Landmine Goes Click (2015) Poster

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Better than I expected
itayla14 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well I must admit to expecting not a lot from this movie however it turned out to be pretty good overall. A couple of small niggles here and there but what movie doesn't have them?

On with the review! Okay so the movie starts off as pretty much standard stuff, nothing really being given away and it ticks along at quite a sedate pace right up to the actual landmine makes it's appearance. Then the movie immediately grabbed my interest and kept it right up to the very well performed ending.

The movie does a great job of keeping the viewers on their toes due in most part to the changing pace, location and fully committed characters.

**Possible spoiler alert here** I think the only real disappointment was that one of the main characters disappears from the movie and never returns throughout. Not unexplained just a little too convenient

The final scene of the movie makes the whole thing worth watching regardless of how you felt about the rest of it.

Personally I found it enjoyable
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this movie is certainly not for everyone...
OnOffOnOff2 September 2016 caters to a specific audience. namely those who enjoy movies like "i spit on your grave" or "they call her one eye".

while this is obviously not a high budget film it certainly does not "feel" cheap like some reviewers here claim. i suppose these lucky people have never had the "pleasure" to see a "cheap" film. don't be fooled. the entire presentation, camera work, sound, music and acting are more, no less.

someone also wrote that this movie had "nothing to say", which is almost comical considering the kind of film we are dealing with here. films like these do not focus on "story" or "character development". they mainly try and trigger basic human emotions in the audience by simple means and with varying success. it's called "exploitation cinema" and as mentioned before, it's not for everyone.

that being said i found the ending of this film to be uncharacteristically thought-provoking. ultimately it does have something to say and as a result manages to lift itself slightly above most of it's genre brethren.

fans of the genre won't be disappointed.
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What I expected with this film and what I got were completely different, however, what I got was remarkable.
cmovies-9967428 September 2017
PROS: To start off, the acting in what should've been a poor film, was in reality very well crafted. Each character was injected into the plot with so much finesse that you couldn't help but feel what they felt. The actors took on some deep, deep circumstances and they pulled them off phenomenally. All the scenes in the movie were so separate while staying just as significant to the central point. The idea of mini stories coming together to create one big one was creative and like no other. This made for an unconventional build up of tension, but it wan't bad. I liked the mini climaxes, and the character development that this set up created. But overall, I enjoyed the creative style of the progression of intensity and the acting which helped carry this dark film.

CONS: A simple thing that one could point out was then ending. I enjoyed the climax getting us to the resolution, I just didn't like the resolution itself. The reason for me not liking it was probably because it didn't enhance the movie for me. The requirements for a "technically" good ending is to clarify questions that help inform the watcher while simultaneously not taking away from the watchers overall viewing experience, to leave a lasting impression, and to enhance a point at which the film was trying to drive home; that can be anything from self preservation, blood must have blood, or even horror is fun. But this movie just missed the mark on a few key elements of a good hardy resolution.
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Whether the landmine goes off or not, there will be explosion
quincytheodore17 November 2015
Men are drawn to anger or vengeance in a very primal form, from display of injustice to random road rage. There's something viscerally fascinating about people trapped in extreme predicament, and this movie capitalizes on this so well. With only three simple acts, it's a startlingly engaging clash of personalities, although this may get a tad overly intense or violent.

Story follows a group of friends while they are on vacation. Unfortunately, one of them steps on a landmine. Thus they find themselves in precarious position, especially when they are harboring a nasty secret and an unfriendly local stumbles upon them. For the sake of not revealing too much, the plot is not complex, in fact it's very streamlined to more effectively convey the emotions.

This is also not a big budget movie, its presentation practically hinges around the small cast of actors. There are many continuous shots at play here, each scene would resume for a good few minutes, giving the characters plenty of time to plead, antagonize or scream at each other. It doesn't have much gimmickry, often relying on the human drama to carry each scene.

