Prey (2024) Poster


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I was left in disbelief at the ending
fgallardiii7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In "Prey," the premise of characters finding themselves hunted by marauders and eventually lions in a South African wildlife reserve sets the stage for what could have been a thrilling survival tale. However, despite its potential, the film falls short in its portrayal of characters and their decision-making processes, ultimately leading to a lackluster cinematic experience.

One of the most glaring issues with "Prey" lies in its portrayal of the characters' decision-making. From the outset, it's evident that the protagonists' choices often defy logic and common sense. The decision to embark on a trek without proper provisions such as water, food, and, most importantly, rifles for protection in lion country is nothing short of moronic. Any seasoned traveler or safari guide would attest that venturing into the African bush without adequate supplies and weaponry is a recipe for disaster. It's an oversight that strains credibility and undermines the realism of the narrative.

Furthermore, the characters' subsequent actions only compound the issue. When faced with a life-threatening situation, such as being pursued by the pride of lions, their choices become increasingly baffling. The decision to abandon their means of transportation-a jeep-and their only form of defense-guns-in favor of traveling on foot is incomprehensible. In the unforgiving terrain of the African bush, where predators lurk around every corner, leaving behind the safety and mobility afforded by a vehicle border on suicidal.

Moreover, the lack of strategic planning or cohesive decision-making among the characters detracts from the tension and suspense that should have permeated the film. Instead of banding together to formulate a rational plan of action, the characters seem to stumble blindly from one perilous situation to the next, their survival more a matter of luck than skill or ingenuity.

Ultimately, "Prey" squanders its potential as a gripping survival thriller due to its flawed portrayal of character decision-making. While the premise offers ample opportunity for tension and excitement, the film's unrealistic and often nonsensical choices leave viewers feeling more frustrated than engaged. In a genre where suspension of disbelief is key, "Prey" fails to deliver a convincing narrative, ultimately relegating it to the realm of forgettable mediocrity.
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Bad Script ~ Bad Scenery
smanning-0405219 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Supposedly this is to be in the kalahari. Yet in every scene of the actors, the background has zero african trees or scenery. Looks like New Mexico with the film showing mountains, brush and sand dunes. All shots of the lions were very obviously chopped in using stock footage. No lion attacks shown as well as bloopers all over the place such as a lions face is bloody then clean then bloody then clean again all in 20seconds. Stupid decisions like not taking guns and ammo that were left to them after killing the 2 bushmen. Would never watch again and high dissapointed. Phillipe and Hirsche were good actors but this film fell very very short.
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Some great moments, in a Poor Film
rohanumpleby-3405714 April 2024
I wasn't expecting much, the film is called Prey. But, it was slightly disappointing. Like, the opening scene was really good, and started out interestingly, but as the movie progressed, it got worse and worse. It was slightly amusing, the characters choices, and actions to things. And it sort of just felt abit off, like it had potential, but never set foot, much like the plane. So Let's talk about Prey.

The First 10 Minutes was very good, we get to see some nice landscapes, and even a death. And the crash landing of the plane, in such a futile area was great to see. The film wasn't afraid to have stakes, in the land of the Nara, takes the land of the innocents. Where Lions, Hyeenas lurk, there burial ground for Prey. And it looked as if this movie was going to take off, it didn't. Unfortunately, I was hoping the movie was going to be great, because the first 10 Minutes is warranted a 7.5-8 just because of how Entertaining it is, and how interesting it is. Unfortunately the next parts let the film down massively.

Like the Characters are so poorly written, and mostly one dimensional. And they make poor and questionable decisions throughout that leaves alot to be desired. Like, Instead of moving on, the couple decide to stay, and even after knowing there lives are at risk. And they could potentially get killed, an Injured leg for the wife, but they offered to carry her. So giving up and just staying where the Plane had crash landed isn't the wisest of choices. She is Unfortunately eaten by the Lion, which was to be expected. The others do the right thing and try and get out, before they are eaten alive. That doesn't quite work out for them, but trying to escape is better then being sat behind, near a preserve that consists of the deadliest things. In Nature, with no armed weapons to protect themselves, nothing but vulnerability.

