Wheeler Dealers (TV Series 2003– ) Poster

(2003– )

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Great show for 13 seasons; ok one for the 14th
basscadet7515 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that I came late to this show, having only discovered it around the 12th season or so. I watched every episode I could voraciously once I did find it, though, going all the way back to the first season. Mike and Edd's no-nonsense way of buying and then fixing up cheap old cars as cheaply as possible was a refreshing change from the flashy American car "restoration" shows I was used to.

If you can watch those earlier episodes, I highly recommend them. It's almost charming how in the early seasons, some cars don't get much more than an oil change and a polish! That's a whole show! But it gives the show an air of something a DIYer can tackle - it's all about showing you what to look for in buying a used car, and how to fix minor problems.

And it was basically like that up until season 12, when the show was moved to California and production changed hands to Velocity. Then it started inching closer to an American-style restoration show, where no expense is spared in taking a neglected but undeniably classic car and making it "better than new", even to the point of adding modern features that would never have been available originally. Still, at first they did still feature oddball cars like the AMC Pacer, in one of the weirdest-ever episodes of trying to transform an ugly duckling into a swan (and failing).

In season 14, Edd left, leaving the mechanic position to Ant Antstead. He is not the problem - I actually like him despite replacing the beloved Edd. He obviously knows what he's talking about and, while I think he sounds a little too happy to be on TV sometimes, he's fun and interesting to watch. He was a good choice as Edd's replacement.

The problem is the show has now gone fully over into just being another cookie-cutter American restoration show. There is very little detail in the workshop bits, which is why Edd says he left. They now gloss over very important parts of the restoration - at the end they'll say "we also replaced the exhaust system, removed all the rust and gave it a full paint job"... wait, what?! Show it! Show it from start to finish! Why do you think we're watching?! It's no longer a DIY help show at all. It's just "look at what we did to this car!"

There are little things too that diminish the character of the show. Mike doesn't hunt for vehicles anymore (in the early seasons, he'd sometimes even have to see two or three before finding one he liked!); he's just already out traveling to pick one up that's obviously already been scouted. Sometimes he even seems surprised at what he finds when he he sees what his producers picked out for him. There's no budget to speak of anymore for either buying cars or fixing them up - they just spend whatever they need to for an impressive restoration/upgrade, though they do give the spend amounts at the end of the episode. And buyers always seem lined up in advance - they don't seem to have any problem selling cars on anymore. It all feels like it's totally for show at this point, not real at all.

It's still watchable because of the personalities of the hosts, but it is not what it was.
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Fantastic telly - with a relevant message for our times
Immersion28 November 2010
First of all, I must say that this program works mainly because of the personas in it:

Mike Brewer is top boy salt-of-the-earth car dealer of the Frank Butcher variety. It's fun to watch him search and negotiate the purchase of a car and you can see that he is really holding back the greasy negotiation skills that most forecourt dealers have.

Edd China is the uber-tall and genial mechanic, who you can imagine came to this through pottering on dad's old E Type in their summer house in Anglesey - he is not your average grease monkey.

Together they create TV magic by taking old but classic well made cars and then bringing them to life and selling it on for a nominal"profit".

Don't expect to learn anything here - I have watched most of the Brewer/China partnership programs and I still don't have a clue what to look for if I were to buy a "smoker" to renovate.

However, this program is not really of that variety - in my mind, it is about realising the value and craftsmanship that went into making some of the better vehicles in the past - and celebrating it by giving them some TLC in China's workshop. I'd say this is true recycling (as opposed to putting all your rubbish in a plastic box, eventually bound for a landfill)

Of course some episodes will interest you more than others but on the whole, there is enough honesty, good intentions and humour to make it worth your while.

Warning: watching Edd and Mike will be much to the chagrin of everyone else who tries to watch their favourite programs on telly in your household. I certainly get a few withering looks when I try and watch it. Enjoy at your peril.
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Bring back Edd China PLEASE
proac_fan24 January 2018
Like everything US TV execs get their mitts on they've managed to neuter a great show into an okay show. I think this show was the creation of Mike Brewer but as most people seem to agree Edd was the reason to watch. I applaud his decision to stand up to Disney and leave when the real car repair portion of the show was being relegated to being an afterthought.

