Spiderhole (2010) Poster


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The Unamazing Spiderhole
DanielKing17 February 2012
An implausible yet intriguing set up is fatally undermined by a terrible script and plot holes you could drive a stolen VW van through.

Because the actors have no decent lines they all resort to shouting and gurning, which the director allows them to do. Presumably because he was trying to deflect attention away from the absurd plot developments which spoil what could have been a decent British attempt at the torture porn genre.

If that's what floats your boat then you might still get something out of it. Personally, I prefer my horror to be frightening as opposed to merely repellent.
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Simple set-up
kosmasp31 December 2010
Though the beginning seems very strong and I kinda hoped it would try and stay as focused throughout its course. Unfortunately it lost a bit of its drive. Which had not only to do with the fact, that it became predictable, but was also short on original ideas. And no one does not necessarily come hand in hand with the other. A movie can be predictable, but still have good ideas at hand.

This seemed to have lost its way after the first 10-15 minutes. The characters are drawn strong enough to at least care for them. But they are not really portrayed that good enough, to elevate the movie above its central idea. Good intentions, but the script could have done with a bit of re-work ...
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Sometimes, exposition is a GOOD thing...
oldkingsol30 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The tension and gore were enjoyable enough, but the ending just left me feeling, "WTF?" Perhaps the version I'd seen was "incomplete"? I dunno', but I had -no- idea what the ending was supposed to mean - and with that, let me state before I get into it that in this review, I -am- giving it away, such as it is, so don't read on if you still plan to see this claptrap.

To think that some mutilated cannibal girl could so easily and completely overpower and obliterate a relatively young and healthy art student with no apparent health problems or major blood loss - it stretches the limits of even B-grade horror. It just made no sense whatsoever. And you can tell pretty much from the first few seconds of the film that you would be encountering the missing girl at some point. You knew right away who the "2 or 3 sets of clothes" had belonged to the moment they were found.

The experience of the movie itself was enjoyable enough, but if you like your movies to make sense, the ending of this one just totally ruins it. Great watch if you don't care about that, though. Decent enough acting (not the best on all fronts, but not the worst, either), decent enough gore and such - just not the best plot resolution I've seen.
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simply horrible
gozonuts7 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The director and writer are one in the same - Daniel Simpson, shame on you! You borrowed clichés from other bad horror movies and put them the worst of them in this pile of #$%^ that would be alright as a student project in high school. You are presumably not a teenager. This particular scene ticked me off to no end : antagonist beat the heck out of the maniac only to find out that it is their friend they kill. I mean they beat the living bejesus out of him with a nail studded 2X4 and about 50 blows. When the antagonist does finally manage to immobilize the maniac, she gingerly pops him over the head and runs off like an silly cow, despite her friends lying in pieces all over the joint. She of course gets caught and killed. This kind of lame writing is physically painful and just insulting to the viewer, as it shows the writer/director is either uninspired and lazy or contemptuous of the viewer, or both. What sense does it make for the maniac to mutilate people simply because his father was killed in some horrible event in WW11? Who the hell wasn't involved in a horrible event then? The entire bloody war was horrible. This was just a lousy excuse for a movie and it all falls on Simpson's head; the actors weren't bad but what could they do with this script?
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Spider-whole of garbage
twomansoloband26 October 2010
I'm not much of a horror film fan, as they tend not to frighten me in the least (is it wrong to expect to be frightened?). But this was a disaster. After convincing (dragging, may be a more appropriate word) my extremely scare-able friend to watch a horror film in the independent cinema with me, I was devastated when to find her laughing more at the film than I was. That film was Spiderhole.

Of course I have taken into account the low budget, the inexperienced cast, etc.. But that is not where the problems lie in this film. I had no problem with the actors (save one), the cinematography was fine, good, in fact. The problem was that it just plain wasn't scary. Problem number two was that the script was poor. And number three; the plot was AWFUL. It was like it took random excerpts from umpteen horror films and just stuck them together in one big incomprehensible mess.

