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Pieta at the Venice Film Festival
artalways11 October 2012
Directed by Kim Ki-duk

Pieta is director Kim Ki-duk's eighteenth movie. When this fact appeared on the screen, a spontaneous applause erupted. Hugely under-appreciated at home, Kim Ki-duk is well-known beyond the borders of his country South-Korea. He does not conform to any rules, doesn't avoid sensitive subjects, and shows the harshness of life without any scruples, political, humanistic and in a very physical confronting approach. It is true that his films are usually not an easy watch; they certainly do not conform to idea that film equals entertainment. The free thinking soul will see that Kim Ki-duk's movies are not made to shock the audience just for the sake of it, but to show the thoughts of a brave artist, who exhibits a rare vulnerability and a frightening honesty in his approach to his subjects.

Actress Cho Min-soo who portrays the character Mi-son in the movie declares during the press conference: "His films are eyes to reality." Apparently she and Lee Jung-Jin, who brilliantly plays main character Gang-Do, barely knew who Kim Ki-duk was when they were asked to play the parts. They tell the press that during the process of making the movie they learned to act in a completely different way.

Made with a budget that is just a fraction of Korean film budgets these days, outsider Pieta entices the jury and the public, and makes a far more lasting impression than other more obvious candidates like "To the Wonder,""At any price" and "Fill the void." Even though malicious rumors say that the jury wanted to award "The Master" all the big prizes, Kim's film is rightfully the recipient of the Golden Lion. Accepting the prize, Kim thanked the actors, staff, film festival officials and Italian fans before bursting into a traditional Korean song.

The story of the film is about lone wolf, self-absorbed: masturbating, crazy moralless man who lends money to desperate workers of the industrial slum of Cheonggyecheon. He charges ten times the borrowed sum in interest. If his clients don't pay up, Gang-do cripples them, taking the insurance payments on their injuries to make up for the difference. His character is a metaphor for extreme capitalism. Kim commented: "...but not the money itself, you can change the face of money. Money is the third character."

Then a women shows up at his doorstep, claiming to be the mother who abandoned him as a baby. He tests her in some gruesome ways, before he acknowledges her presence and even begins to show signs of affection towards her. Mi-son also proves herself to him by being just as ruthless as him. They form a frightful but also strangely intriguing duo. The grim story finds some more breathing space for the audience towards the end, but a bitter aftertaste remains.

What makes Kim Ki-duk an excellent storyteller is that most of the graphic cruelty is not shown, but actually takes place in the viewer's imagination. He is able to show real life images that can represent abstract ideas. He can make an audience relate to his characters even though they are immoral and almost heartless human beings, doing this with so much ease is remarkable. It is a rare quality to be able to find beauty in the most harsh places and to somehow convey this strange beauty to the screen. To make you believe in the story, without realizing it is perhaps an absurd one. And maybe most important: to make the viewer emotionally gripped, while talking about universal human issues, emotions and ideas even though there are cultural differences that separate audience and filmmaker. Kim Ki-duk: "(Pieta is) an embrace to the whole of humanity. The movie is dedicated to humankind."
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Pieta- A rare character study by Kim Ki-Duk- Vivid and ruthless cinema making
ajit210624 December 2012
Pieta (Meaning- A representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the dead body of Jesus) a new film from Kim Ki-Duk, one of the genius directors working today.

Like his other movies, it is no different as it has all his key ingredients like; less dialogues, rural setting, on location shoot, assessment of relations and definitely metaphors.

The story of the film revolves around a depraved loan-shark who is reasonably heated, loaned money to the employees of industrial field. He beats and cripples the people who cannot pay the interests which is 10 times. The anger and sheer violence has become a part of his frenzy life.

Unexpectedly, enters a woman in his life claiming to be his mother who had abandoned him in his childhood. Presentation of relationship between these two people is fairly shocking and humane at the same time and it leads to an aftermath eventually.

Kim Ki-Duk has done some great character study here; it shows the moment of transcendence, ecstasy, agony and fulfillment. A revenge story will always have its murky side but keeping all the clichés aside, it makes you think that storytelling can change your life. You can feel the cruelty however; it is only suggestive and not happening on the screen, it can shake the ethics of humankind.

