Dreamland (2019) Poster

(III) (2019)

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For the Love of Stephen McHattie and Everything Weird
TwistedContent6 June 2020
It was ages ago when I had the pleasure of enjoying "Pontypool" for the first time, and it is still my favorite Bruce McDonald movie, favorite Stephen McHattie movie, one favorite Canadian horror movies, and horror movies in general. So you bet I was excited for "Dreamland", a movie that potentially has the makings of my beloved genre of arthouse, and has "Pontypool's" front team - director, writer and lead actor. It was a trip. A mighty flawed one, but soaked in weirdness, and we love the oddballs, yes we do.

"Dreamland" happens in a rather funky universe, which takes place in Luxembourg. Stephen McHattie portrays a killer for hire working for the grotesque gang boss Hercules or Henry Rollins, and things are set in motion when the killer is sent to collect a finger from a fading, drug-addicted jazz legend, also portrayed by Stephen McHattie. On the same day, a strange and freaky wedding is about to take place under the helm of town's richest, the Countess, brought to us by Juliette Lewis.

"Dreamland" is a movie that, in my view, is completely unashamed of itself and its odd antics, some props have to be given for the fact that it felt like they carried on exactly as they wished to. The story, environment and its inhabitants, the way everything plays out, feels really rather poetic, almost like a theatre play adapted into a screenplay. Shakespearean - is a word that kept coming to me. The rather bare story bones are thoroughly covered with philosophical pandering, lots of interpret-it-yourself notes. It'd seem that Bruce McDonald and the screenwriters have set out to exercise in existentialism, approaching it through the scope of surrealism, dry satire and perhaps trying to mix some David Lynch in the middle, while also forcing hand at making a violent killer/crime underworld thriller. In the end, "Dreamland" also feels like it couldn't decide on one main thing, so it went a little with all of it, which makes the movie feel too episodic and weakly weaved together, which consequently makes the pacing suffer, which is, in my opinion, its biggest flaw. The next would be its contents, so weird and arguably insubstantial, the kind of stuff that really gets split when it comes to subjectivism, taste, preferences and individual philosophies.

"Dreamland" looks and feels as indie as it gets, certainly a B budget movie, but pretty good one at that. The cast is superb, Stephen McHattie alone provides, and I had no idea he's playing a dual role. An underappreciated and amazing actor, I really recommend checking out some of his work. Given the fact that one of the characters is a trompetist, it comes as no surprise that the original score is solid and fitting, reminding slightly of the kind you'd hear in "Sin City". And cinematography's great, dynamic, with some low budget solutions here and there, and no worries on violence and FX, there's a fair amount of it.

"Dreamland" is a movie that generally will probably be received rather poorly, but it has a lot of oddities going for it, which is something I'm always on the lookout for, and there really are not nearly enough movies led by Stephen McHattie. This one deserves a 6/10 from me, and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys the many shades of weird.
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What Dreams May Come
In 2008, Bruce McDonald released 'Pontypool', a tense, darkly funny adaptation of Tony Burgess's novel 'Pontypool Changes Everything.' A fresh take on a stale genre- the zombie film- starring Stephen McHattie and Lisa Houle, it was a critical and commercial success. For years, McDonald planned on making a spin-off, featuring two characters- again played by McHattie and Houle- who appear after the end credits. A film he would later admit in an interview with Trouble City he "never really believed that we might shoot... because it seemed so crazy."

Shoot it they did, and crazy it is. 'Dreamland' follows laconic hitman Johnny Deadeyes, who is hired by Hercules, a nightclub owning pimp, to find a famous, faded jazz musician and cut off his finger. Meanwhile, an associate of Hercules's known as the Countess is organising a wedding reception for her brother, who happens to be a vampire with a taste for young blood. As Deadeyes embarks on his quest, he begins to examine his life; deciding to break out of the darkness that surrounds him.

It's a very strange affair, feeling at times like five different films spliced into one. The narrative veers this way and that, touching upon some interesting themes, but rarely exploring them beyond the surface level. The theme of redemption is central to Deadeyes' journey, as he grapples with the consequences of his violent past while seeking a path to atonement. However, this idea has been explored ad infinitum, and while McDonald doesn't have many fresh ideas on that point, rarely do those stories feature vampires and seedy covers of Eurythmics songs.

Meanwhile, human trafficking and exploitation are presented as stark realities that contrast with the film's more fantastical aspects, grounding the narrative in a grim social commentary; which, unfortunately, feels a bit ham-fisted and cursory. Despite that, McDonald successfully blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, mirroring Deadeyes' quest for purpose in a world lacking clear moral direction.

However, McDonald- and screenwriters Tony Burgess and Patrick Whistler- imbue the narrative with too many subplots and side characters, diluting Johnny Deadeyes' central quest for moral vindication. The addition of a child trafficking ring, as well as the aforementioned vampiric nuptials, distract rather than engage, and aren't well realised. McDonald doesn't delve into the complexities of these ideas, nor does the black comedy land consistently.

