Acid (2023) Poster


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Good in premise
darrencsim-040721 February 2024
Really wanted to like this and that's all I can say is I like it. It could of been so much better but the writers need some improvement on the characters.

The mother was not likeable and the daughter was so annoying, I found myself hoping for them to be killed off. Not sure why in last twenty years writers feel the need for children to be little aholes in every movie now. I miss the days of the kids like in Goonies or Stand By Me. Kids aren't stupid in real life for the most part so why always depict them that way. Children can certainly grasp serious situations and act appropriately and not be the reason others are killed like so many movies do now. The daughter made this almost unwatchable.

I like the story and they really could of had an amazing movie. The filming and special effects were good. This could of been a tv show for 2-3 seasons.
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Interesting premise let down by unbelievably bad writing
onthewatchlist3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Couldn't finish the movie. Extremely unlikeable and unethical main guy, and plot holes the size of Texas.

Early in the movie, the man and his wife are seen booting desperate people out of their van like they were zombies. Later, a lady was kind enough to offer the man and his daughter refuge in their home, but he took it upon himself to lecture her at her dinner table. All in the midst of a terrifying acid rainstorm.

Speaking of which, what kind of acid tears through houses and cars, but leaves cell towers, power lines and pipes intact? And you have houses with roofs burnt in, surrounded by trees and leaves that are pristine and untouched.

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ydzqnyt8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the many plot holes. They are legion and you might have fun counting and listing them (could make it an entertaining game night with friends). Selma herself made the movie unbearable. Bad decisions upon bad decisions, she just makes you want to turn this movie off and walk. Think of the stupidest thing you could do during an acid rain. Think hard. Are you there? Selma has you beat. She will outdumb the dumbest life form on earth. The best thing her father did in at one point in the movie was to yell at her that she should shut up. I felt his pain. I really did. I do not wish a child like her on anyone, environmental catastrophe or not. I will still applaud the original idea and the cinematography, that was good.
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Good idea terrible executions
papacopet4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to watch this suspense movie. I approach it like watching bird box, and a quiet place. Only the character could not think ahead 5 minute.

Every decision that they make was either by being selfish or taken while panicking. Why having the urge to go elsewhere when they can just wait it out. Every bad situation was so repeated. Selfish act, girl yelling, then going somewhere panicking. Not one smart decision out of the that make the viewer cheer for the character. Even if we accept the ridiculousness of the super acid rain the character only comprehend the bare minimum and never tried to make a smart decision. Like waiting out the rain in the tunnel, waiting out the rain under the bridge. Even the last rain. Trying to run away from the rain? Wtf just to end up in some farmland stuck? They could had waited it out in the car driving or not same amount of rain. I recommend a bit but don't expect yourself to cheer for the success of the character.
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ObviTheMargs16 October 2023
Maybe prescient is the word I'm circling around here? Enter a very French tale about the future imperfect, amounting to more or less an environmental horror yarn evoking those 1970s nature run amuck flicks. The cinematography and editing grab and grip, especially the intro, vibrating almost with a sense of January 6 chaos. But as the tale reveals it's a survive-if-you-can story of fractured family amid a fractured world and Mother Nature will have her day on Anvers! Or something. The narrative traipses plausible ish, and the effects come across as not so unbelievable. My kingdom for a concrete bunker already!
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Good idea if not for bad characters
Brendanflynn531 January 2024
I watched this movie and thought the idea is good but why oh why do directors insist on stupid teenagers being stupid. It seems to be an after 2000 thing where teenagers seem to be spolt intitled idiots. In modern disaster films about global warming etc people moan about this that and the other but what do they expect. They caused it! To be honest we deserve everything that is going to happen to us. I'd love to be more positive about the future but as long as corruption and greedy people run this planet well this film theme could be the norm! A good movie should have characters we root for. I'm afraid in this one I didn't care enough about them to want them to survive!
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Interesting concept but poor execution
chenp-5470811 February 2024
I really liked the first act of the movie with an interesting set up and dynamics but unfortunately, the movie falls apart due to poor writing and uninteresting characters. "Acid" is the type of movie where it contains an interesting concept about environmental disasters but unfortunately fails to fulfill it's potential because of the messy writing where concepts are all over the place, certain amounts of logic that really doesn't make any sense and characters that are not interesting and honestly, REALLY unlikeable.

The camerawork, the sound designs and the color presentations are pretty good. The performances from the cast members are solid as they have some decent moments of emotions. Including some solid special effects and make up used. But the negative components really overshadow the movie. Disaster movies like this I can watch just for fun popcorn but the unlikable characters, plot holes, and the messy writing makes it difficult to really believe much of this movie.
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How do you F up this script with such glaring errors
seattletuttle9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how this script got screwed up.

This level of acidic rain would have destroyed cellular equipment, as well as the tires on the cars.

But why is the tap water contaminated? There's no scientific rationale behind these flaws.

Other than that, the plot and general flow of the story is good. The premise is unbelievable because this concentration of acid rain wouldn't just suddenly appear. It would occur gradually.

When I come up with story ideas like this, I would quickly reach the realization that the premise is so flawed, it's not worth the time continuing. I'm dumbstruck that others just plow ahead without a care. Why can't they keep thinking up ideas until there's one that holds water?
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Waste of time
silviustefanhanceriuc20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Selma HAS to be the least intelligent child character ever in a movie. I couldn't cringe more than I did. If I were her dad, I would have actually let her go. She has no self-preservation instinct; she does exactly the opposite of what she should do. The dialogue was bad, the acting was bad, the entire character of Selma was bad.