I try not to slate films as I ask myself, with my inexperience, could I do better? Well... this time the answer is a crystal clear yes.
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Awful. Not even the good kind of awful.
ravenheart944 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out with a news report about an unsolved case of a missing little girl who disappeared many years ago.

A bunch of grungy, homeless art students in England decide to take refuge in a (seemingly) abandoned house at night. They discover scratch marks (indicating a past escape attempt) and bloodstained clothes. Yet they still choose to stay in the house.Smart move. They wake up the next day with all the windows boarded up and barred with steel. They come across a key & hidden holes in the wall.

Main victims/deaths. I don't remember their names so I just gave them nicknames: Grungemaster (gets his eye cut out and is unintentionally beaten to death by BKS and SBG),British equivalent of Kristen Stewart (ends up being the last girl and cannibalized), Bitchy Grunge Chick (gets her legs sawed off), and sniveling blonde guy with bad teeth (gets his hand cutoff).

Long story short, the house is secretly inhabited by this creepy old guy. Creepy Old Guy has a lot of medical equipment which he uses to torture, kill, and dismembers people for random body parts.(The motives behind this are hard to get and all the audience is given is that it has something to do with his father's experience as a soldier in WW2.) One by one everyone suffers some kind of torture and dies. The "last girl" out of the cast who was close to making an escape is eventually dragged by Creepy Old Guy into a dark, dingy room. A feral-looking young woman lurks in the corner, who then crawls over in an animalistic manner, and (it's implied) eats her alive. The shocking twist DUNDUNDUN is that the cannibal girl is the same one who was kidnapped and presumed dead for years, and that she was the one who had left the keys/tools for future captives to try and escape.

I wasn't expecting a whole lot since this is a horror movie, but they could have tried harder. It's very low budget and the acting isn't very good. This could have been a little better if they put as much effort into the story, production, and the acting as they did into the "shock" factor.
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Save your time by staying away!!!
sugandhmishra4 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Same old concept and story with new name, a doctor killing everyone, cutting leg, hands etc. for no reason. In the starting i thought it might be good movie to watch as it had 4.5 rating on IMDb, so i decided to watch. As the movie moves a bit it started getting dull and lazy. Throughout the movie i was expecting that may be now it will take a good turn or surprise me with some good effects, but i suddenly discovered that the movie ended. You can say a very bad remake of Autopsy. Acting is fine, i give 4 out of 10. Direction is so so, i give 2.5 out of 10. Story is ------, so i give 1 out of 10. Please stay away from it. I don't even wanted to give 1 to this movie. The worst part of the movie is its ending. Watch it only if you had nothing to do, and you got no other option of entertainment.
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Starts off promising but lost its way
chrisdoland25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first 20 minutes really grabbed me and had my attention. It was a captivating beginning and it showed a lot of promise. I thought the film was going to be a supernatural movie, but ended up being a torture slasher. It did a good job of not showing its hand.

Where the film started off promising quickly tapered off into a cliché torture film. Unrealistic actions and characters doing dumb stuff. This could have been a better movie but it succumbed to silly tropes of the sub-genre.
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tribaltrak-5826228 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not one steenkin' spider in the whole movie!! It's a steenkin' scooby doo but without the unmasking at the end or scoob who would be awesome in this!
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Believe it or not scary.
michaelRokeefe31 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Molly(Emma Griffiths Malin) and three of her friends set out to test their squatter's rights. The four London art students looking for a cheap thrill search for the perfect abandon building to squat. They come across a huge empty house that appears it is ripe to serve their purpose. Molly with Toby, Luke and Zoe break in and quickly start setting up a temporary home. Molly and Zoe are as attractive as the guys are annoying. Sleeping off their exhaustion the foursome realize they're sharing the house with something or someone on the upper floors. It will not take long for things to get very frightful, when they realize all access out is locked and boarded up. Something very evil will enjoy the trespassers. Obviously a very low-budget film, but does not lack violence and gore. Tension builds and the atmosphere gradually gets scarier. A real good choice to watch on a rainy, stormy night. I enjoyed; you need to give it a chance. Also in the cast: Reuben-Henry Biggs, George Maquire, John Regan and a very fetching Amy Noble.
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Ugh! Another failed attempt
africe17 August 2020
Seriously, what the heck is happening to horror. I know this is 10 years old but really, how bad is this? Terrible!!! The stupidity of people in these films is ridiculous. Most of them deserve what happens lol. If I hit some maniac that was trying to kill me, I sure as hell won't stop at 1 hit. I'd plow that guy until his head was split in two. Come on writers, lets put some thought in these attempts
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Stoner squatter thieves search for and find their own damnation.
suite9230 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Four homeless art students squat in a supposedly abandoned London house.

