The Gracefield Incident (2017) Poster

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Below average Sci f horror live footage movie
johnmclaughlin-6808712 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm giving this movie a 3 simply because there's some decent tension and jumpy bits. The acting is definitely some of the worst I've seen, especially from the main actor. The plot is ridiculous... I mean lose an eye in an accident then create your own prosthetic eye with a phone camera inserted into it to justify an angle for the real life footage. The full creature fx are poor, with very poor animation. But the sections with an arm or a hand are quite good at providing jumpy scenes.

And the balloons...the balloons...

Only worth a watch if absolutely nothing else is on
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false expectations
rbrandonmiles25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many clever and new ideas that I have never seen in any other movie, let alone any found footage movie, but the movie was way too heavily edited to be found footage, for example the (rec) symbol is on everything, the eyeball wouldn't record audio and if it did, it would be very muffled:FIX: create plot where he wears an external mic.

The voices of the characters sounds like they were recorded in a studio and just dubbed in:FIX: use the natural audio from the DSLR and the... go-pro?... because it is actually supposed to replicate found footage.

The night vision effect was just plain lazy:fix:use an actual night vision camera and not a green filter... your not fooling anyone.

when he moved his eye his other eye moved too... I mean there are no muscles attached right? I'm not a biologist... and I think it would make great comedic relief if his eye just stayed in place

another thing that bothered me was that there was a soundtrack... do I really have to explain.

I don't know what anyone else looks for in found footage, but I look for realism and even a toddler can tell that its fake... and that not good.

the hype made me really want this movie to be good... but sadly it wasn't

other than that it had a kinda unique story to it that had so much potential..... probable remake????????????
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Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well, let's see here, I've been busy touring continental Europe with my favourite band this past month, and as a result, I've not seen many films lately, and this is a PG-rated found footage flick, which didn't get a Thursday night preview screening, and only has a scant IMDb page , doesn't have a Wikipedia page at all, or a Boxofficemojo page, and its Rotten Tomatoes score is a zero.

So, obviously, it's just calling my name, and begging me to review it.

I didn't even know this was a thing that existed until I saw its name ( misspelt as, Gracefeld Inciden ) on the cinema marquee.

Moron is filming his wife, not paying attention while he is driving to hospital for wifey's ultrasound​, gets into an accident, loses an eye, and his wife loses the child. She stays with this moron, and ten months later, he is building a plastic eye with a video camera in it, ( in a scene which vaguely reminded me of the eyeball scene from The Terminator ) to record every​ second of a trip to a cabin in the woods with friends.

This sextet witnesses a meteor crash, finds a rock nearby it, takes it as a souvenir, and is set upon by an unseen creature in pursuit of the rock, which it turns out, has its unborn offspring in it.

Ridiculously complicated setup for a generic found footage flick, where logic and cohesion goes out the window in favour of shaking the camera, and plot goes out the window in favour of expositional dialogue, which this film is loaded with.

They try for a deep and meaningful, profound twist ending, and fail so miserably.

Again, this is a ridiculous movie, with a couple of lengthy, one-sided lectures about child birth being a " gift " , and from out of nowhere scenes about the lead character's alcoholism ( which isn't mentioned any other time ) which is worthwhile only for unintentional laughs.

I was never mad or angry at this movie, just bored, which is why I rated it 3/ 10, but really, there's no reason to watch this, even for free on Netflix. The biggest surprise was that I was not the only person in cinema for the showing. There were a half dozen people there with me for this one, which is more than can be said about Phoenix Forgotten, from earlier this year, or even Free Fire.

Without the opening and closing credits, the film is only about 75 minutes long. ( Edit: apparently, this was filmed sometime in late 2013 or early 2014, as proved by the date the trailer was posted on YouTube, 19 May 2014: , but then heavily re-edited, with entire subplots about government conspiracies and cover- ups dropped, not released until July 2017 )
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Don't waste your time
ddbeuth28 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If I had known this was a "found footage" type of movie, I would have never watched it. Unfortunately, once I start watching a movie, I have to watch all of it. Rarely have I hated this compulsion more.

