Nightlight (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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I liked the "twist". Watch it if you are a fan of found footage movies. Avoid, if not.
Manpreet_S12 January 2017
A lot of people hate found footage movies but I love them. This one is not the worst one or the best one. Just somewhere in between. Overall I liked it. Whole movie is set in a deep forest in total darkness so it does have an eerie atmosphere from the beginning till the end.

Plot is nothing special just an excuse for some dumb teens to go into the woods and get in trouble. However, unlike other Found Footage movies, this one has little twist in the end which gives us a whole new reason behind this being filmed as a found footage movie. Acting is okay. There are few jump scares, none of which will make you jump if you watch horror movies often.

In the end, I did like it but obviously, could have been better. If you love found footage movies, give this one a try.
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Patient44413 April 2015
It actually started good! It did, it did I tell you! Even continued so for a while until it decided to over stretch it, over use it and annoy its audience!

So, this is a different kind of horror, a blend of found footage with normal view, more of a first person horror to be honest, you always see from one's point of view but I won't take that as something bad. It worked decent enough, I actually think it is an improvement compared to found footage style.

It created a nice little premise for itself, had some seen before but good used scenes, made that impression that it will be worth while and then falls flat and stays there. So no, overall, at the end of it, you will consider it a complete waste of time. Therefore I will not recommend Nightlight to anyone. Sorry to say so, seemed better at first.

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my notes
FeastMode25 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Actually was pretty decent with some good scares, including some creative ways using lights. (1 viewing)


I downgraded it because the majority of the movie you don't see any acting. the camera looked away from the character or we saw the back of their heads as they talked. I did like the ending that showed that he possessed all the friends and jumped off the cliff one by one
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Shaky cam elimination derby in scary woods.
suite9224 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Three Acts:

The initial tableaux: There is a short do it yourself video of Ethan, a depressed male teen, discussing his failed suicide attempt, plus his attachment to Robin. We jump to five teens (Robin; Nia, Amelia, Chris, and Ben) starting a flashlight gaming night in the Covington Woods. The woods has a reputation as a place where teens commit suicide, and where ghosts reside. Plus, there is a scary church located within it.

Delineation of conflicts: Robin has a job as a service person at an ice cream parlor. Nia and Amelia look down on employment. Robin is the newbie in the group, and the rest plan to haze her. Something in the woods does not like any of them. The plans for hazing seem to get replaced by other plans. Robin would like to live through the night and go home with her dog, but the wood seems opposed.

Resolution: Elimination derby.
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What is going on here?!
Ramascreen28 March 2015
The only thing scary about NIGHTLIGHT is time wasted that you can't have back.

I think this movie's biggest sin is its somehow believing that it can scare you when all it can do is make your head go dizzy. NIGHTLIGHT as a horror film is its own joke. It focuses too much on shaking and not enough on giving us what the hell is really happening. The mystery gets lost in the found footage style which I must say has gotten exhausted by this point.

Directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, NIGHTLIGHT is your typical pretty people in peril horror. A group of teens journey into the dark Covington forest that holds a certain past for troubled youths. One of the teens, Robin (Shelby Young) reluctantly joins the group out of peer pressure and a boy crush. Soon enough their plans go haywire when they awaken a demonic presence that take hold of their deepest fears.

NIGHTLIGHT probably would've worked if it had come out about 15 years ago at the heights of of "Blair Witch" popularity, but it just couldn't work anymore today. People want to see what's going on, people want to see what horrifying presence they're dealing with or what's at hand. Having a camera look at the ground because the character is running or focusing on someplace else, only annoys the hell out of us audience. The characters seem terrified but we don't feel the same impact because we can't see what it is that's terrorizing them. In some horror movies, less is more works, in some horror movies, you can do enough damage by not being graphic or too visual about it, but when you're dealing with something like NIGHTLIGHT, where everything is already set in the dark, making things even more invisible makes for a not so fun horror-watching experience. NIGHTLIGHT is generic, it's predictable, it's dizzying, it's a major time-waster.