Things go well for a while. The windows and doors look covered with old boards, which should be no problem to break into. The place has been abandoned for a number of years, and not everything works right at first. They discover some old clothes with fresh blood on them. That does not seem to set off their sense of danger.

The next morning, joy turns to despair quickly enough. The windows covered with boards had solid metal beneath the boards; the back door was the same. The front door, which Toby so carefully broke into and re-engineered the previous night, has been bolted down with solid metal. Toby's tool box has gone missing, as has every cell phone they had. They try to get the attention of the police outside who are looking over there 'borrowed' van. Hm. The cops cannot hear them.

The captor gasses them, then takes Toby away. The rest look for him, but have little success at first. Their captor ties up Zoe as well, then the torture segment starts.

Luke and Molly think they have the drop on their captor. They end up killing Toby instead. Then the captor gasses them. He saws off Zoe's lower legs, then turns his attention to Luke and Molly.

Molly manages to get free, and strikes her captor with an iron rod, but only once. She leaves that to chance. Molly finds what is left of Luke, then tries to find an exit, now that she has a set of keys. She also finds the captor's back-story which tells partially why he keeps repeating all the torture.

Does Molly make it out alive?


Cinematography: 10/10 Love the 2.35 aspect ratio. This picture starts out beautifully on the visuals, and continues that way.

Sound: 10/10 Creepy, good tracks, well chosen and recorded.

Acting: 5/10 Could have been a lot better.

Screenplay: 8/10 Tells a story, and does it fairly well.
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Crackling Fire!!
lizzybruck22 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was initially drawn in by the trailer and it was all downhill from there. I missed the first half of the films dialogue because this movie Literally had the Worst Sound Ever!! The crackling fire even managed to drown out the voices! I tried adjusting every sound aspect of my TV and even switched from surround sound to normal TV volume to no avail...finally I put on the subtitles and realized I wasn't really missing anything relevant anyway. To be honest, it was more interesting during the first half of the film making up my own dialogue for the movie. So, these 2 young artist couples decide its a good idea to break in to an apparent abandon house somewhere in England to become artistic squatters. They have a good first night drinking, frolicking and lighting as many candles as humanly possible before they call it a night. I might be a bit, or a lot, off on this synopsis because I couldn't hear a damn word they said during this part but I think I got the gist of it. Apparently, while they were asleep, a nazi/doctor/psychopath old dude cut the annoying girls leg and caused the pretty girl to be violently ill...he also found the time and strength (This guy is pushing 80) to weld the metal door shut, barricade the entire house and go through all of their belongings for their phones while the slept peacefully beside that Extremely Noisy fire! When they wake up and discover they are trapped, psycho doctor leaves them enough tools to build weapons and generally screws with them by leaving out other useful items, like bandages and sewing stuff to patch up the damage he created on that one chicks leg...I'm assuming this was to give them hope?? I seriously didn't know because this was still pre-subtitles in my viewing experience...one by one psycho-doc takes each of them away. The first dude, the only semi-smart, useful person there with a Justin Beiber haircut, got to have a nice drug induced sleep on a cot before Doc decided to cut one of his eyes out...Doc then sends him out into the hall where he gets bludgeoned to death by pretty girl and a Draco Malfoy lookalike because Doc put him in the same white hazmat suit he was wearing. Why didn't Bieber shout out to his friends?!? His Eye was taken out, not his tongue!! Second to be taken was the annoying chick...he sawed her legs off and apparently left her to bleed out. Next came Draco but we don't get to see him being killed, only his lifeless body on a table later on minus a hand... The climax comes with the prettiest, but obviously not smartest girl left. She manages to trick the doc into falling through some stairs and then bonks him on the noggin before stealing his keys to run off and find an exit. I HATE movies that do this!!! I don't know about you, but if a psycho-doc just murdered 3 of my friends and was trapped in the stairs I would make good and sure that he was Dead before I went in search of an exit! For that alone she deserved to be eaten by Daisy. To sum up...terrible movie, not bad acting (from what I saw, not heard), and the absolute Worst sound in a film ever.
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Simpson's debut packs enough originality
amesmonde23 March 2011
Four London Art Students squat in a derelict house to save money with the intention to live-free in a meaningful, creative and partying student lifestyle environment. However, they find themselves trapped inside a large house and their unlawful entry may come at a price, possibly their lives.