Another silly decision the gang makes is having someone stand outside, only because the aircraft doesn't have enough space for the Four of them. But, when your lives are at risk, surely you'd protect each other, and not have another one keep guard and get eaten by a viscous Lion. Luckily they didn't stumble across Cheetas either!, as our group would of been eaten in seconds, with very questionable decisions.

They are faced with another group, but this time of deadly assasins, a group, like a cult. They shoot one of the 3 members that remain alive, meaning to of them are faced with death, or questioning which still would lead to death. The too survivors catch the assasins of guard as both of them fall asleep, this means the gang have time to escape, they don't!...they try and get the Gun of one of the armed gang members, wild! But luckily they survive the attack and kill the 2 armed gang members who were left there by the others.

In the end, there's one surviver. Lots of Beutiful scenery, some cool wide shots, and some great scenes with the other animals, Like Giraffes and the Elaphants and even the Birds was great too see. The film didn't deliver on what it could of done though, but it's now time for the overall summary, although I think you know the outcome of it.

Would I recommend this Movie?,

Get drunk with Friends and laugh at the stupidity of this film, otherwise don't watch this. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. 3.5/10.
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Offensively bad
josefhelmutusa17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just rented on Apple TV and demanded a refund. The movie is offensively bad. First no given point are any lion attacks shown...none...the lions shown are from stock footage and the attacks implied. Not even the aftermath of the attack is shown. The editing and writhing is so bad that it is mind blowing. For example...they are stranded in a lion infested wilderness and several people in their group have already been killed by lions - again you don't see any of that - then they get attacked by machine gun waving bushmen, somehow overpower them but leave the machine guns behind to continue walking defenseless through the wildlife preserve and get killed by lions.,,though again you have to take that by faith as non of it is shown I mean non of it. It's not that it's low budget it's that it is offensively bad.
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No lion attacks. No gore. PG movie
groovyjess17 March 2024
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One hour in and they cut the scenes before all of the lion attacks...all you see is some scratch marks on the plane afterwards. Like the whole reason to watch this type of movie is to see some animal attack, but nope-there's nothing. When they try to scare us with the lion they simply cut to a National Geographic documentary showing a lion walking, and they add some growling sounds in the umm ok-the most violent part of the movie is when one guy gets shot, but even that is PG... And seriously 4 couldn't fit in the pilots cabin? Like if it's life or death, let him sit on your lap! I rented this movie and immediately asked and received a refund.
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crystalhodgeco17 March 2024
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Horse dookey... stupid movie. No one even tried to survive. Didnt try to make weapons. Didnt stick together. Didnt build a shelter. Wasted all the water. Left the darn machine guns and ALLLLLL the bullets behind. And the one guy who kept trying to die, survived. The best characters didnt stand a chance. No lion attacks, and the few lion scenes were ridiculous. Waste of two hours of my life i'll never get back. Only movie worse was Gerry with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck. And I wasn't even as angry at the end of Gerry as I was at the end of this dumb movie. Seriously, no idea how 101 other reviews resulted in 9 out of ten stars.
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Oh, hell no! The Best thing about this movie, is its poster!!
paulclaassen24 March 2024
Oh, no, not ANOTHER lion movie called 'Prey'! We had 'Prey' in 2007, 'Prooi' in 2016 (Prooi being dutch for Prey), and now again! Then there was the 2022 'Predator' prequel also called 'Prey'. All too confusing...

The film's alternate title is 'Kalahari', and now it sounds all too much like 1965's 'Sands of the Kalahari', which is about a small plane flying to Johannesburg crashing in the Kalahari. Only, in that movie there are baboons and no lions. 'Prey' sees a private plane (flying to Johannesburg) carrying a handful of passengers crash landing in the Kalahari, and the survivors are being hunted by lions - blah-blah-blah.

'Prey' (aka Kalahari) is as B as a B-movie gets. Very little was explained about why the handful of passengers had to make use of the private plane and the characters were bland and one-dimensional. As a result I didn't root for any of them. In short, I simply didn't care about any of the characters. What the hell is Ryan Phillippe doing in a film like this?? Someone get the man a new agent!!

