Hounded (2022) Poster


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Everyone's in a good mood
olcayozfirat12 January 2023
British thriller, produced in 2022, with the main theme of manhunt. One of the most common topics. A group breaks into a house for theft and is caught. Then they become the prey of hunters. Although it is not such a high-quality, high-tension movie, it is watched. It is not difficult to predict who will survive, which hunter will die first, and other events within the film. In these, just like in Hollywood movies, jokes can be made 2 minutes later, even if there is a deceased sibling or relative. The ending was not what I expected.

All the characters are repulsive. The most innocent is the first to be sacrificed.

There is no sex or nudity in the movie.
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Quite interesting actually
milan_kovacevic-0431 October 2022
Well, at first after seeing it has only 4.7/10 I did not expect much. I actually thought it might be one of those movies you stop watching after first 15 minutes of it....however I was in for a quite surprise :) It has huuuge potential and great general primesse. It was shot nicely, some interesting scenec and concepts. Samantha Bond is just brilliant. Now, the plot and the screenplay do suffer from cliches and obvious expectations, hence I almost gave it 7/10 if there weren't for such a messy third act. In all generalsenes I would enjoy a sequel. Anyhow, nice little indie film. Do give it a watch and don't let such a low ratings turn you away from it. Cheers.
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I need keys!!!
jimbo-53-1865113 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A gang of thieves pick the wrong house to rob and are unwittingly overthrown by the home's owners. They are tasered and transported to a field in the middle of nowhere. They are released by their captors and think that their ordeal is over...little do they know that it's only just beginning....

Despite this film's measly rating I'm going to go on record and state that I actually enjoyed this film for the most part... it was entertaining, short, well-paced and the more the film progressed the more of a power struggle ensued which I liked to see. However, part of me can see why the film is rated quite low on IMDB which, I think it's safe to assume is down to some of the dumbass writing.

Much later in the film it's established that Larry Lamb is in cohoots with Samantha Bond and is setting these thieves up. OK fair enough, but then why does Charlie have to break into the van before they get the ball rolling? Also when he starts the van up it sounds like he's just turning the key suggesting the key was inside the van? Hmmm seems like a good idea to leave a key in the ignition of a vehicle on a lovely neighbourhood as depicted in this film.

So the one chance the thieves have at getting an advantage in the film is when Vix plays possum drawing out the weird barely comprehensible dude. Yet despite this guy being unarmed and there being 3 of them (one armed with a baseball bat) they choose to run?? As opposed to say treble teaming him, beating his ass to a pulp and then I don't know getting the keys from him??????

My personal favourite though for sheer ineptitude is when the Eastern european guy (sorry forgot his name) says "I'll double back, follow tracks and meet you at the farm." Seriously? You think that a bunch of toffs with a bunch of highly trained sniffer dogs whom already have your scent wouldn't know that you had done this??? Let's get real here...

A few minutes later, he removes his tourniquet and discards it which apparently fools the dogs into thinking that they have found his scent. Dogs sense of smell (moreso dogs that are trained for this type of thing) is much more sophisticated than that; removing a tourniquet would not fool a dog and throw it off your scent they would still be able to pick your scent up even if you were in your birthday suit and even discounting body smell what about the tracks that the thieves are leaving everywhere? Even if the dogs somehow don't spot these tracks the highly trained tracker would.

One of the toffs has a perfect killshot, but gets distracted by cars coming round the corner? Seriously on his own family's land he is taken aback by cars coming round the corner I mean who did he expect it to be?

Larry Lamb has a shop full of priceless memorabilia, but doesn't use a shutter to protect his business? In 2022?

I found this film entertaining as I said at the start of my review, but it has more holes in it than swiss cheese which I felt obligated to point out. It's enjoyable when viewed in the right context.

DISHONOURABLE MENTION: James Lance's awful singing.

HONOURABLE MENTION: Chaz for using a perfectly timed and well executed Ghostbusters reference.
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Prime has the wrong name listed!
lindseyebranch28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At first I couldn't find the name of the movie in order to review it. Then I saw a picture of one of the sub characters and recognized it, the movie is called "Hounded"! Is it a translation of some sort? This movie is so bad that Amazon doesn't even care what the name of the movie is, how sad. Not sure if the acting was bad or if it was the script but both weren't pleasant. My rule is, I have to finish a movie in order to give it a review, and I was already committed after 15/20 minutes because I like the accents. If this was an American movie I would have turned it off in an instant. The plot I feel has been replayed multiple times. Do not waste your time. I gave it a 4 because the protagonist wins. And again, I like me an English accent :-)
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This kind of film doesn't work when set in the UK...
iamtherobotman20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So a botched robbery at an estate leads to our four 'naughty children' being hunted across the sprawling lands owned by the 'old posh bird'.

