Bleach (2018) Poster


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Why not?
Valhala9017 September 2018
Yeah sure, there were things I disliked and casting that I couldn't quite digest (Byakuya and Renji look like home made cosplay, I won't go there), but It was fun watching this movie. I have mixed feelings, but the "good old Bleach feeling" is there. It's certainly better than most, if not all, anime/manga live action adaptation, it's not quite on Rurouni Kenshin live action level, but I like it. I also think, when doing live action, that they have to respect certain absolute things in manga/anime storyline, but also change a few things, and that's exactly what this live action adaptation of Bleach did. I also hope there will be sequel since the whole saving Rukia and soul society arc is the best arc in Bleach.
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A pleasant surprise
tenshi_ippikiookami2 June 2019
Taking into account how much live action movies based on manga have disappointed me in the past, I came into "Bleach" with low expectations (probably not the only one). However, this movie adaptation is funny, with acceptable action set pieces and relatable characters (on top of not stretching its running time endlessly and pointlessly (even if it falls a little bit into this trap in its third act)). And, even if you don't know anything about the manga, it is easy to jump into the story, as the movie does a great job of introducing the world and building it up from scratch. Totally worth watching!
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Good adaptation from anime into the live action
softtama19 September 2018
This is my first time to write a movie review. Note that I have read/watched all chapters/episodes of Bleach before I watch this movie.

Let's be honest, everything in this movie is excellent in terms of live action adaptation! CGI of the special effects are done very well (the Hollows are too!). But of course there's no such thing as perfection out there especially when we are talking about anime live action movie. I can only complain two things here.

The portrayal of Byakuya and Renji, I think they could be way much better, especially at their hair style. The last from me, and one of the most important aspects of movie success, is the music. Throughout the entire movie, I don't feel the big hype with the music as much as when I'm watching the anime. I really hope they will bring some aspects from the anime OST to the sequel and that will be a huge yes from me!

7.5/10 👏
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Fun to watch and definitely worth your time
JabbaTheHans19 September 2018
The movie focused on the 1st arc of the anime-- it remained loyal to the story, but changed some things too, so there's something to look forward to. Acting was not that great, but decent. Some plot holes and underutilized characters, but those can be forgiven. However those who haven't watched the anime / read the manga will have difficulty in understanding certain parts of the story because some of the explanations were incomplete (I think the writers assume viewers should have at least watched the anime already before watching the movie). When I first saw the trailer months back, I was worried that the CGI will be disappointing, but I was wrong. CGI was excellent and the hollows were awesome! This is a must watch for anime / manga fans!
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Rest easy. Bleach is one of the best live action anime adaptations by far, with only minor issues.
leonthesleepy20 September 2018
Bleach (2018) wisely plays with a much smaller, and focused scope than most anime adaptations, and comes out as an enjoyable, and cohesive film that fans can enjoy.

Thankfully, the writers did not try to cram every story arc in season 1 into this film like Death Note did, but instead focused on the important stuff like Ichigo and Rukia. The actors all do a fine job, and as long as you dont expect a 1 to 1 recreation, i think fans will be pleased with how much respect it pays to the source material.

Now sure, its still extremely cheesy to see some sequences translated to live action. There isnt the iconic BANKAI sequence where you really see the outrageous power of a Reaper, nor do you get amazing action sequences. Plus, the PG 13 rating makes the action sequences surprisingly bloodless and tame by comparison. But what is here is more than serviceable, and its still pretty entertaining for what it is. Most of the humor also lands, and at its core the film has an emotional center along with an arc which it completes.

I doubt we will get a sequel since the Soul Society arc would be insanely expensive and effects heavy, but the ending wraps it up pretty neatly so there is at least closure at the end for new fans who just came into the series. It doesn't break new ground, nor is it amazing, but it is a rock solid adaptation of the first season.