It's a steady approach for thrill that's astonishingly effective in its simplicity. Audience would be engrossed in the struggle just by the sheer grim of the situation. However, this also creates a couple of problems. One being that the condition itself is rather implausible, mainly exaggerated for dramatic purpose. The second is the use of violence, this is by nature a very visceral story, even though it's mostly psychological, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Landmine Goes Click does one thing very well, as soon as it triggers there's a very intense mentally exhausting and gritty human drama, it's a cavemen reaction and a surprisingly compelling one.
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wow... please donate? really?
gabaod215 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit I normally do not write reviews ever.. This might be my 2nd one in my life? I felt obligated as this movie does not merit a high rating at all. There was absolutely no creativity or thought to this film. It was extremely predictable and beyond simple.. I question Levan Bakhia's upbringing to decide on creating a very simplistic film that is just sick. Did you really need to have over a 1minute rape scene? Not to mention how much time was wasted getting there when the audience was well aware it was already bound to happen.

This film is not terrifying, it is not a thriller, it has absolutely no twists and was a waste of time and money and a horrible way to try and start a career with his 2nd feature film.

Simple synopsis. Man stuck on landmine, yet they admit in the film that landmines are triggered on pressure down, not on release of pressure, so it obviously is fake, woman nearby to help, random foreigner comes by knowing man is stuck on landmine thus rapes woman to leave man alive to have him do the same idea to his daughter. boring sick and no creativity. Good luck on your career. Also must note that those who gave awards have no merit to future films.
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Karma is a bitch
deloudelouvain20 February 2017
This is one of those movies where I constantly had mixed feelings about it. Sometimes I thought the movie wasn't going anywhere, plus that the acting is not the greatest but at the end I thought it wasn't a bad movie at all. There were some scenes that were hard to watch. Scenes where I wanted to jump out of my couch and beat the crap out of some characters but when I think about it, it is a good thing that I felt like that because it means that the story got to me. At one point I thought it was never going to end and one character in particular was really annoying me. It's a low budget movie, with no outstanding actors, but the story all fits together at the end. It's about revenge and it gets emotional. Moral of the story, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you.
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Wish I could give it a 0
td_username22 September 2020
That "Chris" guy might be the worst actor I've ever seen.
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Film that makes you hate the victim
coflorida26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose Chris was to be seen as the victim.

but him terrorizing and murdering an innocent girl who had NOTHING to do with her sicko father's deeds

was just wrong....
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Not what you expect
constellationofcygnus23 November 2015
The difficulty reviewing a film like 'Landmine Goes Click' is that its one of those rare films where the less you know going in, the better. The set up is that 3 American friends (a couple and their mutual best friend) are on a walking/climbing holiday in the beautiful and remote Georgian countryside. Things take a turn for the deadly when one of them accidentally steps on an old landmine, a leftover from the war that ravaged the country a few years ago. What happens from here is so full of twists and turns that to say any more would definitely spoil things so I will advise not reading much about the story (or watching the trailer) before watching. Needless to say the story goes off on brutal and twisted tangents throughout that definitely keep you interested. The direction, acting and cinematography are all solid, the real outbreak star being the gorgeous Georgian landscape. The film isn't perfect. Some scenes drag on a tad too long, and the pace dips a little in a couple of places. I also felt that it should have been 'nastier' but maybe thats just me. There is limited on-screen violence. Having said all this I do recommend the film to anyone prepared to try something different. It definitely makes you think as the credits start rolling. The film certainly doesn't go where you expect it to, and ultimately these days, thats high praise in itself.

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Absolute Rubbish
coz-1919 November 2015
Don't be fooled by the good reviews which have obviously been written by people involved with the making of this or have a vested interest in it making some money because this is quite simply the worst film I have endured in some time. From the opening aerial shots of model countryside and houses through to the end, the whole film is imbued with amateurish writing and rank bad acting. It is predictable in its entirety. I watched the whole film with a vague sense of disinterest as I could not connect on any emotional level with the characters. the lead bad dude was laughable and just plain annoying followed closely behind by the rest of the cast. The only actor that may possibly have a career on this display is Spencer Locke, the American girl who at least displayed a bit of emotional depth. Truly a low budget mess of a movie
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Psycho Wars
kosmasp1 August 2016
If you don't like slow burning thrillers, you may want to stay away from this. How far will some people go and what are they willing to sacrifice? Human nature is a tricky thing. There is sometimes evil in the weirdest places and this should not be confused with anything racial or racist, it is about people. And not all are nice. Even if you may think they are or they look that way.

