Street (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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Bad showcase for Beau Casper Smart
AndreasHardcastle24 October 2016
The general acting is OK for a zero budget movie like this. It is FAR from good but the bigger problem than the actor's abilities is the horrible directing. The whole make of the movie looks like a film school project of a beginners class and that's 50% the director's fault. 40% of the rest that is bad is on the seriously bad and cheap production. I wouldn't be surprised if it was made over the course of two weekends with a budget of less than 10.000$.

The story is predictable but if you watch a movie of this type you are probably a martial arts fan and can forgive a lot. I know I have enjoyed movies with a story that's worse if the action rocks. So how about the fights? In few and fitting words: Unimaginative and boring. You can see that Beau Casper Smart has the moves - being a professional dancer it comes as no surprise. But it seems the choreographer has no experience choreographing fight scenes. It looks like he watched a few MMA fights, then made up a list of moves that he thinks are typical, pressed shuffle and just went with the outcome. There are barely any dynamics in the fights, the camera angles are boring and mostly sub par, the cuts feel like someone said "hey, don't forget a cut and angle change there, dude" at some point.

I think if you put a real fight choreographer in charge of the fights, give the camera to someone who's used one for more than a couple of family vacations and make sure the director isn't stoned or on the crapper while the action is happening you could get some really good results out of Beau Casper Smart. Comparing his acting to Van Damme or Segal he actually looks pretty good. Compare him to Scott Adkins, though, and you see he still has a loooong way ahead of him. But I'd definitely watch it if he gave another martial arts flick a try.
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They needed to invest in better post production
ianharb11 November 2016
This movie was just awful. I give it 3 stars for actors who are at least better than a high school actor trying to pad a college application with extra activities. But the rest of it... I don't even know where to begin.

The script is basic. Just simple, non imaginative, cliché. The directing is the same. I will leave those elements alone, because you can almost enjoy those aspects in bad, low budget movies when you are going in to them knowing it was a bad low budget movie.

The star of the movie, the fighting, was OK at best. For such an obviously low budget movie that brought in some MMA names, they should have really done much more to make sure the fighting was way better. And maybe they did...maybe it was just lost in the editing. But none of the fights had any sort of drama. No build. No gripping action.

But the thing that KILLS this move...the bad technical aspects. The utter lack of proper post production. I hate seeing seams in the walls of cheap sets. It is a sure fire give away that you are dealing with low budget. The lighting had no character to it. Did anyone do any color correction? It looked like raw footage. And the sound mix was the absolute killer here. It really played like a temp cut that they rolled out because they just gave up. No attempt at SFX through most of the edit, other scenes just had a background SFX track playing on a loop, music cues dropping out all of a sudden, popping in hot in other places, playing loud under dialogue in other spots so you couldn't hear a thing. If the producers don't have respect enough for their film to finish it properly then nobody should but the time into watching this. Unless you are making a low budget film and want to see a good example of why post production can help a bad movie out, then watch this as a cautionary tale. It will convince you to find more money for post for sure.
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You fight for me
nogodnomasters10 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The production centers around Remo Street (Beau Casper Smart) who we initially see doing parkour that we never see again. There is a local gym with a fighter (John Brickner) that has a bad personality and father/owner (Gregory Fawcett) that owes the stereotypical Russian mafia (Mark Ryan). Remo gets involved saving the daughter (Kate Miner) in a convenience store and 14 minutes into the film the plot is laid out quicker than the guys Street will have to fight.

The film had a made-for-TV feel to it with a substandard soundtrack, choppy sound in one scene, formula writing, and soap opera faux drama. The whole drop the towel scene was so stupid. Except for Shashawnee Hall the acting left much to be desired.

Guide: No swearing sex or nudity.
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Okay if you're a fight fan
UglytheClown29 May 2016
The movie is about a kid called 'Street' who is threaten by a 'Mr. Big character into fighting for him for free or have his family hurt ... and there is no reason given for him to not go to police through bad writing.

The idea is there, but it's not been though about enough (though the script was re-written by a 3rd writer so maybe she messed it up, who knows?) The biggest problem with this movie is the sound. The music comes in loud and hard when it's not needed and drowns out the actors' dialogue and at other times, when music is playing in the background of the room and it makes sense for it to be loud... you can barely hear it. The sound designer needs to give back their paycheck.

