One Warm Night (TV Series 2012–2013) Poster


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Skip this series!
chapelj2914 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading the other "positive"reviews and while they do praise the series as being "fun, innovative, etc.," they never mention any specifics. What made this series fun? the plot? characters? why? what about them? Just because some dude was in "Arrested Development" doesn't make it good. Jason Bateman was in "Arrested Development," and he was in "The Switch," look how that turned out... The reviews are so broad and general that it could be applied to anything.

In an effort to add some scholastic criticism, I will try and dissect the pilot episode in the series. Now, I'm not doing this to just bash the series, I'm trying to take a holistic approach, just like any critic would.

Now, lets get to it...

The Pilot starts off with a first person POV of the supposed Ninja entering some type of house. Then before the title appears, a fake rubber spider suddenly swings down onto his hands. Funny? could be. But the timing of the cut is so off that it seems like an after thought.

Afterwards, we fade to a man sitting on a black chair facing a computer. The camera tracks in (in slow motion...why??) before we cut onto a medium shot of the back of the chair. Then a POV shot of the computer screen is shown. The man is typing away on his computer diary writing about god knows what. The editing and framing of this sequence is so choppy that the voice over and the images conflict, thus eliminating beats that could have been funny.

Now, the last two paragraphs just surmises the first minute of the pilot. Imagine having to sit through the rest. As mentioned in an earlier review, the director breaks the 180 degree line constantly. That "technique" would be fine if there was clear purpose (ex. Ozu's 'Tokyo Story'),but there seems to not be any. And maybe it's not fair to compare this amateur web series to a Japanese classic, but if there is no intention, then what's the point? was it supposed to be funny? because again, it falls flat.

Someone mentions that the characters are very original and distinct, but I really can't see why that is. Sean Michale Affable plays a mentally challenged man? really!?? I suppose that's different. Everyone else pretty much says generic lines and are just caricatures.

Of course, this web-series may be aiming at a different audience, but it just bugs me how mismarketed it is. Using over sensationalized headlines like "highly acclaimed" and "original." Really? where did they get that from? In general, I think you should skip this. There are better web-series out there that's actually made not just to make a quick buck and get tons of sponsors. Not everyone in this industry is that fame hungry.

For the filmmakers/creators, please do some quality control... otherwise, just admit the series' flaws instead of over promoting it as something that is "highly acclaimed" and "groundbreaking."
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Such a big fan!!!!
ssrudas10 February 2013
This web series is hilarious and witty! Its so nice to finally see a show that is original with such a talented cast. The writer really knows how to pull people in and leave them wanting more. I can not wait for the next episodes to come out. I am such a huge fan! And its so awesome to see one of my favorite characters from Arrested Development, Annyong, in another great project. Even from watching interviews of the cast of OWN, I can see that many other secrets are to be revealed in other episodes and it kills me to wait! Maybe the negative comments below were watching a different show, because the One Warm Night I was watching was very entertaining and could easily be a show on TV. I love love love One Warm Night!
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Decent, but nothing special.
workshopbricks7 February 2013
I have to agree with the other review of this web-series. Nothing special really. It has a great cast but they are underutilized by the writing and the direction. I saw all the episodes and the premise sounds cool, but again, it's just bogged down by the direction and writing.