The best praise i can give the film, is that it made me want to re watch the animated series again. Not because the live action remake was trash, but because it reminded me of why i liked Bleach in the first place.
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Def worth watching
kristinakoj14 September 2018
I started the movie expecting yet another garbage live action,but found myself quite supprised. There were some changes that i didnt like compared to the original, but ll in all it wasnt bad. The casting of ichigo was amazing, however the other cast was so so. Also the lack of explanation about the bleach world could be confuaing to people qhove never seen the original. Either way you should give it a try!
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Had potential but disappointing
denkigroove-6166916 September 2018
I've been a fan of the manga for some time now. With all the reviewers saying "must see", well I had to see it. Movie is really 30 minutes long if you take away all the pausing and staring scenes. Acting is subpar with characters being so lifeless. Like scenes where his family are held captive, he practically shows little emotion (just before a long pause) then runs into battle. I mean really, what's up with all these long pauses? Had some cool fight scenes but they dragged with guess what, more long pauses... Points for keeping characters and storyline close to the manga. I really wanted to like this movie but it just isn't good. I hope if there are sequel(s), they fix this problem.
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Multiple rewatches in, it just keeps getting better.
renardscifi27 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Go see it. There is a reason people are raving about it as the first decently done adaptation of an anime. It's not perfect, but it is legitimately great and keeps the spirit and feel of the series. Most of the negative reviews of this I've seen so far seem to be coming from people who either don't know the series very well (a hazard with professional reviewers, since they cover so many things), don't understand Japanese cinema (some acting techniques/nuances are different between East and West), or who are just determined to hate it because everything doesn't look 100% identical to the manga (I've seen far worse anime to live-action with far bigger budgets, believe me). This movie condenses the entire half of the first season of the anime (books 1-6), and leaves room for a sequel without leaving hanging threads in the event one never happens.

Like many other fans, I was very, VERY skeptical of this movie when it first was announced. I was honestly that person going, "Oh god, another live action movie of an anime. Can't wait to see how cheesy and bad this ends up."

I'm a convert. You win, Mr. Sato. Take my left kidney and sell it, and whatever else you need to fund the next movie in your trilogy. I've seen it three times now (I live in Japan) and am going again tomorrow. I'm still not bored watching it. It's the sort of movie that fans of the series will keep finding new gems tucked away with each rewatch. If you're not intimately familiar with the manga or anime however, don't sweat it - this is very accessible to newcomers.

Characters - 9/10 There are some physical differences (Urahara is older, Masaki's hair isn't red, etc.), but the acting is solid and the character dynamics/relationships are exactly the way they are in the manga. Even if the character looked a bit different, I believed the actors as the characters. Ichigo and Rukia may not have the exact same hair or face as you'd expect, but they absolutely nailed the characters - Ichigo's determination and grit, Rukia's spunky sarcasm, it's all really great.

Costumes - 8/10 There was some saving of the budget here for fight scenes - you won't see exact replicas of captain's haoris or the tabi with straw sandals. Rather, the film tries to make things more realistic (i.e. a more natural orange for Ichigo's hair, smaller size hairpins for Orihime, etc.) It looks less like the wacky cosplay of the Rock Musical for Bleach and more like a legit world people actually live in.

Music - 10/10 Invokes the anime without copying it, and Alexandros has two kickass songs that make Bleach feel fresh and edgy and hip with a touch of Japan's ancient history and the otherwordliness of the Soul Society.

Plot - 9/10 Whenever possible, the film follows the manga almost exactly. For the purposes of sticking 6 manga volumes into one movie, some minor characters (Jinta, Mizuiro, Ururu, etc.) are not introduced, and some events get condensed (i.e. Uryu's hollow bait kicks off the Hexapodus fight that makes Ichigo take being a shinigami seriously, not a Menos Grande). Overall, the story is still very close to the way the manga told it, just condensed.