There wasn't any real build up to the finale and some characters were under-written, but if you're a fan of martial arts movies, you'll probably get past it all for a single viewing.

The actors do a good enough job but some acting looks bad at times due to camera placement.
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stinkdawgmackintosh8 March 2019
The headline says it all. I watched this title on Netflix and it was terrible. at many points I said wow this acting is on par with a High School drama club putting their first play together, or wow their are extras that means people were worse than our leads. a terrible scrip that was basically a bad mix between rocky and fighter ( a decent channing tatum flic) with laughable dialog. porn quality acting between the love interests (like the director had to have stolen them from an adult DVD) and fight scenes that had sound editing that the average you tuber could do better, it may have been low budget but it was also low effort which is why the movie was bad. But its like a car wreck, terrible but you can't stop watching. however the WOW as you keep watching is that it gets worse.
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Beau Smart is awful
kimmifit27 November 2015
This movie for SURE would have been better if the lead was not Beau Smart. This guy cannot act at all. I imagine he got this role because Jennifer Lopez is his girlfriend. Not a bad story, but this guy Beau Smart should get smarter and go back to dancing. I love fighter movies and thought this would be good. Again, it was a good story . Most of the acting was pretty good. it dragged a bit, but I think I was out of my mind because Beau's NON acting was driving me crazy so it felt like the movie was 100 hours long. They keep telling me my review is not long enough but I do not know what else to say. The plot was not bad and I thought Beau's acting was terrible. What else to write. Better cast next time.
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Copy paste of 'Never back down', just not as good
visserwow23 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Actual movie is copy paste of 'Never back down', just way worse directing... Firstly, its a movie and people will notice when 3 different people wear the same shirt across 6 scenes, literally just switching who wears it...

Secondly, when you hire trained professionals to do a fighting movie, likelihood is that they wont mind throwing real punches and even if they do mind they wont mind it being closer than the movie's ruler's length fake punches and kicks.

Thirdly, the person who did the music for the movie should just be shot, period. The audio leaching into next scenes is horrendous and the dialog interference is unbearable with badly chosen music played in foreground, not back.

If you intend on watching this movie, be sure to expect a $10 budget cut movie that couldn't even make use of the actors for the movie cover (spoiler, its CGI, but the movie isn't).
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Bad acting and a bland, predictable story is not a winning combo
joeycanto28 December 2016
Whew, this was a tough one to sit through. I'm good friends with a member of the cast (who will remain nameless in this review) I was curious why he didn't hound me to check out his latest film. Normally, I get overwhelmed with requests from him to watch his work, now I see why. I'll try to keep this as professional as possible but I have to be honest like I always am. Lets start with the cast, my friend withstanding, this cast was just flat out awful. The lead Beau Smart carrying the lead of a film is about as far fetched as me playing CF for my beloved Dodgers next season, sounds great in fantasy land but in reality it would be an epic fail. In spite of his clear shortcomings as an actor, much less a lead, the supporting cast is almost as bad. Even my friend, who is definitely a strong actor, falls a bit short on bringing his character to life. This tells me one thing, the director let down the cast. Now, I believe the director was clearly in over his head, but giving him all the blame would be like a NFL team firing their head coach after a 2-14 season. The players still have to play and this cast just wasn't up for the challenge and/or simply aren't skilled enough. Enough on the cast and the director, nothing really redeeming on those fronts.

The story? Well, my first response would be "what story?." A film like this isn't really designed to captivate an audience through story telling, I get that, but at least make an effort. The martial arts aspect is clearly the star of this film, but it's not strong enough to carry the film throughout. The story becomes very predictable, almost hokey which it was not intended to be at all. The very underwhelming, and at times embarrassingly bad, cast doesn't help infuse anything that would be even loosely considered interesting. What is most frustrating about this film is that they obviously stole story lines from other films, which is fine because it's really a common practice nowadays in cinema. The difference is that when most films do this, they enhance the story they are ripping off, Street actually lifted these story lines and went the other way by watering them down, like watching the cinematic version of skim milk.

