Comedy Knockout (TV Series 2016–2018) Poster


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Great idea; Horrible execution
adrianornelas31 July 2018
I like the idea of three comedians competing each episode to be the funniest of the three but the way this show does it is boring and unfunny. First of all, they have the same 6-7 comedians on rotation for each episode which makes it confusing whether or not I'm watching reruns. Second, the host is the most unfunny, most inattentive host I've ever seen. He seems like a fan who won a contest to host an episode but he's hosting EVERY EPISODE! Third, and the thing that should be the selling point: the jokes, are rarely ever funny. There are a good few times I laughed but the jokes boil down to roasting by stereotypes and thinking that calling someone by X ethnicity is comedy. And finally, the "scoring" system is pointless. The host randomly gives out points to who he thinks did the best which is the most mediocre and boring way to do that. Maybe have the audience vote on who they thought they were the best a la Millionare style? Overall, a boring show with a great concept that is wasted and thrown into the trash.
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It's better than nothing
nkimm9 May 2020
Honestly, I only watch this show because it comes on after the amazing show, Impractical Jokers. Comedy Knockout is an AMAZING concept, but the execution is awful. The contestants are just not funny. The only reason I am writing this review is because I was thinking "there's no way people like this show!" I looked it up, and I was right. Hardly anyone likes this. I'd hate to see it end, I just think they should find real comedians.
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It could be good, but it just isn't.
kchiasson-7746429 February 2020
I give it 4* because of the various comics. The show itself needs a better layout/production and a much, much, MUCH better host. He's unbelievably terrible.
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Unfunny forced in bad taste attempt at humor
jared-fumo16 May 2016
My wife and I first watched the pilot with high hopes. We could not make it past the first commercial brake. The jokes are attempted by comedians you have never heard of and the show is hosted by a host you've never heard of. They shove disgusting jokes down your throat. The host does not even laugh at his comedy nor the guests on the show. Avoid at all costs. Mind you I love shows like South Park and Family Guy. This show is far more tasteless than both shows put together. It is nothing but men and women throwing racial and sexist jokes at one another while the audience is more than likely cued to laugh. It is a shame because the network is well established with shows like Impractical Jokers as well as top 10.
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Brain numbingly awful
nguarnera17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show sucks...all of the comedians are trying too hard and its awkward. The worst part is, the winners seem to almost always be women, who tend to be the least funny on this show. I've suffered through a few episodes where i felt that out of 3 comedians only one was remotely funny to see that the audience picks the woman who seems to be the awkward chic hanging out with dudes trying too hard to be funny but isn't, or the guy with the most energy almost guilting the audience into picking him. The jokes are so dry and horrible. I think the audience is a laugh track because it sounds and looks fake as hell. I cant wait till this gets canceled. It had potential but it just doesn't work. And yeah, it is filled with "rascist" material, but that shouldn't matter, comedy is supposed to be offensive, or else it isn't funny. Comedy is literally about making unfunny topics funny. That aside, this show still sucks.
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by cringe, for cringe
fazeterra15 August 2016
I have never seen a show in which 50% is all about black people making fun of whites, and the other 50% is just terrible disgusting penis jokes. This show is the laughing stock of my group of friends, but for all the wrong reasons. This show tries to be funny but just makes you want to grind your teeth together in cringey agony. Don't even get me started on Dave Norton, one of the "comedians" on this "show". He is the king of penis jokes that just come off as disgusting and awkward. If I could describe this show in 5 words, I would say "penis, fat black woman, cringe". This is another attempt by TruTV to capitalize on their hit show (which is currently my favorite show) Impractical Jokers, but shows like this, Almost Genius, and Fameless just come off as uncomfortable and trying too hard to be hip, cool, and they extremely focus on being funny. Damien Lemon is a terrible host, and seems to hate his job, from what I can assume. He is always looking terribly uninterested, and barely ever even lets out a giggle to the people giving their best to make a funny. Expect in the future an episode where they collab with the equally unfunny hosts of Almost Genius. Finally, I have to mention that most of the time they either have some old manchild white guy, or a black woman on the show. Not that I have a problem with either, it's just that they literally take the most unfunny, uninteresting, and cringiest people they can find, and tell em' to make funnies. Kill me please.
