Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines (Video 2012) Poster

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Wrong Turn 5: The assault
unbrokenmetal11 August 2016
Some teenagers go to a festival in a small town where a kind of Halloween masquerade takes place. When an old man attacks them with a knife, the kids get arrested too, because they carry drugs on them. However, the old man is the leader of the freaks we know from the previous parts of the series. They come to rescue 'daddy', and among the Halloween masks, they don't even attract too much attention with their looks. The police station is soon under siege, a situation reminding me of the John Carpenter classic 'Assault on Precinct 13'.

Part 5 is probably the most vicious episode of them all, not hiding the violence in a dark forest, but openly showing it in the streets and enjoying it to a degree some viewers may find disturbing. There were 5 major censorship cuts in the DVD released in my country, and it is not hard to see why (some missing footage could be spotted in the bonus material, anyway). Not that I was angry about that - it was over a bit sooner. 'Wrong Turn 5' is rather crude and simple, splatter effects over story content, apparently the series is on its decline here. Camilla Arfwedson got a great female lead role as the sheriff at least. I voted 8/4/6/7/5/4 for the 6 movies.
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Vicious and mean
tdeladeriere23 December 2012
How that franchise has fallen from exciting and riveting to crass and predictable in the span of 4 sequels is saddening.

This 5th installment is basically a redux of the 3rd one, with a similar set-up and a just as forgettable cast of characters. It unevenly tries to maintain a balance between slasher, backwoods & gore but has none of the jump-out-of-your-seat thrills of the former and dispatches the second midway through the movie. So we are left with gore, and plenty of in a mean and disgusting way. The kills are traditionally inventive and bloody in the "Wrong Turn" franchise, but now they're just meant to induce nausea. The creatures slowly feed a bimbo her entrails, slowly smash a hunk's knees to smithereens, slowly burn a drunkard in a can, you got it, it's got to be slow and mean and disgusting. And the creatures laugh maniacally throughout it all, as if the director expected its audience to laugh with them at their victims' misery. I found it mean, gratuitous and insulting and came out of this seating feeling dirty and cheap.

On a positive note, there's some good sex scenes that are a throwback to more "innocent" slashers, and the sheriff had presence and gusto. It also looks slick and professional, which does not excuse its zero values.
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Time Wasting Material
tequila10113 November 2012
Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines in the on-going mountain men franchise continues to slash it's way through stupid characters, lame decisions made by the characters, gruesome CGI like deaths and gory galore. It was an average and quite medicorish film which holds and shows corny and cheesy moments throughout the entire film.

Looking back a year from now, I thought Wrong Turn 4 was bad. It wasn't awful but it was average. This film falls back under the ban wagon, nearly going in the same direction that the third film from (2009) did.

I'm not a massive fan of the 3rd and 5th films but I'd rather watch this one over the 3rd, but on the prequel or the classic first two. BUt once again, Declan O' Brien has no idea of what Horror films or Slasher films are. He continues to use horrible CGI effects, wasteful moments which could be great, excessive nudity/gore and a story line which he promises which will be good, accept only holding many plot holes which need to be grand, to create a solid premise throughout. Oh well, after these 3, we can only expect the next sequel or so to be the same if we still have the same creator behind the task.

If you love slasher films and I mean love them, Wrong Turn 5 is definitely up your ally. If you dislike films in this age with it's predictable moments with no suspense, avoid it. I didn't hate it like the 3rd but didn't find it averagely decent like the 4th, but instead just found it Time Wasting Material. I found the characters stupid, the mutants (accept for Three-Finger) looked stupid, everything like i mentioned before (who was going to die, supposed jump scares) was all predictable. I was able to guess this film's every move. The use of CGI in the film is pretty annoying and lastly, it is quite tedious. Another aspect I found disappointing was the story and where the entire story took place. The start, in the dreaded woods was quite promising and then putting it in the town, just stupid! Another element with the hill-billies slaughtering people at a celebration in the year 1817 was also a really stupid element for the director to add in! It never made any sense nor do I think it had anything to do with the hillbillies lives!

