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Solid Aussie horror romp
alex_van_beek30 October 2015
As films go, this was a 5 but as horror films go, this was a 6. This really had everything you would want from a slasher flick: a menacing and monstrous baddie with a sad and weird backstory, a variety of kills and plenty of gore and creepy moments in eerie settings. This isn't one of the great Australian horror films but it is a dependably good one. It does everything you want it to. The build up is nicely paced and then it just kicks off and doesn't relent until it ends.

One of the things I really liked about this film was that it was a horror that wasn't filled with teens and tweens unlike a lot of films in the genre these days.

It was an enjoyable watch and a good way to fill the late night. If you like your horror films then I'd recommend this one to you.
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A trip back to the 1990s slasher era...
paul_haakonsen19 July 2017
The reasons for why I opted to sit down and watch "Charlie's Farm" was solely because of two things; of which the first was that it is a horror movie, and the second being that Kane Hodder is in the movie. It turns out that my horror heart skipped a beat when I saw that Bill Moseley also was in this movie - a fact which had eluded me.

"Charlie's Farm" started out quite nicely with some brutality and slayings, so the scene and mood of the movie was established right away. So it was off to an impressive start.

The atmosphere of the movie and the build up of the storyline is very reminiscent of the horror movies from the 1990s, so there is a sense of familiarity and nostalgia to be experienced here. Personally, I think that worked out well in favor of the movie.

The cast was for the most part quite interesting in this movie. I was initially thrilled to have Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley together in a horror movie, but was somewhat disheartened when I came to realize that they didn't actually have any on-screen time together. Also, I feel somewhat bamboozled because Kane Hodder didn't really have that big of a role in this movie. Now, I don't claim to be much of a fan of Tara Reid, and for some reason she looks exactly the same in every movie she is in, exactly the same - so she could potentially just be the same character in all of her movies.

The special effects, props and make-up department had done some pretty good work in bringing the movie to life on the screen, and the gore and mayhem looked rather realistic, which really added to the enjoyment of the movie. Well, at least most of the time anyway, there were moments when it was obviously a prosthetic being used, and was painstakingly visibly so.

I have to admit to having a good laugh when Kane Hodder was standing in the dark and asking "is that you Jason?"

If you enjoy the old school slasher horror genre then you will most definitely get a kick out of "Charlie's Farm". However, the movie does follow that traditional blueprint of how the horror movies were made back then, so on that note don't expect any great surprises in terms of innovation or creativity.
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Creepy tourist locality, mainly for fans only
quincytheodore25 June 2015
Sometimes a horror movie doesn't have to overreach with its premise, Charlie's Farm toils away with mindset. It uses the "cabin in the woods" concept down to the creepy antagonist and assembly of clueless annoying characters. The backstory and gore are made pretty well, but with stuttering pace and awkward dialogues, this will resonate better with horror or gore fans.

One day two friends just decide to visit a harrowing site of murder, and they take mandatory attractive girls there. Soon we follow character with nickname such as Donkey in a ridiculous road trip as a build up for the story. To its credit, Charlie's past is told thoroughly by on-screen characters, which is a nice foundation for the antagonist.

Script consists of blatantly uninspiring jokes and quips. Aside from Natasha (Tara Reid), who seems to be the only one with common sense, there's barely any identifiable character. Fart jokes or stupid decisions in crude display, it looks like the movie wants audience to root for the villain.

Apparently, this particular site is infamous in attracting backpackers. When the murder spree begins there are ample amount of victims and the ways they are dispatched are admittedly creative. There's plenty of gore between the slow trudging plot. Practical effect and make-up definitely produce very nasty sequences. The shock value surprisingly goes a long way.

Unfortunately, some of the scenes in dark lighting are poorly captured, so it may hamper the thrill. That's basically everything Charlie's Farm has to offer, only a couple decent bits from the story and lots of blood for the rest. Horror fans might find some delight, but others would probably be reluctant to visit Charlie's Farm.
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It Was OK.
chrismackey197223 June 2015
The movie wasn't great by any means, but it was certainly watchable. The acting was pretty good for what the movie needed. However, after they're at the farm, two other people show up. I figured they were thrown in to be the first killed so the audience could have more time with the original four characters.

Charlie's backstory wasn't too bad. However, why did he have yellow eyes? lol. I can understand the crooked back, but the eye color was a bit silly.