For future episodes, I think that they should hire new writers and directors. It's waste of a talented cast. It seems like the marketing for this web-series is really good. I wished that they would spend their money on the actual production values. The costume and set could have been better and the story/plot too. The mystery and reveal are good concepts, but the execution is very poor.
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Totally awesome!!!
mattprosas2220 February 2013
One Warm Night is unlike anything I've ever seen before! It's nothing short of deserving awards and recognition. It's groundbreaking, While having 17 main actors on the screen at one time it's nice to see someone do something different and succeed. If you like to laugh and be drawn into your seat than One Warm Night is the way to go, filled with laughter, tears and joy It has a little something for everyone. It's an emotional roller coaster that you'll want to get on again and again. That's what makes this so special. Filled with amazing talent. One Warm Night is the reason why I will continue to watch web series. One Warm Night gives hope that there are people out there that are still original, willing to put forth the hard work and stay true to themselves. If One Warm Night doesn't move you emotionally than nothing will. Check out what all this good that's happening is about!
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Man that's funny stuff!
dakota-timmons9 February 2013
This show is definitely the coolest web project I've seen in a long time. My girlfriend and I have been keeping tabs on the web series for a few weeks. (We are a bit of web series junkies.) We have never seen a show with this original of a story line. The characters are lovable, the humor is quick and witty, and I love the Ninja! I have not seen a show that has this original of a story line in a long time. I'm a huge fan of Justin Lee, plays Annyong Bluthe on one of my favorite shows ever, Arrested Development. So I was hooked from day one. Definitely can't wait for more episodes to come out. I don't agree with the other reviews above on any level. Are you guys sure you're watching the real show? At any rate, don't take a strangers word for it, just find out for yourself.
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Something Original Finally.
KatieJJ9 February 2013
I don't understand some of the reviews on here because I love this show so far! And it only has 3 episodes posted so far so I don't understand how one reviewer has already seen them all... I stumbled across this when I was looking up the Arrested Development cast (sooo excited for season 4) and saw that Annyong was in this. The poster totally drew me in. I'm so happy I checked it out because I LOVE how original this plot is! The Ninja intro is so funny and all of the characters are really unique and funny. All of the acting is really well done which is incredible for a huge cast like this. And I love all the secrets in the plot line, I love those kinds of scripts! Can't wait for the next episodes to come out :)
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Fun, Fun, Fun
jasongtee9 February 2013
Not sure how one of those reviewers saw all the episodes when only 3 out of 9 have been released, but this show is a lot of fun (just check out This show was meant to give the actors an opportunity to get some face time and a learning experience for those involved with the production. Those attached donated their time to support this grass root cause. One Warm Night was shot in a total of 3 days. This was not meant to be an Oscar winner, but something for viewers to sit back, enjoy, have fun, and get some laughs out of it. Remember, only episodes 1, 2, and 7 have been released, so there are still six more episodes to go, four of them which will be released very shortly. Looking forward to watching them all and where the story/plot lines lead to.
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I love this webseries!
kokamo61814 February 2013
I have seen One Warm Night and it's definitely worth watching and keeping tabs on. My favorite movies are ones where I pick up something new and gain more understanding each time I watch which has happened various times with this webseries. I'm looking forward to seeing it as a whole when the rest of the episodes are released. I know a lot about the background of One Warm Night and am really impressed with how it was created. I've seen a decent amount of webseries and am impressed with the originality in this one. The series reminds me of a miniseries from television, with more layers than any other webseries I have seen before, so Kudos!
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This show is Awesome!!
jaredwh9111 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This show is Awesome!! The characters are hilarious and dialogue is really well written. The writing is smart and deeper than any webseries I've seen. Watching Sean Michael Afable's character choice for the way he speaks and moves is really entertaining to watch and had me laughing the entire time haha. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the new episodes once they are released. Episode 1 and 2 laid the ground work for me and built a character base and ep 7 just looks crazy haha. I can't wait to see how everything escalates to that point. Overall the episodes I have seen are really well done and I am truly looking forward to see the rest of the show. If you have a chance to check this show out do it, it was definitely worth my time. The show has something for everybody from comedy to drama along with an extremely diverse cast. Enjoy!
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this is great!
cbunyi20 February 2013
Honestly i think One Warm Night is funny! i found this show through a friend of mine. she described it as a murder mystery with me being a ninja fanatic, i had to check it out. Haha. funny enough, all the ninja sides are some of my favorite parts! especially when things don't go quite as planned. it sort of reminds me of Leslie Neilson movies. it made me remember how much those movies entertained me and i'm really glad they went for that kind of humor with a character who's suppose to be a killer. i really like that contrast. i know there's only a few episodes but so far i've liked what i've seen here and i'm looking forward to seeing what comes next in the series.
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A heartfelt and highly original web series brought to life by a fantastic cast and crew
ferniedogu-116-57125612 February 2013
Whether you like revenge stories, mysteries, heartfelt emotion, suspense or assassin ninjas; there's something here for everyone to enjoy!

With an intriguing plot that still remains mostly mysterious and a story that engages you from the start you know you're in for something rare. Only three episodes in, I'm dieing to see the rest and it's sure to be a ride.

