5 Headed Shark Attack (TV Movie 2017) Poster

(2017 TV Movie)

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" This just happened "
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki30 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Five writers ( ! ) all worked separately on this genetically mutated sequel about a five-headed shark attacking locals in Puerto Rico, and marine biologists and Quint-lite are all drafted to hunt it down.

After two of their number ( Sean and Lindsay, their names are repeated numerous times ) are killed by sharkzilla, it becomes personal, and the plot goes into revenge territory. It takes them a while to find it, because in most of the close-up shots of them on their boat, they don't appear to be moving. When they do eventually find it, the shark flickers and jumps, from what looks like missing frames, and sluggish CGI, and they decide to play pre-recorded dolphin sounds, to annoy it to death.

This doesn't have the same imbecilic character behaviour as its predesessors ( 2 Headed Shark Attack, and 3 headed Shark Attack ) , which makes me think the writers took this more seriously than the writers of the unapologetically stupid original film did, but the problem is that it robbed this film of any​ potential unintentional laughs.

In the final act, I was more distracted by the constantly changing storm clouds in the background, than anything.
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One Pro, Countless Cons
SyoKennex12 August 2017
Now don't get me wrong. I knew the moment I saw this movie on the TV guide, and decided to watch it that it was going to be a pretty bad movie. However, I've found a lot of movies from Syfy are pretty good, even if they're bad - they're those corny little gems that are totally rubbish, but worth the watch just for the laugh.

This was not one of those hidden gems.

The acting was pretty amazing, to be honest. I was really taken aback by just how well the actors did, especially on an emotional level when things happened throughout the movie. The story line really wasn't gripping in any way, and was mild at best. It was quite a bore to get through - numerous times I found myself checking to see how long was left because I was just so bored. The concept behind it? Totally ridiculous; especially when the fifth head came into play.

This was a movie I really regret watching and I honestly wish that I could get the time back it took to watch this all the way through.

One of the first shark movies I've come across to actually show marine biologists, but of course, they lumped us all under the "tree hugger" stereotype which, as a marine biologist myself, is really, really annoying.

Only one pro, and tons of cons. Give this one a miss.
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You won't miss a classic if you avoid this.
one9eighty12 February 2018
I've seen some reviews that give this a 10/10 or say that this is the scariest thing they have seen (scarier than "Silence of the Lambs" or "The Shining" - WTactualF?!?!?! - They must have been paid to write the rubbish!

The title should give you an indication that this is not a super epic or realistic film, and on that it clearly delivers. A typical SyFy film with over the top CGI, bad acting, poor story and impossible feats of reality and nonsense. As the title suggests, a mutated aquatic predator is on the loose. It's up to the local coast guard and scientists from a Puerto Rican Aquarium to stop it before the kill count rises. Along the way you'll get the usual, and expected pointless deaths and tongue in cheek dialogue delivered in an all too camp way. A follow-up to "3 Headed Shark Attack" which won't ruin your cinema/TV movie experience if you miss it and don't bother. If you are a fan of tacky shark based films you'd probably be better looking at "Sharknado". I knew what to expect before watching this and still it failed to deliver any real enjoyment, just anther SyFy Shark film jumping on the bandwagon of an over populated shark infested water of films.

I won't leave spoilers, I'll save them for the Goofs section instead because there were loads of mistakes throughout, but FTR the shark does have 5 heads, it just isn't apparent till half way through because of bad editing, or because the production team only decided to add a fifth 5th head halfway through editing FFS.

2 out of 10 and that's being generous!!
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Not even so bad that it's good
daryahorenko5 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The basic story of this movie is exactly what you expect from the title, a five-headed shark is attacking people on the coast of an island, except that there's a stupid twist that the shark is shown to have four heads throughout half of the movie until we see that its fin is a fifth head, which makes this movie even more stupid. This is a terrible movie with terrible dialog. There's one scene though that's so bad that it's good. The boat of the team trying to kill the shark is disabled and a helicopter is coming to rescue them and as it arrives, the shark jumps out of the water straight up into the air, grabs the helicopter with its jaws and pulls it into the water, which was ridiculous. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie isn't that entertaining.

