Beyond the Edge (2018) Poster

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X-Men and Now you see me in a slow-paced, CGI-intensive movie
DarkionAvey7 April 2018
This film is slow paced and quite boring in the first half an hour, afterwards it starts to gradually get interesting but bounces back to boredom around the end. It's a very CGI-intensive movie, not surprising since the characters have super powers, but what puzzled me is that they use CGIs in scenes that don't require them. I've watched the dubbed version and (as you might have expected) it is terrible. I would have loved to watch the original version with the Russian accents (and authentic actors emotions). All in all, I enjoyed the film because of its OSTs and CGIs. The story is mediocre and unoriginal, and could've been better. There is also unnecessary romance (like most of other films) which I don't like. If you enjoyed Now you see me 2, then go ahead and watch this.
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Could Have Been Good
rutzelb13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Con man Maykl (pronounced Michael) (Milos Bikovic) is conned out of $5-Million and gathers a group of people with Supernatural and Psychic powers to get it back within 7-days, before the Casino boss kills him..

This started out really good, but degraded into something else mostly because the background music was too loud and it was very difficult to hear conversations especially when Gordon (Antonio Banderas) is on screen. Sometimes it's difficult to hear him (Banderas) because of his accent, but when the background music chimes in, then it's almost impossible. All we really know about him is that he is aware of what Michael is up to and kind of lets us know he was pulling the strings all along. But is that true because we couldn't really hear his explanations; and, oh, yes he is Michael's father and wants Michael to team up with him for more con games.

Okay, add one more thing: most of the dialogues were dubbed in and this was most annoying.

Much CGI is used and it was okay, but ran a little long sometimes when a character goes into oblivion in his or her own mind. Okay, we get it, these people are not normal in the normal sense.

When a pretty Veronica (Lyubov Aksyonaova) goes into a coma we go into a series of strange sights and emotions as Michael get s into her mind and tries to get her back to normalcy. Her power was that she could make anyone do what she wanted, and this led me to believe that Michael didn't need all the others to get the $5-million back. He could have just used her, but then we wouldn't have had a movie, right? (right, except not sure we have one now)

Basically, this is a Russian production with a lot of CGI going on. Cut out the loud background music and dubbing and we might have had a good movie. Okay, okay and cut down on some of the CGI, too.

Like I said, this started out very good with Michael narrating what he is up to. Then when he gets conned, we lose the narrative and have to guess about everything else. When he recruits his "special people" it's done in such a way that we are not too convinced these "people "are convinced to follow him, but they do (movies can do anything they want). Kind of loose scenes here, see? (3/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Humor: Brief. Language: Only one GDI heard. Rating: D
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Too many parts U don't really understand
the_doofy15 April 2018
The movie is 'cool and has some special effects and good acting, so what does it matter that a viewer doesn't really get what is going on at key points of the movie, especially at the end. Its a cool movie damit !

I wouldn't know who to blame for this, the director? The script?

I guess most viewers will see a nude king and ooo and ahh at the non existent clothes

Dramatic finale makes no sense
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Who funded this??
strand-315 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the worst acting i have ever seen. Someone did fund this movie, but all the money was put in to special effects. So a guy owe some bad people some money and he gets his hands on someone who can plant ideas in other peoples mind, and wants to use him for a con ?? The other one can change the physical state of objects and wants to help him with the con why ? This movie is just a huge disaster, actor wise and storywise. +1 for some ok effects.
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What a mess
i-radakovic99214 May 2018
This movie is all over the place. The storyline is really bad, makes no sense,and you can clearly see that the script wasnt written right. You can clearly see that it was inspired by Ocean's eleven, Inception,and Marvel and DC movies all at the same time, and the result of that is complete chaos. Many dialogs don't make sense at all.
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One Dumb Movie
qhyunp19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, there's no convincing reason why all those people with psychic powers decide to help the guy in debt. Second, why the F does he need all others to plan a scheme? He can just tell the girl to make the Casino owner forget about collecting the debt, or the autism guy could do the same thing. DOH...end of movie.
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I do not recommend watching it
aydar-kh3 May 2018
A miserable scenario, a poor production, mediocre actors :(
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EmmeCHammer24 March 2019
The dubbing was absolutely the worst I've ever seen, I don't know if the lead was good or not because the voice over was the worst thing I've ever heard, couldn't get thru it!! This is the lowest rating I've ever given and for people to give this a 10 should be banned from this website unless they're kin to someone that had something to do with this movie, then you would be forgiven and just put on probation. I'm turning the channel as we speak, so I'm sorry is I offended anyone but a rating of 8 or more WHAT THE....??????
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If it's on while you're multitasking, it's okay for background noise.
rsvp32123 April 2018
Zero new ideas, in this one - you will recognise styles and plot points blatantly taken from other successful movies, and mashed them together to give us this mixed up thing.

