Tasmanian Devils (TV Movie 2013) Poster

(2013 TV Movie)

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Bad, but not as bad as my countrymen make out.
casgam10 August 2014
As another Aussie, I didn't mind this all that much. I read a heap of complaints about the accents and that it wasn't filmed in Tazzie. True. Bad accents, not Tasmania, parks employees with sidearms. Who cares? That's like watching Sharknado and complaining that sharks don't fly, or Big Ass Spider and moaning about how spiders don't grow that big.

Same for the whinges about the Devils not being actual Tazzie Devils. Duh. Of course they're not. They're special supernatural devils.

It's a farcical horror movie. It's not meant to be factual. That said, it's not a brilliant one, but if you're looking for a fun farcical horror, this isn't too bad. If you want it to be about real Aussie parks and wildlife or high drama... Erm... Leave this be. If you had fun with Sharknado and Big Ass Spider! then maybe you might like this.
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You've gotta Love B-Grade Low Budget films & Lousy Australian accents.
ashleywincer5 November 2013
I knew what sort of a film I was in for the moment I saw the CGI of the helicopter flying over what looks strangely looks like Canada, not Tasmania? LOW BUDGET B-GRADE?? My favorite!! My low budget suspicions were confirmed when I heard the first Australian accents.

It was at the 7 minute mark when I heard the Aussie accent. Awesome!! The tourists are briefed on the "Tasmanian Devil" by Danica McKellar. (That's Winnie Cooper of The Wonder Years..) The Australian teenage tourist girl (Julia Sarah Stone) sounds like she just stepped off the 1986 Crocodile Dundee film set and watched a lot of Crocodile Hunter episodes. Only to be topped off with Ranger Danz entry and his Aussie accent, yikes!! That was funny.. Thank-you for the laughs.. This film is turning into a comedy. Excellent, no harm in that..

If you are looking for a well made film with a crafted story of importance, you'll be disappointed. This is a low budget piece of B-Grade garbage. Most film makers would find that insulting, but these are the sort of films I love to watch. I was entertained for the evening, so Thank-you for your B-Grade film. Continuing on with my hunt for Low Budget B-Grade films..
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Danica McKellar is pretty hot
randy_kay4 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this movie is that Danica McKellar is pretty sexy in a tight white shirt which they played up well as she is good eye candy.

As for the movie, it was definitely better than most of these cheesy Vancouver sci-fi movies. It was definitely watchable as opposed to being totally unwatchable. The CGI is about 50/50, the 'creatures' do not move realistically etc., but they never do in these low budget sci-fi's There's a good part where a woman gets ripped in two and a guy has his face ripped off.

I wish Canada could have some pride and just be Canada as opposed to always pretending to be some other place. In this movie, Canada pretends to be Tasmania and it's not convincing at all. Why not just make the movie about 'Canada' and have the people being attacked by wood-eating insects that came in in a shipment of furniture from China and are destroying the forests -- at least then it would be somewhat factual.
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Load of crap
jack_pindell4318 February 2013
As a resident of Tasmania, this is the biggest load of crap I've seen in a long time. Parks personnel may carry guns in Canada, but not here. Nor do they dress like a Dr. Hook wannabe. There are female rangers and most of them can find a shirt that fits. Don't get me started on the background of deciduous trees and what appear to be fake ferns, certainly not Man ferns or Dicksonia Antarctica appear commonly in the bush. If you're going to make a movie like this at least some of it should be believable. I don't know if anyone associated with this film has ever been to Tassie, but I doubt it. If they have, they should have paid more attention. I can't watch anymore as I fear for the safety of my TV.
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The plot line sucks at this juncture
willlaury3 February 2013
Okay. Soo I'm watching and somewhat enjoying the flick till the part where they're stranded and they have to call the base for help. Naturally in a National State Park things could go wrong, to say the least, and you occasionally have to call for help. That's why we have Rangers. The Rangers are there to save the day. But who saves the Rangers? Well, these Rangers in particular. They have radio(s) and they work just fine. But of course no one is gonna BE at the base for help. Why? Because duh, THEY'RE ALL THERE. It's a "State Park" for chimps sake! Why would all three personnel on the WHOLE mountain/park go out on a call together and leave the place unmanned? Aye chihuahua! Hey, I am aware they needed high action drama...but thats plain ...stoopid. It's a helluva plot (sink) hole that just annoyed me to the point that I just had to tell SOMEBODY! So here I am.
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What a dud
pquodling27 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the singularly worst movies ever made - non-Tasmanian mountains, non Tasmanian trees, non Australian helicopter registration, bad accents, in the first few minutes, someone is waving around a wad of US Currency, to "bribe" their way in - double whammy - Tasmanian PArk Rangers would never take bribes, and US dollars are next to useless in Tasmania. At the end, they climb into an observation tower - they don't exist in Tasmania. all accommodations are at ground level. There appear to be electric lights in said building, but they don't work, except when the structure is falling, they are throwing sparks. As for firearms - if a ranger was armed it would be with a rifle, never with a sidearm.

