Life Like (2019) Poster


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Not a bad movie though
rabenaitwe18 May 2019
Less than 20minutes in, and I couldn't stand Sofie. Did they have to make the character so selfish and self centred? She spoilt it for me because from then on I was biased by her character and barely concentrated on the rest of the movie objectively.
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Not a bad movie but the plot twist ruined it
mluinstra13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely a decent low budget sci fi movie and worth watching.

However, some things could have been handled better. As some have mentioned, the Sofie character was a bit annoying at the beginning. When they move into the dead father's mansion, it comes with some servants, and she hates that. I can understand that she hates the idea of having servants because she is use to doing things herself, but she acts like they are slaves. She asks the house keeper if she likes what she does and if this was her dream as a kid? Honestly, how many working-class people love their job? Anyways, she fires them all and gives them a bunch of cash to follow their dreams.

I was fine with the middle part of the movie where they get the robot and it slowly becomes more human by spending time with them.

However, the biggest problem I have with this movie is the twist ending. They reveal at the end that the robots are actually humans that have been brain washed. This is ridiculous on so many levels.

1/ The robots did not eat or drink because at one point Sofie asked the robot if he was able to drink wine and he said yes, that it would just go into a storage container that would be emptied when he went to his docking station. Humans need to eat and drink and this could have been fixed easily by saying that he would eat and drink and convert that into energy. Other shows have done that.

2/ Being human, he would have to go to the bathroom. They surely would have noticed this during the months spent with him.

3/ Because the robot was human, he would have had human limitations. At some point he would have got hurt or tired, etc

4/ What was the docking station for? It could have been used to help sell the lie but he wouldn't just instantly go to sleep once in the docking station like a real robot. I suppose they could have injected him with a sleeping agent once docked, but the husband woke him up to play racket ball that one time. So that guy would have been pretty groggy.

I'm sure there are other things that I can't think of right now but the bottom line is you can't fake a human being a robot.

I think the movie would have been much better without that twist. They just should have left them as robots. As such, it makes the movie more interesting. Can robots gain feelings? Can robots become self aware? If robots become this advanced in the future, should we use them as slaves?
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Fascinating concept but it just wasn't executed very well
mgold-822 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie brings up some fascinating ideas that really make you think.

Unfortunately, there are certain logical fallacies that ruin the entire film.



1) During all of the months that he was their servant, Henry had to have peed and pooped every day! Surely James and what's-her-name would have noticed this at least one time? 2) When did Henry eat? 3) Surely Henry must, at some point, have coughed, or sweated, or sneezed, or gotten sick, or cut himself, or been allergic to something.

The movie would have been a lot more "believable" if they had foregone the "plot twist" and just let Henryt be a "real" robot. It's impossible to take any of it seriously because of things like what I mentioned above. I wish I'd not watched the last 20 minutes.

And yes, the wife has to be one of the most annoying characters ever conceived. She was so irritating that I've already blocked her name from my memory, and I just saw the film 2 days ago.
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Weird and too smart by half.
orsova27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think it's really touching that these two love birds finally found each other again, whilst Henry bled out at their feet. You'd think they'd freak out and call an ambulance, considering that they know he's a human being. I guess love does conquer all.

edit: Didn't Henry ever have to void his bladder? You'd think so.
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First 20 mins of Sofie
coflorida1 June 2019
I dare anyone to watch and not want to strangle this character Could she be more freaking annoying...
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A plot twist that ruins the whole movie
ivington23 June 2019
This was quite an intriguing watch, all the way up to the last 10 minutes when the plot twist came. I don't want to say what it was, but I will say it is completely without logic and just made me think, 'are they having a laugh?' it was so ludicrous and makes the previous hour and 15 minutes seem like a waste of time.
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Fun, but doesn't withstand too much scrutiny
ozjosh0322 May 2019
With a little refinement this low-budget sexy sci-fi movie could have been seriously gripping and ultimately shocking. The central premise about interactions between humans and robots is intriguing and thought-provoking. It's offers some creepily sensual scenarios. The leads are good - especially Steven Strait as the robot, Henry. And it delivers some strong surprise twists toward the end. It's just a shame that the story is undermined by a sluggish start and a particularly annoying characterisation of the wife, Sofie, who is infuriatingly unlikeable. For the most part, however, it's quite well written - although the final plot twists needed more finessing. Still, worth a look.
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Drama on Marital issues
damonsbaby16 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Wife: don't get a female robot, I will get jealous because I want to be the prettiest lady in the house Also the wife *tries to seduce the male robot because she's bored * I had to laugh when the husband actually did the jiggy jiggy with the robot and got angry afterwards when hearing that the robot kissed his wife. The ending was so cringy "we named our kid after the robot(I forgot his name already, that's how insignificant he felt) because he added so much to our lives"
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Intriguing, Flawed ...and Worth Seeing for Strait
lazich0119 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When we first meet James and Sophie in the new film "Life Like" they are standing on a street corner, about to carry a discarded chair up to their apartment. Sophie is all about giving this piece of furniture a second life.

