Infernal (2015) Poster


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Enough with the home video camera!
planktonrules9 December 2015
Infernal is a story about a couple who get married, have a child and live an increasingly difficult life. Much of this is because they have a weird little girl--one that a therapist says is autistic, though there isn't a lot of evidence for this, as the child's actions, though weird, were not consistent with this diagnosis. Later, however, she starts acting creepy and you see glimpses of demonic type stuff on the family's home video cameras.

The story had some nice creepy moments, however, on balance I would not recommend the film. I have a strong prejudice against movies that employ the unsteady cam--a camera that never seems to stay in one place. A lot of TV shows and movies have been made that way but shouldn't have. Now I am not saying that nothing should be shot that way, as there are a few good examples where the camera looking like it's being held by someone with tremors isn't bad--such as with the deliriously profitable Blair Witch Project. But watching films like this is really hard on the eyes and unless there is a real compelling reason, these sort of films and shows quickly annoy. A few times such camera-work would have worked during the course of Infernal (such as when the family was videotaping various events such as weddings and a birthday party) but everything?! Additionally, the dialog seemed to need a lot of work. All too often the characters just said 'f**k' at the exclusion of something meaningful.
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Awful. Save your time and watch anything else (small spoiler)
mam-3526111 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scene, this film was off to a bad start. The sound was awful and it was poorly acted. Acting improved but sound was bad throughout the movie, with constant cricket noises and the dog sounds were unrealistic. Also the demons laughing at each appearance wasn't scary at all. The effects were cheesy and cheap. Apparently this was shot on a budget because there was no CGI, which would have helped. It was just a couple guys in cheap costumes crawling around, not scary. Also whoever wrote the script had a thesaurus and a need to impress everyone. It makes whoever it was sound stupid and petty. Please don't waste your time like I wasted mine.
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Could have been good
tmdarby23 July 2015
I'm going to file this under "could have been good". The story had potential. The direction didn't seem terrible. The acting however was just atrocious, with the exception of the little girl. The biggest down fall of this B rated, well maybe C rated, movie is the dialogue. It's just incredibly bad. The characters cuss constantly which isn't a problem for me really, but then they mix in large words that sound completely out of character. An example would be something like "F**k, I have to walk swiftly into the washroom of our domicile and use the proper facilities to take a s**t." It's like that through the whole movie, very strange. It's one of those movies that you just have to finish to see how bad the train wreck is going to be. I really think the story was a decent one though, just poorly pulled off. I like horror movies that use very little special effects, because for me it adds to the thought "this could happen". Anyway, I wouldn't say it was a complete waste of time, but it was close.
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Infernal is literally the worst thing ever made.
gregorytaster2 July 2015
This movie is so ridiculously horrible that it's depressing that anyone ever thought this was going to turn out even mediocre. The acting is abysmal the plot is non existent and it doesn't even begin to make sense. The film starts out with some of the most awful acting ever, so bad that I suspected that it was dubbed over. A couple goes through some turmoil as the woman reveals her pregnancy and the man is all "Oh no, commitment oh god whatever shall I do". The woman asks for a marriage to accompany the child and the guy goes and makes a tape ring and yay they get married. Right after they get married, Lucifer himself shows up and a cross gets turned upside down and this sound effect (which will be repeated across the entire film) starts that sounds like it was taken off of the internet because the director realized his film was scheduled for release in an hour so he was like "SCREW IT GRAB ANYTHING". It might just be the worst scene ever. But at least that scene made me die laughing. The rest of the movie is oppressively bad and more then anything boring. It's a generic found footage film except it spices the formula up by making it awful. They managed to take a dump on any merit the original concept of found footage ever had. There is no explanation for an eight year time skip in which apparently nothing of remote interest happened. They didn't even bother to make the actors look even remotely aged. EIGHT YEARS AND THIS MAN STILL WEARS A LAZY FIVE'O CLOCK SHADOW. The first sign that anything is wrong is that the girl likes to brush her hair. She also is apparently anti-social though this is expressed by her standing off somewhere. Then the girl disappears some comb horror occurs and the movie cuts to therapy. The therapist apparently recommends constantly monitoring her, hence the found footage, despite knowing she has autism. A disease that inherently causes problems communicating with others. Obviously the best solution is filming everything so we can see Gollum come in to the tune of the worst sound effect ever and pat peoples heads. LIKE WHAT IS EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE GOING ON!? She likes to comb her hair, why is that weird? What? The parents act like they've been through and back but this kid does literally nothing. She seems fairly manageable and since nobody ever acknowledges the footage that shows the physical entity of Satan entering their daughters room and carving symbols into the back of her head, what exactly is stressing these people out? COMBS?!
