a biological woman - big deal.

But, when this person uses nothing but very tired schtick for attention , it quickly bored and annoyed me.

This person's acting is nothing more than silent many people are familiar with; sitting around with someone who's watched way too many Joan Crawford films (not as a compliment).

Am actor's am actor's am actor, and by this I mean sexism persuasion has nothing to do with one's ability, but; to make it their sole 'talent'is ridiculous.

I can name many actors - male, and female -who are not straight, but have talent, and one's sexuality is not something which should be relevant in any job, least of all acting, where one's supposed to become someone else.

When this 'actor' finally (sorry for the pun) came out as this episode's villain, the nightclub quren schtick got very tired very fast.

I gave up.

I know everything takes time to settle down, and one day casting directors will wake up and realise they need an actor - not a gimmick.

This person's nothing more, and I'm willing to bet; after a few more appearances in the media, they'll disappear.
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Thoroughly enjoyable!
dawsonc-5316116 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series just keeps on getting better and better. Being a TOS fan since the early 70's I didn't think I would like this new incarnation, but it's growing on me. This was a clever episode (SPOILER)

with a real twist at the end that brings in a controversial character we saw in one of the TOS films. It was a real surprise! Really looking forward to what they do next. And it looks like there is a new charismatic villain I hope we see again.
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This show works miracles
zvfp16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thai episode starts out merely okay and ramps up in enjoyability, becoming a pleasant romp with a kicker ending.

An ending which re-canonizes the worst part of Star Trek V: Spock's half-brother, Sybok. In The Final Frintier, Sybok is just another kind of stupid element in the kind of stupid movie. Here, his reveal actually produces a thrill and a promise of menace.

So far, Strange New Worlds has managed to mix callbacks to previous Trek (without undue nostalgia) and new ideas into a refreshing blend, and it's that success rate that makes Sybok exciting. Will the storyline to come fulfill this expectation? It's impossible to say for sure, but this series has been knocking or out of the park- for the most part. The rest of this episode isn't a strike, but it's a good base-hit. Maybe even a double.

Still the best Trek show currently on TV.
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Dr. Aspen with Spock question not necessary.
sweetpqtee26 July 2022
Why are most shows/movie with a transgender person on it always have to question someone that they may not be, (in this case), Vulcan or human. Why can't the transgender person or lgbtq just play a regular role without the intention to formally or not formal have implementations of their personal sexuality. I do not see this necessary. I am pro any lgbtq and personally a child, now adult, transgender. I just don't see why it is questionable only from a lgbtq and not any other character... they could of had the role of questioning this in episode 7.
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Another great episode
fhazduzj16 June 2022
I really loved this episode. Had some funny moments in it and kept me engaged throughout.

I don't get all the complaining about woke and "Gene would be spinning in his grave". I think he would have loved this episode. Felt very TOS.
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Weird and preachy
That_Random_Engineer17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As much as i love Anson Mount and Number One, the episode feels weird. The villan of the episode does not have a single scene without preaching about identity and self discovery. While the topics are relevant to Spock, this is not a way to explore them. This comes off as cheap and demeaning. Star Trek has always been progressive, but it has been more intellegent about it. These topics are usually explores through experiences and metaphors. Not litterally shuved in your face like a social studies lecture or a steict talking to by your parents. I love everything else about the show, and with very few exceptions the season has beem great so far. We do however need the writers to dial it down. Pushing political views is fine, but at least make an effort to make it seem like the entire show simply exists entirely to do so. Tell good stories first, and infuse them with the themes you are looking for. Not the other way around ...
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Again I enjoyed it, but different.
warjo261116 June 2022
Good writing, I like we're learning more about Spoke, the Pike isn't sooo tight, and love originality in introducing of characters hey it's a big galaxy.
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Can't all be winners I guess...
Bjr022216 June 2022
This show has been a revelation compared to Discovery & Picard. I guess they can't all be great.. the acting from the main villain in this was very, very BAD.
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Fun episode with characters building relationships...
Lefthandblack1172516 June 2022
And by building relationships, I mean with each other and the audience; this are characters we are growing to care about who care about each other. This is the type of episode, while light on deep plot, lays the emotional groundwork for the big moments that lay in the future. Kietel is an excellent, swaggering villain and I hope they return.

Take the actual critical reviews to heart; they have merit.

Ignore any that include the word "woke" or speak of the fact that this episode explores sexuality and identities; even if they start by saying "I'm a long time fan", they clearly don't get it anymore.

Good characters. Fun.
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Guilty pleasure episode
snoozejonc12 July 2023
Enterprise is captured by pirates.

The story is undoubtedly silly, but I think it has a number of entertaining scenes. The premise of the Enterprise takeover is shaky, like many similar Star Trek stories done before it. There is no suspense, as we know the fate of all characters we care about, and the main twist is predictable from very early on.

