The Most Hated Man on the Internet (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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worth watching
shirlone27 July 2022
This series shows you how one woman made a difference in not only stopping Hunter Moore but shutting down his website. Very well put together and worth your time in watching it. People like Hunter Moore are a low life piece of crap and need to be stopped. Protect your cell phones by getting hacked by adding more protection and be careful of what apps and websites you go to on them.
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A disgusting time for the internet
nfraizer28 July 2022
My friends told me this this was coming up. As someone who's nudes were also stolen (hacked), put on that website, and harassed through social media for months, the documentary did a very good job in recreating and showing the nightmare that many of us had to live through when he was up and going. People forget that back then, camera phones had limited memory. People also forget that early iPhones could only send media through email. There was no cloud and people stored photos in email.

IAU was all fun and games until you were on it. Your phone number, address, and social media linked. You were constantly flooded with messages to kill yourself.

Most people aren't familiar with how big this got.

Although I won't watch this again, I'd recommend this to watch so everyone can become familiar with one of the darkest times of the internet.
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maytekinaliyeva30 July 2022
People like this guy make me believe existence of satan and the movies showing its presence among people. What an ugly loser with loser followers. How many morons live in this world is beyond me 🤦‍♀️ Yes, "The Family" my a.. Bunch of losers made a community.
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Sociopathic narcissistic loser gets exposed
zack_gideon28 July 2022
This guy was such a low level human on every level. I mean imagine being a scum sucking catfish at the bottom of an aquarium eating other fish's crap. That's how low this guy Hunter Moore is. He's so devoid of anything humanity (empathy) he gets his pleasure making other peoples lives a living hell.

It's called malignant narcissism and it's the sad case for many sick people who can only derive pleasure by controlling, manipulating and using others for their own gain. Glad this loser has been exposed. Bye Hunter. I'd say get some help, but I'd rather you just isolate yourself from other humans in a dark room. Good documentary overall.
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A tad "sensational", but the intent and presentation override all that! [+67%]
arungeorge1328 July 2022
First of all, kudos to Charlotte Laws, James McGibney, the supportive FBI officer, and "Anonymous" for taking down the vicious internet criminal Hunter Moore and his horrific exploits. The incidents from 2011-12 are recalled with their fair share of chilling cyber terror, and the makers thoroughly stand behind the victims. While few of the perspectives are skewed (such as the pornstar who repeatedly kept pandering to Moore's demands and the ex-girlfriend who couldn't see through Moore's nasty personality) to add greyness, the right folks get all the screen-time.

There are some thrilling, goosebump-inducing moments such as when Moore's website suddenly redirects to an anti-bullying campaign instead, when he gets confronted by Laws in a live TV show, and when you learn the the pro-active methodology by which a bunch of white-hat hackers take Moore down. While laws still need to be rewritten to protect people's internet privacies, the makers are subtly asking us not to be easy pickings for such dubious individuals to take undue advantage. To summarize, even a vile, powerful internet bully can't tie the shoes of a parent who sought justice for her young daughter.

P. S: That endnote (on Moore's involvement in the documentary) was fabulous!
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Frustrating story
gallagherkellie29 August 2022
I've tried to write 5 reviews and it keeps telling me it's not long enough even though it's like 12 lines long! Last try! The documentary was well done, short and had good information. I still have a few questions at the end but it was interesting. The main guy is a horrible narcissist who is still getting and loving the attention which is infuriating. Those poor girls (and guys). I don't understand for the life of me why so many people liked him?? And would do anything for him? I also don't get the short sentence he got and the fact that america doesn't have any proper revenge porn laws! Anyway I'm going to keep writing in hopes that my review will be accepted and long enough this time. Wish me luck!
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Nice documentary, tough subject
djmykool28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the last sentence. Something like Hunter Moore didn't agree with the interview but we decided to use his photos anyway.

One thing that i didn't like was the impunity of his fans, "the family".

Charlotte, the marine that bought the website and changed it to bully ville, and Anonymous are heroes.