**** Spoilers ****

The movie starts with some narcissistic putz paying more attention to his camera than to his surroundings with the result that he and his pregnant wife are in a car accident, his wife loses their baby, and he loses an eye. In the accident scene, his right eye is obviously injured. In the very next scene, he has a patch over his left eye. Over the next five to ten minutes, the injury goes from right to left and back again a few times. One would think that someone involved with this production would have jotted something like "it's the right eye, idiots" on a post-it note or maybe the actor would have realized that something was amiss, but apparently not. This pretty much set the tone for the entire movie.

Obviously not having learned the dangers of ridiculous levels of narcissism from the accident that killed his unborn baby, the guy makes a prosthetic eye camera -- complete with epoxy and strands of ... stuff! Bet that felt good in his raw socket. He, the Mrs. and four friends then take a trip to a cabin in the woods. Overused cliché, anyone? Oddly enough, everyone seems perfectly content with letting the one person in their group without depth perception do all the driving.

What followed was a display of overacting rarely seen outside the confines of late night infomercials aired only on the really cheap channels, as our heroes raced back and forth through the woods and corn fields, cameras a-shaking', while aliens grabbed at them from the dark and took their clothes. Apparently this was an attempt at communication. Why beings capable of interstellar travel would be limited to the meager communication options of stripping people naked and leaving cryptic crop circles isn't explained. I would think that such an advanced species might realize that a simple, "I say, ol' chaps, that thing you found is ours, and we would like it back," would be more effective.

The final thing that made me groan was near the end when the guy was reviewing the video from his camera eye and came across footage of the accident at the start of the movie. You know, video from a time when both his eyes were real (although one was a bit deflated). I suppose he could have copied the video over to his eye from the camera he was using at the time of the accident, but why?

I would have given this movie one star, but the dog in it was really cute and gave a better performance in his thirty seconds of screen time than any of his human costars.
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Inconsistent Aliens
seriouscritic-4256916 April 2018
Yet another found footage/group of friends in an isolated cabin beset by aliens movie; this time trying to justify everything being filmed by, believe it or not, having one of the characters insert a camera into a fake eye which, inexplicably includes a red recording light shining out of the lens ala the Terminator (the record light, even in micro cameras, is NOT in front of the lens and we won't even talk about the potentials for tissue irritation from inserting a home made fake eye - with red yarn for veins - into a soft tissue socket). Oh yes, and the aliens also make everyone's phone magically record for no reason - they must want to make sure they leave some proof of their visitation behind. But the upshot is that it wastes its thin premise with too much running around in the woods yelling about how they shouldn't be running around in the woods yelling; with three male actors whose deficiencies as thespians become more and more apparent the more agitated their characters get; repetitious and clunky dialogue (of the obvious and overt type - characters saying aloud what their responses are or the main guy constantly reiterating "I'm not losing anyone else" because, see, his wife lost their unborn baby in the same accident he lost his eye - which in Screenwriting for Dummies fashion had to immediately follow him saying something like "I'm just happy the baby will be healthy"); and last, but not least, all of the inconsistent alien behavior and random powers and attributes as if they spring from the collected history of ALL movie aliens and NOT a specific species or technologically developed society (and this includes a spaceship design inspired (or just poorly copied from) Close Encounters. I wish filmmakers would think these things through with intelligence and creativity instead of throwing everything against the wall and settling for anything that sticks. I appreciate the constraints of low budget film-making but, in the end, there's still no excuse for stupid.
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A movie so bad, I signed into my IMDb account after 6yrs of not
coachoneway10 August 2019
The characters are so stupid I genuinely wanted to cry and punch my own teeth out.
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my notes
FeastMode26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Acting is atrocious and dialogue is abysmal. some of the worst i've ever seen of both. started out well, intriguing and creepy with some good scares. then it nose-dives. so many of the scares were so weak, nothing shown on the screen, just some loud noises you hear and the characters run, super lame. the arguing between the characters was ridiculously annoying. lots of questionable decision making. and a ton of plot holes and things that make no sense. (1 viewing)


they're filling balloons that float as they walk through the forest, but they don't have a helium tank. dude is recording with a camera from a smart phone that he put in his fake eye, but it somehow records sound. bad continuity errors like, they show the view of one person's camera, then when they switch to the other person's camera the first person isn't holding a camera.