Props - 8/10 Soul Pagers get replaced with something more like a glowing, teardrop shaped stone that looks more otherwordly (let's be honest, when Bleach debuted flip phones were cool, now they're a bit ancient), the zanpakuto are very accurate (yes, even Ichigo's, ignore the reviewers claiming he gets a different sword - the iconic one he's constantly shown with was not the first one he ended up with, and that first sword is what's used here). Rukia's glove and many other things are exactly like the manga.

Set - 9/10 Rather than waste the tiny budget this film had in exactly reproducing floorplans and sets (a mere 3.5 million, which is nothing in terms of filmmaking on this level), things are made to feel similar. Ichigo's room is not laid out exactly the same as the manga/anime, but it still has a bed, desk, closet for Rukia to hide in, etc. and feels like Ichigo's room. Same with the Kurosaki household - it feels convincing, if not exactly the same as the manga showed it.

Fights: 9.5/10 There are so many good moments here I can't list them all. Is there some visible wire-fu jumping at points? Yes. Does it ruin the action? No, it's no worse than some of the jumps Captain America made in a few films (you know, where they land far too lightly and stiffly to be actually "falling/landing"?) The Hollows look less cartoonishly simple and more menacing, yet they still have the same mechanics (Cero, claws, medusa-like fur). At one point Ichigo's sword gets stuck in the ground and Renji RUNS UP THE BLADE EDGE and attacks. The swordplay is fantastic.

Seriously, give it a chance. There is enough here to please all but the hardcore sticklers (who were never really going to like anything made on less than a Marvel Avengers budget). I was pleasantly surprised, and the movie feels enough like falling in love with the series all over again that I keep going back. I've never dropped $60 and counting on tickets for one movie, especially not an anime adaptation. GO SEE IT!
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A wonderful adaptation, but they left out or changed too many crucial elements.
btbias17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a HUGE fan of the Bleach series, so I couldn't help but critique every little thing as I watched. There were a lot of things that this movie did very well: character and set design being the main selling points. Renji and Byakuya both look EXCELLENT, and Chad is just about perfect. It's a shame he didn't get the screen time he needed.

And that's where most of my dissatisfaction comes in to play: time. There is so much character development lacking simply because there's not enough time in a single movie to develop everything the way it needs to. For crying out loud, Orihime comes across as a nobody with an unjustifiable crush.. Talk about disappointing.

Ichigo himself is, overall, a success. They did a good job portraying his desire to protect people and his overall negative attitude. So in short, his personality was well-done! What I WANTED to see from him, though, was that overwhelming feeling of power. The anime does an excellent job demonstrating the weight of someone's reiatsu (aka spirit pressure), but that concept is practically nonexistent here. Which means all of the fights (though amazingly choreographed with some clever editing to try matching the speed of the anime) lack some of the awe and wonder that sets Shinigami apart from mortals.

Oh, and minor spoiler alert for fans of the anime... the scene with the Menos Grande were cut entirely, as was Getsuga Tenshou. Let that sink in for a moment.

So why watch this at all? Because most of the story is incredibly accurate - until you get to the last half hour. The fights are pretty epic. And altogether, you can visualize the anime quite clearly as you're watching, giving you a wonderful sense of nostalgia.
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The high rating is a surprise
JackFiveOffsuit15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have never left a review of a title but my love for the manga & anime would never allow me to not warn the next person.

Let us set the ground rules: Watched the anime past first arc (easiest thing to do). Read the manga (till whatever chapters suits you). Is aware of the Animated movies (watching is to one's own).

There was absolutely no reason to tinker the two most sellable facts: The world of Bleach & the blood spilled.

And that is exactly what's totally omitted. In fact after battle with Byakuya (who probably spoke more in the movie than the character has spoken in his entire lifetime in the series), all Ichigo has are make-up drawn stitches.

The change in characters is horrifying. To the point that independent viewers will barely make through the movie let alone take an interest in this franchise. The attempt at CGI is poor. Hollows have been turned to clowns with hair growth problems. The loss in the heritage of individual characters is appalling. Even their appearances have been changed. Why would they deviate from the manga which has proven it's success by generating fans across continents is a question which will forever haunt.

