Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Video Game 2023) Poster

(2023 Video Game)

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Amazing characters and story, but....
Dannyboi941 May 2023
After completing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor I was left with a good, yet slightly unsatisfied opinion. It was a great game, and I gave it an 8 because of it, but there are several issues which prevent this from becoming an amazing game.

The Good: First of all, this game is stunning. The graphics, world design, character models (sometimes) and cutscenes are outstanding. Far, far superior to the previous game, which at times was a bit poor. The story is also much more engaging than Fallen Order and feels more open and vast, when compared to the very condensed story of the previous game. I was never bored or uninterested in what I was seeing, and the story never falters. The characters are also all very well done, with the clear standouts being Greeze and Merrin. Cal is awesome here as well, and he has shown great progression from the young and inexperienced Jedi from Fallen Order, and matured into a much more powerful Jedi, with demons of his own. He gets beaten and bashed throughout this game, which makes his journey and development all that more great. He would make an excellent live-action character. Greeze is as always, hilarious, and he gets some very somber moments in this game. He is pretty much that person you go to for comfrot. And of course, Merrin, who we didn't get much of in Fallen Order. She is at the forefront for most of Survivor, since the game is basically about her and Cal. And I'm here for it. She and Cal have great on screen chemistry, and her action scenes are a sight to behold and have some of the most exciting moments in the game.

There are other characters, who are decent, but none really stand out like the others. Cere is here too, but has a much reduced presense. She does have a really bada** moment towards the later half of the game.

The music is also really good, as it was before.

The biggest improvement has to be the combat. What a difference here. It is much smoother than before. We get introduced to 'Stances' throughout the game, and these playstyles are very different from the next. While I did prefer to run with the Dual Swords and Doubleblade, others will very much enjoy the others. I personally did not like the Gun&Lightsaber stance, it just wasn't my cup of tea. The Crossguard was also, fine for some instances. But a drawback to the combat, is that you get knocked out of combos very easily, so using a very slow stance like the Crossguard can be frustrating. Since most enemies are very fast, and will hit you before you swing. Faster stances like doubleblade or dual wield, is a better choice. Despite combat being much improved, there are also complaints. I played this on the Series X and used a controller, and the button mapping was horrendous for certain force abilites. Sometimes they wouldn't work, and other times the buttons clashed with other buttons and you would end up using the wrong powers. Also dodging is much worse here. It is clunky and slow, and you have no iFrames while rolling. It's a really big drawback when in the heat of an epic boss fight. They should have taken an Elden Ring approch to the rolling.

That being said, pretty much everything above is great about Survivor, and if that's what you're looking for, then you will love this game, but....

The Bad: Bugs and Crashes. Like I said above I played this on the Series X and had a total of 4 crashes during my playthrough, and it was also littered with bugs and glitches - such is textures not loading in, or a drop in frame rate. The 'Performance Mode' did nothing for the game, and made it look much worse than it should be. So I stuck with 'Quality' and the performance was more or less the same.

Worlds. We do not get that many planets to explore in this game, which is so very disappointing. With a game that comes in at nearly 130gb, you would think this game would be massive. While the planets you do visit are vast in size, they aren't really interesting at all. The main planet - Koboh, where you will spend roughly 60% of your time, is just dull. There are some cool areas and boss fights to find, but it wasn't that great of a place, and I found myself wanting to leave, or not bothering about side quests.

The Villains. This is a major issue. The main adversaries to Cal are very lackluster. Dagan Gera, who you would think would make an epic villain, wasn't in the story all that much, and when we do see him, we always beat him. He never seems like an actual threat like Trilla did from Fallen Order. She was a fantastic villain and character. Dagan is just there... doesn't do much at all. His fights are pretty cool though. Rayvis, the big Thanos looking guy, looks cool, and sounds cool, but he too, is barely in the story. You can learn of of him through exploring the planets and hearing his voice, but that's it. Very underhwelming. And without spoiling anything for people, the other villain is also pretty poor too, despite the twist being epic and caught me off guard.

