"9-1-1" Hero Complex (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Not the best but not the worst either
mrteacher-9428510 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not gonna lie, I expected this episode to be a little better than it was. There were some good parts but overall it's not my favorite episode and I think there were some better ones this season.

Good parts: -Hen and Chim, these 2 always kill it together, their close friendship is one of the main pillars of the show. -Eddie finally getting some stuff off his chest and nearing the completion of his healing arc. -Bobby feeling guilty for hiring Jonah and holding himself responsible, he already carries so much guilt with him all the time I hope this doesn't cause him to spiral. -Buck just sitting there playing with a dinosaur while Eddie packed (Chris wasn't even in this episode lol) he knew he needed to be there to morally support Eddie and I just love these little scenes of them supporting each other.

Meh parts: -Jonah kinda became like a mustache-twirling villain which ok it's TV I know it needs to be more dramatic but still. Nonetheless the scenes with Jonah were still quite intense. -Lucy and Ravi were just kinda there, they each only said about 2 lines (sidenote but Arielle Kebbel is really not impressing me with her line deliveries and I really don't think Lucy adds anything to the show but that's a whole different thing).

Bad parts: -Everything having to do with Taylor. Get her off this show I can't take it anymore. She sucks and should've left in 5A. -Maddie was only in this episode for like 5 seconds and has barely been present in the other 5B episodes besides Boston. Like wth she comes back just for us to barely see her??? -The Eddie storyline fell a little flat for me like it didn't seem to fit in this episode at all and it seemed kinda like a rushed conclusion with kind of an undeserving redemption of his father imo.

This episode was written by Stacey Rose (writer of Ghost Stories, the worst rated episode ever) and Kristen Reidel (just ugh). Not the writing team I would've picked for an important penultimate episode but I guess it got the job done and like I said there were some things that were good.
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Disappointing penultimate episode
itisiabanana10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The main storyline in this episode, wrapping up the villainous paramedic Jonah's storyline was...underwhelming. It had long been predicted that he was evil, and they made it very clear in the previous episode and in the promotional material that he was. We already knew what he did, and how he did it. All we learned in this episode was what started him on this path, and that story was not very interesting either. So in the end, we basically got what we already knew we had, and in the process they turned Jonah so cartoonish and over the top that I couldn't take it seriously. I get that this is a drama, but the kidnapping and torturing was straight out of an extremely gratuitous fanfiction.

I love to see Hen and Chim's friendship, so the fact that they got a lot of time together was great. But the poor quality of the material they were given made didn't allow them to shine like they could have.

What I did love was getting more insight into Eddie's childhood and family dynamics. Eddie's storyline and Ryan Guzman's acting has definitely been THE highlight of this season. I wish they had spent more time on it in this episode, because it definitely felt rushed and they pointedly passed over problems Eddie had with his mother as well. They still didn't introduce us to Eddie's sisters, and randomly informed us that his grandmother had moved away from Los Angeles, which is a big deal given everything Eddie has been going through and that she was a big support for him. The writer's are continuing a bad theme of telling us important things instead of showing us and it feels cheap and lazy.

I'm exhausted by every bit of Buck and Taylor. I hope that her lying and clearly placing her career over his family will finally be enough for them to both end this mess of a relationship. If I never have to see her again after that it will be too soon.

Since one of the same writer's of this episode wrote the finale, and she has clear pacing problems and a strange fixation with crime, I'm a little worried that the finale will be a similar disappointment.
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Very Intense and unexpectedly dark.
cibelekzm10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I must start saying the Jonah evil storyline escalated completely out of what I was expecting. I mean I think the build up was good and that it was obvious he would go after Hen and Chimney... (Being predictable isn't bad, there were hints and a lot of people figured out theses hints. This isn' bad, just that the build up worked. Bad would be if it was completely got out of nowhere only to get rid of a new character) I just totally did not expect it would be that dark. It was basically physical (Chim) and psychological (Hen) torture. I never thought the writers would have courage to go down on such area. Thankfully Hen and Chimney are a perfect duo and are the best together and put the man down (also claps to Bobby, I don't condone violence, but the punch was satisfying and I'm not afraid of saying it ashgdf)

Talking about Bobby, I'm fascinated with how they've been building up Bobby's breakdown for the season finale, as the guilty caused by hiring Jonah is just a catalyst to something that has been bottling up since the latest season. Once we think about it, the drunk driver from latest season was the first sign.