If you were hoping to see lion attacks here, forget it; there are none. There are lions, yes, and there are attacks, yes, but nothing is shown on screen!! The attacks are pretty much left to the viewer's imagination. Now, this is as cheap as it gets. I mean, honestly, this film is from the bottom of the cheap barrel!! The plain wreck looked like a cardboard cut-out!!!! I'm not joking, it literally looked like a thing that was made out of cardboard with windows being painted on it!! Give me a moment while I compose myself and try to stop laughing...!!!!

Why on earth did Green Light Pictures greenlit this?? It's a horrible script, and even worse in its execution. Every attempt at adding emotional depth - or horror for that matter - failed miserably. This is as forgettable as they come. If you're into lion movies, 'The Ghost and the Darkness' is still the king of them all! 2022's 'Beast' starring Idris Elba was by no means a good lion movie, but it was far superior to 'Prey'. In fact, compared to 'Prey', 'Beast' is a masterpiece in film making!!! The best thing about 'Prey' is its poster!! Pffff!!!!
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Worst film.ive seen this year, nay decade
devlinouk22 March 2024
Believe the 1* reviews, the 9*s and 10*s are plants, this film has terrible acting, awful editing, atrocious continuity, watch the teroorists gun when hes asleep for one instance, leant against the plane then in his lap, ridiculous storyline, they do thing even in their state of panic you couldn't imagine doing, in fact there's not one redeeming quality I can think of, the actors in it have created something that they'd prob do at the end of their career when they revieved a massive tax bill and knew they were about to be evicted, even then an actor with any conscience would turn it down due to embarrassment, I will return to this review to see if its true score gets to around 2 or 3.
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Very Tense
mrose21218 March 2024
Not just some stupid animal kill everyone movie. The leads actors did a rellay good job and there was a lot of orginal choices made as to where the storyline went. Will recommend to anybody who loves a good thriller. The used real lions too and not just the bad cgi stuff you so often see in these kinds of movie. Emile hirsch is a rellay good actor and I thought that Ryna Phillippe did well too, his characther goes through hell and back a few times but that was riveting to watch. The film music and score also gave the movie and size and scope you dont normally get from these movies, well done, thumbs up.
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Decent movie... bad critics
kshep-3299023 March 2024
A lot of the critics here are definitely disappointing type people who love to waste your time with the BS. Their main goal is to put forth their "correct" agenda and sell you on their crappy rhetoric. They are not actually understanding how complex the movie actually was so let me give it to you straight.

The movie was well scripted and the actors were definitely Top tear. If your looking for a movie that is jaw dropping, can not get worse from this point, i can't believe that just happened, where is "God", thought this was a Christian movie, this is the one for you. It had my heart pounding and my fingers gripping the couch.

While I am a christian, this movie was not "Christian propaganda" and actually was not as Christian on a movie as it could have been. It was real and heart felt with real live twists that you can not see coming. It's honestly a bit of a thriller.

The reason why it's is 7 stars truthfully is because it had some major flaws. Mostly characters dynamics and budgeting oversights. For a low budget film, they did amazing but, with that being said, they had some over sights that were noticeable in the movie. I also hated the resolution at the end. It leaves you feeling empty.

It's defiantly not a sit down, this is my favorite movie type. And it's NOT kid friendly. It's brutal reality and honestly leaves you stunned.

Would I watch it again.. sure... my favorite of all time? There are definitely better.
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anrunkle25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this movie was the trailer which is why I coughed up 6.99 on Amazon to rent. It is by FAR the worst movie I have ever seen, and it made me sad because with 3 actors I could name, I was surprised at how bad the acting, editing, script, and EVERYTHING was. They must've blown their entire budget on the actors because it was laughable ridiculous.

You don't see anyone die, it's just implied and weirdly edited so they wouldn't have to pay for visual effects. They never build shelter or try to survive and even leave available GUNS behind. Then pops out the snake, and the scorpion, and the LIGHTNING saves the guy from hyenas?! Are you KIDDING me?! The Christian undertones were clear as the man of faith lives and is saved by god. I cannot. I'm so sad I wasted money on this garbage.