The difficulty. As someone who is a fan of the Soulsborne series, and enjoys a good challenge, this game's difficulty ranges from too easy, to too hard. There is no inbetween. Because of the above mention, the rolling mechanic of combat is awful, as is getting knocked out of combos and animations, it can make the game very frustrating on even the normal difficulty. This 'artifical' difficulty, isn't like what we get in Elden Ring, which was a very fair game, Survivor is a mess. I played on Jedi Master, and it was way more difficulty than the Grand Master Difficulty of Fallen Order. Enemies would take you health away with a couple of moves. This could have been solved with better rolling and dodging.

Overall, I really enjoyed Survivor. It was a great game, with some truly epic moments, heartfelt moments, and jaw-dropping moments. It was a worthly sequel to a very shockingly good game. It does have some major issues, which stop it from being the best Star Wars game since KOTOR. It is better than Fallen Order, but falls flat on many things. Because these characters and this story is so engaging, I am looking forwards to seeing what comes next. I do hope we don't have to wait another 4 years for the next game.

But come on guys, for a game that cost £70, you need to get these bugs and glitches under control. People will not pay for a game like that.

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The Best Game in the Galaxy
bcope-9192629 April 2023
Unfortunately, on most platforms, the game had a really shaky launch. Sub-30 fps consistently, buggy cutscenes, just poor performance altogether. Note that I'm playing on an Xbox Series X.

Now that that's out of the way, THE STORY. I am 12 hours in and I have been swallowed by this story. Don't worry I won't spoil.

And the graphics are superb, and the worlds detailed and expansive. It is every bit as great as the first game, but is better in every aspect. It is a perfect sequel, which is quite rare in the gaming world.

It adds shopping, fishing, and farming. It has companions that fight alongside you. It has new lightsaber fighting styles and everything down to BD-1's parts are customizable. Truly the greatest game in the Galaxy.
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Brilliant Game
Tott_donetta4 May 2023
I've been playing for about 20 hours now and I'd guess I'm about half way through. I'll stop and find EVERYTHING before i push on any further into the story but so far - this is an awesome game.

I'm playing on the PS5, amazing graphics and performance - it looks great. Very fun gameplay. Challenging fights with a lot of variety in strategy, there's 5 different lightsabre styles and a nice array of force powers to use. The story is interesting, the acting and cutscenes are very high quality too. The planets all feel very large and Metroidvania fans will certainly enjoy themselves, there's a vast array of goodies to find hidden all over the maps.

Its not perfect, the map is almost painful to try to read and the way the side-quests or 'rumours' are handled could be better, there's one or two game play bugs like you try to avoid a heavy attack, but you cant dodge back because there's a wall there that the camera angle didn't let you see and boom your dead but overall these are minor concerns in the bigger picture.
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Great game so far, but.....
VanillaGorilluh128 April 2023
The game is great so far. I've played about 3 hours so far and to this point it feels like what a sequel should be. Bigger, better, and I can definitely appreciate the continuity with Cal and his abilities. (Things like double jump, pull, push, etc available right away). Always been a weird nit pick of mine that sequels make you relearn things you learned in the previous game. Although, I can't ignore the frame rate struggles. I've never been one to complain about graphics or a games performance, but playing on PS5 for 3 years now I've been spoiled with little to no frame issues. For a game to finally come out with noticeable struggles is a bit jarring, and a bit upsetting. Nothing too gamebreaking, but it is definitely noticeable in some bigger fights, and for me anyway, cutscenes have STRUGGLED so far. I'm sure this will get fixed in a future patch, so I won't let it affect my score. Can't wait to really sink my teeth into this over the weekend and get it rolling.
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Almost a 10
Wingzzz27 May 2023
This game is fantastic. It takes the foundation of the first game and really builds upon it. Improving on gameplay variety, customization, side content, etc. I also found the overall story in this game to be much better and more gripping then it's predecessor. The story is emotional, awe-inspiring, darker and overall just really strong. From a 'video-game' standpoint there's so much to love with overall fun, exhilarating and challenging gameplay with plenty to do. From a 'Star Wars' perspective this is a welcome addition that has awesome lore, immersive worlds and super memorable cameos from iconic characters.

