F*&% the Prom (2017) Poster


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Ok film
destinyfan-8232930 March 2023
F the Prom! I will start with the positive. The cast played their roles well. Madelaine Petsch stands out in this film. I enjoyed the messages and the story of the film. The execution of it could have been better. I would say this is a average teenage film, not spectacular. There are some laughs and some heartfelt moments. This might be one of those films you watch just once. It's not as bad as some are saying. It does drag a bit at times though which drops it down a bit. I showed it to a friend and he thinks it's just ok as well. I bought this movie hoping for a bit more than what we got in this film.
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A Movie with So Much Potential But Fell Flat
griscowsky12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I decided to watch this movie due to two of my favorite actors were in the show (Madelaine Petsch from Riverdale and Danielle Campbell from The Originals) and the trailer made the movie sound cliché but extremely interesting and fun. I was super excited when it was released onto Netflix.

Unfortunately within the first 10 min I was already like, "Seriously this movie is garbage." but I was hoping it would become more interesting and kept watching. But it didn't. The movie was full of plot holes, terrible acting, weird and unnecessary sexual jokes and swearing. Honestly if the writers took out the sex and swearing, 8-12yrs would enjoy the film a lot more then teenagers.

For example, why were the three main characters planning so much to destroy when the literally just spiked Marissa's punch and pulled the fire alarm? It sounded like it was going to be a completely terrible night, and instead all the teens just moved to the parking lot and had a good time there. Also what happens to Marrissa and Maddy's relationship? Why was that was never resolved? And what of Maddy and her cheating boyfriend? And why can't Maddy and Cole date at the end? Yes he is off to college, but them riding their bikes into the sunset isn't a satisfactory ending for me.

Yes the movie contained good messages of not bullying people and treating people with respect but it was extremely unrealistic and cliché in everyway possible.

Save yourself an hour and a bit and just watch the trailer and then read the plot summary on Wiki. Trust me, you aren't missing anything by not watching this film.
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First act is cheesy, second act is cliche, third act is creative
nmgtheo14 December 2017
F the Prom is a very interesting movie indeed. It is the first full-length movie from Fine Brothers Entertainment. The Fine brothers do work mainly on YouTube, and it shows in this movie. A lot of the cinematography of this movie remind me of YouTube videos, especially during the cheesy first act. Once you get through the cheese of the first act and the cliche of the second act, we arrive at the third act. This is where the movie really shines. There are unexpected twists and turns that, I think, make this movie unique. However, my main gripe with this show is how the adults are portrayed. I can only remember 6 adults characters in this movie. Three are parental characters, who are portrayed as unintelligent or otherwise bad parents. One gets an redemption arc of sorts, which was, in my mind, unearned. Two are teachers, both of which are portrayed in ways that make them extremely unqualified to teach. One doesn't care, and the other, in a flashback, laughs along with bullies at a student. Perhaps the worst character in this movie is the principal. In any reality, she would be fired from her job almost immediately. Her daily addresses to students are often condescending and inappropriate. Her character often broke the suspension of disbelief I had when watching this film.