Ant seems like a nice guy and a great mechanic he's just not Edd China and that is the difference. I also read many of the other reviews and as others have so wisely pointed out the "profit" angle is ridiculous. Edd's labour charges would easily amount to thousands of dollars on each project. Brewer can't be serious about that word profit. The cars are being sold at a ridiculously cheap price for all that work.

Anyways please Disney ( Velocity) come to your senses and bring back Edd . Let him have the creative control over a series dealing with auto restoration.
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Best car show and one of the best shows ever
michaeljhuman15 September 2013
Some won't like this show. If you need drama to enjoy your TV, don't watch this. It's drama free. I have enjoyed shows like West Coast Customs, but they play off the drama more than the work on the cars.

This show does spend nearly half the time on looking for a car, buying a car, the final test drive and the sale. I would not mind seeing a bit more of the work on the car, but I do think they do a good job showing the work done - you have to time elapse a lot of stuff to put it into an hour.

There's a great variety of cars on the show. And nearly any work you can imagine on the car - from a routine engine service to a chassis replacement. They do very little customization. What they do is minor. They mainly keep the cars original. Many of the cars are classics! Unlike American garage car shows, they don't spend half their time on in show ads. I enjoy a show like two guys garage, but they spend way less time showing actual work than this show.

Edd China is very meticulous in his work, which is enjoyable to watch. Mike Brewer is perpetually cheerful and optimistic, which I enjoy. Mike overplays the whole 'it just needs a lick of paint, and a bit of work' routine, but it's just a bit of simple comedy - hard to complain about it.

What I like about this show is that, unlike a lot of American shows, it sticks to the point and doesn't invent false drama. VERY refreshing these days.
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Love this show
steve_mclaughlin29 December 2014
It's a real car restoration show without the unwanted side story lines. Minus Mike's Cockney accent during negotiations, Edd steals the show. My only negative comment would be how low they sell the cars. A beautifully restored BMW M3 for 6 thousand pounds? Not sure if there is a difference in the UK and the U.S. concerning used cars, but that was a steal. That car would have sold easily over $25k here.

For a car restorer, I like the way Edd doesn't try to "shiny up parts," during the restoration.

By far the restoration car show on TV. I only hope they continue this series as it is gaining popularity over here. This is what car shows should be like, the soap opera stuff mixed in with most other car programs are basically a nuisance.

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Great, no-nonsense show with a simple "you can do it" attitude
MovieCriticDave18 July 2014
Rarely do shows about often dry topics like car repair resonate with so many people, but it's clear that the British-produced "Wheeler Dealers" hits precisely this mark. With its simple, average-guy approach to buying, repairing, and selling used cars, it conveys an equally simple encouragement to the non-mechanic that anyone with a wrench and a bit of ambition can tackle most repair jobs.

Mike Brewer and Edd China make the perfect tandem of street buying smarts and mechanical know-how that has allowed them to turn a profit on nearly every car they've taken on. Mike's vehicle knowledge combined with his folksy yet hard-charging sales smarts makes you think he could sell venom to a cobra and make the cobra think it was his idea. China's vast yet understated knowledge of the mechanicals combined with his easy-going "let's get cracking" attitude shows how simple many seemingly daunting repairs can be. Obviously, some repairs require tools and resources beyond the scope of many do-it-yourself types, but the mere notion that nothing is beyond the scope of someone willing to "give it a go" makes Wheeler Dealers an unmistakable winner - even if don't own a single "spanner" (wrench).

Here's hoping "Wheeler Dealers" goes on for many years to come!
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The best automotive show out there
christhjian2 March 2014
Wheeler dealers is a British motoring show where an used car, that needs a bit of care and love, is bought and mended or sometimes more thoroughly restored and sold afterward, hopefully with a profit. Seems like there are tons of similar shows out there, right? Answer is yes, there certainly are but Wheeler Dealers have some simple touches that makes it stand out the rest.

First of all the cars featured are all somehow special, often referred as modern classics. In this show you will not see any hyper cars and outrageously expensive classics, like Ferrari F40 or rare Talbots. What you are going to find are cars affordable nowadays by most average persons. Cars range from few hundred quid worth Austin Mini to more (but not stupidly) expensive sport cars, like BMW 8. series and Lamborghini Urraco. Earlier episodes had really small budgets but have grown as the series has progressed.

