Remnants (2022) Poster

(VI) (2022)

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Post-Apocalyptic Drip
harwood-6887624 November 2023
I bought into this based on its festival awards, never bothering to check what festival it was in. The Mardi Gras, Burning Man? Possibly, but I suspect from the production values, more likely a university- based festival. Plot centers around 3 uncommonly attractive " survivors" of a plague that's left much of the world in a - you guessed it!- zombified state. Despite a lack of resources, such as food or a needle & thread, the 3 travel the country with clean clothes, albeit torn, and $75 haircuts. To any of us familiar with apocalyptic landscapes this implies lots of action taking place in abandoned warehouses, junkyards and the homes of more than one of the film investors' moms. If you haven't guessed already you will recognize a story line, about fifteen minutes into Remnants, as simple as getting from Point A to B. Kudos to the viewers who complete the navigation.
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8 years in the making and zero substance
straightoutta-0778014 October 2023
This movie was supposedly filmed over 8 years, but maybe they should have spent another 8 years on the script. Nothing of substance happened in the movie. Many elements were not identified and it felt like there was no real plot to the movie. Would not recommend spending your time or money on this. Multiple characters and flashbacks entered with no explanation of who they were or why they are there. There were random flashbacks that seemed to be unconnected to the main "plot" (or the lack thereof) other than one of the characters. I'm left in disbelief that there was so little meaning to this and that I wasted such valuable time entertaining this film.
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Is this a joke?
jonnybrett1426 October 2023
After reading the reviews I decided to give it a watch.

After watching it, I am left wondering how many of the positive reviews were written by folks who are somehow connected to anyone who had anything to do with the making of this movie.

I was actually shocked at how bad this movie was. I would give most movies, even bad ones, at least 4 or 5 stars just for having SOMETHING in it that was good. I saw NOTHING in this movie that was worthy of one's time to watch it. And certainly not worth PAYING to watch it.

The movie made little sense, and never became interesting in any way. The script was very bad. And the acting was pretty bad as well.
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Nothing happens
ccohen-6285016 October 2023
I love all things apocalyptic and zombie. I was so excited to see a new movie come out of this genre but it was a complete let down. Absolutely NOTHING happens in this film. There is no plot, no storyline, nothing. There is no action or suspense. You see "Vapes" (the zombies) maybe three times. There is no explanation of what they are or how they got there. In the very first minutes of the movie you see an eel type things crawling out of a dead person but that's the only time you see them. It's not believable and the actors are not likable. You don't even get to know the characters and several were introduced that have no real connection to the story itself. Don't waste your time.
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The Walking Dead Vibes
diondrapryce8 October 2023
Can't wait to see the whole movie the trailer gave me a perfect cliffhanger just makes me want to see it even more! :)) also a good film for the spooky season. It definitely gives off 'The Walking Dead' series vibes which I am a big fan of. In my opinion I feel they should make this out to become a series instead of a movie only because of the vibes it gives off, either way I love the concept of it. Morally , this is an intimate tale that spaces out the action with down to earth & charming characters. It's a fun 90 minute film, and thats difficult to make these days especially in the indie market, easy 9/10!.
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If you're into apocalypse films...
Douggybenton2 June 2023
This is a gem. Despite it being written in 2014, it still does a lot of unique things for the genre. Sure, there are some similarities between The Walking Dead and The Last of Us, but that can't be avoided in an infected/apocalyptic film at this point.