Much of the movie happened as I thought it would, except for the end. I won't spoil it other than to say it was...not expected.

Tara Reid was pretty good in the movie, but she really does need to put on some weight. When she was crossing over the fence in the beginning of the film, it looked like she had no bicep muscle. She's a pretty girl and a fair actress, but she needs to take care of herself.

There is a bit of nudity in this. In Charlie's backstory, a woman is tied to a bed, and one of her breasts is visible. Later in the movie, Donkey is getting out of a lake, and his butt is shown.

The kills were...gross. So, if that's your thing when you watch this type of movie, you'll like this. I don't usually cringe about death scenes in horror films, but I did in this one. As I said, they were gross.

I gave this a 5-star rating. If you like horror films, and you're sick of the 1-star low-budgets that have awful actors/actresses, this will be a refreshing change. Mind you, it's not great, but it's good enough if you've got 90-minutes to blow.
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Charlie's Farm..
cannot-self-terminate24 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie's farm is an Aussie slasher, very much in the nature of The Texas chainsaw massacre, Friday the 13th and basically every other horror film that has emulated the deranged killing machine formula.

The plot basically rips off elements of superior efforts such as The Devils Rejects and Hatchet; a group of tourists set off on an adventure to investigate a rural property in the a**e end of Australia (complete with warnings from the locals of "evil" lurking and to stay way) where the title character's redneck family resided in the 80's - killing and raping - until the towns folk took it upon themselves to kill the psychotic mother and father. This leaves the young deformed and handicapped son parent-less and left to fend for himself in the harsh Aussie outback.

In true B-grade horror style, the child grows to the size of a mountain, whilst remaining inherently stupid - yet still far intellectually superior to the dimwitted tourists/backpackers that he subsequently dismembers, disembowels and totally destroys.

The title character Charlie provides the best highlights in this otherwise derivative movie - at 7 foot and 350 odd pounds and the appearance of a Neanderthal troll - actor Nathan Jones certainly conveys a brutish and frightening amount of menace. Horror stalwarts such as Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley provide some level of credibility - yet remain only small players. This unfortunately entails that the focus is largely placed on Tara Reid and 3 other dipstick Australian Z grade actors that ensure that the dragged out early and middle stages of the film are quite tedious and mostly devoid of laughs - cheesy or black.. One could possibly blame the lackluster script for this as well..

Any shortcomings in the plot and acting really is par for the course in the context of B grade slashers - it's the gore and kills that remain as fundamentals, and Charlie's farm is no exception. Actually, the gore FX is top notch, often brutal and definitely as good as many bigger budget productions. Here is the problem with the film - three quarters of the movie is used to build characters and a story that ultimately goes nowhere - the slow nature of the narrative really does make the viewer wait too long for the pay off..And the victimized characters lack any redeeming qualities..It is a relief when big, nasty Charlie finally dispatches of the final one!

All in all, watching the deranged and insane Charlie lumber round with large weapons chasing down f**k-wits like Tara Reid's character is great fun - but this accounts for about 20 minutes of action. The tedious build up bereft of an entertaining script or characters ultimately undermines the savage finale. Australian redneck gore- fest "Storm Warning" is a far superior offering, or even both Wolf creek films.
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Almost a parody of itself
storm_mica19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Charlie's Farm" could have been a modern-day classic. Undoubtedly designed to take advantage of the increased interest in Australian Horror movies created by "Wolf Creek" the makers have chosen a less cerebral, slasher path here and have come up with a pretty gory film.

The storyline is flimsy (pure clichéd slasher movie contents including the clueless pretty blondes and their dickhead boyfriends, locals who tell them "don't go there!", even a campfire scene for telling scary stories, and, of course, gore, gore and even more gore..) and while Bill Moseley shone as Charlie's demented dad, the rest of the cast at best struggled with the task at hand (especially the totally underwhelming performance from Tara Reid - one of the "Home and away" kids could have done better). The effects were delightfully amateurish and I'd love to know how much fake blood they went through!

But where the movie fell over was Charlie; his grotesqueness and size was so exaggerated it was funny. In fact when Melanie is running away from Charlie I'm sure she is laughing, not screaming in fear.

Whichever way, it was a good watch and my partner and I still laugh about it.
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A Generic B-Slasher
MattBirk28 June 2015
I'll keep this short, this is just a B-slasher, nothing more nothing less. A group of 20 somethings go in search of some infamous location with a brutal past, only to encounter someone from said past and all hell breaks loose.

