Inhuman Resources (2012) Poster

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The originality makes it worth watching
politehere1 February 2013
I just finished watching the movie. It wasn't one of those serious slasher films. Even though I've seen innumerable horror movies, the movie still made me cringe. It is sure to make some of the audience want to cover their eyes during some killing scenes, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The movie was explicit about showing minor yet disturbing enough torture scenes, but seemed to deliberately censor the major ones, which is understandable given the fact that it wasn't meant to be a torture movie. The gore is not over the top and it is only there to contribute to the story progression. It is more of a detective movie, mixed with some joker-type madness, which slightly takes away from the seriousness of the violent scenes, and somehow makes you keep watching even if it makes you uncomfortable. You're going to watch a bunch of people trapped in a single location trying to work their way out. This means much of your time will be spent watching the characters have lengthy conversations with one another in order to solve a murder case. The movie is a mix of detective, torture, and comedy genres. I'm not into comedy movies, but it kind of made this movie more appealing. If it didn't have that funny feeling to it, I might have got bored due to it resembling many other movies of this type. I must say the story is very original and that alone makes this movie worth watching, although I'm pretty sure for most of you out there it's going to be a one-time watch only.
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Original, gory and wickedly funny.
socialpsychol-blog3 October 2012
Chosen as the closing night film for the Australian Film Festival, could REDD INC. be the film that relaunches the ozploitation craze of the 70's and early 80's..? If the reaction from the sold out premiere audience is any gauge, the answer is a resounding "yes!"

Redd Inc. starts with news reports and clips informing us that a serial killer Thomas Reddmann (Nicholas Hope) known as the 'head-hunter' has perished in fire during an attempted escape from a local mental institution. Annabelle Hale (Kelly Paterniti) an online stripper who was a key witness at Reddmann's trial is kidnapped and wakes up chained to an office desk with 5 other people who were also involved with Reddmann's trial in various capacities.

The captives are soon introduced to Mr Reddmann who informs them that he is their regional manager and that they have a job to do. He declares that he is innocent and expects them to work to the best of their abilities to find the real head-hunter killer. Assigned to different tasks using the court case documents, the 6 captives get to work, or face a strike against their name, in the form of a cut to the forehead… 5 strikes and you're out.

Redd Inc. is a new low-budget Australian horror film from co-writers Anthony O'Connor and Jonathan Green (who also co-produces with Sandy Stevens), and director Daniel Krige; who have managed to deliver an original take on a familiar theme.

The ensemble cast are all good, with Nicholas Hope turning in a delightfully creepy performance as Redd and a nice cameo from Tom Savini who worked as special make-up effects supervisor. Newcomer Kelly Paterniti's character visibly grows in confidence throughout the film and she's probably one to watch. However, the real star is the script, littered with references to keep most genre fans happy; it's tight, menacing and genuinely funny. Described by scriptwriter Anthony O'Connor as "office giallo", placing the horror in the everyday office makes the setting instantly recognizable to most of us and therefore more unnerving due to that familiarity.

The effects which were done by Sydney based Make-up Effects Group (MEG), and supervised by the legendary Tom Savini, are suitably gory and in a few notable scenes had the cinema audience squirming. Slashes to foreheads, removal of fingernails, limbs and heads are all on display and considering the budget restrictions are all done exceptionally well.

I really enjoyed the movie and would recommend it unreservedly to any horror fan. With the release of last years The Tunnel and 2010's The Loved Ones, Australian horror seems to be back in a good way, original, gory and wickedly funny.
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Redd, Inc.
recycled_invention23 July 2012
Just saw this movie at a film festival in Seoul and was quite impressed. As is generally the case with film festivals, I didn't quite know what to expect going in other than how it is similar to Saw. While the similarity is there, Redd, Inc. is certainly its own film and one that is worth watching. It involves a recently escaped mental patient/prisoner who believes himself to be innocent and kidnaps the unsuspecting people who were involved one way or another with the conviction.

The movie lacks the sort of pathetic dialog the worst parts of the Saw franchise often include as other films do, whether it's Saw, other horror movies, or other other movies that involve multiple people in a tumultuous situation. The dialog is often funny, usually necessary, and never drab.