The only real prop I can give this film was Doug Bradely. He actually didn't too badly, despite the cheesy, predictable material he was given.

Overall, it's not horrible but it's not great either. I believe that if they continue to have Declan O' Brien behind the camera, the Wrong Turn franchise will continue to be a predictable, no suspense on the gore mess.

5/10. I'd rather watch it than the 3rd one.
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One of the weaker entries of the series
Wizard-823 October 2012
"Wrong Turn 5" continues the slasher tradition made by the previous four movies, but this time around the slashing is not just limited to the characters. The budget for this movie was slashed as well. Although the production travelled to Bulgaria to film in order to cut costs, the movie looks real cheap in a number of aspects. The town's street scenes are obviously a studio back lot, the interior rooms are very obviously sets, and the make-up for the hillbilly killers looks especially cheesy.

Further problems can be found in the screenplay. There are a number of plot issues that are murky or are simply not explained at all. The characters also do some really dumb things that I think even real people who are not highly intelligent would do.

As for the ingredients you expect in a movie like this - sex/nudity and gore - well, I admit the movie does score some points in these categories. There's gratuitous sex, and the gory moments get especially squishy at times. That stuff is certainly welcome, but I think even die hard slasher fans will admit that apart from that stuff, the movie doesn't really have that much else to offer that's positive. You'd be better off skipping this entry of the series and putting part 2 back in your DVD player for another run.
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This gives me hope...
jery_revets19 October 2012
... for becoming an actor myself. I have no skill set whatsoever, have never acted before or starred in anything besides my own life..., i even was unable to play a rock in our pre-school play because i just don't have it in me. But still, i am confident and straight-forward in saying that this movie assures me of my future career as an actor. Please, directors or whoever fills his days with this crap, contact me to perform in the next Wrong Turn and it will be at least more successful then this one...

No... Really... I almost vomited at the acting job... And i'm used to drinking whisky from the bottle...
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Amateur Hour
re-123418 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have to start by saying that I did genuinely enjoy the first two Wrong Turn films,particularly the first. The third was in all honesty one of the worst movies I've ever seen,(definitely in my top 5-and I've seen Plan 9 From Outer Space!). The fourth part of the trilogy was a minor improvement on its predecessor but sadly WT5 brings us right back to the abysmal standard of 3.

The plot consists of this ; A small West Virginia Town is hosting the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Halloween, where crowds of costumed party-goers gather for a wild night of music and mischief. However, Lo and behold, Three Finger and his inbred family of hill-billies decide to treat themselves to a blood soaked feeding frenzy. This involves a group of visiting 'college kids'(who incidentally all look the wrong side of 30).

Initially, I thought the plot was fairly well thought out and had the potential to work. However, it doesn't work, the acting is medioace at best, despite the best efforts of the mostly British cast.For a start their accents slip a few too many times, with Roxanne Mckee being the most culpable. The cardboard cut-out sets, would look more at home in a 1960s Spaghetti Western (I found the exterior of the Sheriff Station especially funny). Those hoping that Doug Bradley (a name well known in the horror genre) would save the film will be sorely disappointed as his character comes across as frankly irritating and misogynistic. As silly as this may sound he just seems to repeat the same few sentences about "his boys coming to save him" on a loop for about 60 minutes. The complete lack of realism in virtually every part of the film ranges from being laughable to actually quite frustrating. For instance, for a Town celebrating a festival it seemed to be pretty dead (no pun intended). The hill-billies simply would not have had time to concoct such elaborate deaths for certain victims and still be on constant watch at the Sheriff station. The often ridiculous decisions made by the characters are beyond belief, on occasions, they are in mortal danger, however they choose to leave their weapons behind and walk into blatant traps. To cap it all, the funniest (unintentionally so) part of the film, is the complete indestructibility of the mutants who are variously stabbed in the neck, shot in the chest and shot in the leg. They carry on regardless and seem completely unaffected and never sustain any visible injuries.