The best part is the way that the work is presented. The emphasis is actually on mending and rebuilding, instead of ridiculous drama that many American shows (American Chopper, Running West Coast Customs etc) sadly feature. The process is pretty detailed and some interesting technical characteristics of each car can be seen. You can actually learn thing or two about the mechanics by watching the show. For me, this is the key point which makes Wheeler Dealers an absolute classic.

The show is presented by Mike Brewer - the dealer and Edd China - the mechanic. Mike buys and sells the cars and tracks down some parts needed and gives some consumer advice while Edd takes care of the car and wonderfully explains everything he does.

Wheeler dealers is not very popular show and is mostly known by real car enthusiasts. As being one myself, I can't really speak for "regular" people but it really is presented in a fun manner, not in Top Gear's way, but even so I think almost anyone is able to enjoy it.

So if you have even a little interest about the technical side of cars, the show is highly recommended. A must for enthusiasts!
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Great show. Bubble gum for the shady-tree mechanic!
deadsenator12 February 2013
I have watched nearly every season of this show and thoroughly enjoy it. I tire of Mike quickly, but I know he plays a necessary role and Edd is following up with some fine wrenching of his own. He really shines when explaining the detail of his work. I wish Edd's portion of the show might be extended for another 20 minutes to further explain his technique and ideas. As a shady-tree mechanic, this is the part of the show I find fascinating.

Learning about the variety of automobiles they bring through is a fun and fulfilling experience, but my one jab is that Mike needs to let Edd drive the cars he repairs.
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I am not petrol head, but love this show.
jlcrelly8 May 2014
I am not a petrol head, but I love watching this show. It is great to see old classics and not so classic cars being given a second lease of life. Mike and Ed work very well together, and un-like other car shows, especially those from the USA, they do not engage in exaggerated emotions and tantrums. The most emotion you will see is Ed getting a pat on the back from Mike. In most instances, the vesicles are restored to factory condition, with an occasional upgrade of suspension and brakes etc, with very few cars being turned into hot rods or pimped rides. If you have watched the show since the beginning, it is interesting to see how Ed and Mike have become more confident in front of the camera. The budget has also increased significantly, as has Mikes waist line.

The show also showcase artisans based on industrial estates that continue with some of the trades and skills that have all but died in the UK. Yes, it is true that if you take in Ed's time as a quality mechanic, the resale price of the car would result in a loss, but that is not what this show is really about - I imagine Ed gets a good salary off the Discovery channel.
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Great fun to watch
michelvega26 November 2015
I'm not a typical car buff but I love cars for their beauty and engineering. I've seen most American car shows but have been seriously derisive of how heavy they are scripted. Specious arguments, people getting mad, dropping off the job, bitching about anything. What a bunch of buggers. Wheeler Dealers has none of that nonsense. Looking at Edd, I'm amazed by his good nature and talent. I can almost see myself getting my hands greasy restoring an old clinker of a once great sports car. I know it won't ever happen, but all the same, the wizard makes every repair fascinating to watch. Mike is cheerful and his dealings let us often forget that he has a whole crew of cameraman, sound assistant, and most likely a tow truck or two following him. As negotiations for the used car goes on, it's funny enough to think of the crowd around them.
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Take a Great Show and Mess it Up
fedorath12 October 2017
I will still watch Wheeler Dealers, that is if I can handle the "High Energy" music and sound effects which detract, not thrill or improve the show in any way. Ant seems a nice chap but the truncated mechanical aspects which added so much to the show are gone; what a terrible shame.

I have watched the program since its introduction into the U.S. market and it has certainly changed; the changes were an improvement until last season when something wasn't "Clicking" in the formula.

When buying a new "Business", in this case a TV program with a proved formula, the last thing to do is make changes to components which have made the entity an asset. What a shame.

A unique asset has been made a run of the mill "Show".

Mr. Brewer, as you are the remaining component of the original program you must accept the responsibility for the result.