Technically the film was fine, considering its a low budget project. There were a few issues, mainly lighting and a few focus pulls, but nothing that compares to the misfortune that was the unfortunate combination of acting, directing and writing. This marks the lowest rating of any film that I have ever reviewed. I love indie films and the filmmakers that put so much into bringing their work to life, but this project just failed miserably on all the key aspects.
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Good Movie!
jesslouisehayward2 May 2018
The movie and storyline itself was enjoyable but the editing of the film is what ruined its potential to be great.
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MMA Never Looked So Good In STREET
angiequidim24 October 2015
Remo Street is a former wrestling champion who spends his days job searching and forces himself to train at night whenever and however he can. It seems his life long dream of becoming a professional MMA fighter escapes him until one night when a door is opened and he is given the opportunity of a lifetime.

The film is definitely great for its budget and the quality is that of many digital features out there. It's amazing what they can do these days in film and STREET is a great example of being resourceful with your knowledge with skilled actors and crew. It's an action packed non stop film that you really shouldn't pass up.
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Song in this movie
greckschmike16 November 2016
Hey I was wondering if anybody knows the name of the very first song they play in this movie I've been trying to find it but I can't ! Please and thank you! it goes something like this "I've been here before I'm not gonna fall, well prepared ready for war, it's time to bet it all it's time to settle the score, A champion me from the start, was born with it see I do it from the heart, it's time to go get it it's time to tear them apart, it's time to jump with it, weak from the strong great from elite I came right out of the streets, where we all fight they eat, where we all fight for peace, I'm about to be king of the streets, I don't really care what you say I run the streets, I'm from the streets, I'm a champion inside I can't be beat, oh yeah oh yeah, cause I'm from the streets yeah I been through things you can't talk about
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A Very Good Small Budget MMA Film
Mister_Marklin26 May 2016
I was very excited to see that there is finally a new MMA movie out and that it is a respectable movie. I knew going in that this was not a high budget movie and quite honestly I was being a bit of a pessimist which probably worked in the movie's favor. I expected bad writing, bad acting, cheesy fights and a plot as invisible as Wonder Woman's plane. I am not comparing this movie to Here Comes the Boom, I am comparing it realistically as a small budget film and I have to say that when I first saw Beau Casper Smart in the opening scenes in his apartment with the corn rows, I was not too sure I was going to like the protagonist so I was already thinking the worst but to my surprise the movie, Smart and the other characters started to grow on me and though it does not end with Rocky style heroics and a 7 - 12 minute long music infused fight scene, it is much more of what you typically expect from MMA fights that last 3 rounds. A bit more realistic if you ask me. Most fights in real life do not last nearly as long as Hollywood portrays. A lot less like volcano eruptions and a lot more like earthquakes. I have to say that when the movie was over it made the cut and now sits on my DVD shelf in the fight movie section right beside Here Comes the Boom and Blood Sport. I will admit that there were a couple of cheesy scenes where Smart falls in love with the lady lead and the first workout sequence building up to the big fight; music was like something you would see in a faith based film but what the film did was tell a story from start to finish that actually made sense. I wish that they would have shown the female lead, Kate Minor, up to down a little more. She has some sexy legs. Only one scene shows them.
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Nice little film
Woodyanders3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tough young up and coming fighter Remo Street (a solid and likable performance by Casper Smart) is forced to participate in illegal underground matches for fearsome Russian mobster Uri (an effectively menacing portrayal by Mark Ryan), which jeopardizes his chances of making it as a legitimate fighter.

Director Bradford May keeps the enjoyable and engrossing story moving along at a brisk pace, maintains a serious tone throughout, and makes nice use of various gritty urban locations. Moreover, the fight scenes are bloody, brutal, and exciting. Smart makes for an extremely engaging lead; you definitely are in Street's corner throughout and want him to succeed despite the odds being against him. In addition, there are sturdy contributions from Sashawnee Hall as the no-nonsense Coach Oz, Kate Miner as the sweet Jasmine, and John Brickner as the antagonistic Greg. Both Michael P. May's slick cinematography and Christofer Carlson's rousing score are up to speed. A cool flick.
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