ANd, of course, Tasmanian devils do exist, but they aren't like the ones in the cartoons - they are the size of a small dog - about 8kg maximum.

THe writer/director shouldn't give up their day jobs, if this is the best that they can do. THy would have been better doing a Bigfoot near Vancouver story...
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Although it runs out of steam towards the end, Tasmanian Devils is not bad for a SyFy movie
TheLittleSongbird2 February 2013
I will admit it by saying that I do hate many of SyFy's movies with a passion. I'll also be honest in saying that I was expecting to hate Tasmanian Devils. So I was surprised at how surprisingly not bad it was. By all means it is not great but it is much more tolerable than most SyFy movies. I did find the first hour of Tasmanian Devils entertaining. The creature effects are fake(though not as bad as the horrid CGI helicopter at the start), which was more than less what I was anticipating, though I did find the creatures themselves quite creepy and fun. The gore wasn't excessive and didn't cheapen the death scenes, which were more inventive and suspenseful than the usual SyFy death scenes, which are usually toned-down and like going-through-the-motions. The editing isn't too choppy, the scenery is quite nice, the story does divert your attention(that is in the first hour) and the acting while not great is better than average for SyFy. There are entertaining moments as well(cheesy of course but more in a fun way than infuriating), such as the death of Apolo Ohno, Winnie Cooper attacking the creatures with a flame-thrower and the hilarious close-ups of Danika McKellar gnashing her teeth and wrinkling her nose.

For all the good things about Tasmanian Devils there do come a number of debits. The dialogue is terrible(hardly surprising, I don't think I have seen a SyFy movie where this wasn't a weak point) and the music is generic, but the biggest problem is how the movie really runs out of steam in the second half. Here the creatures are under-utilised which dilutes the tension and fun factor, and things get more serious. This wouldn't be a problem if it was a tone that was maintained throughout the movie and if SyFy were any good at trying to develop or humanise characters. Instead what happens is that the second half feels as though it belongs in a completely different movie altogether. The pacing is sluggish, and while there is an attempt to humanise and get to know the characters it just felt flat and lifeless, so despite these efforts we end up not caring or finding out enough about them. And unfortunately the fun and tension in this half is nowhere near as effective as it was in the first half, and the ending feels contrived and rushed through.

All in all, I was mixed on Tasmanian Devils. It was much better than I expected it to be and it is easily one of SyFy's more tolerable efforts, but at the end of the day it was a decent enough if not entirely memorable outing. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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As expected, unremarkable
TdSmth518 February 2015
6 base jumpers (5 guys and only 1 girl) fly in a chopper to some forbidden area in Tasmania. Once they arrive, the first goof jumps, waits to long to open his chute ends up crashing through trees, falls through the ground, and gets impaled on a pointy rock. His blood flows through some channels and starts bubbling. Now something awakens in the cave.

Eventually some of the others make it down there but they hear something and run away. Meanwhile the park rangers are looking for them. They find them as they run and arrest them. There are three ranchers, 2 guys and a girl who knows about aboriginal mythology.

When she hears their story she has an inkling of what is going on. The ranchers check out the cave and find that what the others are saying is true. As they all drive back to the station, they are attacked by something with a glowing red mouth. Two of the ranger are caught. The rest escape after getting a closeup look of what they're facing. From the ranger girl we learn that the things are ancestors of the Tasmanian Devil that were said to eat humans whole. But these things don't have hair but more of a dinosaur stone-like appearance. They scream like Tassies, have a glowing red mouth, and are attracted to noise.

One guy who is gung-ho and another guy try to run to the helicopter to rescue the others but things don't turn out well. Next they try to trap the devils in a cave. That doesn't work either. By now most of the bunch are dead and the remaining ones will give it one last shot.

