We Still Say Grace (2020) Poster

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An engaging and solid story
mjsreg13 December 2020
I don't know what others were expecting, but this is a solid movie with excellent acting by all of the cast and a story that keeps you interested.

Well worth watching.
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Just another religious fanatic flick...
paul_haakonsen5 January 2021
While the 2020 movie "We Still Say Grace" from writers and directors Brad Helmink and John Rauschelbach was a watchable movie and entertaining enough for what it was, it just wasn't an outstanding movie. Now, don't get me wrong here, because "We Still Say Grace" wasn't a bad movie, but it just turned out to be another run-of-the-mill religious fanatic movie that has been seen and done before.

But it should be said that "We Still Say Grace" is definitely worth sitting down to watch. But at the same time, it should also be said that the movie is the type of movie you watch once and never again, as the movie just doesn't have the contents to support more than a single viewing.

The storyline in "We Still Say Grace" is pretty straight forward, and actually well enough written, but it was just a tad too generic and given the fact that the movie didn't really offer anything in terms of plot twists and surprises, it made for a rather linear experience.

There were some fairly toe-curling and cringeworthy scenes throughout the course of the movie. Not because they were scary or anything, but because they were just so morally wrong and kudos to the writers for managing to pull that off.

The acting in the movie was good, and I must say that Bruce Davison really dominated the movie with his performance. He is actually a rather diverse and talented actor, and his performance in "We Still Say Grace" alone makes it worth watching the movie.

Ultimately "We Still Say Grace" is a movie that didn't leave much of a lasting impression on me. The movie came and went without much of a noticeable mentioning. My rating of this 2020 thriller lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Veers Into Exagerrated Cliche Land
captainpass24 February 2021
For the first 50 minutes or so the movie manages to rise above its familiar premise: the group of hip young people with a car break-down near an isolated family of rural folk. Here, "Harold" plays the patriarch of an ultra-devout Christian family that live without a phone in a remote country area. He offers to help and invites the young men into his home on condition that they abide by his rules.

Of course, the farmer has daughters; and so part of the plot will center on one of them being peeled off via an attraction between the younger daughter and one of the three young men. So far, so good; and the movie does a decent job of not simply turning Harold into a hypocrite Christian who mouths platitudes while hiding dark secrets (which he obviously does).

The problems come in the last thirty minutes. First, the movie is quite a bit too long, and so the slow burn becomes a drag by that point. Second, the film is a social-psychological thriller for the first hour but then switches gears and veers into horror territory with some pretty stark episodes toward the end. The problem is the disjuncture from what came before. What started in Hallmark Channel fashion ends in "Farm House" (2008) territory. The acting is decent, but the material does not always bring out the finest in what is an experienced group of actors.
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A Two-Headed Creature
Rickinator699 April 2021
It's as though there were two different production companies with two separate crews, one team working to make a decent horror film, the other intent on making a cheesy one. It was like watching a pair of Siamese twins fight each other for 90 minutes. The story was decent, Bruce Davison and Holly Taylor are great, just about everything else was schlock. Okay, Bruce Davison was awesome. I think the current 5.4 is a good rating.
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Drink The Wine And Join Your Mother!
wandernn1-81-68327415 February 2022
I kinda liked this! Bruce Davison was fun to watch in this. A little bit of religious fanaticism which blooms into fierce control, lies , and murder. Entertaining. Not Great. Not too bad. 5/10.
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The ALWAYS dependable Bruce Davison
haskel-7295122 May 2021
This was better than expected. Solid performances from all, especially Davison - who has always been a solid character actor. Good script, strong direction that slowly ratchets up the tension. These save it from becoming just another rural religious zealot thriller. Recommended.
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And The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.
stevenrobertson-9789914 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Terribly predicable. Obvious from very early on who would 'survive' and who wouldn't when the three blasphemous boys entered the home. Lost my attention half way through the film really so by the time we got to the end and dad was paying for his sins I hadn't really seen fully what happened to all the others.

