3 Hours Till Dead (2016) Poster

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He's dead. He can't hurt you.
nogodnomasters5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The day starts out with good news and bad news for Joe (Vladimir Zaric) on an outing with friends. The bad news is that Joe is AWOL. The good news is that due to the zombie apocalypse, no one is going to notice. Low on gas, our vehicle pulls up to a farm house...like that has never been done in a zombie film before.

Writer/director Jason Mills apparently loves old school foot dragging zombies and used them when he could, however the film couldn't be done unless he had some runners. The rule is you must choose one or the other unless you can explain why. Nor did we find out why a rural farmhouse off the beaten path had so many pedestrian zombies running about. In the original, it was a nearby graveyard, in this one it was? People leaving the city? Did they walk or were they all in the vehicle by the road and got out like a clown car? The scenes employed the jerk cam for horror effects with had appeared to be a dubbed "arg-arg" zombie noise, sometimes sounding like a comic Martian "ark-ark." Being AWOL, Joe suffers from "Branded" syndrome and needs to prove he is not a coward in every episode. Unfortunately the characters were boring, minimal zombie make-up, and badly written dialogue makes the film a pass except for those for feel they must see every zombie film ever made.

Guide: F-word. Implied sex. No nudity.
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Nothing new but nothing offensive.
redlazlo19 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty standard Night of the Living Dead knockoff. It's been done before and it'll be done again. What I find interesting it this though. Below is the summary description of the film as seen right here on IMDb:

'An AWOL soldier with PTSD goes into hiding. Along with his brother and a few friends they retreat into a rural farm area unaware that the outside world has stopped functioning. On their way back to civilization, his brother is attacked and bitten by an infected farmer. The brother quickly turns into a rabid animal and lives for exactly three hours. Realizing that they are in grave danger, they head back to the forest trying to outlive the legions of the infected.'

The whole "exactly 3 hours to live" part? Never mentioned at all. And the brother absolutely does not "die" after 3 hours. Also, no one in this film "heads back into the forest trying to outlive the infected." Nope, they literally all stay at the farmhouse until they all die. The only survivors who do make it off the farm are two characters that appear out of the blue in the final 9 minutes of the movie. Like I said, there's nothing offensive about this movie. It's your standard low budget zombie flick. It might have stood out a little more though if it had hewn closer to the actual film description.
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Comically bad enough to be entertaining.
jordan224014 July 2022
Someone put a lot of effort into this, so I give them credit, but this plays more like a film school project. Obviously low budget with a lot of trite situations and dialog, but it is mildly entertaining more for its silliness than anything else.
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A very bad movie with terrible acting.
buxcrazy22 April 2017
This movie was very hard to watch. I cant believe they could possibly charge people to watch this. The acting in this movie is a big reason it sucks. Unless you like movies with $20 dollar budgets stay away. It was actually pretty funny (not purposely) which is why I gave it 2 stars instead of one. (Every movie gets 1 star for effort)
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So incredibly pathetic
jwilliams-8863015 July 2017
This is by far one of the worst movies i've ever seen. Every aspect of this movie is pure garbage. From the absolutely laughable plot, to the worst acting you could possibly imagine. Every character in the movie is pure trash. I can't believe these people consider themselves actors. The main character is supposed to be a marine but the way he reacts to situations proves that the writers didn't even care about that fact. I am astounded by how awful this entire movie is. Every decision the key characters make is stupid plain and simple. the acting is absolutely horrific. Please do not give these people your money. I hope everyone involved with this sh*t show never works in the industry again. I feel disrespected by how awful this piece of trash is. There aren't enough negative words in the English language to describe this piece of garbage.whoever OK'd this movie for production should be blacklisted and put in jail for crimes against humanity. I could make a better movie than this and i could probably act better than anyone in this movie. I can't believe someone really watched this and said "yeah we should def. release this, it will help us all get more jobs in the future". please, for the good of the movie industry... DO NOT. i repeat.. DO NOTTTTTT waste your money.
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3 Hours Long (It Seemed)
dcarsonhagy24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Another cheaply made "zombie" flick about friends out camping (*nudge/nudge; wink/wink*). Included in the entourage are (a) the brother with a secret; (b) the brother's brother who is just a little whiny-ass wuss; (c) the two hot girls; and (d) the disinterested boyfriend. Yawn. Because they've been out of touch with the real world for all of a week, they are unaware something horrible has happened and now everybody is eating everybody.