If you can stomach that (and more, boy is there more to deal with, which I can tell you, as a normal person, you will have some issues with it), you may be able to watch this. Enjoying this would make you seem like monster, parts of it that is. And still the movie is more than one landmine that goes click ... But in the end: is it worth it?
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If you want to know if it's worth or not, read this!
cazanlucianadelin9 January 2016
Hello there,

This is my first review so... it won't be very great. But as I find myself troubled sometimes whether to watch a movie or not, I thought I might help others about this movie.

So here is what you should do depending on what you like:

Watch it: if you like strong psychological movies that show the real human nature, those movies that make you succumb into deep thinking after seeing it. Maybe not the best example but kind of like The Stanford Prison Experiment, if you saw it.

DO NOT watch it: if you're only looking for a movie to pass time, it will be terrible for you unless you just discovered your new passion for psychological movies.

Hope my review will help many people with deciding whether to view this movie or not.
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Revenge is sweet...........or perhaps not!!
dumbangel-4110523 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what a surprise this one turned out to be. The first half of the film centres around the lead male being confined to standing on a landmine courtesy of his so called best mate, who having found out he'd been sleeping with his woman decided to play a practical joke on him. Things turn mightily sour when a local rambler turns up on the scene and starts to get quite unpleasant via the playing of a slightly sadistic game. Up to this point you can be forgiven for thinking this is going to be another run of the mill horror/revenge film with a sprinkling of female revenge as per "I Spit On Your Grave" (albeit not nearly as good). What happens mid movie however changes this and we are left to view revenge from the angle of the male who was stood on the landmine. The ending is quite shocking, not least in it's content but I particularly liked the way the camera remains fixed on the lead character even when you expect to see other things going on and this amplifies the moment of revenge and leaves the viewer considering who ultimately is the greater of the two evils (the rambler or the landmine guy) and one is left with a sour taste in the mouth as the credits roll. Definitely worth the watch.
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This Movie Will Ruin Your Heart -- Proceed At Your Own Risk
The_Sisko_297075013 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers

I don't think I have ever utterly despised a movie I watched in its entirety as much as this tale of revenge and inhumanity ending in the most cruel and heartless scene I have ever witnessed in film. I felt something suddenly die in me in one instant, and I don't think it has come back yet. The movie hooks you effectively enough with the plot device mentioned in the title, and pulls you along for a while by gradually raising the stakes and building suspense, keeping the viewer rooting for seemingly decent enough people, who may or may not be.

Sooner or later, the viewer will finally ask him or herself "how the h*ll did I wade this far into sheer cr@p???", and suddenly, before you can make your exit -- it will be too late. And you will regret what you have seen for the rest of your life. Please, PLEASE, do not be tempted to go here. Or if you must, do so, but you may trust me forever after.

On the basis that this movie has made a lasting, unshakable, impression on me, I am giving it two stars, though my logic on this choice is open to debate.
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Does dog have hands? No, let me explain!
kelboy108 February 2024
Landmine Goes Click is a very edgy off the radar story that probably has failed to have the exposure it deserves. Levan Bakhia keeps the location simple relying on good acting and a dialogue driven script. It has interesting characters alongside a basic plot. A sick twisted thriller with a bizarre outcome much like another film I saw called Funny Games. There are no heroes in this film, it's filled with torture, hatred and revenge.

The story revolves around a group of three within a love triangle, one girl and two guys. It's a good suspense film with a little dark humour at times. The film is set in the desolated landscape European Georgia where three American hikers are trekking. Sick games follow when Chris has the misfortune of accidentally stepping on a landmine. The mixed reviews for this film are totally warranted, in the sense you are either going to embrace it as entertaining suspense thriller, or you'll find it a little too much to withstand. Thrillers always reign closer to what could happen than horror films which are more fantasy. What makes this one compelling is the idea that some of this stuff could actually happen if not being a little extreme and exaggerated. The female audience are less likely to enjoy or perceive this film with high regard as it degrades women on and off throughout the film. The women characters are portrayed as inferior and helpless, even going as far as full on humiliating them. Viewed only as a sex object with little redeeming qualities, alongside being shown as unfaithful.