Not as bad as Asylum movies, but I have no respect for this type of "borrowing".
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Inception Meets Oceans Eleven
rasman-5734913 April 2018
I'm not going to give a long drawn out review. I enjoyed the movie although the production quailities were not of the highest level yet very passable. It's worth a watch if you've got nothing else waiting for you on your DVR. I will say I have no idea what the ending meant. Like they started an ending scene and a third of the way through filing it decided, Ehhh, that's enough filming. Maybe I missed something during the 3 times I watched the end trying to find something. I just couldn't believe it had ended. Maybe a last scene halfway through the credits??? Nope!!! Still, I really do think it's worth a watch on a bad weather day/night, if you're just bored, or want to watch something that's a bit different then the rest of the SciFi films out there... Thanks... :)
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Shouldn't have dubbed
northernskyphoto15 July 2019
When the actors clearly spoke English, why would you want to dub over with English?!?! Couldn't get over the voices being off. Could have been so much better.
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Amazing special effects
lenajz28 May 2018
I don't know why some ratings are low, I thought the movie was so cool! The special effects are out of this world!!! LOVED them!!! The actors are good, the storyline is alright...not the best I've seen but I was blown away by the visual effects so...I'd see it again. The only thing that bothered me is the main character's's so weird and unnatural...why?
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Pretty good
phani-736451 May 2018
Pretty good. For me it's not boring like some of people reviewed Just don't have high expectation. You won't see much action like ocean eleven, so if you are an action movie lover I think you will be sleeping
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Waste of time
radjgena1 May 2018
I never saw a movie like this its horibble dont waste your time
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Worst movie ever i wasted 2 hours in this BS
proceramproceram7 September 2018
Trash ass movie i don't recommend it dont waste ur time ppl
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Confusion all the way
CFDeeDee28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know the main idea of the movie was to steal some money from the casino .. but let's face it .. what happened by the end ? How did they really got out with it ? And how did they leave without being caught ? And what happened when they both fell unconscious? It was very confusing and the acting was very boring, the main charecter had a "radio" voice rather than acting voice ! And it was sooo weird to fall in love with someone you barely knew in one week.
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Excruciatingly bad!!!!!!!!!!
FMM80530 July 2020
Very cool premise and an attractive ensemble, but that's it. Horribly dubbed-background noise louder that actor's poorly dubbed artificial American English voices (like other reviewers, I prefer to listen to an accent than what was provided), nonsensical editing, poor CGI and unnecessary for most scenes. Just terrible. Would give it a zero, but a single star is the lowest available submittable rating. Reviews greater than 3 stars must be relatives or employees of the production staff.
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jessjpwp26 August 2019
This movie is horse#%it on all levels. Terrible RIP off mish mash of oceans 11 inception and x men and even verbal from the usual suspects. The acting is rough. But holy s#%t is the writing god awful.
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Don't bother
mjalshamsi19 July 2019
Save your time, I have no idea what I was watching???!!!
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Waste of time.
ram_dragons20 October 2020
I've just wasted my time watching this movie. I thought i was the only one who noticed the aweful voices of the characterd and too much music on every scenes. So i went and search about thia movie. So i understand they have to use dubbing but it is the worst dubbing ive ever heard. The voices were so lifeless and it sounds like there is only one person doing all the voices for all the characters. If it weren' for antonio banderas i would never finish the movie.
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Better than expected.
theanomaloushost18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't get these negative reviews. The special effects aren't bad. The story is decent. The acting is fine (even if Antonia Banderas is in a glorified cameo role that he just sleepwalks through just waiting for the paycheck).

