"The Rookie" Enervo (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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What is going on!?
tsidney2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is not John Nolan's Rookie. The additional characters are boring. There is no chemistry between John and Bailey. The trainee is annoying and not funny. They are taking away from the tight group of characters and great chemistry.
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The End is Near
setheisenberg3 May 2022
More of the same from last week's part one episode, and unfortunately it didn't get any better. Rather than continue to complain about these two episodes, the bigger problem here is the lack of writing skills and a taste for some realism in real life. There are too many agendas being put forward here, and it's going to spell the end for this show.
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Omar Navarro still lives and now works for the FBI!
Top_Dawg_Critic2 May 2022
Tittle goes out to all the Ozark fans lol.

In this episode, Niecy Nash got annoying really fast. There's no way the way she presents herself, talks, acts etc would she even be accepted into any FBI training academy. Even her superior Casey Fox barely can pass as mall security, let alone her FBI supervisor. Don't get me wrong, I love Niecy Nash, but her in these last two episodes was cheese to borderline cringe. I didn't mind the story at all like others, just the lack of credibility for the supporting cast. Weirdly enough, I kept expecting Felix Solis to have a deep Mexican cartel accent. For that matter, Niecy Nash's character could've easily been Maya Miller working with Navarro lol.
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Come on...
sumtim3s00n2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the superhero fbi rookie or Nolan's GF always being everywhere (be it crime location, national guard, hoseperson or next ep maybe astronaut) nonsense aside, the guy who meticulously planned the bombing did not think to take out the gps trackers and put his own inside? A child knows rented vehicles have them.

Or our superfbi rookie instead of following the prime suspect, whos ON FOOT, which means its the ideal situation timewise, to follow him and get backup there all the while shes staying on the phone with Nolan, but what does she do ?

She confronts him. A spy, a person trained in freakin everything and only her. Even if Nolan came, its still very uncertain, unpredictable and very unsafe situation.

So so ridiculously dumb.

This show puts everything above logic and quality writing, from unnecessary melodrama to woke propaganda.
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What else could they have done?
belairophon3 May 2022
Write in another special guest to be another rookie, and I guess there couldn't have been much better ways that they could have written it. Most people, unlike this antagonist, would have simply sought righteous revenge instead of putting innocent lives at risk and laying waste to so much infrastructure. I wouldn't say that it was unwatchable, (except for 2 notable episodes S03E07 and S04E16 feeling like COVID pandemic episodes...) but there is still plenty of potential with the main characters. Thorsen went MIA on vacation for the rest of the season? Chen barely in this episode, and Bradford both still have that potential some fans are hoping come to fruition. Smitty being a hero in this episode really brought to light the idea of him being a surprise hero potentially saving some of the main characters in a future episode with cheers for being a badass for once. Seems like there is still much potential, but the writing is getting really lazy. I understand that it's LA, so there probably is a lot of that woke B. S. going on over there, but 95% of people could care less about it, in my opinion. Just write the characters normally, but develop more backstory/history for potential villains to have their endeavors make sense, even if it doesn't make it to the screen? It seems to me like people fear questioning the writing ideas of others just for their job security.
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Love a spin off where actual dialogue challenges data crunching
tiffz9 May 2022
I'm excited for this spin off. I'm totally digging Simone and her Dad (love the Jazz). I love the idea of challenging the status quo (all digital) with old school tricks that get the job done (actually talking to people). At some point there needs to be less asking for forgiveness because it does become overly imaginary, but I'm looking forward to the spin off. I like her spice.
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Bailey always on John's calls also jumps the shark
MDawn4 May 2022
Last week Bailey wasn't a fire fighter due to her being called for a week at the national guard. When the LAPD had to deal with weapons being taken from an armory the national guard shows up...lead by Bailey! "Who took my weapons?" she barks at John. He doesn't flinch because of course, whatever the show had to do to throw Bailey in another scene, they will do. On tonight's ahow, John hits a suspect vehicle with Neicy aka another over-the-top and unnecessary plot point to rev things up, and firefighters are on the scene and who's the first firefighter at John's smashed up car but Bailey! So she's back from the national guard already? I guess so, she must have a contrract that states she is literally the ONLY firefighter/national guard person in Los Angeles on this show. Did Jenna Dewan get a contract that states she must be the first and only rescuer in all of Nathan Fillion's scenes? It's absolutely ridiculous!! I too used to love this show, but it's trying too hard and is very unrealistic! Even Detective Lopez's wardrobe is over the top in this ep with tons of stars and sparkles. Gimme a break. It's all unbelievable and no longer good. I doubt I will be able ro watch after this season.
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The entertaininly unexpected
DarkL2 May 2022
This was not your typical episode, with lots of incongruities, shortcuts and plot holes, yet it was entertaining nonetheless. Unlike the other reviewers, I entirely enjoyed the change of pace and the introduction of a fascinating new character. I really do hope they come out with a spin-off featuring her out-of-the-box approach to law enforcement and crime solving.
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Simone is horrible character! Killing the show
ddeupree05-64-67182114 July 2023
I am usually a pretty open minded, positive individual.

