The Mirror (2014) Poster

(III) (2014)

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Fatally Flawed!!
ikeybabe2 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Flawed in so many ways. The premise is decent - spooky old mirror and 3 flatmates filming everything. Then absolutely nothing happens. The mirror is the most benign thing in the history of horror films! Finally, the main character *spoiler* Matt starts sleepwalking and pisses his pants. (OK). Then he starts playing with knives and despite the fact that he's wearing a GoPro during his nighttime adventures, no one bothers to actually view the footage. Really?! That's just dumb. Oh yeah, there's a break-in and no one bothers to call the cops. Then when Matt goes blind - that's right actual sudden BLINDNESS - why doesn't anyone take him to the ER?! Come on! Common sense still exist even in the dumbest of films. And when he goes out and actually kills someone and removes her eyes that sh*t doesn't make the news?! The remaining flatmates are shown watching TV and they are totally unaware of a heinous murder in the neighborhood. Oh, and I nearly forgot, their blind roommate has gone missing and still no one bothers to call the freakin' police!!! The ending was anti-climactic. The storyline bogus and the actors were quite whiny. I love scary movies, but this barely qualifies as scary or a movie. Geez!! (I would have given it an even lower rating, except I have actually seen worst. At least the picture quality was decent).
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Fatal flaw
begob5 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is good ...

The characters are fresh and likable (although the camera dude is a bit irritating), the premise is like a solid 19th century ghost story, and the pace is decent.

... but what in H was the director/writer thinking?

He forgot to cut off the phones!

I couldn't believe it. From about 30m the only plausible course of action was to ring for help. First some relative, then maybe a doctor, and when the possessed guy went blind it had to be emergency services. Even at the very end no attempt at 999. Impossible for the audience to disregard.

The only gesture was to have camera dude slumped on the floor finishing a call to someone unidentified. Or maybe the bit about the phone charger. Maybe the mirror could have interfered. Maybe some back story to explain a family falling out over the inheritance of the apartment. Maybe a threat to evict the girl and camera dude if they phoned. But nothing.

I know it's not an original concept, but that has to be dealt with at the screenplay stage - "note to self: we are NOT lost in the woods". Given the quality of the rest, I'm stumped.

Good story ruined through carelessness. Disappointing.
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You Power On If You're In A F@#$%^G Struggle!!!
wandernn1-81-68327418 June 2020
Okay!!! Amazon says this is a 'movie you might like' so here we go....

So some wannabe film contest winners order this mirror off of Ebay. They are hoping for some sort of paranormal experience.

The first night Matt starts sleepwalking and acting weird.

And he gets weirder....

-1 Star for the girl who still goes to bed with the wierdo after he's obviously off his coconut.....

-1 Star For Matt not coming out of the room when Steve shouted 'Hey Matt! Jemmas dancing with her boobs out!!!!'

That should have been a huge red flag right there to stop and call the mental police.

+1 Star For Matt getting a little bit more uppity toward the end!!!

Okay I thought the end was kinda predictable and boring and really didn't showcase 'The Mirror' . Of course maybe that's just me!!! :)

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The Good, Bad and Stupid of Horror...
havok-930443 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a hodgepodge of so much good and bad in horror movies. It is just another found footage movie that has a storyline that makes little sense. Everything that happens in this movie to any member of the cast cannot be directly linked back to The Mirror. There is little to no back story as to why the Mirror is a haunted or paranormal item. While the acting was pretty good by the cast, decisions made by the characters in the movie were just borderline of incredulous! They call no one for help when one character starts sleepwalking and ends up on a balcony. Same character gets sudden blindness and they put him in bed, no emergency room. He turns up missing and they don't report it...the list just goes on and on!I thought the story moved along very slowly and got somewhat repetitive at points, too. The ending was not bad, but fell into the predictability of found footage films.
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Krackoon2 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Quite possibly the most boring, senseless found footage crap fest to date.

'The Mirror' starts out as your usual paranormal found footage fright flick, but with a slight twist - nothing happens. The film starts off with the unwrapping of the most pathetic haunted antique ever put on film, and manages to go down hill from that moment on. The movie consists of 90 minutes of a guy sleep walking, wetting his pants, and somehow surgically removing his eyes in a fashion that leaves no traces of blood behind, at least not in the apartment (probably a budget issue, since fake blood probably costs about $2 a pop.)

