October Baby (2011) Poster


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Rachel Hendrix is a star
estebangonzalez1021 February 2013
¨I have so many unanswered questions, questions I feel but can't even begin to speak because there are no words to express them.¨

October Baby is a Christian faith based film about the power of forgiveness. Despite the fact that many consider this to be a pro-life film, the message is rather a different one. It's not judgmental in any way, and takes a much lighter approach. The film focuses on a teenage girl and her struggle to find answers as to why she feels rejected. October Baby has the classic sermonizing moment near the end of the film that all Christian based moves have, and that may lead people to criticize this film, but it does get a graceful message across without being judgmental. Despite being preachy and melodramatic it has an interesting story and a strong performance from first timer Rachel Hendrix. She is beautiful, talented, and has the looks of a star if she can get over the Kristen Stewart lip biting thing. I don't tend to criticize movies based on their values, I do it based on the artistic approach and I think this film succeeds as a decent teen romantic drama. Some people may criticize this simply because they don't agree with its overall message, and others perhaps might find this film a little too amateur for their taste. Despite the clichés there are several funny and touching scenes delivered strongly by this relatively unknown cast. October Baby was co-directed and written by Andrew and Jon Erwin with some beautiful scenes trying to convey their message about the beauty of life. Despite all the melodrama the film does ring true at times considering we all remember how dramatic our life was when we were teenagers and were searching for the meaning of life. There is turmoil and strong emotions going on that now that we are much older and mature know how to deal with it differently.

The film focuses on Hannah (Rachel Hendrix), a nineteen year old girl suffering from seizures and asthma attacks. During a drama performance in school she passes out and awakens in the hospital where the doctors tell her that her illness has to do with her difficult birth. Here she discovers that her parents, Jacob (John Schneider) and Grace (Jennifer Price), aren't really her birth parents and that she was adopted by them after her young mother had a failed abortion attempt. Hannah is upset that her parents never told her the truth and decides to go on a road trip to see if she can contact her real mother. She enlists the help of her best friend Jason (Jason Burkey) and together with some other classmates they embark on a road trip. Hannah ends up making some revealing discoveries along the way that impact and change her life forever. Could her life have meaning despite all the terrible details about her birth? There is still beauty in the midst of brokenness and the only way to reach it is by letting go and forgiving.

Despite the terrible reviews this film has received from critics it still has a better rottentomato score than most other films in theaters right now (Hansel and Gretel, Identity Theft, Safe Haven, and the new Die Hard film) and it was much cheaper to produce. Audiences seem to enjoy this film however and I can see why since the message is uplifting. The film does look like a music video at times with the soundtrack paraphrasing the story at times and the beautiful scenery in the background. Chris Sligh has a couple of songs in the film and he also has a supporting role as the driver in the friendly road trip. The film can feel like a Lifetime movie at times, but Rachel Hendrix 's performance stands out and lifts this movie to a higher ground. Her chemistry with Jason Burkey felt authentic and the romanticism never felt sappy. This is a feel good movie that despite being preachy never feels like if the directors are trying to force their faith on the viewers. They are simply sending out a message about the beauty of life and the power of forgiveness. I honestly enjoyed this movie and would watch it again. This is a family friendly film.

