Transatlantic (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster


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I wanted to like this series
dl-5155010 April 2023
The Netflix series is based on real life events in Marseilles, France during the early days of WW II. Dark times, indeed, from an historical view. But, somehow, "Transatlantic" comes across more like a collection of ingénues and eccentrics on a madcap adventure, rather than as a literal life and death struggle against fascism. The tone of this series is set by a soundtrack that hit me every which way but right; the overall effect was like watching a strange, inappropriate homage to a Woody Allen period piece comedy. Kudos to the cast, though, which manages at times to rise above it all with some excellent performances; and the on-location cinematography adds authenticity to the historical weight of the storyline. "Transatlantic" may be the only series you should watch with the audio muted and the captions on, because what happened is worth knowing so that it is not forgotten, or repeated.
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Too Romanticized
anne-ecobichon10 April 2023
The true story is well known and awe inspiring. A true larger than life story in WWII occupied France when the South was still a "free" zone. All the refugees were in Nice, Cannes, Marseille awaiting to leave the territory. Unfortunately, the series is torn between retelling the true events and highly romanticising them with the addition of too many love interests as well as too many politically correct subplots raising concerns that were not relevant at the time especially in time of war. Those tend to slow and hinder the proper storytelling, depriving it of fluidity in addition to some completely false resistance storylines. It could have been great.
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Lightweight entertainment not historical re-enactment
philpriestley10 April 2023
This series is 'based upon' a true story and draws from the interest that generates. It does involve and blend depictions of real people - including great artists and figures from the period who we now know and revere. There is a lot of name dropping in this drama to sprinkle a little extra magic in there.

This being said it's for light entertainment value only. We have lots of sexual intrigue and what I'm reluctant to describe as tension (it never really builds as tension to be honest). There's sex - let's put it that way - but again, nothing graphic, nothing explicit. Likewise, there's a war context - but there's no real fear or tension about the place (even when people are arrested you are never in fear of their lives). There is no depiction of mistreatment even if it is spoken of and some of the language is of the day (opinions shared by Nazis and sympathisers) to make you feel revolted.

This is a drama that takes you to a viewing platform from where you ought to be able to see all these things - but it is just short of showing you anything powerful or shocking. Instead it's foggy and misty, and you're distracted by an indulgence of clothing, houses, scenery, and an inexplicable mood that might explode into a party or a song and dance at any moment. There is the token anxious character here or there - but they the party poopers rather than someone making a genuine and valid point. We see little of PTSD, flashbacks, anxiety attacks, worries or concerns. The artists are resilient in their joy - they are not preoccupied with expressing the darkness of the surrounding circumstances.

Likewise, when the fleeing refugee Jews make it to the south coast of France in their hopes of escape - they don't find each other huddled in masses, cough and starving, exhausted from walking hundreds of miles - instead it looks like a beach holiday. One man runs delighted into the sea and splashes in the water (salt water that nobody could drink). Nobody is concerned about where to find food or how to make the next venture to escape the country (given their backs are to the sea).

Overall this is a problematic depiction and it's lightweight. It's for enjoyment - not to recreate anything sharply. How accurate it is, I find very questionable.

Nevertheless if you suspend that problematic aspect, you can enjoy a lot about the series. There is some decent acting and the lead female actress, Gillian Jacobs, is very charming and charismatic, giving an enjoyable performance overall. I'd like to see her in something that pushed her a bit harder to be honest.

This is a solid 6 - but overall there are better dramas out there and this will never be regarded as a classic because it's too forgettable and it's just not compelling.
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bcirilli9 April 2023
I am so happy that they actually used foreign actors with accents from the respective countries. Usually the actors all speak with a British accent when representing other countries. But, this series is absolutely refreshing since it really represents Europe through having actors from a multitude of countries. I liked learning about this part of WWII history and will research it more. It has great character development. It's not all one thing, but all parts of the human condition. It's a great glimpse into another part of WWII history that I knew nothing about. I'll definitely be researching this more.
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Long On Style, Short On Substance
pablomtz-2182610 April 2023
I really wanted to like this limited series. The historical characters-artists, writer-thinkers, philosophers-are familiar and deserve far better. A telling indicator of the empty-calories production: Despite the compelling, emotional historical narrative, the characters are too often one-dimensional. One of the most pivotal and horrific events in modern history and all we get is superficial treatment of those events and characters who engage only minimally with those events.