One of the finer moments in the film comes during a probable break in of the flat, which has our three pals coming home and finding their door kicked in. Now, most normal people would inform the police of this issue, since, well, the door was obviously opened from the out side - but instead, they somehow come to the conclusion that a ghostly presence caused this. If we think about it, I guess it could be possible that the apparition was slightly confused about it's whereabouts at the time.

Yes, let's go with that.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: 'The Mirror' is hands down the most lazily put together found footage film to date, which is really bad, since that's how most found footage films are put together - they're a low budget director's wet dream, yet whoever put this thing together, comes across as a person who really has no idea what the hell he/she is doing.
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The Mirror Cracked
FJWWindsor1 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There was something disquieting about The Mirror and, once I figured it out, it made the film completely preposterous. When I say disquieting, I don't mean "causing anxiety or uneasiness". More like annoying, bothersome.

The characters say and do things that make absolutely NO sense, and they seem to do it in a vacuum. The three leads live in a condo/apartment building, purportedly in a hip urban area (London?), yet they are the ONLY inhabitants. They never run into neighbors, friends, relatives. In fact, there are only two other minor characters in the whole film!

All the characters are injured with serious knife slashes and stabbings at various points, yet they don't seek medical treatment. You and I would probably get stitches, or at least seek professional healthcare attention. Not these folks! Gauze, cotton balls and alcohol are all they need. Not even antibiotics for what could be potentially infectious wounds.

Eventually, the haunted mirror casts a pall on the apartment, supposedly filling every moment with dread for the occupants. Despite this, and some violent, tense moments, the camera man keeps filming EVERYTHING the WHOLE time. I wish Hollywood and the indie film industry would abandon documentary style horror films. Kudos to Blair Witch for being the first out of the gate, and the first Paranormal exhibited its own stylish flair, but the sub-genre has now become trite and stale.
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dana-kellish2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Profoundly pointless and dreadfully, dreadfully dull. And let's not forget silly. A character goes blind and no one thinks of getting medical help. A character apparently slices herself three times with a knife and no one thinks of getting help. A character gouges his eyes out and there's no blood left at the scene. This is bad, really bad.
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Goes nowhere - spoilers
sforrester-35 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film seems to be full of big build ups that lead nowhere. Obviously it was shot on a very tight budget and, at times, they did manage to build the suspense but there was no pay off. We are all used to the sheer stupidity of people in horror films but these ones take it to a new level. **major spoilers** Their flat appears to be broken into, no call to the police. The guy goes blind (yes..blind!) and they tuck him up in bed with no call for medical help. They start off three happy flatmates until the mirror arrives, it all goes downhill and yet not until the end does it dawn on one of them to even try and get rid of it. One of them disappears, clearly in a bad way and yet they don't report him missing. The list goes on... I gave this a 3, mainly because the acting was passable and I did jump once but I will mourn the hour and a half of my life that I will never get back.
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Creepy mirror horror sub-genre carries on
victoryismineblast30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This found footage entry features 3 flatmates who buy a supposed

haunted antique mirror online in the hope of winning a million dollars in a paranormal challenge. All they have to do is prove the existence of ghosts.

They of course set up the mirror on the wall, and the apartment up in cameras, as things slowly get out of hand. One of the three immediately starts to undergo a drastic mental transformation, and the other two simply don't know how to deal with it. Things get progressively creepy and weirder around the apartment as they finally start to wonder if the mirror is really haunted.

The first hour of this movie is creepy and effective in places, but does suffer a little from being a little repetitive, with not much moving the plot forward from time to time.

The last half hour ramps up the tension and is where the film really delivers in its scares. There is a little bit of gore and a couple of nice scary sequences.