I know that this movie is not meant to be taken seriously, but the shark showed up way way too early and it's in the movie way too much. Every single one of the "characters" is stupid. In the beginning we see the policeman scrolling through photos on a camera and he doesn't even notice the picture of the five-headed shark at first. They're so dumb that they even visit our marine biologists to find out if multi-headed sharks can exist. Our main character, one of the marine biologists, whose friend has just been killed by the shark in front of her eyes changes her mind about not going out into the water again for no reason and decides that she wants to study the shark despite what just happened. And she just happens to know a fisherman who has advanced weapons to... I guess to kill big fish, who also happens to be her ex-boyfriend and the romance concludes as stupidly as it was set up because they decide they want to marry after killing the shark even though they only knew each other again for like one day. That guy might be the worst character in the movie. Not only is he sexist, he also says words like "yo" and "boom" all the time. The whole team is stupid. They should never have let the head of the research team on the boat again because he was responsible for the first shark attack even being possible.

All of the acting is terrible. Especially the policeman has terrible line delivery, but in a movie like this it really doesn't let him stand out from the crowd because everyone is at this level.

I'm surprised to say that the quality of the shots above the water is actually not that bad but the CGI destroys that only redeeming quality. The CGI water looks fake and the shark looks atrocious. The attack scenes are terrible, nothing about them looks real. When the camera is underwater you can totally tell that it's all done on a computer and the few halfway-underwater shots are somehow even worse. The opening credit sequence with the over-the-top music was stupid and abrupt. Everything is edited so awkwardly.

And the shark can growl like the one in "Jaws: The Revenge"...
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Title Says it All
bryno9230 July 2017
You know this movie is going to be ridiculous before you decide watching it. It's that kind of movie that you watch just to laugh at, sort of like Sharknado.


  • Hot girls

  • Hilarious shark attacks

  • Hilarious looking shark


  • Acting is terrible

  • CGI is bad obviously. I mean, why would anyone spend a crap ton of money making a realistic looking 5 headed shark.

  • No connection to characters at all. They make poor attempts to try to get you to not want someone to die.

  • Attack scenes are very drawn out. When the shark is swimming, it makes it seem like it's going super fast and close, but then the camera cuts to the people and it's somehow not even close to them.
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Five heads are better than one.
duii4 August 2017
By the numbers multi-head creature feature. Movie poster is not accurate. Shark has four heads in front; one on it's hind quarters. The rear head never eats anything. All five heads are angry though. Shark appears bullet proof. Insatiable appetite for twenty somethings and, ironically, a helicopter.
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What happened to the four-headed shark?
Leofwine_draca10 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
5 HEADED SHARK ATTACK is the third in The Asylum's series about multi-headed sharks wreaking havoc on unsuspecting coast dwellers; this follows on from the two headed and three-headed variants (although a four-headed shark was bizarrely missed out). The film very much copies the look and feel of PIRANHA 3D throughout, chock-full of bikini-clad bimbos and dumb jocks having fun before they get chomped on by the mutant menace. Being an Asylum film, the CGI effects are cheesy beyond belief and the whole film lacks in realism. The acting ranges from the godawfully wooden to the just-about-managing, while the plot drags together all the usual genre tropes and cliches, from the fame-hungry human villain to the escalating attacks. Only B-movie lovers will enjoy this one.
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A Scooby Doo Tale
cogeorge-1794911 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert!

Let's be frank: there are movies we watch to get a good laugh, and this is one of them for me. Not because of the punch lines in dialogue or scripted humor in the acting, but a number of mistakes beginning with a release poster that's lying, and the overall idea of filming a 5-headed shark terror, (probably) the 5th sequel to the 1999 movie, Shark Attack that already failed to please it's audience; Shark Attack 2 never did, Shark Attack 3 never did, 2-headed Shark Attack was junk, 3-headed Shark Attack was garbage, and 5-headed Shark Attack is crap. The beautiful scene with the humpback whale (before it was attacked) and the presence of other one-headed sharks, which were about the only things I liked in the movie made up only about 5 minutes of the whole movie. It was easily cancelled out by 115 minutes of poor directing, bad acting, lack of suspense, laughable plot and unrealistic graphic elements.