The show starts with a group of people assembled under the assumption that they will get another shot at dating the same ex-girlfriend although, foreshadows abide, it is evident that sinister intent is at work and someone is out to murder everybody. Although who, why are the big questions that I'm sure won't be answered until much later, the hint is the how and I think so far the introduced "Ninja" is one of the villains and hired guns working to murder everyone. How he is related to everyone, and how they got themselves into this mess remains to be brought to the light and I will be there to find out.

Produced and created by a crew of 90 or so and acted by over 15 solid leads and some legit direction by the talented Steven Lowe, it definitely shows!

Do yourselves a favor, watch!
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Fun, Refreshing and Innovative
duncanhoffman215 February 2013
I love the direction this series is going! This comedy had me laughing more times than I can count. Not to mention some intriguing drama. What a great blend of different genres without losing forward momentum.

More and more intriguing questions just keep getting brought up the more episodes I watch. "One Warm Night" just has a charm to it that I don't see too often in shows these days. There are definitely times where you'll want to watch episodes again to make new connections on top of assumptions you might have had already!

I love watching all of the characters interact. My favorite, especially, is Sean. He is laugh out loud funny! It's great to see him Justin Lee as well. I can't wait to see what happens to everyone when the new episodes release.

No matter who you are, there will definitely be something for you in this hilarious and fun series!
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Don't Miss This Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kristen-holleyman21 February 2013
One Warm Night is a web series you must not miss!!!!!! FINALLY---I have found a show that is unique, witty, mysterious, respectable, and undeniably addicting to watch. The ingenious writing, directing, and producing of the honorable Steven G. Lowe has laid out a story with plot- thickening scenes, drama, comedy, mystery, and suspense all in one. Along with the brilliant mastermind behind the scenes are the up and coming actors, who use their honest crafts and raw feelings to develop the characters. I enjoy how the series uses subtleties to create more depth among the relationships of the characters, and allows us to try to piece together more clues to meet the true core of each character. I enjoy seeing the chemistry among the actors as well as honor the individual acting style of these artists. One Warm Night is a series that is a fun, refreshing, and entertaining to watch. Check it out!
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Can't Wait!!!
jeremyjoejackson18 February 2013
I watched episodes 1, 2, and 7 on I'm excited to see how the story unveils as the later episodes are released. I know the character Julie has a secret, and I'm anxious to find out what that secret is. I can't wait to see how the series goes from episode 1 and 2 to episode 7. I have a number of guesses and ideas as to why Jared is acting the way he is in episode 7. Again, I can't wait for the later episodes to come out to see if my guesses are accurate. I am very happy to see Sean Michael Afable's character develop. I love the creativity he brings to his character and his risk to take on such a comedic role. I think the actress, Janessa also does a great job in episode 7. I'm excited to see when and how Janessa joins the group. All in all, the group of characters are, funny, unique, and all different. It's a very diverse cast and I'm excited to see how each character develops. The brothers rivalry is another plot line that I'm excited to see develop. Can't wait to see all of the episodes (1-9) in order from beginning to end. After watching episode 7, I'm confident that the series will turn into a pleasant roller coaster ride of twists and turns.
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A new hope for web series!
sepiachild11 February 2013
I discovered this show after reading a review on The Snobby Robot "One Warm Night & the Secret to Marketing Your Web Series." I'm looking to make a web series too so it's really cool to hear how these guys were successful - on Kickstarter too! I'd be stoked to have actors like Sean Michael Afable and Justin Lee who I grew up watching on Akeelah and the Bee and Arrested Development, respectively. And my little sister was ecstatic to see Jared Hernandez from Disney! The first couple episodes are super funny. I know it's only going to get crazier as the season goes on. I can't wait for all the episodes to be out so I can watch them in order!
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My favorite webseries!
actorjulie11 February 2013
"One Warm Night" is an excellent webseries! It is super funny and has a great story line. There is no other webseries out there like this one. There is never a dull moment in this webseries. It has a great cast and fantastic writing! You can never predict what will happen next, it seems like there are a lot of twists and turns. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. I love how there is something for everyone in this webseries! Drama, comedy, suspense and horror. This webseries has everything you've been looking for and more. How could you not love this webseries? "One Warm Night" is a MUST SEE!!! They also have a really cool interactive web site. Check it out on
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ummm cool!
amberjacobs0611 February 2013
I really liked this series. It's refreshing to see such a multicultural cast, I feel like the director really hit in on the nose with his casting. From what I've seen I think the series is really funny. I really like the Jared Character and the ninja cracks me up I really love his timing, and how he refers to himself in third person. The character Sean is hilarious, the looks that he makes are freaking perfect and the way he delivers his lines. I really can't wait to see what happens when the next episodes come out! I'm chomping at the bit here! lol And come on how cool is it that Anyong from "Arrested Development is on there! good stuff!
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History has been made!
jasonfarraday10 March 2013
When history is made it's never recognized in the moment, and often scoffed at. When history is made, people who are thought as fools are later regarded as geniuses as time moves on. I'm sure that's how things were for the cast and crew of One Warm Night, they gathered around to make a production, not realizing the full grand scope of the effects it would have. I'm sure the folks involved knew that there was some groundbreaking going on, with such a large ensemble cast playing complex and distinct characters that would make Watchmen writer Alan Moore's head spin! However, I'm sure the heat of the moment, excitement and fears commingling as they do with most productions that no one knew they were making history. A lot of rules were broken in this production and things that have never been done and the results are amazing! Interestingly enough, One Warm Night shares crew with big movie rule breakers like the Matrix trilogy. The folks who have crafted One Warm Night have done things no one else has ever done, along with a few traditional elements like comedy, suspense and drama! While so many productions out there are perfecting the buggy whip, Steven G. Lowe and the rest of the people involved are innovating entertainment with this web-series and the history.
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A very unexpected and intriguing series
marcelineMaclemore27 February 2013
After being persuaded to watch this series multiple times I finally gave it a go and was very surprised by what I saw.