Overall worth a watch, especially for fans of the found footage sub-genre.
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Awful awful awful. waste of time. Watch oculus instead
Danny-petty4 January 2015
I can't believe someone actually said this was better than Oculus. That's the only reason I made this account. Believe me Oculus is much much better. Do not waste your time on this film. I am an avid horror fan this is just pure garbage. It is poorly made, it's goes nowhere, there's no jumpy bits, it's not scary in the slightest. . . . . . Oculus is very clever and enticing this is plain stale. I was so disappointed and even more so that it is a British film. Must've been a very low budget and must've been thrown together within a week. If you like horror and like a scare this will only disappoint. Nothing interesting came from this film. It's very boring I should've turned off after 10 minutes. No joke, Sabrina the teenage witch is scarier than this.
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The Mirror: A Surprising Reflection
Platypuschow3 June 2015
When I came across The Mirror everything I saw and read about it was the epitome of hatred and dislike. Everybody slated the film left right and centre and this peeked my curiosity. I gave it a chance and found it immediately was fighting an uphill battle as it is in fact a found footage film. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with found footage films, my problem is that there are just so damn many lately........and most of them are terrible.The whole style of movie has enabled film makers with no money or experience to make a movie and it immediately puts it in a bad light for me.I don't even like the "Critically Acclaimed" Paranormal Activity series! Anyway within 5 minutes I was finding myself quite enamored with the film. Primarily because of the likable characters and the really quite good performances by the three young actors.

It quickly became apparent that this movie was not going to break any new ground and would be a fairly standard predictable affair but the actors made these 90 minutes and limited script quite enjoyable.

Now without giving anything away the movie does something quite unique. For the last 20 minutes I was finding myself almost wincing as I knew that something was coming, most likely a big jump scare. It kept me waiting in anticipation, it teased......and I liked it.

Comparing this to the likes of the Occulus is foolish, you cannot compare a mega budget Hollywood blockbuster to a low budget indie film on the same scale. Take each movie for what it is and this really entertained me. Don't compare, don't put emphasis on its budget or unknown actors, just turn out the light and give this a chance and you may be surprised.

If you want big budget, if you want big cgi and constant action then you won't enjoy this. If you want a well constructed, well acted and interestingly paced horror then give it a try.

You like me may be surprised.
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Forget the comparisons…this found-footage film stands up on its own
RomanJamesHoffman25 December 2014
Since 1996, former magician turned professional sceptic James Randi has been offering a million dollars to anyone that can provide proof that psychic and/or supernatural phenomena exist. 'The Mirror' sees three English flatmates, Matt, Steve, and Jemma, attempt the challenge by buying a haunted mirror over the internet and continuously filming what happens. At first, the whole thing is played for a lark…even getting a Ouija board in on the action, but when Matt starts acting strangely the whole thing takes on a darker edge.

Now…I know what you're thinking: found footage? Seen it all before. Sure, the set-up of the film seems to defy the need to be original to an almost belligerent degree in the wake of the likes of 'V/H/S' (2012), the whole 'Paranormal Activity' series and its host of rip-offs, going all the way back to 'The Blair Witch Project' (1999). What's more the idea of a haunted mirror was done the year before in the bigger budget American production 'Oculus'. However, despite sitting down thinking I'd be turning it off after twenty minutes I found myself immediately drawn in by the playful banter of the three flatmates and the subtle shifts into increasingly eerie territory as we wonder what is behind Matt's increasingly erratic behaviour.

A big difference between this and the 'Paranormal Activity' series is that while that series relied on a quiet-quiet-quiet-BANG idea to win cheap scares, 'The Mirror' just sticks with quiet-quiet-quiet which doesn't release the tension and instead maintains it right to the end. Sure there are a few plot-holes, for example why don't they call the police after they are broken into, why don't they investigate the mirror or send any emails to the seller, and what's with the eye thing…however I was able to easily forgive these because the chilling atmosphere was one I hadn't felt from a horror movie for a long time.

A decent movie which, despite resolutely not adding anything new to the genre, nevertheless does what it was designed to do very well. Give it a go.
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Mirror mirror on the wall, what's the dumbest movie of the year ?
adi_200220 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Three friends record themselves in their flat in order to win a prize money at a contest. Once a mirror is brought in the apartment, soon they are possessed by an evil spirit who will make them to murder other peoples and even to kill each other.

This is a low budget movie with ideas borrowed from the Paranormal Activity series but with an altered scenario including horror elements in it. The result? pure garbage! At the beginning it may seem to be interesting but it's not. 90% of the movie is filmed inside the house with only three characters. Watching them arguing, eating, sleeping is not that entertaining. I guess we all can make this type of movie, is just like taking two friends with you, a camera and start recording your daily activity and the movie is done.

Even for only 80 minutes runtime it seems too long it could have been made even in 40. You could watch the first 15 minutes then skip to the last 20 and you didn't lose anything.

