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story line holds together remarkably well for a film about werewolves
geoffgee16 November 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. (So much so that I have now seen it twice.) True there is quite a lot of all the (crude) stuff that other reviewers have mentioned, but there is also a story line that holds together remarkably well for a film about werewolves. In the course of the film suspicion falls on various characters as to which one is actually becoming the werewolf at the time of the full moon. I felt at times I was watching a murder who-done-it. By the end of the film all the earlier 'loose ends' are tied up in a satisfying way that makes logical sense of the script. The film's characters are, to a greater or lesser extent, larger than life (if not downright quirky) - but no more so than might be reasonably expected in a film of comic fantasy. All in all I found this to be a very original story. It was well paced and kept me interested from start to finish. The seaside setting was also refreshing and occasionally provided a picturesque backdrop. In my opinion Love Bite is well worth seeing (at least once). 6/10.
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The Inbetweeners + horror - humour = Love Bite
bowmanblue2 June 2014
I don't like to run down British films. I knew it was going to be pretty low budget, but I've seen plenty of cheap and fun films. However, this time - when you're dealing with monsters - budget does tend to matter.

Love Bite is about a group of four teenage boys in a (fictional) English coastal town who end up being stalked by a (virgin-loving) werewolf. It's billed as a 'sexy, comedy, horror' film. The problem is... if fails on all three of those tags.

It's not sexy. There's sex in it. In fact, there's near CONSTANT talk of sex all the way through it. Sometimes it's supposed to be funny. Other times not. Either way, it's hard to tell, as none of it was particularly amusing. The lead actress is American, Jessica Szohr. She's sexy (and also the best actress in the entire film), but if you want to only see a sexy girl, I'm sure you can look enough up on the internet without having to watch this film.

It's also not funny enough to be a comedy. It thinks it's funny, but it isn't. From the start I saw they were trying to be like the (classic) Inbetweeners. However, whereas the Inbetweeners lads were all different and amusing, here we only have one likable character (a Simon rip-off) and three utter vile idiots who are nothing more than Jay-wannabes (only Jay's dialogue, although also crude, was amusing and well-written).

The film may be about werewolves, but there isn't enough budget for gore and decent monsters. Seriously, if it wasn't for the bad language and sexual nature, I'd let a child watch this film for all the gore and 'horror' that's in it.

I wish I could have liked this film, but it just dragged and I was praying for it to end. The best part about it was the police sergeant's daughter who had some great lines and came off as something other than a clichéd stereotype.
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This is one to avoid
neil-47616 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Rainborough-on-sea is a down-at-heel English seaside resort, home to Jamie (Ed Speleers) and his friends. Jamie is a likable, normal sort of lad, a good looking virgin who lives at home in his slutty mother's guest house. His friends are witless, charmless, graceless losers. Into Jamie's life comes the gorgeous Juliana (Jessica Szohr), an American roving reporter for a travel website (you can tell she's gorgeous because she frequently walks in slow motion). A mutual interest develops, but Juliana appears to be the target of suspicions from the strange new resident at the guest house, Sid (Timothy Spall). And locals start disappearing whenever the moon is full....

This sounded promising and the trailer had a couple of good gags, so I was hopeful that we would end up with a British horror/comedy to rival An American Werewolf In London, particularly after the dud that was Lesbian Vampire Killers. Plus, after Eragon, Ed Speelers could do with something to establish a bit of credibility.

Alas, both our hopes were dashed. Admittedly, they got some stuff right. The atmosphere of a British seaside resort well past its prime is conveyed effectively (I live in one such place and Clacton is another, doing a good job of looking fairly unattractive to holidaymakers - being filmed out of season also contributes here, too). Speleers is personable, Szohr is hot enough to sizzle, and there are one or two directorial flourishes which are pleasing. That's about it, though.