It was a good documentary, not too long, it was like watching a movie and getting very upset with the villain. But the villain was real.
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Cautionary tale of twisted people
TheGreatExpectations13 August 2022
This documentary highlights the sad and unsettling reality that there are disturbed people who are completely not in touch with reality and will exploit anyone for personal attention. It is shocking that the legal framework is unable to protect innocent people.
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Only thing more interesting than the documentary is the reviews
rachel-filmer8210 August 2022
The reviews for this documentary are very telling - so many dismissing the victims as whiney, or victim blaming, or disbelief that they were hacked, despite the FBI proving this to be the case. I've seen a few documentaries recently that suggest the world is better for women than it was 10-20 years ago - these reviews suggest otherwise. It's unbelievable the attempts to deflect from the real issue here - the innate misogyny amongst some men, and the way some behave when they believe they can. That's an alarming thing and an important lesson.

Unlike the posters here mocking the mother, and some even saying she and Hunter were as bad as each other (no, no they weren't), she's the best I've seen in a documentary for a long time. Yes, she's wealthy and had the time. But she did what many would not have done - after the situation was resolved for her daughter, she continued to gather evidence and support victims and raise it with the FBI and journalists and anyone who would listen. We need more people with that kind of dedication. We definitely need fewer people like Hunter and his fans.
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It's good but I had way worse experiences from this man
amandabril7 August 2022
I get it. I didn't Have a mom who didn't work, and spent her whole day and night trying to take this man down. It honestly startled me when the timeline was six days or nine days etc. Maybe it's past trauma, but this website along with anonib ruined my life Starting in 11th grade. Six days, nine days, doesn't even begin to describe the amount of time I spent not wanting to be on this earth any longer. I used to be big into the Twitter universe, but after all the people tweeting out at me I had to deactivate my Twitter at 25,000 tweets. I also change my name on Facebook as well as not allowing anyone with no mutual friends to be able to message me. Both of my parents would have people message them because they weren't able to reach me. People on my friends list with the same first name as me would message me because old creepy dudes would reach out to them because they literally had no idea what my last name was any longer.

Like the women that were following in the show, The nudes that ended up online weren't ones that I ever sent to a soul. My email wasn't hacked; however, my old phone would back up pictures to my photo bucket, which was private. My photos were hacked by someone I didn't know. I definitely sent nudes to my boyfriends but I know that the pictures that were circulating, weren't ones that were ever sent. I would reach out to these websites to get my photos removed, and for the most part they would - - because I was 16 and 17 years old. That never stops these old creepy man from circulating my pictures around.

The amount of times I would receive a random phone call at work asking to speak to "Amanda" and my manager picking up the phone being told that there were nudes of me on the Internet. This ruined my life for many many years, about 11. Since I've been with my boyfriend for the past six years I stopped letting these things get to me because there's nothing I can do about it... I'm so confuse how this ladies nine days stent on is anyone up Qualified as a story.

Although all these years later I no longer let it bother me, it still does come up once in a while, but at this point what can I do. I think my boyfriend of six years has tremendously house me, because before him that's what I was known for and that isn't the terms that we met on. I'm finally able to move on.
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Seriously watchable series.
Sleepin_Dragon28 July 2022
Having been somewhat disappointing with The Indian Butcher and D. B. Cooper documentaries, I was starting to think that Netflix had lost a little of their polish, this totally restored my faith.

An incredibly watchable three part series, it's revealing, shocking, fascinating, definitely rewarding.

Even if you weren't aware of the specifics, the chances are you'd have heard of the revenge porn website news story, this tells the story of that, its founder, origins, peak and subsequent decline.

Creator, Hunter Moore is definitely an interesting character, it reveals a lot about him, you'll learn that the guy just didn't care, he just seemed to enjoy the chaos.

Some intriguing, revealing and sad interviews, you'll see the pain and anguish the website caused for many victims.

It's well made, well put together, it really does flow well, you'll want to watch it all in one go.

Charlotte Laws, just incredible, what a woman!!! Respect.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, 9/10.
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Painful to watch
thejdrage29 July 2022
This is one of the most difficult documentaries to watch, IMHO. And one of the best, given the outcome.

All I can say is: Karma can be a bear.