Read more at Ramascreen.Com
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Blair Witch time again
Leofwine_draca20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
NIGHTLIGHT is yet another BLAIR WITCH-style indie horror style movie with a found footage angle. The "twist", if it can be described as such, is that the POV is not just cameras but flashlights, too. As usual, a bunch of friends head into the woods and discover something deeply unpleasant within, but it's all very matter of fact and unenterprising. A slow first half, full of the usual laughing and joking, eventually gives way to terror and weird events, but it's all quite mundane.
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High School film project from a D student.
adamzad18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Boring. Insipid. Uninspired. Banal. Inane. I will, certainly, run out of adjectives before I can adequately communicate how bad this movie is. First of all, the entire movie is shot from the perspective of the girl's *flashlight*. It is slow, with long pauses when there is nothing in the view of the flashlight. I started the flick and, four hours later, when I checked the time, 20 minutes had passed.

I never thought I would find a movie less intelligent and/or less cohesive than Blair Witch Project, but this one is it. Don't expect any kind of explanation for what few doings there are in the movie. There is no message, no moral, no plot, and not one single, solitary thing to recommend about this film. Nothing.

Bottom line: Don't waste your time, tape, or HD space.
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This Light Needs to be Extinguished
dcarsonhagy8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's apparent that Hollywood has run out of ideas and I've run out of patience. "Nightlight" is ANOTHER movie in the same genre as Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity (ad nauseum), and just about anything else in this same vein. It's TIRED people; stop it already.

I am not even going to try and explain the premise of this movie. It is so hackneyed, repetitive, been-there-done-that, I'm not going to waste my time or yours. As is the case of most of these movies, the script (for lack of a better word) falls apart, you can guess the ending 20 minutes into the movie, there is no cohesiveness, well...why go on?

The movie is rated "R" for language, violence, and overall ridiculousness. A big NO from me.
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Jumpy but not scary
autumnx6 June 2015
this movie definitely wasn't as good as I thought it'd be... But it wasn't terrible. I thought the idea for the movie was really neat, and it was very jumpy at a lot of parts.

It didn't scare me like I wanted it to though. It was also kind of hard to follow, it jumped around a lot. But all in all. It was an okay movie.

the way it was shot was annoying to me. the actors did pretty well though. cool idea, but definitely could've been better

The beginning was the best part. I'd say it's worth watching :)

Just don't go in thinking you're gonna be real scared
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It left me horrified in just how bad it was
Rodrigo_Amaro22 August 2016
Either the viewer punch himself or herself for watching this or they find a way to punch the makers of this for actually pulling such a strange stunt that never gives us the taste for horror, just thrilling ourselves with screaming and blurred images that doesn't reveal anything with a huge flashlight in the middle of the screen. I knew "Nightlight" was going to become a waste of time but time was mine to be wasted and no money was involved so...yep, only in it to see how bad or laughable it could get and to have a glimpse of Mitch Hewer (main reason actually). Alright, I was on a great track of watching just good or great films that I needed to get some sense of reality in seeing a bad movie for a change. It didn't prove me wrong but got a lot weirder than I thought.

Scott Beck and Bryan Woods are the writers and directors of this thing, a story that revolves about a young and restless group of full of vanity, full of smiles and despicable and unlikeable behavior (played by Shelby Young, Mitch Hewer, Chloe Bridges, Taylor Murphy and Carter Jenkins) going to a forest at night to play a game called "Nightlight" carrying flashlights and cameras (which tell the story, so here's another found footage horror flick) boring the audiences but having fun among themselves in this place where Ethan, another teen (Kyle Fain) friend of theirs, committed suicide some time ago. The game revolves around blindfolding a member of the group and ask them to find them in the deep forest, hide and seek but the thrills of nature, sounds, voices, strange things going on...until mystery takes place, folks disappear, tumbling and falling and screaming on and on. Theories: a killer on the loose? Nope. Dangerous animals? Maybe. Cluless and clumsy teens walking around without knowing where they step? Perhaps. The ghost of Ethan? Most definitely, they think.

