"The Flash" A New World, Part 2: The Blues (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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The cobalt thing seems like an excuse to tie all loose ends
hamedazad15 May 2023
The first part of this final stretch seemed promising, with Barry finishing what he started in season 1 by stopping himself from saving his mom, but then this episode happened. Now I think the writers are using this cobalt vessel to tie important loose ends in the arrowverse. Barry randomly appears in timelines to do something and vanishes when the deed is done. One guess I would have for the next episode is that he is transferred into future to implement that voice in the Legend's ship from 2056. I cannot think of any other story, but there might be some other things that they can tie with this excuse of a vessel.

I also cannot understand the reason for the storyline of reviving Eddie Thawne. I hope they get a chance to grow it properly, but I don't think they can.

Finally, the entire story of Khione is stupid. They wanted to give the character a more important role, but ended up over-doing it. Now she can basically do whatever she wants. Maybe she wants to be the Flash, eh? It is stupid.
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To good to have 2 good episodes in row
calebzacz15 May 2023
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After having probably the 2 best episodes since S2, it was too good to believe that we would have a third. Now don't get me wrong, this episode was ok, but this is the thing, WE HAVE TWO EPISODES LEFT UNTIL THE SERIES FINALE.

This episode would have been a great build up for what's coming next, fot the final big baddie that our hero must face. But no, we still have no idea who the villain is, we don't know what motivates him, what is his face, or whatever. For some reason Eddie's back and the show lacks to explain the audience how the hell he's back, and it's explanation was kinda lame, too cheap if you ask me. The whole cobalt vessel isn't well explained, somehow Khione it's a goddess? There's too many things going on, and the show is trying to wrap up every story on barely two episodes left, not to mention as well that Iris is on labor.

This season had a five-episodes first arc, and then three unnecessary episodes with no point to the final arc, and now this series is running (no pun intended) to finish up everything like there's a lot of time. By this time Barry would have to know who cobalt blue is, that Eddie is alive, maybe even be against the wall trapped with one last ace up his sleeve. But no, there's too many going on and not enough time to wrap things up.

Sadly tho, this final arc of the series is actually good, and I've enjoyed it, but still, Eric Wallace somehow decided that we need some time loop episode, Cecile loosing a train and Chester with Allegra figuring out if they love each other.

I hope this two last episodes can conclude in a very satisfying way.
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lucasbradshaw202212 May 2023
Honestly, for an episode that doesn't really focus on The Flash, this wasn't bad. Obviously I would rather have an episode in the finale that's completely focused on The Flash like the previous 2 episodes and this episode would probably be more highly rated if the season finale had more than 13 episodes, but it is what it is.

I have to admit that I hated Mark in the earlier episodes and seasons of the show, but this episode I actually didn't mind him. His acting was actually really good and not corny at all compared to the prior episodes and this episode actually felt really mature compared to the others of this season. The show is still sloppy and no where near as good as the first 3 seasons, but I haven't minded the previous 3 episodes to be honest.

I also really liked seeing the scenes with Eddie and i'm actually kind of excited to see what he brings to the next 2 episodes as cobalt blue or whatever his name is haha.

This show is probably going to end very anti climactically with a lot to be desired, but honestly when you have a show with a show runner like Eric Wallace and a platform like the CW what do you expect, right?

We can only hope that the show will end on a high note.
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Underrated Episode!
JacuzziEdits11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Episode 11 of "The Flash," I didn't find it problematic that Barry only had a brief appearance. Instead, I was quite intrigued by the focus on Malcom's character, portrayed by the talented actor who also played Eddie. The exploration of Malcom's story arc was a highlight for me.

The episode delved into Malcom's journey and provided a deeper understanding of his character. I appreciated the complexity and depth that the actor brought to Malcom's portrayal. His performance kept me engaged and eager to learn more about Malcom's motivations and backstory.

Although I had been hoping for a reunion between Malcom / Eddie and Iris, as they share a compelling history, the episode focused solely on Malcom's experiences. While I missed the opportunity to witness their interaction, it allowed for a deeper exploration of Malcom's character and provided valuable insights into his mindset.