If I didn't know anything about this historical period and relied on this series to learn about it, I'd think these characters, targeted by Nazis and fascists, did little more than party, drink, smoke, and engage in lots of self-promotion driven by a self-absorbed lack of awareness about the monumental events unfolding around them. There are few, if any, genuinely sympathetic characters in what should have been a production filled with such. I'll stick with Casablanca's fictional take. But the series' photography is *gorgeous* and reflects the artistry that defines some of the principal characters' work.
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Interesting and oddly addictive
katriarjava8 April 2023
I clicked Transatlantic open out of curiosity and binge watched the whole series. As the story is mainly based on real events and people, it gives a view to the bravery of ordinary people. As Varian Fry really was gay, he was in danger in several ways. Mary Jayne Gold managed to find a way to escape the boring existence of the women of her class and find a purpose. Famous artists and intellectuals really belong to the story instead of being planted into it to make it interesting. Makers also trust that the audience understand why these people are fleeing the nazis. Marseille is portrayd beautifully and the addition of the transporter bridge which was destroyed only few years later, adds to the integrity of the production. Funnily I couldn't decide if this was a really good series, but I just had to see all of it at once.
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European Refugees
berndgeiling8 April 2023
This series started very strong, sympathetic lead characters, beautiful cinematography, great set design and an interesting mixture of authentic historical events and fictional elements.

I really appreciated they created a series about the idealism and deep humanity of personalities like Varian Fry and Lisa Fittko, who risked their own lifes to save so many others. They were true heroes, lights in the darkness of their time and should serve as Role Models for our days, which are tumbling into darker times once again.

It made me think about the refugee crisis of our times.

With the difference that now refugees aren't trying to escape from Europe but try to get there desperately to find a better living.

I just couldn't give it a higher rating because script got thinner in the later episodes, being watered down by too many annoying and flat melodramatic cliches.
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ala Schindler's Way
albertval-695609 April 2023
This is a fascinating story based on real people and real events circa Marseille, France in 1940.

I always thought it was only Oscar Schindler, the German industrialist and member of the Nazi Party, who saved 1,200 Jews from the German concentration camps.

But American journalist Varian Fry and his colleagues succeeded in facilitating the escape of Europe's virtual brain trust, including famous Jewish artists, from the advancing Wehrmacht in 1940-October 1941.

The limited series narrates remarkably how Fry, Mary Jayne Gold, Albert Hirschmann, Lisa Fittko and Hiram Bigham accomplished a difficult task relying mainly on the financial heft of heiress Ms. Gold.

What is particularly interesting and entertaining is the fact that the famous refugees are given parts to play. Personalities like German surrealist painter Max Ernst, Jewish economist Albert Hirschmann, Jewish painter Marc Chagall, Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin, Russian anti-Stalinist Victor Serge, political scientist Hannah Arendt (who's considered one of the most influential political theorists in the 20th century and who was married to Benjamin's cousin Gunther Anders), and German satirist and writer Walter Mehring. Throw American art collector par excellence Peggy Guggenheim into the mix and you have a totally whimsical brew. (By the way, Peggy married Ernst later.)

Such an assemblage of individuals, at wartime, is awesome.

This makes the movie the refugees' story. There are unforgettable scenes involving the 2 Walters (Benjamin and Mehring) but it would be tantamount to spoilers.

Storytelling is straightforward but engaging without a hint of the past which forces the inquisitive to dig deeper and consult Google for additional information. Somehow, this enriches the viewing experience. But action is consistent and there are tense moments to be sure. It ebbs and flows but the viewer isn't distracted.

As mentioned in the beginning, this is a story based on real people and events. But creators Anna Winger and Daniel Hendler took the liberty of adding plot elements that don't have basis in fact but intended to embellish the story arc. It's up to the viewer to find out what these are in the spirit of fun

Gillian Jacobs, Cory Michael Smith, Lucas Englander and Cory Stoll nail their parts.

Overall, it's a watchable, informative film with great entertainment value.
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this history needs to be told, but somehow the 2020's are too present in the story telling
milofergusemily11 April 2023
I am glad to finally see the tale told of the sad loss of the brilliant Walter Benjamin as WWII escalated, but yet somehow the story of his brilliance and then the brilliance of all the other famous artists in the tale, does not do them justice. These figures are lost to some other intent in the construction of this story...this history needs to be told, but somehow this telling is missing authenticity, it sacrifices this for the sake of finding 2020 in 1940.