Then Bobby had to go through Harry's kidnapping and the consequences in the kid's behavior later, the team being a mess and he needing to replace missing members even if he didn't want to, worrying about Eddie and trying to help where he could, then having his trauma brought back as May was put in danger, a roof falling on him, watching Claudette's death with May, and now the Jonah situation that is basically the trigger for all that to explode.

As much as people say this 5B is bad, I can't bring myself to say something like this when this season has done great work in dealing with mental health issues, we had major characters dealing with mental problems through the season, Maddie's PPD, Eddie's PTSD, and now Bobby mental state that has been shown signs of decline through the season. I mean, meanwhile Maddie and Eddie have been healing from events happening past seasons in this season, we've been watching Bobby walking the path to a breakdown by having to deal with so many tough situations as also trying to take care of everyone. Like this contrast is genius, and I'm really excited to see what is going to come from the finale.

Talking about mental health issues... I think the fact Eddie went to Texas to try to heal from the generational trauma is great, it's good to see him accepting the problem, and trying to heal from it, not for others but for himself. But if I'm completely honest, this storyline and the scene with Buck were completely disconnected of the episode and felt even unnecessary. Like... It was just there... Probably my only complain with the episode.

Now talking about Taylor... welp there is not much to say, I mean we just confirmed what we knew, she had no character development at all and still prioritize her career over anything. Like if running the story before the confront with Jonah was already bad, because she would basically use off records info to create a sensationalist story that could put many (Hen, Chim, possibly Bobby's career and the station reputation) in danger if Jonah was ever innocent and tried to sue, the fact she did run the story AFTER the confront makes it actually worse, because besides breaking her promise, the excuse she used was that she wanted to make something to get Jonah out of the streets so he wouldn't hurt more people, but this excuse just fell in a trash cam as she did run that story in first hand, because at that moment it was all about getting the scoop first and not some noble intention like she claimed. It was very unprofessional and bit creep behavior, and I hope this finally shows Buck that he shouldn't pursue a relationship with her.

Anyway I think it was a good episode, not perfect, but good. I personally love it run out of my expectations.
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An incredible episode;
neethu-9298313 May 2022
Aisha and Kenneth's acting was off the charts and Chimney and Hen's friendship is one of the best things of this show. Eddie's storyline felt cathartic and relatable to anyone who is raised in an immigrant family. Amazing performances from.all the cast members; only the pacing of the episode was a little off.
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The Diaz dynamic is so interesting. Warning: Spoilers
I loved their scenes and I hope they keep developing Eddie's arc with his family because I feel it is an important topic to many latinos as well as other inmigrants with similar family history.

It made me so happy to see Eddie's growth and finally standing up for himself and doing things for him and not his son.

The rest of the episode was a big let down to be honest. They hyped it up and I felt like it was too obvious that Monday was the bad guy, so it wasn't shocking at all. The overall writing of that arc was pretty cringey and I suffered from severe secondhand embarassment in some of the scenes.

