The Young Turks (TV Series 2005– ) Poster

(2005– )

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Unbalanced, undisciplined, lacking in decorum, and very self-righteous
akwonghuynh30 July 2015
Like most online news shows, TYT attempts to break away from the big corporate media and establish itself as a truth-speaking show. Since TYT is has a small budget, it must rely on a charm of in-your-face news presentation, and a strong liberal/progressive agenda to attract attention. This may be very enticing and refreshing at first, but for someone like me who enjoys professional and impartial presentation, this isn't the show for me.

The hosts - Cenk - in particular, is not afraid to voice his views whether or not they are politically correct relative to the general liberal crowd. This is where credit should be given when it's due, a show that has the gall to go against the views of its audience. However, the hosts on this show virtually attack everyone who is not a democrat or who do not fall in line with their views. And when I say attack, I really do mean it. The hosts will use name calling with a level of smugness that is normally associated with Fox News.

Don't be fooled if TYT calls themselves unbiased. They are very biased. So far, I have yet to see anything presented in an impartial light. In fact, there have been multiple occasions where the hosts cherry pick scientific and statistical facts to support their views, while omitting anything that might point towards the contrary. The heated arguments between hosts, because most of the time the hosts and guests hosts seem to have a unanimous decision on everything that it all just becomes amicable heated rants. That being said, whenever Ben Mankiewicz is hosting, that is a breath of fresh air as he does challenge the views of Cenk or Anna, which does get some nice discussions going at the same time, tempering out the very "passionate" hosts.

Overall, as an Australian, this show does give new insights into the far away land of freedom known as America, but honestly if you want to find a source of impartial or scientifically accurate news without doing your own research, I recommend DNews, SeekerDaily and TestTube. Though those three shows don't really tackle political issues anywhere near on the scale of TYT, at least you won't feel like you're being beaten over the head with a paddle named "liberal/progressive agendas".

If you are looking for a news source that is "unbiased", better to go for the big news corporations that omit information as opposed to broadcasting their stances, and watch multiple sources and formulate your own opinions from there. After all, political correctness is only relative.
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Hot Headed Partisan Hacks
joelwhitson20 April 2021
Although this show can be funny on occasion, it is almost unwatchable most of the time. Cenk and Anna are very pompous, arrogant and not very clear headed. If you watch this show, you will surely not learn anything. If you want to watch a someone who is clear headed, informative, and left leaning you should watch Kyle Kulinski. He does a pretty good job.
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As a far leftistit
h-4530819 April 2023
It's disappointing to see the only remotely left wing "news network" fall so far from grace. The Young Turks are biased where they do not have to be. They have facts on their side, but they choose to ignore them. They chose to go the same road as Fox News. They chose to resort to sensationalist headlines and pathetic dramamongering. Again, they don't need to lie. Bernie Sanders doesn't need to lie. Bernie Sanders doesn't need to engage in genocide denial. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't need to lie. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't need to turn on political allies for seemingly no reason. It's sad to see an ostensibly left wing program fall to the same level as the Daily Wire.
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Cenk Fully Supports Statutory Rape of Underage Male by a Female
jarvis-9279023 August 2018
In the episode published to their Youtube channel entitled "Asia Argento Paid Off Her Alleged Sexual Assault Victim" on August 20,2018, the leader, Cenk, goes out of his way to defend the accused and in a sense, shame the accuser for being a 17 year old male complaining about being statutory raped by an attractive 37 year old female. Cenk says most guys would enjoy it so it can't be that bad. He casts doubts on the victim's claims since money was paid off and he also made claim that an underage male can voluntarily have sex with an adult female, but not the other way around.
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Refreshing views that encompass what people should stand for.
Props00129 March 2019
As far as I know, the negative reviews; don't have a realistic perspective of sustainability (for everyone; even those you don't agree with). In my mind, one side raises questions everyone should ask...and on the other side; isolationism.

What they offer, is an inclusive view, from a perceivable leftist and perhaps as seemingly extreme (to counter the extreme shift to the violent right) point of view, is in actuality a balance to the extreme right.

Personally, having no political affiliation and not a Turkey myself, I find it refreshing to watch a perspective that looks out for EVERYONE.

I agree with just about all of their opinions. And while people claim, that the left is a socialist brainwashed voter base... From my travels (far beyond living and dying in the same town you were born), I've found that it's the exact opposite. Usually people that originally point the finger, are the ones to blame.