TL;DR: Stay around until the end. Decide for yourself.
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Absolutely horrendous
gabrielledesmond12 March 2018
This movie is as close to insufferable as it gets. I thrive off of tacky teen movies, but this is next level. The characters are incredibly unrealistic and lack any depth whilst the script is cringey and so far out of touch it leaves me questioning if the writers have ever actually held a conversation with a youth in their lives (ttyl? g2g? Are we back in the era of flip phones?). Don't even get me started on the costumes, a young teacher wearing clothes fit for an elderly woman does not lead us as the audience to believe she is,in fact, an elderly woman... All of this displayed not even 15 minutes into what may just be the most horrific representation of the high school experience I have ever had the displeasure of bearing witnesses too. I would only recommend you watch this movie if you enjoy cringing and snickering at the notion that some 12 year old, somewhere is lapping this movie up believing that this movie is an accurate representation of teenage and high school experience.
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This had so much potential, yet failed miserably
niamhmcmanusisherehi27 March 2018
I absolutely adore teen movies, but this was probably one of the worst ones I have ever seen. It had such a good story line, that could've been a brilliant movie but for some reason I was so BORED and felt so cringe during most of this movie because of the cheesy lines. And all the characters in this that I wanted to get together never even ended up getting together. I (personally) think that maybe the fine bros should stick to youtube
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0/10 stars if possible
karinacejas7 March 2018
Cliche teen-flick-trying-to-top-mean-girls film with cliche, expected scenario's and hot actors to hide the terrible story. Very cheesy and no where near a funny movie. Very superficial and sending out a message that "being popular" is the only way to survive. Don't watch the film and save yourself some time, I have no idea what the writer of this film was thinking.
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80 minutes of your life, that you'll never get back.
cms-7723 December 2017
By and far one of the worst films of 2017, from the trailer and premise you're fooled into thinking a good dark comedy is about to play out, it doesn't. There is nothing likeable about it, car crash plot (when there is one), awful acting (the adults are the worst), terrible cinematography, poor editing, just a mess from beginning to end. The humour is so far off the mark, stereotypes abound, ten years ago it would have been borderline acceptable, now it's most certainly not.
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Barely suffered 20 minutes
billy_does_evil_things10 March 2018
This movie is awful. Not going to lie, I fast forwarded through most of it thanks to the beauty of Netflix. Teenagers are nothing like this and the acting is shoclibg. Not only that but the casting? It seems like they tried to find cheap actresses and actors who mildly resembled people from other strong sitcoms and movies, New Girl, I'm looking at you. Madelaine Petsch is the only redeeming quality and she should run far far away from whoever put her in this movie.

The choice to put a young youtuber as a teacher a d dress her in old clothes? Does not make them old. It makes for a bad cameo.

Don't waste your time.
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I would rather be murdered than watch this trash fire again
iwill-762041 June 2018
This is by far the worst film I've ever watched, and I've seen most of the transformer films. It is like if someone ate nails and what out this film. It tries to pander to teens by insulting them. I want nothing but to erase this film from my memory. It's not even like so bad it's good it just gives you a migraine. The rapey vibes this film goes off while reaffirming all of the worst high school stereotypes. It's a sickening mix of radiation poisoning and depression. I need an Ambien prescription to be able to sleep now, don't watch this film.
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The Title doesn't justify the Movie...
rvprasanth8 December 2017
Its a nice movie and i really liked it. The movie isn't all about the prom or what the title says. Its the movie about friendship and the life in high school and the how some kids are bullied and some others are popular. The popular kids want be more popular and the bullied kid wants to more invisible.

I think the movie tries to convey that the high school is not all about prom, its about the memories you create and the friends you make. Yes, their will be one king and one queen but that doesn't mean that all other people are less in any way. Its just a tradition that followed for years and the high school life is much more than that.

The characters are good and their acting is fine, except the over dramatic school principle and the self praising father of the main character. Overall the movie is worth a watch to pass some time and can be enjoyed with family and friends.

I give it a 6.
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brentage500028 March 2018
Oh, that was painful. I'm normally a fan of the Fine Bros, and I really dig their react shows. Unfortunately, thus was nowhere near that quality. The jokes fell flat, the characters were cardboard, the acting varies between elementary school level and puke-inducing, and there wasn't one thing that felt like actual high school material. The only redeemable parts were Danielle Campbell and Joe! Courtney's performances, although the ending was dizzying enough to make me hate that too. You'd be better off watching Batman and Robin again, or maybe pouring lemon juice into your eyes. Just.....don't watch this.
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I'm going to be generous and give it eight stars
ssra_2517 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is not as bad as some think. Sure, there are some exaggerated moments, but I tend to think they were purposely done so in order to make a clear point to those that don't get subtler messages. There are also plenty of stereotypes, but those exist in any movie, not just in teen movies.

