100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck (2012) Poster

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Another Really Predictable Found Footage Movie
zzoaozz19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The whole found footage genre has really gotten predictable and boring. I don't know why I keep watching these... maybe I am just really bored.

The premise is exactly the same as so many others. A paranormal research team goes into a haunted location and the ghosts turn violent and kill them all. This is not a spoiler. The typed header at the beginning of the movie tells you the group were never found.

The atmosphere is exactly like almost every other film in this genre. It's set in a dilapidated institutional building, shot in a combination of black and white and night vision for the most part, and full of echoing bangs, knocks, and whispers.

Like the others, the characters are flat and forgettable. You don't particularly care if any survive. The acting is not very good.

The only difference between this and other movies in the genre is that the deaths are a little heavy handed and start right away. They also shot the film without any credits to make it feel more like found footage. Basically this movie is a waste of time like most others of its kind.
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Not horribly horrible
mark-christopher0418 December 2013
Like so many of these movies, it was made on a way to low of budget, with no talent whatsoever. The idea is sound, of course, lock a crew in a hospital, of course over night, of course with a ghost the loose, and of course nobody believes in ghosts. The acting was super horrible, the plot I liked, but the whining of the actors made me want to turn it off. Round and round in circles it felt this movie went, most of it wasn't believable but hey, these movies aren't supposed to win Academy Awards now are they? I wouldn't watch this movie if unless if you really had to, or if you are like and love these types of movies, its a definite watch!
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This sub-genre "found footage" story is really getting stale.
Thrill_KillZ2 August 2012
Whether you're a fan of paranormal stories, whether it's a cheesy SyFy show, the trilogy's of PA's, PE's or the half dozen other films that have copied off this exact sort of theme, you have to be getting a bit bored with it. If this was released five years ago it would have stood it's ground, but instead it's just another average "found footage" compilation. The fact that they didn't roll any credits to give it more of a real feel only succeeded in hiding the real names of most of the untalented cast members.

It started as usual with an overnight TV ghost hunt in the abandoned building where Richard Speck murdered 7 young nurses. It contained no CGI effects & contained only two scenes that would be considered gory(both of which are not necessary,plenty of good scary films without either). Some of the actors where annoying, untalented & stupid but that seems to be OK in a film where you already know of their imminent demise. The "apparition" isn't seen at any time & does things that would make a demon jealous, the use of strong physical force is somewhat out of place in a haunted house, but without it the film would be more of a sleep aid than a Thriller/Horror and action/violence is always a welcome site for me in the "haunted" genre. At times it was creepy & if you are a big fan of the sub'genre you may like it quite a bit. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. It's good for a 3.8/10. Is it worth $3.49 on PPV? If you are really into the things in my first sentence than maybe, otherwise no way. Oh & you have to love the other 10/10 star review here, must be the first "found footage" film they have seen over in Bollywood. IF YOU want great found footage watch V/H/S(2012) nuff said!
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Found crap
movieman_kev3 March 2013
There's a good thing/bad thing dynamic to Instant Netflix, good in that all the dubious Asylum 'films' go on it before too long which means aside from the monthly fee, one doesn't have to spend a dime on this crap. The bad news is what you save in money, you lose in sanity. So a toss-up if you will.

This particular pile of excrement is one of the endless "found footage" movies that are as numerous as they are atrocious. A few friends go to the boarding house that Richard Speck murdered in half a century ago only to be stalked by a poltergeist. Yawn. Bad all the way around. The fact that its unwatchable is redundant as its an Asylum film.
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why do I bother with Asylum movies?
jinx_malone24 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Minor quibbles: Richard Speck didn't rape and kill the student nurses in a hospital, he raped and killed them at their apartment. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it does. The Asylum have a habit of altering history in their other films when the truth would work just as well--their Amityville film and the Anneliese Michel picture are both good examples of this, though at least the Amityville film is so bad that it crosses the line from suck into awesome.