Now let's look at what is wrong. One, the 3 lads are simply awful (and the film knows they are awful because it has Jamie remark on that fact more than once). Two, the film is inhabited by a deeply unpleasant female equivalent of the other 3 lads: equally crude and crass and, as written, devoid of any sense of reality. Three, there is a police sergeant who is completely unbelievable. Four, the usually reliable Timothy Spall plays his character broad instead of straight, which removes any possibility that he might come across as amusing. Five, all attempts at humour falls flat - this film is not even slightly funny. Six, the film is not only not funny, it is also not even slightly horrific. Seven, the werewolf reveal, when it comes (you know it's not going to be Juliana because she has been so obviously set up to be the werewolf from the start) is not shown clearly enough for you to be certain who it is. I think it was the police sergeant: if so, that doesn't make sense, because Juliana has been following him around Europe - how can he be a roving werewolf and a resident Plod in some seedy British seaside resort? And, eight, the ending is just horrible - Juliana is infected, so Jamie infects himself, there is a crap animation of two werewolves going at it doggy style, then they go off to America to hunt virgins to feed on. Awful.

I do suggest avoiding this one.
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It Sucks
snodlander15 November 2012
This is a British Comedy Horror film. I know this, because the poster said it was, but if you are looking for another Sean of the Dead, look elsewhere. I saw it in Birmingham, where there was doubt on the night whether they would show it at all. In the event, about 10 sat through it.

In a rainy, rundown seaside town four teenage boys are desperate for sex, and understandably no local girl or tourist will touch the crude, foul-mouthed boys with a barge pole. Their hunt for sex becomes all the more desperate as a werewolf starts picking off the virgins of either sex each full moon.

Enter sexy and mysterious foreign tourist, who takes a shine to one of the boys, but every full moon rejects him and disappears, only to be welcomed back with open arms when she deigns to show up again.

The 'humour' is mainly based around the boys using sauce bottle as phallic toys and the normally wonderful Timothy Spall creeping around in funny clothes and pulling funny faces. I'd guessed the identity of the werewolf early on, even though they try and build up the suspense and mystery.

It's rated as a fifteen, but I can't see anyone over 13 actually finding this funny. It doesn't bite, it sucks. It could suck lemons through a garden hose. Avoid.
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Watchable, but nothing new or original with unremarkable characters
nigel_sars9 November 2012
I happened to catch a screening of Love Bite tonight after the film I was trying to see was sold out. The showing had barely a handful of people and it is easy to understand why with the lack of promotion for this film. Not even a poster picture on IMDb.

The premise of Love Bite is a group of teenagers attempting to loose their virginity in the British seaside town of Rainmouth. Add the desperation factor of a werewolf intent on turning anyone who has not popped their cherry and you basically have the plot for this film.

Watching the film it just came across as poor version of Inbetweeners movie. Jamie (Ed Speleers) and his three best friends Kev (Luke Pasqualino), Bruno (Robin Morrissey) and Spike (Daniel Kendrick) spend their lives hanging around the fairground and chip shop attempting to pull women. At a party Jamie meets American travel writer Juliana (Jessica Szohr) who catches his eye.

As the action between the pair gathers pace a sub plot with werewolf hunter Sid (Timothy Spall) putting doubt in Jamie's mind that Juliana is not all it seems.

Sadly the balance of the this film is all wrong, rather than a good mix of characters you get one (Jamie) that is likable and three others who are foul-mouthed and crude. It makes the film overbearing and sadly it becomes tiring and the jokes lose any humour.

I missed the humour in this film, apart from cheap sauce squirting gags and crude one liners there were only a few laugh out loud scenes that made the film watchable. I guess this film borrows from other toilet style humour films and sort of pulls elements together to try and make something original, but doesn't quite achieve it.

Watching the film you can't help but notice that it was low budget. One scene you see the front of Claton pier as an establishing shot but Claton has been digitally replaced with the name Rainmouth. As Jamie and Juliana walk past you can then clearly see the real name in the background. It is just one of a few examples of goofs noticeable during the film.