Conversely, the film is a visual delight. It is easy to compare to the works of David Lynch, as the velvet curtained, strangely lit world Deadeyes navigates harkens back to places explored by Jeffery Beaumont in 'Blue Velvet' or Nikki Grace in 'Inland Empire.' Eugénie Collet's production design is indeed Lynchian in nature, while Richard Van Oosterhout's unconventional cinematography compounds the strangeness of the narrative.

Van Oosterhout fosters a neo-noir atmosphere, and his work adds to the dreamlike quality of the film, creating a sense of disorientation aligning with Deadeyes' journey through the bizarre underworld. His employment of stark contrasts and shadows not only contributes to the film's noiresque atmosphere but also underscores the thematic contrasts between light and dark, reality and fantasy.

On the other hand, Jonathan Goldsmith's original score dominates every scene. Often, dialogue is obscured by his discordant melodies, and, while it does compound the film's atmosphere, it also distracts and irritates. Having said that, his interpretation of Eurythmics 'I Saved The World Today'- played over a slow-motion scene of violence- is both clever and powerful; although McDonald and editor Duff Smith are probably more deserving of praise in this regard.

Stephen McHattie stars as Johnny Deadeyes and the jazz musician, opposite Henry Rollins as Hercules and Juliette Lewis as the Countess. The always reliable McHattie's dual performances as Deadeyes and the jazz musician are a testament to his acting prowess. As the hitman, he exudes a weary stoicism, his eyes reflecting a history of violence and regret. In contrast, his portrayal of the jazz musician is imbued with a melancholic nostalgia, his every gesture suggesting a fall from grace.

Rollins, meanwhile, brings a menacing charisma to the role of Hercules, embodying the character with a predatory grace making him a formidable presence on screen. His performance adds a layer of unpredictability to the film's already eclectic atmosphere. Lewis seems hell-bent on chewing as much scenery as she can, though, in a way, captures the complexity of a character who is at once seductive and dangerous, further enriching the film's tapestry of dark and intriguing figures.

Although rather uneven and lumbered with too many subplots and side characters, Bruce McDonald's 'Dreamland' is worth a watch, especially for fans of Stephen McHattie. A strange trip into a dark underworld, the narrative engages as well as disappoints; but is never uninteresting. The production design and cinematography are striking and bizarre, even while the score is rather over-the-top. However, Stephen McHattie is brilliant, ensuring that, despite its issues, 'Dreamland' is not a nightmare.
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avoid this film
champaganie15 July 2019
25% of this movie is a closeup of Stephen McHattie's face while he murmurs about something unimportant, slowly.
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js-6613011 May 2020
Venerable Canuck director Bruce McDonald returns to the big screen with a strange, all you can watch cinema buffet of cult-aspiring dishes best presented as a main course. As a series of small, TV sized bites, this might work, but it becomes quite a muddle as a single entity.

The good: Stephen McHattie. Not surprisingly, McHattie shines in a dual role tour de force of endless crackly Clint Eastwood close ups, and tough guy bad assery.

The bad: Dual roles are never a good idea. It is disruptive, and proves way too clever for it's own good.

More bad: Juliette Lewis, who can be fabulously sensational, is fabulously awful, giddily embracing a despicable role in a volcanic spew of boorish overacting.

There's more. The list is long. Too long. We have Henry Rollins raging. We have a child sex ring. We have a silly vampire. We have a mess.

Brimming with taboo subjects, theatrical violence, absurdist sequences, nightclub lighting, an endless stream of odd characters, "Dreamland" is a prickly stab at "Twin Peaks" cultdom. McHattie almost pulls it off, with a performance for the ages that includes a bizarro Chet Baker impersonation. But it's not enough. What McDonald is trying to achieve here is anyone's guess, so here goes. How about an insider's heroin trip? Let's go with that.

  • hipCRANK
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A bad movie?
pablo-9887218 June 2020
I am not going to waste time doing a long review of this movie. I find nothing positive, nothing good, nothing that I can put on the other side of the scale to be objective, or try to be fair. The movie is the worst movie I have seen in a long time. The script is bad, the direction is ... what direction? It seems directed by an 11-year-old boy, who is not up to date with digital technology, of course. The protagonist's double acting does not make sense. In fact, nothing in this movie has it. If you want to waste your time, go ahead and watch it. My big question is how do they get all the money to make a movie with such a script? Are they laundering money? Is it money from some eccentric millionaire? It is a mystery why there are people willing to put millions into such a project, when there are so many good projects waiting for a single penny. It's not fair. It is a waste of budget and a stone in the face of the actors who participated in it. Unbelievable.
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Awful discordant music will drive you crazy
msghall3 October 2021
Director Bruce McDonald must've known this movie sucks. He saturated the whole thing with a persistent, almost unlistenable score, not allowing the viewer any break from the dissonance. But I guess that's the point. Make the viewer feel uncomfortable. Not sure why but I guess that's what goes for art these days.
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Dream Pool
kosmasp9 March 2020
You have some really good actors here and a director who really did shine with Pontypool. Now that doesn't mean that the movie is going to be liked by a lot of people ... but it has some quirky moments and weird things going for it, that some will cherish.