As an aside; for whatever reason I get offended when the stories they choose to tell are about real people. Just write your lousy dung about characters that you bothered to make up using your imagination. Impossible I know, since they have none. Or write your story with this in mind and then change the names to protect the innocent or whatever. File off the serial numbers. If I were a member of the families of the murdered girls, this movie would work my nerves even more than it already does. Same thing with the Anneliese Michel movie. Instead of scaring me, all I could feel was annoyance that they couldn't let this poor person rest in peace. Richard Speck was a piece of garbage, why do I have to watch a movie where his ghost rapes some chick? How sanctimonious of me, I know.

On to the review. Not much to say, to be honest. The movie is boring. Nothing good to say about it at all. Kills are ripped off from better films like REC and we even get a low-budget Entity callback. If you want a fun found footage film done on the cheap, go watch Grave Encounters, which is also a piece of crap but does have a sort of interesting premise.

Mostly, the Asylum pisses me off because they actually make money on these awful films. However, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm totally envious of them for that very reason, so there you go. They suck, this movie is awful, they make money, I am jealous. The end.
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Nothing you haven't seen 500 times before
slamdawg96 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoilers below**

'Found footage' films...isn't anyone getting sick and tired of seeing them yet? Yes. Yes, we are. Take note film makers. It's old. It's tired. It's been done to DEATH, if you'll pardon the pun.

I can sum up the entire movie thusly: Stupid, irritating crew shows up on site and is locked in. "What was that, did you hear that?" someone yells. Someone gets killed. Everybody runs amok screaming the "F" word. "What was that??" someone else yells. Someone else gets killed. Cameraman switches to infrared vision. Everybody runs amok screaming the "F" word. Someone else gets killed. Ghost rape. Everybody runs amok screaming the "F" word. They turn on each other. Someone else gets killed. "Oh my God...there's NO WAY OUT OF HERE!" someone screams, conveniently forgetting that they ASKED to be locked in. Someone else gets killed, and everybody runs amok yet again, screaming the "F" word. No one makes it out alive, and we never get to see but about a one second shot of the 'bad guy'. The end. SNORE!
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jereme-young6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Utterly terrible. Long story short apparently no one thought it would be a good idea to bring a flashlight or two to explore the creepy building. Also despite someone being killed almost every time, they repeatedly split up. Because they apparently suck at being prepared and patterns.

On top of this there is basically no atmosphere building, people start dying right away, with almost no sort of suspense. I say almost because it became a race against the clock in the way that, how are they going to continue this movie at the rate which they're killing everyone off? There was maybe one good jump scare, which I personally don't like anyway because they're kind of low hanging fruit.

As far as everything else goes the acting wasn't great and most of the time it was too quiet to hear and too dark to see the couple of creepy things. There honestly wasn't much plot or redeeming qualities. Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie.
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No research what-so-ever
arzacane-3958918 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had Asylum actually done any research, this movie would have been maybe good. All they did is hear or read "Richard Speck killed 8 nurses on 100th Street in Chicago" and made a movie. Had they done their research...heck, if they had even looked up the address on Google Maps, they would have saved even more money. Instead of renting an entire abandoned hospital, all they'd have had to rent was a townhome. They couldn't even get the names or the story straight. Wikipedia is your friend, Asylum.

And yes, the acting is very much subpar, story is slow and dry. Actors are 1 dimensional and you have no reason to root for any of them to stay alive. About 10 minutes in, you're wishing it was over.

Very much a Z movie. Meaning you're going to want to fall asleep while watching it. And you won't miss anything if you do.
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My Review Of "100 Ghost Street:The Return Of Richard Speck"
ASouthernHorrorFan2 October 2012
"100 Ghost Street" is a found footage paranormal flick from The Asylum. It is told through recovered documentary video footage retrieved from the stories set location. A team of paranormal researchers head out to record any phenomena where the infamous killer Richard Speck murdered several people. The film stars Jennifer Robyn Jacobs, Jim Shipley, Tony Besson, Jackie Moore, and Hayley Derryberry.