It is never the less help ful to see the enactments, the tale of these brave efforts does need to be told, especially of the almost misses, the ways in which the US came too close to not helping the struggle.
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Turns WW2 into a farce
iman-roder14 November 2023
I like the lead actress Gillian Jacobs do I have it a go, but soon realized she was miscast. She's a great comedic actress and her performance and the writing a farcical comedic tone that made me cringe, and not believe the proceedings to be real, even though they are based on true (remarkable) characters and (terrible, harrowing) events. This misplaced tone I feel leads to all other performances to be, I feel, confusing. It's as if the actors didn't know how to play it, should I be funny and lighthearted or serious? I lost interest in the characters and plot very quickly and that's a shame because these are some of the most important, remarkable and heroic people of world war 2 and they are treated without due respect I think. It all feels like a silly Woody Allen Movie rather then say Schindler's List.
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Refreshing. Bold. Beautiful.
danja-simovic7 April 2023
This is art. And not in a boring we-desperatly-wanted-awards-and-everyone-is-moody way. It is art in a way that it makes you feel and it makes you think, which nowadays shows rarely do. It is a phenomenal merge of beautiful bright colours and a grim an unfortunate (true-ish) story and both are so perfectly balanced. It's if JoJo Rabbit and Grand Budapest Hotel had a baby. Every frame is a masterpiece. It is just awkward enough to be unique, and not too much to become pretentious. Please don't trust the bad reviews; watch it and feel it.

Thank you to anyone who had anything to do with making this. Theese type of things is why I fell in love with cinema.
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No sense of urgency, whatsoever!
Vella_Viewer13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is a big war going on, evil forces are marching in and occupying the territory. And the same point of time, our protagonists are trying to save the people from them! So far, so good.. based on a remarkable real life story!!

But what I kept getting amused by was the LACK OF URGENCY in the script and the characters to save the lives. Everyone is just going around well dressed , seemingly making effort to save the people. At any given point of time, cops know where people are and what they are upto but they don't take any action and just wandering in the dark. At the same point, protagonists have enough time to party, carry out love affairs, make out and what not!!!

Such serious disservice done to the real story and people who braved the odds to save lives in WWII ..

Casting is decent and diverse with good locations but scripting has million loopholes and moves around like a soap opera, instead of a taut thriller with sense of purpose.
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Hard to watch
For viewers who've read anything about the early 40's, this will be a very tough watch. If you've invested time studying the era, you'll probably be furious with this interpretation. Jews and dissidents on the run in Vichy France seem to have unlimited resources, plenty of wine and art supplies and lots of time for Da-Da and impressionist inspired parties. Oh, and cars. Lots and lots of extremely expensive cars. Add in the lack of moral ambiguity and almost insane...make that improbable bravery of the good guys and the keystone cops antics of the bad guys and this series could make lots of viewers wonder what all the fuss was about regarding the NAZIs. Oh, and this is another one of those 'sensitive' shows that rarely even hints at the fact that the 'Nazis' were German and 'the Reich' was Germany. A personal sore point with me. - There are two major 'escape' plots in the series that are so far-fetched that the writers don't even bother to explain how they could be pulled off. But they are. Against all odds and all that we know to be possible. These aren't just James Bond type capers, these are bonified ridiculous plans that we see getting completed, though the actual steps that are required to make things happen simply aren't revealed. Because they couldn't. - So, the series is historically inaccurate...and I'm being too kind here...and there's almost a childish approach to the story line which I need to point out is solely under the control of the writers and producers and, I've yet to mention, some of the casting just doesn't work. The main female and male leads didn't live up to their assignments and that really hurt the watchability quotient. - All in all not the best effort from NETFLIX with this one though some of the cinematography is handled well and the period costumes are stunning. Two 'chuckles' regarding that last comment. First, for folks on the run, these refugees certainly have the crispest, well-ironed looking clothes imaginable and the female lead has only two small suitcases with her when she leaves Marseilles and yet seems to be able to pull close to twenty full outfits...including an opera gown...out of them.
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Not as Serious as One Would Expect
meckstut25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A quirky little piece of WW2 history, starts off well but then just flutters along and dissipates and becomes less realistic and less interesting and quite predictable. Never quite sure whether to be serious, romantic or humorous. Lot of name dropping and cameos of European artists and intellectuals but they mostly come across as stereotypes and comic relief.