The director was kind of enough to show up and say a few things about his film along with taking questions, during which time he brought up his love of the comedy/horror genre. Often times horror movies are funny when they don't want to be and corny when they are trying to be funny, but Redd Inc. does a good job achieving what it is trying to achieve at any given moment. In the end, everyone has a moment or many of feeling chained to their desks.
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Get back to work!
shaun700027 June 2015
A great story and solid performances with flawless special effects, Inhuman resources stands out in the horror genre. The movie is tense with many edge of your seat moments combined with the fear and isolation of the 6 people held against there will. Nicholas Hope is perfectly cast in his role as their demented former office professional turned captor with his character ranging from a calm and professional boss to outright psychopathic and twisted.

The story takes twists and turns along the way and it's entertainment that keeps you clued to the screen giving the audience satisfaction for their time. With the movie industry churning out endless no star horror garbage, it's great to come across a film such as this where all the right boxes have been ticked
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Corporate Headhunters
LeonLouisRicci9 August 2013
For those who have felt chained to their desks in the Cubicle Farm, this ones for you. A Yuppie Yarn of Corporate Headhunters played against a Plot of a convicted Serial Killer and his "rehabilitation" and revenge.

This is a Gory Story, Fangoria Films and Fans wouldn't have it any other way. The best part of this Saw and Hostel influenced Movie is that it has its decapitated head in the right place. That is, it does not take itself so pretentiously serious like those other over rated Franchises.

It is a lively, colorful Film that is loaded with talent on and off the Screen. The Story gets ever more complex as it moves along and in the end it is rewarding enough to rise above the lesser entries in this Genre. It utilizes its Low-Budget and drains every drop of the lifeblood and gladly and Artistically spreads it across the Screen.
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Not so good
arfdawg-115 August 2014
The Plot Six captive office workers are literally chained to their desks by a demented, escaped serial killer; former regional manager Thomas Reddmann (Redd).

He assigns his 'human resources' the impossible task of proving his innocence or suffering gruesome consequences.

It's not a great movie.

And although it's billed as a comedy thriller horror, it's really a slasher film with little or no humor.

It's a bit along the lines of The Dentist and the Step Father.

Frankly I got bored real early.

It's a slow paced film that lacks in originality.
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Entertaining for sure!
Amthermandes9 January 2020
First of all, it's not a comedy. It has a few humorous parts, but no way it's one of the sub-genres.

It's like a lot of "trap" horrors, where people are locked in a confined space, forced to carry out some task and survive horrors of all kind. It's quirky, low-budget, but it's well executed. The acting isn't horror, the special effects are pretty sweet, and there are neat little tidbits of the unique. I can definitely recommend it to other horror fans. Don't expect anything perfect though, of course.
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Silly Plot
billcr122 February 2013
Redd is the title character, a man presumed to be an axe murderer at an office building. It begins with a news report of a killing spree with a manager who has supposedly gone postal by hacking up workers on the job. Next up, a young lady logs online and strips for a client in a sex chat room. Annabelle is then abducted and wakes up in a room, chained to a desk table with four other people. Mr. Redd shows up and explains to them that they will be fed by him, but in the meantime he gives them binders of his trial to transcribe while they are to prove his innocence. At every transgression, they are marked on the forehead with a hook at the end of Redd's fake arm. Tom Savini provides the gore effects, which are frequent, but the problem is the ridiculous story line. It never makes any sense, and competent actors are given a silly plot. It starts out somewhat promising with a darkly funny Nicholas Hope initially delivering some funny lines, but it all goes downhill rapidly. Avoid Redd Inc, it is a badly thought out movie.
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Like a horror version of The Office
ihearthorrorfilm17 February 2013
This one is quite the little hidden gem in my opinion. I really, really enjoyed this one. Super gory, super fun and a great story. All of the actors are very good and I really like the girl who played the lead. Redd Inc. is a fun slasher gore type that has a nice twist and keeps you trying to figure out what's going on throughout the movie. Loved the ending! This is the type of horror movie that is made to entertain you not try to impress you.