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What is wrong with you people making this kind of crap?! This movie is neither scary nor interesting, it is just a boring waste of time! This is just 99 minutes into the boring life of sick people who don't even know why they actually auditioned to be in that movie in the first place. Please, stop the found footage stuff, we already got it : it is lame, the camera is shaky, we're getting seasick from watching a movie, and that is not supposed to be happening! The horror genre is going down and is probably going to disappear into the freak genre of stupidity. I would have liked to review something if there were any material to actually review, but there is none! It is ludicrous how that kind of dough could found enough support to make into an actual movie.
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danakathrinscully11 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
worst movie i have ever seen in the history of movies let alone horror movies...trashy camera,bad actors,0 plot...boring as stays in some scenes too long for no reason at all, for example the wedding spends more than 10 minutes in this scene for no reason where guest are talking in the cant just imagine how bad this movie is...sometimes the posters are way too good for what the movie has to offer...just don't waste your time.Movie lasts 90 minutes i have no idea why.if i was about to make a movie i bet i would do it 100 times better than them...seeing is believing so if you want to waste 90 minutes of your life to see for yourself go ahead though i wouldn't recommend.
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They are trying to be like Paranormal Activity with a twist of Rosemary's Baby.
glennspillman6 February 2017
I honestly didn't like this movie from the very start. The acting seemed forced, and I almost turned if off just 10 minutes in. BUT, I have a rule...once I start a movie, no matter how bad that it is, I have to finish it. First off, the continuity of the film had some issues. For instance, when the girl was in the car combing her hair, her hair with very blond. Then when she got out of the car it was more red and dirty brownish. Some of the scenes were WAY to long and drug out. The actors kept repeating dialogue, but in a slightly different way. The "demon" that they had for the film looked more like a party gag than anything remotely scary. The demonic talking when the father went into the closet, was absolutely amateurish and ridiculous. The "possession" of the father was way off base, but at least they got most of the elements of possession in there. BUT, then they let him become more and more compassionate with the mother. I did however like the little girl and the hammer scene, that was probably my favorite part of the movie. I had to keep pausing the movie to see how much more time that I had to deal with this crappy movie.
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Poor and dire
shaunnwmn23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another found footage film which makes you wish it never was, To start very slow and flits from one scene to another with no real link as to why, hard to work out why the young girl is apparently possessed as no real possession at all, so she likes to comb her hair which is how they figure something's not quite right (as if) the point where she batters her mums head in with a hammer whilst the dad is apparently in bed as well without waking up just does not make any sense, putting a mark of the beast on the back of the girls head has the trait of omen, but if that's a fact make sure the so called demon doesn't look like something from the never ending story. Is this what so called horrors have come to in this day and age? What's happened to films that kept you gripped and jump? This is one to avoid at all costs. If you don't believe me then watch it and find out for yourself
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GARBAGE!!!!! don't listen to anyone who gave it over a star
wilsontoddo23 June 2015
This "genius" talking deeper spiritual meaning above needs to re-watch this garbage and give this movie its proper rating. I wasted my time and a buck at the redbox that I will never get back. Please heed my warning and do not rent. If your friends try and prank or trick you into pressing play...remember my review. Wilsontoddo isn't a prophet, but yes, he did save you and your people. Hell even paranormal activity 4 was better than this piece of junk (the repetition is similar though I'm afraid-2 words I never used while watching the film) Acting is horrendous!