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a meaningful film with real life experiences
paulrdesroches10 November 2014
Starting off a little strangely for me, I hung with it and it developed into a well directed, sensitive film dealing with issues of ethics and morality, the search for meaning in life for a disillusioned young woman, quality friendships and relationships, and the struggle for existential justification. The acting was very high caliber, the language is mild, and the dramatic tension is well managed. Some information/secrets are withheld from both the viewer and the protagonist which deepens the value of the film's intent, and for those who like resolution in a film by its end, this one doesn't disappoint. A good movie brings a tear to the eye on occasion, and this one does just that. Like life itself, there is disenchantment, pain, persistent struggling, discovery, and finally forgiveness and the resultant experience of satisfaction with a willingness to engage life to the fullest. An optimistic yet believable story worth a look.
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Message well sent
rjs6105625 March 2012
I was fortunate to see October Baby with one of the "Stars" and can highly recommend it. While it embraces a hot button topic it is not heavy handed or preachy. One can draw ones own conclusions about the broad strokes and still see another point of view. I was surprised that the only overtly religious scene played out in a Catholic Church (which I view as a risk well taken taken by the directors) and give a big thumbs up to Jasmine Guy who's character beautifully related heart wrenching recollections of the day to day events in a clinic. Personally I am not on the anti-abortion band wagon, This said I believe that it a choice of last resort and if this film can prevent that choice by preclusion ( as illustrated in the film by the lack of physical relationships in the unmarried College student characters no matter how unrealistic) then job well done.
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What The....?
happygenes-327-3507826 March 2012
Most faith-based funded "indie" movies I find are cheesy, a little preachy, and lacks flow. I find this movie to be an exception and it was thoroughly enjoyable to watch. I did find myself pre-judging the film, but Jasmine Guy's (the nurse) performance is superb and convinced me otherwise along w/ the main character who also made it believable if not lovable. Making a movie is an Art and for such a string budget (it would be unfair to judge it w/ huge budgeted Hollywood films). Nevertheless, it's greatly crafted. As someone w/ a buddhist and confucian background, my outlook is a from a different angle favoring this movie in how it conveys the perpetual cycle of cause and effects. In this case, suffering and self-hatred in need of healing and forgiveness. The film is classy in a sense that it does not condemn or vilify the characters it contrast. It's not good guys vs. bad guys. With that said, no matter what beliefs one prescribes to, I hope viewers will not condemn the film's work w/ pre-conceived prejudices just because it challenges their ideas.
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Very Touching Movie
rfurbert23 March 2012
My husband and I went to see this today. I did not have high expectations, but this movie totally touched my heart.

All of the actors (except for a couple of the smaller characters) gave exceptional performances. Jasmine Guy gave an especially moving performance and really surprised me. Who knew that she was such a strong actress?? The story really makes you think, and I believe that the subject matter was fleshed out in a really authentic, heartfelt way.

I don't know what else to say except that my husband and I both got teary in the movie and that we left the theater feeling good that we spent our money on "October Baby."

I hope that many other people will take a chance and give this movie a try. I'm not sure why people only gave it a 4 1/2 out of 10. I definitely felt that it was an EXCELLENT movie.
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Excellent film--moving and humorous--exceeded all expectations
janscruggs30 October 2011
This is an emotionally moving film that is entertaining for all ages. As the mother of three adopted children,I think this film is a must-see for all that want to understand more about the heart-ripping journey that all adopted children must take as they come to terms with being rejected by one family and wanted by another. It is subtle in its Christian message, but strong with the theme of unconditional love and forgiveness. The acting, directing, and producing is SUPERB, and it does not look like a film that skimped on budget in any of these areas. There was not a "dry eye in the house" because all ages were touched by this hurting teenager searching for meaning to her life. We have all been there. Please encourage others to see this movie so that it will be shown in more theaters across the country. THIS is the kind of movie that America is longing for.
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Lost in the echo chamber...
debarrk42 April 2012
This movie was better done than I expected. My main concern is that by coming on so strong I suspect it will simply remain a voice in the echo chamber. I happen to agree with every point in the movie, and I am fully sympathetic to the desire to get positive messages out in a culture that actively rejects them.

This movie will only ever appeal to people already in agreement. If you are a person who is atheistic or agnostic the strong religious themes are likely to be an issue. If you have pro-choice leanings you have already figured out that this movie is working a pro-life angle, and are likely to avoid it entirely.

If we want to represent traditional values in the current media, I suspect having a character who is unwavering, but -not- preachy, sticks to their beliefs, and is accepted by those around them will be far more realistic and effective. This is not rare in the real world, but practically unheard of in movies/TV. Nobody on Scrubs is in the "not going to have sex in an unmarried relationship" camp. It is a silly omission.