"100 Ghost Street" begins just as most of these found footage paranormal ghost stories do by setting up the story with video sequences that conveniently introduce the location and purpose of the visit. In this case a documentary investigating the paranormal activity at the scene of grisly murders committed by Richard Speck who along with his victims is said to still be haunting the location. There is nothing that really sticks out in this film as groundbreaking or original but it is a pretty good movie. The story is believable and comprehensible. The action begins almost immediately and convincingly. The special effects in this film is standard play in this subgenre and is done very well. There is plenty of gory death scenes and melodramatic acting from the cast. The scares are not so much instantaneous or shocking but the whole film is pretty entertaining.

There is really nothing in this film that stands out as nail biting or 'edge of your seat chills' but the film manages to keep you interested by showing a steady amount of action and drama. I actually found it to be a very enjoyable paranormal film that brought the blood and gore. The effects are not high end but they are better than a lot of the films in this subgenre of horror. If your looking for sudden chills or scare moments that make you jump then look elsewhere, but that aside it is a very good ghost story. The atmosphere is creepy, the location is dark and the story behind the paranormal activity is gruesome. I think any paranormal movie fan will be pleased to see this film.
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Seriously, What Just Happened?
dissock-118 July 2013
What happened to the last 84 minutes of my life?

What happened to filmmaking standards?

What happened to hope?

One thing that The Asylum films pretty much has going for it is consistency. 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck is an Asylum film in every way - but sadly, that's not a compliment. As far as found footage films go, this is one of the worst that I've had the misfortune of seeing.

And I'm easy.

The setup is similar to what we're accustomed to in films of this ilk, so I can't actually take any points away for that. The technical aspects of the film follows time-worn convention; it's pretty much what you'd expect to see for a micro-budget film of this particular sub- genre. Low light, jerky camera movements, and poor sound. Again, no surprises there.

Where this film really excels at ineptitude is in the low level of acting involved and in its extremely poor storytelling. For 3/4 of the film's running time, viewers are treated to excessive yelling, frantic posturing and hysterical emotional bursts from an earnestly amateurish cast. Bad acting has been a staple of this type of film since Blair Witch, so I for one, EXPECT it. However, it's the LAST 1/4 of the film that really bites; the actors collectively go into this whole other realm of over-emoting that I've rarely ever seen outside of a badly- directed grade school stage play.

Please people, for God's sake, take more acting classes. Improvisation is an art; please take it seriously. And if you know what's good for your "career", I'd suggest steering clear of films produced under the Asylum banner. Clearly, no good can come of it.

The atrocious acting in this film is outdone only by the extremely lazy storytelling which has characters making the stupidest choices possible and taking the most inexplicable courses of action. Repeatedly.

Finally (just because a lack of accuracy happens to be a pet peeve of mine), I'd give this film a huge "fail" in the research department. For the record, the building where the actual murders of the nurses took place was in a townhouse. Also, in actuality, Richard Speck killed 8 nurses in that townhouse, not 7 which this film repeatedly and erroneously mentions. The manner in which Speck's original victims were killed is also misrepresented in this film. There are more factual errors that I could mention, but chances are, you already get the picture. For future, it'd be nice if writers who work on dreck like this would actually take the time to at least get facts right, so here's a little shout-out to all those inspiring, creatively-deficient screenwriters out there that intend on tackling real-life events: it's not that difficult - Wikipedia is only a few mouse clicks away and it's freely available to anyone.
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One of the Best Found footage Movies since Grave Encounters
prth_gswm9 August 2012
I had almost zero expectations from this Movie But it turned out to be one of the best found footage Movies I have ever seen.Now I am confused between this and Grave Encounters that which one is better than the Other.Story is similar to Grave encounters but it is more engaging and not boring.It is scary as hell.Climax is also better than Grave Encounters.My only complaint is that I was expecting the spirit to be Visible at least once throughout the Movie which didn't happen still I am not disappointed In fact I am in love with this Movie as it succeeds to create an eerie atmosphere.People those who have rated it Low they must be drunken Losers.Go Get a Life.100 Ghost Street is a Must watch for all Horror movie Lovers.Movie Like this comes once in a lifetime and should be made every Month.Keep them coming.Strongly Recommended.
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Borrows from better found footage horrors, but still manages to work
victoryismineblast26 January 2014
The film opens with the requisite text informing us that a TV documentary crew had went to film in an abandoned asylum and while they were never found, of course their footage was.