Later that evening, the couple gets their own second life: James' wealthy father has passed away. The news prompts the couple to move into the mansion in which James spent his childhood, and James steps into his father's sizeable shoes at the office.

The new life is a tough fit for Sophie as well. She feels guilty about having servants, and ends up dismissing them - although, in Sophie's mind, it is more like setting them free. When James learns of this, he explains that a home their size does not just run on its own (has she not seen Downton Abbey?). Like it or not, they need help.

James' colleague from work lets James in on a little secret. Before his death, James' father had been approached by a man looking for investors in his company which manufactures artificial intelligence robots. (The script never bothers to give this company a name such as "Evil Inc." or "Sexy Robot Company.") James and Sophie head over to this unnamed company to check out the latest models (and all the models do indeed look like models). Sophie doesn't want another female under her roof, because, she admits, she wants to be the prettiest girl in the room (a comment that is absolutely in line with her character).

This prompts them to choose Henry, played by Steven Strait ("The Covenant," "The Expanse"). Strait's Henry walks the halls of the couple's mansion like a modern Hal-9000 computer, but one designed by Apple: he's sleek, sexy and eager to please. What's not to like? Well, just like the Hal-9000, there is something unsettling about him, perhaps even menacing. How close to human is James? He cooks meals, plays racquetball, and analyzes "Great Expectations." He reasons, learns and applies that knowledge. But what about emotions? Does he feel intimacy, Sophie asks. "Would you like me to feel it?" James replies. She does, so he does. Is he ever afraid? He experiences something close to fear, he admits. One of his greatest concerns is that is owners will see him as obsolete and replace him. Anyone out there afraid their spouse or partner might leave them? Anybody feel as though their "intimate" relationship doesn't feel all that intimate?

I thought so.

The more intriguing relationship is the one that develops between James and Henry. When Henry walks in on James naked after a shower, James instinctively reaches for a towel. "Aren't you uncomfortable?" James asks Henry. "Do you want me to be?" Henry replies. The something shifts. Unlike Sophie, James is less troubled by any questions of the line between human being and sexy robot. To James, Henry is the same as his electric razor- he is a tool (actually, James is the real tool, but I digress). This idea gets upended a bit later, in what is the film's best scene, and one that may launch more than a few online Henry and James romantic pairing "ships," if this film ever finds a wider audience.

The film has some problems. The film's low budget occasionally gets in the way (the movie feels strangely underpopulated). It's unclear what sort of business James' father was in, or what kind of man he was. Does Sophie work? Neither James nor Sophie thinks to google information about Julian, the man who runs the robot program. Watching James and Sophie sorting out the mystery of these lifelike robots might have given the story a nice bit of suspense. The film does not quite build to its ending. There is also a weak link or two in the acting department.

But the film is worth a look for Strait's performance, and some of the interesting questions that it raises.
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Nothing new
jani-varpujarvi27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looked good and clean. Ending ruined movie: Henry had to use toilet or eat/drink. He must have felt tired sometimes. These issues was never explained. And it was so easy to see what was going to happen: sex and drama between characters. So no anykind of surprise in there. Wife was a b*ch to her husband. She should have been supportive, but no. She just had to throw everything against face and didnt do anything to save marriage. There is so much more with the idea of humanlike robot that could be done with movie like this. This was too lame and easy.
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Don't believe the negative reviews
Sure it's got lag, but that's what makes it special.

Just when you think it's trying to be the next Ex-Machina teaching you about life and love, relationships and humanity the second half makes good on the misdirection from the first.

I really liked this and I'll be scouting out this directors other films as he's obviously underrated to spit this out to -On Demand- with no big announcement.

The chatter has started and I'm leading with a big ol' "watch this"

  • it's not going to blow your mind but it certainly has its merits.
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What am I?
s327616925 May 2019
Life Like asks the same question all people ask themselves but it does so, from a different perspective.

This is a thoughtful, intriguing little film, that reminds us rather subtly of how we take what and who we are, very much for granted.

Acting is decent and the main character Henry is portrayed with a calm, endearing charm that keeps you watching.