Highly recommended to the lovers of quality and Kim Ki-Duk movies.
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Disturbing retelling of grief and Greek Tragedy
octopusluke15 April 2013
  • Review originally posted at The Frame Loop. Visit www.theframeloop.com -

Even before the first image of an ominously hanging, rusty hook, Pieta comes to CPH PIX Film Festival with a great deal of infamy. The latest from South Korean, art-house provocateur Kim Ki Duk (3-Iron, The Isle) this unnerving revenge drama wowed last year's Venice Film Festival jury so much that it went on to beat Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master to the coveted Golden Lion award. Is it a better film than that aptly titled PTA project? Absolutely not. Is Pieta a gritty, harrowing and wholly engrossing exercise in cinematic tolerance? You're damn right it is.

Li Jung-Jin stars as Kang-Do, the merciless henchman to a crooked Seoul loan shark. Living in a threadbare apartment, with a diet consisting of half-cooked meat, he scuttles across the city, ruffling up people's feathers and making sure they pay up their debts, or else suffer the brutal consequences. His lonesome, pitiful existence is transformed by the arrival of Mi-Sun (Jo Min-Soo), an elderly woman claiming to be his estranged mother. Seeking repentance and the love of the inhumane monster she birthed and abandoned, the disbelieving Kang-Do puts her through a slew of horrific tests that will prove their bloodline, from eating dismembered body parts, to unsolicited incest. Boundaries are crossed, taboos busted open, and a repugnant relationship ensues.

Despite the industrial slum setting and the subtext of tooth/limbless capitalism, Pieta conforms to a typical Greek tragedy plot line. With each revelation more traumatic and sickening than the last, Kim tells the story with brute emotional force and savagery, without ever resorting to the ultra-violence made so common in South Korean cinema from the likes of Park Chan-Wook and The Vengeance Trilogy. While Jo Young-Jik's curious hand-held cinematography may look away from the most distressing of graphic acts, the pain lingers on the screen through Li and Jo's fantastic, expressionistic acting. The pair have a terse, inflammatory chemistry which is so enthralling that the mother-son relationship is all the more sickening.

Perhaps the film's success in Europe isn't all that surprising. Tackling the cruel storyline through emotional heft – without the archetypal glossy production values of the region - Pieta could be mistaken for a Lars von Trier or Gaspar Noé project. With a sublime first act, Kim gets lost in the knotty narrative he has laid out before him, and ties everything up in a stirring denouement that brings some genuine heart to the otherwise pitiful portrait of dog-eat-dog, Seoul city-living.

In that brilliant opening third, Mi-Sun turns to Kang-Do to denounce money as the 'beginning and the end of all things: love, honour, violence, fury, hatred, jealousy, revenge, death.' Unsavoury topics abound, Kim Ki-Duk combats them all with severe conviction in Pieta. If you can stomach such callousness, then this is diatribe is well worth a watch.

  • Review originally posted at The Frame Loop. Visit www.theframeloop.com -
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The director's darkest yet
Leofwine_draca13 October 2015
As a massive fan of Korean director Kim Ki-duk - I've never seen a film of his I haven't loved - I was eager to see what delights his new film PIETA had in store for the viewer. In some ways it's similar to a lot of his previous filmography, like BAD GUY, in which the protagonist is also the antagonist, and also similar to other Korean films I've seen like BREATHLESS.

The main character is a ruthless loan shark who makes a living from crippling those who owe him money; he gets the money back from their insurance claims. The glacial Lee Jeong-jin gives an icy turn as a truly horrible creation, but inevitably he thaws a little once you get to know him, and once the plot kicks in. This is a revenge story, but one done in a way that's both subtle and convoluted; it's a film that rewards close attention, else you won't have a clue what's going on.

Jo Min-soo bags the film's most interesting role of the long-lost mother who turns up seeking reconciliation. It's a difficult, unsympathetic part to play, and there are one or two sexual situations which go way beyond the realms of bad taste into some of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. As ever, though PIETA isn't really an explicit film, despite the sheer quantity of violent incidents that happen during the running time, and as a story it gets more and more engrossing as it goes on. The end is particularly profound, and the lush cinematography on a tiny budget makes this a beautiful film to watch, despite the depravity.
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a moment of transcendence
syshim9 September 2012
The very last scene of this movie would linger in your mind for quite a while. In Kim Ki-Duk's movies, you may find holes in storyline or awkwardness in acting. However, Kim never fails to give stunning visual images via which you could fly to another world in an instant.