For me though, it still works because most character moments are fun and likeable. Pike's goofy mutiny strategy and Spock's shenanigans with Nurse Chapel, although incredibly contrived, make me smile nonetheless. The usual themes are employed by the writers for Spock's dual identity and they work well. I also like his meltdown when he has to make a logic-free decision.

I think if you suspend the disbelief liberally it helps the plot unfold well. If you find certain events too much of a stretch, the entire episode might feel like time you'll never get back. Judging by the level of distain from other reviewers it did not go down well, but I personally do not take the plot details of fictional television seriously enough to be that bothered.

All actors are on good form in my opinion. One for me received harsh criticism, unnecessarily. I think this individual does a good job with the material and appropriately chews the scenery in a manner that plenty of Trek baddies have done before.
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Frustrating Episode
Hammer-Rocks1 August 2022
This episode was so frustrating to watch. Considering the Enterprise is the flagship of the Federation, it was so easy for pirates to take over control of it. This is like Somali pirates taking over a US Navy destroyer, let alone a flagship, an aircraft carrier.

Aren't any of the Enterprise crew trained in firearms or arm-to-arm combat? It just makes the crew look incompetent, and/or the Federation starship's operational procedures inadequate or substandard at best. Shouldn't there any internal security protocols in place for such an eventuality? Perhaps have an automatic instant containment shield engulf anything/anyone beaming unauthorised onto the ship, thus preventing these types of scenarios.
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Was good!
alexandermalic17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Real Trekkies will know that the show itself has always gone boldly where no one has gone before. Same applies to the transgender villain in this episode. I have to admit that I was slightly distracted by it at first, simply because I am not used to seeing transgender people so prominently on screen. But it made me think and I reminded myself that the original show had the first black woman in a leading role which was controversial for it's time.

That being said, I gave it only an 8 because of the plot which could have been better.
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Taking over the ship easypeasy, mutiny/cooking side plot and a fabulous villain
sumtim3s00n16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It seems its a walk in the park to overcome security on a STATE OF THE ART federation ship. Fine, incapacitated the ship, inside help or sth. But once first officer says lockdown why doesnt anything change ? Remember the security force fields on EVERY ST ship ever. Remember numerous security options, locking doors, putting up barriers,LOCKING TURBOLIFTS, if needed sucking out oxygen etc...

Here they just waltz in with guns and everyone starts fighting like in a local dive bar. How convenient their inside help ,still not sure man or woman, was it seems one of the best system hackers in the whole known universe who no problem hacked the most advanced ship humans ever produced. I see no other explanation.

Also we have again bridge crew talking like high schoolers, "kaboom", "blind date","listen to gut" (directed at Spock naturally for later forced lame introspection) and acting anything but a professional crew.

Again we have someone with past personal trauma regarding the problem and they know the insights as in every episode so far.

Most episode again is not focused on sci.fi foundations and again using super cheap 20th century locations like downtown warehouse for off-ship mission, adding a little sci-fi prop here and there

Captain Pike again different than in his Disco episodes, trying to be quirky, funny and mischevious instead of professional. And again using some tactics from the past.

This show is so badly writen by unimaginative people who have no passion for ST.
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A really good episode
sacaldwell19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has brought out some extreme emotions from lots of reviewers, and that's okay. This series takes its cues from the original Star Trek, which I loved and still love. Part of the fun of TOS was not every episode was whiz-bang, knock it out the park great. Some of the episodes were just fun. This particular episode had a lot of that and brought up some major plot lines that definitely need exploring.

I loved the episode, especially the focus on fan favorite Mr. Spock. His is one of the most interesting characters, and T'Pring ambushing him with 20th Century novels that explore different modes of sexuality was funny. Spock's identity as a larger metaphorical question was certainly interesting. And I liked seeing Nurse Chapel being scrappy and smart in dealing with the pirates. TOS always had hints of chemistry between Spock and Chapel and the previous episodes have been building up to some kind of display of affection between them. I look forward to exploring the relationship further. Of course, Ethan Peck and Jess Bush are so good in their parts. It's a delight to watch them.

The character of Captain Angel is brilliant and a bit over the top. I had no idea who the actor was, and to me at least, it really does not matter. The character was well played and their motive, to free their lover, doesn't seem too remote especially considering we are talking about Sybok, a zealot, the Cain to Spock's Abel. Will the see Capt. Angel and Sybok in season two? Fingers crossed.
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This is the first episode I've been disappointed in parts of
txriverotter3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The guest star this week that plays the captain of the Serene Squall, is not a very good actress or she just couldn't connect because her lines were cheesy and pretty awful, especially after the reveal. She's supposed to be the leader of this super badass band of pirates, but acts like a petulant, snotty teenage brat. There are so many great actresses they could've gotten for that part, that could've given that part the sarcastibitch badass competency it needed.

