Gutshot Straight (2014) Poster

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Has some occasional good moments but overall not a great movie
Seth_Rogue_One23 November 2014
I didn't plan on writing a review about this movie, cause there simply isn't that much to say about it and I didn't have a strong liking or disliking for it, it was just a okay but flawed watch

I'd like to point out that even though Steven Segal and Vinnie Jones despite getting top-billing and on the poster are not in it for that many scenes (3 to be exact).

Now I don't even like them so personally I don't care but I know they have a strong following so I thought I'd give the heads up to their fans who might be eager to watch them.

It's also not a action-movie as the poster is made to look like, it's more of a slow burning film noir type movie, not a very successful one but that is the genre I think they are heading for.

It's not all negative though George Eads from CSI is a pretty cool guy in the lead and I wouldn't mind seeing him lead other movies in the future.

The plot is decent when it's not all over the place, I could have done without 1 or 2 twists though, which felt terribly forced, like they often do in movies like these.

AnnaLynne McCord whom I loved in Excision and enjoyed in Scorned (despite that movie being very flawed her performance was very entertaining) is just okay here, feels like she's not really trying too hard.

Tia Carrere appears in one pretty pointless scene.

What more can I say? Oh yeah one thing that got a little annoying was when they had tons of flashbacks of scenes from like 10 minutes prior in black and white, highly pointless.
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Lost interest after a while! 3/10
leonblackwood16 May 2015
Review: After looking at the poster for this film, I thought that it would be half decent but none of the big actors are actually in the film that much. The film is about a professional gambler called Jack Daniel, played by George Eads, whose approached by a man in a casino with a proposition that is hard to pass up. With all of his debts piling up, Jack calls the guy and ends up spending the whole night with him, in a strip bar and then he goes back to his house and finds out that all is not what it seems. After a bad accident, he ends up in deep trouble so he turns to Seagal for help, who he owes money to. This is one of those cheap movies which has a terrible storyline. The director had loads of chances to make it interesting but the whole concept was just too unrealistic. The acting wasn't that great and it seemed to go round and round in circles. On the plus side, it's quite short so it gets right on with it from the beginning but it goes nowhere fast and I got fed up with it after a while. Disappointing!

Round-Up: After watching a couple of Seagal movies lately, I thought that I would give his films a chance but they all seem cheap and badly put together. It seems like Seagal, Vinnie Jones, Danny Trejo, Ving Rhymes Christian Slater, Cuba Gooding Jr etc, all use the same agent because they all make the same type of, straight to DVD, low budget movies that are quite bad. There must be an audience that actually enjoy these films because they do produce a lot of them but I personally only watch them for a laugh because they are so awful. Anyway, I thought that this was going to be about gambling, with loads of violence but it was just about a man who has to get himself out of a tricky situation. Seagals scenes weren't bad but I won't be watching it again in a hurry.

I recommend this movie to people who are into their thrillers about a gambler who ends up in a impossible situation after sleeping with a sketchy man's wife. 3/10
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"That is so out of your zip code"
The_Phantom_Projectionist29 December 2015
GUTSHOT STRAIGHT is a basic, slightly weird noir-thriller that was seemingly cast at random. The eclectic team of stars populating this one is its most unique asset, while everything else is predictable and firmly in the B-grade of cinematic standing. It's good for a lazy evening's repast, but it's got no hope of becoming anyone's new favorite.

The story: A hapless gambler (George Eads) is drawn into a vicious setup that places his life at risk.

In addition to Eads, the ensemble includes AnnaLynne McCord as the femme fatale, Stephen Lang and Ted Irvine as creepy weirdos, Steven Seagal as a mob boss and Vinnie Jones as his enforcer, and Tia Carrere in a three-minute role as a club lady. Despite most of the cast's affiliation with the action genre, there is very little action here, but at the best of times, there's a decent amount of intrigue. Essentially, the plot boils down to a slain millionaire and a case of blackmail, and when the film kicks into gear, the angst experienced by the Eads character is palpable and compelling. Disappointingly, suspense collapses in the form of Seagal's character, who's essentially written as a panacea to the lead character's problems and wrests an unconvincing happy end for the star.