I do not wish to sound entirely critical. The message was good, and the production as a whole was good.
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I need to wash my eyes.
christinecarroll12227 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is, literally, one of the worst movies I've ever seen - and I've seen Howard the Duck and Leonard Part 6...and compared to this, those movies were Oscar contenders. I wanted to abort MYSELF about 20 minutes in, because I saw where this film was going. But I stuck with it.

Where do I start? The anti-choice/"pro-life" propaganda? The AWFUL Christian rock soundtrack that pervades the entire film? The complete and utter suspension of disbelief (or brainwashing) required to buy even the slightest detail in this film?

The main problem with movies made by Christian people is that they structure them around the way the feel life SHOULD BE, rather than how it actually is. This movie is infused with the propriety of adults, when it's supposed to be about KIDS - Christian or not. A bunch of broke college kids on a road trip. Despite the fact that they embark on said road trip in a VW camper with the "untouchable love interest/good Christian boy's" cousin, who looks like the biggest stoner outside of Dazed and Confused...yet no sex, no smoking, no drinking, not even so much as a cigarette, because good Christian kids don't do those things...right. They talk about vegetarianism and baby turtles instead.

And despite being "broke college kids", they buy multiple hotel rooms, because it's just too taboo for them to share a room together?! Really? Jesus doesn't want boys and girls to sleep together, even platonically?! That's not proper? I guess I'm going to hell then.

Not to mention that the girlfriend of the love interest/good Christian boy is one dimensional and pure freaking evil! Yet despite his holiness, he chose her,over the oh so holy, mild mannered heroine of this tale. But of COURSE they don't have sex! She has to share a room with the leading lady with epilepsy, and MOCKS her for it! How Christian!

But what really, really, REALLY bothered me about this film were the fallacies imparted concerning abortion. So I'm supposed to believe that this "doctor" agreed to perform an abortion on someone 24 weeks pregnant (TWICE the legal limit of 12 weeks), didn't notice the mother was having twins despite the exams and ultrasounds required before the procedure, and when attempting to abort the one baby he thought there was, only got an ARM?! ONE arm?! And this "doctor" then said "Ho-hum, this abortion's done!" NEVER HAPPEN. Lies and Christian, pro-life propaganda. BS.

Though to back this up, the nurse (Roxy from Dead Like Me, an AWESOME show :() says that kind of thing happened ALL THE TIME with this "doctor". Also lies. Despicable, misleading, horrible lies, from a sect of people who give a crap UNTIL a baby is born - and then say "why'd you have a baby you couldn't afford?" when a woman requests public assistance.

But I digress...

What I found most detestable was the casting of an actress who had actually undergone an abortion to play leading lady's bio mother. An actress turned born again Christian, should I say. This, to me, was the most horrible, victimizing, cherry-on-top-of the right wing sundae that was this movie. Because I could feel her emotion, her regret, her guilt. These film-makers used this woman in the worst way a woman can be used, and true, she allowed it. But I feel for her. I don't begrudge her whatever comfort this movie gave her. But to me, Christians live in a world of "do as I say, not as I do." I would have rather seen this woman sympathize with girls in the same position as she was than take part in a movie that vilifies them.

All this being said, I feel that, minus the propaganda, this COULD have been an awesome movie. It's a great concept, that I could have gotten behind, had it been treated with some dignity and truth. But Christian movie makers tend to Disney-fy everything to the extent where it's no longer believable. Your kids make mistakes, just like the rest of the us. You don't need to set an example. We sure aren't looking to you for one.
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Truly every life is beautiful.
ethan-948-41109131 October 2011
This is a very deep stirring story that was worth every minute of my time. OctoberBaby doesn't throw any message in the viewers face, it just focuses on telling a story on a very emotional topic without pushing any agendas. I'm actually really surprised more directors don't tackle sensitive emotional issues like this to make stories resonate more personally with the audience... The acting seemed so spot on too. The entire cast acted as if that was ACTUALLY their story they were telling and it really made the performances shine through. OctoberBaby contained a very good mix of intense heart wrenching scenes broken up by light hearted comedy and minor romantic scenes. I'd recommend this movie to anyone and everyone as it is completely family friendly in my opinion. So far I've seen it 3 times with a number of people, and everyone I've invited has bawled their eyes out, even my ex-military dad!
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October, November, December Baby
brandonsullivan918 May 2012
October Baby tackles the controversial and emotionally charged topic of abortion. We follow the life of a college girl who finds out her life is not what she thought it was. Eventually she finds out that she was adopted and goes on a search to uncover her secret history.