The film itself is OK, but doesn't work when set in the UK. At one point the 'smart' one of the bunch notices tyre tracks on the outside of a field they're running through and proudly announces that there 'must be a farm near by'... Too true there's a farm near by mucker, you've been running through fields (which are part of a farm/numerous farms) for the last couple of hours. It's practically a miracle they've never stumbled across a farm house during this whole time.

There's a moment just after they've been 'freed' where they'd just been covered in fox urine, they've realised it's urine, the 'posh bird' has dropped numerous non subtle hints about not wanting to kill them as it wouldn't be sporting, wished them luck and yet they didn't click that they'd be getting chased? I'm not trying to suggest that i'm a blinding genius, but if i was incapacitated by a bunch of toffs, covered in urine and dumped in a field in the middle of nowhere, i might click onto the fact that urine has a rather pungent odour, particularly to animals and come to a conclusion that i was being marked for reasons which would not be to my benefit.

Despite all of this, it wasn't a disaster of a film, it did have it's moments, though it was overall rather predictable.
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We've had cockneys Vs zombies, prepare for aristocrats Vs chavs.
Sleepin_Dragon13 January 2023
An attempted robbery of a grand family home goes wrong for four young thieves.

Firstly, it's nice to watch a film that has a ninety minute running time, they seem to be a rarity these days, the problem.....the last ninety minutes.

I liked the storyline of the movie, and I liked that it featured Samantha Bond and James Lance (even if I haven't fully recovered from his atrocious accent in The Canterville Ghost.) Both are a somewhat flat here unfortunately.

It's a story of revenge I guess, but it's just impossible to have sympathy with any of the characters, a set of thieves, or a set of vigilante aristocrats in riding gear. None of the characters feel real, they are caricatures and stereotypes.

It felt pretty cheaply made, I guess that it clearly didn't have much of a budget, but it's such an unimaginative production.

I don't think it's worthy of a 1 or 2 star rating, nor can I see anything to warrant it getting anything towards the higher end of the scale either, it's just too flawed.

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Wanting a sequel
simon-mackay18 February 2023
Is this film a master piece? Its not far off.

I genuinely didn't know what i was walking into when I started watching this. Had they the budget this would have REALLY worked as a TV Short. If they had a bigger budget again I think the whole premise has a market.

The concept is quite basic, the acting from the lead hunt woman is high quality! There was just something missing and I feel this was in the establishment of relating to the hunted.

I wish we had more time exploring the characters and getting attached to them prior to the set up. The film did try and the cinematography and audio landscaping carried us flawlessly through the adventure.

Give it a watch! :)
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One of those movies where everything felt like it needed to be taken a step further
kevin_robbins21 July 2023
Hounded (2022) is a UK addition to the horror genre that I recently watched on Prime. The storyline follows a group of robbers who decide to break into the wrong family's home in the English countryside. The family captures them and sets them loose on their countryside land to be hunted, fox hunting style. Can any of the robbers survive the hunt?

This movie is directed by Tommy Boulding, in his directorial debut, and stars Malachi Pullar-Latchman (Shark Bait), Samantha Bond (Die Another Day), James Lance (Bronson), Hannah Traylen (Boiling Point) and Katrina Syran (The Lady from the Sea).

This movie was actually set up pretty well with entertaining characters, intense circumstances and an authentic premise. The acting is actually pretty good and the brother relationship felt realistic. There's a rock wall scene to start the movie that was entertaining as is the use of a bear trap. I also appreciated the solid use of dogs. However, this is one of those movies where everything felt like it needed to be taken a step further. The kills were okay, but could have been more gory. The characters could have been more aggressive, which would have created more intensity. And the ending was solid, but not as dramatic as intended. The best part of the movie was the outfits, settings and outcomes of the villains.