But I am sorry, the new character they are trying to introduce is just horrible . She brings NOTHING to the show. She is boring, and incompetent. It feels like the actress did zero research to the role, and can't decide if she wants to be serious or funny? How many times in 2 episodes do we have to reminded She was a high school counselor? Does she have any training in police or FBI? Feel sorry for Nolan and having to be stuck with her. I will give credit to the story though, a mad bomber takes aim at Los Angeles! Would have been better without force feeding us a new unlikable and watchable character.
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Hope fading for The Rookie... non-existent for the spin-off show
Rob_Taylor4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Remember when The Blacklist tried to do a spin-off starring one of its less important cast members? Remember how long that lasted? Yep...just one season.

I feel this will be the fate of The Rookie's spin-off series about the oldest FBI trainee ever.

As for The Rookie, there have been three dud episodes this season including the two piloting this new spin-off. That is not a good number in a single season. I can't help but feel they need to get back to what made The Rookie interesting and fun in the first place and stop with the overly preachy (and often political) nonsense that they don't really have the writing chops to do properly.

It already feels as if the show has reached the Jump the Shark point with stories like this episode and others that try and turn the show into something it did not start out being.

I get it, it's four seasons in and they are running out of ideas. But that doesn't excuse ridiculous plots and LA seemingly being policed by just a few officers that are involved in everything that goes down in a city of four million people. Not to mention a Fire Department that only has one crew that shows up everywhere.

I liked The Rookie, but I feel my time with it is coming to an end unless they course correct somewhat. And by course correct, I don't mean listening to what some focus group tells them is "the hot topic of the moment" and writing scripts around it. It feels cheap and it definitely feels like pandering.

Also... documentary style episodes where the cast sit and talk to cameras? Really guys? That sort of filler episode was a joke back in the 1980's. Knock that rubbish on the head!

I know. I've rambled a bit off this episode, but this just brought things to a head. Enervo is a bad episode, full of bad and very trite modern tropes that are becoming increasingly tiresome to endure. The heroine that can do no wrong even though she doesn't follow rules or orders. The loud and brash personality that is somehow held up as cute and amusing and not intensely annoying. The ridiculously contrived spy plot that has no place in a police procedural show. The list goes on and on.

It's also a conceit to think that a forced spin-off will ever work. Shows get spin-offs because people like a certain character, or group that was incidental to the show it was in. Not because you decide to shoe-horn a new character in and say "Surprise! Spin-off!"

SUMMARY: Fix your show Rookie! You are losing it big time.
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Let's just move on...
donaldduck-380304 May 2022
How about we forget about the last two episodes and just move on?

The last two episodes were closer to a superhero movie, than to a The Rookie episode.

It starts with putting the pressure of student consoler on the same level as the pressure police officers have while searching for freaking bombs in a city... yes, you heard correctly. And from that level we go even further downhill.

The character is again basically solving the whole situation by herself. She is stronger than police and more intelligent than the whole FBI. The Rookie was always about teamwork, not a 'one person show'.

The actions of all actors are entirely unbelievable. There are countless examples, but let's just refer to one: Ever happened to you, you were just minding your own business and making detonators for bombs (for art projects, and stuff, of course. Nothing illegal). But a bad dude is using them for ACTUAL bombs? Honestly, we have all been there. This action should clearly not have any consequences... What a joke.

Let's move on and forget about these two episodes, forever!
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Almost Unwatchable
d830002 May 2022
These last 2 episodes are really too far off of the main story line. I've heard that this FBI trainee is, supposed to, be the lead in some upcoming show? Well, I'll pass on that one too.
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CRINGEWORTHY.....so very very bad
grlym-468495 May 2022
Hands down most annoying guest star. If you deleted all her scenes, the plot wouldn't have changed.