I don't think this film will be at cinema's for long, I'd advise waiting for a DVD release rather than spending any money on seeing it on the big screen. Just about watchable, but nothing new original with unremarkable characters. 1/5
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American Pie (not) in London
kosmasp23 May 2014
Jessica Szohr is very beautiful. That is a fact. Since I haven't seen the TV show she is in yet, I can't say how she is as an actress or judge her in general based on this movie. It would be unfair, because the rating would not be a good one. But that is down to the character she has to portray, which is not much more than being there looking good and saying a few things.

Where the movie really loses, is in its jokes department and character development. Even though they try to be as smart and funny as any other teen sex comedy (with added horror elements), it lacks in many departments. It does pull punches on the sexuality too, when it should at least go and try to walk a like here. It never does, but has all the usual clichés ...
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British comedy at its worst
fiszyi-297-33425215 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went in with low expectations based on the trailers, but I had no idea it could be this bad. At the least I expected some cheeky British-style jokes. Instead it's just the same joke over and over: Sex.

Just in case you're wondering; yes, all the "best" jokes are crammed into the trailer. Sandwiched in between those 4 or 5 decent jokes is an hour and twenty minutes of crude, unintelligent British cinema.

The basic plot outline is that four young lads in a seaside town are trying to have sex. That comprises of 70% of the film. The other 20% and 10% is one of said lads trying to start a romance with a free-spirited American and some nonsense about werewolves, respectively. This film is more about sex and contrived romance than it is about werewolves. There's some scrambling around for several of these lads to lose their virginity, either because they feel inadequate or because it will prevent them from being eaten by a werewolf.

Most of the characters are walking punchlines to dirty jokes; all of them are defined by their libido and sexual activities. We have an incompetent manager whose son runs her business whilst she has casual sex, there's the porky foul-mouthed lass who's desperate for (huge shock) sex, and there's the self-proclaimed alpha male and only non- virgin (that's important apparently) in the group of lads who, I swear, is the most punchable character I've ever seen in UK film or TV on account of his mind-numbing accent and the fact that he's given an over- abundance of lines to showcase it. And yes, those lines are all about sex.

I could go on forever about how unpleasant the film is, but I think that's already clear. I'll try and point out a few positives, where I can:

The portrayal of British teenagers is, for better or worse, spot on. Exaggerated for cinema, yes, but the crudeness and stupidity of the characters is something observable in today's culture.

The romance plot between two of the characters is an "OK" one when compared to other elements of the film. In a more coherent film it would pass for mediocre, though still contrived.

The ending did make me laugh. For a second it almost looked like the ending to a much better comedy. It's a good punchline to an otherwise ugly, drawn-out joke.

In conclusion: This film makes trash like American Pie look dignified and intricate. As a comedy it's too crude to be witty even as a mirror to modern British youth culture, and as a horror it's thoroughly unimpressive and melds clumsily with the teenagers-in-British-seaside- town setting. There is nothing redeemable here. Avoid.
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Not much of a bite here...
paul_haakonsen18 May 2024
I happened to stumble upon the 2012 horror comedy "Love Bite" by random chance here in 2024. Needless to say that I opted to sit down and watch it, given my love of all things horror. And I have to say that the movie's synopsis sounded interesting enough.

The storyline in the movie, however, was somewhat disappointing. There just simply wasn't enough of anything happening throughout the course of the 91 minutes that the movie ran for. So writers Ronan Blaney and Cris Cole failed to impress me with what they delivered for director Andy De Emmony to bring to the screen. The narrative was simply lacking tremendously in both the horror and comedy department. And there was a bit too much focus on lewd things, as if the narrative was written by a randy adolescent writer.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, and that is actually something I do rather enjoy when I sit down to watch a movie. And it should be said that the acting performances in "Love Bite" were actually good.

Visually then "Love Bite" wasn't all that impressive. Sure, it wasn't among the worst of special effects movies that I've seen, not even remotely. But the CGI animated werewolf in the movie didn't really look realistic - well, as realistic as a make-believe fantasy creature can get - nor did it look great either. In fact, it looked like something you would find in a late 2000s computer game.