(And it says I need more characters. Well, there were plenty of characters in this doc!)
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Hating this guy is not the issue here
EleanorRigby-20201 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It goes without saying that this guy is immoral and reprehensible. And there is merit in creating a doc that might help educate future potential victims of revenge porn. But what made me go meh was the way it was done. First of all, it's a misnomer to label this revenge porn as many of the victims took their own pix and had them in their own personal online folders. So there was no vengeful ex sending the nude photos to a public website. The photos were obtained through hacking. While the end result is similar, I.e., the victim is unwillingly exposed on the internet, the path there had nothing to do with exes.

The length of the doc far exceeds its storyline. This could have been done in three hours tops. Too much on the mother. The stepfather's weirdly uninvolved role was swept under the rug as something that was perfectly normal. The girlfriend seemed high her entire interview and didn't even resemble herself from earlier pix with Hunter. Very unsympathetic character. And despite its unnecessarily long duration, still the viewer is left with gaps and questions. Why didn't the FBI get involved when the mother was getting death threats? She had to take matters into her own hands and that makes no sense since the FBI was already on the case. The vet who ultimately brought down the site: was he working on his own, I.e., in parallel with the FBI or on his own? How did Anonymous come to get involved to the point they did without FBI interference?

Anyway, felt almost more relieved it was over than relieved the punk was incarcerated, especially since it was ultimately such a light sentence.
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Why you shouldn't mess with a revengeful mom...
robinhio84_29 July 2022
The story is about revenge p*rn. A term popularised by Hunter Moore the person behind a website on that exact topic.

After watch this for 20min I was wondering, will he will get a taste of his own medicine...

The mini-series shines a light on a topic and website that not everyone will be familiar with. Aside from that, it comes at a time where there is an audience of both women and men that want to hear about it what people are going through. Especially in Europe and the US.

Not everyone will relate with all of the speakers, there will be probably some judgement. But overall this documentary will undeniable do well in todays climate.

One point of criticism is that this story could have told in one or two episodes... but it's a Netflix documentary at the end of the day..
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So long
juan_moran3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The girlfriend in this documentary was useless, it shows that she does not have a consistent behavior and that if her boyfriend fornicated many people and if she did not see him, why was he her boyfriend?, she does not say anything relevant, her talk is time lost.

The followers of this type of person show that they have little personality, submissive and *****, the "journalists" giving rise to that little piece of manure, show that her life is short and useless.
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gab-6759913 August 2022
This was no 3 identical Strangers or anything but it was still good. I honestly didn't know about this guy before this doc. It was sad to see how this one thoughtless loser tried so hard to make the world see him. It was oddly pathetic! I am glad to know that as much hate as he threw out, there were even MORE good ppl trying to stop him then help him out! I hope I am not the only one who thinks that B-hole chick seriously needs some deep therapy and love! Maybe even some community college classes. I mean, I have gotten drunk plenty of times and not one of those times did I think it would be a good idea to do what she did to herself! I could not imagine how horrible this was for anyone to have to go though. I can only hope this guy be banned from being on any main platforms ever again. Oh and his ex/gf was definitely on drugs when she did this doc!
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Worth watching
sbarbaric-2944113 August 2022
A documentary about sad little sociopath with mommy issues, drug issues, and a below average IQ, if you ask me.

I usually avoid 3 episode Netflix true crime shows as they usually get overly dragged out, but this one didn't feel like it.
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Hunter is clearly the villain here, BUT is charlotte really the hero?
wvsibpg29 July 2022
This series explores the sinister side of the internet, and is a cautionary tale that once you put something out on the internet, it can haunt you, sometimes for the rest of your life. All in all, this is a very thought provoking look into how disgusting people can be. My only problem with the show is the "protagonist" charlotte. She is so clearly entitled and has delusions of grandeur. Sometimes her actions make things worse and worse to the point she is told to stop, but she is so entitled at the thought of being the hero, that she won't stop. At the end, she takes credit for hunters downfall....even though it was the fbi. They should have put the main spot light on someone like care. Be honest, you can picture charlotte being one of those people during covid who yells at people for telling her to wear a mask.
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Truely scary material when you honestly think about it.
bethelabba-553-22765330 July 2022
I've been on the internet since the AOL days... a long, long time ago. I learned even back then that people can put on a facade --- and you'd never know real from fake. Ultimately, though, even if they pretend to be something else, it's still themselves they're exposing.