There is violence, gore, language, sexual undertones, and not much else. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry could make something like this, it's a very straightforward story.

The only redeeming qualities are Nathan Jones who is 7 feet tall and 350 plus. He's huge and the movie takes advantage of it! He's pretty damn intense. There is also a VERY well done throat slit scene that looks fantastic. Slow motion with phenomenal effects, one of the most intense graphic scenes I've seen. Bravo

But outside of that, we've seen this type of movie done before and far better. But if you are someone who enjoys cabin-in-the-woods type movies with very little subtext, this is something you will surely enjoy.
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Australia, seriously?
Flick_Reviews6 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WHY does this movie exist? Who thought it was a good idea to send a coked up Tara Reid down under to be a part of such a horrible, horrible film? Sharknado I can understand and I honest to goodness thought Charlie's Farm was supposed to be in the same category - satire. It took all of about 5 minutes into the film for me to come to the horrible realization that no, this film was legit trying to take it self seriously.

Through some of the worst acting/dialogue I've seen in an age, we're introduced to the main players of the film. A laughably bad group of stereotypical twenty-somethings looking to shake things up. A leading man with no screen presence or charisma, a leading lady who quite literally is in it for the pay check, a bumbling, chubby comedic sidekick with a classic misogynist outlook (and ego to boot) & a dead eyed cute girl who for some reason decides to come along.

Literally, from the opening scene you know exactly where the film is headed (and honestly you may as well switch it off there).

I wont go into the details of the film too much because honestly, I could jump on to the wikipedia page's of ANY slasher film and cherry pick plot points from there - as it seems the screenwriter/director Chris Sun has done with this self titled 'return to form' for the genre.

i have been on the look out for a fresh new horror franchise of late (since the Saw movies went south FAST) and after seeing online that this film had not only Bill Mosely but Kane Hodder as well I was well enthused to see the picture. Boy was I let down! In what were essentially cameos both major draw cards to the film are killed off in ridiculously weak, poorly thought out ways. Heck, Bill's death is so early into the film I'd completely forgotten he was in it until sitting down to write this.

The Australian Outback is highlighted through some (and I stress SOME) good photography from the camera team although the dark scenes weren't very well shot with the exception of one beautiful frame inside Charlie's mine shaft thing (what was it? Why was it there?) toward the ending of the movie.

Now on to the death scenes. In what are supposed to be highlights of this kind of film (and based off of the Director's constant hype building via social media) with fresh, exciting and brutal ways of dispatching his victims, Charlie tends to be pretty tame when it comes to the killing. Disregarding one delightful kill involving a piece of machinery mind way through the film, the rest of the killings feel cheap, stock standard and overall extremely underwhelming. Almost all the killings take place in broad daylight, a nice change at first but it quickly became a major problem. In one scene involving a some kind of river, the bumbling fat friend (whom the daft script repeatedly beats you over the head with the knowledge is gifted with a rather large C@#$ - even going as dumb as to name him Donkey) has his member cut off and shoved down his throat in what might just be the silliest moment of the film - in what i suspect was supposed to be a small moment of comedy, it does nothing but undermine any kind of threat the audience is supposed to feel in the moment. truly ridiculous.

Not only is Charlie a cheap rip off of far superior slasher films (apparently this cost 3million dollars? No wonder its so expensive to live in Australia) it's actually funny to think that anyone involved in this project suspected that this could ever be thought of as scary or be taken seriously.

Did they even do screen tests on Charlie? He looks comically out of place amongst this back drop (especially his silly yellow eyes) and apart from that - showing him in broad daylight from the first kill instantly takes away any kind of threatening reveal you could have built up to.

Actually while we're on the topic of the look of things - what on Earth was with the casting? Random backpackers just appear from the wilderness at one point in the movie - essentially kill-fest fodder - but both actors were horribly out of place. The red headed man (who I seriously hope isn't a respected actor in Australia) looks, sounds and IS completely out of place. A well kept beard and his hair perfectly quaffed and he's supposed to be playing the type of person we would believe to go hiking? The woman also, with no character apparent except the appearance of some brightly colored hippy pants is also way too dressed up to be believable. Good thing they're dispatched quickly because neither has an ounce of on screen presence.

All in all - the film was wasted time. I am still searching for that great new horror franchise because this is definitely not it.