Movie is slow and boring! Molasses would have lapped this POS movie in a race. Cut the rope not get dragged along like we did by watching this film.
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Satan wouldn't even condone this
krismerrett13 July 2015
There is a weird trend where horror movies are made so, a) all of the characters are AS ANNOYING AS POSSIBLE, b) the plot is "written" so that nothing flows together or is explained in the narrative, and c) there is no horror to speak of.

This is perfect, if that's what you've been looking for.

The characters are just. I was rooting for them to die. They are just borrowed stereotypes. Oh, dude-bro afraid of commitment and his dude-bro best man aiming the camera at his dick and bridesmaids crotches. The wife trapping said dude-bro into marriage with her terrible ovaries. The vaguely ethnic relatives with spiritual advice? Screeching, nagging, "all I am is a mother and wife" women. At one point the father says that Imogene is impossible to know, and that is because this child has no character. Just like everyone else in this movie.

The movie is filled with completely unnecessary scenes. The wedding and birth, for example, add nothing to the plot. We get that they are getting married and having a baby before the title is shown and then they spend another 10 minutes on it. Unless everyone is going to die in a bloodbath of doom, I don't want to see your wedding in a horror movie get out. There are four scenes dedicated to Imogene brushing her hair. FOUR. This is not important. We get when you SAY IT SIX MORE TIMES that she has issues. Jesus Christ.

The only other thing that this movie contains is the shrill arguments of everyone in this movie and some horror clips stolen from old Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes.

Satan is honestly disappointed that he was brought into this horrific attempt at a movie. What even. Fog machines and floating toys? At least the cirque du soleil crowd got some extra work, though seriously. Could have done better, guys.
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Crickets. Crickets. Crickets.
profusionofgraymatter22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Classic Anti-Christ. I actually enjoyed the majority of the movie, the dialog was in track with people in real life struggling through similar situations with moving unplanned parenthood and then the child being born possibly autistic and how it all shapes their very young marriage with a smash of demonic fun. It unfolds really well, No jump scares that I noticed. You wouldn't really be able to notice because of the CRICKETS. Is it night time? YES because its just crickets with a touch of quiet dialog. Why was it necessary to fade them from loud to louder. Infernal racket. Unless it was their intention to use only 2 nature sound clips or something. Possibly a subconscious trigger Pavlov style. The hand cameras weren't too terrible, more propped up on stuff than actually hand held shaky cam. If you are looking to mess around on the internet while you glance up occasionally its great for that. CRICKETS
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Don't listen to any review that gives this trash more than 1 star!
namaGemo28 June 2015
This movie is boring trash from start to finish. It appears that someone thought the cast dropping the F word every other line would make this film more gritty and real. What it did is make you wish it would end and the cast would 5tfu themselves.

Let's get to sound, it's hi, it's lo, you are constantly grabbing your remote to adjust when you should really hit mute, because there isn't much worth listening to. Best case scenario is to fall asleep and just miss the rest of the film and be happy you didn't endure any more boredom than this dished out. The beginning of the film shows all these people wishing the married couple happiness by way of video, but there is this one guy who keeps shouting at the camera operator "we're not cool man, we're not cool, so 5tfu and let me tell my story Bro, cause we're not cool man!" Just a horrible concoction to waste screen time, because it goes nowhere!

Then, somehow, this earthquake thing happens when the girl mentions she's pregnant, and the cross on the wall turns upside down while this cheesy stock sound effect is heard. The effect basically screams HOME MOVIE!

From this point on the movie just bounced back and forth from worthless shot to worthless shot, whether the parents are explaining how the daughter is BROKEN because she's combing her hair, or visiting a counselor so they can understand that the daughter has problems......because she's combing her hair.

Let's get to the music. How often does one watch a film like this and wonder why the music doesn't work with any scene in the film, and then you think, ah, the director or producer has a friend or kid who has a garage band, let's have them get their name out by putting their music all over this film? It didn't work, and most of the time distracts from this boring turkey.

So, watch if you want to see a VERY bad film that is NOT so bad it's good.
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Exceptionally Bad
jbccancer23 June 2015
Any film by Uncork'd can be hit or miss. I have never seen one of them be quite this much of a miss. The plot was there but the movie was so poorly written it did not make any difference. The lead male could not emote any true feeling. Some parts of the movie are completely out of place and seem like time fillers. I expect at least one likable character in any movie. There was not one in this movie. Every time you think you can get behind one character or another they go off in a completely different direction. The story arcs do not go together at all. It is really like you are watching scenes shot out of sequence and then just randomly put together. I am sitting here after the credits still wondering how this film ever made it out of pre-production. The only positive I can find (and this is digging) is that the movie has some pretty good music tracks. Absolutely terrible movie.
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Worst Movie I have EVER Seen
Charlie-5216 October 2017
Terrible acting, terrible story line, terrible cinema work, terrible everything. At one point you see a doll supposedly walking across the room by itself. It is obvious that it is a puppet and you can actually see the puppeteer's hands in the top of the screen. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
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Should have titled this film "Intolerable"
MattStGelais5 September 2015
Some how, I feel that this movie should have been titled "Intolerable". That, at least, would have been an honest description of the overall feel of this horrible movie.