The only small plus point for me was the laudable performance from Camilla Arfwedson, who despite not exactly looking like your average small Town Sheriff did a decent enough job with what she was given and you couldn't help but be on her side at least to some degree. Overall though, this film really was dire from start to finish and the wooden script did it no favours either. Its also important to note that even with a few "gory" kills there is no real suspense or engagement,it is in no way scary which I would assume is a fairly vital component for a horror movie.

Personally, I am beginning to lose faith with the WT franchise a little due to the once menacing mutants becoming quite comical characters and the sheer lack of investment in the production values of the films since Declan O'Brien took the helm after WT2. I think it may be time for an official reboot but I really cant see it happening. Anyway I rate this movie 2/10 and I think that may be slightly generous.
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Stupid, Annoying and Unfunny Collection of Clichés
claudio_carvalho25 March 2013
In Fairlake, West Virginia, there is a festival during the Halloween called Mountain Man Festival. A group of college students hits the patriarch Maynard (Doug Bradley) of a hillbilly cannibal family on the road and they are arrested with Maynard by Sheriff Angela (Camilla Arfwedson). Soon his boys assault the Sheriff Station in a night of crime spree.

"Wrong Turn 5" is a stupid, annoying and unfunny collection of clichés. The characters are irritating and take the most imbecile attitude as possible. The town has a festival but it seems to be a ghost town. The story might have worked with humor, but the heavy hand of director Declan O'Brien makes a forgettable garbage. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Pânico na Floresta 5" ("Panic in the Florest 5")
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iansmom9922 December 2012
Declan O'Brien has pretty much destroyed the heart pumping, terrifying Wrong Turn franchise with his absurd sequels, WT3 is an exception though. First thing that's wrong with this is that someone gets slaughtered within in the first five minutes. Where is the build up of suspense or story development? The acting is obscene. The only decent performance is Camilla Arfwedson as 'Sheriff Angela'. However the gore/death moments are the same cheesy nonsense from the rest of O' Brien's sequels. I was honestly laughing through a lot of the movie. There is no horror. No suspense. No memorable performances or moments. Just another lame slasher flick. Stop producing sequels. How in the hell is this supposed to be respectable horror?!??
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Garbage Doesn't Even Begin To Describe It
dfa12037410 December 2014
This latest installment of the Wrong Turn series sees a group of young campers get unwittingly mixed up in an unfortunate series of events when the leader of a group of cannibals gets arrested. The "rescue mission" becomes a game of life of death when the said cannibals come to their leader's aid.

Now, the 1st movie was really good...good acting with very believable characters, good suspense, and really good creepy moments and enough gore to keep the gore fest fans happy. This one, however, was completely at the other end of the scale. The plot is ridiculous, the characters just look totally out of place (even the main town inhabitants look as if they don't belong there), the acting is pretty damn awful, and the make-up for the cannibals is amateurish at best...in fact I've seen better Halloween masks made by kindergarten kids. This is, in fact, a very bad Friday The 13th movie with a different title and there were parts where I kept expecting Jason to pop out from behind a tree or a corner of a building at some point.

When watching this movie you realise that absolutely nothing about it makes any sense either and just two examples of that are: 1) a cop gets charged at by cannibals...cop just stands there saying "halt" with no weapon drawn, and 2) the town is full of people celebrating the Mountain Man Festival yet as the movie goes on, without any explanation, it suddenly becomes like a ghost town. There are obviously much more than that but I don't have the time or space to list them all, and I don't want to ruin it (ahem) for you.

I've seen some really terrible movies in my time but this one ranks up there with one of the worst I've ever seen. I knew just 5 minutes into the movie it was going to be bad, but I didn't think it would be as bad as it was. I just wish there was an option for 0 stars because this movie doesn't even deserve a 1-star rating.

Avoid this absolute drivel at all costs unless you want to endure 91 minutes of pain. Don't say you weren't warned.
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stupid, gory and gratuitous nudity
trashgang18 February 2013
Hearing al the negativity about this entry I was a bit afraid to start this straight to DVD horror. I liked part 4 and had a big laugh with it especially with the end. The only thing I saw was that director Declan O'Brien was back behind the wheel.