Daniel Simpson's director / writer feature film debut is an exciting offering of a well-crafted film with an effective and expensive looking production design. The lighting is excellent, creating a dark and ominous atmosphere in the confinement of the empty building. He throws in enough camera angles, movement and cuts though-out to prevent events ever becoming static.

Spiderhole begins customary enough with a carefree student Molly having a check-up at the doctors on a sunny London's day, but once she meets her three friends to go on a squatting adventure of free spirited living things take a turn for the worse and it becomes a claustrophobic nightmare.

Simpson sets-up the perfect intro for a haunted house thriller, shadowy corridors, locked doors, complete with bangs and bumps. You almost feel you're in for a rework of 1962 The Haunting. Nevertheless, as the supernatural element is dispensed with and the 'torture porn' element begins with plenty of blood, mind-games and grime to get Saw-esque fans jumping in their seats. Executed with some excellent practical and realistic looking effects and blood.

Although the characters are thrust into the horror very quickly the Brit slang dialogue is naturalistic enough to keep the tension on track. George Maguire's performance as the edgy sculpture lover is notable and Molly character is written logically and cleverer than most heroines of this genre and is wonderfully played by Emma Griffiths Malin. Both Amy Noble and Reuben-Henry Biggs are more than adequate in the supporting roles and a nod goes to John Regan's subtle performance as The Captor.

Jason Cooper & Oliver Krauss score and the sound design is pounding, nauseating which fittingly adds to the on screen action, touching nerves and senses, evocative of the feelings stirred by Marco Beltrami & Marilyn Manson's RE (2002) score.

Some plot and style elements are reminiscent of Creep, The Collector, Severance, REC, Catacombs, Hostel and Saw 2 to name a few, however, there's enough originality, mystery, twists and a surprise ending to satisfy the casual horror viewer. Overall, if you enjoy blood, torture and captivity Spiderhole is made for you.
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I will never think of waiting rooms the same way ever again.
nomorefog26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Emma Griffiths Malin and Amy Noble are quite good in this horror/torture thingy that doesn't quite understand what it wants to be when it grows up. The plot is hamfisted even for a low budget horror, but the production design and musical score seem to be the product of a great deal of thought which is welcome. Unfortunately every move the characters make have the audience thinking "why would you do something as silly as that", which does give you an idea about the poorly paced plot, and the tacked on and terribly unbelievable ending. The suspense of who was doing this to these kids and why drags on far too long, and the ending really doesn't tell you anything. Except for the two final girls, I cannot imagine anyone sitting through this more than one time. I thought it was going to be a supernatural movie, and got a shock when it turned out to be torture which I prefer to avoid. It's only a 4/10 for me, and watch out for the waiting room.
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gavin69421 November 2014
They say squatting is dead - a term that takes on a sinister double meaning when four homeless art students decide to take up residence in an abandoned London House where a hidden terror lurks.

Right from the start, we get a creepy opening shot and great use of dark, disturbing imagery. Viewers might expect this level of creepiness to continue and for this to be a particularly disturbing film. But viewers would be mistaken, as it does not continue beyond the first five minutes.

Instead, we get some imprisonment and torture, which could have been done without. An abandoned house is a better place for a good, classic haunting, not a weird, underground mad scientist theme. What a poor choice.
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