While I did manage to sit through the entire 91 minutes that "Love Bite" ran for, this is not an impressive movie. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend for horror comedy fans, because you have to look long and hard to find horror or comedy here. And it is definitely not a movie that I will return to watch a second time.

My rating of "Love Bite" lands on a very generous four out of ten stars.
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Lots of embarassing, rather than funny characters
criscal4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The two main characters of the movie I like, they are quite the charmers. The first part of the movie is very embarassing with the fou r guys trying to get laid desperately and acting more embarassing than all american pie movies combined. Then it doesn't get better when they try to have sex just not getting attacked by werewolves, who supposedly now only eat virgins.
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Classic Teen Comedy Horror
StylinRed21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviews seem to really hate this movie and I imagine this may be due to British reviewers, now you're probably thinking 'well yeah it's a British movie naturally the brits will know if it's good or not' but you would be wrong.

The thing is aside from the British accents this is very much an American style teen movie, so tastes are rather different between the cultures and I can easily see those in the UK disliking the film but that shouldn't cause you to shy away from this.

The socially awkward but good looking guy with loser friends are trying day and night to get laid but can't. In comes the gorgeous foreign tourist that takes a shine to the quirkyness of said awkward fellow and the entire movie is spent with the boy trying to lay the hot tourist. Classic teen movie that you see more of from American films circa the late 70s through 80s/90s and to a lesser extent today even.

Add to this missing teens and suspected werewolves and a werewolf hunting hermit and you have a your American style teen comedy horror.

The acting is unexpectedly superb (given the budget and age of the actors), the jokes are crude as expected but work well (american pie style), the film quality/cinematography/directing/make up/cgi/ are all above par for a low budget horror.

If you're looking for a teen comedy/horror this should be on top of your list.