It's also a well know thing that male lions hunt SOLO.

Go see Idris Elba in BEAST instead. It's an hour and a half of my life I will never get back.
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What is all this deception?
ketkat-4326823 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst films I have ever seen A deceptive poster that has nothing to do with the movie, and weak, broken dialogues. I did not see any scene of a struggle with the "lions" 🤣 I think they did not even know that they were cast members in this ugly movie in every way.

Except for the film's intro only, which I think bankrupted the treasury of the producers and director.

I hope to enter the mind of everyone who rated the film with more than one star to find that satisfaction that made him make this move.

Think that after this movie I will not trust the reviews and I will review all the movies that got one star, as they may be the best I think the rating is upside down.

I searched for the name of the writer and director to prevent myself from watching any film they contribute to.

The beautiful thing!!

They are one person.
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So bad it's good.
tony-6585113 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? I thought with former A-list actors it had to be kind of decent. Um, nope. Between the horrible writing, the landscape changing between a desert, mountains and African plain 😳, mixed with the same 3-4 clips of lions or vultures intertwined a dozen or more times. This might be the biggest POS I've ever watched. But, it's so bad it actually might be amazing. The only live animals in the movie were a snake and scorpion even though it's supposed to be about lion attacks . Mena Suvari dies super soon because she can't escape a plane crash ( paper mache plane) where she got a scratch on her leg after a " horrific "crash that looks like a model plane from the 60's going down in a heap of bad 70's Star Wars special effects. Then American pie gets eaten by lions, apparently. Ryan Phillipe gets saved by a lightning bolt by a freak thunderstorm in the middle of the desert as hyenas ( who apparently roam the desert) attack at the end. I'm not making any of this up. Someone actually wrote and made this. Actors actually read the script and willingly participated. Money and desperation = prey. Watch it, please. It's that bad. You're welcome.
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trans-839333 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am at a lost with words on how to describe this movie. I don't want to spoil the movie so I'm going to write less about the movie and more about the actors themselves. This movie had a horrible storyline, graphics, grade D acting and what is up with that lightning strike that came out of nowhere! I guess it's meant to say that God does exists??

Those random characters who were getting on the plane...what were the purpose of them?

I thought it was going to get better once Ryan took control of the gun but it just got worst scene after scene.

Emile's acting was okay during the movie but towards the end, it was the worst and his action totally came unexpected. Was that really needed?

I don't know how or who even said "this movie is great, let's release it." They need to re-evaluate what they're doing.

Do yourself a favor and watch something else today. I usually like to waste my time watching these type of movies but definitely skip this one if you can.
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Bad religious propaganda disguised as a thriller.
jb-847747 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Distributors really need to start labeling films as "religious" when they're so blatantly so. The dialog is absolutely ridiculous, and the continuity errors are lazy (for just one instance, the two remaining characters walk away from an available automatic weapon knowing they're faced with lions and perhaps more "natives"; in another, we see that one character has just walked an entire day in 100+ degree sand but his feet are just fine in his sandals; and more). In fitting with the "white savior" tropes, the protagonist and his wife talk to each other and act like the movie takes place in 1950. There are several insulting and offensive scenes that discuss "the natives," and some pretty bad CGI of blood on the lions. At least we got a couple of laughs.
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leekeithf31 March 2024
Hm. It's a tricky one, is this. How do I be polite yet be honest about this film. Firstly, what ever happened to the jeep? Secondly, I've seen turds dry up quicker under a solar lamp. Thirdly, how did they get the make up on the lion? Then between scenes it must have had a wash, for now it's 'sans' blood, so there must be water nearby to quench their thirst? I mean what the hell is going on? It's like The Grey made into a PG version, made suitable for children who don't have a clue what the hell is going on, but are happy to be entertained by the charming clown you're mother's petrified of. It's not a beast of a film, it's watchable just to see how bad it can get. And why the buggery didn't they use the jeep?
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Why! Just Why!
rgv25129 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Prey" unfolds as an exceedingly disappointing cinematic venture, plagued by a host of glaring issues that detract significantly from its overall impact. The film's direction, unfortunately, falls well below par, suggesting that perhaps the director might benefit from exploring career options beyond the realm of filmmaking. The storyline meanders into the realms of the nonsensical, lacking coherence and any semblance of depth, making it a challenging watch for those seeking meaningful narrative engagement.