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really bad show
niick-178088 August 2016
who created this show,it is boring dry and horrible ,should be canceled ,i t appears to be just recycled jokes and clearly there just throwing insults for cheap laughs and its not even funny,its bullying. cancel this please....the host seems really scripted and clearly there is an applause sign for the audience ,cause it is not funny at all.... could be the worst show ever. comes off desperate and why would the public watching care who wins one should be rewarded for insulting or putting down celebrities or making fun of people for cheap laughs at someones expense. who is the host anyway,he is so boring.. and some of the comics are just bootleg comics that are desperate for work..
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A show so bad that it actually kills the brain cells of anyone that attempts to watch it .
kevinpleasant16 February 2017
This show is devoid of any comedic value whatsoever. The fact that it has more than one season is perplexing and I have no idea why anyone would watch this. It's an embarrassment and it should have been canceled after the first episode. The attempted jokes are vulgar and mean spirited which may be acceptable if they were in fact funny but they are the furthest thing from it.
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It's not a bad show if you are a roast fan
FranQuiLinlv30 October 2017
If you keep in mind that this show is a free-for-all roast format game show, it's not a bad show. Fans of insult comics and celebrity roasts would enjoy the show, but there are some who may not enjoy that particular kind of edgy humor. Not everyone loved Don Rickles. Many people don't enjoy Andy Dick, but I find him hilarious. It's all a matter of taste as to what crosses the line for you humor-wise.
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kmitch-mac-942 June 2018
Forced, unfunny, pretentious. If 2017 humor had a show it would be this. So awful.
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Actually a great show
krisrouille21 September 2016
This show is centered around bringing light to stand up comedy. In order to truly appreciate the show, a love of stand up is required. This comics are truly some of the most talented in the field. Although some flop from one to time, that's what improv is about. Sometimes you hit, sometimes you miss. It's a great thing to show light to struggling artists and their craft. By having comics on the show, there becomes an awareness to these people and their comedy. It's so hard for stand up comedians to really make it in the world of Hollywood and having a wide audience for them to truly thrive is very beneficial to their careers and that of comedy alone. This show brings a new side to comedy that unfortunately not a lot o comedy fans are exposed to.
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Poor man's Who's Line
ytbraden6 August 2018
An unoriginal cringe fest with bottom tier 'comedians'.
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Really Pitiful
rcraig-6875812 June 2016
This show does not rate a single star so its a shame you have to give it even 1 star. I have seen slimy, low-life, hit rock bottom humor before but you would need a step ladder to even get close to that level here. This show will not see a second season. I would not be surprised if everything connected to this show is already collecting cobwebs. Viewers that make it through a full episode must run into 2 digit numbers. This show is so bad I don't even want it running in the background while I clip my toenails. If this show continues there has to be some messed up nutcase lobbyist group behind it, I hope not. This show will not even see reruns and that should tell you just how rotten it is.
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and i thought I was unfunny..
inforeign23 June 2018
Good lord, there is no attempt at humor here. i feel worse than i did before turning on the TV. the episode i saw consisted of a large black woman with very short hair, and a white dude as the finalists. the audience cheered way louder to vote for the guy, but of course the "diverse" contestant would win regardless. what's the point? the comedy in this show just goes to show stand-up is dying.
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Very Bad
mollygibson-0190619 February 2017
None of their little "jokes" are funny. The show is so stupid I just wish it was taken off air. Their jokes are clearly racist and sexist. The audience is clearly cued to laugh and I can tell that they're bored and don't find the jokes funny. I can't even describe in words how bad this show is. Personally I would rather watch Impractical Jokers than this horrible show. This show doesn't even deserve a number on the number scale.
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Absolute Garbage.
dxkim6 November 2016
While this program does showcase some very talented comedians, the structure of the show relies completely on ad-libbed, one-liner quips that 95% of the time fall flat. Due to the small budget, smaller, lesser known comedians fill the roster, but you quickly get to know what kind of comedian they are due to the fact that every one of their jokes follow a formula and the spectrum of comedy styles is as follows: Angry black comedian; self-deprecating white comedian; Racist joke teller; terrible comedian. Cringe permeates this 22-minute long show and the host doesn't seem to have any sense of comedy himself. He also seems to operate in one volume and tone - LOUD. There's no inflection in the way he speaks, coming off robotic or akin to a 5th grader reading off a piece of paper on his book report. TRUtv is better off canning this show and making a show about trashing this show. At least it'll be watchable.

0/10 - this show sucks.
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please remove this show
katiekty9 August 2016
This show is racist and needs to be removed. I am tired of seeing the commercials for this show, it makes me sick that racist remarks against white people are being held as comedy. Im not laughing. Why does color or sex have to play into the so called jokes. Why does it show a black woman making a joke about hell has no fury like a white woman asking for the manager? What does sex or color have to do with anything. With all the race baiting going on in America, we do not need more shows that add fuel to the fire. Other than that, the jokes are stupid, not funny, and degrading to anyone who has a brain. And you can tell the audience is being cued to laugh, and don't find it funny either. Give us a brake, this show needs to be removed.