The lead characters are very attractive, I especially like Gillian Jacobs as Mary-Jayne Gould but her character evolved from steely can-do woman to the standard woman who melts when the good looking guy falls for her. And, what would a 2023 show be without the requisite gay affair. Much of the story becomes very hard to believe (even though it is based on a true story) and a bit hard to follow, were the Germans and the Vichy French really that stupid?
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Very interesting but a bit slow to begin with.
ollyj-544837 April 2023
As I said, bit slow to begin with but picks up speed pretty quick in my opinion and has a really interesting and different story towards immigrants that isn't usually shown in day to day media. The acting is about what you expect - okay but nothing amazing. Also, the fact that transatlantic is based on a true story just really ramps up the stakes and interest towards this otherwise boring and slow drama.

So overall a great show, definitely worth the watch to anybody who likes a true story, historically accurate, tv drama. Didn't make this too descriptive to avoid spoilers but what I will say is that some characters get a little spicy ;).
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Pleasantly Surprised
pavollelak9 April 2023
I stumbled upon Transatlantic out of curiosity, not knowing what to expect. However, to my delight, it turned out to be a true gem. The exceptional acting, well-crafted plot, and engaging script kept me captivated throughout the entire movie. What truly sets this film apart is its artistic value, evident in every scene, from the stunning cinematography to the exquisite ending credits.

As a war movie enthusiast, I was particularly intrigued by the historical context and story of the French resistance during World War II, which I realized I wasn't familiar with. The film showcased this movement in a stylish and compelling way, which was a refreshing departure from the usual war movie tropes. The addition of the artistic flair and the charming seaside of Marseille added an extra layer of visual appeal and made for a cinematic dream.

Overall, the film exceeded my expectations and left me with a newfound appreciation for the French resistance and the beauty of Marseille. I am grateful to have discovered this hidden gem.
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A really weird story, once you think about it
rhkennerly15 April 2023
I began yo feel as much sympathy for the oppressors as the oppressed by the end. The lack of any sense of self-preservation of many of the artists was unfathomable, even though most had already been expelled from Germany or hounded across Europe as refugees. Then there was the hubris of the AERC & it's patrons to value artists & academics over the desperate ordinary people they could have helped (I choked with anger during the montage scene where Fry asks while interviewing Jewish refugees, "are you an artist, politician or have you published in an academic journal?"). Highlights of the series are a spotlight on American attitudes toward the refugees & toward the war. And on the diplomats who worked to save as many as they could (although the Portuguese, Chinese, & South American diplomats saved so many more than the Americans). One super bright spot was Gillian Jacobs' performance as well as that of Ralph Amoussou.
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Its actually really good
glori-3025622 April 2023
Honestly, I don't know where the bad reviews are coming from. Its a good story with good acting it concentrates on the people, the humanity behind the story, the possibilities and choices in each of these characters life. It reflects, mixing the correct amounts of humor and drama, on how in a time of horrible crisis we still can find moments of humanity, love, friendship and art. Totally recommend this to anyone who is looking for something different.

Its an entertaining fictional drama, with inputs from real life stories and people, a good mix of history and fiction for the sake of storytelling.
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Amazing personalities of Varian Fry & Mary Jayne Gold
lena_morigan20 August 2023
What do you want from Netflix? From the heaviest page of world history, they can make entertaining content. But there are a few good hits.

First, the music. Of course, dissidents listened to jazz, danced jazz, lived jazz. It was the most important part of the cultural code of the creative people of that time. Jazz itself was a culture of resistance. People under pressure take the opportunity to gather with like-minded people and celebrate life.

Second, if you've read the autobiographical story of Peggy Guggenheim, you'll notice a similar vibe. It perfectly conveys the surprising carelessness that reigned in the circles of wealthy Americans in Europe at that time. Like the NPO in the series, Peggy drives around France in her car, changing villas and buying up all available art, trying to save paintings and their authors (spoiler: it works with Mark Ernst).

Thirdly, all the romantic stories in the series really could be real. This openness of the new generation, which was expelled from Germany by the Nazis, was beyond class, beyond race and gender. More proofs can be found in the histories of the Weimar Republic.

I think to really get to know Mary Jane Gold's story, you need to read her book, not the entertaining novel that the show is based on.