The acting is bad. The story has been done many times. The writing is the worst I've seen in years.. the situations portrayed on the screen where.. I can't even call them "laughable" because this movie was so bad, it made me angry that I paid $7.50 for it.

If you're going to make a "found footage" type of movie, you can't just mindlessly film everything. Why is that camera on? There's no damned good reason for that camera to be on, while you're having a conversation with your friend.. if only to catch that one moment the scene was written for.. it's asinine.

Do NOT buy this movie, hell, I don't recommend viewing it for free..

I've never, in all my years of horror movie watching, ever done this before.. I've deleted the file from my media center, broke the DVD, and thrown it away.. this is how bad this movie is.
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I had to force myself to watch the entire movie
cohart-4311021 September 2015
I rented this from red box, total waste, I had a coupon and paid 53 cents, still total waste! The movie is cheesy, no plot, boring, bad acting & too long to get to a point that didn't even make sense. Don't waste your money or time. I have never written a review on here before but felt the need to after watching this awful movie. It was that bad, I wanted to prevent others from wasting money on it. Even the boring b rated horror movies are better than this. Save your money and rent something else. I wouldn't even watch this on TV if it was free had I known it was that bad so don't bother. I can't believe someone would even put this out! They should be embarrassed. This can't even be given more than a star because there wasn't any good points to the movie. After a few minutes I wanted to turn it off but forced myself to watch it because I paid for it, even tho it was a few cents, it's too much for this.
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Has everything that I hate about found footage movies
TheLittleSongbird25 October 2015
Although there is no bias intended, this viewer really isn't a fan of found footage movies (even the best of them seen, so far, have a lot of major problems). Most of them are poorly made, amateurishly written and acted, have a lot of scenes that lead nowhere or don't make sense, have little atmosphere and don't have much point. Infernal has all those flaws and more and is one of the worst of the lot.

For starters, it looks cheap. Photography is both erratic and sloppy, never is it expansive or shows any intimacy with the characters, instead it is a visual eyesore and some of the shots are superfluously random. The editing is every bit as haphazard and incredibly badly paced, with a lot of the first quarter's scenes in particular having a very draggy and going on for too long feel. The movie is also rather too darkly lit in places, the found footage and even some horror clips are clumsily inserted and add very little and the effects and creature costume look dreadfully fake. The music more often than not did not fit within the movie, too much of the wrong mood and tempo, is overbearing and even on its own it's irritating.

That it's very poorly recorded makes matters even worse, the sound quality throughout is just awful with parts being flatly recorded and others shrilly. The sound effects go well overboard in the bizarre factor, and often don't sound anything like what they're meant to sound like. The script is one of those where one has to express shock at how it was even approved in the first place, it always sounds painfully awkward and contains lots of irrelevant cussing, clunky rambling and shrill arguing that grates on the ear fast. Never once was the story engrossing, there are too many scenes that go nowhere, serve nothing to the story and they go on for far too long. It also drags badly, to the point of being interminable in places, too many parts are confused to the point of not making sense at all and there is a complete lack of scares, suspense or horror as a result of the bad pacing, being too unintentionally silly, looking cheap and being too tame.

Same with the characters, who are little more than done to death stereotypes with annoying or non-descript (or both even) personalities, while the creature was more laughably silly than menacing. The direction is so flat that it borders on incompetence, and the acting across the board- with the sole exception of Alyssa Koerner, who's cute and creepy, even with having little of worth to work with- is far too amateurish to ring true.

Overall, an awful movie and one of the worst of a type of film that's never done much for me. Koerner is the one halfway decent thing about Infernal, and even she is not enough to save it. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Dear Lord!
befoulmetalroosa24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had barking dogs. And deep, sinister laughter. And high-pitched cackling. And a naked demon that liked to crawl into the bed of an eight year old girl. And a demon hand petting that same eight year old girl. And crickets. Lots and lots of excruciatingly LOUD crickets. Oh, and a soundtrack sung by a self-styled and self-produced musical artist that mildly sucked. He was incredibly nasal, but the music part of the songs was pretty good.