Her script lines were more than the main cast put together. Clearly she is connected with someone in production and they are ramping her up for some new show or something. And most of her lines were sheer nonsense. I love this show. But her role made me hate this episode and the previous one.

These 2 episodes were 100% about the guest star. Sad

Because nothing in these two episodes had any character development or plot progression for the show. And those have been hallmarks if this show that keep it at the top of the ratings.

The premise was idiotic. Cops/FBI/cIA interaction was a joke of lunacy. Biggest piece of fiction and terribly played. Cops are not crashing down international terrorists and arresting deep op CIA, etc. Whats next, the cast is all Jason Bourne characters next...saving the world and making world peace.

Jumping the shark best describes this and the previous episode.
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This is painful.
boborlarry2 May 2022
I'm a fan of the Rookie and I just couldn't finish this episode. It's ridiculously horrible. The "plucky fish out of water who has a different perspective" trope is so tired.
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gary-231776 May 2022
My dad had a saying about characters like Simone Clark. She's like horseradish, because a little bit of her goes a long way.

I'll not be watching any spin-off with her.
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Horrible couple of episodes
sk-mckenzie25 May 2022
I can suspend belief somewhat for a show that has some comedy but these last couple of episodes were of the rails - write a good plot and if you add a character make them interesting -
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worst episode ever
domagojbys2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Simone is the worst character i have ever saw on tv. Please dont do mistakes like this again. If they make a show about her i will happily skip it. She has all checks, bi, black, knows everything, everyone lets her do her thing :)
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Awful Episode
phil-837373 June 2022
This and the previous episode are terrible. I know that they are introducing Simone as a spin off series but please no. She is really annoying the virtue signaling in the last episode was annoying and her inclusion in these two episodes was not good.

I like the Rookie overall and have watched it from the start, Bradford is brilliant.

Please stop with that annoying characters and trying to educate us over certain issues, that's what made me stop watching SWAT.

Please don't let the Rookie make the same mistakes, gritty stories I can handle, virtue signaling nonsense, I can't.
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Bad storyline continues
MacAndCheese4U2 May 2022
Story of bad made caracter Simon has too much minutes in this episode. She is a trainee who has more acces than acctual police officers. Bad storyline continues with LAPD solving problems with FBI and CIA. I think writers are running out of ideas. Time to end this show.
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bosporan2 May 2022
Mary Poppins flies again, armed with her magic, she is more intelligent, more insightful and simply better than everyone else. The writers will have a hard time challenging and developing this practically perfect character without shark jumping.
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Simone strikes again
marcovtxs15 May 2022
Why do they insist on these ridiculous characters?... she adds nothing to the story other than a loud mouth person getting in the way of the story. Somehow she's the Matlock who knows how to do what a the entire police dept and FBI can't.
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Please kill this off now...
adshiel26 June 2022
Not rookie the original but this attempt at a new thing.

Today we find out not only is she old and black (she had to be of course) but also bisexual...when do we find out she only has 1 leg. Getting all the boxes ticked in one poor character but forgetting quality writing and acting make a story and not woke casting.
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katiesewed23 June 2022
PLEASE ABC don't force more of these "I'm old and can't follow rules but I solve everything" characters on us. I LOVE The Rookie and Nathan Fillian, but the CIA character was awful, and wouldn't last 30 seconds on the job in the real world. I've heard rumors of her getting her own show based on this premise. I for one won't even bother to watch a single episode if it's true. Being mixed race, I don't really understand why a character has to be written having any particular racial characteristics. Why can't Hollywood just write a decent character, and cast the best person for the role, or is that too naive?
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Tried to jump the shark and crashed into it
jon_anderson773 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This 2 parter is honestly one of the worst things I've seen on TV. There have been a few truly terrible episodes of the Rookie this season but this and Simone take the prize as the worst. Emulating Nolan's Rookie status but with a 40 something female FBI trainee who behaves like Chris Tucker in Rush Hour but unlike that movie which is a comedy The Rookie is a drama with splashes of humour so this does not work at all. Annoying and far fetched to the point of absurdity. This really is the last nail in the coffin for me. I won't be returning for season 5.
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Not sure how much longer I can watch this
jon-152292 May 2022
Season 1 was great- fun, exciting, decent writing. By Season 3, the shown was pretty much unwatchable. Season 4 started out a little better and I had hope again... but its back to nonsense. Really sad. I think I'll give the show one last episode after this.

Edit: I was nearly halfway through the episode when I wrote the above. I couldn't finish it. Stopped the episode and removed it from "My List." I give up.
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