I didn't get the story quite well, but I get the fact that a 4-headed water predator (the 5th head was practically useless; I'll come to that) was lurking around the waters of Puerto Rico. Shark movies like Deep Blue Sea provide us with believable reasons for the sharks' intelligence, aggression and rampage. This movie simply rules it out as being "new species" that goes about eating everything it can find, including helicopters. I also understand that this is science-fiction, but that's not what I see here. SyFys take us out of what we see everyday, out of planet Earth to other worlds of mutants, giants, myths and monsters, and try to persuade us that what we see happened, by means of illusions and realism (not the illusion on the release poster). SyFys by default are horror and thriller-oriented, but for this....*yawn! It looks like fiction we might likely see on The Scooby Doo Show. Hey, give us reason to believe your story.

The cinematography and CGI were below standard for a 2017 movie. Many of the human-shark contacts especially outside water were unrelated and way too unreal. Sometimes while you think a shark is right behind somebody, in the next shot, it seems they have out-swum the shark to a great distance. Tons of repeated scenes with the shark and the boat propellers, even after viewers complained about the same thing in the prequel. Look, if you're going to repeat scenes (it's quite normal in animations), space them out as distant on the timeline as possible such that we won't even remember seeing it before.

For the first few minutes, I thought I was watching the wrong movie when I saw a 4-headed shark in a movie titled 5 Headed Shark Attack. I thought one of the heads would be severed and have 2 grow in its place, like in the previous movie. Only to have my hopes dashed and plunged below disappointment, when the shark's tail morphed into a head without cause (or was it the arrow?) That was the crapiest piece of crap in Craptown. I'm sure none of the cast nor crew know anything about marine biology outside this movie, or they'd have known that the build of a shark's tail fin is what aids the shark's speed and motion. So, its absence should rather render the shark immobile, let alone swim at high speeds. The large body of the shark will also require a larger tail fin if it must maintain stability and relative speed.

Adding to these, I just heard of the 2018 sequel, 6 Headed Shark Attack. We might as well have 7 Headed Shark Attack by 2020, and 10 Headed Shark Attack by 2025. Call the cops! I'm outta here!

0 of 10, if I could.
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doomedmac8 August 2020
Boooooo! Boooooo! This movie SUCKS! Everything about this movie is lame.
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So bad it was hard to watch
historyguy19724 June 2018
Ok so lets get right to it. This movie set a new low for any movie. The acting stunk. The special effects were high schoolish. I could write a book on how stupid the writing was. No one would act this in a real situation. But what has been seen can not be unseen. Unfortunately. The only good thing about the movie were the bikin shots which weren't all that great.
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Best Christmas Horrorshow! Scared my pants!
justinma-366742 January 2018
Before I begin my critique- no my appraisal of this masterpiece, let me shed some light about a serious issue. The underappreciated of genre of 'Sharkterrorism' is one that has plagued our film industry, with box office hit singles such as 'Sharknado' and 'Sharkzilla'. 5 Headed Shark Attack is the next step, a revolution, of marine organism entertainment. When I stumbled upon this movie, I thought 'Who the f*** is so sad to make a movie about 5- Headed Sharks?". But something magical spellbound me- as I spent 5 hours re watching the movie, I reached unparalleled levels of euphoria. I have ascended to a different dimension as a result of this movie- it has enlightened my lonely Single Christmas into a date (with my right hand).

This movie has changed my life. Hence I would definitely recommend this.
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5 Headed Shark (cause just 4 won't work)
Datrebor6 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a bad movie but the CGI could have been done better. The acting is OK. With the CGI it seems at times the body of the shark is skinnier making the 4 heads seem even larger. At other times fatter. Also at the first attack the tail looked like a regular shark tale. Later the tail started morphing into the 5th head. Toward the end the 5th head lost the fin that made it look like it had a Mohawk.