The men on the other hand are viewed as misogynistic with little regard for the opposite sex on a quest for revenge. Vengeance is at the helm and the main theme of the film. As far as acting goes everyone plays their part in a believable way. (Sterling Knight) is particularly inspiring show his acting talent towards the end when he gives off a bewildering look of shock and an expression shame. It's a what have I just done, kinda look. (Spencer Locke) as Alicia is engaging offering a splendid contrast in her role, you can really feel her pain and frustration in some gripping scenes as the story moves forward, part guilt, part anger alongside some fear. (Kote Tolordava) as llya for me is the reason this film is worth watching, he is sadistic and laughable at times. He appears as an innocent delusional bystander who just wants something in return, because to him that is what is fair. Although this act he is putting on is much further from the truth, its mind games as he carries with him an enormous amount of weight plagued in cruelty.

What's great about this film is how (Dean Geyer) Daniel kicks the film off hiking with his girlfriend and best man and then suddenly it turns in a completely different direction. Some audience members might have been more excited if they got to see Daniel get what's coming to him at the end, however I think it worked well the way it was concluded. This film shows how we are all on the border of insanity and how one push to far might be enough to send anybody over the edge.
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balancing out the crew 10 star reviews
Rob-O-Cop16 November 2015
Wasn't sure if this one was good or bad cos some of the reviews hid the fact they were crew blowing smoke up our a.rses, so I gave this a watch and it was soon dreadfully apparent it was a stitch up amateur garbage film trying to trick people into watching it.

Just because you CAN complete a feature length film with lights camera and sound doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. You have to have something to say and this movie had nothing to say. Just some kids who's parents bought them a couple of canon 5Ds, editing software and a drone for Christmas.

The key is to have a good idea and the idea for this movie is tenuously slight, and that slight idea is stretch so thin it collapses. It didn't have to. with good writing, direction and acting it could have been something, maybe, maybe those things could have made a tense story out of this but we end up with an annoying insulting waste of time. More media clutter to get in the way of anything really insightful or entertaining.
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Not a bad movie
derptard1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With a title like that I was expecting complete schlock but I was mesmerized by this movie from the second act. It starts out silly but becomes more and more insane as it goes on. However implausible the plot gets I remained glued to my seat. However there were a few points that strained credulity and a few loose ends that were not tied up at all. Such as the fate of the boyfriend or how Ilya escaped what was sure to be an international manhunt. It seems that the third act takes place after some time has passed, giving ample time to put either of the two characters behind bars for the crime. Then there's the idea that Chris would go that far for revenge when he seemed to be a sweet kid at the beginning. His actions are more characteristic of the boyfriend than what he would do. And the boyfriend never appears again! However I still found the film so interesting and had to comment on it.
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Annoying and boring.
mjsreg27 August 2016
I am extremely amazed by the apparent positive reviews this film has received on IMDb. I am also amazed that it (at the time of writing) has 6.4 stars!

This film is nowhere worthy of either and I highly suspect there is some shenanigans involved somewhere.

Anyway, based on the description of the film, and the reviews on here I thought it could be worth watching. Something out of the ordinary and possibly interesting.

Unfortunately this was not to be. The acting is OK - nothing special and certainly no outstanding performances. The story is unnecessarily protracted and filled with useless and tedious dialogue - obviously to give enough material to make the time in the editing room.

The story is very predictable and hardy shifts in either location or interest.

This film may have had some merit if it were a LOT shorter - certainly no longer than 30 minutes.

As it is - I would give it a miss if I were you.
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Improbable but carried of with aplomb...
patbradley43512 November 2015
I read all the reviews on here and thought, yeah, another stitch-up job where all the friends on production get together and post fake reviews. But I gave it a shot anyway and, guess what, this delivers and my assumption about fake reviews were blown out of the water. The movie maker, Levan Bakhla, is obviously inspired by the other great movie maker Michael Haneke and it reminded me of Funny Games, one of my favourite movies. Yes, the story can be improbable at times but that doesn't detract from the suspenseful way the director carries you along. It's not your usual revenge movie where the baddie gets his comeuppance, but it comes pretty close to it...with interest. I was totally held by the whole thing, especially in the last thirty minutes.Sterling Knight does a good acting job as Chris and is quite scary. Its ending will have you discussing with friends the outcome. All I can say is, well done, Levan Bakhla. You sure know how to direct a good movie.
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payasoingenioso31 January 2021
Alicia and Chris make the most naive choices.

They absolutely fail themselves.