In my opinion, elaborate scenarios or experienced actors/actresses are not prerequisite for Kim's movies. His movies are like abstract paintings or poems. They are not supposed to be realistic and are essentially vague in meaning. Do not expect his movies to be kind to give enough explanations. You should find their meaning with your own imagination.

At the expense of being confused and tortured with puzzling metaphors, you could reach the land of poetic beauty and religious purification. This moment of transcendence is what I expect from art, any kind including movie.
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A Tragic Story of Love, Loss, Revenge & Redemption.
CinemaClown23 March 2014
The 18th feature film written & directed by Korean cinema's most notorious filmmaker, Pietà tells the story of a sadistic loan shark who ends up crippling people for not paying their debts, which after added interest is 10 times the amount they borrowed. Torturing with no feelings, his life takes a changing course when a middle-aged woman claiming to be his long lost mother comes into his life out of nowhere.

The film has all the disturbing elements one expects from Kim Ki-duk and although the first half has no easy-to-digest moments, the second half plays out very well to end on a satisfying, even rewarding, note. Cinematography reflects the appalling nature of the subject matter while editing presents a well-sought balance. The performances are pretty impressive from its two leads & the rest of filmmaking aspects are finely executed as well.

On an overall scale, Pietà is a highly tragic story of love, loss, revenge & redemption that has much more to offer than just disgust its viewers. Sure, Kim Ki-duk takes extreme pleasure in making his audience flinch but he also backs it up with enough justifications for the violence in his films. Shocking, unnerving, pitiful, haunting & infused with Christian symbolisms, Pietà is an unsettling psychological study of a mother-son relationship that also presents a fascinating take on what famously is Korean cinema's favourite genre.
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politic198315 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A Kim Ki-duk film is one that will always bring with it a bit of controversy upon its release, if indeed it gets released at all. His films often border between the shocking, the strange and the sublime, taking the viewer through a range of emotions, often leaving them not knowing how to feel about them upon their conclusion. The appropriately- named 'Pieta' is a film that follows along these lines, switching between moments of extreme violence and revenge to tender moments between mother and son.

Gang-do is a no-nonsense debt collector for a loan shark, often taking extreme force to scare his debtors into work-based 'accidents' thus triggering the insurance claims that are used as a guarantee of repayment. No payment, no more hands, but no more debt. Unconcerned by his victims, or the impact his actions have on their families, the cold- hearted cripple-maker's life is turned upside down when a woman arrives at his door claiming to be the mother that abandoned him when he was born.

Eventually accepting her story, Gang-do gradually begins to see the error of his ways, finally experiencing the love of a mother, and taking pity on those to which he is to inflict pain. But with his guard now down, the now vulnerable Gang-do leaves himself open to revenge, having the tables turned on his own life and happiness.

The film starts with an stream of torture inflicted on desperate men, unable to pay the always-inevitable-in-films high rate of inflation placed on loan repayments. All of those taking out these 'happy loans' work in small, independent workshops, complete with enough heavy machinery to cause rather a nasty 'accident' that any insurance company would believe. Though the violence is never fully shown on screen, building the anticipation and leaving it up to the imagination, it is enough to leave the viewer feeling a little uneasy.

The film then moves into more easy roads, as the transformation of Gang- do begins, becoming a vulnerable son, dependent on his mother, and by the film's final twist he is a pitiful character. As he seeks redemption, the film has become a vehicle for tender moments, a far cry from the violence of the start.

While there are inevitable plot holes along the way, the characterisation in the two leads is strong, in two strong performances from the leads, Jeong-jin Lee and particularly the relative unknown, Min-soo Jo, in the role of mother.

As with his previous works, it's difficult to know how to feel at the end of 'Pieta', as Min-soo Jo's character battles with her own confusion as to how she should feel towards Gang-do. Controversial; love him or hate him; pick faults at the lack of professionalism in the film-making or marvel at the way he can conjure up emotion, Kim Ki-duk is a director that will probably always divide opinion, but will always provoke thought.

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PIETA, Kim Ki Duk's finest film to date!!!
database198316 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
PIETA, the recipient of the Golden Lion award in Venice is a deeply moving film which is so far, Kim Ki Duk's best film and seems to be the most mainstream looking one.