So... In a nutshell (for all of you pro gun, anti environment, pro pollution, anti union, anti forward thinking), you're actually the puppet. The difference here, is people that can think ahead and watch this show (because it's what they've been thinking for decades; not just from tweets that confirm they're insecurities and allow them to blame everyone else), meanwhile, the negative viewpoints are actually fed their information through very narrow pipelines.

The big picture here is a majority vs wealth. Sorry for rambling, but I feel bad for people that can't see what's in front of them. We, as human beings need to stop dividing and stand together.

I'd be willing to bet, if people let the left, which has ultimately become the old right; cooperatively work together to solve everyone problems, this world would be a much better place.

No fear, no hate. That's how we make progress. Consider the labels and then move on. Plain and simple.
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Brutally Dishonest
guysdumbopinion15 May 2017
The Young Turks are anything but brutally honest. They constantly lie. And when they are caught with their pants down what do they do they taught and insult the people who point it out. Not to mention that the channel is called the "Young Turks" which committed the Armenian genocide which is comparable to having a news network called the Hitler Youth, which is just distasteful to say the least. The "news" anchors constantly "straw man" their oppositions arguments and "poison the well" against anyone the are debating, instead of using facts to make their point. They constantly talk down to the opposition like they are children claiming that "I am better than you, much better than you. You are garbage" And saying that the anyone with opposing view points are "F@cking dumb." In the end avoid these people like the plague, they are so partisan that it clogs their judgment and rationality.
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darklordroblox24 February 2016
This show is amazing. It covers topics that mainstream media doesn't want to, and points out absurdities within our country and the world. It clearly has its bias at times, however, they admit to it and point it out so that the viewers know. Mainstream media does not do that.

For the most part, they are unbiased, give good reporting, and they are entertaining to watch. I've been using it as a main source of news for about a year now.

I give it a 10/10. You need to check them out! <3

Best wishes from Washington State ;D!

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Heavily Biased Progressive Platform
canceriantigershark5 October 2016
Laughably biased so called "news network". They are one in the same with the mainstream news networks they claim to be so much better than, just with a different slant.

I used to be a fan of the Young Turks back when I was still buying into the progressive propaganda, then my eyes were opened to the dangers of socialism and communism. The recent race between Hillary and Trump has clearly shined the light on their biases.

Jimmy Dore can get away with spitting on people on camera, and despite how much I dislike Alex Jones, this is disgusting. The Young Turks Obviously supports this.
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Rare News Network that is telling the truth
ThomasJ_912028 May 2022
TYT has always been a fact based news network and also tells news stories that mainstream media would never talk about especially this in depth. Even though it's a progressive network they tell the truth about the left and the right.

The reason you see so many low ratings is mostly right wing/Republicans hate being called out on their bs lies , they don't care about facts at all henceforth the term "alternative facts" whatever that means. I'd bet there's so much hate from the right people actually would go through the trouble to make multiple accounts to put this show down.
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Complete garbage
gusano-4877619 November 2017
This show is so disingenuous and dishonest, I cringe when I hear them talk. If you are anything but far left, you'd have to be a masochist to listen to them. They are demeaning and degrading, and essentially call anyone who doesn't agree with them ignorant, corrupted, brain-washed or evil.

They rarely give honest unbiased facts and have a history of unfairly accusing people of malintent.
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Progressive news
malignifier26 January 2018
The web series is unapologetically progressive. It's silly that people seem to be arguing the point, as they often state that they are openly speaking with leftist perspectives. But they are almost equally critical of the Democratic party than they are of the Republicans, and they are absolutely the most biased towards humans and human rights over corporations, lobbying and the current political system.

They are a true journalistic voice to support in this administration's corrupt political climate.
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An Amateur Operation unfortunately
awkaz2 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Young Turks is a news show that claims to be on a mission to counter big corporate news like Fox, ABC, CNN and MSNBC. The main host Cenk Uygur was on MSNBC and claims to have left, because he would not tone down his rhetoric to please MSNBC sponsors. His ratings were high so this may be true. Honestly unless you are liberal you will not enjoy the show. And you can't be any old liberal you need to be a very special type of progressive liberal who feels Obama and most democrats who aren't Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren sold out out to the man. The man in this case being corporate interests. If you do fit into that category this is probably the show for you. Basically if you ever watched MSNBC and said "damn why are they so conservative on this show" this is your show.