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Unhappy with the voting process
tomp-8494920 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
i think some of these shows are pretty funny but i saw an episode of this show that has basically made me decide not to watch anymore do to the way the winner and losers are voted on.. the episode is called "We're going hard tonight". What happened is upsetting… It pits Paul Virzi, Gina Yashere, and Josh Wolf against each other and in my opinion i thought the crowd cheered louder for Paul than they did for Gina after round 1 was over but Damien Lemon said that the crowd cheered louder for Gina and put her up against Josh to decide 2nd and 3rd place.. Josh killed it all night, he was absolutely hilarious and the crowd ALWAYS cheered loudest for him but at the end of the show Damien declared Gina to be the winner even though the crowd had clearly cheered louder for Josh…. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so please watch for yourself and come to your own conclusion but until they put in some type of fan polling device like they have on America's Funniest Videos, Who wants to be a millionaire, or the new Love Connection to where the fans votes can truly be counted instead of Damien deciding who HE thinks got the loudest applause i will not watch again. I only wish that the rest of the nation would do the same until the winner is actually made more clear
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Doesn't even induce a smile
thereffman25 August 2016
No idea how the little ninny lady could rate this movie a 10/10 a few weeks ago. Kid needs to learn what comedy is, extremely embarrassing. I attempted to watch this show twice, it was unbearable. The jokes aren't even jokes, they're just sentences spoken with no emotion. I don't know where the laughter comes from, when you compare the audio to how the audience is actually responding, it doesn't make sense. Audio you'd think Richard Pryor was up there, but the audience smiles occasionally and barely laughs. The contestants are people you've never seen or heard of before, they also don't even look or act like comedians, just people from the audience. There is honestly not a single joke on this entire show that will make you even smirk, Please, avoid at all costs.
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Nothing but followers
dove-9417117 August 2016
One person says its terrible than a few, then a lot. Now it's totally bias people that are disliking this show just to feel apart of the bad rating bandwagon. It's not a 1.9/10 it's more like a 5/10 at worst. If Nick Cannons show can get a 6.6/10 then this should be close behind that. It has room for improvement. Its not a lost cause by no means. Just a bunch of people who want to feel cool and leave super bad reviews. If the show was a 1.9/10 like it says... It would of never even aired. Someone had to pitch the idea to Tru TV. Plus there making a season 2 can't be all that bad like people are making it out to be.

Now that people are on the hate the show bandwagon it may or may not recover, but by no way is this show a 1.9 that's just laughable. Its a 5/10 if not a little bit more. I'd say have the comedians enter from the front not the back. Plus make the stage more attractive, improve the stage quality. Make the trailer more interesting, plus give the crowd more involvement in the crowd part of the show. Plus it would help if some of the improv situations where less cheesy. Make the intro more interesting, add smoke, add fire, add lights, add intro music like when boxers get ready to go to war! Give the audience actual real seats, the more comfortable they feel the better they'll feel about the jokes.Lastly improve the shows BORING LOGO.
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cammirosenberg6 October 2018
I did not put this show on, on purpose. I honestly wish I never put it on by ACCIDENT. This show is the biggest piece of junk ever. The people who make the jokes clearly are not funny and half the jokes are rude. Also the people who make the jokes are on this show for the attention. DO NOT waste your time watching this show. It is so stupid, and I'm surprised the people are "laughing". NEVER AGAIN.
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Worst show I've ever seen
zachpederson8225 September 2018
I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that this television show is being shown to thousands of people weekly. I actually lost sleep over the idea of it. There are people that like this show? Tru TV thought this was an okay show to run on their program? I have so many questions..
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13Funbags23 May 2020
The only funny thing about this show is that the host can't straighten his arms. It's just anti-white propaganda disguised as terrible comedy.
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not off the cuff comedy
djfxw8 January 2018
The comedians have notes to refer to when it comes to the games. You will notice they have the jokes already in their hands. They are aware of the questions and are given the time to write their jokes before taping. I give 2 stars because there are times that they will improv a litte.
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andreruiz-4645318 September 2018
Cringe. Cringe. Cringe. Should've known better seeing how they promote it a couple of times between every commercial break while I watch impractical jokers. Now I just flip the channel whenever it comes on.
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