90 something minutes that seemed to go on forever. The minute you thought "that's the ending" the image got back and kept going endlessly. And was I scared? Not one minute. Was I amused? One or two times. There was some funny bits (like the girl revealing her sexual fantasy with the Grinch) or some cute moments (Hewer seducing the shy girl who actually likes the guy but hates to admit it) but those bits and pieces can't form a whole in which we can say we enjoyed it. But we are tired of the found footage trend in horror, that goes back to 1980 (those who dared to watch the great "Cannibal Holocaust") to later become hip and better used in "The Blair Witch Project" and "Cloverfield" and after those fore-mentioned examples it went all downhill. Each similar film goes by each year and not only it's not scary, they're boring and uninteresting but it also lacks in holding a deeper importance, a relevance to life. Not to mention, most of what's made today it's just cheap, poorly filmed and nauseating. It's all about scream and shaking images. And we're talking about a motion picture, one that should be able to create and present images we can all see. Characters fell from the hill or something in "Nightlight" and it's just the camera showing a nasty tumble and we're like "What?". Above all, the worst trait (plot hole maybe, or people are just THAT unconcerned) is that the five guys split to play the game and when things start going wrong one or two get together, start asking about one of the friends, they don't find any or maybe find one, and later on they stop asking about the other friends - the audience knows they're dead but the characters don't so how come they stop looking or asking about them? Insert facepalm.

And the trivia says this film was shot in 2013 and for unknown reasons was not released until 2015. Unknown? The makers were embarrassed by it and tried to buried it as deep as they could but since money talks (the people who invest $ will want $ and more back, obviously) the creature was unleashed to the dismay of frightening audiences - terrified with the trashy quality of the movie and not for the horror moments displayed there.

Getting back to the initial remarks, my conclusion goes that I can't punch the filmmakers because they're far away from me and I'm not a violent person anyway. I take this moment to say they should be ashamed of themselves for putting this thing to the world. There goes millions of dollars that didn't produce anything good. As for punching myself, one minor slap on the face is just good enough. I'll go back to the better movie experiences. Going to this bad one made me learn. 2/10
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Pretty Unique with a Twist...
villanuevakayla6 February 2020
This movie proved itself as one of many psychological horror/thrillers that, in the beginning, you wouldn't have guessed that it would come with a nice twisted twist! Don't want to be a spoiler so I feel that this film is a must see!! Especially if you're a fan of allowing your brain to enter a mind bender.....
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It is that time of year again
rbn_lrk-118 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Classic mid 2010s handheld camera horror set in a dark forest with no big stars or big effects, and just with droning sounds and end confessions. Good for a stream on various devices as Halloween hits again.
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minekommentarer11 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible, and not in a good way. The story and the storyline is so lame it hurts to watch it. Teenagers, dark wood, flashlights not working, bad ghost etc. No reason for all the "scary" stuff was given. My question was; Is the director lazy, or plain ignorant?
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"Sleepy Time Tree"
Kamurai2512 January 2021
Decent watch, probably won't watch it again, and can only recommend for found footage fans.

This lovely little piece of found footage garbage actually has a somewhat interesting premise, reminding me a lot of Slenderman in the way that the demon stalks and haunts the cast.

While it was a delightful surprise to see Chloe Bridges, the movie suffers from a lot of problems that audiences have with found footage, including its plausibility. They literally throw something over the camera at one point and I thought, "Really, the budget was that bad you couldn't just have the camera turned away?" The actual action of covering the camera, and thus the light made (some) sense, but that the camera was in that position in the first place felt contrived and covering the camera just made me feel like I was going to be ripped off.

Now, it's a game in the dark with shadows everywhere on a budget so the production value is low and it's hard to see most of the time.