the aliens looked pretty cool, and some of the stuff with them at the very end were the only cool/scary/creepy parts. and the meteorite turning out to be an egg with a baby alien in it was pretty cool.
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The Worse movie
ferdmalenfant13 August 2019
Blair Witch meets Paranormal Activity without anything scary or interesting happening. This Very Low budget movie has the worse actors money can't buy and two hand held cameras throughout the entire movie. Folks, Do Not Waste your time on this one, I did it for you, you're welcome. Oh so BAD! Zero stars would be a better rating for this crapolla!
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I don't understand
RobinFlys29 October 2017
To start, I'm not an educated film critic. I watch movies for entertainment value, mostly. I watched The Gracefield Incident to be entertained and I was.

When others say this is the worst movie/acting/soundtrack ever, I don't think they've seen: All Hallows Eve: October 30th, The Yearly Harvest, Chameleon Shadow, or, 666: The Beast, just to name a few. Watch those and The Gracefield Incident will move to a 10 star film.
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What an eyesore
df42051 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This movie is Okay, let's get started. Meet our main protagonist, we'll call him EyeGuy (you'll SEE why in a minute; SEE what I did there?). EyeGuy is taking his pregnant wife to the doctor. Now, being the super-intellectual EyeGuy is, he is filming his wife in the car--while driving. I literally said out loud, "Yeah, cause when I'm driving my pregnant wife around and celebrating the concept of my unborn child, I also don't pay any attention to my surroundings." Literally five seconds later, their car is involved in an accident. EyeGuy loses an Eye and EyeWife loses the baby.

Cut to ten months later and we see EyeGuy designing himself his very own homemade EyeBall/EyeCamera/EyeMicrophone/EyeCloud. I literally had to pause the movie just to rant about how stupid this entire concept was. First of all, prosthetic eyes are very specifically designed. They're measured to fit each individual person's socket. Secondly, they're made out of very specific materials so as to be non-reactive with the human body. This means: You don't have a big metal USB dongle jabbing into your orbital socket! And putting yarn on it to replicate the blood vessels? I can't even begin to state how much irritation and how many infections and how much sepsis that would cause. I'm not really sure the purpose of the plot-device is, since it brings nothing new to the table. I suppose it's meant to excuse the "Why wouldn't they drop the camera?" idea, but it really doesn't. We see the POV of another character's camera all the time, so what was the point? There's also the fact that it picks up sound and EyeGuy has it bonked out of his head at least twice and never bothers to disinfect it before jamming it back in his head.

So EyeGuy and Eyewife are going on a cabin trip with their friends. They see a burning ball of light in the sky and something crashes to Earth--All without making the slightest impact noise. Hate to tell you this sweetie, but even something the size of the rock/incubator we see crashing to Earth is gonna make a noise you'd hear for miles (and destroy a significant area around it). Anyway, our EyeClub decides to shove their arms into the crater to see what's what. Because, you know, flaming deathballs aren't hot or anything. There's also absolutely no chance it's radioactive. Well, thanks to utter stupidity, the EyeClubForMen is now lost in the woods. From nowhere they hear EyeGuy's dog barking and follow it into a cave. They find a phone (was it the brothers? I don't know) and get menaced by an unknown entity. But we better not tell the girls what happened. Because, you know, women are weak chicken-headed creatures that will panic at the slightest provocation.

Well, anyway, we better batten down to protect ourselves. And by that, we mean, leave windows open and pray the massive glass doors are enough to protect us from the creature. Guess what, its not. So a bunch of jump-scares and shadows roam about. Well, I better re-lock the door despite the fact that its now clear the creature is inside the house...well, safe forever! One of the EyeFriends gets assaulted and later sleepwalks (sleep-hypnosis) into the woods. The EyeClub soon follow--despite the fact they couldn't find their own way home earlier. This whole thing really reminded me of the story of: A goat fell down the well, so Guy01 goes to save it and dies, so Guy02 goes to save him and dies, so Guy03--you get the point.