PS: Don't believe any of these 10/10 reviews - I was just looking through the page for the directors next movie "Boar" and a lot of the people acting in it are Australian people who left positive reviews on this film lol. No wonder the acting in this was crud. They're not even real actors! Just people sucking up to a director with some money. Is that even allowed?
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Never visit murder sites.
videorama-759-85939111 December 2014
You know, I'm awaiting something that can really show us, what this new and talented director can bring to the table. CF is a really well made film, and the first of Sun's to hit cinema. After almost scarring and scaring us with the overindulgence, and in one sense, brilliance of Daddy's little girl, CF is too much of what we've seen before in other horrors. There are some truly, repulsive and nasty moments in the early half, again with violence so overdone, it's laughable and unbelievable. The opening music score, and opening credit sequence was awesome, where even here, there are familiarities. The early part, where Charlie's cannibalistic parents, are killed by townsfolk in retribution for eating all of the missing employees, is very Texas Chainsaw Masssacre'st, chiefly as in the last TC, but the others in the resurrected franchise. Little Charlie of course survived and is believed to be possibly lurking around. You know how these urban legends and campfire tales ensue. You been to horror school. Now Charlie, a seven foot guy, built like a brick s..thouse wants revenge, and gets it. There wasn't much suspense here I found with this frightener pic, chiefly, because you could tell the moment, each victim, was gonna buy it, and where, especially one couple in a lake, where the male party, a real gross out guy, is deprived of his donkey d..k. I spotted their demise here a mile off. They're part of a foursome. Two hotties + one not bad looking guy, plus gross out guy, who has possibly scored with hottie Alina Jacques. Watching Tara Reid, yeah the main star? near the start, sunbathe in a black bra and bikini was arousing, and genuinely they're were some good performances, but the gross guy was very good. Another couple who we don't care much about, tag along later in the film, as if desperate attempt to add more suspense, gore, or duration. The grueling finale was quite intense which had me again, familiarizing myself with the nearing of the Friday 13th remake. On the whole, the film isn't badly shot, some scenes of our inner outback, wonderfully and beautifully captured, with some nice slow zoom in shots. Sun just has to now get serious and bring something of higher quality to the cinema screen. Charlie's Farm fails on the basis of not being original where we've been there too much, and seen too much of that before. Again I drawer heavy reference to the catalyst in the last TC.
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tl_edu13 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As an Aussie, I am truly ashamed of this so called horror. I'd hate people to think this is the kind of crap we produce.

I have no idea who the people are rating it so high, but I'm sure they have been paid to do so.

The actors were mundane and monotone. I was glad when they were slain.

The Charlie character was unbelievable, down to the silly contacts he wore.

Some movies are so bad, they're good. This is not one of them.