I am grateful to the authors of the series for getting to know the amazing personalities of Miss Gold and Varian Fry. Very little is known about them in Russia.
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Poor script and no atmosphere
traceytak9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just about got through the first episode and felt as though there was no atmosphere of WW2 in this series besides the costume and scenery. The brother and sister characters did not portray how a Jewish person truly felt at that time, in fear for their lives. She walks to a cafe in the dirtiest dress and switches it with a high society American woman. Would she have dared go there in daylight? The American woman then goes back to her table and instead of getting into her room quick smart and changing she gives dialogue. She spends a fair bit of screen time in that dirty dress. Women who take so much trouble on their hair would want to get out of that dress asap. Then the French at the Spanish border buy into the out of uniform brother telling them he is gestapo just because he is speaking in German? Even though he has no uniform and they don't ask him for id? The gay scene is also just a tick box exercise. I can't be bothered to watch the rest of the series, it's just a weak version of a time that filled people with fear and horror and does not reflect this at all with lame acting thrown in.
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Interesting look at Vichy History
Sarah42313 April 2023
This film centers on history that usually gets a paragraph in books.

We have Americans not heroically and immediately jumping to the aid of Europe. (Yet also Americans overseas whose politics cause them to do what was right and good.)

We have both the French who resisted and the Vichy government types.

We have modernist creatives and their attempts to both survive yet not give in to conformity.

Overall, it's a very interesting slice of time that the film chooses to showcase. And the cast and crew pull the entire thing off very well.


My worry is since this moves rather deliberately through the events of the Emergency Relief Committee, and isn't a "quick binge" style of pacing, will the netflix algorithm allow it to continue on?

I'd certainly love a follow up on some of these figures in the post war.
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A Streaming Flop!
ChrisB1310 April 2023
While the story has its basis in truth, the acting is not up to par. The casting is questionable and, sad to say, that is not rare when produced by the many of the streaming services now available. The dialog is certainly NOT spoken in the manner or syntax of the period in which this drama takes place. Unfortunately it did nothing more than grate on my nerves. I may be a bit biased on this since I do come from the Golden Ages of Hollywood. There were decades of fabulous films when actors were chosen not only what they could do for the studio bottom line but chosen for the ways in which they could bring character and texture to the characters and story being presented. I find it beyond difficult to settle for a piece that comes off more like community theater than a story that could have been told in a more believable fashion by more seasoned actors. Had they cast each role carefully and properly it would have been a valuable addition to the history of that time and, therefore, worth watching.
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Promising beginning
cwbernard-558278 April 2023
Adroit, cleverly plotted, though relying too much on the myth of American innocence and the basic nobility of our motives, the first episode handles serious themes with well-calibrated humor. The leads were heavy-handed at times, but some of the smaller parts, above all Morgane Ferru (who, frustratingly, seems to appear in only this episode - acting of her calibre is a shame to waste), ring as true as any I have seen in recent film. The use of the yellow dress is ingenious; I expect it won't be the last I see of it. And the art direction deserves mention: the end credits are wildly imaginative; stay at least for the first half - you won't regret it.
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Excellent resistance drama
laurapmw9 April 2023
Transatlantic is a fascinating series, It's based on the true events of the group of people who ran the Emergency Rescue Committee, headed by an American journalist and socialite helping refugees escape from the Nazis in Marseille, in Vichy France. I binged it as I wanted to know the outcome for the likeable and dynamic characters, hoping for the best despite knowing the reality of the situation. The committee was formed to rescue artists, writers and musicians who were mostly Jewish or considered 'enemies' of the Nazis for other reasons. It is beautifully shot and acted, I can't recommend it highly enough.
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Period Drama Told From Wrong Period
SeamusMacDuff3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The basics are there for a solid series. An American group in Vichy France is trying to save various people with visas to flee to America.

The cinematography and scenes do a great job of 1940s Marseille. Costumes are well done. Other than that, problems about.

Everything is quirky mix of the serious and the silly. The music and titles reflect this. No one really seems too concerned about leaving, even after a huge group relocates to a villa that the authorities are well aware of. Everyone is partying, has plenty to eat and drink, look great in those costumes (too great).

The dialogue and themes are all 2020s not 1940s. Click all the necessary tropes: gay love, interracial love, a black female British SOE agent who acts as a deus ex machina in her extravagant outfits. Spies are supposed to blend in, right?

The acting is rather wooden. Jacobs is particularly unbelievable as a Chicago heiress funding it all, falling for every guy, all while porting the newest outfits. Two prison escapes are never explained; guys just walk out. And they just walk over the Pyrenees too?

Historical, not.
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