It definitely wasn't the worst episode of the season, but it wasn't good either. The writing department is severely lacking lately, this isn't the show it used to be.
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Best friends
leonotaku26 April 2024
Honestly I enjoy this show so much. The duo of chimney and han are the best! In the beginning and continuation they always had great chemistry, supporting one another. There are happy moments and sad moments but those characters really pull it off. The comedy and smarts I enjoyed the duo between them. In this episode it captures that a beauty of best friends. Got in me in tears of happiness toward the end of episode. I typically don't give out of review but overall I enjoyed this episode the most. All the characters in 9-1-1 is wonderful roles. I just had to give apperciation of this episode.°
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You Need a Heart Beat to Defibrillate!
PonchosMom1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show can be entertaining. But, the writers/director/producers need to listen to the tech advisors. You can't defibrillate someone who is flatlining! The patient needs to have some sort of heart beat for the electrical current to pick up!
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A little bit disconnected
delta-mk10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how to feel about that episode overall tbh. We basically had the climax to two big storylines this season and both of them should have gotten their own time to shine. Instead, they tried to fit them into one episode and it just didn't work for me.

I get that the writers wanted to show two different type of heroes: one, who thinks he is one but isn't (Jonah) and one who doesn't think he is one but actually is (Eddie). And it could have worked BUT the atmosphere of both storylines was too different to actually work together.

Don't get me wrong, I loved what they showed with Eddie and that we learned so much about him and his childhood and why he is the way he is. Ryan btw. Did a FABULOUS job again - but he is outstanding this half of the season anyway. Should Eddie have forgiven his dad? Hm... as someone who was in a similar situation once and didn't forgive that person and instead cut all ties with them, I wouldn't have. But it's Eddie and as we know already and got informed in that episode AGAIN - he has a big heart and weakness for his family so in the end, I understood why he forgave his father.

I also loved his scene with Buck in the beginning - bright, colorful, happy - as well as his moments with Abuela. But I really missed Chris during the family gathering tbh.

However, the other storyline... well... personally I'm not a fan of such brutal scenes. It was one of the reasons why I stopped watching Criminal Minds at some point because it got too much for me. I only hope it won't become the norm for them. Great job from the actors but the storyline? Not for me.

As for Taylor and Buck, all I can say is that I can't wait for them to finally break up. It's about time!
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It was an episode...?
seban-0155010 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So that was, uh, something, huh?

Okay, the good parts! Hen and Chim prove time and time again what a brilliant pairing these two are. The greatest of best friends no matter the situation, the one true ride or die.

Eddie getting a little resolution with his dad was nice, and this little glimpse into the Diaz world actually told us quite a lot.

Ravi continues to be a brilliant addition to the 118.

Karen Wilson makes everything better, always.

That is all the good I can find in this episode.

So, the not so good.

Big thing to start with. Don't you think having Jonah kill and recussitate Chim repeatedly at this hour of TV was a LITTLE much?! Far too much. What the hell? It wasn't interesting, it was actually sickening.

We are getting ethical contact with Taylor Insult-To-Journalists-Everywhere Kelly at what cost? Why is this awful character still here?

Speaking of awful characters, pointless Lucy has the worst line delivery imaginable. What was that?? Why is she here?????

What a let down of an episode after the brilliance of May Day.
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They have lost control of the flow of the show.
Jocelyn7210 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read these words online and i have to totally agree with it. It's a shame that Kristen Reidel who is mostly responsible for this show now still hasn't get it managed to produce good television. Everything this season was all over the place.

Hero Complex in my eyes jumped the shark with the Jonah, Hen and Chimney scenes. I was like is this really 911 or did i just watch the Criminal Minds amateur hour? Don't get me wrong, i always enjoy Hen and Chimney's dynamic and it was great that for once it wasn't Buck who solved the case, but ugh try at least to make it a little more believable.

Speaking of Buck, did his entire relationship drama plot nobody wanted to see get cut? I mean if so let me thank the person responsible for that, because that was something i REALLY REALLY didn't want to watch at all. I'm more than over over Taylor. When will she finally leave? And i sure as hell am below zero interested in anything that has to do with Lucy. Please someone in charge of this show make her leave the 118 as well. The actress is absolutely not believable as a firefighter.