The main pro to the show is that they cover stories that honestly won't get covered on mainstream news or they will cover the same stories from a completely different angle. The cons outweigh the pros unfortunately. You will only ever hear a progressive view espoused on the show and the only disagreement in the staff will be between someone who wants to go progressive or someone who wants to go somewhat progressive on an issue. It turns into a strange sort of echo chamber. Arguments never get serious or heated and sometimes the staff seems to agree on issues so completely that the argument itself seems contrived just to give them something to talk about. If you are someone who wants balanced news you would need to watch this show and fox news and then come to an opinion. Strangely the show seems to be set up specifically to encourage this viewing behavior as a good chunk of the young Turks is devoted to showing clips from Fox news and then dissecting what they said. The best portions of the show are where Cenk takes two or three hours and interviews someone like Sam Harris. This doesn't happen all the time as not everyone seems to want to go on the show. Harris himself said he felt pressured to go on the show in order to rebut Reza Aslan who was also interviewed on the show. Another pro for the show is that while you may not agree with the stance they will take politically incorrect stances on issues while mainstream news won't take a side or will dance around the issue. The show for instance is pro legalization of prostitution and does not feel all religions are equal or the same. Mainstream news anchors would never admit such positions.

My main problem with the show is that it is an amateur operation. In theory it is great that ordinary people are using the internet and Youtube to spread the truth and break the stranglehold large corporations and powerful individuals have on the news, but in practice it becomes frightening pretty quick. One of the unappreciated aspects of big business news is that they have lots of money to pay fact checkers, large staffs, and script writers. Young Turks obviously has a much smaller budget and has to make due. Big news obviously still make mistakes, but they are generally small things or when they are big mistakes the other main news networks gleefully report on their peers mistake so everyone ends up knowing the truth. On Young Turks if someone makes a mistake it will go unnoticed and unfixed. Nobody is going to report on CNN that the Young Turks made a mistake. A few examples of errors was one of their commentators after complaining the minimum wage was too low for several minutes admitted he did not know what the minimum wage was(not a guest a full time commentator). When reporting on the human torch in the fantastic four reboot being cast with a black actor the entire cast repeatedly referred to Johnny Storm as Johnny Fire. The fact that the Human Torch and the Invisible woman are brother and sister was never brought up. Sam Harris also brought up a legitimate argument citing probability theory in his interview and Cenk waved it off as incorrect. To be fair not many news anchors professional or amateur can weigh in intelligently on probability theory. Ultimately I fear this show is a harbinger of things to come where amateur journalists crowd the internet with competing versions of "the truth." The problem is of course that when everything is true then nothing is.
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Literally spat in the face of a person who disagreed with them.
mat-fletcher14 January 2018
My god this show is terrible. It represents the pinnacle of everything that has gone wrong with the so called progressive left. To begin with, it is completely biased to the left, expect feminism, marxim, social justice with large helpings of intolerance, righteousness and hate.

They never have any guests on with opposing views which only encourages the host "cenk" to go off on his tirades in which everyone who does not agree with him is a racists white supremacist.

The co-host, Ana Kasparian, is arguably worse, proclaiming herself to be better than everyone else, declaring those who voted for the republicans in the last election as garbage.

It is mainstream media masquerading as social media, they are funded by Democratic Party kingmaker Jeffrey Katzenberg to the sum of 20 million USD in 2017.

They took the name ""Young Turks"" from a particularly nasty political movement from the early 20th century.

The Armenian Genocide was the Young Turk government's systematic extermination of its Armenian subjects. An estimated 1.5 million people were killed.

Bit of an odd name to call yourselves unless you are trying to make a statement. Incidentally, Ana Kasparian is the daughter of Armenian parents. I find this to be a very disturbing aspect of this utterly hopeless "news organisation"
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Intellectual, Independent media and news coverage
clawsonjosephine7 July 2019
The Young Turks is a wonderfully informative news organization with progressive roots and stances. They have been the one news show that I can honestly say answers the "who, what, where, when, and why" of every story. My problem with big corporate news is that they never get to the why and I am left wondering WHY?!

I love their progressive stance and I appreciate their representation of progressive-minded folks in this country. They are not afraid to get angry at topics worth getting angry about- social services, corruption, gender issues, etc. Even though they are a progressive news outlet, they warn their viewers and call themselves out for their own biases and that is something a viewer can appreciate.