The characters, particularly the doctor, are depicted in a manner that borders on the absurd, showcasing a bewildering lack of survival instincts that one would reasonably expect to find in such a context. This lack of common sense and logical decision-making extends to the entire group, whose actions-or, more accurately, inactions-serve only to frustrate and confound the audience. A prime example of this is the bewildering decision to eschew assault rifles when presented with an opportunity to arm themselves adequately for protection, a choice that defies basic survival logic and further undermines the believability of the narrative.

Such fundamental flaws in character development and plot construction render "Prey" a film that fails to deliver on any of its potential, ultimately making it a forgettable and regrettable viewing experience. Viewers in search of a film that offers compelling storytelling, logical character behavior, and a sense of narrative satisfaction would be well-advised to steer clear of this cinematic misfire. In sum, "Prey" is an exercise in how not to craft a movie, epitomizing a wasted opportunity in the thriller genre and serving as a stark reminder of the importance of coherent storytelling and character development in filmmaking.
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Disappointed. Could have been great.
jansell-8553727 March 2024
I wanted to love this movie. It has a fantastic cast and going into it I had really high hopes. What you get is a movie that could have been really great, but in the end was poorly executed. What will likely be the draw for most is the animal attack aspect. Survival horror... man vs nature. It's present, but they decided to take the Jaws approach here. A few people fall prey to the wildlife but the events are completely left to your imagination. I felt like they fell flat in that department in a big way. I wasn't looking for a gore fest, but you have almost ZERO animal human interaction here. The initial attack was a shock to me, but not in a good way... the way it was done. Very ambiguous. You see the characters and they are fine. When we're brought back to the scene after a cut to other characters, the attack has already taken place seemingly some time ago. I just wasn't a fan of how it all went down. Some characters do absolutely ridiculous things that make no sense. There's at least one huge continuity issue. Then there's an almost ridiculous spiritual undertone to this that I also felt was poorly executed. One of the main characters is dealing with a crisis of faith and he makes what I feel are some ridiculous choices that are supposed to be faith based. I feel like the writer or director has the notion that having faith negates the ability to reason. Indeed I've known some people like this, but it's not the rule. The kind of people who don't lock their door because God's looking out for them. Inevitably they're burglarized or worse. God gave you the ability to reason and a lock to keep people out 🤷‍♂️ I digress... This could have been a good film especially with the main cast. Unfortunately it wasn't, and for numerous reasons.
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Wasn't bad. A few questions?
nathanskiles-6029327 March 2024
So the acting was perfectly, which i suspected with Phillppe and Hirsch and the story wasn't bad. Reminded me of a few other's I've seen recently. Just had a couple questions if anyone knows. Was the Director/Producer/Writer or anyone else a religious/spiritual person? The reasons i ask is the absolute lack of foul language, which my parents, who are in their 60s definitely appreciated. I believe there was once or twice where one or two slipped out. The other question would kind of go along the same line, All deaths were off screen, so no gore. Once again could be moral decisions by a creator.
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Soooooo dull! (Spoilers!)
jaxx6210 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Probably one of the most boring films I've ever had the misfortune to sit through. So many stupid decisions made it's unreal. No atmosphere at all. The best part of this film was the scenery and the animals. If a plane crashes and they were not wearing seat belts, would they not only survive but have no injuries at all?? But...the one passenger who did wear a seatbelt gets a nasty injury. It makes no sense! The jeep the bad guys came in.....why didn't the remaining survivors take it?? Why was no attempt made to barricade the part of the aircraft that they were in??

The film dragged, at least that's what it felt like to me. Surprising that it featured well known actors. We're they strapped for cash so signed up even after reading what must have been an awful script?? Oh well, who knows! It's time I'll never get back now anyway!
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tknmzombie1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What is advertised as a thriller and possibly a horror is really a Christian sales film. That if you believe in God just enough, he will save you from: dehydration, African lions, poachers, hyenas, a plane crash, a long time bad guy, scorpions, snakes, and a horrible wife.