I think IMDb need to check who is writing these reviews, as I cannot see how people are raving on about how fantastic the film is, and how awesome the acting was. I've seen better acting on Neighbours.
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nytmere6630 July 2015
an amazing local film to Australia, going back to the classic slasher films like Friday the 13th. With Nathan Jones playing Charlie he is an imposing figure in this film and one you wouldn't wanna run in to at any time of the the day. The special effects are beyond amazing with no CGI in this all props are hand made and make this an instant classic. Bringing in local unknown talent on Chris' part is amazing and refreshing for the movie and the industry. Chris is a force to be reckoned with as an up and coming director, he has big plans and won't stop for anyone keep an eye out on his next films and this man. If your a horror/gore fan I recommend you go out and but this ASAP.
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Charlie had a nasty farm, E-I-E-I-O
Coventry14 April 2015
Just in case there still are some backpackers crazy enough to go out hiking in the Aussie Outback after "Wolf Creek" and "Wolf Creek 2", there is now "Charlie's Farm", which must be located somewhere West of Bundanyabba, where the people seemingly all turn psychopathic due to the heat and drought! "Charlie's Farm" is exactly what you expect it to be, namely an extremely brutal and visceral '80s throwback-slasher with an undefeatable killer, plenty of disposable victims and excruciatingly painful death sequences. Top of the bill, genre fanatics are treated with guest appearances of beloved horror icons Bill Moseley ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre II", "House of 1.000 Corpses") and Kane Hodder ("Hatchet", "Friday the 13th"). Horror geeks Jason and Mick mislead their girlfriends and plan a camping trip to the notorious murder site Charlie's Farm. The deranged Wilson family who used to own the farm were maniacal rapists, murders and cannibals. Farmer John and his wife eventually got murdered by an angry mob, but their mentally underdeveloped son Charlie fled into the woods and was never found. More than 30 years later, there naturally are many urban legends and campfire tales about Charlie going around, as well as stories about tourists who went out to farm and never returned. As you can see, "Charlie's Farm" literally hangs together from traditional slasher clichés, stereotypes and homages to genre classics. The film is a lot of fun, although admittedly it takes a little too long before hell fully breaks loose, and the ideal type of entertainment to watch in group with beer and pizza (or at a Film Festival after midnight, like I did). The gore and make-up effects are very professionally handled and the film definitely contains some of the nastiest murder scenes I've seen in a slasher since a long time. Just to give a few examples, there's a girl whose jaw is ripped off and another poor girl has her whole head squished underneath the wheel of a tractor. Ouch! After Glen Jacobs in "See No Evil", Nathan Jones is another wrestler to depict a crazed killer in a gory horror movie. I can easily understand writer/director Chris Sun's choice to cast Nathan Jones, considering his gigantic posture and menacing grimaces. "Charlie's Farm" represents purely rancid and shameless trashy horror entertainment from Down Under; nothing more and certainly nothing less.
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Typical meaningless horror flick (spoilers)
robertka123 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Every time I hear of a new supposedly-"horror" flick, I go to watch it with expectations of something different and I am always, always invariably disappointed. "Charlie's Farm", Welcome to the club of ho-hum movies. Anything and everything frustrating is in this movie. I saw someone rating this as "a great film" with "the most amazing kills" and that "this film will put Aussie horror on world stage"! I have enjoyed most Australian movies but, unfortunately, this Charlie's thing does not do it. Plus, it has nothing new in it.

From beginning to end, clichés are blatantly present: movie starts with a couple of people, mostly screaming girls, being killed. Then, young guys with gorgeous girls insist on going some place (usually a farm) where rumors say there were multiple murders). Once there, they are out of reach and their phones are useless. They all play scary, supposedly funny tricks on each other (to build tension). With flashes, you get to see what happened in the place in the past. Then, members of the group are shown in bikinis or even completely nude for titillation. Gradually, each and every member of the group gets knocked off in a bloody way. Finally, the last 2 remaining members seem to be close to escaping this nightmare place. And here are the classic annoying clichés leading to the end: someone tries to fight the main killer like in a sporting event: ie, no hit or punch below the belt, waiting for the surprised killer to recover before hitting him again, etc. If a weapon is present, it is always, always, for a reason I never understand, thrown away after the killer is shot just once. As always, only one person is left. He/she always gets to a vehicle and always drops the keys to the floor (Thank God, this did not happen here). Surprise!! The killer reappears out of nowhere and finally kills that remaining person. That last body is dragged away while credits are rolling indicating the killer did not die and a very possible sequel will happen to continue the story.

Why can't we ever see the hacker/slasher/killer really killed at the end and the story ends right then and there? No sequel. Just an exciting horror flick with no clichés, a nice plot with a surprise unexpected ending that can be remembered, and not a blatant trial at milking the story for profit ad infinitum?
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Outstanding Australian Horror Flick!
divadoodledoo12 July 2015
The low rating of this movie motivated me to post my first ever review ,,, It is truly one of the best horror movies I've seen! It takes quite a lot to creep me out & this one actually scared me ... Special effects were pretty good...especially the riverbank scene ...I'm a long time ER Nurse & I'm pretty picky when it comes to gore scenes ...This particular segment was pretty realistic anatomically ( ask me about the man & the Filter Queen Vacuum accident / the kid & the dog & the peanut butter ) ...There's also a "jaw " incident that looked quite authentic. I love these Australian movies because there is an element of psychotic behaviour that lends plausibility to the plot. Unlike Vampires & Demons, this could actually happen! If you liked High Tension & Wolf Creek, you'll love this one!
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11 Things I Learnt From Watching Charlie's Farm.
spookyrat122 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1 Quite a lot of people in Australia speak English with an American accent.

2 When you go on a camping holiday in Australia, it's best to try to find some miserable hell hole of a place with a nasty reputation to recreate.

3 Lots of back packers like visiting these type of places.

4 Keep the destination a secret from your girlfriends to surprise them when visiting..

5 When seeking directions to Charlie's Farm, insult locals who try to give you some good advice and may be even pick a fight with them.