Well, it just so happens this cabin in the woods is very near The Largest Cornfield in Creation. But once again our heroes become lost. So, to save themselves they tie some balloons (yes, they brought a helium tank with them into the woods--wait, they didn't?) to the camera to send it aloft. They also happened to bring the longest string possible with them. Well, it seems our unknown entity has a penchant for stripping people naked (don't worry, you won't see any nudity) and leaving their empty clothes all layed out nice and neat in a cornfield. Our heroes banter back and forth about the creature's motivation and it goes exactly nowhere. Well, two of the EyeClub decide they're going to bicycle for help (the car is on the fritz) and are immediately lifted into the air and out of the movie.

Now it's just EyeGuy and his shrieking harridan of a wife. God this woman is really insufferable. Anyway, EyeGuy figures out the creature wants the meteorite/rock/incubator that he took out of the ground. But EyeGuy is super-smart; he's not going to give it up unless the creature submits to his terms of returning his friends. Um, buddy, you just saw that this creature had the ability/technology to lift people up into the air and make this disappear with nothing but a thought--I really don't think you're in the strongest bargaining position. Well, surprise surprise, the creature immediately overpowers our heroes and takes his wife. Well, he cries a little and the creature is revealed to be an alien. The rock turns out to be holding its baby. So, with baby in hand, the alien returns EyeGuy's friends, departs, and thanks to 911 the airforce is here to help--wait--what? Since when does 911 call the airforce--I don't even care anymore, we're done!

Thoughts: Jeez, what a mess of a movie. The "REC" symbol everywhere is completely immersion breaking and the fake camera-eye brings nothing to the table. The dialogue is abysmal. I literally commented that "If this was some other movie, everything they say would be credited as: Additional Dialogue By." When its not "look out" or "good morning" the dialogue is in par with Lassie. "I saw something." "You say you saw something?" "Yes, I saw something." "What did you see?" "I saw something!" "You saw something?" It's just ridiculously annoying how circular their conversations become. The accents are atrocious and ninety percent of the time it sounds like they're being dubbed over in ADR. The acting is ludicrous. I know its a staple of these films that the characters are called upon to act like idiots, but these people can't sell even the most basic human emotions. And what (very) little characterization we get comes out of nowhere and goes nowhere. There's a throwaway scene that shows that EyeGuy is veering towards alcoholism, its never spoken of before, or afterwards. Of course, I was too busy laughing so hard at "As your doctor" that I spit my drink out. There's also a scene where the wife goes from totally having me in her corner to immediately making me loathe her. Her and EyeGuy are having a moment where he is having a breakdown at the thought of trying for another child. He breaks down and cries and admits that he's not prepared emotionally for such a risk. Not trying to downplay that a man can't also be affected by such a thing, but dude, she had a life inside her body! But of course, EyeWife immediately loses all support when she issues an ultimatum that he give her a baby or risk losing her too! Um, if your entire relationship is based on the premise of him existing solely as your donor--perhaps you two don't need to be together. The rest of the characters? What other characters? OH RIGHT! Jeez, they were so one-dimensional I actually forgot they existed. Well, I'm sure their contribution to the story was so integral that it need not be mentioned.

Final Verdict: To be avoided. I will admit that there were a (precious) few scenes that had potential, but it's squandered in the hands of amateurs. The first scene in the cornfield had a lot of "Well, at least you're on the same continent as scary." moments. But given what we learn in the end, the entire premise of the fear is kind of stupid. The moment when they spot the balloons they'd been using to mark their path now clumped together and only a few feet away had potential. But with the ending, it begs the question of: Why would the alien be doing any of this? If someone kidnapped my kid, I don't think I'd spend my time gathering balloons just to spook them. As someone else pointed out: Shouldn't the alien be smarter than this? You can figure out intergalactic travel but you can't say "Hey! I'm sure you didn't mean to, but that's my kid you stole!" We're told that the alien is trying to use various members of the EyeClub to communicate, but it never pays off. Why not have your mind-minion just say "Give me back my kid!" Even if you assume it can only pick up simple words, "Give child" doesn't seem all that complicated. Bad acting, ungodly science on the CameraEye, terrible dialogue, ludicrous behavior, and mediocre scares at best.
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Well-crafted Sci-Fi Horror that focuses on one thing and does it well
ScheduleIV22 July 2017
I really enjoyed watching this film. While it does start off as a typical sci-fi "found footage", (and I placed that in quotations because it's not really footage that was found, as we are seeing what's happening through the cameras in real-time), the movie places its effort towards building up the climax. the finale was also very well done and leaves you feeling satisfied. The horror and the mystery behind the horror is well polished and that constant irking feeling you get as the tension builds up is washed away once you get into the ending, as it delivers what you feel you deserved to see.