Starts off rather with a big joke and some nudity, so far so good. We move further to a jogger running in the woods and do come across some weird faces, she thinks they are masks again but no, it's the hillbillies from wrong turn, off goes one finger in comes Doug Bradley. he cuts off her hand and so we see move to another joke, please give me a hand. You will see what I'm talking about. The opening credits starts and guess what, the hand being cut off is used to say Wrong Turn 5. By seeing that you immediately know that you are in a Wrong Turn flick with an easy script and lots of gore and this time a lot of tits being shown.

The whole Wrong Turn franchise has indeed turned away from a serious horror flick towards and extreme gory flick with some jokes added. I was more into part 4 but still I enjoyed it. The acting wasn't always convincing but Camilla Arfwedson (Sheriff Angela) did a fine job and Doug Bradley (Maynard) was fine too even as he is falling into one sentences like in Hellraiser (1987). He does remind you of pinhead sometimes but it do adds something toward his person here.

If you didn't like the franchise then this entry wont help you loving it from now on. It's gory, stupid sometimes and only made for the nasty killings, some believable, some exaggerated some stupid. But by now you know what you will get from Wrong Turn. I liked it even as the end was rather simple, and yes, the town was rather deserted for having a big festival. Sometimes the streets are full of people and sometimes it looked like a ghost town.

Gore 4/5 Nudity 2,5/5 Effects 4/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 1/5
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Worst Movies of 2012
pronetas20 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Worst Movies of 2012 just got their new number one.I honestly thought after WT 4 they would stop making this movie or maybe invest more and make it better. But I guess they just made another Halloween flick. Talking about the teenage group I think they don't reflect today's American stupidity and disorganization I mean please you got guns you had cars you had 5 people who could shoot guns and still all of them slaughtered like a pigs. Sheriff - I think if i did not know better about women officers i would say that this shows how women cant do men's job. Why the hell gun had only 5 bullets ? she shot it 3 or 4 times at the truck in the middle of the movie and then at the end one shot and thats it empty .... screen writing if BAD cast is AWFUL, potato has more acting skills.

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Give me a hand
nogodnomasters20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved "Wrong Turn 4" but wasn't big on the rest of them. I enjoy over the top slasher films with a touch of Roger Corman. This one opens Corman style with a nude love scene. The film takes place in modern times some 30 years later after...? I'm not sure what, but now Maynard Odetts (Doug Bradley- "Hellraiser" Pinhead) has been there for 30 years but absent from the other films as a killer. I decided not to think too hard on this one and just enjoy the film. There must be more than one branch of cannibal killers in the area.

The town of Fairlake, WV is having a 10 year annual festival celebrating the Hillbilly cannibal slasher...Seriously?

People are in costume which allows our recluse gruesome threesome to enter town with knowledge of cell phone towers, phone lines, and electricity. The film gives literal meaning to "Give me a hand" and "Lend me your ears." The killings/torture was done in different and entertaining ways bordering on Troma style using real pig entrails. Clearly this film is not for everyone. But for those who like an 80's Troma style slasher film, you might want to check this one out.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Amy Lennox, corpse nudity, Bulgarian film actress Borisa Tutundjieva)
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The best one since the first two.
deatman917 October 2012
I see no reviews for this yet so I guess Ill right the review for the last few with any hope in this franchise. Listen the last two sequels were unbearable to watch. The third and fourth sequel made me want to shoot myself while I was watching but this one I could find oddly watchable.

The makeup effects were still awful. It seems they just try less and less to make them look real and now they just look like people are wearing Halloween masks. But the storyline had switched and was a better, the acting was done fairly well much better then the last two and there was tons of gore to keep you entertained.

This movie is about a group of friends who visits a small town to go to a Halloween festival. At the festival that honours murdering hillbillies for some reason they are starting to be tracked down my murderous hillbillies.

This movie actually was not bad. Compared to the third and fourth instalment's this one is gold but compared to the first its still crap. So if you want any hope for the franchise of Wrong Turn this is your last and best chance. Skip the third and fourth
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...Another one ????
jameszxcvbn7 November 2012
As a fan of the Wrong turn movies (first and second), I was surprised that there was a 5th of the series that was released (I only found out yesterday while I was on the internet)...