I could easily see myself giving this a 10/10 but the game just unfortunately struggles performance wise. The frame drops on performance mode on my ps5 were jarring and not on par with other next-gen games that run dang near flawlessly like God of War: Ragnarok, for example. Also, there is an entire bounty hunter mechanic that gives you access to 18 additional boss fights and my game is bugged out resulting in me not even being able to partake in that entire part of the game.
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Should be a sequel of Star Wars film
stefan-5464612 August 2023
The writers if the story should win something. It has a lot of emotion and you are rooting for the good side characters. As an expert in Star Wars, I can say the developers of the game know Star Wars better than the makers of the new films. Even the short film sequences are better than any fight scenes that we saw in the sequels.

Spoiler esque: Some negative points: too many collectibles. What I miss is also a visit to the jedi temple on Coruscant, a jedi cloak. Jedi Starfighter flying would have been epic. What I think is unnecessary are the puzzles to gain sonething which takes place in a dream world.

Moreover, I need to say the game is the best Star Wars Game I ever played even above The Force Unleashed and KOTOR (sry Kotor fans).
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WOW!!! Just...WOW!!!
atgooder11 May 2023
This game is the absolute definition of what a Star Wars game should be like. I'm not usually someone who gives reviews on games but AJ felt this one deserved one. There is soooo much to like about this game it's difficult to figure out where to start. The visuals and the graphics of the game were amazing and do not even get me started on the story. It was funny, it was sad, it was entertaining and so much more. The combat performed flawlessly and was a very nice challenge. This is exactly what a sequel should look like because they took everything from the first game, which was already amazing in itself and then improved it and made it 100 times better than it already was and did a phenomenal job doing so. Honestly, don't listen to any of the bad reviews that you see here because they clearly don't know what they are talking about. Being a huge Star Wars fan myself since I was young, I can honestly tell you that this game, the story, the characters, all of it is a true heart throb and worth every single penny. If Respawn can keep releasing masterpieces like this, they might very well be one of the best game developers I've ever seen!!!!
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Best Star Wars game in the galaxy!
lucasp-989461 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I played it on Xbox x so the graphics were amazing and unreal. Once you obtained a new ability you used it a lot. The planets are massive. It is great that the customisation. It surprised me that Darth Vader returned for the second to last boss battle. It felt great that you also got to control Cere and get a lot of flashbacks. I loved that you can go back to Courscant because normally you can't go back to the starter planet which is what happened with Bracca and also with Tanalorr and Fortress inquisitorious. The only downsides were we didn't see much if master Cordova,we didn't learn anything about the Zeffo,we didn't see Saw Gerrera and there was only 1 poncho in the game. And there were so many types of enemies.
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The best Star Wars game yet.
fpratt3 December 2023
Amazing game play mechanics, and a wonderful storyline with some unexpected twists. There is a lot to do, event after you reach the end of the main storyline. The characters are well developed, as are their relationships. Many of the characters are new, but there is at least one legendary character that everyone will recognize. Even the principal antagonists have a lot of depth; they are far more complex that your typical "bad guys." The graphics are very nice, and the PC game is not very demanding in regard to hardware. Overall, it's one of the best games I've played in recent years. I would highly recommend it to any Star Wars fan.
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This game is it!
uberrapidash-3189013 December 2023
Jedi: Fallen Order was like a rough draft for Jedi: Survivor. Everything you wished was different about the first game came true for the second game!

This game *can* be played without playing Fallen Order first, but I don't recommend it. I recommend playing Fallen Order straight through for story and getting to know the characters, first. It would really enhance your experience with Survivor if you had that foundation.