rated as a teen comedy 9/10
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Love Bite
jboothmillard29 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the trailer for this film, and it did look like it could be a funny film, and it was described as being something for The Inbetweeners audience, so I was kind of surprised to see the lowest of low ratings, from director Andy De Emmony (Kenneth Williams: Fantabulosa!). Basically summer has begun just after school is over for the students in the town of Rainmouth, the dead-end seaside town; some of the students include a group of teenage friends, Jamie (Eragon's Ed Speleers), Kev (Luke Pasqualino), Bruno (Robin Morrissey) and Spike (Daniel Kendrick). Jamie is bored to hell and forced into working for his pothead mother Natalie (Kierston Wareing) at her B&B, while the other guys seem happy working in the pie factory, but they are concentrating more on trying to get sex. Desperate to get out there, and when he gets the chance to every so often, Jamie is out on their nights as well, and at a party he meets beautiful, smart and sexy Juliana (Piranha 3D's Jessica Szohr) from America, but soon after her arrival strange things are happening in the village. This includes many teenagers going missing, and there is rumour of a werewolf in the town, and it is revealed that those missing teens were virgins, and the beast is only hunting for virgin flesh, Sid (Timothy Spall) seems to be the one hunting it. The assumed werewolf hunter is staying at the B&B, and warns Jamie about the werewolf, that he should stay away from Juliana, who Jamie is smitten with, and that he should lose his virginity as soon as possible. For a while he ignores this advice and continues to try and get closer to his new love interest, she does like him very much, but at times seems to try and avoid him for some reason, and eventually he and his friends realise the werewolf threat is true, and that they should pop their cherry quickly to stay safe. Thinking that Juliana may not have any feelings for him, and then later believing Sid's theory that she is the beast, Jamie tries to have sex with the person who has been begging him to shag her, fat and unpleasant Alicia (Rosie Sansom), but he doesn't go ahead with this, and he fails other attempts with some other girls. It turns out the American love interest is not the werewolf, she is in fact a werewolf hunter who provides the service of taking the virginity from people so they will be safe from the danger, but knowing that she has to save lives she cannot give into any feelings she may or may not have for anyone. In the end the werewolf kills Sid who attempts to end the terror, it is cornered and killed by Jamie with a silver spiked arrow, and he finally embraces his feelings with Juliana who is also smitten with him, so he loses his virginity as well with the woman he loves. Also starring Robert Pugh as Sergent Rooney, Imogen Toner as Mandy and Paul Birchard as Reverend Lynch. I agree with the critics that the first half of the film is pretty dreadful with the immature and crude material, a few scenes in the second half has the more material that could have made the film worthwhile, the concept was good sounding, it's just the execution, there wasn't much that made me laugh, and it was not thrilling either, it is a disappointingly terrible British comedy horror. Pretty poor!
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Intresting premise poor execution.
DoctorHver1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film....I'm not sure where to begin. But I must say from the plot premise thhe films sounds interesting. Yet its clear by viewing the film that this moive should be considered a B-Horror as it clearly made on low budget which means that the werewolves don't show up properly until maybe the final 20 minutes. Prior to that nothing much happen but you get the outcome you are hoping for mostly. Thus I can only give this film 5 stars as I felt even in if you are on low budget you some 70 min to establish the characters as I do feel nothing for those through out the film and what about the werewolves why are they infected and why is it so important get lied to avoid being killed by the werewolves? None of that is actually explained as film progress so you have no clue why the werewolves are there in first place of course I know in some movies vampire/werewolves don't need explanation they are just monsters and will just kill you for no good reason. But when the premise is that werewolves will only kill the virgins then I feel the explanation is needed like maybe it came form accent rituals about virgins and sexuality, where any one who cast it will become the sexiest creature alive and hungry for sex like wolf., but the scripture could also state that powers that she can change anyone into werewolf if she demands them worthy of her powers and kill the rest. SO when Julina turns up couple of those individuals we consier the rest should end up dead mostly girls and boys we know are not obviously Jamie is inner circle should end up dead. When Julina first meet Jimie is friends she should quickly consier them worthy and start turning them one by one into werewolves but when she meets Jamie he should rely rely confuse her like being so sweet and nice to her but he doesn't make that move on telling her he's desperate for sex with her. Why? Because of course that fat crazy hunter has been telling him lies how afwul and horrible creatures the werewolves are. Thus when he ask her that if its truth that she is werewolf she lies that she like the fat guy is hunter and he does have sex with guys to prevent the werewolf from killing pepole. When he is about to take her offer the fat werewolf hunter should turn up with police when he has convinced them that the hell will break lose if nothing are done about the werewolves problem. Then Julina transforms into the werewolves and kills them Jamie doesn't know what to do but points the gun (with the silver bullets) at Juliana when she transforms back from killing police and the hunter. She should tell him if he kills her all of his friends will turn back to humans. But then he tells her that he doesn't see her as monster but a girl that he had been hoping to spend the rest of his life with Julie and do lot of thingss with her including wild animalitic sex. then of course he should take Juliana's hand as he actually does in the movie and scratch himselves with it even if she is not in her werewolf form. He then should take blood from one of Juliana's injures after the cop battle and infect himself with the her blood as he does in the movie. Then the film should basically end as it originally does. When they are then at that table in the cafeteria at the end maybe the could maybe Jamie could mention how he and all his friends are happy with having Juliana turning them into werewolves while they wonder how many of those virgin kids they are going to eat compared how many of them they will end up turning into werewolves they will of course conclude unlike Jamie and his friend none of them will be worthy enough of being turned THE END.

Another sequence I felt flat in the movie I feel was when Jamie kills one of his friend that is slowly being turned into werewolves when he doesn't like the changes I think this was rather unbelivable as there is no such talk in the movie earlier what they will do if such crisis situation will happen. So you feel nothing when this discussion is taken place so I think this would have worked better if Jamie had just killed some randome dude insteed he might not particualy like who begs him to kill him when he doesns't like the changes. The werewolves have obviously demanded him not worthy but they were interrupted and didn't finish the job.
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British Lad Culture meets the horror genre... yet again!
ColonelHetzer21726 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: Best suited for young British viewers as the humour is tailored for their tastes. Cons: Everybody else will be switching off at this kind of British Lad Culture humour.