The other reviewer missed a scene. The 5th head does in fact eat, one time. When the female cop falls off the boat the 5th head gets to enjoy the meal too.
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msmetallica31 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good B grade horror flick as much as the rest of the horror fans do. I love fake blood and gore as well. But this....... 15 minutes in i could not watch anymore. Not because if the unrealistic blood and CGI, but because of the horrible direction or editing. B grade films we are used to fake blood over acting and a lot of T and A, so I was expecting it with this film and prepared to watch it for shites and giggles. I had to turn it off because the director who allowed this editing needs a wake up call. Make it as fake and phoney as you like but at least have the beast heading in the right direction on each scene change. One minute you see the beast heading to the victims above water and below, then swerves as if circling, then heading away from the victims, then pointed back towards the victims closer.....WTF Like I said i love a good farce and a good laugh but to edit the film like this i like taking the joke across the line. Enjoy the over acting, enjoy the ridiculousness of it but at least have this shark moving in real time......... Does this review contain spoilers???? Maybe maybe not. Why??? I am spoiling it by saying unless you are blind and do not mind a shark moving in an instant all over the ocean and suddenly attacking and finding it enjoyable, I have just spoilt it for you lol..... I have not spoilt it by protecting real connoisseurs of the horror film, B grade or even Y grade type films who can have a laugh at such films but can not fathom how anyone let it go this far down.
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Five heads doesn't necessarily make it five times better...
paul_haakonsen7 June 2018
The first thing that comes to mind is 'who comes up with these ideas?' That being said then I must admit that I am a sucker for these creature features despite the chances being well in the high area of the movie being questionable at best.

I will say that "5-Headed Shark Attack" was not a particularly thrilling movie, it was as predictable as they come, and it seemed that not even the actors were fully believing in the movie script.

The shark and the CGI was actually good enough, although the design of the shark was so ludicrous that it was actually hillarious to witness on the screen.

There are far better shark movies available and putting 5 heads on one shark doesn't make it five times as intense, it almost works in quite the opposite.

If you are a fan of the creature feature movies then you might find something enjoyable in a movie such as this, but if you are expecting something in the likes of "Jaws", then your money is better spent elsewhere.
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1 / 5 Shark Heads
Kamurai2511 May 2020
Horrible watch, won't watch again, and can't recommend.

This is a movie that was designed for a Bad Movie Night: the only way I can justify watching this trash.

To think that someone worked so hard on that shark for this.

The best thing about this movie is that Nikki Howard is hot: and that's a sign that there really anything good going on in the movie itself.
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Five Times the Terror
qormi20 December 2020
Taking it for what it was, an intentionally schlocky movie, I enjoyed it. Good special effects and that 5th head I the shark was quite a surprise. Very good acting, and the actors did their best with the lame dialogue they were provided with.
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ivandenricksantos19 August 2018
This movie is so ridiculous. You see the shark jumps out of the water yet people in this movie still stays in the corner. Far from reality lmao.
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'Suicide by Shark' has its moments .... but not enough of them
stevepat9926 December 2017
We start with a cover graphic that can not count to five. It shows five fierce shark heads where, in this film there are only for on the front of the fish. I say 'suicide by shark' for good reason. Of course the shark heads must be 'fed' by unlucky actors but how about just a tad of creativity! We know it is suicide by shark to stand at the very tip of the boat, leaning toward the water, look for the shark while at the same time you might as well wear an 'eat me' sign. Or tip toe along the edge of a small craft, hardly able to keep your balance so that falling into the water is certain.

The project head, Thaddeus, wants to catch the shark. He takes his mostly eye-candy crew and, so far as I could tell, not a shred of equipment he would need to capture the shark if it swam to the boat and said 'take me.'

Red was the shark hunter type character from Jaws. Sadly he was given the silliest lines in the film. Does anyone see the shark, know where it is? And, my favorite, he's still alive... bullets won't kill him..... this after he handed out guns and has his crew shooting. Why, if bullets are useless?

Worst is the use of hand guns to kill any large monster. Red gives a girl a hand gun while others get rifles. The two cope on the police boat can have any weapon they wish. What do they choose against the beast....yup...little bitty pistols. There is nothing sillier then using and shooting little pistols at any large, thick skinned beast. Red was, of course right, bullets can not kill the beast. Boats are under attack for ten minutes before the cop calls for help. Someone said there were five writers. If true then they needed 8 or 10 to easily fix the above, unnecessary fails. On the plus side there were fun moments, especially the opening shark attack where all four 'major' heads decide its meal time!
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Miserable CGI ruins attempt at semi serious movie
ewaf5817 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Asylum just don't seem to understand - you could have the best actors in the World uttering the best script ever written - but if you add horrible to CGI to the mix the film is a non starter.