The few good parts are that for a bunch of unknown actors they played their parts very good even that there was nothing too complicated, the girl was really cute, and one or two jump scare scenes and that's about all. For a true horror fan, watching alone at night this one will not do the trick.
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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most boring of them all?
troyfullerusa2 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It is difficult to put into words how terrible - painfully terrible - this indie film is. While I appreciate all of the work done by cast and crew I am obligated, nay driven, to comment. This production can be summed up succinctly thus: three dimwitted 20-somethings want to play "paranormal activity" for a few days and, putting their limited cerebral resources on hold, spend most of their time running amok loudly cursing and fighting with each other as they opine about a newly acquired mirror now hanging in their badly decorated flat in London. Toss in some poorly-done fake blood, an obsession with eyes, and a loathing for anything resembling suspense and you have nicely summed up "The Mirror."
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nogodnomasters12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Three young adults decide to take up the standing million dollar challenge put out by James Randi for irrefutable proof of the supernatural...of which James Randi is the sole judge. Guess how that always works out.

Anyway we have 3 kids, a haunted mirror they got off E-Bay (seriously) and a hand held camera. You know the drill. Matt (Joshua Dickinson) starts to sleep walk. Steve (Nate Fallows) is the unkempt best friend, and Gem (Jemma Dallender) is the skeptical eye candy.

The DVD cover is a plot spoiler for this yawner. Written, directed, produced, and edited by Edward Boase.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Dreadful and Insulting
arfdawg-13 October 2014
The Plot Three flatmates buy a haunted mirror on eBay to claim the One Million Dollar Paranormal Prize offered by the James Randi Foundation.

Their desire to win blinds them to the evil forces they have brought into their world, which exact a terrible revenge.

Nice looking in High Def, BUT please folks -- STOP STOP STOP filming movies with the damned shaky cams!!!

It's so annoying.

The movie is typical fare. It's been done before and before that.

The movie starts out a bit promising but then degrades into a slow derivative boring predictable mess.

And what's worse, if you make it to the end, you will be met by a complete Blair Witch rip off.

Stay Away!
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Saw through it
imatosser18210 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
An extremely bizarre tale in the ever popular found footage format. In a nod towards Shallow Grave (1994), three hard up flatmates advertise for an additional lodger. Their plea is soon answered and their new flatmate moves in, with considerable baggage. It transpires that he sleepwalks, suffers from bloodshot eyes, and rearranges the furniture in the middle of the night.

Things take a really shocking twist when they awake one morning to find that he has turned into a mirror. As you might assume, chaos ensues and the mirror begins a murderous rampage. A nod towards Hollow Man (2000) perhaps.

If you don't want a major scene of the film spoiled, then either don't look at the DVD cover or somehow forget you saw it.

The film is concluded by a poor finale with the usual crappy tacked on girl power ending that is improved slightly when the mirror actually looks in another mirror, causing both to explode, as well as the flat and a local construction site.

Not a prequel to Mirrors (2008)
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A Decent Horror Film
Kaat122010 October 2015
I actually liked this movie. I enjoyed it a lot more than The Paranormal Activity franchise. I was bored to tears when I watched those movies.

However, this movie had just enough happening to keep me interested.

The actors were pretty good, and they are kids, so that explains their decisions made throughout the film. Too many people pick apart every single thing about this movie. It's a horror movie; it's not bloody Shakespeare, and I've yet to see an absolutely perfect film.

Watch it with an open mind, and ignore the little things.

It's better than many movies out there.
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Liked it but hated it too.
brittneysaid-787-57271123 February 2015
I'm only giving it a 5 because its the first movie I have watched in a very long time that has actually scared the ... out of me. And I don't scare easy.

The parts that I was able to watch were pretty good.

The introduction was really good, not too long and not to short and explained enough but didn't give too much away.

The suspense slowly built up throughout the whole movie which made it even scarier in a good way.

For a movie that is filmed like paranormal activity, they did such a better job at it then they did, the graphics were really good.

Overall it was a good movie and would try to watch it again start to finish during day time. My recommendations is to not watch it in the dark, cover up all the mirrors in the house and watch it with someone you can bury your face into. :)
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What's with all the bad reviews?!
DeaditeGaz9219 January 2015
Okay so upon watching this movie I checked the IMDb page and saw bad reviews and a very low rating of 4.3 out of 10 and I must say I am VERY confused. This was easily the best found footage movie since the first Paranormal Activity. Before I go into more detail about why it's so good I'll explain a bit about the plot.