Meanwhile... I did not expect the final act. That was seriously a Give Yourself Goosebumps moment.

I definitely recommend an alternate final act; however, the film is generally entertaining. I did fast forward through one part.
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If Tommy Wiseau Made a Horror Movie
sfsugs-7877513 April 2023
This is one of them "it's so atrocious it's actually hilarious" films. By god, the writer is badly addicted to porn. Or maybe he watches a lot while writing, that's the problem when having to write on laptops with wifi nowadays.

This was also like misogynistic Vince McMahon wrote a movie. Vince made a female wrestler bark like a dog in the ring once. Our writer here made the girl crawl like a dog and pick her underwear up with her teeth. Actually he made two different actresses do that, and probably for scale plus ten. This isn't just embarrassing for the character but the poor girls working on an indie set.
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Revenge Revenge Revenge
peterchapman-7631012 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Did I mention the theme I get from this film is Revenge?

So as others have written the movie opens with 3 friends backpacking around the Republic of Georgia (Ex USSR Country on the European Asian border). Chris, Dan and Alicia As the opening dialogues commence it becomes apparent that two of the couple are engaged to be married (Dan and Alicia) and one assumes the third (Chris) is the Best Man. As the dialogue continues we are told the Best Man Chris and the Wife to be Alicia slept together and that the Chris has real feelings for the Alicia.

During a routine photo shoot of local scenery the Chris stands on a landmine, and that this is a deliberate act by Dan as revenge for sleeping with the Alicia. The revenge is amplified with fake telephone calls for help after the wife to be is told emergency services don't rescue whores.

After the Dan leaves the scene a passerby a local Georgian man Ilya walking his dog and hunting becomes aware of their plight, during the dialogue he learns the circumstances because he has hunted their all his life and knows there are no landmine's that it was a deliberate act and its because in his words she is a whore.

As the afternoon progresses Ilya forces Alicia to play out his sexual fantasies having her act like dog playing fetch with her underwear and making her bring them back in her mouth in order to gain favours for his 2 way radio to get help. Ultimately it ends a brutal rape of Alicia and then a fight for the gun.

At the end the passerby's dog jumps on the stranded Chris still trapped on the landmine and we learn it was a fake all along. But the gun discharges and shoots Alicia.

We then switch to a coastal house which belongs to the Ilya and his family, the Chris who was trapped on the landmine claims to be a tourist and is looking for a map when Ilya comes back he realises what's going on and demands Chris to leave. Unknowing of what's gone on before Ilya's wife and daughter insists that Chris should stay for the meal.

After the meal there is a discussion between Ilya and Chris. They agree to meet an hour later to discuss everything. But an unspecified time later we see Chris returning carrying the dying body of the dog.

Then he shoots Ilya in both knee caps before re-enacting all the sexual fantasies played out whilst he was trapped on the landmine. Finally we finish with Russian roulette 1 bullet in a gun he says Ilya's daughter should strip and every time Chris fires the gun she must take an item of clothing off - (she already took off her jumper and panties), so she only has about 2 items of clothing and odds of 5-1 she won't get shot.

Chris fires 1 shot with the gun - the 1 chamber with the bullet kills the daughter. We close with Chris shocked and withdrawn in a corner.
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Landmine goes.. Not click or boom!
ts-000024 March 2024
Ok- So this was discovered to watch,after seeing a clip via TikTok.

Can honestly say wasn't horrible,but far as how it ended could of been a little better.. This includes questions being answered,like did Chris report a crime? From what Daniel did,the rape or Alicia dying?

Any consequences come to Daniel,as they did to the rapist & his family?

The cut from Chris & Alicia being in the ditch to the climax felt rushed,as though middle pieces got edited out.. Why have questions.

Actors to acting was fine,suspense was decent enough & cinematography ok.

If you want a story about revenge gone wrong & a popcorn flick,worth checking out but don't feel it was a masterpiece.

Not worth seeing,again.
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Mentally disturbing
antoniajw6 May 2022
This film is one of the most disturbing, hard to watch films I've seen in a long time.

I feel like I need therapy to recover from it!

Won't be watching again.