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Ultra-gory Saw-derived office mayhem
Leofwine_draca23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A low budget, single room thriller that owes most of its inspiration from the SAW franchise. The storyline involves a crazy guy who's arrested after being found wielding an axe beside a decapitated body in a lift. The authorities send him to jail, believing him to be a notorious serial killer, but he escapes and captures those responsible for his arrest in the first place, forcing them to work for him to prove his innocence or guilt.

What this all boils down to is a locked-room thriller in which various unappealing characters are forced, literally, to work to death. It's all an excuse for lots of gruesome gore sequences in which eyes are pulled out, foreheads are carved and there's even a little fingernail damage for the squeamish. The film is relatively fast-paced for a low budget film but the usual constraints apply, including cheesy dialogue and some very sub-par acting.

The British villain, played by Nicholas Hope, is just one of those characters you can't take seriously; maybe it's because I'm British too, but he feels like a character from THE OFFICE instead of an imposing villain. HOME AND AWAY actress Kelly Paterniti is better as the lead, but she's the only interesting one here. The best thing about the film are the authentic gore effects, done the old fashioned way by SFX maestro Tom Savini. A shame the rest of the story and its silly twists can't match them.
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Haha, awesome
mmo-sakuji19 February 2013
It feels saw-Esq at the start, but that changes. I really enjoyed this movie. I thought the acting was good. The camera work was fine. The plot moved along nicely, I never got bored. If you don't mind blood and gore, you will hopefully love this movie as much as I did. I would recommend this movie to anyone age 18 and over. It is certainly no worse than a Jason or Freddy movie. I really loved the very end. I really liked the main girl, the actress did a great job. I hope she does more movies in the future. Thanks for reading! If you liked this, please uprate. I gave it 10/10, just because movies like this tend to disappear, and I really liked this one.
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Red Inc Review
radbonz-474-8015059 May 2021
No suspense. Typical ending that's been done with other similar movies. I don t understand that this is high up on a horror list. It's suspense maybe little gore not much. Not scary at all. Not exciting either.
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Not Something I'd Watch Again
dannic-7376822 July 2020
The main character (Redd) was probably the most well acted and realistic role. I found the film in general to be unrealistic, however the gore scenes were well done and reminded me a bit of Hostel. The pacing and timeline were good but unfortunately I would not watch this film again.
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Worth the watch!!!
lindo-julet23 October 2018
Who ever says this movie isn't original has an odd outlook on what's original and what's repetitive. Okay, no it's not 100% different. What is 100% original nowadays???? But this film is inventive enough in the story to be different, familiar enough to peek interest, and executed well enough to keep you staring at the screen.

There are some movies that takes itself so seriously when it shouldn't, but this movie is not one of them. It's humorous (in a dark way) at some points and gory when it needs to be.

Fantastic acting, just wonderful. All I can say about that.

Yes, you may be reminded of Saw a bit, there is that "correct the wrong" air about the killer's motive. But the story is not at all like Saw.

Maybe you'll have a problem with the pace?? Wasn't slow to me but maybe some people have gotten use to quick kills thanks to movies like Saw and slasher films. This movie has more to offer than quick kills and it doesn't have to work so hard to keep my attention.