To my interest I had to watch this version also. I honestly do not get why Declan O'Brien keeps experimenting with the wrong turn series... I mean he really messed it up from the 3rd, 4th wasn't any better but a 5th one ???

Really ???? The setting and the acting are both bad and don't have any intense to it (apart from the gory deaths). I think Declan O'Brien is making these just so that he could express his love for different gory deaths .....;;;

And why are the characters so dumb in Declan O'Brien versions of the Wrong turn series ????... honestly....
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If they were trying to make the worst Wrong Turn ever...SUCCESS!
MisterE210819 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, here we go. As horror fans we all would watch a Wrong Turn film even if was a Wrong Turn 17. Well let's just hope and pray that Wrong Turn 5 will be the last of the franchise, because this film has completely and totally destroyed any chances of any other wrong turn film becoming a hit or successful. Doug Bradley was so bad in this film that I felt bad for him knowing he's a horror icon. Bradley's acting was ridiculous, there were times in the film where he must've had a flashback and thought he was 'Pin Head', because I swear Bradley sounded like he was talking in his Pinhead voice?!...with quick puns and quotes even. Also, he was supposed to be the father of the 3 inbred mutant hillbillies, but why for the love all things sacred was he talking with a slight British accent?! The 3 mutant hillbillies were suppose to be the same three from WT4, but if you ask me, 2 of em shrunk down in size?! And the skinny mutant looked like he took great care of his hair, because it was long and flowing...lol. The make-up on these three were amateurish and at one point in the film I thought I seen one of the mutant's teeth slip out of place?! In my opinion the only one who took the acting gig serious was Camilla Arfwedson (who plays Sheriff Angela). But these fools even made her look ridiculous...why and how?...well because she is a small framed female, but these dummies used a (stunt) MAN dressed in her Sheriff's costume to break a glass store front door with the butt of a shotgun?! Other stupidity included having the gorgeous Roxanne McKee in love making and shower scenes and not show any sort of traditional horror film nudity?!...what a waste. But maybe she knew this film was going to be crap and didn't want to waste her delectable assets on something this bad....in that case, smart girl.

Lastly...where's all the people of the town?!...You can not tell me that EVERY single one of the townsfolk went to the festival?! Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines, is hands down the worst of the franchise, so see it at your own risk.
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The worst horror movie ever
v_minchev8721 October 2012
I've seen a lot of horror movies, but this one is one of the worst. The plot is pretty typical of low budget film. I mean come on. We live in 21st century and you actually believe that some three retarded men can slaughter so many people in the middle of some town and get away with it? How can you make a film like this? There were guns, cars and everything else and yet they all died. BS. History also repeats again and there's not a drop of realism in what is filmed. Personally, I think the money spent on shooting this thing are thrown away and honestly I'm so sorry for wasting almost two hours of my life watching this "movie". My advice: Not worth your money, you will definitely be disappointed!
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for the brain dead
alexander-hemery21 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will work for viewers with below average IQ, the rest will probably get tired of thinking WTF! most of the time. The script is just terrible...

I kinda enjoyed WT 1 and 2, I have not seen 3 or 4 but this one was simply a waste of time. I don't mind the below average acting and the low budget setting but stupidity drives me nuts. Just unrealistic scenes with lobotomized people getting slaughtered!

***SPOILER START*** So you are a police officer and you see 3 threatening characters with an armed bow coming at you, and say you don't have a chance to aim your firearm, and you get an arrow on your thigh. Would that stop you from getting your gun out and shooting at them ? come on! And thats just at the beginning ...plenty of WTF! moments like that throughout the movie. Plain stupid ...
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GetBackToWorkStuart21 April 2014
The latest entry in the Wrong Turn franchise, a morally inept and reprehensible piece of trash that does nothing more than add an extra nail to the coffin of what is the horror genre, if you can even call this a horror movie.