It's not a bad idea to make a horror movie about Tasmanian Devils. This one is your usual Syfy fare--on a low budget, filmed in Canada, and with lousy effects. Initially effects seem promising. During the night chase sequence, the creature looks well-done, but once things shift to day the creatures look like 80s CGI effect. The story is alright for what it is, the cast is OK, although it could have used some more females. I'm not sure who exactly the audience is supposed to be for these movies but perhaps they would like it, otherwise there's not much here that stands out.
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Make You Jump
wes-connors8 September 2014
A group of adventurers land their helicopter in the mountains of Australia. They are going to parachute off really big, high cliffs. Unfortunately, the first one to jump doesn't pull his chute on time and suffers a terrible fall. Incredibly, he survives the fall - which doesn't seem physically possible, considering the extent of his puncture wound. Things get worse for Olympic champion Apolo Ohno (appropriately named Stone) because his sky-dive releases the titular "Tasmanian Devils". Naturally, the animated monsters want to kill everyone in camera sight.

The movie's greatest visual is park ranger Danica McKellar (as Alex). She is presented in a tight uniform that accentuates her prominent front...

One interesting little moment in Brook Durham's script occurs when Ms. McKellar notes her character has a man's name ("Alex") while leading man Kenneth Mitchell plays the male character "Jayne" - spelled just like a girl. This starts out like it might be an interesting relationship, but it's really ordinary. The couple does get good interesting support from Mike Dopud (as Anderson) and a trio of food suppliers for the Tasmanian devils. The creatures are not very scary or believable, but the effects team makes up for it with some well-stage gore scenes.

**** Tasmanian Devils (1/19/13) Zach Lipovsky ~ Danica McKellar, Kenneth Mitchell, Mike Dopud, Terry Chen
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Insulting to us Aussies
sahkp7 February 2014
If you are going to have Aussie accents in a movie...use Aussie actors. These were the worst fake Aussie accents I've heard in awhile. The movie was pretty rubbish as well. Poor movie plot. Its supposed to be ScFi horror. Not sure when the SciFi comes in......And what's with that weird 'Tasmanian devil' ... Obviously a VERY low budget movie as the 'special effect' leave you wanting .... wanting for the movie to improve I've yet to see park workers dressed so prettily .... And lets not mention the automatic pistols.... not standard issue to park workers I'm pretty sure. Joke all round really I wish you could give minus stars My vote ... Don't waste your time watching it -2 stars
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Slightly Better Than The Brad Pitt Zombie Epic
Theo Robertson27 June 2013
Three forest rangers in Tasmania stumble across a group of base jumpers who are in the park illegally . They frantically tell the rangers that one of their team has been killed in a cave by something and that something is still in the cave . What ever killed their colleague is hostile and it's not alone

If I'd seen TASMANIAN DEVILS a few weeks ago I would have dismissed it as yet more brainless clichéd fodder from the SyFy Channel but I still had a sense of disappointment from a recent trip to the cinema where I watched WORLD WAR Z which cost me £7.80 to watch and Paramount Studios $200 million to produce . I'm guessing in terms of production TD cost closer to the rice of my cinema ticket than WWZ . One very common and vocal criticism of the Pitt epic was the conspicuous lack of blood and gore , along with a lack of suspense . It says something that despite all the money thrown at it TD is slightly more effective as a suspense driven horror movie TD beats out the brain dead undead epic spectacle of WORLD WAR Z

Don't get me wrong I'm not for a second claiming TD is some sort of lost underlooked gem just waiting to be discovered by a wider audience because it's not . It's merely a low budget horror movie featuring sketchily drawn characters played by a journeyman cast hiding out in dark remote woodland and stalked by hostile viscous creatures . The clichés come thick and fast but what the film does it does relatively well . It also contains a bit more blood and guts you'd expect in this type of TVM and an early death with a character impaled is genuinely shocking . Perhaps if the production team of WWZ studied this film - which coincidentally features monsters attracted to sound - in depth their own film might have been better received by critics
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Tassie Devils? I thought they were cane toads!
hrqgskms3 June 2022
(Review has been translated to phonetic Australian) Fohnd thigs beudy ov a gem on tubi.. an I godda say ... mahte it's the mohst bonza moohvee evah!!

Thah Devils look a moit lihke cane toads but thahts obviouhsly tah mahke thehm scariher.

Ahll tha wahnkas on ear who ahre baggin out thah inacuracies obviously hahve nevah watched 'Stralian classihcs loike RazorBack or Wake in Fright!