If you want a quick-kill-from-the-start thriller gore fest, you might hate the build up. But honestly, it's fine. Watch it, don't take it more seriously than the production intended it to, and you'll smile (or look away, the gore is great) the whole time.
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Firm but Fair
sol-8 October 2016
Retitled 'Inhuman Resources' for US release, neither title accurately hints at what 'Redd Inc.' is about, but then again, going into it with minimal expectations is part of the fun. The film begins as a 'Saw' variant with various kidnapped individuals waking up in a conference room where they are chained to the central desk and unable to escape, but the film soon morphs into a blend of dark comedy and mystery as the antagonist enters the scene. Played by a Nicholas Hope (of 'Bad Boy Bubby' fame), he is a human resources director convicted of murder who has recently fled prison. Having always protested his innocence, Hope forces his subjects to research his case and look for inconsistencies in the prosecution's case, while offering grotesque consequences for those who do not comply. Hope gives a wonderfully deadpan performance, hilariously declaring himself an "innocent man" after issuing his most vicious, violent consequences. Also priding himself as "firm but fair", the film sharply hits satirical notes as rugged workplace environments are giddily parodied. The film is partially let down by a wealth of unanswered questions (and it seems bizarre that only one of the six characters attempts to escape with definite opportunities noticeable), but is an effective experience all the same, greatly enhanced by excellent makeup effects from industry legend Tom Savini. The film is also full of memorable splatter scenes throughout, but the best bit is a subtle one as blood drips from our heroine's forehead onto the 'Esc' key on her keyboard.
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Good movie - Predictable ending
labeebster1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I usually like or even love the movies where five or six people are trapped by someone who either wants revenge or his innocence to be proven. This one sounded like one of those movies so I had to watch it, not caring what others thought about it. For the most part, I was satisfied with the movie story. I really liked the movie and the characters. But it was the last portion of the movie (about one third or so) which started to bore me where events that followed were very predictable and had already been done many times in other movies. Firstly, I found it stupid that the main girl was able to knock out one of the main villains with just a human leg and he didn't even defend himself whereas he hadn't even flinched when a guy had stabbed him with a pencil. Even if his leg may have been made out of metal like his left hand, it was still stupid that he went down without a fight when it was a girl hitting him with a leg. Other than that the ending was very similar to many other movies' where it was always a woman who would survive in the end out of the group and it was always the good looking guy who would turn out to be evil. If these things had been changed in the movie it could have been 6 or even 7ish for me out of ten.
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Worth the watch!
fisher-3428411 August 2019
Exceeded expectations for a low budget film! Unique story, exceptional practical effects and for most of the film the acting is adequate. The last ten minutes of the film feel extremely rushed. The ending has some nice twists but falls flat and feels like another movie entirely. Most of the movie is very dark and serious but the ending is quite silly. The location change during the last act relies less on atmosphere and moreso on the actors which doesn't work well. The quality of acting takes a turn for the worse and it's quite apparent. Excluding the last ten minutes of the film it's great. The acting is good enough and the pacing, effects and story are all exceptional. This film is one of my new favorites.
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Redd End Job
gwnightscream27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This 2012 horror-thriller features a young woman, Annabelle (Kelly Paterniti) who finds herself held captive along with 5 others by an escaped killer, Redd (Nicholas Hope). Redd has them chained to each other in an office building and wants them to work proving his innocence, but punishes them if they disobey him. Annabelle becomes Redd's main focus because she's a witness. This isn't bad, the cast is decent, there's a bit of humor and gory/gruesome make-up by Tom Savini who makes a cameo. The film also shares some torture aspects with "American Psycho," "Hostel" & "Saw." If you're into horror or thrillers, give this a view.
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Weird cross-genre blend without much direction
kannibalcorpsegrinder8 August 2013
Awakening to find themselves bound together in an office building, a group of people learn they're being held by a vicious killer to a crime they're all involved in and uses deadly means to force them to find the real killer in the case.

This one turned out to be quite an interesting blend of efforts that never quite gets to where it wants to go. The fact that it starts off with the typical Torture Film genre set-up of the people chained together in a singular, dim location with a madman amongst them forcing them to play along in a demented game of his makes for a cliché opening that quickly appears to derail interest early on, but the fact that it then turns into a dark comedy about him forcing the gathered group to partake in crime solving on the case that sent him to prison that they were all involved in getting him tried on the charge, makes this one's rapid shift in tone quite unappealing when he's using far more vicious methods of forcing them along than what had happened to put him away yet continually claims innocence the whole time, a fact that's pointed out and glossed over with no real deterrence at all. While it gets a lot more enjoyable when they get loose and are stalked through the office building in the final half, forcing in some pretty brutal gags and blood-splatter along the way, it's not nearly enough to compensate for it's wacky opening.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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Quotius16 March 2013
As the other reviews (at the time of writing) appear to give this movie a glowing bill of health I thought I'd add a little balance. Not least for those who like me check whether a film is worth watching based on the reviews here. Having to dig deep in to other peoples lists to find something that I haven't already seen.