There is a lot of good in this too, but ultimately I think it needs a rewrite and reboot without found footage.
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Spend 90 Min Elsewhere
nomore34017 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all for "found video" type movies, but this was pretty bad. Basically 60 minutes of flashlights falling to the ground, dropping video cameras, lights flashing on trees. 15 minutes of screaming names over and over. 10 minutes of people and 5 minutes of suspense. You won't want to look away because you are afraid you may miss something good, but feel free to look away, leave the room, wash the car or plan a vacation. You won't miss anything. I stated spoiler alert due to my comment of the 'reveal' of the flashlights role in the movie. If there was character development instead of just dropping a batch of typical teenagers in the woods at night, then this may have worked. Any move that spends more than 30 min filming at night should be avoided totally, any movie that thinks attractive teenagers in the woods alone at night will draw a following, also to be avoided
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Everything was average
kjjames812 February 2021
Well gave this a watchh last night and came away thinking there was nothing wrong in the film itself, in fact everything was okay. The acting, the story, the whole film itself was okay. The film had adult teenagers venturing into a haunted woods. It all takes place at night, the little twist was okay. Overall for the whole film everything was average which is a a few tweaks here and there the film could have been really good. Overall average. Worth a watch if you like found footage films.
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Found footage horror where our heroes are more horrible than the monsters!
parry_na4 June 2021
A group of stupid, beautiful, arrogant, shouting, grinning idiots get lost in the woods whilst filming themselves. Yep, it's another found footage film - a genre just as legitimate as any other in my view.

There is much high speed gibbering. There's a nerdy girl who wants to fit in with the cool pretty kids ... but no-one notices she is cool and pretty herself! That's lucky! No matter how terrifying and other-worldly things get, she's still preoccupied with the boy she fancies. Ah, the priorities of the in-crowd wannabe.

I often say this in my little reviews, but it continues to amaze me how one simple rule is ignored: make the characters likeable, or at least relatable. That doesn't mean they can't have flaws, or be bland and uninteresting; if you care about them, you care about what happens to them. Not so much here - there are a number of false endings, and the film outstays its welcome somewhat because the audience is never invited to invest in this bunch of twits.

I sound more scathing of 'Nightlight' than I mean to be, because there are a few nicely sinister moments; chiefly, when the ubiquitous camera seems to become momentarily operated by a mysterious third party. Sadly, this is never really elaborated upon, other than more proof that 'something is out there watching them.'

When we finally reach the end, it is quietly effective, and if I'm ever tempted to re-watch, it will be because of such moments, and not because of the characters, who are, after all, supposed to be the heart of the story. My score is 5 out of 10.
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it doesn't deserve the hate
paytonking-9484913 July 2022
I honestly love shitty horror movies! This movie was not as bad as the reviews suggest. I'm not saying it's amazing, I'm not saying its bad, its a decent horror movie with a decent cast.
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Scary yet Bad Ending
EuropaPirate30 May 2016
Rarely can I handle shaky Cam Horror Flicks yet NIGHTLIGHT is 1) Well Acted 2)Suspenseful 3)Engaging

The Negetative: NO Happy or even Neutral Ending!

I do Not write Spoilers (and am Not going to write one now). Just say, if you want the Premise to be clear and have resolute at the end of your HORROR FILMS... NIGHTLIGHT will NOT provide that for you.

It's creepy scary, in an unfamiliar woods with only flashlights. The actors, dialogue, darkened setting, and night sounds provide most of the Chills. Not an Alls Well That Ends Well feel. Pit in stomach sort of film, I am glad I hadn't viewed at night.

Cannot say I recommend to anyone that's not a Hardcore Horror Fan. It's not visually "overtly graphic"... though it does contain some blood and gore. It's basically the knowledge that someone has perished, and the sound of that which is the creepy factor. So, watch if you root for "The Bad Guys" or want the unknown "The Things That Go Bump In The Night" to be victorious!
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Close, but no cigar.
bbickley13-921-5866430 March 2015
Nice try guys, I'll always give that A for effort.

The movie reminded me a lot of the Blair Witch project. It was very retro in it's whole found footage horror genre theme. Maybe because they did a lot with such a small crew of people.

A group of white kids go into the woods, for what reason never matters, but horny whites under age 24 in the woods, always is a bad idea (should be a law against it.)