Live action adaptation are in general bad. Doesn't mean we accept a mediocre product. Which is what this movie is. This should be avoided at any cost. The legacy of Bleach and Bleach fans worldwide deserve better.
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It's decent
chintok9117 September 2018
We all know feature films of animes are trash. Dragon Balls, Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan etc. But this one is decent. I think Japanes just starting to find that grey area between movie and anime. /Blade of Immortal, this one/ I would give this movie about 7 stars, but I gave 8 because, I know there are people who would just give a star only for sake of being picky.
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Entertaining movie...
paul_haakonsen25 December 2018
I happened to find the live action movie "Bleach" on Netflix. But I am only familiar with the franchise by its name, as I haven't read the anime, nor have I watched any of the animations. So I sat down to watch "Bleach" with a blank canvas left open to impressions, so to speak.

And not being familiar with the franchise, I have no idea how true the movie is to the animations or anime in general. So I will not even venture there.

I found "Bleach" to be entertaining enough for what it turned out to be. Sure, it had some shortcomings, but it was an overly entertaining enough movie.

The storyline was nice and quite straight forward. It required very little attention from the audience actually to stay up to speed with the movie. Perhaps it was a little bit too simplistic and streamlined. But hey, it made for adequate entertainment, which is why we watch movies after all.

I liked the characters - well most of them anyway. I think they had a good ensemble of actors and actresses to portray the individual characters on the screen.

The CGI in the movie was actually quite good, and that was something that I was really impressed with. Because for a movie such as this, CGI was a make or break situation. Luckily they opted to throw cash into proper CGI and the result was fantastic. They had some great creature designs and the creatures looked very realistic and actually turned out menacing on the screen.

One of the drawbacks of the movie was the music they had in it. It felt somewhat out of place given the presentation and mood of the movie. But music can easily be tuned out, so it wasn't something that dragged the movie down.

Has this 2018 live action movie placed a seed in me that urges me to start delving into the anime or animations? No, not really. It was a good movie, good but not fantastic.

Personally I don't really understand the title of the movie and franchise; "Bleach". It made absolutely no sense to me, and it wasn't explained throughout the course of this 2018 movie.
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If you miss the movie, then you did a good thing.
sinaporia15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not everything in this movie was bad... the important thing is, they did read the manga and so it is still better than Dragonball Evolution... ugh...

And even though i knew some changes would come along so this is not the same as the manga or the anime, its still not a typical Bleach feeling when i watch the movie. They tried so hard to get things right.. but the movie got so many things wrong. Like Zabimarus weakness... no suddenly zabimaru can just continusly attack with no restrictions... Biakuja got no problems to kill humans.. i mean he was kinda a dick in the 1st and 2nd season.. but not that way.

and so on.. the story got so many flaws.. and i cann't understand how anyone can give this movie a good rating. And how they gonna make a sequel after that ending.. if Rukia is forgotten by everyone.. how do you want to save her or not....... and by the way even if ichigo wanted to return rukias power.. isn't that against the law?...

Like i said, to many flaws, if it wanted to follow the manga even if it was just a bit, they needed to put the soul society laws in as well... and this movie really to got any of that
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Good movie which feels like an expensive pilot episode
sakakidash30 September 2018
Being a great fan of the manga i looked forward to this movie which gives you exactly what you expect and more untill the very end. That is where anyone will realize the story is "to be continued." And left at a stark end. The last minutes of the movie is a desperate attempt to cut ot a story short which no one will believe even if they read the manga or not.