Each episode(only two in so far) leaves more questions than it answers and you are left wondering just like most of the cast what the hell is going on but ultimately in a good and creative way.

It's also nice to see a pool of actors, who I'm told all act under the same coach, who actually show spot of talent and really contribute in their roles. If there's anything I enjoy seeing above the line, it's talent that works to add to the story and enhance the script as opposed to making the script work for them. Personal opinion but it appears to work well here.

I definitely need to see more episodes to get a better idea of what's going on plot wise but it seems to develop itself. You have a bunch of men who apparently are trying to get the same ex girlfriend to love them again but are gathered under false pretenses. A random ninja who is a "hired gun" I believe and is out for blood, appearing and disappearing exactly the way I always believed the best ninja could. I must have had an obnoxiously large smile on my face seeing him move around like a ghost.

I'm glad to have been impressed by a web series that actually put in a spool of hard EFFORT to make something new and put in risks where most series do not for the sake of slapstick gags and quick viral views. One Warm NIGHT will be loved and it will be hated, but I strongly believe that it will never be forgotten.

Best of luck to the rest of the series and a big congratulations to all involved
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What an over-hyped piece of marketing horror!
rimbabravo21 January 2013
I cannot begin to say how overyhyped this series is. I was there at the premiere expecting what they advertised as "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" meets "Clue," what I've got was god knows what. The production values is absolute amateur for a webseries that apparently costs in the hundreds of thousands, the director breaks the 180 degree line and the editing is just madness. The dialogue and story is incoherent, and there's nothing interesting about the characters whatsoever. I was especially flabbergasted to learn that the supposed executive producers were past award winners whose films have gone to sundance and had made millions of dollars.

I don't know how the IMDb overall rating is in the 7s, it really probably deserves a 1 or 2. If anyone finds this thing interesting or coherent, I really would love to hear a second, third or fourth opinion. Please save you money executive producers and fund something that's at least entertaining (or SO bad that it's good...this web-series is just SO BAD that it's BAD). The only saving grace is the performance of Sean Michael Afable. And that alone warrants the 2 star rating. SKIP this webseries if you can.
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One Warm Night Review
mkayo6268 April 2013
One of my former students told me about this show and I reluctantly checked it out, just to make him happy. Glad I did! Each character bring something unique and original to the screen and to the story line. A very clever plot device brought to life by each well drawn character. I am intrigued enough to stick with this and check out the other episodes. I'm not a big fan of watching shows on my computer, but this one has drawn me in and it looks like I'm going to hope on this bandwagon. The writing is great, brought to life by very strong acting and directing. It is impressive, smart, funny and a reason that this new paradigm of entertainment will take over from traditional TV. Can't wait to see more!!
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