Overall, this is another addition to the horror genre that's almost good, but needed to press the envelope a little further. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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searchanddestroy-118 January 2023
I don't know why, can't explain the reasons, but I would have supposed that movie was directed by Ben Wheatley, some kind of social horror British film, rather offbeat, with a strange but daring topic. Yes, Ben Wheatley, at least at his early career. I recognize here the British touch, so subtle, surprising, quite different from the Hollywood standards. Yes, very interesting B Uk film. It uses the home invasion scheme, very popular since one decade now, even more, with the delightful social touch, I repeat, very suntle, using for instance characters from the suburbs, instead of hardcore criminals. They use characters in which many audiences, those to whom this film is mostly destined, can recognize themselves. Of course any moviegoer will recognize here the MOST DANGEROUS GAME inspiration. Rich against poor people, with a very unusual ending, that's the main positive point of this film. And as in any horror movie, you can admire and appreciate a "cosy" countryside landscape, British, the THE AVENGERS series from the sixties charm. France could do such a film, with the same topic. French countryside.... In the fifties, Roy Boulting made RUN FOR THE SUN, more or less the same topic; now Tommy Boulding makes also more or less the same topic too. It could have been set, and it has already been, in a desert area, in New Mexico state surrounding, with a small town, a rotten sheriff, a cattle baron fond of hunting....
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Very interesting
totosbestmom12 July 2023
The movie itself is rather interesting (if you like this kind of movie, which I do) but the best thing about it is the actor Malachi Puller-Latchman. This young actor was required to show an enormous range of emotions and handles them well.

For some reason this movie is listed on here as hounded but on prime channels as Hunted. It's worth the watch and in a couple of places it does give some interesting twists and turns.

Also how is it that some people right short reviews? Whenever I try, it won't let me. If there's a trick please tell me about it (only have 32 characters to go) please? Thanks.
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Silly and Boring
Tattz_The_Bear6 November 2022
Basically a bunch of upper class twits chasing a crowd of hapless burglars around the Bedfordshire countryside.

Couldn't decide if it was meant to be scary, funny or just downright pathetic.

There were more holes in the plot than you could poke a stick at, the acting was hammy, the story line ridiculous and the camera work very ordinary.

It had the overall feel of a low budget children's movie made in the 1970's with a few expletives thrown in.

Everybody screams quite a lot and there is a lot of tomato sauce thrown around.

If you've got any jobs that need doing (eg. Cleaning the oven, mowing the lawn) I would suggest that your time would be far better utilized by doing them than sitting through approximately ninety minutes of this drivel.
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Fox Hunting With A Twist
killerreviewsldn27 August 2022
This is a very well shot and cast film. A dark comedy about a robbery gone wrong when they try and rob a Manor House run by a sadistic duchess (Samantha Bond). To describe this best would be a marvellous sinister game of cat and mouse between the lower class and upper class system. Larry Lamb was the stand out role for me on this one. This is quite possibly a contender for best British horror film of this year. I hope to see more from this first time filmmaker Tommy Boulding in the future. This film gets 9 out of 10 stars from me and if you can get a chance to go and see it in the cinema or at home, do it as you won't be disappointed.
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Typical low budget horror
Leofwine_draca11 January 2023
I thought I'd watch HOUNDED (2022) because the class subtext looked promising. It's a low budget British horror with a familiar plotline that reminded me of THE COLLECTOR and its ilk, about a quartet of thieves who break into a nice house only to find the tables turned on them by the owners. Before long the young 'uns find themselves pursued by a quarter of fox-hunting toffs with murder in mind...

This is one of those films that screams cheap throughout, with plenty of unconvincing moments and even a scene that openly rips off BREAKING BAD to poor effect. The most interesting part is the bad guys are played by familiar actors including Samantha Bond (Miss Moneypenny), James Faulkner (GAME OF THRONES), Nick Moran (a Guy Ritchie regular) and Larry Lamb (EASTENDERS). The gore is in short supply and the outdoor scenes strive for suspense but scream cliche instead.
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Hounded or Hunter? Amazon has it as Hunted Warning: Spoilers
Seriously what is with movies killing Black People first. The first guy was killed all thanks to him trying to help the useless white boy. This idiot white boy couldn't swim then couldn't get over a tiny wall then falls into a bear trap. Seriously the two black guys should have said peace out idiot and left the idiot white boy. I get one or two people being psychos but an entire town is super unlikely. I love how this movie is set in the UK and the hunters are fox hunters with their stupid red outfits in horse back. Then the hound guy who is a typical English dumb looking man in America we call him trailer trash. This family is obviously pissed because they us to be higher ups but aren't anymore. They say that they miss royals and presents.