I've seen PIETA in Busan International Film Festival 2012 in Sohyang Musical Center, Busan South Korea and I was so lucky that actors Cho Min Soo and Lee Jung Jin had a guest visit after the film and also entertained questions from the audience.

I had my expectations that the film will be violent, sadistic but very good as I've seen a lot of Kim Ki Duk film in the past. But after the credits rolled, I did not expect it to be better than "3-Iron" or "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring" but Pieta has really a breathtaking, very strong and solid storyline about how love, money and revenge can affect people and push them to their extreme limits.

Kang Do and the woman who is claiming to be his mother had a very close and also the worst and morally twisting situations while they were together. The main actors did a great job in showing the different layers of their characters and portrayed effectively how anger, fear, love can destroy and shatter their souls.

Overall as a Kim Ki Duk follower, Pieta is his best work to date and possibly the one that can pull more audiences just like Lars Von Trier to Melancholia. Pieta is a very provocative and moving film that will make its audience uneasy but will make them rethink about the value of relationship, love or even money.
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Daring. Bold. Horrifying. Human
badar19811 December 2013
Pieta is the story of revenge in a most brutal way possible by giving one's own life, a story of mother's love for his son. Story tells us the extreme measures taken by a mother to take the revenge from a non-human brutal loan shark.

Jung-Jin Lee is living a lonely life whose sole purpose is to recover the loan from other people by making them cripple and claiming their insurance money. In doing so he has become so cold inside that he feels nothing and know no pain. Brutality is the everyday life matter.

Enters a woman stirring everything by claiming that she is his mother. she make him feel love, make him angry and make him feel pain just to take the revenge of her son. And when Jung-Jin starts to feel human again, she inflicted the deep scar into his soul by giving her own life.

Movie is full of disturbing content and makes for a haunting viewing. I am a fan of south Korean cinema and this movie takes the love affair to another level.

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Not Easy to Watch,but...
lozden5 January 2013
Pieta,winner of Venice's 2012 Golden Lion is another disturbing,compelling,metaphorical Kim Ki-Duk masterpiece.The plot unfolds as an unusual revenge story yet the metaphors tell another tale.

Named after Michelangelo's masterpiece housed in St.Peter's Basilica in Vatican,Pieta is not easy to watch but a thought-provoking experience about the misdeeds of industrial capitalism and how it slowly and finally drains the vitality from those who are not able to cope while creating monsters of others.The mystery that surrounds the two main characters lend an almost 'eerie' atmosphere to the film which is typical of Kim Ki-Duk.

Definitely not for the faint-hearted,the pleasure seeker or the romantic...this is a serious film and certainly a rewarding experience for the true 'cinephile'.
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The surreal ending is a letdown for the cold realism of this dark drama
kluseba3 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Pieta is a dark drama by famous director Kim Ki Duk that has been chosen to represent South Korea at the 2013 Academy Awards.

The story is quickly told. A lonesome guy works for a brutal loan shark and destroys the existence of those who aren't able to pay their debts. One day, an old woman enters his life and claims to be his mother. In the beginning, he refuses to talk to that stranger but as the brutal man in his early thirties has been abandoned as a child, he starts having some serious doubts about the identity of that mysterious woman that does everything to get closer to him. Soon, they share their apartment together and develop a more profound relationship. The brutal gangster starts reconsidering his violent lifestyle and is doing his job with less conviction than before before he ultimately loses it. One day, the old woman disappears and he goes on a journey through his bleak past by facing his demons to find that woman who has given a new sens to his life.

The strongest point of the movie is without a doubt its negative atmosphere. The director creates many haunting images and still lifes that portray the desperate situation of the brutal main character. One can see animal carcasses as well as cold, grey and industrial garages all around his apartment. Many scenes show how he tortures people, masturbates or tries to rape a woman. These moments are very intense and show the desolate state of mind and soul that this lonesome guy lives with. That's why it's so interesting to see his slow change of mind and how he discovers emotions he has never had before after meeting that strange old woman that claims to be his mother. That's where this movie gets challenging, profound and even philosophical. That being said, the acting of the two main characters is rather credible and very good which keeps the attention high until the end of the movie.

The biggest flaw of this film is though definitely its predictable story line and the lack of surprises in the movie. Another letdown is the last quarter of the film where the acting and script gets less credible and where the main actor starts acting more and more stupid. The last scenes of the movie feel therefor quite surreal and break with the cold realism that has dominated the first three quarters of the film. The final moments are really a letdown in my opinion. With a better ending, this flick would have deserved one or even two points more even though the story is rather thin at some points but you should make up your own mind about this controversial and questionable ending.