I gave 9/10 instead of 10/10 only because it was kinda buggy throughout, although it was nothing game-breaking. The map system was much improved from the first game, but it still had problems in this game, too. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this game. It is beautiful, I found it immersive, and I was very invested the entire time I played.
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Honest review after finishing the game over two days of gaming.
lanycera29 April 2023
I've played it on PS5, so I can't complain about performance and there were only minor bugs and framerate drops. I've heard on PC the launch was way worse but this is not going to be part of my criteria.

To get to my major complaints: This is actually the first time you will ever hear me say that a game would've been better if it was more condensed + linear.

Why? Because Jedi: Survivor wanted to be something of an "open world" game but ended up being a terribly mediocre in-between, with no reward in exploration really and no meaningful sidequests a la Witcher 3 or GTA / Red Dead Redemption. It feels like a parkour simulator, and you are locked out on a lot of free exploration while being pushed from story point A to B...with invisible walls and a frustrating "you can't jump here" slap on the wrist. And my god, did I get tired of wall running.

Cut all the traversing and same-y puzzles out, you'll end up at 5-10 hours of combat + story. Which is really not a lot, I had hoped for more.

Was the combat decent and the story good, including the characters? Yes.

Especially towards the end, it really picked up in strength (despite a very obvious twist).

But the in-between is severely lacking, and quite frustrating + repetitive the majority of the time.

The worlds / environments also went more in the direction of the movies, we get a lot of sand and barren landscapes until the end pretty much - the first game did so much better in this regard. Dathomir was unique and such a welcome change of pace!

For me, it has no replayability to be frank and I hope the next game improves and makes up it's mind what it wants to be.
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Need to balance out the fawning reviews
gorwell7777 August 2023
I'll admit upfront I stopped playing after switching to the Cere planet. Too much ridiculous effin jumping and parkour. Nonsense side conversations. Why even allow talking to these NPCs? And as others posted here, the long long long ass backtracking when you get killed. Snore. Plus, where the f am I supposed to go next? I have a map, I have a droid, give me at least some kind of HUD or visual cue. I'm a grown ass man who's been playing games for 30 years, and this thing is a dud. If the emperor was in this game, he'd be naked. If you aren't a huge huge huge star wars fan, skip it. Here are 13 characters to make this post.
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Fan Service Sequel Benchmark
enaidu-292711 May 2023
The Prize of EA Games.

"It's time to set you free." A breathtaking, soul-shivering ultimate magical experience for any Star Wars fan.

I have never been so fed as a fan in my entire life in terms of the Jedi experience, space travel, storylines, immersive worlds, depthful characters. The last was Force Unleashed back in 2008.

Feels slightly like God of War in areas given the developers it's expected.

The customization improvement & the new mount system is amazing. All these elements further prove how much care the team take to give us the best possible experience. Love mature Cal with a beard.

Game Score 9.1/10 Value for money 9/10 Experience 11/10.

You are never going to see it coming!

Order now.
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braydonwiswell10 May 2023
Jedi Fallen Order was an amazing experience! Jedi Survivor? It did what Jedi Fallen Order was missing! More force powers, more weapons, more customization, especially on Cal which was something we were asking for since JFO. I'm not finished yet, but the story seems just as great as JFO was if not, in my opinion, better! We get new characters, familiar characters, even new enemies! I was worried with after the events of JFO we might get a lame story with Cal losing his connection with the force again, but BOY was I wrong! They still implemented what we've learned prior and added so much more to the overall game! Again, I'm not finished yet, but I imagine I'm more than half way done or at least half way done! So far so good! Worth the wait and worth the money!
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The gameplay, the graphics and the hype is real
vennixstijn28 April 2023
I've been a fan of the first game but this game steps everything up. From storytelling to gameplay everything has major improvements. I've been able to play the first hour of the game so far trough a demo given by ea and I must say I can't wait. I can officially drop in the full game in about 1 hour. So I would say tune in. And we're in for a ride.