However, the story does break down "the geek girl vs the hot girl" stereotype, which is a great plus in my view.

What I didn't like it's the ending and the fact that even though Cole behaves like an ahole sometimes, he is still portrayed as the victim.

Still, I'm going to be generous and give it eight stars.

PS: I don't get it what's with this whole prom thing. We have proms where I live too (and prom kings and queens), but the parties are so chill that you think it's a house party.
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Taken as a satire
acholyn25 August 2018
I'm not entirely sure if it was intended to be so, but I assumed the movie was a satirical take on prom and other teen movies highlighting the event. It's entirely cringey and made me want to turn it off pretty much the whole time but I still wanted to see what would happen next???? There is one point where the movie is, perhaps, less satirical and slightly more serious when Cole gives a speech at prom, which, in my opinion, has some validity.

Watch it, don't watch it, it's up to you, but I wouldn't take it seriously.
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total waste of your time
iiveiaughmusic4 January 2018
Worst movie I've watched ever...I totally love teen drama movies ....this movie WOW i couldn't even finish it i tried so hard but it was actually painful cheesy overthetop not funny at all this movie has no redeemable qualities
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Don't watch
mileyyr11 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a poorly made average cliched high school story where a girl seeks revenge on her bestfriend who cheated with her boyfriend, with absolute stupid, offensive scenes that are easily misconstrued. Your average 'don't bully the kids' was basically a hate on Jews and gays with no actual moral to the story. Do not waste 80 minutes of your life on this
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One star is generous?
mdnitfantasy15 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is full of cliches and bullying from the start. I can understand if people think some of the jokes and played out stereotypes are trying to poke fun at high school, but the acting is horrible and it misses the mark. I started to wonder if the writer or actors actually believe prom is the "best night of your life", and that there is nothing beyond high school.

I think this movie would be incredibly toxic to kids who are currently in high school and it is frustrating if you're out of it. The idea that bullying/revenge is okay ("make them feel how we did all of high school") when it comes from the underdog is a horrible idea to plant. The boy's father endorses this unrealistic way of helping everyone come down to earth and it doesn't. None of the student body really learns anything. Regardless, the whole movie encourages bullying.