Acting wasn't bad. Especially from dad. He was great. The main lead boy was okay as was the rest of the family. The other boys not so great. Like I say I got lost so never understood the reasons why they were making cars stop by ... not bad but not great. Worth a once watch.
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There are plenty of things that don't add up, but it's still pretty entertaining
jimbo-53-18651114 May 2022
When their car breaks down in an isolated area, 3 men call at the home of religious devotee Harold and asked for his assistance. Having no telephone to call for help, Harold offers to help fix their car so they can get back on the road. However, the longer they stay at Harold's the more uncomfortable they become with him and soon find themselves increasingly desperate to leave...

Films where people's cars break down in films of old and become stranded have slightly more credibility (before mobile phones you really were in trouble if you were out in the middle of nowhere). However, in the year 2020 the idea of 3 men travelling across the country with not a mobile phone between them is too much of a stretch in credibility. I could understand them trying to use a mobile and getting no signal, but at no point is it ever mentioned that any of them have one which just makes no sense at all in this day and age.

I also couldn't quite get to grips with the family and their mentality; on the one hand Harold says that they don't need anyone or anything locally as they have everything they need within their 25 acres of land yet they have a modern bathroom which is fully tiled, some modern light fittings lamps etc in some parts of the house and yet in other parts of the house it goes back to looking a bit Amish which ultimately had me a little confused.

Having said that, if we concentrate on the characters and the narrative then it is fairly good. Harold is a ticking time bomb and you always sense that the men are one blaspheme away from big trouble. The hook with this film is wondering who will escape and how they will achieve it? There's a bit of tension in the finale, but I won't reveal anymore than that.

The acting is generally fine with Bruce Davison clearly being the standout player. The narrative is fast-paced whereby there's always something going on and there are some twists and turns late on just to keep things spiced up.

We Still Say Grace isn't fresh or new and neither is it a particularly brilliant film, but it does well for what it is and despite some flaws it is still fairly entertaining.
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Ok, 1 time watch but nothing really new here. :l
midnitepantera20 December 2020
Decent acting, but just another religious fanatic raising his family in isolation so he can play God and lord it over them. Had a few creepy twists, but I just really could NOT suspend my disbelief with the actions of the characters who arrive and the ignorance of the females. My eyes kept rolling up in my skull. That tub scene just made me wanna HURL!!
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Strong all around
zhivago9728 January 2022
Strong acting, interesting storyline and suspenseful. The movie held my attention throughout. It felt real, like it just might actually be possible.

The only downside is that it's a story that's been told before. But to be honest , this version is one of the better ones. Definitely recommended.
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Don't waste your time.
Togo-1313 December 2020
The 10 star reviews are new accounts with one review for this movie only...obvious employees or actors in the movie.

The movie is horrible. Bad acting, bad sound design and bad script. if you have something else to do like walking the dog, its better than watchin this.
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From someone who group up in a church a strict as this
troyrseppala11 September 2021
I grew up in a church as strict as this (minus the movie aspects and all that). But the strictness in this is how I'm reminded that my family was a few generations ago. Maybe this movie isn't for everyone but for those with religious trauma I couldn't stop cheering for Maggie the entire time.
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Interesting horror
kevincressard11 August 2021
I enjoyed this, the acting was good, the story not too poor, worth a watch.
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Formula for failure
takato052413 May 2021
Every time. When the writer is also the director, or is in the film, it usually results in an awful movie. This was no exception. Boring from beginning to end. Not slow burn, just slow. Terrible ending. Terrible story. Terrible acting. Terrible cinematography. Great to fall asleep to or leave on for the dog while you're at work.
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An OK Thriller
MovieMaster014 January 2021
Thought it was quite interesting until the last 30 minutes when it got really boring. Shame that the hired such a bad actor to play the main daughter Sarah. She was practically laughing all the time when someone got killed or other dramatic stuff happened.
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Bruce must have needed to pay a bill
defasse7 July 2021
Some good actors just make movies to make that tax bill. This was so bad. Bad, predictable, over exaggerated, and another religious nut who thinks he's that God in the sky. If there is a God, he or she would be pissed right now that a movie can be so bad.
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Christian Folks Take it on the Chin Again
joshualeldred6 June 2021
In a world that is very sensitive about racism, stereotyping, and negative depictions of entire people groups, we sure don't seem to mind depicting the Christian folks as delusional, perverted, fanatical murderers on a regular basis. This movie is no exception. It's a typical kids break down in the middle of nowhere and run into a crazy family type of thing. Acting is average at best. Story has lots of holes and "you gotta be kidding me" moments. I've seen much worse movies, I actually finished this one, so that's a plus. There is just nothing scary, original, or particularly well done about his film. Lots of cringe worthy dialog and character behaviors. I'm saying skip it unless you really hate religious people and you want to see them act like idiots.
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Don't bother
ghost-6110625 October 2021
If you like every overdone cliché every this is just that, I was bored so I just randomly happened on this. I'm one of those numpties who has to see a film through but after that, I asked myself; Why?
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Overexposed waste of time
hiderzofficial17 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Every shot was either out of focus, overexposed, or had an audio issue. The acting was terrible, and there was no story. I feel as if the director watched Midsommar once and had $20 and said "yea I can make this movie"
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Completely forgettable.
becky-9234614 March 2022
We Still Say Grace (2020) follows the teen daughter of a religious fanatic who attempts to escape her father' suicide packed when a group of strangers break down near their home. This film a very basic 'crazy religious guy' story with absolutely no substance at all and even made me quite angry at points.