Overall, Episode 11 was a decent episode for me. Despite Barry's minimal presence, the exploration of Malcom's character made up for it. The actor's performance was captivating, and I was engrossed in the storyline surrounding Malcom. While I would have liked to see the Malcom (Rick Conset) and Iris reunion, the episode still managed to hold my attention and leave me curious about what lies ahead for Malcom in future episodes.
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never been so disappointed
jmontague-5643911 May 2023
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Barry shows up in the last 10 minutes of the show and is in shot for about 2 minutes max. Why are they so obsessed with side characters in this show. What was the point of this episode. The only half interesting thing was edie but they had to add a whole plot line for the side characters, i will never understand david Wallace. I thought the last episode (part one) was very good. They actually focused on the flash in a show about the flash and it was good, what a surprise. I can guess almost everything the characters are about to say because there lines are so one dimensional. All these characters conversations are so boring because you know exactly what will happen by the end of it. I put my hopes up after two good episodes and they do this. Wasted an hour of my time to watch this terrible episode. Why were the two people at iris's job mad at earth Caitlin for saving them? It just makes no sense. It is pretty simple, focus the episode on the flash and it will be at least decent. It's the third to last episode of the show and they leave him out for 90% of it. And why do they need to do a flashback about something that happens one episode ago, or they need ciseal to say everybody's emotions, we understand we're not stupid. To the writers on this show, you should be embarrassed by how bad you are at this job.
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Not great, not terrible
b_yocum11 May 2023
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This episode perfectly describes what i consider an average episode. I had a feeling after seeing the promo, Barry wouldn't be present for a large majority of the episode. With that in mind I was expecting to dislike the episode a lot more. For an episode that didn't have Barry in it, it was not as bad as it could be. We have the run of the mill Team Flash stuff which was obviously the weakest part of the episode, but the Malcom Gilmore/ Eddie Thawne stuff was pretty interesting and made the episode worth while for me. 9x11 was definitely a notable step down from the last 2 but it definitely does not make it anywhere near 9x6-9x8 levels of bad in my personal opinion. We see a bit more of Khiones powers, which I would be more interested if this was explored in an earlier season. Its just very hard for me to like her character when Caitlin is not present in the final season of the show. The episode had its run of the mill bad stuff but it had some cool moments that make this episode quote on quote "mid." The ending however was easily the most interesting part and actually bumped this episode a little for me. Knowing that we are actually seeing Eddie from season 1 makes the potential of Cobalt Blue a lot more promising. Any villain that truly has a personal connection with Barry tends to be a lot more appealing as a villain. Overall this episode was average at its finest and I have a feeling might be the worst episode of this arc.

7.5/10 rating for me.
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Dear Eric Wallace, Stop, Please Stop
lbramson12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy was this a crapshoot! What can I say except why? Why do they focus on side characters with only 2 episodes left in the WHOLE SHOW?! Why do they insist on showing flashbacks from the last episode as if we have the memory of a moth? WE ARE NOT STUPID!!! Why do they keep having episodes with no Flash that only have two good scenes like Iris's labor and the ending graveyard scene? Why is Khione the most powerful character in a show that isn't about her? Why am I still confused about the existence of a character? Why did they have to revert back to the status quo by the end? And why do they not care anymore? I wouldn't force my worst enemy to watch this episode! 👎👎👎
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Another good one ⚡
anafarm11 May 2023
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In this episode, maybe we didn't have amazing fights, but we saw a mysterious and interesting storyline. It was really cool to have Eddie back. The fact that he has been alive all this time and now comes for revenge is exactly what we needed and waited for since season 4. I remembered a dialogue from Savitar who told us : Savitar: Cause and effect's a tricky thing. Didn't work so well for Eddie, did it? Shot himself in the chest, Thawne's still kicking around. See, that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you 😶

And now I can see what was he meant to say about time traveling 😏 And this is the reason we always saw Thawne because his ancestor was alive!

Oh my gosh, Can't wait to know what happens for Eddie and Barry ⚡⚡ If he is alive and can't die, then maybe he can bring back all of the daed ones to fight against the flash.... Oh yeah let's do it guys!
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Is the show over yet?
sbuhrman-7479811 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Listen, I understand not all episodes can be winners and there are definitely some cool parts about this specific episode, but it feels so over the top / dramatic / a mess of emotions that don't really carry the same weight in the actual dialogue. Actors can only do so much before you realize the lines they're reciting aren't as impactful as maybe the director wants them to be.

Watching this episode made me remember that the team behind the Flash both on screen and off screen are the weakest part of the show. The last two episodes previous to this one were stellar! Dialogue was meaningful, stakes were high, everyone had a purpose.

Then enter this team flash episode where we get no emotion behind the lines of Caitlin 3.0 , we get Cecil telling us how to feel because she's "picking up some major emotional feelings" , we get Chester ONCE AGAIN serving 0 purpose other than to worry about a woman, and Iris who also just delivers lines like she has a gun being pointed to her head and will get shot the moment she says I don't want to do this anymore.

I laugh at lines like "Is that..." "Caitlin's old apartment? Yeah."

This show LOVES having people start a sentence for someone else to finish it. The problem now is that it's never a natural interruption. There's a beat there that shouldn't be....just finish the line! The writing for this show is awful when it focuses on an ensemble.

Even poor Eddie has to do dumb stuff like awkwardly laugh with a sense of insanity while standing in a grave. Why? Just make him normal.... Okay I'm done talking. Hopefully the next one has more purpose.
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How not to write the final episodes of a series
jp757012 May 2023
This seems to be a polarizing episode - some reviewers liked it, while others are critical. I, for one, think the producers are wasting what few episodes they have left to bring the series to a satisfying conclusion.