You can definitely see why it won awards at so many festivals, it's artsy, a bit sad, but still has some great moments for action fans. The last 15 minutes are a wild ride, non-stop. If you like a film that really explores the characters, which are idiosyncratic and complex, then you'll especially enjoy this. This film really explores the human condition and depicts universal struggles we all have with connecting with others, processing traumas and finding meaning in what can often be a cruel world. It's only 90 minutes, worth a full watch through.
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Biggest waste of my time.
owbaunews22 December 2023
Father and son movie night ruined. I am absolutely flabbergasted by how many people gave such a positive view for this movie. Glad some people enjoyed. There was nothing about this film that was like "The Walking Dead". Even though my subtitle says "Biggest waste of my time" I was able to find the time to do my Duolingo for the day. That gives you any example of how boring the movie was. It was very slow and some scenes were drug out too long. Some scenes were irrelevant to the "plot" of the film. Also, my dad fell asleep. I saw that this film took 8 years to make and maybe should have spent more money of props and details. I liked the concept idea of the film, but it was poorly put together. I've seen better post-apocalyptic themed movies before, but this one was just not well developed.
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character-driven story
catchtheviral16 January 2024
In a genre often saturated with clichés, this indie zombie film emerges as a breath of fresh air. While constrained by a modest budget, the film triumphs through its exceptional character development and a script that punches above its weight. The narrative is a tightrope walk of tension and emotion, blending the traditional zombie horror elements with a freshness that feels original. The characters are the film's heartbeat, each portrayed with depth and relatability, driving the story forward compellingly. The script, although not without its indie quirks, cleverly navigates the familiar territory with inventive twists, keeping the audience engaged and invested. While the production values reflect its indie roots, they add to the film's charm, proving that a towering budget isn't necessary to create a captivating, character-driven story in the zombie genre. A commendable effort that showcases the potential of indie filmmaking.
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Cool, dark, little romp with glints of comedy
JesseBond1232 June 2023
This is not a zombie movie. Well, it is, but don't go into it expecting to see gratuitous zombie kills every ten minutes. The focus here was definitely the character driven storyline and exploring life in the apacolypse.

Despite the dark tone, there is a good bit of humor throughout giving it a sense of realism. The characters feel like real people living in unpleasant circumstances, yet trying to make the best of it. One of the main characters, Cash, is a bit zany and technically the "comic relief" but not overdone.

Lots of tense moments, good bit of action and the film is pretty touching at times. Big fan of this indie diamond in the rough!
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A slow burn but WELL worth it.
AllenK76492 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Remnants has a real charm to it, the same way the first few seasons of The Walking Dead felt, which other reviewers have stated but that's an incredible achievement in the indie market.

Not only does it introduce a new twist on the tried & true "Zombie" genre with the "slivers", but it does so in a way that feels gripping and close to reality. The dialogue especially feels true to life, like a day in the life experience of these three.

Mason, Kyla, and Cash are so real, regular people who have learned to survive in this landscape. You can tell the filmmakers really cared about creating real characters in realistic setting.

Speaking of the setting, what an enrapturing and dystopic world they've built through this dead oceanic town. The score only enriches the feeling of loneliness & tension.

And at the culmination of this slow burn we're rewarded with massive action sprawling all the settings we've been introduced throughout the film, but with much greater stakes.

Independent studios could learn a thing or two from this one.
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Well written characters in a cool universe
nickjavijack4 June 2023
This was a great film, because it's raw, feels real and doesn't follow the zombie movie playbook. It jumps right into the story without explanation and, if you pay attention, you can learn everything you need to know about the universe along the way. I liked that, because it kept me on my feet and wanting to know more.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the cinematography. Some of the b-roll of the beach landscapes is gorgeous. The director lived on the beach and shot a lot of the b-roll once conditions were just right. Shot compositions in the whole were out of the box and at times daring.

You almost don't notice that the film was shot for less than $100k. Pretty impressive, considering.
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Like the good seasons of The Walking Dead!
AdamDriveHome2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the other reviews have stated: this isn't your typical "zombie" film, which is a good thing. This film dances around the ever looming threat of the infected while touching on very human themes, love, loss, friendship, moving forward after trauma, things every one of us can relate to.

The characters here are strong, believable and survive their encounters in a realistic way, one of my favorite scenes being the chase through the forest.

Throughout the film you really do begin to feel for these stranded three, although most of the tale comes by way of Mason, the downtrodden leader, we have some special moments with Cash, Kyla, and even the other survivors they encounter as well that add emotional depth to the journey.

In short, this is an intimate tale that spaces out the action with down to earth & charming characters. It's a fun 90 minute film, and thats difficult to make these days especially in the indie market, easy 9/10!
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Surviving Shadows: Review
'Remnants', a mesmerizing portrayal of survival and humanity within a post-apocalyptic reality. Garnering "Best Film", "Best Director", and "Best Editing" accolades throughout its festival journey, 'Remnants' is more than just a cinematic spectacle; it is an exploration of the human condition when confronted with the unthinkable.

Directed with an unflinching eye and a penchant for nuanced storytelling, the filmmaker has stretched the boundaries of traditional filmmaking. The ambitious shooting schedule manifests brilliantly on screen, particularly through the character Mason, masterfully played by Jack Roberts. The passage of real-time allows for an authenticity that transcends the narrative, making the on-screen journey feel astonishingly genuine.