Sometimes the best thing to do rather than compromise is "Let it Go".
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Devolopment of Wheeler Dealers
mikamehtonen11 January 2019
It has been great program giving details and hints fos car restoration. I was waiting to see some day restoration of Opel GT. That was great show. However I noticed that in newer shows there is very little earlier kind of details. You can just see that something have changed in the car but there was nothing in the show about the work. This is really bad and lover my interest to see newer series. Older ones are still of course entertaining.
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Give Ant a Chance
snt0430057 June 2018
I was really disappointed to hear that Edd had left the show. But I've been hooked on the show for years, and decided to watch the past 2 seasons with Ant as the new mechanic. To be honest, I think Ant has a strong personality of his own, and brings his own talents and spin to the show. It's still a great show and worth watching. I do miss Edd, and I enjoyed him for years on this show. I was going to pout and boycott the show when he left. But I'm glad I stuck with the show and gave Ant a chance.
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There are two 'Wheeler Dealers', there should be two pages.
PrinceBuster515 October 2019
That is Brewer & Edd China then Brewer & no Edd China, and set in the US. One star refers to WD V2.0, ie the Discovery one, not the Attaboy Productions one.

Mike is on the record complaining that Edd "thought he was a TV star, not a mechanic". He was both Mike, but evidently you felt that only you were a 'true' TV star and there was only room for one. Strangely narcissistic outlook given that it is a TV show, not a VLOG from a mechanic's.

Problem is, Edd is a much more likeable person on TV and his bits of the show were easily the best. Brewer sure can talk a lot, but isn't actually very likeable as a human and it seems that the new "mechanic", Ant, was told to be as workmanlike & boring as possible so as not to upset Mike. That worked. V2.0 is a shadow of the early seasons, clearly being milked for every cent by Discovery despite its "best before" date having long since passed.

I'm sorry, but as a former fan I'd say to only watch the first twelve (yes, 12) seasons. They took the money over their true fans with V2.0
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Not watching show anymore
tdmckirdy1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched about five minutes of wheeler dealers with Mike Brewers new co-host. He just doesn't have the same charisma as Ed China.He doesn't explain things the way Ed did whether this is by design or by choice this in my opinion takes away from the show. I discovered wheeler dealers recovering from knee replacement.I will watch old reruns with Ed but not with the new guy.
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The Best of the Car shows
pastorjack-6544330 October 2015
This show is best because they show every step of the way, what they are doing. I have learned so much by watching.Some of the other shows are about entertainment. This one gives you that and much more. It keeps it real. Please keep it running. The two stars are very personable and you get the feeling that you know them personally. The repairs that are done sometime involve replacing parts and sometimes involve repairing parts which I particularly enjoy. There is another show that started out good. Gas Monkey's,which started out well but after a while it turned into a racing show, he was building a night club and also drag racing. It became ridiculous and focused on the owner of the business instead of the consumer.
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9 out of 10 with Edd. But only 4 without him
hardergamer-736524 December 2020
This was the best DIY car show on TV! and one of the only ones to stand the test of time right next to Top Gear. (when it had Jeremy Clarkson and crew) But sadly its now all about him the very annoying Mike Brewer, and without the most excellent Edd China to rain him in its slowly falling apart!

With Edd China 10/10. And without Edd, Mike Brewer lets it down to just 4/10
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Wheeler Dealers and there profit margin
kevinbruce21 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show, but feel in need to talk about the times in other reviews that people talk about the profit margins, I'm sorry but you are missing part of the show Edd and Mike are in the deals together, Edd is already getting paid by Mikes Garage and the profits from the show, the profit from the sales are a Cherry/ Bonus. So please don't worry about Edd, Mike does not keep him in a tool chest until he needs him, Edd has a few Guiness world records all of his own and is famous for quirky vehicles i.e drivable sheds and toilets. The Show is awesome, Mike makes it very clear he could make more profit but he needs to keep the cars moving so they can buy the next one add to that the flux of the used motor trade and some times the bottom line is low but that's not really why these guys do this.

On a side note, ***SPOILER**** Very sad to see that Edd has decided to leave the show now he will be missed.
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Well Entertaining but not to be taken Seriously ....
eddydean-1676031 January 2016
I like this program as general entertainment Mike gets on my .... at times he really is his own biggest fan. He tries to make out that he's the best car sales man and car buyer. At the end of each episode he is well proud of the profit that they make on the cars.. The truth is when viewed logically I have watched most if not all of the episodes and I think they have actually made a loss on every car..

Reason being you have a top mechanic Ed China working redonkuless amounts of hours on a car yet there is no charge for his labour content.. Even if you only charging his labour out as a decent mechanics wages rather than a garages hourly rate it would come out as a loss.. One episode springs to mind Ed claims it took 6 weeks graft repairing reassembling and fitting the new parts to a American car that mike had purchased cheap All in costs of the car, parts importing and total paint job came in at just over £14k ... OK car looked sounded great after all this and Mike sold it for £16k so he claims to have made @ £2k profit ...

hum OK so is ED claiming unemployment benefits and working for free I think not..