But, I can't blame those involved entirely. I knew what to expect. After being subjected to the fourth film, and drawing the same conclusions basically, when I saw Declan O'Brien was helming this installment, I rolled my eyes in aggravation, as I knew this would turn out no better than the last installment.

There is no need for this movie to exist. There is no point in this movie's being. It serves no purpose, has no moral, other than being a quick and easy meal ticket for those involved in its conception. It's lazy, it's cheap, it's a mean-spirited and sadistic piece of trash. And courtesy of IMDb's censorship rules, I almost feel like I'm complimenting the movie by that statement. I feel even referring to it as a movie is insulting. This wasn't a movie. This wasn't entertainment. This was a snuff flick. It doesn't care whether you like it or not. This is arguably the lowest both the franchise and the horror genre have ever gotten, and do you know what really leaves a sour taste in my mouth? This isn't the last we'll see of it. As of now, we're upon the release of the third installment of the Joy Ride series (or Road Kill as it's known internationally), the latest installment being helmed by none other than Declan O'Brien. So I have this to say: thank you, Mr. O'Brien. Because I now realise that if you can make it in this business, then anybody can. You could make the most mind-numbingly dumb, sadistic, contemptible, no-talent-required piece of crap on the planet, and still continue to get hired for work. So thank you for giving me hope. And thank you for burying this franchise with your piece of s*it, god-awful installments. I at least have some hope, because no matter how bad the upcoming Wrong Turn 6 may be, they can't do any worse than you already have.
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It was a gory lullaby..like literally.
denesn18 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so the original Wrong Turn movie is still one of my all time fave horror movies, and whenever i see a new one coming out, i get excited..but after the 2nd movie i realized i shouldn't. I really enjoyed the first 2 movies, but the 3rd and 4th was just PAINFULLY bad. When I heard about this one i was like, okay even though i know it's gonna be bad, i still have to see it, cuz in my opinion Wrong Turn movies are like drugs or junk food. You know it's not good for you, but you get hooked and just want more and more.

I watched it last night and i have to say it wasn't good, but it wasn't that bad either. It was quiet enjoyable (untill the point i fell asleep). The acting was MUCH better, than in the previous 2 movies (i still don't know how could they pay for those 'actors' to play in the films). It had pretty good laughs, few of the actors/actresses were attractive, i said 'eww' a few times and covered my eyes a bit, cuz the gory scenes were pretty disgusting, but those hillbillys just getting more and more awkward looking. And the 'my boys are coming, you're all gonna die' guy was extremely annoying. They should've left him out of the movie.

So in general it wasn't good, but i suggest you to watch it if you like these kind of cheap scary movies, or just have nothing else to watch.

I'm gonna give it a 3 out of 10 cuz it made me laugh, and put me in the right mood to sleep. And it wouldn't be fair to give it a higher or lower point, cuz i missed the last 30 mins and still got no clue how it ended. And honestly i think it's better if i just leave it that way.haha
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The Rio Bravo of the Series
Michael_Elliott10 April 2015
Wrong Turn 5 (2012)

** (out of 4)

A group of college students are on their way to a music festival in West Virginia when they're targeted by Maynard (Doug Bradley) and the three mutant rednecks. Before anyone can be harmed Maynard is thrown in jail where the sheriff (Camilla Arfwedson) plans to turn him over to the U.S. Marshalls in the morning but sure enough the three mutants show up to try and break him out.

WRONG TURN 5 is basically just a remake of RIO BRAVO or ASSAULT ON PRECENT 13, whichever film writer-director Declan O'Brien is a fan of. Either way, this film is certainly a step back from the previous entry but fans of the series should find a few things here to keep them entertained, although there's no question that they scaled by on the gore and violence levels. These two films were filmed pretty close to one another and it's clear that O'Brien wanted to get them as far away of the first two in the series. I really don't blame or fault him for trying to mix things up but this film can't compete with the fourth in the series let alone something like the two films it's borrowing from.