Even before then, the film has trouble maintaining its level of suspense. Giving every impression of trying to stretch their screenplay to meet a required runtime, the filmmakers resort to several time-killing scenes – sometimes it's a forced interaction between characters, and other times it's simply Eads walking around aimlessly. Speaking of which, it doesn't help the movie that the Eads character is a thoroughly unlikable and uninteresting jerk. Most of the other major characters are at least mildly interesting, but whatever time Eads doesn't spend directly imperiled is spent being a cad and a loser. The times that the film does get interesting are due to the hard work of the story, not of the protagonist.

Among all of the performers whose name got drawn out of a hat to be in here, Seagal is the most curious. It's almost as though his scenes were filmed for another movie, given the abrupt change of tone the film undergoes as soon as he shows up, playing the mafioso persona he's cultivated for the last several years. I almost wish that Seagal were the main character, because even if this didn't actually improve the quality of the film, it at least would have made it shorter. As is, it feels overlong at 85 minutes, and I cannot recommend it to anyone but George Eads die-hards.
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No forgiveness for this !!
destroyerwod16 December 2018
I am the kind of guy who can apreciate a Seagal movie, and yes i am talking his straight to video movies. I don't need much to be entertained. Cast him as an ex CIA agent or whatever, and suddenly criminals are after him, and give me 2-3 aikido stunt double fights, 3-4 gun fights and ill roll with it.

Lately Seagal has been playing a backrole in movies to younger guys and honestly it was not that bad for the most part. I think its even a good thing. Killing Salazaar was fine. Luke Goss did a fine job in the action role, and Seagal was in it just enough to justify his name on the cover, and it had GSP.

But this movie... this movie does not deserve anything. Its a bad cash grab, a deception. You got Seagal as the biggest face on the cover and he has barely a cameo, not even landing a single punch. Vinnie Jones is also just a cameo.

Even the DVD box is deceptive, it make it looks like Seagal will have a nice secondary role, but nop.

Looking at the box i was hoping for something close to that Jason Statham movie, you know "Wild Card", not a masterpiece but entertaining enough. This is nowhere even close to that.

NOTHING HAPPEN, no action what so ever. Its clearly a movie where Seagal put his face in to score a few $ while the company making it tough it could lure a few Seagal fans like me and it worked i guess. I paid this movie 5$ out of a video store bargain bin and its still too much. Im returning it even if i just get 1$. I collect Seagal movies, even the "lesser ones" but that one is too bad to even take a space on my shelve.

I don't think i ever gave 1/10 to a movie on IMDB, if i did it must had been very bad, but here i just feel i was deceived !!

And before you say, yes reviews could had tell me but usually peoples are harsh on Seagal movies, and like i said i usually enjoy them, even when he plays a second role. I had tons of fun with Force of Execution for instance. I enjoyed Code of Honor despite being a rather mediocre film, hell even End of a Gun, wich is one of the Seagal movies where not much action happened and i find it rather boring, at least he was IN THE MOVIE.

Gutshot Straight is terrible and should be forgot. I never want to watch it again !
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Nonsensical & Bizarre Noir
larrys33 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This nonsensical and bizarre noir initially offers some intrigue as to where exactly this dark tale is going. However, to me, it just seemed to get more and more convoluted and ridiculous as it progressed.

Set in Las Vegas, George Eads gives a solid performance here as Jack, a wise-cracking poker playing chump, who always seems to be dodging or getting beaten up by his creditors. One night, he's approached in the casino by a wealthy smarmy gambler, named Duffy (Stephen Lang), who offers Jack a chance to make some big bucks, but won't reveal to him the details.

When Jack gets desperate enough for cash, he takes Duffy up on his offer and goes to his mansion. Jack soon finds out the deal is for him to have sex with Duffy's sultry wife May (AnnaLynne McCord), while Duffy observes and Jack will receive $20,000.

Of course, you know that things are not going to go smoothly and Jack will get himself deeper and deeper in a web of deceit and death. When Duffy's brother Lewis arrives on the scene, even more mayhem and murder will follow.

As so often happens in these types of films, Steven Seagal's name will be used for advertising but his screen time is limited in a supporting role. Why Tia Carrere agreed to play a ridiculous cameo role of a strip club drinks hustler is beyond me.