We then see this team of ghost hunters arrive at their destination, locking themselves in, hoping to catch some supernatural phenomena at the site of a mass murder 40 years ago, where seven nurses were raped and killed.

Immediately they start to be killed in gruesome fashion, one by one, at first unnoticed by the rest of the crew, who wander the building, encountering ghostly voices and sounds, as well as objects that move by themselves. Their video cameras offer little illumination into the dark that seems to permeate every nook and cranny of the decrepit institution. The mood and atmosphere are actually done very well.

Eventually of course they discover that they are being offed, one by one, and desperately search for a way out of the building.

The film seems to borrow heavily from another found footage movie, REC. No less than three characters are pulled out of sight of the camera, and into the darkness. Another scene from REC is also copied. Grave Encounters seems to have been the template for this film, as the theme is also copied, including the look of the asylum.

I can look past these facts though, as the film never really dragged or got boring. Two of the three female stars had nude scenes, and there is a decent amount of blood and gore. It kept me entertained throughout.

All in all worth a watch. 6.5/10.
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How unwatchably bad this movie is manages to be scarier than Richard Speck himself
TheLittleSongbird30 December 2013
Next to no redeeming qualities at all 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck apart from a decent setting and that it's short. The movie looks amateurish, the editing is so slipshod to the point of inducing nausea or a headache and it takes the ghost-story-in-a-haunted-setting to extremities with very dark lighting to the point of some of the goings-on verging on incomprehensible. The special effects at best are risible. The sound is muddied with the music over-bearing and the dialogue and its delivery not always easy to hear, while the writing is so awkwardly delivered with a sense of bad improvisation. With the story, don't expect a documentary-like movie profiling the life and crimes of one of the worst and most sickening mass murder cases there's ever been and the perpetrator Richard Speck, if you want that sort of programme/movie you're better off watching an episode of Deranged Killers. 100 Ghost Street made it clear that it wasn't going to be that kind of movie, even so though that gave the writers no excuse to foul up basic details and facts(like where the crimes happened), another one of countless examples of The Asylum not doing their research, which will confuse anybody who watches and decides to look the Richard Speck case up further. The storytelling is just lazy and predictable, starting off slow and staying slow with a lot of scenes falling into interminably dull category. 100 Ghost Street is short, but with the pace as tedious as it is and that the creepiness, thrill and tension levels are at numbers below zero it sure doesn't feel like it. As for the direction, what direction(?), the characters are completely personality-less and annoying(the antagonist nowhere near sinister enough) and constant shouting and static posing seems to be pretty much all that passes for acting here. All in all, just unwatchably bad and that is scarier than Richard Speck, one of those where human being is insulting to all other humans. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Someone Please Stop This Found Footage Trend
gavin694231 October 2014
In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck's ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. The victims' families have finally released the footage that documents their last days.

This is yet another found footage and pseudo-documentary film, which nobody demanded. The only person of note in it is Jackie Moore, who has appeared in the Maxim Top 100 and in another Asylum film, "Atlantic Rim". Most people probably have no idea who she is.

This is apparently the fourth installment in the "Paranormal Activity" copycat series, "Paranormal Entity". The title does not make this evident, and near as can be found, there is no need to watch any of the previous entries.