The Story: In a small Scottish seaside town, four teenage boys are trying desperately to lose their virginity, but the advice that their so-called 'expert' Kev is hopelessly bad. One of them, Jamie, runs a B&B with his pothead mother & dreams of going out with one of their guests, the mysterious American tourist Juliana. But at the same time, a series of disappearances of local youths has been occurring & another of Jamie's guests - the eccentric Sid, who claims to be a werewolf hunter - has attributed these to a werewolf hunting virgin flesh & claims that Juliana is a werewolf. Jamie ignores the claims but with his continued inability to get laid & some of his friends starting to vanish, he begins to fall for Juliana's charms despite growing evidence that she is not who she claims to be.

In Britain, there exists a social disease that has infected the vast majority of British male youth. It is called "Lad Culture" & is a mix of boorish stupidity, mild misogynistic sexism, pro-alcoholism & all-round general jackassery that makes them do stupid things & cause several kinds of trouble without ever learning from their mistakes. This kind of 'humour' started in the 1990s with several British men's magazines that deliberately put out this kind of content but masked it with a false humorous context that is designed to deflect indirect criticism.

Love Bite, a 2012 Scottish B-grader from Andy De Emmony, is a pretty good example of what to expect from this kind of 'humour' (I keep putting that term in quote marks because it is being used in an abstract manner to show that the humour in this film is not good humour). The film is a British version of American Pie but without the rampant sexuality that the source material is known for & filled with the British Lad Culture content that several youth-related films from this location are known for, coupled with a horror story about a virgin-eating werewolf.

As it stands, Love Bite is mildly interesting as a tale of a young virgin who can't get laid (probably as a result of his timidness & the bad luck of having a circle of friends who all get their relationship advice from a young 'expert' who clearly has no idea of how to get laid, instead spouting all sorts of chauvinistic advice that is offensive to anybody who actually has a brain) & who does fall for a mysterious American girl who might actually be involved in the disappearances of several of his friends (but not in the way you think). The idea of a werewolf preying on virgins is interesting but is not a consistent concept with traditional werewolf lore & is badly applied here - the werewolf is not terribly fussy about who it kills & in the end the revelation of the werewolf's identity seems to be arbitrarily applied to make up for the fact that we can't seem to guess who it is. However, I did like the way the film ended, with the hero & his American girlfriend (who is actually a werewolf hunter) both being infected with the werewolf affliction & losing their virginity while being werewolves (featuring a funny image of them going at it doggy-style) & a blackly humorous end coda. As for the acting, Jessica Szohr gives a professional performance as the mysterious American tourist whose secret identity provides the counterpoint to the story. Ed Speleers is good enough to carry the show while Timothy Spall is amusing as the hapless werewolf hunter & Kierston Wareing provides some interest as the cop's sexually promiscuous daughter.
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May as well be a college media project
jon_9510 November 2012
Saw this today, and I REALLY wanted to like it. I wasn't expecting much, but I was hoping for a nice surprise. As it was, I came away reasonably satisfied but disappointed in equal measure.

Firstly, the comedy. Absolutely DREADFUL. It's like the most obvious attempt at ripping off The Inbetweeners ever (which wasn't exactly cutting edge anyway). In all honesty I could have come up with a better script myself. It was juvenile, sad and basically lazy. I didn't laugh once, and I am no hater of toilet humour.

Luckily it was just about saved by the plot, which at the very least kept my attention. Whilst it sounds on paper like a ridiculous spoof of Twilight, it was occasionally captivating and the ending was a satisfying finalé to an otherwise forgettable film.

Wooden acting all round with the exception of the excellent Jessica Szohr (who deserves a lot better than this) and of course Timothy Spall, whom I was extremely surprised to see here.

In all honesty I don't have much to recommend since it is a cheap rip-off on Inbetweeners and Twilight combined, but it was a nice enough day out and it was at least better than the Keith Lemon Film that I had the misfortune of watching last month.
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