All in all, I found Eads performance here good, but after an initial interest into where this was going, I just found this noir to eventually turn into just a muddled mess of a movie.
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A Grimy, Slimy Saga With A Seagal Cameo
zardoz-1312 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"CSI" regular George Eads plays Jack, a snake-bitten Las Vegas gambler in Las Vegas, who has a knack for getting himself knee-deep in trouble. Eads makes a convincing but hopeless nobody, and he looks nothing like the sympathetic crime scene investigator that he portrays on the CBS-TV television series. Instead, he portrays the kind of character who you'd neither want to meet nor hang out with because he is a loser. Happily, "Death and Cremation" director Justin Steele surrounds him with a veteran cast of familiar tough-guys, including Stephen Lang, Ted Levine, Vinnie Jones, and Steven Seagal, that give the action a modicum of substance. Steele imbues this brooding 85-minute melodrama about a charismatic loser with a creepy, mysterious film noir flavor.

Down and out, owing just about everybody in Sin City, Jack (George Eads) runs into an older guy, Duffy (Stephen Lang of "Avatar"), in a casino who makes him a proposition: "How'd you like to make some dollars? Enough dollars to keep you at the adult table for a long, long time." Naturally, our misbegotten protagonist could use plenty of dough. Taking Jack home to his palatial residence, Duffy tries to persuade him to make love with his gorgeous wife, May (AnnaLynne McCord of "The Transporter 2"), but the scrupulous Jack displays considerable reluctance. Apparently, Jack doesn't like being told what to do. A brief physical struggle ensues between Jack and Duffy while May watches from the pool. During the fracas, Jack shoves Duffy, and Duffy's head strikes an object and the impact kills him. Jack didn't plan to murder Duffy, and he is pretty upset at the accidental turn of events. May and he stuff Duffy's corpse into the trunk of a Maserati, and Jack wanders off the next day in the brutal heat of Vegas to sleep it off in his Volvo that he cannot get to crank up. Jack is such a woebegone guy with so many problems that it is easy to see why an actor would love to fill in the gaps and play him. Ultimately, he isn't the kind of character that an audience wants to commune with for the length of any movie.

Later, Jack encounters Duffy's scummy brother Lewis(Ted Levine of "Silence of the Lambs") who turns out to be a notorious loan shark. Lewis proudly shows Jack his prized possession—the car that May disposed of Duffy's body with—and we learn that Lewis is an absolute jerk. Interestingly, Lewis thinks that Duffy has gone away on a trip. A suspicious Jack leaves Lewis after Lewis mentions his name; Jack never told Lewis his name so he doesn't trust him. On his way out, Jack runs into May. She confides in Jack that she buried Duffy's body in the desert. Eventually, Lewis shows Jack a tablet that contains a video of Jack at Lewis' house. This is how Lewis knew Jack's name. Anyhow, Lewis knows everything about Jack, his mountain of gambling debt, and his wife and daughter. Surprisingly, Lewis isn't put out that Jack had something to do with his brother's death. He wants him now to kill May and he is prepared to blackmail to get him to do it. May shows up at Jack's sleazy motel and Jack assures her that he will take care of Lewis. We learn that Duffy was a terrible husband who basically kept May in a cage and watched her constantly when he wasn't out drinking and making out with strippers. Jack goes to Paulie (Steven Seagal of "Exit Wounds") through another man that he owes money, Carl (Vinnie Jones of "Snatch"), and Paulie agrees to help him. He gives Jack a revolver, and Jack and Lewis tangle in a gritty fistfight while treacherous May observes the fisticuffs. May gets the drop on Jack and she tries to kill him, but the gun backfires and blows her away. Paulie kills Lewis and they warn Jack to clear out of town.