Jus cos Canadians are doin an accent doesn't mahke our bloody accents any more cringy.
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A mildly diverting SyFy "original" feature
dee.reid25 January 2013
"Tasmanian Devils" does not refer to the beloved Looney Tunes character, the Tasmanian "Taz" Devil. 2012's "Tasmanian Devils" refers to the much-feared carnivorous marsupial that's native to Australia. In typical SyFy Channel fashion, while the Tasmanian Devil has rightfully earned a fearsome reputation amongst humans, this original (and I use this term very loosely) SyFy Channel story here has it that long ago, at least according to some Australian folklore, an especially feral, abnormally large, and bloodthirsty breed of the animals was said to roam the forests of Tasmania to pick off invaders - in other words, us.

Through some rather ludicrous plot machinations, this previously unknown/undiscovered, crudely CGI-animated (and slightly reptilian-looking) breed of Tasmanian Devil is let loose upon the Australian backwoods, with American college student/park ranger Alex (Danica McKellar, from "The Wonder Years" TV series) leading a group of American base-jumpers - their fearless team leader and helicopter pilot Anderson (Mike Dopud), Anderson's unfortunately-named protégé Jayne (Kenneth Mitchell), Simon (Roger R. Cross), and newly engaged couple E.R. nurse Lisbon (Rekha Sharma) and NYC cop Walsh (Terry Chen) - to safety.

I really had nothing better to do tonight than to watch "Tasmanian Devils"; yes, it's one of those kinds of nights when you're just flipping through the TV channels and some cheap-looking monster movie somehow or another manages to catch your attention for two hours. Some of the monster kills here are especially gruesome, too, and will no doubt please people who love outrageous, realistic-looking gore effects. And the performances are actually semi-decent (considering the source material here).

The movie is rather typical SyFy Channel fanfare, as I made explicitly clear earlier. What I found most appealing (and mildly redeeming) about this creature feature, is that the characters in this movie are not ALL monster food. What I meant by that claim is that, all of the individual characters are made useful in some way for the continued survival of the entire group: They each possess some skill that becomes essential for everyone else to live just a little bit longer. For example, Walsh, a cop, remember, is able to rig up a makeshift flamethrower using ONLY jeep engine parts and a tank of gas (which he obtained from detailed schematics from a kid he once busted, and thus gives McKellar's Alex character a full-blown "Ripley" moment halfway through the picture). Another example has Anderson using his penchant for improvisation to devise new, albeit unintended, uses for everyday items and equipment.

So I guess that while this film's tried & true plot is not nearly as creative, it is also a given that its characters are a lot smarter than any character I've seen in a SyFy "original" yet. I guess they're just more determined to survive. I can credit director Zack Lipovsky and screenwriter Brook Durham for injecting a little bit more brains into the proceedings than we're used to from these types of SyFy films.

Like last year's "Jersey Shore Shark Attack" (2012), another worthy guilty pleasure may be in the winds for "Tasmanian Devils."

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McKellar graduated Summa Cum Laude to do THIS!?
cloeso99 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What does this say about our educational system....or better yet, McKellar? Geez, in the first 10 minutes, a monstrous thing rips the door off her vehicle and takes away her coworker. She tells her cuffed passengers to stay in the vehicle while she and another runs after the thing so she can "kill it." In the next few frames, she tells the guy to "RUN!" Duh.

Maybe before graduating college McKellar should have given her future some thought. Then she wouldn't have ended up in the Siffy hall of Shame, making horrible junk like this.

The bad accents that come and go: the tight outfits that certainly help McKellar to run from the killer Devils (and show where her brains ended up: the sad CGI: unbelievably bad scriptwriting: really bad acting from all involved....Now, you have a Siffy movie!
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Decent Monster Flick
Michael_Elliott24 January 2013
Tasmanian Devils (2013)