To come in at a very short run time, this movie sure did seem like it lasted three times longer! Had those involved actually ran with the concept of this movie (the dead only have 3 hours to live before they actually STAY dead) they might have been able to do something original with this. Instead, all you get is a movie where all the girls can do is scream and never try to defend themselves.

Rated R for zombie violence and some language. Better luck next time.
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Beyond lame...
AndyVanScoyoc28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a pathetic waste of time. The beginning of the movie was bad enough. Childish and stupid. I thought that surely it would have to get better.

Nope. It got worse.

Your typical whiny chic, crying and blubbering gibberish about wanting to go home, another idiot all too willing to punch someone who is obviously seriously messed up then can't fire a gun later on when it matters most.

Throw in the stereotypical couple with the barbaric pig guy on a power trip with a weak and wimping woman at his side and it's apparent this joke of a film ripped off every already bad zombie film ever made.

Bad acting, bad script...wow...avoid at all costs...even free it's not worth watching.
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There's bad
takato05248 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And then there's this. My god. I can't even say one positive thing about this one. For starters, the lead was the worst actor in the movie. He couldn't act, wasn't convincing, and frankly I don't think English is his first language cuz he talked like he had cotton in his mouth. How does one person manage to get almost everyone killed? Ask him because he did it. Decisions made by other characters also were on the would never happen scale. And the camera! My god was this filmed on a cell phone? The camera could not stay still for anything. There was so much wrong with this film I could write a 5 page essay. What I'll do instead is say save yourself the time. If you want to laugh, maybe this is for you, but it wasn't supposed to be a comedy.
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Cheap Canadian zombies
Leofwine_draca22 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
3 HOURS TILL DEAD is a cheap Canadian zombie movie. As an indie this suffers from the usual trappings of that particular sub-genre of filmmaking, with shonky acting, a rubbish script, and a general lack of imagination gone into the proceedings. A bunch of characters go on a road trip during the zombie apocalypse and one of them is infected, hence the title; there's no more plotting than that. It's not daring, it's not edgy, it's just vague and predictable.
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marvinmalcom13 September 2020
Movie is absolutely stupid everything from the way the people reacted was stupid. Complete waste of time. I could have done this in my backyard of a little ketchup
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This film was awesome
trevorshark8 August 2019
I love low budget horror films, its dumb yes but that's sometimes awesome, it's a fun entertaining flick, 2 thumbs up
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Entertaining despite it being a run-of-the-mill zombie movie...
paul_haakonsen9 March 2019
A zombie movie? Check, and I am there.

I stumbled upon "3 Hours Till Dead" by random luck. I saw the movie's cover and of course I picked it up and gave it a watch right away. After all, I am a huge fan of all things zombie.

Right, well without having heard anything about the movie, nor knowing about its existence prior to stumbling upon it, then I had little expectations as to what I should expect from the movie.

Sure, this was a low budget production with a clear amateurish touch to it. But that actually worked in favor of the movie, because it helped add to the atmosphere of the movie. It felt like this entire project was established and executed by people with a genuine love in and for the zombie genre.

Storywise, then "3 Hours Till Dead" doesn't move any boundaries. In fact, this was pretty much reminiscent of George A. Romero's classic "Night of the Living Dead", for better or worse.

The special effects in the movie were good. Sure they weren't massive Hollywood blockbuster good, but they served their purposes and for the most parts they were good and came off as being believable. However, one thing stuck out like a sore thumb in my eye, it was when newly turned infected start jumping and running. That just doesn't sit well with me or the zombie lore in general.

As for the acting in the movie, well people were doing good jobs. However I somehow feel that the movie suffered from having Vladimir Zaric in the lead role, because he wasn't the most prominent or outstanding of acting talents that they had in the movie.

All in all, then "3 Hours Till Dead" is good entertainment, just keep in mind that this is a low budget production. But it has the heart with it and the heart is in the right place - until a zombie devours it. So I must say that writer and director Jason Mills actually pulled this movie off quite well.
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3 Hours I Wish I Could Rewind & Choose To Not Watch This
soulcrisis284 March 2022
Man, this movie is stinking awful I wrote this before finishing it because it was annoying me so much.

Acting- terrible Story- terrible Set- OK I guess, can't hate on it too much since it's ripped straight off from Night of the Living Dead

The "Lead" if you wanna call him that is the absolute worst. He can't even talk, he mumbles smh when he does try to talk it sounds like his mouth is full of peanut butter. Have you ever kicked your lower jaw out then tried to talk? You know like making fun of Marlon Brando in the Godfather? Yeah that's this guy only ten times worse.