Great film, would love to see similarly developed films in the future.
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Don't regret watching it
mercedes_sk19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think it was a waste of time and i don't think it seemed as low budget as some imply. I thought it was scary and made me jump. I also didn't mind the found footage, I like perspective it gives the viewer. But I didn't realize it was an alien flick. I'm not a fan. And I totally hate when an animal dies. I think it adds nothing to a movie.
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Eye see aliens!
Atomicgeezer23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Idiotic sci-fi, from someone who's attempting to escape the "found footage" label by crossing over into "found eyeball-cam footage". See? These two things are not the same at all! Are you blind, or what?


Our director.Mathieu Ratthe, takes the lead acting honors as "Matthew", a man who becomes involved in an auto accident as he takes his pregnant about to give birth wife/girlfriend/ partner/ whatever to the hospital. Crash. No baby, but Matthew survives, as does the significant other. Months later, he sets up his empty eye socket (evidently a souvenir from the earlier accident) as a camera! He's going on an outing to a remote luxury cabin with his recovered gal pal and other friends (all of whom are millennial douches) for some relaxation.

All the men in this waste of time look alike. Scruffy half-beards bristle, but none of that five o'clock shadow can save them from their own stupidity. They reach said remote cabin and party! Party! Party! While getting down, a something whizzes overhead. Meteor? UFO? Bottle rocket? You can guess. Idiot eye-cam guy and his unshaven pals follow the whatsit into the woods. In a scene directly lifted from 1958's "The Blob", our bristly guys find the flaming something and handle the object without protection, because they're excited to have found this unknown visitor. No one pays attention to what might happen.

Later in the evening (this whole mess occurs during one night), the party monsters are subjected to scary noises and TVs that keep broadcasting a mysterious image. Stupid people wander around in the dark following said noises and fleeting glimpses of well, aliens. You knew this already and hope the whole mess you're watching is over soon. Did you figure out that the freezing "thing" the beard growers found in a dark hole in the woods was an...egg? Yes! Some CGI alien evidently dropped it's frozen progeny from a spacecraft (how that happened is anyone's guess)and is just trying to get Junior back on the spaceship. Mr. Eyecam and Co. run around breathing heavy and acting afraid, until the end, when the alien gets Junior and beams up. Months later, Mr. Eyecam and his gal pal have a baby! Will there be a sequel?

A terrible waste of time which is why fast forward on any device was invented. Shaky cam, ridiculous behavior from all the characters, stolen ideas from "The Blob", "Signs", "The Blair Witch Project" and other, more inventive scare-flicks. I should have known better when I saw the "Gracefield Incident" title, which is another way to lure viewers who instantly think this might have something to do with the "Cloverfield" franchise.

Recommended only for those with five day stubble who look like their bro pals and their whiny girlfriends stuck in the woods and have no sense. Stay away from this crap, the only innovation is the eye-cam, which ultimately serves no purpose other than a novelty. That point of view disappears about halfway through this paste-up of other, better and more compelling movies about wandering in the woods with a failing flashlight.
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takato052429 July 2021
So inconsistent. Tell me, how does a camera move by itself and manage to get different angles? The camera during the main guy's encounter with the alien did. And it had a soundtrack, and audio from his eye camera. And his American accent was terrible. Oh and the film sounded like it was dubbed. I could go on and on with all the flaws. But the director is the writer and the main lead, so there you go. Trying to do it all and falling miserably all across the board.
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Tommy Wiseau Version 2.0
watch_or_not28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Gracefield Incident... I don't usually write reviews, I'm more of a creepy scroll through kind of person, but this ladies and gentlemen is an exception.

To start off, I'm not going to basically regurgitate the script like most user reviewers on here. I'm simply going to explain my thought process while watch this 'film' (I use the term loosely here).