In the end, fans of South Korean cinema and of challenging dark dramas shouldn't miss this movie and will surely enjoy it. For anybody else, this movie might be entertaining thanks to a good acting but definitely not impressive at all. I'm glad I saw the film but I wouldn't recommend a purchase and I probably wouldn't watch it again anytime soon.
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A Powerful experience
JaiBalaji902 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A brilliant and a very disturbing revenge drama from Kim Ki-Duk. Most surprising thing is that this movie has dialogue, lots of dialogue for a Kim Ki-Duk film. It follows the story of a brutal man who works for a Loan Shark and ruthlessly cripples people if they don't return the borrowed money on time. His activities destroy many poor families leaving them in the dark. The movie tests the values of human relationships in a very brutal manner. Especially the value of parental love and the sacrifices they do. The characters are multidimensional and very unpredictable. There are many disturbing scenes which will haunt you for a long time. At the end you'll have mixed feelings about the protagonist, you want to cheer for his destruction at the same time you'll feel bad for his suffrage. The climax was perfect and will haunt you for a while. One of the best movies of the year.
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Cold reality
yoggwork22 February 2019
Cold reality. But the whole film is too depressing. If some people in Jingdezhen dare to make such films, especially the ugly faces of the officials who committed crimes, that would be a pleasure.
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OK, its a Kim Ki duk story...
glpsantos4 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Have you seen more Kim Ki duk's films? With this one, it's the 9th film that i have seen. Why see so many films from same director, because he became one of my all time favorite. So why the hell did he make this movie like this? Let's admit, it's definitely a Kim Ki duk story, no doubt, but everything else seems like an amateur work. The DOP is extremely weak. All of he's films were like a perfect interaction of images, and this one is bad in shots and in the edition of the shots - the so called perfection that he seeks in the other movies, all the symbolism, all the perfect actors - where is all this? For me the scene where the man want to cut his hand to give money to his son, could me the ultimate beauty scene, but then the actor seemed to take this things so light, like "it's only my hand", and after that he asks for the second one. At that time it turned ridiculous instead of beautiful. And this was the first time that i saw a bad scene in one of Kim Ki duk's film. Don't get me wrong, but Kim Ki duk could win in Venice with any movie, but not this one.
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my notes
FeastMode24 June 2019
Very good movie Altho boring at times. could have been amazing if it was done better. (1 viewing)
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An epic tale the ancient Greek could not made better. Masterpiece!
killahdelfin28 December 2012
Drama , Revenge , Love , Hate , Mercilessness ,Despair , Loneliness , Change ,Hope ,Tragedy ,Sorrow , Remorse ... etc etc etc . Kim Ki-Duk's new masterpiece is epic. Not visually but substantially. Its covering of so many aspect of the human nature I haven't seen before in film . The twisted and tragic plot reminded me of a saga by the ancient Greek and took me on a roller-coaster of emotions. I hadn't such mixed feelings towards the characters for a long time. First hate , then compassion , then pity then this then that. Ki-Duk truly grew as an artist , moreover ,I dare to mention the word ,genius . This film is his most ,, humane '' work ( unjustifiably being accused of ,,mainstreamness''): No graphic cruelty (,,Seom ''), no irrational concepts like expression of love=violence ( ,, Bad Guy '') ,no bizarre scenes ( ,, Hwal ''). Thus I'm not wondering that it won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. Thank you Kim-Ki-Duk for the most unique film-experience I ever had!
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An amazing art of work!!!
DominuIlluminatioMea6 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is an amazing art of work by Kiduk Kim so far and this work expressed his identity outstandingly. His less fortunate childhood life experiences are exposed throughout his works such as Iron 3, Breathe, Samaritan and especially Spring summer autumn and winter. The director created a plot to maximise the beauty of the mother's heart towards children of their own and even to the children of others to a certain extend. This is a beautiful piece of work especially the last plot that Kangdo decided to take his life away by the truck in order to repent his inhuman lifestyle before realising the beauty of the human dignity through the lady. This is an overwhelming art of work and surely the Venice knew the director's magnificently talented and artistic capability to express the divine humanity through very unlikely plots no one can ever imagine. I cannot wait to meet his next work...
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Love can melt a cruel person
Misss253 April 2021
Korean thriller movies always surpries me with it's ending. We get through one concept and it turns to be another. While I was watching this, I thought it is a story of mother and son who were somehow separated. But the movie proves me wrong. Its not about the separation and reunion of mother son its about untold revenge.
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"Melting A Stone Heart "
Yogesh-Odyssey-Opera11 September 2013
It's a dark and brutal morality tale of guilt and redemption, the movie "PIETA" tells a story of a debt collector Kang-do(Lee Jeong-jin) works as a debt collector for some loan shark, and he is someone you don't want to mess with especially if you happen to borrow the money from his boss. Even if his poor debtors really have no money to pay back, he gets the money back by any ruthless means necessary. These unfortunate debtors usually work at the metal shops located on the narrow alleys of Seoul, so they are forced to get their hands or feet injured by their machines for paying him back through the insurance money they will acquire. During one comic but cringe-inducing moment, one debtor nervously asks him to cut both of his hands instead of only one hand because he needs more money to pay his debts and support his baby to be born.