The acting is superb. The character portrayal is epic. You feel involved and engulfed in the world of Bleach and you are left traped there.
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I love Bleach
premmanas22 September 2018
This version is better than I thought and CG quite good. I'm a big fan of Bleach Anime. So, I can't wait for the next chapter.
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Missing crucial parts
jasonmondelus20 September 2018
The movie was not bad it's just there was lotta details missin like Karin actually had blond hair Ichigo has orange hair since he was born we didn't get to see who wins the challenge between Ichigo and Uryu regardin' who coud eliminate the most hollow Orihime had Orange hair just like Ichigo Yuzu is more like a tomboy she is a lot like Ichigo n' we didn't get to see the clinic of Ichigo's father
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Insult to the original
danishalishimajiri16 September 2018
Bleach anime and manga were epic though it fell hard over the years and then got cancelled. Have to say that i was very excited that live action was being made and couldn't wait to watch it, now i regret watching it. Characters are nothing like the original, story and concept changed as well which makes this live action feel like it is a rip off of the original.. This was truly an insult to the original anime series and manga, as a fan of Bleach series this was very hard to watch and wouldn't recommend any bleach fan to watch.
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A must see.
claudiu11120 July 2018
A very good adaptation of the first arc of Bleach(well half of it anyway). Just go see this movie when you can.
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For an adaptation, not bad
toastytherapy19 September 2018
Summary: Great movie for a bleach casual fan or new to it

The Good: The Story and character development is good, the Hollows were surprisingly well made, the action was 8/10, the changes from manga/anime story was acceptable. Ichigo was almost spot on, Chad was pretty cool, Inoue is cute, I had my doubts about Rukia and Ishida but they do fit as the character.

The Bad: Netflix subtitling isn't great; some Japanese emotions were subtitled when they just needed expression; "Howl Zabimaru!" became "Hear the Zabimaru roar!"; soul reaper,/shinigami cut to just reaper (reaper makes me think of the hood and the scythe). Costumes were great (except Rukia's latex glove) until Renji and Byakuya. Good costumes for a people who don't fit the characters. I just wish Urahara, was more witty and cocky but i can let that slide.

The Ugly: Renji is MUCH shorter than Ichigo, face is roundish and does not feel like a rough and tumble, fighter and survivalist he is supposed to be. Actor over exaggerated the simplest of emotions and was just awful. Best role for him would be Keigo instead. Best replaced by the current Byakuya which would be perfect. Byakuya should be played by the actor for Ishida or someone more sophisticated and elegant.

I would like to see more but the ugly parts need a lot of improvement since the next portions give these character more pivotal parts in the story.
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Well, Netflix we want compensation!
daviddorovski7 November 2018
Well if you never saw The anime you won't understand what is going on there, but if you are a Bleach fan, this movie will make you angry!

The story line is awful! And they cut off alot from the story line, alot of charcters are missing, the shinigami and the Captain uniform looks like a cheap cosplay!

The actors are not matching their profiles, and what about the acting??? What the happening with Renji's and Biakuya's faces??? It looks like they came from FagSociety, they over acting with strange face expressions...

The music are preaty good, i loved it! But i wish there were more heavy guitars with different tracks.

The graphic effects are awesome!!!! Realy liked the holos!