Anyway, the movie did have suspense. Some of the suspenseful moments were great, they were killing me with it.

The problem here was the scare, and when you're doing horror, that's an important problem.

From the moment the first real scare went down I knew this movie was in trouble. I did not jump out of my seat once in the movie, not once. There were some eerie moments in the film but nothing really registered. It may have been how sloppy the whole story was put together. I never fully got the purpose of the game they were playing (maybe cause I never played it (maybe because I'm not stupid enough to go into the woods to play a stupid game)

The girls in the movie were cute. That was a bonus, I found them pleasant to look at, but no one's persona was develop well enough to really care weather they lived or died.

Also, the movie had too many false scares, and horror moments. It felt like they were trying to add more time to make what could have worked as a short, a feature movie, but all it did was make an hour and a half feel like twice as long.

Once again, A for effort but will not recommend watching.
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Suspenseful, cool story, scary!
rupert-ian8 September 2015
I really enjoyed this movie.

I am able to stand the first-person type of filming, and really enjoy a well made one.

This story is filmed from the viewpoint of a flashlight. THat was an interesting idea, and lets them do it a little differently than if it was a camera like all the other "found footage" style movies.

I thought the storyline was interesting, didn't feel like it was just a copy of other movies. The acting was well done, the suspense was great, and I was glued to the screen throughout.

If you don't mind the style of filming, definitely check this out.

I watch a TON of horror movies, and this was one of the better ones I've seen that have come out this year, by far.

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Could have been better.....
thiagobguzzo27 March 2015
Nightligh is about a group of friends that will play in a haunted forest. The film does not explain exactly what happened to them, there is cool scenes and good effects, but they actors are not so good. The movie could be show more ghosts and give more scares. Sometimes show a creature like a demon, sometimes the movies talk about a spirit of a boy, I don't understand that, was to vague at this point in the history of the movie, and the are a lot of cliché. It's the same thing all time, friends will play stupid jokes in abandoned place that is haunted and the things go upside down after happened a lot of strange noises and strange things, but no one goes home until disaster strikes. This history already tired. They should invent a new kind of haunting , a reason the place is haunted, but they preferred put boys and girls in a forest to be killed one by one. It is good to watch if you have nothing better.
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Can you put that movie into the horror category even if there is nothing horrific about it?! I mean, why are these people labeling their movie into genres that are far from being perceived in the final work? The audience wants to see a horror movie, not a fake ghost movie. It is so disappointing, the poster is catchy, the trailer is catchy, but the movie is crappy. How can people sit back and write a screenplay of that ludicrous thing is beyond my comprehension. Watching plant grow is actually funnier than wasting time with this ridiculous movie. Enough is enough, either these people do a good horror movie or we will have to create a whole new genre : "crappy" !
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Nightlight
burlesonjesse519 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
2015's Nightlight was directed by two people. It is possibly the lamest horror film ever made. You watch in disbelief and wonder how worse it could have been had only one person been behind the camera. Blatant characteristics of 2007's Paranormal Activity and 1999's The Blair Witch Project come to mind when taking in a viewing. But imagine those landmark vehicles with almost no scares, shallow and meaningless characters, mediocre acting from the leads, and countless scenes of tedium. Eighty four minutes seems too long to facilitate a movie like the one I'm about to review. It's a "light" that needs to be completely turned off.

The hook with this limited, March release (shot almost entirely in Utah) isn't one of the found footage variety. The idea here is for everything on screen to be seen through the eyes of a flashlight (masquerading as a failed, hand-held gag). The flickering contraption on display, is mostly used by the supposed, female heroine. There's no indication that a camera is built inside of it. However, we as an audience are supposed to accept that the events unfolding are the result of what said flashlight takes in as long as it doesn't go out. Did the filmmakers assume that this concept was highly innovative or groundbreaking? Gosh I hope not. And for the record, you'd think the main protagonist would provide enough fresh, Energizer batteries if he or she was venturing into the desolate, dark woods (during the dead of night). Anyway, here's a question for Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (the two guys responsible for this Blair Witch version of sloppy seconds): Why can't something be filmed like a regular f***ing movie these days? Enough is enough already. Jeez!