** (out of 4)

A new year brings us new monster flicks from SyFy. Oh yeah. A group of base jumpers head to an off limits location when one of them is killed and his blood awakens the deadly title creature. Soon the base jumpers as well as a forest cop (Danica McKellar) are trying to figure out a way to kill the ancient beasts. TASMANIAN DEVILS is actually a pretty decent monster movie but about the half-way point it crashes into a wall and simply runs out of gas for the finale. I will admit that for the first fifty-minutes or so that I thought the film was a lot of fun. This is due in large part to the creatures, which obviously look fake but I still liked how they actually looked. I guess if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were made into a horror movies and ran on four legs then they'd look something like the monsters here. Their ugly little faces were actually a good look for a monster and they certainly help carry the picture. There's also quite a bit of gore for fans of the red stuff, although the first death is one of the most memorable in horror history simply because you're asking yourself how the hell this person is still alive after what originally happens to him. Even the performances are better than you'd typically get from a film like this with McKellar keeping one's interest throughout. The biggest problem is that there's really not much interest in the characters and in the second half of the film we spend a lot more time with them and they're just not really interesting. Still, fans of this type of movies know there's much worse out there.
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The No Monster Monster Movie
chow91329 October 2013
Monster movies have always been a guilty pleasure of mine. So even a low budget film about killer marsupials (opossums) sounded interesting.

I figured there would be one giant marsupial or swarms of killer marsupials but instead there's no monster. Let me be clear about this. The monster is NEVER shown! It does NOT appear on camera! The plot: American tourists illegally trespass on an Aboriginal reservation and awaken an demonic giant Tasmanian devil. Or so they claim! Remember we never actually see the monster! Park rangers intervene. Oddly, the park rangers are also Americans. Making it obvious that NONE of this was actually filmed in Australia! No matter what IMDb claims!!! The film also opens with a park ranger explaining how the Tasmanian devil has the most powerful bite in the world. This is obviously a pathetic attempt to make us fear and respect the awesome power of Australian opossums.

It reminded me of the opening of 'The Killer Shrews.' Trying to make us fear shrews and opossums just isn't going to happen! Later one of the park rangers remarks that Australia doesn't have any "man eating species." OF COURSE THEY DO!!! Crocodiles and great white sharks do kill and eat some tourists. Maybe that's why they're scary and opossums are not.

Don't even see this movie as a drinking game. There isn't any material that can even be laughed at.

Once again let me say, there are NO monsters or a monster in this movie!
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Def Worth Watching
pipelinerer19 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this one last night & it kept me & the wife entertained, the story line wasn't all that bad. The action scenes start right off the bat so get your popcorn & drinks before the movie starts or you'll miss a great opening scene that will make you say whoa, wasn't expecting that & did that happen right from the start? The CGI was not all that bad either, some shots of the devils were pretty obvious FAKE but some scenes were pretty good as well, we certainly didn't turn the movie off. The acting was pretty good as well. The actors helped you believe & get into the movie as well. Just keep in mind that this is a B-Movie from SYFY & enjoy. Def a 3-4 rating.
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Decent SyFy B-Movie
lordbowler31 August 2014
This movie had some good points:

Good gore, Reasonably entertaining idea, Mostly good acting, Good casting of known actors.

That being said, the acting was pretty bad even from the actors who've done better acting. Namely Roger Cross' acting in this was overblown and terrible...

Mike Dopud and Kenneth Mitchell were the standouts in this film. Terry Chen and Rekha Sharma were decent in the roles they were given.

I've seen better acting from Danica McKellar in other movies, and she was mostly good in this but had some moments of badly delivered dialog. But, on the plus sign she spent the latter half of the movie in a white t-shirt.

The one-off Aussie actors were terrible.

All in all, if you like the actors in this movie and want to waste two hours you'll never get back on a Bad B-Movie then give this one ONE viewing ONLY. You'll regret if you revisit it a second time, probably.
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Terrible Tassie Devil
debp12821 June 2013
My partner and I watched this film in horror as we being Australians we were wondering were the Australian actors were ? As in my life time I have never heard of such a pathetic excuse for an Aussie accent as portrayed by the actors ! Tasmania is a beautiful wilderness state but we sure as hell don't have that landscape in our country not even close !!

Sci Fi what the !!!! this is a surely a comedy and ranger in Australia covers up their boobs or would fall out of the tree in winter without a jacket

Im sure for such a big national park we there would be more staff than 3 on duty and as for Aboriginal drawings this is a disgrace to their culture !!!!!!!! As for a safety hut what no radio in sight !!!!! what a pathetic excuse to even have reference to Australia in the movie do your self a favor and NEVER watch this it will only do your head in

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi !!!
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nonsense movie
riteshsathe28 June 2021
Is movie me forest ke 3 hi log te kya pure shaher me. Unki help ke liye koi aaya hi nahi nonsense move ever...
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Tasmanian what?
SanForZeke30 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a disaster. No, scratch that. A disaster would be horrifying to behold. This was an effin' sleeping pill, combined with those moments where you facepalmed due to the sheer stupidity and predictableness of the characters and devils alike. Due to my respect for all Tasmanian Devils out there, I tried to sit through to the end, but when the "main" couple was all that remained, that was it. I didn't even have the stamina to sit through in the hopes that another Devil would surface and devour them.