Everything is so well done from the relationships that get developed to the different hairstyles and other thing you can costumize. And yeah there will be flaws. There will be people who will not like it. And if you didn't like fallen order you won't like server because it's the same but better. They took to a whole different level. And I'm here for it. Make sure to be there.
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Easy 10/10. Best game I have ever played
iddoweitz2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is simply the best game I have ever played. The Graphics, the story, the sound effects, the action, the maps. Its all 10/10. Bro the plot twist when I have found out that Bode is a traitor was crazy. The fight with darth vader was amazing. You just need to buy the game🔥🔥🔥. At the start I was a little upset because of the fps I was getting but after the update it was improved. I recommend to play the game on the lowest graphics. The views were amazing and I was amazed by how good the script was written. So what are you waiting for? Just buy that amazing crazy good game because you will love him!
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A Fantastic Video Game Experience.
alindsayal2 May 2023
I thought that it was about times I added video game reviews to my list of reviews and what better way to start then reviewing the new Star Wars Jedi: Survivor the sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order which was one of my favourite games of recent memory. The premise of the game is set 5 years after the ending of the first game, Cal Kestis has split from his previous crew and is trying to take the Empire down by any means necessary.

Characters Cameron Monaghan once again voices Cal and he is fantastic in this game. The character has become one of the most interesting in the whole of Star Wars and that gets expanded here. You can tell that Cal has been through a lot in the 5 years between games and that has made him see certain things in a different light. Monaghan sells it perfectly and this is a character I thoroughly enjoy playing as.

The crew from the main game - Merrin, Cere, BD-1 & Greez are back here in slightly different roles and they are all fantastic. The relationships between Cal and these characters is thoroughly developed and I loved how natural it felt that these people hadn't been together for years. They have changed since the first game and I like how their stories were treated alongside Cal.

The new characters are also really well realised. Bode Akuna who is voiced by Noshir Dalal who also voices Charles Smith in Red Dead Redemption plays a new ally of Cal and he is a well realised character. Their chemistry is well realised and makes you care about this new character and his motivations for working with Cal. As it was shown in the trailers the new characters from The High Republic is really interesting, especially from someone who isn't that familiar with this time in Star Wars. It makes me want to pick up the books and find out more.

Main Story The main story is possibly my favourite part of this game. It feels like a natural progression of the story from the previous game and does an excellent job of progressing our main characters from the first game while developing new characters. Some people have dubbed this game as The Empire Strikes Back of this trilogy and I would agree, it is much darker then the first game but it feels appropriate and like it suits the world being built. It has its twists and turns and it all fits really well and satisfying for a fan of Star Wars and this franchise.

Side Content One huge improvement this game has is that there is way more to do here then their was in the previous game. The majority of missions are pretty linear but well designed. But when you go to the planet Kobah there is plenty of side missions and activities for the player to take part in. It encourages the player to take part in these and even if they aren't all great I appreciate these additions. A couple of these side missions are fantastic with rewards that feel like they are worth doing. The game has added training to the meditation rest point and for new players this is a useful addition.

Gameplay The gameplay is really great. It feels familiar to fans of the first game that it is easy to jump in. But it is more fluid and feels like Cal is a much stronger Jedi then he was in the previous game. There are new enemies to face and some of them are really challenging which is nice to see for sure. The new teammate system isn't used much but it is a nice change that shows Cal works well with his allies to defeat enemies. Things as mount travelling and Fast Travel are really nice additions to the game and makes it easier to explore the world. But probably the biggest addition is the stances, players get to select from 5 different stances based on what is required for the mission. They all feel really different and it was nice to try out these different stances and seeing what worked and what didn't. I did feel there was some issues in terms of the platforming and jumping which seemed to be the ways I died the most. Also the game has a similar issue to the previous game in that the final boss is incredibly cheap, it was incredibly frustrating and I only defeated them by turning the difficulty down which was really frustrating.

Graphics The game looks amazing, it continues the good work that the previous game had in terms of the great graphics. The cutscenes are amazing to look at and the planets all look great. This game has huge customisation with Cal. Whether it is his hair, beard or clothes he is so customisable and everybody can have different looking versions of the character. Creating his Lightsaber and designing BD is a really fun part of the game and makes this game stand out.