"Gutshot Straight" occurs primarily in Las Vegas casinos and at an exotic house with a swimming pool and flaming torches. As slickly done as the action is, nothing really happens in this pedestrian 85-minute melodrama stocked with despicable characters. Jack finds himself in trouble for a murder that he didn't mean to commit, and he flees to his friends that he owes money and gets them to polish off the villain. The action comes full circle. Although it contains polished production values, "Gutshot Straight" essentially qualifies as a potboiler. Stephen Lang and Ted Levine spend more time on screen than either Steven Seagal or Vinnie Jones. Seagal fans won't like it that the paunchy Seagal has what amounts to a cameo. The DVD commentary is interesting and contains insights into the production. This is a one-time watch it only movie.
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Fails On Almost Every Level
slightlymad2214 November 2019
I just watched Gutshot Straight

This was a bad one Steven Seagal

I have to give credit to George Eads, who at least makes for a watchable lead. AnnaLynn McCord is fine as a powerful mans wife, who offers Eads $50,000 to sleep with her!! I don't think it's spoiler territory to reveal he said no!! Seagal is Paulie Trunks (great name) a Las Vegas mobster (at least I think he was a mobster) and is nothing more than a cameo. Vinnie Jones isn't given much to do either.

To be honest nothing noteworthy happens and I mentally checked out (within half an hour) and started looking at things on my phone.

It fails at being a crime drama and a dark comedy (if that is even what it was aiming for) the dialogue is weak and the plot thin.
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Drawing to Four Outs
refinedsugar13 May 2023
I watched 'Gutshot Straight' solely because of my interest in poker, I appreciate a good gambling movie and that seemed to be what a title like that spells out. I didn't expect much from it which I think benefited my viewing unlike others who thought it was going to be an action trip. It's very much a low level attempt at film noir with merely average results.

A down and out poker player in Vegas, Jake (George Eads) gets offered an opportunity to make some big money from a wealthy gambler (Stephen Lang). Which soon involves the man's beautiful wife (AnnaLynne McCord) and it's both readily apparent to the viewer and Jake alike that he's caught in the middle of two people and schemes that could get him killed if he doesn't navigate it correct. Complicating matters is Lewis (Ted Levine) - the wealthy gamblers unhinged brother - who shows up looking for answers and Jake's debt to a local loan shark (Steven Seagal).

Here's some notes in case you watched the stylish trailer already ... this isn't an action film. Secondly it's not a legit Steven Seagal movie like some people are talking it up to be. Most of the big faces make brief appearances that were properly shot quickly over a day or two max and the film is trying it's hardest to mask it's low budget. Vinnie Jones plays Seagal's right hand man & muscle and oddly Tia Carrera shows up for one scene only at a casino bar.

George Eads (who most people will know from CSI) spends a lot of the movie slinking around in a fedora. The filmmakers don't flash an obvious sign to tell you he's dumb, but the fact that he loves to chase gutshot straights playing poker, drives a crappy car and is in hock to at least one loan shark says enough. Easy money is never really easy is it?

Eads is likeable however as the main character and McCord is easy on the eyes even if she isn't able to completely nail the deceptive femme fatale. All and all, 'Gutshot Straight' was a harmless view. It didn't deliver the gambling movie fix I was hoping for and it doesn't have the right credentials to pull off the noir angle it was intending to accomplish though.
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Mismarketed drama
kbtoys1008 May 2021
Gutshot Straight is a drama. There is no action whatsoever except two brief fist fights.

The problem is when you put Steven Seagal in your movie people expect a bad action film, not a character drama.

George Eads (CSI) makes an untriumphant return to Las Vegas as a low life unlucky gambler who gets in over his head with the wrong people and has to try and get his way out in a story we've seen played out hundreds of times before.

The supporting cast is full of familiar faces including Ted Levine, Stephen Lang, Vinny Jones, and Fiona Douriff which elevate Gutshot Straight a bit higher but ultimately can't save it.

As I said, the story has been done to death and you know where it's going at the halfway mark, the rest of the time is spent just waiting for Eads to get where we already are.

Seagal fans (do any still exist?!) will be disappointed by the big boys cameo role, and others will avoid seeing his name. Honestly I'm not sure who to recommend this to?
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Getting from point A to point B
d.rust22 April 2019
I like George Eads. He was entertaining as MacGyver's partner in the reboot. His connection to CSI has given him a lot of experience, so naturally a film set in Las Vegas seems a natural for him.

So why is this movie not rated higher? No explosions. No car chases. No blazing gun battles. Nope. None of that stuff. Just Jack. He wanders from point A to point B, getting along. Sometimes his crappy Volvo starts. He plays cards. He has a few friends. He needs a shave. Sometimes he gets punched in the face. He can take it. He's looking for money. Duffy gets to him. And then life happens.