The message of the movie is that all life is precious. It definitely conveys a pro-life stance in the abortion debate. A nurse talks about the horrors of working in an abortion clinic and is motivated to change fields into baby delivery at the hospital. The college girl is also told that she was her adoptive parents' miracle.

Being someone who is pro-life I loved the message. For me the message is a ten. The movie however is only a six. It was slow and plodding much of the way through. A few twists and turns helped to make it an enjoyable watch but nothing draws me in for a second viewing.
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Improbable Premise. Horrible dialogue.
simonaloberant19786 May 2012
Just terrible. Don't waste your time. I don't care what scientific quote they have from the 80s. Late term abortions are incredibly rare and are usually only the result of danger to the mother's life or horrible disease or malformations of the fetus. These do not result in live births. There have been, literally, 3 or 4 anecdotal cases and those were mostly at the hands of doctors that were not acting ethically or professionally. That being said I can't understand why a fainting spell at a play would engender so much attention and somehow get traced back to this failed abortion attempt. Apparently it wasn't serious enough to keep this woman from a cross country trip without her parents or medical care. This is nothing but a right wing propaganda film. It is implausible and scientifically flawed on all accounts. The only people who could review this movie positively also believe that the world is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs never existed. Maybe the shut in home-schoolers are just impressed by this because they aren't allowed to watch any other movies or television and, as a result, are just happy for an opportunity to see those new fangled moving pictures no matter how bad the script is. :-)
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A road trip story with laughs and heart.
hamilmckerley6 November 2011
I went in thinking this was going to be something of a "chick flick" only to find out it was much more fun and had way more depth than that categorization would normally imply. A coming of age road trip filled with laughter,soul searching and twists that will leave you cheering for all the best things in others and, in the end, you may even find out a little something about yourself. I would recommend this for anyone over ten years old and this makes a wonderful film for the whole family. I saw it on a limited release in Alabama but I understand it will be released again nationwide next spring; I'm definitely going to see it again then as well; it's THAT good!
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Much more watchable and satisfying than most Christian films, IMHO
k-tmunroe4 May 2014
I expected this to be your usual block of Christian movie cheese but was pleasantly surprised. Not 10 stars worth but a solid 7. The production values were quite good for a genre that usually looks like your cousin made it with his video camera using a script he wrote and friends from church as actors with maybe a Christian celeb thrown in.

The road trip didn't come off well--worst hotel ever? Obviously those kids hadn't left town before. And they didn't seem like real kids, like the writers didn't know what real kids are like. Maybe like they only ever saw photos of college age kids.

The sound track drove me bonkers--even though I've listened to my share of CCM, those days are over and those songs and the way they all sound the same are the reason why.

The acting is pretty solid, despite a sometimes weak script--as when Hannah runs away from the group. Well, that scene was kind of meh all around.

The message wasn't ham-handed, I didn't think. And I thought it was fair to all sides of the abortion issue. Others might not think so, but... I was happy not to be preached at. Some deeper character development from the writers or actors would have really pushed this movie ahead. But I've seen much worse.

The depth of the topic held the film together. The most powerful scenes I think were the nurse telling Hannah the story of her birth and Cindy facing that moment of her life alone in her office.