Overall Overall, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a fantastic game that is a must play for any Star Wars fan. I would even say if you aren't a huge fan play Fallen Order and then get this game as these are amazing single player games that prove that this concept is not dead just yet.

I reviewed this game on the PS5.

Rating - 9/10.
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Story and characters was top notch phenomenal
takamaruriddle6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say... #Disney really needs to let the creative team from Respawn do a movie trilogy (or Disney + series) around Cal Kestis starring Cameron Monaghan, because they frikin NAILED the story in the game. I haven't played a game in a very, very long time in which I've been so absorbed in the characters and the story. Nor did I see the twists and turns that were coming. These writers know how to tell a damn story and they really need to be given the credit they deserve. Holy crap that was good.

I honestly think I need therapy because I shared the rage with Cal after the events of Jedha and don't even get me started on the storyline with Merrin, but hell I think I fell in love with her too.

They did such a phenomenal job on the characters, the story, and the development.
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9.4 out of 10 in my opinion
gagajojua-9340310 August 2023
Jedi Survivor improved pretty much every aspect from the previous game, harder and more interesting boss fights, more variety in terms of clothes and customization, the story was Better and lengthier, we were introduced to new characters, more planets to explore and we were able to do more things like gardening and recruiting more characters for the saloon, which by the way is a wonderful place to visit each time I go to Koboh, we also got more stances to use, which is definitely one of my favorite things in this game, all of them felt really unique and fun in their own way, but the game itself is pretty laggy no matter what platform you play on, sudden frame drops, weird glitches etc. But I don't have that big of a problem with that since it doesn't happen to me very often, and the final problem I have with Jedi Survivor is Tanalorr, the whole story was basically building up anticipation for Tanalorr, but when we got to finally visit it, there was nothing to do, a few scans and echos here and there and that's it, I whish there was more to explore, and I also would have liked another outpost on Tanalorr, because they literally called it their new home. Overall the game was incredible, I loved it, it's a 9.4 for me.
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Too short, too much parkour and 5+2(acting)
scotrutherford5 May 2023
The graphics were OK. After all it's the next germination. The voice acting was superb. Impressions: the transitions were ridiculous. Maybe they should call it Jedi: Parkour. Everyone including BD-1 has a jet pack or teleports. I must have fallen 100 times... part of that die to slap happy graphics you would never see in Guerrilla games' Horizon saga. There is no need whatsoever for Cal to have a blaster. It would have been an 8-9 except for not giving me a voice regarding the dark side. I don't know why gamers are obsessed with dark side. I just don't get it. So what then? Cal goes evil in part 3? Will there be a part 3 since this was light on planets and heavy on useless parkour. Once again unrivalled voice acting but a so-so story because there's not much you can do until Star Wars 7. Unless they actually DO succeed on planet T or Cal kills everyone but Merrin because she's super Jedi, I don't see a part 3. Filling in the gaps with fetch and carry side missions, banal conversations with NPC's and far too much gardening didn't help. Once you get 10 of each traceable, the rest of what you can buy is crap. Without the awesome cast I would have given it a 5.
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Not bad, but not good either
harasztiaadam1 May 2023
Very few planets, you go back and forth, back and forth... monotonous. Very good fighting mechanism but still not good enough to chain you to the game. Feels like you have to take breaks to even convince yourself to continue. Price/worth is not too good compare to the flow. They did the mistakes of the previous game, and didn't give us any new. Although very nice graphics and sound and of course music. Very hard to make a final verdict, took me days even. Sometimes I felt like that "yes, that is the Star Wars game we've been looking for a while" but again like a slap every 2-3 hours "that is not the game you are looking for". I'm kinda disappointed, typical EA game: All to the front, nothing at the back.
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Very impressive - non spoiler!
ronin11388 January 2024
Have not finished the game but omg it's not only fantastic and absolutely worth it, it's a serious improvement over it's predesor. The story is relatively simple and intriguing but crucially it feels like a Star Wars story unlike anything Disney has pumped out via it's various TV shows. There is a significant improvement of the motion capture tech, fighting play and gameplay in general but the most impressive aspect is the world's. They are absolutely huge, intrinsically designed and challenging. It was not long a wait till it was reduced on Xbox store, well worth adding to your library, just fantastic!
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A great game but is left rather open
Rayofsun7113 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A great sequel overall and a great game to play, getting more immersed into Star Wars lore and having more backstory to the old republic was a very nice touch to the game as well, of course Unreal Engine couldn't capture it all but what it did manage to capture was very well done, Cameron Monaghan has Cal is the perfect casting choice as it seems this particular story is set to continue and here's to hoping Cal appears in the live action movies or series at some point as his appearance has been teased and there are many times he can show up, while it was a very impressive game the ending is left rather open, of course now that another installment is confirmed that makes sense, but it can fall flat of the previous game but not by much, if you're a longtime or new Star Wars fan, give this a shot.
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A Great Sequel to A Great Game
AuroraAll5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Fair Warning! This Review May Contain Spoilers for Both Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019) and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023)!