From the opening scene I knew I was in for an average journey of misplacing 90 minutes of my life. The lead protagonist and his iPhone camera supported eyeball was almost enough for me to turn it off and put it on the list of easily forgettable movies. Instead, I proceeded to endure. The acting was so bad, I thought to myself, 'this guy has to be the director, no one would have cast him otherwise'. So after a cheeky IMDb search, bingo! Writer, director and star Mathieu Ratthe. His laughable attempt at an American accent was irritating beyond belief, and this is coming from an Australian. The writing is terrible, with horrible dialogue, delivered by a group of people who couldn't get a job at local school production.

As it continued, I couldn't really put my finger on who the lead reminded me of, and then.... it hit me! Tommy Wiseau, the infamous creator of the now cult film 'The Room'. From the inaudible dialogue, to the over acting, to the scenes filmed in night vision that have been clearly film in daylight with a green filter added in post-production. I'm assuming this copycat of every other found footage film ever made will reach that status though.

In the end, what really annoyed me was the premise and idea was actually pretty good, I was excited to see it. Now that I have, I feel as though I have lost precious brain cells. If you feel the need to waste some time, by all means give it a go, but please fellow IMDBers, let me be your guinea pig. It hurt, and I don't want to go through it ever again!
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jamesallanward27 July 2017
I created a profile purely to rate this film as terrible. Like, truly awful. If I could go back in time and punch myself in the dick for ever wanting to see this film, I would. The acting is terrible but I can see the story working in some way. if it wasn't in this film. do yourself a favour and watch something else.
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An incident without any grace whatsoever
TheLittleSongbird29 May 2018
Saw 'The Gracefield Incident', being fond of horror regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre) and being intrigued somewhat by the idea. Was also a bit apprehensive, because of having a general dislike of "found footage" films. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to reviewing it.

Unfortunately, despite not reading any reviews purposefully before watching, am going to have to agree with all the reviewers who disliked 'The Gracefield Incident'. It doesn't even start off good, with an opening that immediately betrays inexperience technically and narratively, and rapidly got even worse by a second half that makes one not want to keep watching. Never judge a film without seeing the whole thing and wanted to give 'The Gracefield Incident', so gave it a fair chance. There are worse "found footage" films, but on top of looking cheap there is nothing new or interesting and it does contain some of the worst sound editing, script, camera work and acting seen in a long time and ever.

Setting is spooky, but wasted by the cheapness of the rest of the production values.

However, so much brings 'The Gracefield Incident' down. Everything is doused in inexperience and the direction fails to generate any tension or suspense with the direction of the actors being abysmal and continuous struggles in making things coherent. Too much of the soundtrack is intrusive and ill-fitting, made worse by the excessive, terribly and cheaply recorded and obvious sound effects that just cheapens the mood. The "found footage" camera work is enough to make one physically ill and has no coherence.

Where 'The Gracefield Incident' most underwhelms is the writing and story. The writing is incredibly lazy and so cringe-worthy taking it seriously is impossible, it's awkward in dialogue, very confused as a result of not tying things up or going into full detail and doesn't feel complete.

Story, one can actually be forgiven for mistaking the film as plot-less, suffers from a very limp pace apparent early on and gets slower and slower until an interminably dragged out second half. It further suffers from feeling too much like a short film stretched out with a lot of useless padding and repetition.

None of the characters are likeable, little is learnt about them and they are annoying, the inconsistent, utterly face-palming stupid and illogical motivations and decision making bring them down further. The acting ranges from bad to downright terrible, a lot of sleepwalking and histrionics and that they don't seem to care about their situation let alone frightened of it is especially obvious.

For a film billed as a horror, there is very little interesting and nothing remotely scary. They are too few and are far too predictable, anaemic and weakly timed to make impact, with the lifelessly dull pacing and obvious sound effects cheapening them significantly.

'The Gracefield Incident' doesn't engage let alone thrill, and a lot of it is silly to unintentional hilarity and doesn't make sense with a fair few loose ends. No creative moments and the poorly used aliens look goofy and lack any kind of menace. The ending is a head-scratcher, both in confusion and how little it feels like an ending.