That's all this movie had going for it. The scares were non-existent. The family and friends support was barely recognizable. The only scene worth mentioning was when the eight year old girl bludgeoned her mother to death. It's worthy of mention only because of the gratuitous and vicious brutality with which she dispatched her matriarch. With a ball peen hammer. To the face. Repeatedly. It sounded like she was pounding the hammer into a pumpkin. The girl was cute, but annoying. They 'diagnosed' her as autistic. Granted, they had the repetitive motions symptom down, but the rest wasn't accurate at all. She made eye contact. She was highly verbal. She was very aware of the world around her. I know because my grandson is an eight year old autistic, and he's only now regularly using his words.

The movie was a hot mess all around. Not even the halfway decent acting on the part of Nathan and Sophia could save this turkey.
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Very bad
josiec-063568 September 2015
This movie is BAD. No talent was involved in the making of this what so ever. The actors were almost as fake as the "scary" demon that came out of the closet. Come on it looks like they took a random person from the streets who never acted before, put them in a (not very good) costume and said "be scary". When the guy was "running" up the stairs they barely showed him and you were just confused on what was happening. You can obviously tell that the director didn't care very much about this movie. The audio was completely terrible. The demonic laugh throughout the movie was one of those stupid laughs people mock and make fun of. Also in the beginning when the cross on the wall turns upside down it sounds like a dying cat mixed with a car crash just got put in a blender. Most of the time there would be some random music or dumb sound effect and you wouldn't even know if the characters could hear it or what. The whole movie was just confusing. You didn't know what was happening most of the time because the camera wasn't even on anything and when it was NOTHING happened. Scenes just skipped around and sounded like the director was just like "oh I feel like doing a scene where no one knows what is happening and add in some fake demon laughs". The toys on strings we're pathetic. When the guy was running yo the stairs to save his screaming daughter it took him like 10 minutes. This movie is REALLY bad and there are so many other bad this that I just cannot go on.
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My Review Of "Infernal"
ASouthernHorrorFan13 April 2015
The plot is a well constructed, nicely written story that creates a pretty dark nightmare. The found footage has plausibility with the whole camera situation added in at the behest of a family therapist. So that aspect of "Infernal" seems solid enough. The film doesn't stay found footage, moments of tradition third-person POVs are thrown in sparingly. Mostly when the film takes a more dramatic, emotional pause to allow for the full heft of the situation to settle in with the audience. It does a good job too! Overall the film is acted and directed nicely. The production is above basic, with a higher quality of HD camera footage mixed in thanks to the father's new obsession with the "family exercise".

The special effects are mixed bag, both in gimmick and in effect. The higher production quality follows through in these paranormal aspects of "Infernal" but do not give intended chills or thrills that the director is aiming for. Most scenes of the malevolence come off more like a Halloween horror commercial for Meijer's or some Haunted house attraction. It is done with things most of us possess in storage to be brought out on our favorite holiday. So that was disappointing. That being said, the last third of this nightmare is truly affective in both dramatic and emotional effect. A totally disturbing slice of paranormal horror.

Overall "Infernal" is not the best that paranormal horror or found footage possession flicks offer. Plus I felt there was a deeper spiritual agenda at work in the story, as if this was one of those Church-backed horrors meant to cause the audience to question their own spirituality in hopes to gain new members to Christianity or something along those lines. Anyway, everything seen in this film has been seen to death in this subgenre. But do keep in mind that I think the last act of "Infernal" is some of the most powerfully moving, deeply disturbing, in your face horror footage in indie horror. It is dark and intense, too bad this sucker didn't catch that bug from the beginning. (note-For me the last act begins once you move past the "gold lame- ish looking disco demon').
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Chirping crickets, literally
angela-9954329 August 2020
Story is good, acting ok, kid is good. But for the love of everything, whenever is was night time in the movie they played this background white noise that was comprised of super loud cricket chirping- while they are inside! I guess it was added to really ensure the audience "knew" it was night time, even though the lack of light and people being in bed helped. If I lived in a house with that many g.d. Crickets all the time I would also go bananas.
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Totally Blows.
blueangelical13 February 2020
People need to stop making films with handheld cameras or making out its shot with one because IT SUCKS. Blair Witch was bad enough so why copy it.

Soooooooo boring only managed to watch 10mins then off. The first few minutes I was literally screaming at the screen to hurry up it was so slow.

Absolutely terribly shot, acted and screenplay. Totally blows.
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