One particularly unrealistic detail to me was when a supporting character's actions result in him being arrested and put on the child sex-offender list for life, but he gets the girl so "it was totally worth it". That's not an appropriate mindset to encourage. Also, don't get me started on the father of the main character hitting on the girl. The ending for the boy is somewhat hopeful, and I'm glad they did not make him give up his future for a girl. That is probably the only redeeming factor.
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Actually unwatchable
hallettphoebe11 March 2018
This is honestly unwatchable, and I say this as someone who has recently sat through Fallen and Vampire Academy on Netflix. I was hoping for this to be the next GBF, however I was sadly mistaken. I feel bad for Madeleine Petsch, she needs to fire her agent. Avoid this terrible movie at all costs.
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I watched the first 5 mins and almost threw up
southpaw-952313 June 2018
This movie serves as a perfect learning lesson for the Fine brothers. HAVING A YOUTUBE CHANNEL DOES NOT MAKE YOU A LEGITIMATE FILMMAKER. The worst dialogue I ever witnessed. It was like they rehearsed once before filming, got one or two takes and moved on from there... I don't understand how they ended up with such an amateur performance for their final cut. I feel sorry for the poor editor who had to put this together on premier or final cut. This movie should be used as kindling for fires and nothing else. Good day
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F*&% this Movie
kevinlemenager24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
F*&% the Prom is a movie that, unless you follow Fine Brothers Entertainment on YouTube, you've probably never heard of. I've been following the React channels for years, so as soon as I found out they made a movie I was curious. The trailer was actually how I found out what the movie was even about. I watched the trailer and honestly, I was pretty underwhelmed. I'm a big fan of Riverdale, so Madelaine Petsch (Cheryl Blossom) was the only part of the trailer to draw me in. Since the movie was promoted relentlessly on the React channels, I knew I needed to see it. It was written by Benny & Rafi Fine and directed by Benny Fine by himself. They, along with reactors, staff, and actors from the movie all said the movie was good. I'm sorry to say... I didn't like it. F*&% the Prom is about a high school loser who reunites with his popular longtime friend after her best friend kisses her boyfriend. Fed up with high school, the two along with other losers devise a plan to destroy the prom (for being a popularity contest). The movie tries to be deep and moral, but its been done already (and by movies that are much better than this). Madelaine Petsch is pretty much type cast as the high school mean girl now. There are cameos from YouTube stars like IISuperwomanII Lily Singh that are just way too cringy (I did appreciate the reactor cameos though). And everybody says current slang and does nothing but Instagram. You just know it's gonna be dated years from now. Plus the movie feels PG-13, then it turns R rated with several F bombs near the end. F*&% the Prom was just way too cynical for my liking. I went to my prom and it was just okay. I really don't get the whole anti-prom mentality. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean you should ruin it for everybody else. Maybe the Fine brothers meant well, but F*&% the Prom misses the mark completely for me. I'm still a loyal subscriber but, F*&% this movie.
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teen flick with a message
Logomark8906 December 2017
this is your regular teen flick about high school, popular kids , not so popular kids and yeah THE PROM and how different kids feel about it. it was very easy to watch this movie because female lead is an eye candy. she was hot and cute and acted well for this movie. you know what you are getting into given its name . and i was a little surprised and satisfied with its ending . there is not much comedy in this . all the characters are clichéd. but it is a time pass if you know what to expect. this is definitely not a dumb movie. it got a message about bullying and it was delivered well. all the other movies i saw on bullying talked about bullies or the kids who get bullied. whereas this movie talked about the other kids who stand and watch and doesn't do any thing about it.
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A mediocre teen movie but I don't hate it.
chris_ts30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not bad but not great either. I would describe it as mediocre. Nothing that I haven't seen before. I found it weird that they don't actually destroyed the prom. Most of them had fun at the prom. I loved the casting though.
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This is america...
floris-boris23 May 2018
Everything was bad... from acting to humour, from writing to editing. Jokes as "At least we didn't shoot up the school or commited suicide!" is not funny at all when this year only there have been allready 22 schoolshootings.

It feels like the humour of morons like Logan and Jake Paul. As if it was one big 80 minute vlog of them together.

I feel like the biggest reaction-channel on youtube would know how to make something others can react to, but they only seem to be able to see videos, not make them.

Overall would it not only be a waist of time to watch, but they should be banned from making any kind of videocontent other then other people reacting to content of other people.

-10 / 10
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If you didn't like it, you didn't understand it
sbrasher-1713217 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like I have to defend this film. This movie was fantastic and the people that are saying otherwise simply did not understand it. Yes, the film has what can be seen as some "stupid" lines but I just think that is the type of humor they were going for. This movie is extra dramatic to exaggerate the high school experience and for humor purposes. Obviously most high schoolers don't go around taking 40-50 selfies at a time or only talk in text abbreviations but social media is a huge thing in high schools now and it seemed to me that the writers were poking fun at that idea, not encouraging it. Then on top of the comedy, they managed to have a good underlying message. Also, I can agree that some of the acting needed work but the main character, Cole (Joel Courtney) did a fantastic job at playing a high schooler who is pissed off at the world and I applaud his performance.
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"Just You're Average High School Experience"
Kamurai2530 September 2020
Good watch, could watch again, and can recommend.

To be fair, there isn't anything super special about this, but it's of good quality. It's a "girl next door", "mean girls", "revenge on the popular clique" mix of tropes.

The acting, writing, and production quality are all decent, and I particularly like Madelaine Petsch's mean girl portrayal.

It's really awkward because I don't really have any big complaints, nor anything to rave about.

If you like "high school drama", then give this a go.
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Um no
flynnwcarson16 May 2018
To sum it up quickly it is trash couldn't even watch the whole thing
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