The actors are at least trying in this one to bring some seriousness to the tone - and there are times when tension is generated - but wait a minute - what's this? Yes it's mega cheap CGI coming along masquerading as a shark with 5 heads.

Why does it have 5 heads? Well cheaper to produce than a shark with 6. To be honest if they could have generated decent effects if the shark only 3 heads then they should have gone with this.

This movie would have run better as a pastiche of 1950's atomic mutation films -'Yes folks - the ending really is explosive' Now you didn't see that coming did you?
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A lot of heads, not a lot of fun or brains
TheLittleSongbird9 March 2018
Have made no secret in the past of intensely disliking, and even outright hating a lot, a vast majority of The Asylum's and SyFy's (near-universally maligned for good reason) output, though there is curiosity as to whether they are capable of making something good and compulsive about their output's badness. Admittedly, both The Asylum and SyFy do have a small group of watchable films and the occasional (big emphasis on that word) above average one, unfortunately outweighed by the lacklustre at best and often dreadful films they churn out.

Before anybody gets defensive, am well aware that films like '5 Headed Shark Attack' are not ones to be taken seriously. Have seen my fair share of low-budget shark films, and any other kind of low-budget creature film, and will admit to finding some guilty fun in some of them (i.e. the first two 'Sharknado' films). There are far worse shark films than '5 Headed Shark Attack' and it is actually the least bad of the '...Headed Shark Attack' films.

Sadly '5 Headed Shark Attack' is just too amateurish to accept as a guilty pleasure, where nearly everything is just poor quality that it's insulting and there is nowhere near enough fun, intentional or unintentional, moments. Was not expecting anything intelligent here, am well versed now to know that it is not that kind of film, but it does feel like it was made by somebody who didn't know how to give a film brains, so much so that it'll make the viewer feel dumb and that is not a nice sensation to feel watching a film.

'5 Headed Shark Attack' does have one redeeming quality, which the other '...Headed Shark Attack' films didn't. The opening scene was actually pretty entertaining, something that put the viewer in the mood for some very dumb but guilty pleasure fun. Unfortunately, it rapidly fell downhill, where ridiculousness and cheapness amongst other things were taken to extremes.

Visually, '5 Headed Shark Attack' is absolutely no improvement on the previous '...Headed Shark Attack' films and is yet another low-budget shark attack film that looks cheap and like it was made with no budget, heart or enthusiasm. Any nice scenery that the movie has is difficult to appreciate when the movie is shot in such a drab way and when it's edited so amateurishly that bacon-slicer-like editing looks more refined. Worst of all in this regard are the effects, as it was made on low-budget it would have been forgiven a little if it was not great, but when the effects for the shark look as if no effort was given in making them without looking so goofy and unfinished-looking that is hard to ignore.

The opening scene apart, so the shark's lack of presence or personality, it's not menacing, it's not scary and it's not fun, it's not even strong enough to bring any unintentional humour or goofiness, that's how bland it is. The music is very generic and adds very little, it's not always appropriate either and quite a lot of it is actually pretty annoying.

Writing ranges between incredibly bad to appalling. Any comedy is incredibly forced and is so cheesy it is enough to make the eyes roll in disbelief, while the more serious moments are very awkwardly written and as trite as anybody can possibly go. Regarding the shark attacks, some are rushed, others are badly drawn out. They lack any kind of suspense and the over-silliness to the point of intelligence-insulting stupidity, terrible shark effects, bad editing and even more gratuitous gore further cheapen them. To describe the story as weak is being too insulting to the word weak, it is a very lethargically paced and thin as ice story with lots of padding that is either badly written or serves no point at all to the movie, other than attempts at novelty value, which falls flat on its face because it all feels so tired. It is not fun, it is not scary and it is not thrilling or suspenseful, it's just nothing but tired stupidity.