I feel a quality Mechanic would be on way over £8.33 per hour and if he did in fact work 6 weeks on this motor as he said that's the hourly rate it works out for a 40 hour week. That isn't even accounting for the assistant that helped him fit all the chrome work and the interior.. That car like many of the ones Mike selects wouldn't be classed as a hobby car by anyone to repair evenings and weekends because the time it would have taken doing it that way the car would decompose faster than you would have chance to glue the bits back on..

As I said the shows entertaining but really not practical in that respect like top gear just watch for fun .. TIP Don't shake mikes hand though you will either have sold your car to him under-priced or his sold you a car that's over priced ... I trust Arthur Daley car sales more than him :)
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Great Team. Show a Labor Cost.
cwleonhardt30 December 2018
I just started watching this program recently and fell in love. The real jewel of the program is seeing Ant go to work. I also love the team approach between him and Mike. The past episodes without Ant don't hold a candle to the new ones. I just don't like the negativity of the old cohost. It ruined the show. Ant knows his stuff. I actually have some weird desire to be a mechanic after watching him. He makes his job look so enjoyable. Nice work Ant!

If I were to change one thing it would be to include a reasonable labor cost. If I were to change another thing it would be to charge the real value of the vehicle. I'd pay way more for the vehicles they restore than what they get.

Please keep the show rolling!
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the mechanics made the show better
Cinema2kMendoza14 September 2021
First was edd china, now ant anstead, the thing is, the show starts with mike buying a old car with many parts to replace-repare etc. The thing is, this show works better if u want to learn, or just want to understand mechanics of any car(the show have alot of episodes featuring from sport cars to suvs) so the edd china and ant antead part is the part we all watch the most. Basically, if u already know about how a car works, or want to know how to repair cars, this is the show.
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Old format was much better!
rickshoe-782236 January 2021
This show was soooooo much better before Mike got all Hollywood and made the show more about himself then the cars. Now that they've added Ant it's even more Hollywood. Return to the UK and bring back Edd.
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Petrolhead Must Watch.
travishanson101711 January 2019
All the common problems we run into as car people, this show offers thorough explanations and solutions and is generally interesting. They do all kinds of cars and stay pretty true to classic nostalgic design. Unlike any other show I've Seen. Very explanatory.
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Rating would be 9/10 if Mike hit the road...permanently
Eddy Hertens8 September 2023
Love all the 3 mechanics: they all seem to know their job and are entertaining and informative ( although my namesake Edd is the most charismatic and likeable. This of course makes the contrast with the mediocre miserly Mike even bigger. Knowing a vendor of one of the cars personally I know for a fact that Mike has at least once bamboozled the viewers. Is it really believable he always gets a lower price? The production's fixers sometimes supplement the 'official' price that has been agreed just to make Mr Brewer look larger than life. Furthermore, Mike often really annoys me, being a one-trick pony whenever he runs his 'spiel'. Another couple of things that at times are irritating are Mike's strange colour preferences (and even more his dislikes: eg the mini Moke with the white interior and his dislike of the colour yellow) and Mike's inability to speak a second language (English is my third language BTW) (eg the Renault Alpine from 'la douche France'). I really hope this series still has a future, but preferably one without a certain presenter with a limited vocabulary ("cheeky". "lumpy", "blower")
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Americans have taken a winning and unique show and made it 'generic'
Superdupahorn15 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the early series of wheeler dealers Mike would go and buy a rough round the edges classic or other car. Give Edd a strict budget and then would usually make a profit. Edd would show us what he does, like how to tackle jobs like ime welding, electrics, even sometimes a bit of panel beating.

As the Americans started creeping in, the show lost its Character, rather than fixing and saving what's there. Now its a show similar to all other American car shows where they rip the soul out of the car and replace everything with modern components.

Ant isn't too bad, but there is no emphasis on the fixing of the car, this mustang episode, there was no showing of him removing all of the interior to send it off and then refitting it. There was very little detail on the fixing of the engine. Just 15 minutes of watching Mike polish a bonnet. That could have been cut way down.
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