As a Christian, I always hope a movie made by Christians will be better than most, and mostly that is not true. October Baby, however, was quite satisfying to experience.
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I'm Sorry -
john-977-15502131 March 2012
I love Jesus. I hate abortion. I'm strongly in favor of a new breed of entertainment that is counter-cultural and God honoring. Unfortunately - this film falls far short of what film should be. The script is sophomoric and hopelessly inconsistent. Odd how this supposedly suicidal girl who claims her whole life has been a lie never forgets to put on her lipstick. Or strange dialogue like: (paraphrased)

Hanna: "I've just found out I was adopted, and my mother tried to abort me."

Police Officer: I know just how you feel, my wife's about to have our fifth child."


The characters are flat and predictable. The cinematography is cliché and odd. Extreme close ups abound, for no reason. I also have a personal three "crying scene" rule for a lead actor. This lead has six. That's a lot of crying.

I'm sorry to say all this, but let's be honest. This film was more like a sophomore class school project shot on RED cameras than a professionally made movie.
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well-made, heartwarming, life-changing
beehive423 March 2012
I am so glad we went to see this movie last night. I have no personal history with either abortion or adoption, and this movie let me see into the real world of both of these experiences. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The acting was phenomenal. I loved seeing familiar faces from back in the day - Bo Duke from Dukes of Hazzard and Whitley from It's a Different World. Chris Sligh from American Idol was really funny; my husband and I were laughing out loud. Who knew he had an amazing voice and could act so well too? I personally would not take my children to see this movie, but it would be appropriate for anyone older than 12, in my opinion. I wish they would make more movies like this one in Hollywood. Finally something different from the usual story lines. It's refreshing! I will definitely be buying this movie when it comes out on DVD. It's life-changing. It reminded me to appreciate my parents and family.
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We care!
holyhearts3 November 2011
There are so many people in deep emotional pain. This movie heals and gives us hope with humor and gentleness. I recommend it to everyone. Even though we aren't all going through the same thing as the main characters in the movie, the under lying messages apply to us all and are very helpful.

The trailer caused me to expect a mostly heavy painful story line but I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of well done comedy that caused the teens in my house to quote lines in the movie through out the week just for fun.

The photography was some of the best I've ever seen. It had a way of telling the story, almost making the words unnecessary.

The best part of "October Baby" to me is it's ability to touch so many deeply painful subjects without vilifying anyone and still be very believable.
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Fabulous Film!
therobinson731 October 2011
I highly recommend this film. It is unique and relevant, especially today when Hollywood seems to be simply telling the same stories over and over again in different ways with different actors. This is a movie I'll see again and one that I will own when it's available on DVD. The message of this film is powerful, even life-changing. An eye opener for some, and healing for others perhaps. The quality of production was top notch. The acting was wonderful, not only from the familiar faces but also from the newcomers to the big screen. I understand why the movie is PG-13, but it's certainly not rated that due to inappropriate material, it's due to the more mature story line. I would recommend this film to anyone, we were very impressed.
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Decent Film
mangelhj24 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie is strangely similar to a recent novel, ONLY WOMEN BLEED, by L.J. Rivard. The main character in the novel learns on her twenty-first birthday that she survived abortion as an infant. The novel's main character, Jessica, also was born in October! She goes on a quest to find out the truth about her beginnings, in particular, the woman who aborted her. The book is not preachy at all, like some of the comments others have made about the movie. It's a good read, written by a lawyer, and so I learned a little something about the state of abortion law in this country as a bonus. ONLY WOMEN BLEED is available on amazon.

I thought the movie did a decent job- it's definitely a pro-life message, but I don't know why that has to be such a big turn off even if you happen to be pro-choice. This is America!
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A pitiful pro-life statement
patriciasmsantos2 February 2013
This movie annoyed me for two reasons.

The first one is the movie in itself: the script, the acting... it's just not good. The main character is pitiful in more than one way and where drama was supposed to grip me (and let me just say that I am a crier) I just felt awkward about the acting and about the storytelling that wasn't nearly good enough to get me involved.