With that said, again, I enjoy the fact that the writer-director tried to do something different with the series but we've seen this type of horror film way too many times and there just aren't enough original moments here to keep it entertaining. Everything in the plot is just something we've seen before and even the death scenes aren't all that memorable especially after what we've already seen. The one saving grace in the movie is the performance of Bradley who is just downright evil. He pretty much has to stay behind the jail cell for the entire film so it's just the lines of dialogue that he has to work with. Bradley does a wonderful job at just being the creepy old man and without him there's no question that the film would drag.

The sheriff character is a well-written one, a strong female role and the actress does a good job with it. The rest of the cast is pretty forgettable and even worse is that the screenplay makes them all some of the dumbest that you're ever going to see in a horror movie. Plus, there are countless logical issues here including the fact that there appears to be no one in this town other than the main characters. Yes, I know there's a music festival going on but surely not everyone is attending it. Even the fact that this small town is having a festival and yet the only motel there still has rooms available to rent to the college students is something of a joke. Yes, that's nit-picking but when a film leaves you bored like WRONG TURN 5 did me, it's easy to see the flaws.
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Things were going so well
TdSmth528 October 2012
I don't understand how people making movies don't seek to improve things over time rather than adopting the mindset of other industries that seeks to make every new product cheaper and cheaper. Wrong Turn 3 and 4 were steps in the right direction, giving us a horror franchise with a lot of potential.

Wrong Turn 5 is a step in the wrong direction with an low budget and almost no attempt at telling a story. Some small town in Kentucky had its entire population disappear centuries ago. Now, kids celebrate a festival there every year that's a mixture of concert, wild free spirit and Halloween. But that's just the background and none of that is shown. Instead we focus on 5 kids about whom we learn almost nothing. They like drugs and are on their way to the festival when they crash their car and almost run over some old guy. We've met the old guy earlier. He adopted and supports the cannibal hillbillies.

As a result of the accident they all end up in jail. The driver who has a rich daddy admits the drugs found were his so all the other kids are released. The old guy is a wanted felon on the run and he knows and keeps announcing that his boys will come to free him. The sheriff in charge is some wanna-be tough chick. Her deputies are getting killed in the meantime by the hillbillies, although we never find out the fate of one of them.

And indeed the hillbillies cut all the power, of course, so most of the movie is at night and in the dark; and start killing their way to the jail, although the town is pretty much a ghost town now with everybody and their mother at the festival. From there everything goes by the numbers.

Wrong Turn 5 was filmed in Eastern Europe but little effort was made to make it look like the US. Most of the movie takes place in some cardboard town intersection. The kids aren't particularly interesting or likable. All we know is that the big guy is so in love with his successful college graduating girlfriend and so desperate to keep her from leaving him that he proposes to her. We learn nothing new about the hillbillies either. And this time around they don't look particularly scary. The make up makes them look more neanderthalish than monstrous. One of them even looks and acts somewhat feminine. The death scenes are pretty good though and so are the special effects. There's also some nudity and sex scenes, but there's a frustrating shower scene with the prettiest girl that never materializes. Why? What keeps this movie from being a letdown though is Doug Bradley. It's so good to see him again. He gives spectacular performance. But again, we learn little about his character. What is he all about, what about his past? The subtitle "Bloodline" doesn't refer to anything really, other than Bradley and Hellraiser IV. Nothing is made of the mythology surrounding the town either. The cover of the DVD is deceptive, none of the two images correspond to anything that takes place in the movie. Finally, there is no sense of dread in this movie whatsoever. If I had any say in the development of part 6, I'd focus the story on the Bradley character, bring another writer on board and keep the good things that this franchise has: nudity, violence, gore.
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Really why continue...?
Thanos_Alfie4 February 2014
"Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines" is the fifth and I hope the last movie of the Wrong Turn series and in this one we have again about the same in which some students who are on a trip for Mountain man Festival on Halloween when they encounter a group of cannibals who they want to to save their cousin from jail.

When I learned that it came out a new Wrong Turn movie I was expecting a really low and bad movie and that it was. I believe that this movie is the worst movie of the Wrong Turn series. The plot was not good and the actors interpretations were really bad.