The plot unfurls at a deliberate pace, unveiling the mysteries of the dystopian world and the monstrous 'vapes' in a meticulously controlled manner. Each step in the trio's voyage is laden with suspense, further emphasized by the chilling tranquility of the film's setting, with the sequences in the forsaken beach house standing out for their haunting juxtaposition of serenity and dread.

Among the film's many standout elements is the deeply layered character development. Mason, Cash, and Kyla are expertly drawn out, with their emotional arcs deftly constructed to reflect distinct, relatable aspects of the human response to crisis. Their dialogue and interactions are not just plot devices but mirrors into their souls, driving home the narrative's exploration of humanity's resilience in face of adversity.

Equally impressive is the editing. The pacing and rhythm established are impeccable, creating a steady sense of foreboding that grips viewers from the opening scene to the credits. The film's opening, a riveting POV sequence, is a striking embodiment of this ethos, as it thrusts audiences directly into the heart of the action.

The visual effects rendering the post-apocalyptic world with chilling realism. Equally commendable is the sound design that enhances the viewing experience by deftly crafting an auditory landscape that amplifies the tension and anxiety inherent in the film's narrative.

'Remnants' is a masterclass in balancing entertainment with thought-provoking commentary. Its exploration of complex themes such as the paradoxes of human nature, survival instincts, and the aftermath of societal collapse, infuse the narrative with intellectual depth.

'Remnants' is a triumph of post-apocalyptic cinema, a potent blend of suspense, emotional depth, and insightful commentary. Its masterful direction, exceptional editing, and stellar performances mark it as a distinguished entry within the genre. A veritable tour de force, 'Remnants' is an indispensable viewing for those seeking a film experience that challenges both the heart and mind.
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Apocalypse film with a heart
BuddyHollyFan12 June 2023
This film was a masterclass in suspense and cinematic ambiguity. Most writer/director/actors are underwhelming, but this was one of the rare success stories. Jack apparently had a great run in fests with a short film he wrote/starred/directed/shot/produced Tick, before doing the same with Remnants. He obviously did not shoot as much of the feature, but he is listed as one of the cinematographers.

Jack plays the lead Mason, the strong silent southern gentleman who struggles with loss and his failures, whilst trying to lead a small group to safer pastures. The complex performance carries the film throughout. Thumbs up.
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hascolmktg4 June 2023
Had the opportunity to watch 'Remnants', a film that effortlessly justifies its festival recognition.

The storyline engages you with a gradual exposure to a dystopian world, creating an intense atmosphere with the existence of ominous creatures referred to as 'vapes'.

The characters are fully fleshed out, and their personal journeys elicit deep empathy. 'Remnants' presents a gripping exploration of a post-apocalyptic landscape, making it an essential watch for anyone seeking a riveting cinematic experience.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants a stimulating and thoroughly entertaining experience.
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An Absolute Banger
stevenstorms-452824 June 2023
Loved the fresh take of a post apocalyptic hellscape. This gives me such Last Of Us vibes. When you take a way a humans basic needs you'll soon find an animal. Thats why I love these types of stories where you need men to survive, but are also the greatest threat. Helps remind my brain some of the darker urges of man where killing is commonplace. This movie just excels at building the tension to the scene slowly to the point where it feels like it's boiling. I literally found myself getting stressed while watching some of the scenes.

So overall a highly pleasurable experience I'm glad I came upon.
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sarimqazalbash17 October 2023

This is more than just a post apocalyptic movie.

What stands out is how meticulously the world is built. The characters themselves feel fleshed out with genuine motives and attitudes. These two elements adds a certain realism that is rarely seen in post apocalyptic movies.

The film also features beautiful landscapes and is beautifully shot, considering the budget.

Overall this is the perfect movie to watch when you want to have fun, but also don't mind going deep with the characters. It feature thrills, laughter, scares, and everything in between. The director did an impressive job.
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A great debut from a writing/producing duo
JimmyMarsden4 June 2023
The level of production quality is incredible. Indie films like this deserve more credit and press than they got. The two guys who run Lesnik Entertainment wrote and produced this in their 20's paying for it out of pocket for the most part. Of course the film is not as action packed as other zombie movies, but this is impressive for a film with a budget of less than $100k. It proves that almost anyone can make a feature film these days, it just takes talent and tenacity.