I am a huge Star Wars fan, I have watched every major film, animated show, live action show excluding Andor (2022) and Star Wars: Resistance (2018). I have also played quite a few Star Wars games in my life from classics such as Star Wars: Battlefront (2004), Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005), and Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005). To current games like EA's Star Wars Battlefront II (2017), Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019), and now Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023). So you could say I have been a fan of Galaxy Far Far Away, for a Long Long Time.

Now into the main review. I recently purchased the game on Steam just two days before its release, as I was quite excited for the sequel. The game ran poorly on my PC, now this may be due to my system just not fitting the right requirements for the game, but I have heard that other PC users have also experienced frame loss, loss of textures, etc.

So I rebought the game on my PS5 and played the game in full there. Now with the mix of the time I put into both platforms I have pretty much thirty hours of game time played. Six of the thirty hours would be counted as already playing the same parts for a while. The game's story is said to be thirty hours long. I played on the base difficulty the game throws at you from the get go being Jedi Knight of five optional difficulties being Story Mode, Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, and Jedi Grand Master.

On my PS5 after finishing the story it said I had twenty-four hours of playtime in total. Which means that it took me twenty-three hours at most to do the story, as I spent nearly a whole hour trying to kill the horrid boss Spawn Of Oggdo. Yes Oggdo Boggdo's Son (as the name implies) makes an appearance into the game, as is quite a difficult and annoying boss to fight for those who aren't yet mastered in the lightsaber arts. Like me...

The story is great, absolutely is just *chef's kiss* of a story, from returning characters such as Greeze, Merrin, and Cere, to newly appearing characters like Dagan Gera, Bode, Monk, Caij, and more!

The first game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order had eight locations in the game that the player was introduced / got to go to, that list being (in order of story) Bracca, Bogano, Zeffo, Kashyyyk, Ordo Eris, Dathomir, Ilum, and Nur. Mind you that the main locations that are more explorable with actual things to find are Bogano, Zeffo, Kashyyyk, Dathomir, and Ilum. Whereas Bracca, Ordo Eris, and Nur are mainly tied to storytelling with no real freedom for the player to explore as these locations are linear. Now one thing that was certainly fun was being a Jedi surviving as best as possible while still getting to explore more of the galaxy. One thing that more people like me wished was to have even more to explore with these locations, and even to return to some like Bracca which is the scrapyard planet of the Galaxy, as it was introduced in the game that Cal Kestis the Jedi you portray as in the first installment has been hiding out on Bracca helping breaking down the various ships, tanks, and other military vehicles from both sides of The Clone Wars. How fun would it be to have Cal need to return there for something that ties into his quest.