6 Despite its "reputation", police simply, just don't go to Charlie's farm.

7 Policing around those parts is done by civilian, gun-toting posses.

8 Orphaned children in the bush grow up to be huge, 7 foot dudes, who look half-alien, like killing people and are invulnerable to a high-powered rifle bullet, shot point blank into their chests.

9 When you're obese and skinny - dipping with your gorgeous girl friend and after being confronted by an aggressive and armed Charlie, get out of the water and tell him off in no uncertain manner.

10. When a friend tries to help you out, by taking on Charlie one on one, wait till he's dead, before getting involved to assist.

11 When thinking you may have killed a serial- killing monster, throw your rifle away and under no circumstances consider finishing him off, with a handy axe or machete.
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Beyond stupid
Saiph904 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could give this -1, it was up there with one of the worst movies I have ever endured. Where do you start, well here is what I learned.

1 You get anyone and their relatives to write a review to boost the rating. 2 There is so little to do in Australia that it is better to travel hundreds of miles to stay in a s### hole rather than spend time next to a pool with a few beers. 3 No matter if you have a huge beer gut, wear women's knickers and have the social skills of a wilder beast you are still attractive to the stunning brunette because you are called donkey. 4 When confronted by a bloke who looks like the side of a house and has a four feet machete you should stumble up the riverbank naked and call him "a retard". 5 Although it took them a few days driving and camping their boxer mate can teleport there. 6 When said boxer arrives he thinks it is a good idea to offer the seven foot machete wielding maniac a Queensberry rules boxing match.

This film was awful and the makers knew it was stinking the place out so thought we will make it funny so everyone knows we are doing it tongue in cheek. Unfortunately it is neither funny or a horror movie. There is no empathy with the characters you start rooting for Charlie. Australia is a beautiful, fascinating country but this manages to waste it, it wants to be Woolf Creek but ends up as time you will never get back, I have been more horrified by finding we had run out of coffee than anything in this movie.
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At last, some Australian trash
Maleplatypus2 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First hour of the movie nothing happens. After that, also nothing worth mentioning happens. And then it abruptly ends. That's a summary.

There are some impulsive nonsense murders. Nothing imaginative or scary. Acting is horrible. Clichés fly around like flies around corpses. Director is trying but cannot make any cake from such a crap of a story. In fact, the only thing good in this lousy excuse for a movie is photography, which is masterful and a total overkill, considering everything else. Therefore two stars. Otherwise it would be just another Orphan Killer, compared to which Ed Wood was brilliant.

Australia tends to make extreme movies: either excellent or total garbage. Guess to which group this movie belongs and pull out the subsequent recommendation.
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In line
kosmasp26 October 2015
The "monster" of the movie is pretty decent (even though "pretty" should not be taken literally). It's also nice to see Kane Hodder without Make-p and acting. And if you're aware of him you can guess what kind of will happen during the course of the movie (and yes that is kind of cool too). The problem is the same old story, boring characters, changes of attitude or mentality in a blink of an eye without explanation and further things that only happen in horror movies.