Furthermore, her mother died for nothing. She had to die just for the shock-value moment in the film. Someone should tell the director that it's not 2002 anymore: it's kind of outdated to kill characters solely for shock value.

To sum it up, this is the very last time I am watching French movies. I have never seen a good movie except for 'The Intouchables.' You guys should learn from the Spaniards; they actually know how to make them.
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I ran out of paper while taking notes of shortcomings
Estie88819 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It starts out as a really good idea. I love movies around climate catastophes. Unfortunately, this move falls flat on the family drama and character building.

Not only are all characters extremely unlikeable, their conflicts are ridiculous regarding the circumstances. "You never helped with anything" was mom's main punch to dad, I mean yeah, that seems really important when acid is falling from the sky. I started taking notes about mistakes/plot holes/ bad logic, and the list had 26 items by the end of the film.

Some of them iclude the constant fighting and crying, the unethical/immoral actions of the protagonists and the extreme stupidity they convey.

From deciding to drive out to the unknown to another country instead of their relatively close home through failing to gather resources in shelters they find, going out in the acid rain instead of waiting it out (for example in the hangar - they could drive the car in and have double protection), kicking out innocent injured people from their car, to the constant tantrums of annoying teenager who I ended up referring to only as expletives in my notes, they make all bad, questionable and illogical moves all throughout, I found myself not caring for any of the characters by the end.

Mom was made superfluous quite quick, dad's allergies towards the ex-wife's side of family kicks in real quick and starts heading back to his girlfriend, making their whole ordeal up to that point completely pointless.

The military trucks can't proceed in low foliage, forcing them to walk, when the teen girl throws a completely unreasonable, out-of-the-blue tantrum in the middle of a forest laying face down with the acidic clouds approaching (she even shouts "leave me alone!"- are you serious?!), causing her and her dad to get seperated from the group that was heading to certain safety.

They stumble upon a house with a mom and a sick son, who they not only criticize for not sharing their limited resources, but who they end up leaving for dead, taking their car, their only lifeline, only to get into another ridiculous fight in the middle of a dark field in acid rain waiting for a GPS signal (the mere existence of which is stupid in itself). Dad still ends up driving off the road into pitch dark fields, which is always a good idea.

When you think this couldn't get any worse, the girl storms off in anger, everything still dripping of acid, pitch dark, making her dad chase her through acid pools - and oh, by the way they leave the engine running, because the next gas station must be around the corner, totally not eaten away by acid, so no worries. Girl climbs a metallic structure getting herself in danger, forcing dad to rescue her yet again, the ordeal causing him serious injury.

They end up in a totally undamaged shelter (looks like a stadium) while all buildings around the area literally crumbled by this point. Interesting. Girl, upon learning that dad's girlfriend is also dead, decides to be a brat for one last time and not tell him, keep him in the dark, while he recovers from a double amputation.

So she caused them to get seperated from the military-lead group and her dad ending up with zero legs all because her constant crying, tantrums and mood swings.

The premise of a pair of functional adults with a car, homes and close available resources make the decision to run around in the open under the sky with acid rain clouds into unknown territory is infuriating in itself. Doing it while making the viewer absolutely immune to their distress is an achievement. When the dad shows his straight up lack of humanity towards anyone exept his girlfriend at home, who we can see 3 times, we no longer care if any of them live.

I mean can you make characters more unlikeable than these?

All this is crowned by not getting anything close to an explanation or hint on what was going on, why, or what was to come. It fails to be a climate catastrophe movie and fails to be a drama it so desperately wants to be.

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Hopeless and depressingly bad!
chand-suhas20 May 2024
France is hit by acid rain and a divorced couple with their teenage daughter, try to survive like the rest. The cause of the acid rain is not the main focus, the survival isn't either for the teen girl. As the couple try to overcome their differences and work towards their common goal of saving their daughter, what circumstances they go through as the acid rain worsens, forms rest of the story.

The moment you let a horse die, it was clear the characters were unsympathetic and totally lacked any sort of survival skills but to keep running. As much as the father and mother wanted to save their daughter, their character arc of miserable ex-couple, really kills any sort of hope. Then, there is the annoying daughter whose only job is to cry throughout and I simply didn't care for her survival instantly.

Sadly, acid rain scenes aren't the main focus either to showcase the destruction, largely due to budget restrictions but the writing is enormously hopeless giving no reason to root for any character. The mother-son duo in the third act are straight up depressing. Just the bunch of characters who have totally given up and yet weaving a survival story around them, made no sense. The film dragged on for it's entire runtime and it was totally not worth sitting through it or even claim that I survived it.
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A promising director
searchanddestroy-18 April 2024
After LA NUEE and a short movie also called ACIDE, this French film maker offers the best hopes for the future. I only hope that he won't proceed in stupid comedies. When it was released in movie theaters, I counfounded it with LE REGNE ANIMAL, another French film also more or less in the same kind of stories. Ecological, science fiction.... A genre exploitation French film, but with a big budget. Yes, this director is a good chance for the movie industry to AT LAST offer the audiences something really solid. I only regret the last minutes. I guessed something else. More dramatic, more tragic. His short film ACIDE, back in 2018, was really downbeat, depressing. This longer version should have been the same. Period.
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