The film is based around three flat mates who are entering a Paranormal competition. For their entry they move a creepy mirror into their flat and begin documenting any weird happenings surrounding it. That's all you need to know for now.

When I decided to watch this film I knew only what I just wrote above, I knew absolutely nothing else about the film at all. The first thing I want to mention that makes this film so great is the acting, it is some of the most believable and realistic acting I have seen in a long time. One character in particular that stood out for me is Matt, his transition between normal happy young guy excited for the Paranormal competition to what he eventually becomes is incredible and terrifying.

The suspense building up throughout this film was crazy, I watched it on my own in the dark and during the last 20 minutes or so I genuinely found myself covering my eyes and turning on the lights, the last five minutes in particular were unbearably scary. This is definitely a film that must not be watched alone

Overall I have gave this film a solid 10 out of 10 for genuinely intriguing scaring me like no other horror movie has done in a long time. Loved every second of it and really hope to see more stuff from the makers of this film.
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Don't believe the negative reviews
MovieMario14 March 2024
This isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it's far better than the ratings it's getting here. I like the first person/found footage style movies. I like the creepy paranormal stuff. At least there was some originality with this one. I wasn't able to guess the ending, and that's another plus. It held my interest, had some good tension, and believable acting. Right now, it's sitting at a 4.7 and that's too low. I'm giving it a 6 because that's what I feel it deserves, but I was very tempted to go higher just because people are hating on this movie for no reason. For what it is, it's not bad at all. Definitely worth a watch in my opinion.
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Total garbage
orionsfleet30 August 2016
This movie, (and I use that loosely), Is the biggest load of garbage ever. I am so sorry I even bought this and its follow up which I dare say may prove to be as trashy as this one. I am an avid horror film buff but this....please don't insult our intelligence with such stupid money grabbing cheap trash.

I have seen some total garbage in my time but I would not under any circumstances recommend this to anyone with the slightest bit of smarts about them. What happened to the good old movies that actually had a story line worth something, the movies that would last the generations, and the movies that proved the producer really cared about his audience?

I will never again be caught out with one of these crap movies. The ones I own now are going in the trash where they belong.
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Great Except for Bloody Bad Ending
hannah082016 January 2021
Excellent plot and storyline. Great build up to a bloody bad ending, mate. Ending came to abrupt almost as if the director got tired of shooting. Better luck next time.
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Making it up as we go
kosmasp16 October 2014
For a movie that is just making it up as it goes along (corner points were given to the actors, as in beginning of the scene and end of the scene, do as you please in between), this is not half bad. Even if you didn't know that, you will realize that the actors are making stuff up as they go (coherent and continuity be damned).

Which is a shame because things are there that could've been explored more and just looking good (especially the female lead), is not enough to keep you hooked for a long time. So our comic relief does a good job and he has quite a lot of jokes that almost make this a way better movie than it actually is. Unfortunately that thing, about this not making sense, characters behaving, like they are in a mental institution, where they lost their brain and other things like that, will kind of take the fun out of it ... literally.

All this is based on a true story. Yes really! Actually the two guys (no girl in that story, at least not one that was alive) who owned the real mirror of the story were at a screening at Frightfest and told us a few stories. You can either believe those guys or not. They sold the mirror on ebay to someone in Germany and the director found out about this and thought: Hey why don't I make a movie about this? Well guess what? He did! I know! Shocking. Almost more so than the movie itself! Which again, is only really "saved" (not literally), by the jokes of one of the characters ..
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Great Idea.... Terrible Execution!
daimondgeezer13 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of having a camera looking at a Mirror 24/7 isn't actually a bad idea... Watching the first 20 minutes of this movie you will start to feel really uneasy at the idea that this movie is going to spend 90mins looking at a mirror with some crazy sh*t to follow....

Except it doesn't.... I don't understand the title MIRROR, because it has VERY little to do with it to be honest....

...............SPOILER ALERT TO FOLLOW.....................

The only thing that this movie has going for it is this.... It does make you wonder if the guy is schizophrenic and actually kills himself in the end..... (and kills the woman outside....) and therefore you wonder if any of the others existed.... how come he never calls the police or the ambulance when the accidents happen?...

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