Gona go rock in a corner now.
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Very questionable film-making choices
abogges19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I get what they're going for here. I'm a horror nut and this premise was too juicy to pass up when scanning through my streaming apps. I'm on board with the shock-value horror aesthetic, I've seen Human Centipede a dozen times and I admired what Last House on the Left was trying to do. Landmine Goes Click is a great premise wrapped in extremely questionable filmmaking choices. It starts out like an okay Twilight Zone (or Saw, for that matter) story. Lots of people here are pointing out the problems with the brutalization of women (which I'll get to), but I understand where the filmmakers are coming from. They're not saying that the characters were right in brutalizing the only female characters. They were trying to show that our protagonist's troubles earlier in the film turned him into just as much of a monster as our original antagonist. In seeking revenge, the hero became a much worse villain than the villain ever was. If that was the point, then I get it and it's even a good idea (even if overused) for a revenge movie. The problem I have with the execution is that we never feel sorry for the women.

**SPOILERS** We feel terrible for Chris because he's unable to save Alicia. Sure, we feel bad for her too but we're focused on Chris and how he had to endure watching her get raped and carrying her body and listening to her die. We are supposed to see that the antagonist is suffering because he has to watch his daughter get abused. I'm really, really not the person who points to every movie and asks why the female characters are just used as props, but this movie broke me in that respect. There are 3 women in the film and every single one is used as a device and torture target to inflict emotional pain on a male character. I said that the filmmakers made questionable choices. One of these was using rape as a plot device to show the audience how tough Chris' trouble was. Of course we're supposed to feel Alicia's pain, too, but only insofar as it makes us reflect on what we would do if we were in Chris' shoes. In the same way, I found myself kind of rooting for Chris to brutalize the family at the end, and I choose to blame that on the filmmakers rather than my own sick desires for revenge. I'll also say that a 3-minute rape sequence filled with vivid sounds that does not cut away and zooms in to make sure we can see just how much Alicia is in pain and makes sure we can see she's crying real tears, is a little much for me. Most people don't recognize gunshots in a real-world shooting scenario because Hollywood has tricked us into thinking they sound louder and fuller than they actually do. This rape scene was like filming a gunfight with no quick-cuts, no embellished gunshot sounds, no overuse of blood. It's too real to feel any normal cinematic escapism. Instead, I feel like I'm watching a real person get raped. I did not enjoy that. I didn't necessarily enjoy watching what's her face get killed in Scream either, but it was done with purposeful cinematic staging so it was entertaining. I liked watching Scream much more than I would like watching a snuff film where real people get slashed to death. That was my problem with this rape scene. **/SPOILERS**

I can enjoy shocking horror, gore, and brutality. I can overlook and understand movies that don't have great cinematography or dialog. What I take exception with in this movie was that it tried way too hard to get the audience to understand the real-world emotional pain of the characters in a not- at-all escapist way. The Human Centipede (not a film to hold as a measure of all cinema, I know) was shocking but over the top in a way that disconnected us from the characters emotionally. Sure, we still felt for the characters. Same with Last House on the Left, we still came away with an ache in our stomachs, but the impact was dampened because of the use of devices that disconnect us from what was on the screen. Landmine Goes Click gets too real, too quickly, and in all the wrong ways. I don't need to watch movies that shock me in ways that evoke real feelings of disgust at actual horrors in the real world. Are there serial killers and chainsaw-wielding psychos in the world? Sure. But Friday 13th and Scream have a level of disbelief built into them that this movie lacks. Serial killers are like the boogie man, so making them the baddies of movies is like fantasy. Making an alcoholic rapist the bad guy is like making a movie about Ebola where we spend 2 hours watching an 8 year old girl slowly die of diarrhea. It's far too real to be entertainment. If I want to watch a vivid depiction of the types of brutality that dirty old men can inflict on young, pretty girls, I'll watch the news. Instead, I wanted to watch some escapism horror that let's me satisfy the sick parts of my brain with blood and terror and, sure, even brutal violence against women if the script calls for it, and all the other things that skilled writers and directors know how to put on screen without giving their audience anxiety over how easily men have preyed on women since the dawn of time. It's like they wanted to make a powerful movie about the horrors of forgotten buried explosives (it's a real problem- children get blown up all of the time), a snuff film about brutal manipulation and rape, and a horror/suspense revenge flick. Instead the filmmakers just sewed all three together so that they share one digestive tract. The end result was the same: crap from beginning to end.
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