Some spoiler-ish stupidity: 1) You don't have time to help your wounded friend up a ladder since the devils are coming, but you do have time to bicker about it. 2) When said friend pitifully crawls towards the tower later, remember the conversation, and let him fend for himself, cheer him on if you like. 3) Conclude that there are six Devils, and you've killed two. Kill four more, and you'll be saved. 4) If a younger ranger gets jumped by a Devil in the night, they'll forget about him until next morning, when they hear him scream, stuck in a tree. 5) When using the radio, make sure to shout. Unless you have really bad timing, your girlfriend will not be surrounded by Devils with sensitive ears. 6) Always kill off the best characters.

Conclusion: The cover of the DVD says this is the best horror movie about Tasmanian Devils ever. My question, is there any other horror movies about Tasmanian Devils somewhere? This is the first I've heard of. Says it all. Shut off your brain, and you might enjoy this movie.
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Appalling rubbish!
herodotus20071 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
From a ridiculous plot to outrageously bad 'acting' this trash should be burned and buried. A few tips to follow, but aside from a terrible beginning that just spirals downward there is nothing redeemable in this mess. As for the so-called "Legend" - rubbish. Do some reading on real Tasmanian myths and legends - there are plenty of stories, and some truly frightening ones.

Tip 1: Hire Australian actors. Nothing worse than Americans trying to do Aussie and failing hugely. At least they die fairly quickly.

Tip 2: Research. Australian Park Officers don't carry handguns nor zip-tie anyone for any reason. It's illegal.

Tip 3: Tasmanian Devils. So small they're rarely bigger than a small domestic cat, and just as dangerous (i.e. not at all). C'mon cobbers, get real.
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Amazingly entertaining Sci-Fi Channel Creature Feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder11 February 2013
Checking on extreme cliff-divers illegally in the area, a group of park rangers must help them get to safety when they accidentally awaken a horde of vicious Tasmanian Devils who begin to run wild throughout the park killing them one-by-one.

This here turned out to be one of the more enjoyable creature features the channel has produced and is filled with good stuff. Most notable is the gore, which is far more graphic and vicious than expected and really gets strewn about here resulting in a lot of great gags and deaths as well. This one also features a lot of fun action scenes that feature the group being assaulted by the herd of creatures as they swarm about the area taking them on in different conflagrations, usually resulting in a sense of fun when it gets going in letting the creatures get in on the fun in the rugged landscape and keeping the film enjoyable throughout with it's various set-ups. While it gets a little bogged down with a lame romance angle that pops up and a rather convoluted origin to the creatures that gets side-swiped instead of flesh-out being this one's only problems, the rest is a lot of fun and makes it worthwhile.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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Slightly below average time-passer
neil-4763 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some young(-ish) explorer types fall foul of vicious creatures in Tasmania and are forest rangers are on hand as additional monster bait.

Lets put to one side the fact that, apart from the name (and pretending to be in Tasmania), this film has nothing to do with Australia's neighbouring island, nor the wildlife which one would expect to encounter on it. A cast of unknowns compete not to be chewed and generally mangled by some CGI critters. There are assorted gory physical effects, some of which are well done. There are CGI monsters which vary from very well done to execrable. The camera work is steady.

But I don't think I would recommend this.
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nogodnomasters3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A group of cliff divers take a helicopter to a remote Tasmanian mesa to jump 3000 feet before the park rangers find out. They are 100 miles away from anything in either direction. One jumper opens his chute a tad late while the jumpers are discovered by rangers who show up in a matter of minutes from 80 miles away over bad road. The blood from the oops jumper causes the revival of ancient Tasmanian Devils who look like CG reptiles, recreating a Jurassic Park feel as our group is being hunted.

Danica Mckeller provides the eye candy and worst facial close-up as a flame throwing ranger working on her masters.

Tasmanian Devil special effects were nothing to write home about. The exaggerated mouth and fangs were more comical than horrifying.

Made for TV- kid safe except for that blood and eating human stuff.
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