Scott Foy of Dread Central rated it 3/5 stars and called it the best found footage film made by The Asylum. Now, that may be so, but even if it is, "the best" of anything from The Asylum is still not great. Foy was being much too generous. But at least it was not made by Ulli Lommel, who would have made it terrible.
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OHH MYYY GOODDD! It's the worst film ever made.
DustinRahksi7 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Asylum makes the worst film of all time, they rape film completely, yet they keeping producing crap and people watch. I wanted to cry because this film was so bad, the characters are borderline retarded( yeah I know people don't like that word, but it is the truth). The script was generic, the characters were cooker cutters, seen em before, see them again. Of course the film opens with a police evidence statement, haven't seen that before. Cameras set up all over the place, which never seem to have any importance latter on in the film, we rarely see them. So this is going to be one of those complaining reviews, and it will be a long one, I wrote a lot of stuff down. I will make reference to that Gacy house found footage film, which pretty is much identical to this film. It's also about a rapist ghost.

The bad: I don't know if this Speck guy is real or not, and I don't know how he managed to kidnap 8 people at once. So this t.v. crew comes to a asylum, wow what a shocker, haven't seen that before. They are chasing a ghost, who raped women. So that means they bring as many women as possible with them. Did I mention these are the most cowardly ghost hunters ever, some of them don't even know how to work the equipment. And no that listening device they tried to pass off as paranormal equipment will not go over my head. I know for a fact that that device is used to spy on people, nothing else. So like jackasses they all split up, what could go wrong. Well Sarah!( in Jeff Goldblum voice) gets violently attacked and possible molested. And what does the crew do about it, they stay and call her BS. If that wasn't sadistic enough to this poor girl, they give her sleeping pills, and leave her alone in a room. I bet nothing bad will happen to her there. Time passes, as Adam spies on a Jackie undressing for some man director reason. Adam gets dragged away up into the ceiling, and he is somehow ripped in half be a ghost. Come on, a terminator can't even do that. Well, everybody comes to check it out, while poor little SARAH! is forgotten about in a room. And would you guess she gets brutally raped and killed. I bet her parents were so proud of her role in this film. The rest of the movie was painfully forced down my throat with sheer stupidity. It's obvious the ghost won't attack them in a group, but they always send one person off by them selves to do something, and of course it bites them in the ass, and ultimately leads to their doom. There is even a point where they forget a character was dead in front of them, while people right beside them still think they are alive. 27 minutes in, is where they should have left the building, but no. It's the law of nature, if you are that dumb, maybe you deserve what you get. And with all this stuff going on around them, they still continue to film everything, wwhhhhyyyy? But the part the sealed the nail in the coffin was just plain messed up. It wasn't the fact that the ghost that was physically more powerful than the devil, it wasn't the stupid people. It was the necrophilia ghost. I knew as soon as that body was being dragged to the bed, what was going to happen. Say it with me, A necrophiliac rapist ghost that is stronger than the devil. Shame on the degenerate who created this. It's like the people who think they can hide from ghosts, it's just crazy nonsense.

This is seriously one of thee absolute worst films in the last 15 years, it's a tired formula. The film plays by too many rules, and never even thinks of doing something different. It had chances for horrific moments, but instead played it safe. Please. for the sake of innocent SARAH!, stay away from this film, she suffered enough.
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Is there no movie maker with original ideas?
dracforever12 March 2024
Let me start off by saying that found footage genre flicks CAN be scary as it plays on the innate fear of the unknown. Having gotten that off my chest, let me proceed. Admittedly, there are found footage creations that are effective at playing on peoples' fears inducing anxiety, claustrophobia, and/or abject terror. What I find completely annoying about the paranormal investigation found footage genre, which this flick demonstrates blatantly, is as follows:

1. Why include stereotypical "weak" women who have absolutely zero fortitude on a night time ghost hunt when you HAVE to know they are going to become nothing but hysterical liabilities (and I can say this as I'm a woman)?! Women's can be mentally just as strong as a man in their own right. All women are depicted in this genre, as equal rights advocates are eager to point out, as the panicky, emotionally frail, screaming, I-just-might-faint types that need to be protected and saved. Why would you even bring women you view as such on a overnight paranormal investigation when you know that at the first hinky incident they're going to run away hysterically screaming into the dark without so much as a flashlight?!