Supporting characters are pretty strong. Vinnie Jones and Steven Seagal are underworld types that Jack orbits. Steven Lang (the colonel in Avatar) and Ted Levine (Jame Gumb in Silence of the Lambs) are psychopath brothers who unfortunately don't share screen time. Tia Carrera (schwing!) is forgettable as a barfly.

This could have been a more powerful movie if it were a little tighter on the direction. Other than that, it was fun to watch.
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Keith Waggoner's music saves this film
miloustein13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this film unintended. Saw the name Seagal and thought OK, another B- Action movie... exactly what I wanted to see. But it said Thriller.. so I watched with interest... the opening credit went on with some pleasant music but I didn't realize then... the film did not develop as I hoped, no violence explosion, no hard shooting etc.. no running LOL... actually, now for me *SPOILER ALERTS!!!* this is a Drama /Existentialism (I always label films with 2 categories). This is by no means a Film Noir like some here on the board try to say. That is an insult to all the great films of the 40ties and early fifties... but alas, so many here have no clue about it and write stupid comments. Here we have no tension, we have no suspense and bleak outlook, that only can be done with good actors committing themselves and a good script. Here we have lame acting at best, and a director who wants to be more than he can achieve. Anyway.

.. so about 30 min. into the film, I was already a little less interested, Duffy proposed Jack to fu*k his girl (May), that was the moment I said to myself Stop... what is this? Made no sense to what I was expecting from the movie.. but anyway, I was emotionally maybe a little opener that usually (because of personal reasons)... so as Jack was hit, fell in the pool.. woke up ... and then, looked at May, asking her if these were his cloth...... ever from the first second where the music came back in, when Jack was talking to May, the two tones from the song "The Spider" give an introduction, more noticeable than in the beginning of the film... same song, but at first watching, this was not clear to me. The talk, the story, was weird, but this music kept me captive... I stopped actually the film and googled the soundtrack, none available.. it is the only essential music in this film. astonishing... and a real discovery. love it, even the entry lyrics are intriguing...

"I must confess, I've done you wrong, and now you're tangled in the web of my song... "

exactly what i was... falling in the web of this song. GREAT!!!

the song is available on Youtube, either film clip or video clip.

The ending of the video clip with the vampire kiss is not necessary, because the retro look was cool enough.. (Greta didn't even have the heavy red lips as expected, she looks gorgeous). Sometimes newbies want to add too much things together which do not fit. That is maybe the border between amateurish/mechanical and real talent.

The film has real flaws and weaknesses, others here have commented on that, so I refrain. But: We look movies for many reasons... this one is slightly below average but will stay in my memory because I discovered a great song.. and besides Films (DVD, MP4), I collect music... so thank you Keith Waggoner for that great song... One song is enough to make me happy and don't feel I had wasted time on the movie... :). Will even revisit the film, even though I have the lead song in my iTunes database... and listen to it a lot. 5/10
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Nothing amazing but this was very entertaining and I liked it much more than I expected.
cosmo_tiger26 October 2014
"If you want to live, if you want those you care about to live, you will do this." Jack (Eads) is a poker player who is on a losing streak, and not just with the cards. When a chance meeting with a high roller gives Jack the opportunity to make some serious money he decides to take him up on his offer. When he is offered $20,000 to do something he doesn't want to do an argument happens and things go horribly wrong. Now that his life is in danger he is offered a way out. Jack must now decide what is more important to him. After watching so many of these cheesy action movies I was expecting yet another drawn out movie that could have been done in 20 min but drug out for 90. I have to say much like the recent movie Throwdown I was really surprised at how much I liked this. The movie is really nothing new but for some reason it drew me and I kept me interested the entire time. Overall, nothing amazing but this was very entertaining and I liked it much more than I expected. I surprisingly give this a B-.
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Poker drama deals a weak hand
shakercoola22 September 2018
An American action thriller; A story about a charming professional poker player who gets involved with the underworld of Las Vegas and an accidental killing. This is a slow moving neo-noir, but well photographed with some good visual effects and an atmospheric soundtrack. Steven Seagal and Vinnie Jones don't feature much, but then none of the other stars do either. It has a few cursory twists and some moderate tension grips the second act when it gets going, but really there's just not enough of it to invest in - not much really happens. The ending is a bit of a stub and a twist too far.
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nogodnomasters4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film centers on Jack Daniels (George Eads) a drinker and gambler. He owes Pauli (Steven Seagal) money. Paulie takes a shine to him, but Carl (Vinnie Jones) who collects for Paulie doesn't. Jack gets involved with a rich man (Stephen Lang) who wants Jack to do different things (AnnaLynne McCord) for money, but not nearly as entertaining as "Cheap Thrills."