The series is called "The Flash", but in this episode, it should have been called "Where's The Flash?", as the title character does not show up until deep into the episode, and then with barely any screen time.

This episode really centers on the supporting team, which is not the strongest element of the show. (Side note - so many people are aware of who the Flash really is, that it must be the worst kept secret in town.) And while bringing back a character from very early in the series may have seemed like a good idea, it won't connect for any viewers who weren't there from the beginning.

What's missing are any final cameos from important supporting characters such as Cisco Ramon and Harrison Wells (in all his permutations). Maybe they are being saved for the final 1 or 2 episodes, or they could just as easily not show up at all (despite each being in nearly 150 episodes).

The showrunner has also done a poor job of setting up the climax for the series finale. My guess is that it may probably go like this: There will be a seemingly impossible cliffhanger at the end of episode 12, which will be resolved about 45 minutes into the finale (episode 13). That will leave 15 minutes to wrap-up and/or say goodbye to the various characters. Perhaps there will be a mini-cliffhanger or a hint of a potential spin-off. (But since the CW has been sold to Nexstar, it's unlikely they will continue any Flash-related story lines. Nexstar has been cancelling many scripted shows and are rumored to focus the CW on "less expensive originals", whatever that means).

So much like another Berlanti show ("Supergirl"), "The Flash" is limping towards its finale. It ran out of steam several seasons ago - even Grant Gustin looked bored playing the title character and seems to have avoided wearing the red suit as much as possible. Here's hoping these last two episodes will attempt to redeem the series a bit - but don't bet the farm on it.
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theodoreippon-4273415 May 2023
I used to love the show and had high hopes for the finale.... But I'm very disappointed now .... I think the best seasons were the first 3 and then the show died.... Up to Savitar I was very eager each time to see every next episode, but the show reached the bottom the moment some Iris fangirls started spamming every social media about how much they want to see iris etc.

I don't have a problem with the actress and she plays her role great,but the writers did their biggest mistake when they thought that this show needs more of iris screen time and the other characters than the flash .... Ohhh it's been a great ride the first few seasons and I still have great memories when my heart raced everytime waiting for what will happen next .... Anyway I will do my duty and see it till the end but with a sad feeling....
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Flashless Flash, Flashless Flash [3/10]
panagiotis199317 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Live Reaction / Review for The Flash Season 9 Episode 11: It looks like Iris is very close to give birth. What is this ''Dr. Gilmore'' all about? Im a bit confused. Dr. Gilmore hears voices, what is going on? Mark blaming Khione, saying that he hurt those people by turning them into ''plant people''? Wth is he talking about? Calling Khione an abomination? What? All this is weird, there has to be an explanation why Mark behaves this way. Telling lies to Chester? I think Mark is possessed by something. So Mark is possessed by the negative speed force? What? Sounds like more nonsense to me, show me Barry. Is Barry even in this episode?

What is going on, this sucks. Khione is trying to understand her powers blah blah blah, I don't care! And her powers are so vague that it basically means ''I can do whatever the plot wants me to do''. Such an awful episose, cant wait for it to end. Finally Barry is here. And Iris is giving birth... I'll be honest I don't care, what I care about is to watch a solid flash-centric story episode. Its the final season, come on! Khione doesn't wanna stay with the team? Oh yeah, please leave. Bye bye! And Barry is gone again, what is this, a prank? It feels like a prank for those watching. Eddie's dead body is gone? What is going on? But how can he be Eddie Thawne?

A bit confusing. Finally the end, what an awful episode. Bad writing and no Barry once again. My rating is 3/10.
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The flash show without the flash
kheff-449021 June 2023
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The whole final season has more or less been filled with storylines focused on side characters like iris, Kionne, joe and mark and not featuring the actual flash except from the previous episode which actually focused on Barry and his character development and him finally accepting his mothers fate other then that just been a really disappointing season and episode overall. The only good thing about this season is eddy being alive and the final big bad of the season I personally would have had it revealed that he was trapped on another earth and survived because of crisis changing the storyline and have it foreshadowed instead of out of the blue ( no pun intended)
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Another wasted episode
C-R-19709 September 2023
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Only 2 episodes left in the final season of The Flash & the powers that be decide "let's just do another show where everybody but the Flash has a shot at saving the day".

These are all fine actors and actresses, but they should stick to their prescribed role of supporting cast, aka sidekicks. An episode here or there, 5 or 6 years ago, whenever these newer characters were first introduced to help showcase their abilities would have been fine, but less than a handful of episodes left to wrap up the entire series and this is what they decide to do?

I will continue to watch this show until the very end because despite how they are treating the title character, I believe the show deserves a chance to prove they can do an ending worthy of the hero the Flash grew into and became.
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