2. Flashlights, headlamps extra batteries, portable chargers, portable comms, maybe even a small generator... Does no one who has permission to enter said property ever consider or plan for redundancy of vital basics?

3. Would it be too much to ask property owner and/or manager for extra key(s) for the exit(s) so more than one person has the ability to unlock said points of egress in case of an emergency?

4. Does no one come prepared with a first aid kit and the knowledge to render assistance in case of an emergency?

5. How about portable food and hydration in the preparation of a longer than planned stay?

6. If you have permission to be on the property to be investigated and explored, why don't you tell a friend or three where your going and when you're due back so if you don't reappear or contact said friend(s) after you're due back someone knows you need rescue?

7. Is there not a single person on the investigative team to stand up to the one in charge that if s/he wants to leave the endeavour it's their god-given right to think for his/herself and act on such? And why is the one in charge always a conceited a-hole who feels everyone else is there simply to stroke HIS narcissistic ego? Why is a woman never in charge, btw?

I could keep going but this review is getting far longer than I anticipatedbur, you, dear reader, assumedly get my point. Four stars for decent visual quality, average acting, and for effectively sucking me in hoping for some originality. Unless you're a fan of this genre, I cannot recommend this pick.
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Another Ho-Hum Horror-ible Flick
chaplaindad12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
100 Ghost Street is as predictable as the rising and setting of the sun. Why? Because it is a ripoff of many top-notch films, redone in a spectacularly awful fashion. Here's the formula: overly-moronic ghost hunters who love to separate and get picked off one by one; a clearly inescapable building with just one, yes, one key; of course, no cell phone coverage to call in the cavalry; a nonsensical klicking noise whenever the "whatever-it-is" is about to attack ala the original 1980 "Friday the 13th;" a completely unoriginal ending where the survivor barely escapes the bloodbath in the building to be nabbed, breathless, outside; and, everyone is constantly filming their demises instead of dropping all and fleeing. And shamefully, the film is based on real victims of a real serial killer without the slightest regard for the grief of the real families and survivors. Consequently, 100 Ghost Street should be consigned to the graveyard of trashy films as an act of justice and warning to any other profiteering filmmakers unscrupulous enough to line their pockets while standing on the hallowed ground of the broken hearts of real people.
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Untalented, unintelligent and boring
azynkron2 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now, obviously this is going to be another Blair Witch, 909 Experiment e t c rip off. If you think it's something else, you are going to be utterly disappointed. The horrifying truth is that you are going to be disappointed regardless.

This is most likely the worst rip-off yet. Worse than Episode 50 even. This production has absolutely nothing going for it. Terrible actors (Yes, they actually try to act), awful effects (guys, why did you even bother..) and a script so thin that even the average soap opera would have disregarded it as too obvious. I'm not going to write any spoilers and I don't have to since you all seen it before: It's the overused "american youths walking into a death trap without seeing it all though it has a neon sign above it saying KILL KILL KILL!". The kids are so stupid that you have to go back to the mindless slasher movies of the 80's to find an equally mentally challenged crowd.

There are a couple of hooks in there that they should have exploited more intelligently (bird feathers.. e t c) but instead it's just mentioned like it was a evening paper lying around.

I wish I could find some reason for recommending you to watch it, but I can't. Avoid it like the plague.

1/10 stars.
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Silhouette notice
Crazedwithoutbeer4 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I enjoyed this film. There are some parts where you miss out on some of the action due to poor video shooting. Kept me interested throughout the whole film. Below there is a notice I have added to my review.