Hunter Moore wanted to "pretend" innocence. He wanted to assume a persona where he could hurt others and laugh at their expense without reprecussion. Thing is, the more you wear a mask, the more the mask actually becomes who you truely are. The fake becomes the real. The "faux" bully becomes the real bully. And that's the way of it.

The documentary exposes how much of a bully Hunter Moore honestly was / is. It takes us step by step on how the website came to be, how it grew into a monster, and how, at the heart of it all, was Hunter uncaring, unmoved by any sympathy and in the end --- how he paid for being the monster he'd grown into.

Most reviewers want to say that this is a lesson on not posting stupid stuff on the internet. They're missing the point. The real lesson here is that our culture wants to reward the bad-boy and so we "pretend" to be that.... not even aware of the fact that the more we play this game.... the more truely despicable we actually are. Hunter played the bad-boy.... and it cost him several years of his life in prison. If you think that's "fun" --- If you think Hunter is admirable and someone to follow --- then you really haven't paid attention to the real cost at the end of that road.

What is actually unsettling in watching this is not the damage done to so many lives, but rather, seeing how many people sidled up to Hunter --- whether claiming to be part of his "family" or by simply making a spiteful comment at IsAnyoneUp --- how many people are actually that rotten to the core.... and don't even see it. And probably don't even see it after reading this.
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Cautionary Tale
JSG2530 July 2022
A sign of where western culture is headed and with one common denominator... California, the cultural indicator for the rest of the West. Raise your children to not be as hateful or disgusting as Hunter, or as naive as these victims. Respect yourself and respect others. On another note, I am always a bit suspicious of documentary subjects that are also aspiring actors, like the mother and daughter. I don't doubt their struggle but there always seems to be some character(s) in Netflix docs that have fully stocked IMDb profile. The mom has made a career out of trying to be famous and relavent.
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Yikes, another narcissist cult leader
vfultonk23 September 2022
Whoa. An expose on a criminal narcissistic sociopath, and the sad amount of empty followers he had. I can't believe he only got two years when he is clearly a sadistic, unremoresful, fame hungry criminal. I had a really hard time watching all the way through, based on all the trash that was being shown, the language and deprevity of the people who would follow this site, but knew it ended with some justice, so kept on for that. Proud of that woman/mom who kept on and persevered to make sure the right thing was done.

Overall, it was a well documented show, glad its over and can gladly move on from hearing and seeing such trash being uttered by lonely hurting people.
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Well done documentary
kristinesklarz30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved that it was only 3 episodes-getting straight to the point.

I absolutely LOVED the mother of one of the victims, Charlotte!! Good God, woman-you are amazing and may want to think about working for the FBI. I can't imagine them turning you down.

Let the pervert rot in hell and the judge. The sentence was discusting. 30 months?!?!?! 25 months for the hacker?!?!?

Being this happened a decade ago, I hope the sentencing for these kinds of things are more brought to light and harsher.
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Slightly sensationalised, but very watchable...and very gruelling!
contacttylerobwallispro15 August 2022
A deepdive into the very worst in us all. That is what this show showcases. The VERY worst.

All in the name of fun in the Wold West days of the internet some 350,000 users signed onto isanyoneup daily. That is 350,000 everyday people exploiting the humiliation of others, some of which actively participating.

This is the focus of this docuseries. And it does a very good job of disecting the "revenge porn" social phenomena. And it is unflinching. It also looks into the social underpinnings of what made the site what it was. And I can't help put admire the depths this show goes to look at the attitude and the results of this period of time where anything could be done without consequence.

I recommend this show...just don't go watching it with the parents.
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An hour too long
alternapop10 August 2022
It's a somewhat interesting documentary but it's longer than it needs to be, easily by an hour. They could've saved 30 minutes if his girlfriend, Kirra Hughes, spoke faster.
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Good stroy telling
melodyso3 August 2022
It gets me hooked instantly. I loved following the story and the twists and turns. However at some point, I wish the pace is faster. It's an entertaining documentary yet the stories are really heartbreaking.
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