As for the characters, that they're tired cliches isn't so much a problem, the problem is that they are either obnoxious with them constantly doing stupid things, so bland that it makes zombies seem more animated or both. Some of them are superfluous to the story or come and go out of nowhere constantly. The direction is as flat as a pancake, and the acting is amateur hour awful. The may not unforgivably waste dependable actors (because there aren't really any, well based on the acting in this film), like '3 Headed Shark Attack' did with Danny Trejo, but that doesn't stop the painful mix of blandness and histrionics.

In summary, apart from one entertaining scene this was very poor. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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tholford-9540528 October 2018
Favorite movie ever, best graphics and I will show this to all my friends, everything was just perfect!!!
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Not Sharknado Good, But Worth a Watch!
icocleric5 January 2022
Want a terrible shark film to laugh at with friends? I did, and it's exactly what I got. It was a lot of fun, dumb in a fun charming way. Bad shark films are my favourite, and this made me happy.

The acting was fairly decent, but the dialogue was terrible in a cheesy way at times. The actors really do make everything fun. The science is truly awful, but honestly all the kind of things to be expected with this kind of film. The shark attacks are hilarious, would have loved to see more of them.

The CGI does suffer in places, but not the worst I've seen for this kind of film. The film is obviously not a "good" film, but you're getting exactly what you'd expect with the title, and I had a lot of fun with it.
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Shake your head and laugh
michaelRokeefe11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
More ridiculous than frightening. Not hopeless, because people are attracted to mutant creature features. Out of all the species of things swimming in the ocean off Puerto Rico; there is a mutant shark with four heads...and one under its tail, that makes five. Professor Angie Yost (Nikki Howard) and a few of her interns are swayed by money from a business man in San Juan to search and contain this freak before it terrorizes the peaceful beaches. This five headed monster is an eating machine and is not particular about a menu.

The CGI is pretty awful. And there are too many survivors for me. Of course, there are some scenes that can make you gag. Nico De Leon directs for the SyFy Channel. Also in the cast are: Chris Bruno, Lindsay Sawyer, Jeffrey Holsman, Michelle Cortes, Chris Costanzo and Amanda Mendez.
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So bad its good
julianscott-7927511 September 2019
GOOF: In one scene the officer is shooting at the shark with a regular what looks to be a 9mm The whole time there is a semi automatic rifle in front of him
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Well it wasn't completely terrible...
Aaron137524 September 2018
All things considered this film was not super horrible. I actually enjoyed making fun of it and what really was a bit crazy was the fact that the five headed shark in this film looked fairly decent. I am not saying it was the greatest thing ever rendered, but I had watched another Asylum film, "Planet of Sharks" and the sharks in that one looked worse than this and they were just regular sharks, not five headed ones! That being said, it is pretty bad as the plot is terrible, the actors are really lame and there really is no reason for the four headed shark...um, I mean five headed shark!

The story has what starts as a four headed shark on the loose in the waters of Puerto Rico. Of course, we have an complete ass of a character in the form of the head of an aquarium who has enough pull to make interns and a professor go out on a boat and try to capture said beastie! Not only that, he can get them back out after it kills one of their own! Seriously, they are interns, if this guy suggested this to me, I would drop the internship. Well, they are shocked to see the shark has five heads so they know they are over theirs and hire a dude who kills sharks! Meanwhile, the professor female suddenly becomes like one of the girls, all air headed, and is like a totally different character, the shark finally gets its fifth head and another helicopter goes down in one of these films!

The film is very fun to riff, which seems almost a shame as they did manage to make the shark look decent...for an Asylum studio shark anyways. The plot was just to ridiculous though. I mean, the shark sprouts the fifth head where its tail is and no one even acknowledges this. There isn't even a reason for this thing other than a global warming line. All Asylum shark movies have this go to line, "It's cause of global warming". It is the equivalent of toxic waste of the 80's only that was more believable than global warming causing a shark to grow another head on its butt!

So, not the worst Asylum shark movie I have seen, that honor goes to Planet of the Sharks. Still, it has too many stupid things going on to be considered anything but bad. I could make a script with a better plot, better dialog and better origins than they do at Asylum, I guarantee it. I understand a low budge hindering somethings, but horror movies thrive on small budgets. It is generally one of the most profitable genres. They just seem to have a bad time delivering a decent story, but their movies are fun to watch if only for the laugh factor.
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