That being said there is violence, there are flaws and other things. This is not something that will make people too excited, but it certainly different than any blockbuster you will see. Still cliches and other things get in the way and even with great actors at hand, not everything is gold that shines
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Odd Talkie '80's Porn Throwback.
arfdawg-114 January 2020
This is an odd movie that doesnt make a lot of sense and is VERY VERY talkie.

You wait for the payoff, but it's so slow coming that it begins to not matter.

It's directed like one o f those handful of artsy porn movies (Nightdreams, et.al.) from the late 70's /early '80s. But without the porn that made them interesting.
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Bloody and mystical, but worth the watch
olsoe-7244727 December 2021
Steven McHattie aces dual roles in this strange, sometimes drool comedic thriller. Sparse but methodical script, with a hauntingly beautiful score. Fans of H. P. Lovecraft, William S. Burroughs, David Lynch and Nicolas Winding Refn will certainly find some joy in this film.
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blademan-9560324 December 2020
But only to one zip tied to a chair with their eyelids taped to their foreheads after being kicked in the head by a horse. If this doesn't apply to you, you might better spend your hour and a half watching slides of your mother in-laws bus trip to Kansas with her cat.
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Worthy of a higher rating!
norrlands_chatte13 January 2020
This is probably the type of film you either love or hate. Maybe it's not a masterpiece, but well worthy a watch. The title sais it all. Dreamland. You don't know what to expect. Anything can and will happen. If you like the mystic atmosphere of Twin Peaks, you'll probably like this one.
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fbtynnioksx1 March 2021
A humor not anynone can understand. i mean nonepeople can't understand this dear tasteful humor of home
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ukheather5 November 2020
Ignore the high reviews. This is utter trash. One of the worst I've ever seen and I've seen some rubbish. Would give it 0 if I could.

Film makes no sense, story is terrible and everything about it bad!

Save your time abs watch something better. Literally anything is better than this.
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I wish I could score zero
Boristhemoggy11 August 2023
It's not very often that I can't find anything positive to say about a film. Even if all I can say is that it had a great story. But this is one of those few occasions when I am forced to say, this is an excruciatingly bad film.

It's not bad as in Teeth, which can be enjoyed on some level, and can even go on to be a cult movie, no. It's worse than that. It's bad enough to actually dislike the people who put their name to it because, it is do direly done it made me angry.

The actors don't have the faintest idea how to act. The direction is non existent. The plot is absurd. Dialogue is strained and dubbing awful. Constant scenes of men pulling on their beards, close ups of faces that show nothing, and scenes where it's simply impossible to work out why they are included.

There is absolutely nothing at all to redeem this awful film.
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broggoethe8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had a pretty good idea this would be a strange one with Henry Rollins in it. I liked the music as well. It was slow and has a strange ending (of course).

The main character does have a noble purpose in this film and in the end, he saves the day.

The story all leads toward a truly bizarre wedding involving junkies, mobsters vampires, children and some cool jazz.

This film is certainly not for everyone but these are the type I like, off the beaten track, so to speak.

Its a bit of a film noir in my opinion. It's nicely dark with some dark moments. The vampire of course gives it a bit of a supernatural feel.

All in all, I liked it overall.
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Dreamland is a Cinematic Dream Come True
nathansenn4 September 2019
With Dreamland, Bruce McDonald confirms himself as one of the most inventive and stylish genre filmmakers working today.

The film cleverly presents a compelling mix of hard-boiled jazzy noir, classic vampire mythos and balls to the wall gangster shoot 'em up - this is one of the most unique and singular visions I've seen in the cinemas this year.

Quirky, innovative and action-packed, it's bolstered by star-making performances from cultural icons like Steven McHattie, Henry Rollins and Juliette Lewis that'll leave you breathless.

Seek out where this one is screening near you and see it on the big-screen while you can!
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Bride of the Vampire
nogodnomasters18 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Shooter (Stephen McHattie ) whose name we discover in the last scene, works as an assassin for nightclub owner Hercules (Henry Rollins ) in an unnamed Eastern European country that has a vampire. After he kills a group of German and Egyptian child dealers he discovers his boss has taken over the pedophile business. He has obtained a young bride (Themis Pauwels ) for the said vampire that is the neighbor of our shooter. He re-examines his life and decides to do a one-man rescue operation.

The heroin using trumpet player also played by McHattie for confusion and perhaps for thematic reasons I did not get, added a noir element to the feature. The production was on the artsy side with some conversations and thought processes being thematic fillers that might take a second viewing. Juliette Lewis had a midsized role as the sister of the vampire. When will she be an A-lister?

Guide: F-word. No sex. quick opening scene nudity.
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