The acting wasn't great, and got gradually worse as the movie went on. It wasn't noticeable at first, but that changed quick. None of the characters were written in a likeable way either, and I didn't care for any of them. The dialogue was weak too which definitely didn't help.

The score was very generic sounding and didn't interest me. There was no interesting or effective sound design either, so there's not much to talk about. The whole movie felt so empty and hollow due to this, there was no attempt to build up horror.

For me, the film was dull from the start and made no attempt to be gripping. There was no scary or tense moments, it just feels so lifeless, like there's nothing to it. This movie didn't necessarily drag, but it wasn't intriguing in any way. A lot of the movie felt laughably bad, and the ending was just plain stupid and ridiculous.

The cinematography however, wasn't too bad, but in no way saves the film. There was a lot of potential with the cinematography, the colour palettes were nice to look at and there were some decent shots, but the story that went alongside it was just incredibly poor.
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Great film with a twist
miaculpelive12 December 2020
Is it cult fever or is it backwoods perversion? It's reall salvation from Heaven's Gate. Now why in the world can I not find the music anywhere? "I see blood" written by Mel Elias performed by Avery Keely...I want that tune! 😃
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Silly nonsense
kdycer15 August 2021
More fake reviews. Don't be fooled this is another dumb movie. Dull, cliched and predictable. Stupid characters making one bad decision after another. Waste of time.
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Nothing special here
jamesiha-8799310 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story has a good premise, but it kind of falls apart at the end with a few plot holes. The dad gets an A for acting, mom and Sara get a B, everyone else gets an F. There are moments of suspense and Maggie is smiling while her lines are telling us she's scared, she ruined it for me. The spike strip gimmick was good. But when the one guy finds it with wires connected to it, he follows the wires halfway back and then dies. We never see where the wires go. They don't have electricity so I was interested to see what the wires purpose was. If they get a flat tire from the spike strip, how does the car end up in front of the house? And when they fix it and he drives into the booby trap ditch, how does it end up back at the house? If you told me this was Bruce's special project, I'd believe you because I don't know how this movie ever got funded.
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This movie coulpd has been a 9 or 10 except for one part which
eprusulis6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They made the kids way too disrespectful even though they don't think they're right because even though they don't think the way because they're staying at their house just the family even though they're a bunch of religious people are helping them and you're yelling at them and hurting them screaming at them at all. They might even freaked out and stuff but they should have just bit their tongue but one of the kids did the other two ones looking around the house and the other one is just being mouthy.
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Good idea but bad execution and not to great actors
spamreceiver-458443 March 2023
Meh title has everything.

My review needs more characters so I'm just gonna type in random words 🙂

Timmay and I are you guys doing good and you are you and the family and the kids are going back to work on the website and it says no exit for me to get the money to work on it but I'm not going anywhere else for the next one to work on my break and the measurements aren't working out for the week and they are going to be in bed for a bit more spheres today and tomorrow is the last one I have to be at home Depot and the house is it in my room for a little longer than I thought ya ya ya I am Lorde ya ya yaaaaaaa.
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