If these people were smart once they crossed the river they would have went up out of site but then back tracked to see which way they went and went the opposite way in the river. The dogs can't smell you if your in water. Go a few miles in the river and they will never find you. Luckily the UK has no deadly anything in the water. So they would not have to worry about gators or alligator turtles or venomous snakes in the water. But if course this is about idiot kids who don't have any real intelligence so they would not know how to survive being hunted.

The movie is odd and ok. Not every movie is A+ or B or even C. The acting isn't bad. Just a bad script. But if you have a little over an hour to waste and you have seen most of the good movies already out then this is worth watching once. The reporter from Ted Lasso is in it and honestly he is the only reason I hit play on this movie. I liked his character in Ted Lasso.
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So bad am speechless
rainbeau19623 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's very hard to put into words how dire this film is. From the plot to the poor, acting to the whole stupidity of everything. This film seems to be in keeping with the present times and attitude. London thieving youff verses the old order and colonial pomposity. In a nutshell, criminals try to rob a stately home and are then pursued by the aristocracy with their hinds (sic) in revenge for their transgression. Acting on either side is pathetic and unbelievable. I found myself wishing that the thieves would hurry up and die. I think the viewer is meant to root for the feral thieves. One thief gets caught in a bear trap that he never saw in six inches of grass even though the trap is huge. He then spends most of the rest of the film with a slight limp. This is one of the most cringe worthy films in the history of cinema.
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Say it ain't so Joe
charliegalloway1 January 2023
Is this a horror film like the Wicker man - no Is this a social commentary like Kes- no Is this a comedy like Dumb and Dumber -no Is this a dire British movie like , Save the cinema , How to please a woman , Twist , Greed , Peter's friends , - Oh Yes What could have been a biting satire on British class wars is let down by A complete lack of atmosphere , awful plodding writing ,terrible casting , the burglars are bizarrely more annoying than the toffs , I wasn't rooting for them to get away I was hoping the chav girl ( so bad a performance )got caught a lot sooner .

Apparently it took £27 at the box office.
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wrigco3 August 2023
There is a lot of very loud screaming and crying in this movie. So much so that I wished they would all just get killed off, the sooner the better. None of them were likeable at all. However, the young girl was the most annoying and unlikable character I've seen in a while - what a pity she never went first.

Amazingly, the dogs don't detect the urine on the young thieves, but only attack the master. Does it wear off?

I found the end unsatisfying. I thought there would be a huge plot twist, but it was all so predictable. Samantha Bond was the best thing in this and her brother with that ridiculous long hair the 2nd worst.
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Why bother?
mharty-897422 February 2024
Film-making doesn't come much worse than this. A ham-fisted amateurish waste of time. Like a Saturday morning amdram club exercise. I pitied the poor actors having to lower themselves to this. A truly awful script, a one-dimensional and hackneyed concept and the whole thing is was a bit suspect too. Most episodes of Emmerdale are better directed. The plot was so full of holes I lost count. I tried really hard to find some saving grace here but they made it almost impossible - perhaps o could say that many of the actors are far better than this because they've been in other things with better scripts and production and have shown themselves to have much more talented than this demanded. I don't know how they raise the financial backing for stuff like this.
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I KNEW the son didn't have it in him...
AndyVanScoyoc12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start this review off by saying that movies like this are right up my alley.

I'm a huge fan of vigilante justice style movies (the Death Wish series...etc) and so I hate to see when the bad guys who are getting their just desserts, are made out to be the victims so people will feel sorry for them.

But...even with that plot twist, I really liked this movie. You can think what you want of me...the ending was PURE CLASS!

I first recognized Samantha Bond. I never look to see who's in movies on Prime, really, so I didn't even know she was in this. She is AWESOME! I first saw her in the MidSomer Murders episode,"Destroying Angel" and I've been a fan of hers ever since.

I knew when I saw her in the "antique shop," at the beginning, with her snide smirk and her air of superiority that it was her...I just had no idea she had such a huge role to play in this film.

She was PERFECT!

Then, throw in Nick Moran (are you kidding? He's a doll! How did they make him look so awful?!) and there was no way I was turning this off.

I enjoyed it. Give it a watch and don't get all mushy (remember...the "kids" are thieves, criminals and creatures society can do without) and you'll enjoy it.
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