Finally I wish this movie to be the last one from this series because I think that this series it does not have any more to give us.
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Fun franchise, improvement on the previous two!
killmissmarsh18 October 2012
Let me just start by saying i'm a massive fan of horror franchises. Wrong Turn may not be the best, but it's my guilty pleasure.

Personally i hope they continue to make these, they're fun and thus far always contain some good gore and a few cheap laughs!

This film is a great improvement on both three, and four. It seems like they've committed a much larger budget to this one than the fourth. There's one or two recognizable names. It does contain some poor acting, but on the whole it's a lot stronger than the acting in the fourth.

The kills are a lot better in this one, one kill in particular was amazing!!!

I'd suggest you watch this film if you're a fan of gory horror, you will be satisfied. However if you're looking for a thought provoking film with a high budget, a great story line and solid acting and expect it from this movie, well you're an idiot.
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Wrong Turn...keeping the old slasher horror flick alive and well
Robert_duder24 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think I saw the very first Wrong Turn but it would have been years and years ago and I have no idea what I thought of it. I still wanted to check out this instalment although I don't think I have seen any of the other ones. It didn't matter because really the only thing carried over were the crazy Hillbilly family and no history of them is given in this one anyways. The worst part about the movie (and really there isn't that many bad things about it) is that it runs far too long. The story is about an hour and 20 minutes worth (a standard horror flick length) stretched into an hour and 45 minutes and it definitely feels long. That being said...Wrong Turn 5 is exactly what fans should expect from a slasher flick. It is gory, crazy insane and unique deaths and kills, corny almost bad acting from the cast, nudity and gratuitous sex, and more and more blood. These ingredients only make a worthy movie in the horror genre. Especially if you like classic slasher and this one keeps the old genre alive. Its not about torture or really nasty gory deaths (although there are plenty) but its all in fun and often times you'll laugh more than be afraid but in a good way!!

Camilla Arfwedson plays the young Sheriff in the middle of all of this. Her acting is at times laughable. She delivers her lines in a cheesy and over dramatic way and yet she pulls it off and she is a strong character that I enjoyed. The cast of young hot teenish kids who end up being stalked one by one are all decent in their roles but they are strictly fodder for the killers and none of them stand out particularly. They play their roles well but no one is worth mentioning as being exceptional. Our killers are played by Radoslav Parvanov, George Karlukovski, and Borislav Iliev. They are all decent in their roles but really its not a huge stretch in the acting department. Their make-up and special effects are campy but perfect for this old school slasher. Horror icon Doug Bradley (Pinhead) joins the cast as the "father" type figure to the disfigured Hillbilly family. He is great...probably the best performance in the film. He is intriguing, mysterious and dark. The only problem is that there is no introduction to the character, we don't know where he came from as the character has never been in the series before. Regardless he is an excellent addition to the story.

Wrong Turn 5 won't be for everyone. In fact the reviews are quite harsh on this. I don't know why? I mean, I went into this with the expectations of finding an old fashion slasher flick and that is what it delivers. The kills are phenomenal, gory and unique. The story is nothing outstanding and yet it is what is expecting from this type of film. The performances will make you laugh at times but in a good way if that makes sense. It just has this great old school feel to it and I thought it was great. It will never be a horror classic but it entertains and since I love horror and have seen a host of really bad horror flicks lately, this was a pleasure! I encourage you to go in with realistic expectations, know what you're seeing and you'll come out of it smiling. I'm certainly anxious to go back and see the first four just because of this. 7.5/10
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silly cannibals Warning: Spoilers
Film was beautiful first three series.But fourth and fifth very bad.Deathes was sham.Blood's color is very different.Zombie was very sham.A few zombie like real.Actors is different age.This is very worse.I think, foreground as bad as zombies.Female actors was very better.But male actors was very worse.Female actors didn't save even film. I think, this film is waste of time.Actors choose very bad.Actors didn't play film is really.Film crossed in the forest.Forest is very bautiful.Forest is the better on film.Music was the best. In my opinion. This film was bad.And background was bad.In fact, other films the better.
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