Note for Netflix: Please make Bleach with the Original story line, make it as series, make evrey episode something like 40 minutes, with a real shinigami uniform and better actors, and don't delete charcters like Kun and Mizuiro, and don't skip the funny parts! Please Netflix make Bleach Great again!
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deathcomingtoaschoolnearyou18 September 2018
This was so gooooooood. I fell in love with Bleach back in 2009. I was thinking that Netflix was going to mess Bleach up like they did with Death Note, but NOPE! It was literally perfect. Warner Bros did an amazing job with all the characters and they made sure that the story stayed true to the anime/manga. Please please please please make a sequel to this. I really wan't to see the Soul Society arch. Make it into a series if you have to. It would be an amazing series with 45 minute to an hour long episodes. Either way I'm really impressed with what they did and I hope they make the sequel.
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You Wont Remember Me...Maybe
DuskShadow17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Those were the last words in the film. Which is how I feel about the film. I enjoyed the anime immensely from the first time it aired on American channels, and even after the show was canceled, relegating its story to only the pages of the manga, I still liked the show. Its hard to adapt things from one medium to another like this, or from a video game. There will always be difficulty in making characters look "right" in terms of hairstyles, voices, etc, but the movie here did a fair job of recreating much of the animes style from the first story arc. The spirit was there,and that is all that matters. Hopefully they make more movies to continue the tale. The anime should not be forgotten. 6/10 ^~^ Enjoyed.
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another great anime destroyed by the movie
robert-8266415 September 2018
As a fan of the anime and the manga this movie was garbage. they changed the personalities and the way they interacted. they just jumped all over the story arc combining things together that had nothing to do with each other. changed major parts of the story. to me this movie is as true to the manga as the Deathnote movie that came out a while back. another case of someone altering the characters and story because they never followed it or researched it before they did this
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Quite decent but end lackluster wich could be fixed so easily and be a great aniame adaptation.
juceanpesa1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film overall its quite okay, just some decisions just dont make sense.

As someone who watched all the watcheable content of bleach including fillers (not manga) im quite happy with the result.

Some decisions just dont make sense wich could been so easily fixed.

Stuff like the hair of. Yuzu bein black instead of brown. Or the fact that Yuzu did all the house chores on Ichigo's house.

Chad not bein latin at all (he is mexican) and Orihime having flat chest (while in manga she got unproportional chest for her kind of body) not saying she should had a massive front but perhaps even a push up bra could done the trick and the fact she didnt had her emblematic hair pin.

Tatsuki having the hair that Rukia should had, instead of getting the "Goku" look kinda deal. And making her care about Ichigo when on the first arc her only priority its Orihime.

The fact that Rukia got short hair instead of long and on this adaptation Rukia personality (wich on this particular arc its quite perky) wich was serious the whole time.

Fights are okay more or less, the fight vs "grand fisher" felt too long and involving way to many cars destroyed.

Rukia losing all her powers when she just gets weakened but still bein able to shot "hados" (fireballs like dragon ball)

And all up to that point its a solid 8. (if mistakes fixed)

But then when you could hit that Chad and Orihime percibe the hollows even for half a sec they dont.

And on the last part the fight Ichigo vs Renji should been Ichigo winning most of it until "Zabimaru" comes to play then goes one sided to Renji.

They went with Ichigo beein able to beat Renji even with "shikai" on.

But at this point Byakuya.gets in the fight and goes for his sword 3 times. When could finish it on one swing.

And Rukia sacrifices and makes Ichigo lose her memory.

Wich to me, makes no sense. You could have the same movie just ending it with Ichigo lying in the floor after beein beat up by Byakuya and getting Rukia kidnapped.

That sets you for a sequel. That gets you people interested in the anime or manga.

Will Rukia be rescued? Will Chad or Orihime get powers? Does this mean Ichigo will die? Why Renji sword gets long?.

All this questions would make you want to watch a sequel.

But no. They went for this random "you will forget about me and nothing happen maybe".

Ichigo its okay after getting cut 3 times by Byakuya murdering the resource of "doing one cut and then saving your sword".

Uyru (glasses bow guy) its okay like nothing happen after getting stabbed on the lung.

The movie after all its a decent adaptation. CGI its on point tells you the story somehow good, makes an old fan remember why he loved Bleach.

But could been great and that hurts as a old fan.

Still im happy with the direction anime adaptations are doing.

After the tragic mistake of dragon ball or the awful Death note one. (wich to be fair in this writter opinion its a awful anime as well).

Its good to know that movie writters are slowly buy steady making better films and calling people to anime and manga.

POS: Sorry for mistakes english not native language.
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TheOneThatYouWanted8 March 2022
Well, at least the end has good action. Yup, and that is all I can say positive about this film. Also the actors do a good job but man, do they skip and drag on plot points and etc. If you're a fan of the Bleach anime, bring a pillow.
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