TYT is NOTHING like right-wing news (Fox), on TYT facts are explained and laid out and then analyzed. There are no facts on Fox. Also, when the anchors are speculating on a story or they don't have all the answers because it is still developing or we can't trust the source, they tell you straight up that they are speculating. They don't try to fill in facts with their opinions, they tell you that it is their opinion, based on such and such. I love that they are anti-establishment anything, whether it's Republican or Democrat.
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Very Biased Very Left and Very Fake
marknijmeh14 March 2018
If you want left wing propaganda then this show is for you. I don't get how someone can think it is a good idea to invest 20 million dollars in them when they can barely break 200k views per video. Plus it's not like they make anything interesting or exciting, all they do is sit there in their echo chamber and rant about how the right is stupid and that Trump is a Nazi. I think everyone would learn a lot more from reliable news sources like Pew News.
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A fine source of news edutainment
crowpatwell4 March 2016
I would like to dispel the notion that The Young Turks makes any claim to objectivity - they routinely explain personal biases to their viewers. Some may find appeal in this expedient humanistic agenda as each episode has the feel of a network news anchor "gone rogue." Others may not like this presentation of the news in such a subjective manner, but they should consider that all news reports function with some sort of filter.

Cenk Uygur, the main host, is incredibly passionate about politics and provides the backbone to the whole enterprise. The general direction of this and other "alternative news" programs is to break the spell of mainstream media which too often presents arguments with false objectivity and in the process lends its influence and exposure and also level of credence to viewpoints which are not remotely credible or rooted in reality.

The format for The Young Turks resembles a typical nightly news program packaged into several segments about current events which are circulated individually on YouTube and elsewhere. I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy news from a variety of sources, but I find myself agreeing with the main anchors on the Young Turks so often that tuning in to TYT is like putting on a pair of comfy socks. Other reviewers have complained that the Young Turks merely serves as an echo chamber for liberal thinkers, whether this is a flaw or a feature likely depends on the viewer's own prerogative.
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Mind numbingly boring
utubes10 October 2019
This group is highly funded by leftist groups. Without this funding, this network wouldn't last a day. It is hosted by a bunch of dolts that are low I.Q.
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Objective Facts You Need to Know About The Young Turks
utku_kamil_ozen18 November 2018
This review is for the people who doesn't know much about TYT. When you first come across their show, you'll see and hear two opposite extreme reactions about them and it might be confusing for someone who doesn't know some background about the show and its two main hosts; Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. Instead of writing about how much I love TYT and what a great show it is, I'll explain what TYT really is, I'll answer some of the most FAQ about them and I'll list some of the frequent lies some people keep telling about them and explain why they are flat-out lies, objectively.


What does the name of the show mean and does it have anything to do with Turkey? Is it a reference to some anti-Armenian group?(NO) The shows name has two simple explanations;

1. The dictionary definition perfectly fits their political views. This is the definition from the Oxford Dictionaries: ''A young person eager for radical change to the established order.'' That's exactly who they are. They are against Hillary as much as they are against Trump.

2. Cenk believes in fighting aggressively for the change for the better and he likes dramatic names. For example he is the one who named the Justice Democrats. Every friday, they have a Power Panel, etc. You got the idea.

The show has nothing to do with Turkey. They cover American Politics.

The shows name has nothing to do with and not a reference to any anti-Armenian group. Go to Wikipedia Young Turks (disambiguation) page, you'll see a lot things, there is even a group of Republicans in the 60s, named Young Turks, so do you think they were also interested in Armenia or Turkey? That is absurd. Accusing Cenk for the shows name is same as accusing someone of beating their wives, just because they are wearing a wife beater, it is a pathetic smear attempt that is ridiculous. People who tell TYT or Cenk is anti-Armenian(or genocide denier) are either flat-out lying or they bought into such lies and repeating them ignorantly.


Who is Cenk Uygur? What's up with his past? Is he a genocide(Armenian) denier?(NO) Is he a muslim apologist?(NO) Is he muslim?(NO) Is he anti-semite?(NO) Did he write some bad stuff in the past?(Yes, but he no longer has those views)

You might have been born into a left or even progressive family in California. But Cenk, like most of us, didn't have parents who were politically savvy. His parents migrated from Turkey when Cenk was 8 and he had to discover a lot of things both about America and Politics, on his own. He is like a protagonist with a character arc from a traditional story. Yes, he was a republican in his youth. As he explained many times, he was trying to be polically incorrect and edgy and as a result he wrote some stupid stuff. But he was open-minded and smart and he grew out of that phase as he learnt more. Not many of us can look at the things we did in our youth without embarrassment. Judge Cenk on what he says on TYT, not on what he said when he was a kid. And be aware, people will use those to attack Cenk because they know they can't attack him for what he stands for now.