The plot was straight forward and plodded slowly without any character development. The title is a poker term. Drawing two cards to an inside straight is really risky, stupid, and lucky in draw poker. However in Texas Holdem' starting out with two cards together and then building outside is not that remarkable.

Seagal and Jones are briefly in the film. Jones delivered his half dozen or so lines convincing. Seagal lit a big cigar and started talking like Marlon Brando while looking like Eddie Munster (see hair DVD cover). If that was your goal Steven, I was laughing with you. Might want to wait for a real Seagal film.

What I did love was the 60's kaleidoscope opening with a decent theme song. I thought I was going to watch a quality Bond film.

Mensa Porn Star Tia Carrere plays a small role as a stripper soliciting a drink at the bar. She is outsmarted by Jack.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. Brief sex. Nudity.
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one of worse Seagal's movies
NijazBaBs17 December 2021
There was little content with Seagal on it. The guy from Prison Break and CSI is worse than in those two series. Boring. Ordinary gambling, action, problems. Nothing to see. Not convincing, negative, immoral, disconnected events. Unrealistic how naive characters behave and no tactics, logic, strategy. Just some random sudden naive things happening. Nothing to look forward for. Empty end. No emotions. The main character but also everybody looks tired, disinterested, and evil.
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boring as anything
talllwoood1312 March 2021
I'm going through all of the movies Steven Seagal is in and this is one of the worst so far though Steven is only given a "supporting role". This movie starts off with this man having gambling debt, he can't see his daughter and then he meets this rich guy. The man is impressed by the guys ability to read people.Until just over an hour into the movie you're just watching filler, meaningless nothing.

I feel this movie lacks motivation instead of showing off some guys house, showing off how pretty someones girlfriend or wife was and boy what a lovely rented Maserati. I feel if there was some extra dialogue that could have been injected into the script it may have saved it as Jack is as boring as they come. You don't feel you're him at all. I wonder how this movie even saw the light of day it is because of how dull a majority of this is.

Skip this one. Steven is hardly in it and there is so little going on in this movie you could put it on in the background and get just as much out of it glancing over at it from time to time as this movie and get as much out of it. This does deserve your attention and the score in it is so nonexistent it just screams film student project.
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I actually way he'd this past the 40 minute mark. That's a first for a Segal movie
robbieadams19695 November 2020
Thank goodness for Prime Amazon Video for showing these movies. Better comedy than Monty Python Flying Circus. The acting is so awesome.... Awesome crap that you will spit up your beverage watching this trash.

Highly recommended if you like comedy of the absurd. Welcome to another Seagal trash feast
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I expected something worse
drhammer30 September 2021
A few good actors in supporting roles made this movie tolerable to watch. I expected a worse movie (S Seagal in the cast)
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Better than expected
jimlacy200313 June 2015
I didn't know what to expect with this movie. Maybe having little expectation is why I liked it.

First of all it had a pretty good variety of good/known actors. Stephen Lang (Sargent guy from Avatar), Ted Levine (The Silence of the Lambs), even Tia Carrere and Steven Seagal have an appearance.

Although the hat was a little silly. Really who wears a hat like that these days? I know, I suppose it was to add character.

Not fantastic, but not that bad either. Definitely a notch above the average at least.

With out giving anything away, the film had a nice dark film noir feel to it. This movie might be sort of a sleeper, I bet it will gain popularity in a few years..

It might not have many reviews, and, a lot of them might not be great but I'd recommend it to anyhow who likes noir/mystery/dark style!
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