Not to mention he's a worthless turd. He let's 2 of his friends become human beef jerky and what's worse is the first one he did it to be was trying to save him! Nope, this guy froze up and let his buddy get chomped on, only then does he snap out of it and kill the zombie eating his friend. His friend was pathetic too, he got bit on the shoulder and then somehow couldn't walk after that? The first loser guy is trying to crutch walk him back to the house and this guy can't even manage to barely stay on his feet. Dude, you got bit in the shoulder, what's that got to do with your ability to walk? See the stupidity?

Then they take a tumble and loser number 1 just ends up leaving him there as a group of zombies come rushing at them to let them finish what they started on this guy who was only out there trying to save him to begin with. Picked a crummy friend to try and save.

Then he runs to a car and gets in and a horde of them surround and trap him in it. But don't worry, after awhile and nothing has changed he decides he can just open the door and push them off and get away scott free and squeaky clean. Yep, it's really that bad and stupid.

Then he gets back in the house and calls for one of the girls in the group as he let's a ton of zombies in the house and practically leads them all right to her then just he side tracks her and let's the horde of zombies that he let in the house chomp away on her! That's friend number 2 for those keeping count that he just let the zombies have at em. Yeah real great lead guy.

The movies awful, the acting and actors are more awful and the story line is the worst. Skip it you'll be doing yourself a favor.
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Regular Below Joe Movie!
xcitenlady29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very poor acting!

At the end I could not figure out why Joe was talking to the mother and the daughter and asking her are you OK? Is everything OK? What do you think????

Are you fine he's got a running car -all he has to do is tell them to run real fast - not asking is how's the weather? It's just crazy at the end! He also just pauses all through the movie staring aimlessly. .

This seems to be a current movie so I don't understand why Joe doesn't understand about zombies - this is like a 21st-century movie even if you only joke about zombies everyone under the sun knows about zombies!!!
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scottmcauleygpc19 September 2022
You'd think after the police dispatcher tells Joe Ryder to board up the windows, don't go out side, and if a person bites you you'll turn into one of those monsters would be enough! But you'd be wrong, or the fact that they're in a house that has boarded windows! NOPE! All the actors in this movie were horrible, honestly they were so bad that words can't describe them! APPSOLUTELY DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE, DOING SO CAN AND WILL MAKE YOU A STUPIDER PERSON! THESE CHARACTERS WERE ALL SO SMAHHHTTTTT. All the red flags that they were given they turned into a to do list. Nothing aggravates me more that this stupid movie and stupid decisions they made.
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Such a bad knockoff of Night of the Living Dead, but kinda funny
ikeybabe1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, this is by far not a good movie. The acting was horrible. The script was bad and the zombies were just crimson-covered runners or slow-walkers. There's no explanation why one is slow/fast.

But, it was something to watch while doing other stuff. I kind of liked how the final character was able to actually unlock the gas pump and get gas and get in the car (SPOILER ALERT) but why did this fool decide to NOT be the coward his brother professed him to be to go sorta rescue the woman and child.

This was the point I had to yell at the screen - why did they all not get in the car and go!? DUH!!!
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Bookermcco3 April 2022
This movie is terrible from the beginning to the end. Only "Awesome" thing about this movie is when it's finished. Bad acting, the camera is all over the place, and just plain ridiculous.
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stacik-3655128 January 2021
If you watch a ton of zombie movies, you will find this pleasantly surprising! Some of the acting wasn't the best, make up a bit fake here and there but plenty of action and there's no mercy by the writer for the characters. They did a good job with the AWOL, I was like, "Dude, snap out of it already!" Apparently most people who reviewed this movie haven't seen the plethora of zombie movies like me. I'd be surprised if true zombie movie lovers would think this movie was bad.
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...Better than Z-Nation !
guestar-4946527 June 2017
So we have a Scott Adkins clone and he is kind of a Badass when killing Zombies,Waitttt can you kill Zombies ??? Think this maybe a web-series turned feature film,Seen before always seems to work well, I like it.

Okay we have Zombies who are sloth like and others like they are trying for next Olympics…Seriously they sprint to their victims.

So a lot of innocent people die and at the hands of zombies AND some by Human Hands (sad face).

Special effects are very cool and that leads me to the finale…Amazing,Was worth the almost 90 minutes before building to this AWEsome end.
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Excellent Movie
mikemineo12 July 2018
I have watched several hundred Zombie movies and this without a doubt was one of the best I have seen. It is a Thriller for sure.
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