Kang-do's life is as barren as his debtors'. While his home looks a little more comfortable, he has lived alone in his apartment. He cooks for himself, and he usually brings live animals to his home for his dinner. To represent his beastly nature, he prefers to buy a live chicken and then butcher it instead of just purchasing a dead one. On one day, his life is disrupted by the sudden appearance of one mysterious woman(Cho Min-soo), who claims to be his mother and apologizes to him for abandoning him not so long after he was born. Resentful toward his mother he does not remember, he does not believe any of her words and brusquely rejects her, but she keeps coming to him. She slowly insinuates herself into his daily life while behaving like a mother who tries to compensate for her unforgivable fault in the past. Though he harshly treats her, she sticks to him while doing what mothers usually do for their dear sons. She cooks for him, and she says genially to this detestable man who has probably never experienced love or kindness for a long time.

There is quite a disturbing scene where Kang-do cruelly attempts to violate her with his own twisted logic, and you may wonder how much she can tolerate him, if she is indeed who she seems to be. Induced by her love without condition, Kang-do slowly reveals a vulnerable child with lots of hurts inside him; he eventually finds himself depending on her care, and they momentarily have a nice time together as a mother and her son.The tension in the drama largely depends on the simple but fearless performance by Cho Min-soo, who deftly maintains the elusive side of her character even at the most emotionally anguished moment. Their characters may look silly when they behave like a mother and her little son, but we come to accept the emotional bond forming between them.

And later scenes become very intense and heart touching. Overall I do not think it is one of his best films because of its several flaws, but I must say it is nice to see that this talented director is still capable of making a movie with conviction, power, and several interesting things to talk about.
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Fascination with the representation of grim contents packed into a story on compassion and capitalism.
veronikastehr7 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ki-duk Kim built his career on films containing bizarre motifs that outline deeper layers of human nature. However, in some of his latest works the priorities have changed. Complex themes have become superficially elaborated frameworks within which a whole range of disturbing contents has been featured. So, in his film Amen (2011), we follow the story of rape (the director himself plays the rapist) to finally understand the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. In his latest work Moebius (2013), the castration of a minor reveals to us that the family goes through a crisis, while in Pietà-I (2012.) Kim teaches us that the obedience by the suffering of rape and humiliation may warm up even the coldest hearts. But this is not where the director stops; he gives to his film a politically involved prospective, as well, criticizing the capitalist system through the mutilation of the poor.

The debt collector Gang-Do (Jung-Jin Lee), fear and trembling of the neighborhood, totters through the overcrowded city suburb. He perambulates stuffy hovels of helpless debtors just following his orders. There, he mutilates them, remaining completely cold, in an ambiance filled with menacing machines that impose by themselves the variation in the choices of the ways to inflict lesions ... This established routine is disturbed by a mysterious woman Mi-Son (Jo Min- su) that abruptly enters into Gang-Do's life stating to be his mother. The son reacts to this information by raping her, as it wouldn't be okay to leave her non-raped – because in such a case the director would miss the strike combination of incest and rape! However, regardless of violence she was subjected to, Mi-Son offers unconditional love through which she gradually acquires confidence of her son.