While watching this flick with some family members we noticed something interesting at 56 minutes into the movie. Was the point when one of the cast members went to get the remote control car. On the right hand side of the screen a shadowed silhouette of what looks like a man hanging appears out of nowhere. Just something I have not found mentioned on the web so far. Hope people enjoy this flick as much as we did.
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trivium10522 July 2013
The first rule of reviewing 'found footage' horror films is to take them for what they are. So, I review this in the context of the sub-genre only and not in the wider context of film generally.

The found footage genre is massively over-saturated with poor quality films. When done right, these films are fantastically scary (Blair Witch etc). I have watched over 30 of these films and, bearing in mind this film is only a year old, my only reaction is 'why was this film even made?'. It offers absolutely nothing new whatsoever, and trots out the same clichés as most other of these films (scary abandoned property, investigated at night, shaky camera work, annoying characters etc etc). Although it is no worse than many other found footage films, those other films came first and so it is up to newer films to expand on and develop the genre - this film totally fails to do that.

The one positive for me was that I thought the acting was a lot better than usual. I'm not talking about great acting as such, just appropriate acting for this type of film.

Yet another poor addition to the pool, for die-hard found footage fans only, and even those people will wonder why they bothered watching.
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A bit of a rip-off, but extremely effective.
j-nickturner7 April 2020
So this is basically a "Grave Encounters" clone... But I personally enjoyed it way more than "GE." The scares were set up better, the practical effects were really great, and the acting is on par. It also blows the intensity of "GE". out of the water. The scares are more effective, way more insane, and lots of gore.

If you are sick of found footage asylum movies, this probably won't change your mind. But if you are looking for a great low-budget take on the idea, this is definitely worth your time!
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Ignore the low rating. If you like FF you'll like this
matt-dalton8025 August 2021
Even though it's the fourth in the Paranormal Entity series, which is just a rip-off of the Paranormal Activity movies, this is pretty well done. It has good FX, a decent cast (that doesn't scream their lines every five minutes), and a somewhat intense last 20 min. I've seen a lot of bad found footage and this is not one of them.
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Finding the spirit of Richard Speck.
michaelRokeefe18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another "found footage" movie with a couple of scares in it. Really not all that bad; just a little irritating. But there will be a couple of scenes that get a rise out of you; meaning you'll jump or flinch. A group of amateurish paranormal seekers just for a thrill get more than they ask for. They return to the scene of Richard Speck's heinous slaying of eight young women. Trying to rouse the ghost of the killer, they taunt him by comparing his body count to that of serial killers Dahmer and Gacy. Speck or not...one angry spirit is angered and no member of the investigators is safe.

Cast includes: Hayley Derryberry, Tony Besson, Jennifer Robyn Jacobs, Clarence Harlem Jr., Mike Holley and Jackie Moore. Plus the voices of Steve Bencich and Nancy Leopardi.
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Worth watching
atinder16 March 2014
Paranormal Entity 4: The Awakening AKA 100 Ghost Street Aka 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck (2012)

This is kind of a re-watch, I only saw half of it the last times, I wasn't really in the mood to watch a found footage at the time.

However I did watch this movie in full today, In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck's ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. The victims' families have finally released the footage that documents their last days.

The movie wasn't that bad, I thought it was better then PE 2 Gacy House (2010) and I didn't find any of it funny, which is a good thing about this movie.

I found two decent creepy scenes, with i thought were really well done, this is kind of mix of slasher and Ghost movie at the same time.

People are being killed off, one by one by this invisible force.

In the second part of the movie, the kills were decent and so-what gory, One of the reason I liked this movie more then I should.

I didn't find this movie boring at all, they were some slow parts in this but they Stll kept me watching, until the end.

I thought it was decent, for a found footage movie and the acting was decent from some of the cast, there were a few really wooden actors.

4/10 Worth watching.
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Grave Encounters Light.
mexzilla121 August 2021
This is basically the same movie as Grave Encounters with just a slightly or equal budget. But something is just off. The pacing, I don't know. The actress are pretty decent as these found footage movies go, male actors need more rehearsal.
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