Not to mention that almost every lead character is kind of despicable. Maybe that was planned, you never know where your sympathies are supposed to lie with some of these slasher movies. The effects are decent too for a low budget movie (also graphic at times). But nothing you actually need to see ...
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Aussie slasher that delivers on gore but not much else
Stevieboy6663 September 2022
I first watched Charlie's Farm not long after it came out on DVD and really enjoyed it. Roll on six years or so and I have just given it a second viewing, sadly this time it didn't have quite the same effect. Let's be honest any movie that has B-movie queen Tara Reid get top billing is never going to be great. Acting isn't her best asset and without sounding ageist I felt that she looked too old for her part as one of the "youths" looking for the farm of the title (she would have been late 30's at the time). This is an Australian slasher movie set in the bush and has some great scenery. Among the cast are two American titans of horror, Bill Moseley and Kane Hodder. Moseley plays Charlie's drunken, murderous father and puts in the best performance of the film, constantly referring to his son as "retard". Hodder, best know for playing Jason Vorhees, is a bit more out of place, he plays a boxing coach who adds very little to the story. Charlie himself is played by man mountain Nathan Jones. I do like Australian movies and the Aussie wit is very much here but overall the acting isn't great and, with a few exceptions, the first half of the film does plod. When the gore and brutal killings do come later on it was worth the wait. Some really gory kills and thankfully no horrible CGI. As a splatter movie it delivers but is low on nudity, just a single female breast and the rear view of a butt naked dude. To date there has been no sequel so for now at least it is a fairly reasonable stand alone title in the modern stalk and slash genre.
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Awful on so many levels but for horror fans a go see
fletchiekins23 June 2019
This movie is terrible - horrible script and really bad acting (surprisingly with the exception of Tara Reid). Saying that the death scenes are brilliant and the effects / makeup superb. If you want a no thinking, straight up slasher fest you could do worse than this.
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If you like violent death at the hands of a grotesque giant this is your kind of movie
Mjaklofsky5 December 2014
Firstly I'm not a horror fan but saw this movie the special effects were really gruesome which made my stomach churn and some of the murders were excessive to the extreme which happens to be exactly the audience for this film is wanting .The dark humour was sick but the audience laughed in the right places .Nathan Jones is scary and reminded me of a cat catching a mouse and while playing with it kills it for fun . The tone of the film is just right for the slasher genre and would make s great boys night out . Once the journey begins its not stop action .Tara Reid has a scene that would give me nightmares and still makes me cringe which is credit to the props and fx . If you like gratuitous violence set in the Australian outback with demented Aussie Humour you will enjoy this but for me I'm a little sensitive
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Been there, done that. The last 30 minutes for slasher fans.
Fella_shibby5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The plot basically rips off elements from The Devils Rejects, hatchet, Texas chainsaw. From beginning to end, clichés are blatantly present. The Australian Outback is highlighted through some good photography. I want to visit that place. In fact, the one thing good in this lousy excuse for a movie is photography, which is masterful. Some well known actors like nathan jones (troy, mad max fury road), bill moseley (2007-halloween, devils rejects), kane hodder (hatchet trilogy), tara reid (American pie). Tara was looking very ugly n too thin. The other chick Allira Jaques was more attractive. Horrible acting by all. The gore FX is top notch, often brutal. So the movie does accomplish in satisfying slasher movie fans. The bearded, red headed man looked like a poor man's Jake Gyllenhaal n Nikolaj Coaster‑Waldau. Very predictable confrontation fight scene between Kane n Nathan. We have seen this type of movie done before and far better. But despite its flaws its one of the best slasher films for fans of the genre. If you like to see people getting killed in brutal ways for about 30 minutes then go for it. The bad part- the movie is one n a half hour n nothing happens till one hour. Waiting for the director's next film- Boar, starring the psychopath from wolf creek.
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A horror movie that is not quite good but surprises nonetheless
gaelcerda-3522526 February 2023
Few of the main reasons I sat through this movie was hearing good things about it from friends and also being a huge horror buff, especially the slashers plus Kane Hodder, one of my favorite horror movie actors comes out. Who doesn't love him as Jason Voorhees and Victor Crowley? This movie while having a predictable plot and mediocre acting at best, didn't suck as much as I expected it to. Some scenes surprisingly shocked me despite the editing being very choppy and slow, the kills are very gorish and fantastic which is a must for any slasher. The first hour of the story dragged on for wayyy too long and took awhile to pickup the kills and action but Nathan Jones gives a fine performance as Charlie and Tara Reid and the rest of the actors are fine. I appreciate the writers giving a backstory to Charlie but when a slasher movie drags on for a whole hour before getting to the kills it becomes pretty generic.

A solid 5/10, nothing special but definitely worth watching a couple of times especially if you're a horror fan.
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Oiled and ready to rumble!
berleecrawford25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie's Farm: Slasher Genre movie.

Things I learned.

About Charlie: 1. Charlie has iridescent, yellow irises which are never explained.

2. Charlie has existed on this ranch for decades yet he wear clothes and boots that fit him perfectly. You would think that a seven foot, 350 pound horribly disfigured man would find it difficult to find clothes but apparently not. He must buy in bulk through the catalog "Deformed Man Mountain Clothing".

3. Charlie as a small boy displayed rotten teeth. Even decades later with obviously no dental regime, he still has a mouth full of rotten teeth. I would think by now all he would have are the gums and his cannibalistic days are in the past. Oatmeal time!

4. In one scene as an adult, we see the deformity of the spine. Obviously the vertebral column is no longer attached to the pelvis and how he is able to be standing straight and walking is truly a miracle! Praise the Lord!