Pietà has won the Golden Lion at Venice. The film has a really intriguing plot (although the South Korean revenge film patterns were entirely followed), as well as visual homogeneity in the representation of cold atmosphere and nauseating thematic. However, shock effect is here mostly to affect the audience, and Kim uses it artfully to cover the weaknesses of the film such as poorly dramaturgically elaborated theme of empathy. Its elaboration is so shallow that the director resorted to an awkward explanation of his work. We had to endure the final monologue of the female protagonist who in an outburst of pathos explains from alpha to omega motives of the film and its punch-line. Through the accentuation of flaws present in the character of victims (wimps, invertebrates, people with a lack of morals ...) he supports his misanthropic vision of life and thus calls into question the alleged message of the film and whether the motives of the director were indeed humanistic.
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A very strong and brutal movie.
sriram761218 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I just viewed this movie in Chennai International Film Festival. It was brutal! absolutely brutal. Its not for the faint heart. The director's 3 Iron is one of my favourite in the long list of movies. To be frank, I didn't expect such a treatment in Pieta. It was too strong! in the beginning but as the story goes into climax it was much easier to watch. The movie shows that gangsters are human beings after all. Love can change anything and in this movie parental love changes a man forever. I just want to know whether the director's films are accepted in Korea. Do Korean's feel their society is like this one depicted? His movies are philosophical and this one is no exception.
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postsenthil27 October 2019
The protagonist, Lee Kang-do, is a loner working as an enforcer who collects dues for a loan shark from meek borrowers. He is incredibly ruthless and cruel in collecting his dues and appears to have no compunction whatsoever towards the plight of his several hapless victims who are at the receiving end of his severe punishments when they fail to pay up.

One day, a middle-aged woman enters his life claiming to be his mother who had abandoned him some thirty years ago. Despite several (some very disturbing) attempts by him to shake her off, she stubbornly & resolutely sticks around till she wins him over.

He becomes a changed man as her maternal love (which he'd yearned for all his life) transforms his cold, cruel & ruthless persona to someone who could be loving, sensitive and even compassionate. The rest of the movie is the effect of this transformation on his life which I wouldn't want to elaborate for it would providing spoilers..

Halfway through the movie, a visibly confounded Lee raises a question "What is money ?" She replies that "It is the beginning and the end of all things: love, honour, violence, fury, hatred, jealousy, revenge, death."

Acted competently by both the leads, this is a remarkable movie on crime & punishment at their cruelest.. In equal measures, grim, violent & deeply disturbing (definitely not for the faint of heart - Compliance, may feel like The Lion King), this movie is also an effective study of the human psyche and remains with you long after you've watched it.
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18th movie
panta-412 May 2020
This was Ki-duk Kim's 18th movie, and what a treat this was! Rough, challenging, thought provoking, violent and uncompromising... but full of love! At the end this was a movie bout love, that most powerful force in the Universe. Ki-duk Kim's screenplay fitted perfectly Min-soo Jo and Jung-Jin Lee who did everything possible to show us what this film is all about. I waited nine years to see this work of art: do not do the same mistake! Watch it now!
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Good twists
cheks-0460230 May 2020
Nice movie. Felt little slow in the beginning. But it soon picks up speed. Son's character is very well sculpted. The best part comes after the biggest twist.
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Great expectation leads to great delusion
awkwardmongoose11 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Essentially I'm a great fan of Kim Ki-duk since I was fifteen and a teacher brought my literature class to see Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... and Spring, so when he won the golden lion in Venice I was really excited that finally this great film-maker earned the praise he deserves from the western world. Unfortunately in my humble opinion he earned it with the wrong film. Pietà is shallow, weak, the cinematography is awful and annoyed me a lot. This film tries hard being something new compared to the previous production of Kim Ki-duk but misses unbelievably the spot. It's predictable, prosaic, and it owns Park Chan-wook too much without being able to reach his poetic peaks; the squalor, the violence are faked and almost for their own sake. The major twist is clear from the beginning and the entire script could have been handled in a better way. Jeong-jin Lee (Gang-do) had one facial expression all film long, he looked like someone injected him with botox few minutes before the shoot. Min-so Jo struggled to make some efforts but unfortunately the Italian dubbing killed her performance for good (by the way dubbing is going to kill me too). This film is overrated, plagiarized and also boring. Don't waste your time : choose to watch and prepare yourself to love instead one of the great works of Master Kim such as 3-IRON, The Bow, or the Samaritan.
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