However, we only get six locations in the sequel and unlike Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order all locations are only accessible in a specific order of importance to the plot. Whereas in the first installment you had the option to go to Dathomir as soon as you got to Bogano and were ready to head back out into the galaxy. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's locations are Coruscant, Koboh, Jedha, Shattered Moon (The Shattered Moon of Koboh), Nova Garon, and Tanalorr. Just as the predecessor, not all locations are explorable, meaning as really only Tanalorr the endgame location isn't really anything special, considering its importance to the plot, especially for the type of planet it is. As once you reach the final mission on Tanalorr and complete it you can look back at the holomap and see that Tanalorr is probably going to be the first location for everyone to fully explore as there are no collectibles, secrets, or fun things to do as it is only designed for the final quest.

Speaking of the fact we are two locations less of what the predecessor has, it seems that a reason for that might be because of just how big and explorable Koboh and Jedha really are. It is quite funny to think that Coruscant, the planet-wide city that delves several levels below its top city layer, is actually smaller in exploration than planets like Koboh or the desert planet of Jedha. Some of you who have not gotten to play the game yet or are still having just that small difficulty of connecting on where you remember Jedha from, Jedha was introduced in the film Star Wars: Rogue One (2016), you know the planet that has Saw Gerrera, where we got to meet Chirrut, Baze, and the Imperial Pilot Bohdi.

I do find it quite upsetting that there aren't as many locations you can go to and that Koboh and Jedha are the only two that have the most exploration out of all six that have any exploration at all. Regardless of this there are a variety of things you can do in the whole of exploration, lots of collecting to do. From collecting four different types of things for vendors, where you can purchase a variety of perks, cosmetics for Cal's clothes and weaponry, or even BD-1. You can also collect fish and seeds for a garden. No you don't get to go fishing yourself, but you get to meet a hearty fisherman named Skooba Stev who tells you his woes and fascinating tales of fishing!

While on the planet of Koboh your main goal is to get to Greeze's Cantina Pyloon's Saloon, named after Greeze's Great Grandmother which will be the main base for Cal and the gang. Which is where it will house the variety of other characters you can meet along the way and tell them to head to the Saloon. Koboh is not only the second planet you venture to, but also offers some familiar face plates. Yes the Separatists are on Koboh, you get to run into B1 Battle Droids, B2 Super Battle Droids, Droidekas, Magna Guards, and Commando Droids. As they have been reprogrammed to work for the local raider group the Bedlam Raiders.

Now the story is fantastic, so fantastic I don't want to give off too many spoilers, especially big moments. A quick summary of the plot is that it has to do with some ancient two century old technology from the High Republic days dealing with a secret. But all in all the story had me laughing, crying, scared, and hot headed. As it does have a variety of ups and downs.

In conclusion Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023) is a fantastic sequel, and is a recommended play for anyone who wishes to delve back into the boots of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. I rate it a good 8/10 for a variety of great reasons, and in this review you can see some of why I love it and why I dislike some aspects. Of course if I were to list even more this review will continue on for a longer time, but that is okay. Because it is not to the point that makes the game unplayable.
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Right in the feels, I can't even
paulienvanderkrift29 May 2023
I thought JFO was a wonderful story, I was absolutely loving Cal Kestis as a young Jedi character, figuring himself out. In Survivor he has become one bad ass Jedi: I'm eating his character arc up. He truly is one of my favorite SW characters ever. The story is action packed, tense and emotional. No spoilers, but I'm not even finished and I already feel I should get some therapy to help me cope. I've yelped and screamed and cried out loud at the TV more than once. For me at least, it's an immersive experience.

The game itself is beautiful, the gameplay is diverse and the combat makes me feel like an absolute rebel Jedi, which is super entertaining.

I do wish there was more variety in destinations, to organically take you to most corners of the maps.

And I also wish there was more significant rising action in the middle part of the story. There's a lot of action at the start and at the climax, but in between it felt kind of repetitive to me, going back and forth playing fetch between two worlds. It does all make sense, but I would have liked some more holy-hell events in between.

Doesn't prevent me from loving this game though, and I'm definitely replaying it once I finish!
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