5. Charlie brandishes a very unique weapon, one that would not be available for purchase from a store. So he obviously took up mining, smelting, blacksmithing, wood working, all to create said weapon. People refer to him as a "retarded"?

6. It is amazing how Charlie has not succumbed to infection during the decades his sores and wounds have been seeping.

7. As in the sport of body building, Charlie loves to oil himself up. I have no idea why but every one else in the movie does not exhibit a bead of sweat or oily skin. He does have a large supply of 10W30, 10W40 and 10W50 in all the derelict autos littering the ranch. Someone mentions that nothing has been disturbed in 50 years. Well no one seems to notice many cars are NOT 50 years old!

8. I must say that Charlie has a wonderful attitude towards life. He truly, obviously enjoys what he does because of his laughing and giggling. He did give up that promising career as a care taker of the elderly in a geriatric facility to stay on the ranch to assure a homicidal manic would ALWAYS be available when needed. His father would have been proud!

9. I LAUGH at your puny point blank discharge of a gun into my torso!

The idiots: 1. One realizes and extrapolates very quickly that the four main characters have an aggregate I. Q. of 213. One wonders why Charlie is referred to as the "Retard"?

2. What my friends really are receptive to. I suggest that for a vacation I want us to traverse to the former home of John Wayne Gacy, in which he murdered and buried 26 young men in the earth under the house. I just want to find "Something really cool!" DUH!

3. Let us just take into account this is just an idiotic idea, but let us disregard an entire bar full of people warning you not to go there. We will then disregard a good friend warning us not to go there because it is dangerous. We will go anyway because we are immensely stupid.

4. Never react to a seven foot deformed, homicidal maniac standing in the room in which you are sleeping, staring at you. Just look at him for 10 seconds, don't yell or scream, just fall back to sleep!

5. When someone points out to you that "He's huge!". You naturally turn to see a seven foot tall, wound and sore seeping, oiled, yellowed eyed, deformed man carrying a huge bladed weapon staring at you. You immediately get out of the water nude and walk up to him and proceed to announce that he is "Retarded". Are you surprised he wacks (LOL er..), with one blow (LOL er..) with one deft cleave, severs your penis, picks it up and shoves it in your mouth. I wish this would have occurred after just introducing this character in the movie.

6. This is the largest, flaccid penis in the history of mankind. Take a look at what gets stuffed into his mouth, it is the size of a ten pound brausaugger!

7. When you are the only person still breathing and find yourself being rescued by an elderly gentleman that earlier had warned you not to come, always stop and loudly berate him instead of getting your ass out of danger!

I see Charlie as a very necessary part of the Eco-system. As with other predators which maintain the population of other species, Charlie hacks and hews and releases from their mortal coil, extremely imbecilic humans. He is doing homo sapiens a service by removing these MANY moron from the gene pool before they propagate. If only we had a Charlie in every neighborhood. The world would be a much better place!
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Charlie meets Jason.
Krackoon28 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okay... So, if you've seen films like 'Hatchet' or 'Friday the 13th,' you can pretty much pass on 'Charlie's Farm.' There isn't a single original idea throughout the entire 90 minutes - and other than a solid looking monster (Nathan Jones,) there isn't a single redeeming quality, either. But for some people, a solid looking monster, and a few decent kill scenes, is more than enough to make up for the utter stupidity the rest of the film has to offer. I may come across as being an ass, but I have nothing but respect for the writers/directors of these films, good or bad - but if we're being honest here, it's usually bad. However, I cannot say the same about the actors.

The cast may also catch a few eyes - Kane Hodder, who hasn't starred in anything decent for quite sometime, which isn't shocking, since he has the screen presence of a cardboard cutout, and he manages to pop up in just about every terrible horror film that gets made (Should we really count Digging Up The Marrow?) Tara Reid, who is and always will be a dreadful actress - and Bill Moseley, who manages to get the hell out of dodge within the first 15 minutes. As you can probably tell, I am not recommending 'Charlie's Farm' for the top notch acting - because there isn't any. These people have been around for years - do they even try to improve?

Random Ramblings of a Madman: A few decent kills, a solid looking monster, and a whole lot of terrible is what you're going to get - if that's enough for you, 'Charlie's Farm' is a winner. If you expect more, like I do - go watch 'Sharknado' instead, because at least then Tara Reid can pretend she's acting bad on purpose. I am, however, looking forward to Chris Sun's upcoming 'Boar.' I just hope Tara Reid doesn't make an appearance.
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