We get to see some beautiful shots of a plush African park, I'm assuming it is millions of miles from where our actors were actually filming. As well, it was so pristine from above...and then we see our actors in what seems like a Sahara desert situation mere minutes from it. They talk of a river they just flew over, and how much water is the most valuable factor. Yet going towards said river is never a choice.

As well, and good lord please. At the site of their plane crash. There is an obvious set of tire trends, known in "hunting parks" and "picture parks" as the WAY OUT. Just follow the road dummy. It takes you right back to the hotel.

If you plan to film a movie, where your people are stranded in the middle of nowhere, make sure there's no visible signs of PEOPLE.

Next. The lions. And all male pride of super healthy lions. I could "say" it's because they have placed them in the park for big game hunters to all be able to come there and all have a chance to take down a big cat and it be a male lion. But, for them to all be getting along, have no visible fighting scars to show who's been making themselves top kitty? And being so well fed without any females? Right? Not likely. And to all suddenly be ok to hunt people (or come near them regardless), when they know they come into the park regularly with guns just to kill them? In the daytime? Again? Nope. they will be happy to do so. And we saw zero.

This is a Daniel into the lions den film. With some scares. A Christian sales film. Stupid.

I would recommend instead to watch Prey that came out in 2007. Or obviously The Ghost in the Darkness that came out in 1996.

If you want to see some somewhat staged but ACTUAL African wildlife and survival. Then Naked and Afraid does some episodes and full year events in Africa.
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this is a Z grade film
greygalah25 March 2024
The story is the worse collection of cliches about Africa and "the natives" (that's what the script calls the local people) made after1950. The story follows a spoiled rich kid and his friend with their guide and a missionary doctor and his wife who crash in a light aircraft in an unspecified African country. Apparently there are lions so the rich kids and pilot go off to a nearby village, but the pilot who apparently can't read a map "makes a wrong turn." That's word for word. They return to the crash site and get jumped by a couple of "natives" with AK47 wearing Day of the Dead make-up. There's lots of shouting, unseen lions leaving blood trails from missing passengers and a happy ending for at least one. The dialogue is moronic, the acting even from the two names stars is so wooden, they could have built a glider to escape the lions, who we see very little of. Overall the film is very weak, not scary at all, dull and stupid. There's nothing positive to say about it, except when the plane crashes, it looks like it was shot down in the Battle of Britain.
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If only the wind direction hadn't changed
cjonesas1 April 2024
A mild action/thriller! Made for kindergarten with basic everything. It is generic, cliched, but not bland. Besides the nature, heat and animals, everything's mild and averagely generic.

The sad part is that it is made as an action, thriller, but there is only illogical and irrelevant action and as for the thrill, the burning sun rays had more thrill than the majestic lions' white teeth.

If you seek a better storyline, more tense plots with real thrill, backed by good acting, you can give it a go and watch 'The Canyon' superbly and believably acted by young Yvonne Strahovski.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 4.5
  • Production value/impact: 4.5
  • Development: 6.5
  • Realism: 4.5
  • Entertainment: 4.5
  • Acting: 6
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 7
  • VFX: 5.5
  • Music/score/sound: 6
  • Depth: 5
  • Logic: 3
  • Flow: 4.5
  • Action/thriller: 4
  • Ending: 4.5.
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Not bad not great, so-so
yaldagashas23 May 2024
I'm wondering why this movie got worst comments whereas it showed us reality of humans of this point of view, When they are threatened situations, what decisions make or what reactions they have forward to death. In point of religious view, I'm not sure because I have grown in Iran with Islamic beliefs about God. I faced with a question why they showed us God saved a person who was really religious oppositely, his wife was religious too and they indicated us her faith, but she couldn't surviving? Another people were good person but God couldn't help them? Thus, I am confused.

Let's not skip the right, the story and scenery was good. It wasn't awful. In general, I like it and I recommend you to watch this movie 🎬
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