If Kristen Reidel's big story plot for the second half of Season 5 was indeed the Buck, Lucy and Taylor love triangle then i have no idea what to think about this show anymore. Someone really needs to take the control out of her hands. She just isn't fit as a showrunner and is ruining everything that made this show special.

Theo nly good thing about this season was Eddie Diaz and his story. I missed Chris in this episode, but now i really need Eddie back as a firefighter. Without Eddie the 118 isn't the same.
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What a disappointment- again!
JMadems10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hen and Chim great.

Eddie written like a bully for most of it. His baiting lines to his father were a little much. Not realistic in that situation and Ramon's sudden transformation was too quick - not believable after 34 years of squashing his son's spirit. RG did a great job with the cringy script he had. And does anyone believe that you had to keep Christopher like a disappearing spirit? What a disappointment. He could have bought such a contrast to how a son should be treated compared to how Eddie was raised. Blown opportunity for some visible sunshine. And when did Abuela move back to El Paso? That's so wrong!

Shame you had to use BD for a bad guy. He can really act - maybe he'll escape and return in a couple seasons like your rapist.

Setting up Bobby's spiral- more reasons to fear for his relapse. Please not again.

And then there's Buck & Taylor. Just had to draaaaggg this out for another episode. Please get this painful pair finished. And that second scene with B/T - her line delivery was pathetic. She kept taking these extra breaths - I thought she was going spastic. And if this is the catalyst for Buck finally growing a backbone- WTF did you need to tear down his character by showing him cheating on her- then continuing the lie by never telling her it wasn't just "some girl in the bar" but someone he worked with every day. Get this over!

At least you didn't force Lucy upon us throughout the episode with her banal and nasty comments. Why is she taking up space in this show? Please don't force her on us next season. We don't need the older Fire Matron ( Abby part deux) being such a snarky bxtch. She came with Jonah - she should leave with him - please! Give Ravi a chance. You gave us history on him - let him grow under Bobby's watchful eye.

Give Buck a chance to grow up emotionally or are you just going to use him as a prop for yet another toxic encounter? (Can't really call what he's had relationships) Give him an arc that lets him grow.

Your bright spot this season has been Eddie's growth as well as Hen and Karen. Wouldn't you just love to have friends like them!

Your showrunner needs to go back to fan fiction And let the writing to professionals. - last week was a much better script. This week so choppy and some scenes misplaced. Come on. Get back to the pros like S 2&3. The good writers are out there. Not all retired or moved on. The show's viability depends on good bones. This season has been a disaster. Too bad for such talented people. They deserve better. And so does the audience and the network.
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Hen and Chimney Supreme. Lack of Maddie disappointing.
HowardHan10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was good. A little rushed, the spacing felt off. I thought the Eddie in Texas storyline was a really good one but didn't belong in this particular episode. It just felt like way too much for a 45 minute episode, to be honest the flashback into Jonah's past was not necessary but...

Great points - Aisha and Kenny, amazing as always and I expect nothing less of them. Chimney cheating death once more. Bobby punching Jonah. Eddie talking to his dad. Hen and Chimney friendship.

Bad points - felt like too much was trying to be squeezed into the episode. Maddie's complete and utter lack of reaction, I don't know whether they decided to cut her scene or it was never written but there would have been plenty of room for a Maddie and Chimney hospital scene had some of the unnecessary bits been removed. Fans were expecting her to be concerned, we got... maybe a little fear at the most, otherwise it just seemed like Chimney hardly meant anything to her, not even as the father of her child. And after every single time we have seen him terrified for her, it would have been nice for people to see that to both ways.

I knew in 5a that Jennifer Love Hewitt was off due to the maternity leave but at this point, why bring her back for 5b at all if she isn't going to be showcased?
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This show has lost the plot - literally
fijayh6 June 2022
I have loved 911 in all it's cheeses glory, but this season, especially the second half, has been quite dreadful. This episode is ridiculous. I am disappointed.
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