And more importantly, it stays relatively grounded with the magical abilities. There isn't really any of that, "We're screwed until Mr. So-And-So decides to pull this deus-ex-machina ability out of his bum to save everyone." As in it's more of an Ocean's 11 than an Ocean's 12.

It starts off relatively grounded, with this guy who knows sleight of hand, how to read people, and how to count cards, trying to pull off a big win/con, only for it all to backfire horribly when he gets duped by a man who knows real magic. So now that he knows real magic users exist, he naturally goes searching for real magicians, eventually assembles a crew, and proceeds to pull off a casino heist using their abilities.

I love that the assembled team doesn't start off that well. These are magicians who have powers, but have never utilized them in such a deliberate manner, so they start off terrible when it comes to manipulating dice rolls, messing with slot machines, telepathic communication, etc. Even by the end, they aren't exactly masters of the craft, just amateurs who have improved to about intermediate level, capable of working as a team.

Of course, the filmmakers decide to throw in some Inception-inspired dream stuff during the finale more-or-less for the hell of it (and in all fairness, it's more dream-like than what Inception did). Some of the rules (for magic and inception-world) are a little wonky and head-scratching, even if the plot twist on how they get out of this dead-end trap is predictable (that they would get out of it wasn't the issue, it's the how they get out of it is a bit wonky; there's setup for it, but it's still a bit strange). But it's not insulting to the intelligence, especially compared to other heist films I've seen.

This isn't a masterpiece, but it is a solid B-movie. The only problem I had with it was this waste-of-time epilogue that seems to setup for a sequel that's never coming. That, and the over-dubbing took some getting used to. But all in all, I had fun with this. It entertained me, and that's all I wanted out of this film.
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POOR Antonio
onelonedolphin-3838927 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just keep scrolling for another flick folks...if you're thinking (like Iwas) ...COOL! Another Antonio movie I've never seen-grab snacks & push play....SAVE YOURSELVES (-; soundtrack is flat-robotic-this production has no direction-borrowed plots-utter failure to "educate, entertain, & enlighten" because it was created by amateurs who have no formal training. Perfect candidate for MST3K
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Mostly unrated and underestimated
jelena_carna4 July 2018
This movie is great if you loved Oceans 11 and Inception you will simply love this peace of art...I think that movie is probably very low rated cause it is russian production behind it....I watched so many times,much worst movies with high recomandation and with high rate.This movie deserve at list to have rate 7 on IMDB,really I dont understund why its so low..I dont see any problem with scenario,actors or director....its simply genius,it could be more expensive in the sci-fi effects,to be perfect,but this still is pretty well,well done....if you are fantasy lover,watch it,without watching rate.Trailer looks pretty good,and I watch first time movie with so low rate.I am happy now for it,cause is 50 times better than I thought.
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Don't let the voice dub overs fool you....
lindschrisman23 June 2019
The movie was made for a Russian audience, not an America one. Although this distracted me enough to look up the movie info, I was happy to see it was dubbed. I would much rather hear audio I can understand blended with (not far off) lip gestures than read subtitles! This was done for our convenience and should not at all be reflected on the film quality or actors abilities.

Also, yes, the movie ideas have been done before. So what? How many time has Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, etc, been re-done??? At least this is a mix of "already-done" themes. I found the Oceans/ Now You See Me/ X-Men scramble very entertaining!
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A waste of talent
bastos23 June 2020
While visually striking, a terrible screenplay makes this a hard film to judge. Some ideas and concepts are OK but they're buried under a pedestrian and cliche ridden screenplay that makes the viewing experience very frustrating. I was rooting for this movie to work but with scenes of people full of really strong powers being subdued by goons with guns made me sad with disbelief.
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