Overall, the potential was there but the execution far from was. Really awful, unless you're curious about seeing it it's best to avoid this. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Total crap
nobodyelsepost3 September 2017
Shitty footage, incredibly secondary plot, stupid story, awful dialogues, hysterical and annoying personages, talentless acting, no directing, techniques we saw billions of times. It cannot even be spoiled as there's nothing to be spoiled: several idiots in the county-house behaving like imbeciles right from the scratch - and this is obviously supposed to - whooooo! - scare. this is not a movie, this is garbage, just garbage.
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rebelesque-3018025 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film was let down by the dreadful acting. The cast were simply awful. At one point I thought it was dubbed because the character Joe's voice was bizarre. Seemed like he was shouting his lines in a voice-over and he did shout every line! I have however given it a 7 because the special effects were very good and I enjoyed the story. The end in particular made a refreshing change. It has some great jump scares the 'something in the wolf's were the best I have seen in a very long time. I would say the budget was spent on the special effects and the department that created them are wasted on B movies! I have to thank the creators for a very good movie let down by a terrible cast and awful dialogue. 10/10 for special effects, 3/10 for the actors and dialogue
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This movie should come with a warning. "Nothing to see here"
John_Wagenvoort8 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, though predictable, would have had some merit had it not been for the woeful script. The characters portrayed come across as mindless morons as a result. The question "What's going on?" repeated over and over does not a great script make. This movie has really gotten me over the whole "first person" view style of movie making so at least, thanks for that.
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RinoTheBouncer9 August 2017
I watched this with little to no expectations and the early parts played out in a pretty predictable and cliché cabin in the woods kinda story, but it surprised me towards the end. It's nice. I don't think these reviews and ratings are fair. I've seen so many horrible found footage horror and sci-fi movies but this one's good.
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Much Better than Most of this Genre
dcarsonhagy27 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Can't understand all the negative reviews on this one. "The Gracefield Incident" opens with a horrible tragedy and ends with...hope.

A couple are on their way to an appointment with their pediatrician when they are broad-sided by another vehicle. The father loses an eye, but the baby does not survive. Flash-forward 10 months and they, along with two other couples, are on a trip to a mountain cabin for some R and R. They do not get much rest and even less relaxation.

"Gracefield" was a much better movie than most of its kind. The viewers are thrown not one, but TWO curve balls right off the bat! I will not go into the plot much more, but what is finally revealed was handled very professionally and believably! The scenes of terror came across as very real, instead of staged. Everyone played his/her part very well, and the special effects were much better than expected.

Rated PG-13 for violence, a little salty language, and terror. I liked this one. More than a 7.5 than 7.
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Just, don't.
olsonh-3112710 October 2018
This movie is terrible. And not even the enjoyable type of terrible.

I'm a person who loves sci-fi and horror movies, and I'm very forgiving towards B-rated and independent films in the genre. I'll cut it some slack if it's entertaining. I even enjoy the semi-well-done found footage movie.

The Gracefield Incident isn't even entertaining. It's distractingly bad. The acting is terrible and the dialogue sounds like it was added in in post, the script is terrible full of stupid, forced exposition that doesn't make sense, the characters are instantly forgettable, and the completely lack of logic and inconsistencies drove me crazy (um, the phone tied to the longest balloon string in the universe, anyone?).

It's less than 90 minutes, but spare yourself nonetheless.

I wanted to stop watching this within the first 20 minutes, but I hung in there on the off-chance it got better (it didn't) and the chance it might be on the HDTGM podcast someday.

Watch something else.
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The theater was empty - a hint.
cfb-150-65246526 July 2017
This is Ratthe's first acting gig and first attempt at a full length film. He has done 3 other short films. His film inexperience shows. The story is a copy of The Blair Witch Project with aliens. It's all viewed from the perspective of a couple of video and surveillance cameras. Then there's the acting. All of the actors have minimal experience, which shows. The writing was as bad as the acting and direction. Save yourselves. Don't even watch this on HBO.
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A High school project
gshihyi31 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
over exaggerated acting, over exaggerated voice acting. If you want to direct, don't act, cause you really suck at it. Jessica got caught looked at camera when the storm hit the living not professional. Overall, a high school project, way too ambitious too immature.
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