The Awakening (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for some violence and sexuality/nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • Robert and Florence pant after having sex, no nudity or thrusting.
  • Glimpse of Florence's breast after she bathes. She had been beating herself off in the tub.
  • Florence spies on Robert while he bathes.
  • We see nude photographs of women on a man's desk and a woman's bare breasts are visible in one photograph.
  • Judd beats up and starts to rape Florence in the woods.
  • A woman tells a man that another man had attempted to "be with" (meaning rape) her until she fought back.
  • A man tells a woman that he had seen her "with" another man, implying that he had seen them having sex.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman experiences a flashback of herself as a child, watching her parents fight, and she witnesses her father shoot her mother.
  • A woman experiences a flashback of a her father shooting himself in the head as she (as a young girl) watches, and the force of the bullet entering under his chin knocks him off his feet.
  • A woman experiences herself as a girl, standing in front of her father's gun, held to her chest (we see this in multiple rooms as she opens the doors); the man then shoots the girl's mother and the girl runs for safety.
  • A man holding a rifle walks around a house and shoots into hallways; we see a boy's body collapse and a pool of blood by the wound.
  • A woman holds her shoulder and it is covered in blood (we see a flash of her as a young girl is being hit by the spray of a bullet).
  • A man punches a woman (we see her bloody nose and she is unconscious as a man drags her through woods), the woman screams when she wakes up, the man tries to put her in a chokehold, they wrestle until the man slaps her again, she passes out and the attacker straddles her, trying to take off her clothing; as the man tries to pull up the woman's shirt, he is terrified by a ghostly boy and the woman awakens, knocks the man unconscious, and then smashes him in the face with a shovel and runs away.
  • An older woman angrily slaps a woman on the face and the woman is startled.
  • A teacher is about to whip a boy with a cane until a woman interrupts them and shouts at him and the teacher drops the cane.
  • A teacher slaps a boy's wrist in front of a classroom of other young boys.
  • Two boys wrestle with another boy and a man separates them.
  • A man uses a horse crop to slap student's desks.
  • We see a man take a scalpel to a large scarred cut on his leg and a drop of blood is visible; the man then places lye in the cut and has to choke back tears from the pain.
  • A man finds the dead body of another man, carries him away on his shoulder and he later tells a woman that "no one will find" the man's body, saying that he had buried other men better than him.
  • A woman's nose begins to bleed unprovoked.
  • A woman has dried blood on her face and shirt as she tells a man and a woman that she thinks she killed a man (we later learn that the man is dead).
  • We see a spray of blood come from a raven, and it is implied that the raven dies; we later see several people stare at the dead raven under a glass case as it immediately begins to rot and is covered in maggots (we later learn it is a hoax and the raven is a fake).
  • A man pulls a woman from a pond, she gasps for air as she is pulled onto a dock and we later learn that the rescuing man and an older woman believed the woman was trying to kill herself.
  • A woman shouts when a hand emerges from under the water as she tries to fish for a cigarette case that she dropped in the water.
  • A woman is startled by what appears to be a ghost behind her in a reflection.
  • A woman is startled by a boy ghost standing behind her; the boy's face is twisted and blurry.
  • A woman screams and backs up when a man (a ghost) appears and aims a shotgun at her, and the woman falls over.
  • A woman screams in surprise when she runs into a man standing in a hallway.
  • A woman screams as she rips apart a pillow.
  • A woman shouts at a man, accusing him of prompting a fatal asthma attack in a young boy who was wandering the hallways of a school at night; the man regretfully admits that he had left the boy, but that he was alive and had died of an asthma attack moments later.
  • A woman shouts at a man after the man accuses the woman of torturing herself with memories of a man's death; the woman shouts back that the man cuts open scars on his leg out of guilt that he had survived a war.
  • A woman shouts at an older woman and boy.
  • A man tells a woman that a boy had been found dead on a terrace outside a classroom.
  • A boy asks an older woman if a rumor is true, saying that he had heard that a woman is going to "kill a ghost" and a "boy each night until he's found."
  • A classroom of boys begs a woman to "kill it please," in reference to a ghost taking over a school, and one of the boys describes the ghost as having a "twisted face, covered in blood."
  • A boy is visibly frightened by the idea of a ghost, telling a woman and older woman that a ghost is "going to get him."
  • A woman tells a boy that a lion had attacked her when she was younger, adding that her parents had been killed at the same time, but a tribal leader saved her.
  • It is implied that an older woman believes that a woman had tried to drown herself, but was saved by a man; the woman tries to explain that she had fallen into the pond and it was not on purpose.
  • A woman explains to a man (who pulled her from a pond as she was drowning) that she had fallen in the pond, not that she had tried to commit suicide.
  • A woman tells a boy that her fiancé had died in the war after she had told him that she did not want to marry him.
  • A man taunts a woman, saying that her former boyfriend is not actually dead.
  • An older man tells a woman that he has lost three children.
  • A man reads aloud an excerpt from a novel where an elderly woman threatened to "flay the skin" from a woman.
  • A man tells a woman that he is hiring her to investigate a death after a boy had found a ghost of a murdered child.
  • An elderly man passes out and a woman pokes him in the finger with a needle to wake him; he awakens with a start.
  • We see a massive painting of a woman beheading a man; blood is visible coming from a knife stabbed into the man's neck.
  • A man spits, we see the spittle leave his mouth and it almost hits a boy's foot causing the boy to flinch.
  • We see a urine stain on a dead boy's bed.


  • 5 mild obscenities and 2 religious exclamations.
  • Name-calling (cruel and horrid, ghost-lady, lucky beggars, charlatans and "Wheezy Walter" as a bullying nickname for a boy with asthma.)

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A woman and an older woman drink sherry.
  • A woman turns down a glass of sherry and says that she likes to "keep her wits about her."
  • Robert and Florence smoke cigarettes early in the movie.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Thematically deals with dead children; the jump scares are child ghosts.
  • The ending of the movie can be disturbing for some people.
  • Also, some of the scenes are very tense.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • An older woman poisons a woman and herself: the woman collapses, shouts for a man to get her something that will make her vomit, she has a partially lucid discussion with a boy that's a ghost, saying that she cannot live with the boy, and the boy gives her a serum to make her vomit (we see the woman lying on the ground and we later see her fully recovered).

See also

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