There is a reason this film won four awards at for different festivals. It has a voice, it feels authentic and the acting is strong.
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Visuals are cool
thomasberkley11 October 2023
I'll admit that I'm a bit picky when it comes to horror movies I only really like ones that have some supernatural/paranormal/creature-feature element to them. That said, I have not come across a horror film that I've really liked for quite a while now. The last one I watched that was recent - and that I enjoyed a lot - was Hereditary (2018). But I have to say im also into zombie horror as well hopefully this will meet my expectations that im looking for in a scary movie.

No spoilers, but what I liked about it was its certain level of absurdity that just kept me guessing about what turn the story would take next.
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browniemavis11 October 2023
Very well directed with an impressive crew which didnt force the scenes and helps mask how our lead got into this situation, even if the reveal isn't a big highlight . It also features some really nice cinematography of the apocalyptic aftermath. Good cast featuring many newcomers that had only worked on the directors other films, especially impressive performance from the lead role who was just absolutely caked in blood and mud for the majority of the film.

As mentioned before, I was very impressed by the reveal, and for such a brutally bleak film I think we really needed that to really kick, even the final confrontation between two people the film built up was a tad unsatisfying overall. Still, the film remains an impressive exercise in misery and the sheer amount of pain that can be inflicted on body and mind.
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Worth the watch
chickenw-7426012 October 2023
The level of production quality is incredible. Indie films like this deserve more credit and press than they got especially the ones who wrote and produced this cool movie this gives off The Last of Us series which I love this brings the concept. Of course the film is not as action packed as other zombie movies, but this is impressive for a film that was made on what appears to be an iPhone. It proves that almost anyone can make a feature film these days, it just takes talent and tenacity.

There is a reason this film won four awards at for different festivals. It has a voice, it feels authentic and the acting is strong.
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Perfect for spooky season!
stevieburgett12 October 2023
"Remnants" is like the indie zombie movie you didn't know you needed. While I'm not usually one for apocalyptic movies, I'm super excited for this one! I love the concept of "never stop moving" - definitely anxiety inducing, but in the best way! A slow burner I can enjoy curled up on the couch.

The sparse yet impactful storytelling, coupled with raw cinematography, captures the essence of a shattered world. The actors are perfect in their roles, the cinematography embodies a consistent post-apocalyptic vibe with comedic breaks in between. What more could you ask for? You don't want to miss this one!
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Cool Visuals
sammythomas-433588 October 2023
I cannot remember the last time a movie watching experience was so visceral- and to be honest, I think it was less about the movie's content than the creepy ambience I was experiencing it in. I used to be sad watching horror movies by myself all the time (due to others' lack of interest haha), but I've come to appreciate that I usually give movies more of a chance when I'm watching them alone because no one is breaking that immersion (except me when I decide to scroll on my phone haha).

I always say I'm rarely scared by horror any more (which is fine- I still feel terror, disgust, dread, anxiety, etc. Plenty which is more important to me than fear), but sometimes it's nice to know that it IS still possible. We all roll our eyes when we see the 1000th post asking for recs for "actually scary movies," but there's a reason people do it; we miss that feeling of total vulnerability that used to be so much more accessible before we became completely desensitized haha. But this one takes the cake.
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dionpryce12 October 2023
Cool concept It does borrow from other apocalyptic movies/tv shows , but I did find myself enjoying this movie. The acting and the plot were definitely good. And how the story unfolds is actually interesting. The movie has a very claustrophobic feel in my opinion which I liked. I find Remnants a good, underrated science fiction horror movie that definitely needs to get the credit it deserves. In Pandorum we get a handful of kills, but we get a lot of dead bodies, and weird creatures. The kills are decent with some blood and of course gore . And for those who don't like it when someone messes with the eyes, be forewarned.
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Indie horror
markiethedancer9 October 2023
If you can overlook the flaws that come along with many indie films, especially of this genre, and are seeking out an entertaining horror film with a memorable villain and protagonist and an easy going, mostly predictable formula, which 100% works with this, then Found might be the film for you! The trailer itself it's worth watching If you're a zombie horror fan, then I recommend it tuning into this film

Tastes vary and I don't expect everyone to love it. It's certainly not for everyone. Opinions differ and that is completely healthy as long as every opinion is presented respectfully! I have a feeling this will simply be my favorite indie horror film and I ramble.
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