Starring six actors/actresses I've never heard of, tacking on a connecting plot point of a friend's suicide via the first and last sequence, and distributed by the same company associated with the Hunger Games flicks (Lionsgate), Nightlight follows attractive, female pushover slash unlikely horror victor, Robin (played by Shelby Young). She partakes in a flashlight game in a forest preserve. This preserve is an area where supposedly, no one gets out alive. As Robin and her silly friends play a kooky game of gleaming hide and seek, demonic entities are in their midst. Clichéd victims are killed one by one and their annoying personas (as established early on) are completely intolerable at best.

Now as faintly mentioned earlier, Nightlight doesn't chill you to the bone, or fill you with a level of discomfort, or pile on palatable fear (with a micro budget) like The Blair Witch Project did over 15 years ago. It's too vacuous for that. And where "Blair Witch" gave the audience clues of terror such as stick figures hanging from trees and blood soaked articles of clothing (not to mention removed teeth and hair), "Night" gives even more clues that are hard to visualize while not adding much credibility to the narrative. It's pretty frustrating.

The filmmakers also decide to revel in countless acts of buildup. They aren't being original and what's worse, they don't up the ante when it comes to scaring you silly. You wait with baited breath for something harrowing to happen but it never does. Like in Paranormal Activity, the camera in "Night" pans left and then pans right. Only in that effective, lowbrow hit, you jump out of your seat because a frightening image that you didn't see coming, lays upon you. Here, a snaggletoothed wolf is seen, a way-too-distant image of a ghost appears, and one of the characters stands comatose with blood on her hands. You think some ominous, one note sounds of horror music (pouncing in) does this thing a solid. Well you'd be wrong. Honestly, the jolts assembled are systematic and they aren't even actual jolts if you think about it. Did I feel terrified? Not in the slightest. Did I feel bored? Yup!

In conclusion, with dialogue that sounds like snobbishly gabbing high schoolers in the cool clique and scenes where cast members (in peril) don screams that seem totally phoned in, Nightlight is currently the bottom of the barrel as far as 2015 goes. I'd rather suffer through a root canal as opposed to seeing it again.

Of note: These are the actors, actresses, and directors involved in the making of "Night": Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, Shelby Young, Chloe Bridges, Carter Jenkins, and Taylor Murphy. Listen to their names. It sounds as though they are aliases or pseudonyms. Maybe they were too embarrassed to be involved in the project and didn't want their true identity associated with it. To be sure, I checked IMDb just out of sheer curiosity. I was wrong. But think about it, the fact that I initially believed this to be true goes to show you how bad Nightlight really is. Oh I almost forgot, James Miller is the sound effects editor (that's probably his birth name but it still kind of makes you wonder).
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nogodnomasters20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ethan Crowe (Kyle Fain) leaves a suicide note about going into the infamous Covington forest with a flashlight and killing himself. Robin (Shelby Young) goes to the forest to play flashlight games with the cool kids and Ben (Mitch Hewer) who she secretly likes and not the pimply faced Ethan. The kids play their games, tell stories about the woods, scare Robin and then....

This is another hand held camera film that is not technically a hand held camera. Instead they gimmick the idea and show the film through the viewpoint of various flashlights which gives us the same irritating effect as a hand held camera: kids screaming in the dark, camera shaking while we can't see what is going on, lots of footage of the ground.

I liked the basic plot idea of a haunted forest with demons, spirits, mad dogs, and bats. I was impressed as this was the first horror film that I recall that used the word "precipice." As far as entertainment, the film didn't deliver. You didn't see much horror. The jerking motion designed to create horror and confusion is dead. It doesn't do it. It is time for film makers to move on if that is all they got. Special effects consisted of fake blood and flashlights turning on and off. The only time I got creeped out was when my light burned out while watching the film.

Train scene might lead to bad imitation behavior.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Male butt nudity. Women bra /panties.
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