The rest of the episode was excellent, and up to the standards of the series so far, but I had to knock off three stars for the parts from where she reveals herself to where she transports off the Enterprise, leaving the rest of her crew to be taken into custody.

Incidentally, Star Trek sure loves their implausible story lines. An unarmed nurse takes out like eight pirates, while the bridge crew can't seem to shoot a single pirate, and all get taken hostage, leaving the Enterpise in the pirate's hands.
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A modern twist on classic Trek storytelling
crawlerette9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
S/o to all the whiners in here being mad about trans people existing, get a grip.

I found the episode to be pretty great from start to finish both on its own and as allegories for Star Trek's usual plotlines. Spock relating to Angel about his "human or vulcan" struggles. It's been interesting to see a flip of Spock's TOS arc where he had more fervently embraced his vulcan heritage and how SNW is leading up to him choosing to do that before eventually embracing his identity that is (say it with me!) not binary between his two parent species.

Angel as a villain was campy. Over the top? Sometimes maybe but honestly when was Gul Dukat ever not campy, or Q, or Mudd, or any other random guy I could probably name from any show. Star Trek villains ARE CAMPY, because Star Trek IS CAMPY. So Angel played this into perfection as someone who was reveling in their victory over the flagship of the Enterprise in order to further their own goals.

And the takeover of the Enterprise is not the main conflict of this episode so I was never bothered by how "easy" it was to take over (again something that has happened repeatedly to literally every ship/station in every show this is not unique). The main conflict of the episode IS Spock's arc so it makes sense that it has lower emotional stakes than the ship's takeover. Begging people at this point to learn some critical thinking.

All in all, I enjoyed it. It felt like an episode that could've easily happened in any other show as an ongoing exploration of a character's arc as well as some good old fashioned campy pirate nonsense.
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Episode 7
bobcobb30117 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely cannot stand Jesse James Keitel so she was distracting in all the worst ways in this episode, but I won't let that bring down my enjoyment for tonight's broadcast which was actually quite fine. When this show digs deep with Spock and has him encounter the absurdities of the situation and the complexities of life, that is Star Trek at its truest essence and we saw that here. He had to use wits and trickery, two tools that do not come easy for those unfamiliar with.

An enjoyable episode here and if only every week was like this then this show might have a chance of getting a little buzz around it.
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Best villain yet
squallsrapture16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So we are all VERY clear..

We all know when you insult their acting you're just saying "I don't like this person because I don't like who or what they are" it's no different than Reva in Kenobi.

When in fact she was the embodiment of the mustache twirling villains of the 60s. Top marks.
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Good but could have used better logical sequence
jseph1234-262-61748814 July 2022
I have to admit that I did do a bit a raging at my screen due to the way things progress in this episode. I felt that Enterprise Crew was a bit "Rail-Roaded" in the way that circumstances unfolded by the writers and that is not creative way to present a plot nor outcomes.
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The Best Recreation of a TOS!
yadaboy17 June 2022
SNW has been kinda hit or miss for me so far, but I confess I just love this episode, as it draws so deeply into the core of what Gene tried to present in those first episodes. I know many will dismiss this episode as trivial, but it's got heart, baby! It's got the original heart!
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The Serene Squall
Prismark1018 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the episode but later thinking about it. I sense there were issues that might not be logical.

The Enterprise go on a rescue mission, knowing there are space pirates about and Pike does not realise that it could be a trap.

The Enterprise was overcome so easily by a ragtag bunch and no one sensed who could be the actual leader.

Not even Spock could sense that here was a person who just knew a little too much about him. The conflict between hus human and Vulcan side.

It was still fun, deliberately trying to be old school but as I have said before, it should not slavishly follow the original series formula slavishly.

I do think when Spock has a family singalong. It will be, We Don't Talk About Sybok.
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An episode's worth of whiplash there
wyldemusick12 September 2022
It could have been a goofy fun episode end to end, but halfway through "Dr. Aspen" turns into a moustache-twirling gurning and laughing twit of a villain. Worse yet, the story makes little sense -if they're capable of taking down the Enterprise, they can yoink an internee out of a Vulcan rehab colony with far less chance of encountered Chris Pike's awesome hair and cooking skills. At the same time, what *are* these pirates? The Orion boss is a green teddy bear with the brain of an orange cat, the crew is a disaffected lot who haven't had a good meal in forever, and they seem like the gang who couldn't shoot straight - they're as threatening as a bowl of Spaghetti-Os. Then, for good measure, they retcon things - Sybok is no longer the product of a full Vulcan union, but now the Vulcan equivalent of a bastard. And Spock gets awfully chatty about that brother when talking to Chapel, when the information has to be dragged out of him in Star Trek V: The One We Don't Talk About.
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