The second reason is that for the most part of the movie I was angry at its clearly pro-life message. It is erroneous and deceiving. It is demeaning to women in general and it makes an effort to seem forgiving when, in fact, it is blaming and judging women who make the incredibly hard decision to have an abortion.

So, look, if you're pro-choice, don't come within a 500 meter range of this... err... movie. If you're against abortion, I recommend that you order a better movie to support your cause next time. Madonna's "Papa don't preach" is better structured than this. I guess there's also a conclusion there.

Happy movie-watching, everyone!
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A Powerful Movie
dsteward-302-72957125 February 2012
I saw October Baby a couple of days ago, and this is a powerful movie that shows how God can bring beauty from our most painful experiences. I was concerned how the film would portray this difficult, sensitive and polarizing issue, but it was well-balanced and exhibited compassion for every character. I found myself completely caught up in the story and never got the feeling that the movie was dragging. I have a 14-year-old daughter and would not hesitate to let her see this movie; however, I believe the subject matter is a little strong for children under 13. If you are looking for a movie that honors God and his power to redeem and heal,this is a must see.
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Love the message could use some work
kascarpati31 March 2012

I thought it was to Christian her relationship with her friend Jason seemed completely unrealistic and jokes where to forced and fake


The message was uplifting. Forgiveness is the key to healing, and I liked that they touched on don't hate the criminal hate the crime. So many amazing people are lost to abortions and I can not hate the women who chose to end the lives of their would be children but I hate the act of cutting a growing baby out of its mothers womb.

*Anyone who is pro choice I ask you to read and know exactly what you stand behind because the act of abortion is barbaric.
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Latest in a long line of "Christian" stinkers
Bart_OP27 March 2012
As a priest, whenever I go to see a "Christian movie" and don't like it, I feel a little guilty and am afraid of being judged harshly: it's a Christian movie, you call yourself a Christian, you have to like it." But that's a little like saying you have to like a Last Supper painted on velvet because it's a Last Supper. Or you have to like to like the L.A. Cathedral because it is a cathedral (incidentally, I like a lot of things about the L.A Cathedral.) Sometimes I have been told "if you don't have anything good to say, you should just be charitable and keep your mouth shut." That might be true of an amateur production put together by my students to advertise a Newman Center event. But if you release an amateur production in general release in movie theaters around the country, let the chips fall where they may. You are subject to the same standards other movies that get shown in those theaters. Works of art that should be judged by their merits as works of art. And as a film, 'October Baby' left a bad taste in my mouth. Don't get me wrong, it is very earnest and well-intentioned; but so are all the other so-called Christian movies I have disliked. When judging a movie as a work of art, one looks at the camera work, the story, the script, the acting, the direction. And with the possible exception of the camera work, this movie fails on all accounts. That's not to say that I hated the movie, I even had tears in my eyes at the end (not, per se, a sign that a movie is good, I wear my emotions pretty close to the surface), but through most of the movie, I had to actively will myself to keep watching. Let's start with the story - besides being incredibly improbable, it depends on the illegal actions of a cop and a nurse to make it happen. They were well-intentioned and it certainly advanced the plot much more quickly than having to go through the arduous and difficult real task of finding a birth parent who doesn't want to be found. But what's a little law breaking when it is so well intentioned. Really? This is the message we want a Christian movie to send. But it's not the moral message that bothers me. It's the deus ex machina that prematurely advances an already weak plot. The person who wrote this movie clearly knew nothing about 21st Century college students and thus created a gaggle of 2 dimensional stereotypes that did nothing to make me want to keep watching this movie. On top of a bad story - the script was also overly earnest and preachy. As a character, Hanna was so completely unlikable and pouty that I found her hard to watch. In this case, it was not the acting, it was the melodramatic and unreal script. But I also found the acting was uniformly mediocre. Again, as I reach for an adjective, the only one that comes to mind is earnest. I like Rachel Hendrix, she wasn't terrible. John Scheider has been playing the same role for years (at least as far back as the 1st season of Smallville): well-meaning sensitive and wise adoptive father who gets it wrong but makes everything right. But how much bad melodrama can one career endure? Jason Burkey was decent, but I wanted the kids who played Truman and Alanna to just stop trying to act altogether. The one kind of bright spot in this otherwise dim cast was Shari (Rigby) Wiedmann, who played Cindy (more about her later). I even found the soundtrack overly earnest and preachy. in the end, I found the move, on the whole, amateurish and throughout the movie found myself distracted by one thought: how does this movie get funded and distributed? and why? Is this movie intended to spread the pro-life message? In the end, I am certain that the only people who will see this movie will be those who don't need to see a 'pro-life' movie: those who read about it in their church bulletin. A general release movie like 'Juno' (decidedly NOT a Christian movie) does more to make you reflect on the difficult issues associated with unexpected pregnancy, abortion and life than any 'Christian' movie I have ever seen about the subject.