Let me sum this up in the fewest words possible. Don't bother.

I can't work out on what rating system anyone would rate this anything other than poor.

The story is fairly weak and unconvincing. The cast were terrible, wooden and largely difficult to sympathise with. As a result it fails as a thriller. Not a particularly gory movie, although it has its moments and makes a few nods to other gore porn features such as Saw and Hostel, but with little of the cringe-inducing effect. As a horror it also fails. Or perhaps I'm becoming desensitised in my old age.

I have to say, I was grateful when it was all over. Redd Inc. unfortunately falls in to my; "wish it'd had never been made, wish I'd never seen it" bucket.
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Funny well-delivered and horrifying
cindel-129 September 2012
When I was invited to the preview of Redd Inc, I like others was not sure what to expect. Having seen Angst a few years ago on TV I at least knew I'd be getting a witty film, and I wasn't wrong. I'm a fairly picky horror fan, but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It almost feels like a comic book in a lot of places, due to the colourful way it is shot and executed. It was unexpectedly funny, had characters I related to and I found myself rooting for their survival. The female lead is spunky and has character, she's not a cardboard cut-out. I enjoyed Redd Inc from start to finish, I felt it broke free of many of the flaws and traps that horror films seem to fall into. To go into more detail would be giving too much away. I highly recommend that horror fans see this one for themselves. It's not big Hollywood, it's definitely got that indie feel about it but there's fun to be had here.
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Best part is the first 10 minutes
lai33713 July 2020
Seriously, the best part of the movie was in the first ten minutes. That's where we are introduced to Kelly Paterniti's character. She does a a wicked strip tease and a how's her t#tties. Really cute....

The rest of the movie, was bad pacing, bad dialogue, bad plot, just bad. I do not understand how people billed this as "humor horror". It's not even funny as a bad movie.

Save your time. Watch the first ten minutes, then move on.
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brittanyrochellel6 August 2018
It was a pretty good movie. I'm not a fan of fangoria though I wanted something thriller/horror to watch and stumbled upon this ones. It's worth a watch through at least once. Has a lot of blood and gore which is a plus to me.
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Halloween Review #24: Strange..
lorcan-6188125 October 2017
So,where I got the idea of reviewing a crappy Horror Channel thriller like Inhuman Resources,I don't know,while I was reviewing Cube,it kind of just came to me,did anybody else have that feeling,that this was like Cube..anyway,Inhuman Resources,or also known as Redd. Inc,is about a bunch of strangers who are strapped to a desk in front of a computer and forced to write like an SA or something and if they refuse..they die..and if you do something wrong,you get a cut across the face..was'int it? Anyway,so obviously,Redd. Inc is nothing special,its a crappy horror film with lots of gore that hopes,somewhere,it will premiere on TV on a crappy channel like Sony Channel and maybe even spawn its own DVD produced by a crappy company like Signature..ha,but I actually admire Redd. Inc,its one of the cool,low budget horror films,now,if this did not have all the horrible gore in it as well as the cheesy lines where the guy like repeats hes gonna kill the villain and just as hes saying that sentence the villain like,cuts his head off or something,this could be a rather good horror film. Redd. Inc is a OK horror film with a bit too much gore and maybe a bit too much "i'm gonna kill you" scenes,but otherwise..ya,rather good. Stay tuned guys,Halloween is not over yet so get ready for still some classics like Rosemary's Baby,The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as well as the new Jigsaw,which will be up on Sunday and I will try to review The Ritual soon,but probably will be after Halloween due to it not being in my local cinema or online
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jts09-113 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another terrible, boring, black comedy. Tom Savini must have needed a payday to show up and work on this film especially after great classic movies like Maniac. I know this movie was to be in NO way taken seriously but it is slow and makes NO sense.. Our main character is accused of a decapitation murder and innocent but all of a sudden becomes a murderer himself to defend his innocence? Terrible plot, acting, I give it 2 stars for some decent Savini horror effects.
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