Cenk currently accepts the fact that he knows nothing about Armenian genocide and he doesn't deny it. Ana speaks about it freely on the show(she believes it happened) and people(mostly trolls and some who bought into their lies) still calls them deniers. There is a video in which Ana directly responses to that. You can easily find it on Youtube.

Cenk is an agnostic/atheist and he openly mocks all religions, including Islam. When Cenk critisizes killing thousands of civilians in Muslim countries, trolls call him a muslim apologist. The other reason is the famous debate with Sam Harris. Sam, deliberately or otherwise, tries to dehumanize muslims all across the world. His position can be summarized as ''Christianity is bad, but Muslims are fundamentally the worst.'' Cenk knows this kind of talk will dehumanize people in the eyes of an average listener and that is what he is against, in that debate.

Cenk is not an anti-semite. Calling out Israeli goverments oppressive behavior is not same as being an anti-semite. This is a common right-wing nonsense. While they organize nazi marches, clowns like Ben Shapiro call the left anti-semite because they are against oppression.


Because IMDb has a certain word-limit, I cannot cover every single thing I originally wanted to. But I believe I did most of the important ones. And I hope I was helpful for people who were confused. If you still have questions, go and see what they have to say for yourself. They have been fighting for progressive ideas for years and despite the tremendeous effort to smear them, they grow bigger and bigger.
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Screaming into The Void
samfowble19 May 2017
If you think you'd enjoy watching a group of people ranting over each other, this might just be the show for you. Perhaps they were watchable ages ago, but it has effectively devolved into Cenk and Ana talking over any of the other presenters that they may have on their show on any given day. Some days they may have an actually reasonable guest on, but they are rather handily drowned out by either Cenk's legendary ranting, or one of Ana's earth shattering temper tantrums. Overall an absolute gem, would recommend.
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Fantastic show.
jstrattonlange4 June 2019
The Young Turks has earned its place as the go-to network for America's progressives. Cenk and Ana have become better journalists and presenters over the years, and some of the newer voices like Hasan Piker and Brooke Thomas are fantastic.

If you are not progressive, well, you might not like the show, and perhaps that accounts for some of the lower ratings. They are honest in their evaluations, and those evaluations are based on thorough research and excellent journalism.

Are they biased? Of course. They bill themselves as a progressive show. They provide progressive news commentary, and they do not attempt to simply deliver the news without their take on it. Unlike other organizations, they are quite open about that. But the bias doesn't mean they're wrong -- on the contrary, you will have trouble finding a piece of information used in their research that isn't true. You might not like what they have to say if you're on the right, but this show is the real deal.
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Lies after lies
kingpocketmouse7 September 2017
After watching TYT over a matter of years for a left wing view of the news I have come to the view that they are now utterly beyond news and have become a echo chamber for extreme left wing people - justifying Muslim terror and BLM crimes just for YouTube views , shameful dishonest and never willing to repeal mistake and misquotes they have made.
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Might as well be MSNBC, CNN and FOX News They push propaganda with gusto
feet_ontheground24 June 2021
They are sell outs. They are disgusting and when caught being terrible at journalism they attack with ridiculous smears and more propaganda pushing. They are NOT left at all, they tow the line for the U. S. Empire. They became trash as soon as they sold out for BIG MONEY. Don't believe anything these people say...
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I love this show!
chips-1928 May 2011
Im only 13 years old, but I watch The Young Turks all the time. They do live shows on their websites and I believe on stickam, but they post all their episodes on you tube. There are many different hosts, but it is best when it is Cenk and Ana, because there is so much diversity. This show is VERY biased to liberals (even though the new host, Jacki, seems a little conservative) an I disagree with them on a lot of issues, the show I so entertaining that I have to give it a 10! They do plenty of "Weird but True" stories, and those are timeless and can be watched years after they first air. And for the stupid people that are on the show all the time, they straight up riff their stupid videos! No matter what your political views, yo will still love all the weird and crazy stories on the show. In conclusion, adding this to your you tube subscription box will keep you informed with quick news stories as well as hilariously entertaining stories!
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Please don't buy in to the BS
Who would believe a news organization that can make Alex Jones and infowars seem reputable.
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award winning new show
philipchristian-3859319 October 2019
This show isn't winning awards because it's boring, or fake... It's winning awards because it's real. You don't have to agree with their perspective on everything, but they give you facts and ask questions that other news shows don't. And that's news you can use. a lot of these other reviews are coming from weird places of hate or fear...But if you're really in touch with wha's going on out there, you'll realize TYT is callin out all the other media and politcal BS that's others are spewing. You need to watch this...
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