So what did I like about the movie? Well it was partially filmed in Mobile, Alabama, which is one of my hometowns. Even the scene set in New Orleans was really the balcony of a bar on the corner of Dauphin and Joachim Streets in Mobile. I selfishly like the idea that everything get resolved in Birmingham's St. Paul's Roman Catholic Cathedral (once again the Church cleans up the mess). I liked the montage at the end of the movie that sort of tied up the loose ends. And I liked the epilogue. I hope that if you go to see the movie that you will stay to see the interview with Shari Wiedmann that runs during the final credits. I don't want to ruin it by revealing the substance of the interview, but let me say that it explains why her acting was so much better than everybody else in this film, and I think that the story she tells would make a much better movie than the one I sat through today.

When I like a movie for its values, I recommend it highly to my parishioners and even sometimes arrange for group viewings at a local theater or at our Church.. I cannot recommend this movie and won't be showing at the Newman Center when it comes out on video for the same reason that I won't be arranging an art exhibit of velvet Jesus paintings. If you want to see a great pro-life movie, stay home and rent 'Bella.' Instead of stars, I give 'Octber Baby' @@.
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A must see, like nothing you've ever seen before.
susanplytle17 February 2012

Saw the screening last night and it surpassed all expectations!!! From the minute it begins it draws you in and doesn't let go. When you think you have it all figured out, it goes in a direction you never expected. The acting leaves you wondering if you are watching a movie or real life. The theme of this film could have gone in so many other directions and been a disaster. But OctoberBaby is truly excellent. Plan on seeing it when it opens in theaters on March 23. You will see one of the rare films that is well worth the $$!!
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Could be better
aaroncavanaugh227 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hi, This movie is weird. The first half of the movie has a campy feel to it and I would rate this half as 3 stars. The second half "after the Jasmine Guy" scene is totally different and I would give 8 stars. The problem is the first half has two comedic characters that aren't funny "this is what gives it a campy feel." The Christian machismo dad bothers me. Yes, the character fits into the script well and provides a good dynamic. The problem for me, being a Christian, is that some people may see this dad as being a perfectly legitimate and logical position to take a dad. This character looks nothing like Christ. The main female character however does reflect Christ.

Thanks. God Bless.

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90 minute pro-life commercial
mandreko-312-889629 March 2012
As this story goes along, you find that the main character is the result of a failed abortion. This somehow means that she continually has to be whining and crying the entire film. I kept looking over at my wife throughout the movie, and she would look back at me, and say, "Really? I could write better than this."

There's a ton of video just showing beach landscapes, and water. This is a nice distraction. However when you get to the actual film, several of the shots are very grainy. This could just be since I was at an early screening which may have been a not-final copy, but it was often distracting.

There are short spurts of humor, but they are often ended early, to go on with the main story line.

After watching the credits roll, it was not surprising at all to see that the film is affiliated with a ton of pro-life organizations, and a huge number of churches. To me, this felt like a deception, and it was just a way for those organizations to preach to me.
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