There's an interesting twist in the end too I did not see coming. 6/10 from me.
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Ok but very far away from logic and reality.
kawashehab2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok but very far away from logic and reality. human without peeing, shaving or feeling?
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Slow and stupid
w-7598922 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just a garbage fire of a movie, it never made sense from start to finish. A young recently made wealthy couple decide to purchase an android (robot) because they're not the type of people who have servants. They get the robot and eventually start to bond with it and jealousy and fighting ensues before a totally impossible to explain plot twist happens and flips the whole thing on its head.
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A times, brilliant
uberdonkey618 May 2019
Overall an original and striking film. There are certain scenes where the script is brilliant and it is a film that really makes some interesting points. Flow is good, though some bits seem the business which we never really know what it does and never see more than a handful of people in. Despite this, the main actors are good and the twist is excellent and unexpected. I wish they had done the build up and reveal better, and not had much film after the twist was revealed as it would have had greater impact.

But anyway, worth the watch.
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Unintentionally laugh out loud funny
welcomestranger1 May 2021
This movie is terrible. The acting, the characters, the editing, you name it. But it is so terrible that it is laugh out loud funny and as much as you want to turn it off in the first 10 minutes, you force yourself to keep watching.
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You can drive a car through the plot holes, but...
aarpcats4 January 2021
The poignant portrayal of Henry by Steven Strait makes the movie surprisingly affecting.

Two of the most annoying people alive endure the First World Problem of making so much money that they need servants to take care of all the things they have. When the wife "frees" the maid, they decide to replace her with a robot.

The film asks us at what cost do we enjoy cheap clothing made by children, fast food made by single mothers, IPhones made by Chinese workers under such pressure that they kill themselves, and Guatemalan immigrants who face death trying to get here so that they can clean our houses. Do we think about how they feel? No. We pretend that they have no feelings, and deny our own complicity in their pain.

Is this movie perfect? No, but it will stay with you after the closing credits.

Forget the crap reviews and watch it.
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Don't recommend
MGB-0588424 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what this is- started it thinking it's an interesting AI plot, but the twist at the end- though not a bad one- changed the genre entirely. Bad acting, superficial characters make this a waste of time. It's good for a bad movie; but just a waste of time if you ask me. If you are looking for a new sci-fi movie to stream, this definitely is not it. The plot could have had potential; but it's totally wasted.
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Held my interest
wanderer1570116 May 2019
Not mind altering but takes a lot to hold my interest..worth the watch
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Henry Henry Henry
ks-605003 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Charming couple who wife facing an issue cannot resist the charming robot and the robot is flirting back to the wife. His husband discussed with the robot calming "not to flirt". Then robot all naked and make a move to the husband. The filmmaker totally take into consideration the market of straight, bisexual and gay audience. Bravo Henry! Bravo!
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Not bad.
asmaamazaya2 July 2019
Full of flaws but yet I really loved it! Nice idea & I loved the actors especially the Robot Henry.
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Plot twist ruined everything
riskamalda5 April 2020
Life like will give us some pshychology dialogue that made us nod throughout the movie, the actors especially the robot really act well, the backstory is not bad, but the plot twisted in the end made us questionning the whole things.
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One viewing is twice too many
srsteele2 September 2020
There are films that I wished I had never wasted my time watching and then there is this film, which I wished I never even clicked on it in the first place.
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A total waste of time
mlambertvaus15 August 2020
What a horrible movie. I like Steven Straight and I wish he had just turned down the role. The writing and directing are just terrible for the possibilities of the subject matter. I seriously feel like whoever wrote this has or has had a psychotic wife that is or was never happy, even when she was making him miserable! Seriously, the wife character in this move made me want to throw her out and divorce her even though we've never even met! Pretty bodies to look at but this was a TERRIBLE MOVE ALL AROUND!
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Insightful and Sinful
seangores30 December 2019
Life Like presents a side of humanity we often discourage, diminish, or ignore. The human condition, though flawed in many ways, offers a mechanism to distance ourselves from any "objective" realities as they might get interpreted by machines. Deep questions arise like how we conceptualize consciousness, how AI will eventually replace manual labour, and how we see ourselves in the Singularity.

The film takes a tone very similar to Ex Machina: a robot claims dominance in an inherited house, causing James, the protagonist, to lose his situational confidence, thus affecting his love life. Viewers who have studied social dynamics will identify James losing frame (face) in response to Henry's asserted dominance. A lover's feud ensues, and the married couple struggles to keep together. It can become difficult to watch certain scenes, but that only serves as a testament to our tendency to hush the true dynamic of human nature (monogamy vs. polygamy).

The film illuminates aspects of human sexuality, the need for belonging, and inconsistency. The human condition -- the capacity for lust and love --, understanding, empathy, and vulnerability all figure prominently as subjects.

The acting delivers a top-tier performance, covering a wide range of emotions. Henry, as protrayed by Stephen Strait, delivers a captivating performance.

Altogether, Life Like offers a renewed perspective from the one of Ex Machina, illuminating other aspects of the human condition. Fans of Ex Machina will certainly enjoy this low-budget production.
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