The Coming Convergence (2017) Poster

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Informative Traditional Documentary
Randy-Dreammaker26 January 2019
From a filmmakers perspective, the audio and film footage is decent, lots and lots of stock footage with a narrative overlay, intermixed with occasional average filmed interview clips, decent editing.

From a consumer perspective, this reminds me of most Christian produced documentaries I have watched dating back as far as the 1970's, a bit slow paced, some what national geographic style. Might be good for churches to show that want an easy way to open a discussion on end time theology, or people who are interested in apocalyptic doctrine. Its a bit repetitive at times, paints a grim future. The appearance of a young woman at the opening, intermittently and closing of the film is a little odd. It has a lot of information, but will be considered a conspiracy documentary by some.

Is it worth watching? As a documentary filmmaker and fan, it was OK for a one time watch, but id not put it on my list of films I'd watch more than once.
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Repetitive restating "questions mankind has had"
spicygrits9 May 2024
Spends a lot of time asking questions and restating them, then summarizing them. Eventually presents biblical prophecies which are very appropriate for 2024 AD. The film presents good translations and applications of ancient Bible texts which may be helpful to people beginning to learn about end times prophecy. The gratuitous restating and opining keeps the timer count going but I found it frustrating.

For example the actor portrayal dialogue is then repeated by the narrator in an attempt to "set the stage" the video finally presents information 35 minutes into the 1 hr 40 minute film. The topic is important, getting it out to the public is a worthy endeavor but be prepared to fast forward through some redundant material.
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Very Good
fire212631 July 2018
I thought this story was very good. I read where others refer to it as useless drivel and the same old story. To me I would be skeptical if it weren't. Truth has a way of being the same old story. I would have liked it to cover the rapture as well. Some of the specific events that have already occurred i had not knew about before watching this and other events were clarified. I highly recommend watching this and finding truth in God's word (aka. The Bible).
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No New Info
mksmith-5897310 June 2017
The part about "new geological evidence" caught my eye. There was nothing new in this documentary unless you have been living in a cave since the 70's. Only the same Biblical prophecy interpretations I have heard from numerous other sources and no groundbreaking geological evidence. Very disappointed and I want my $4.00 rental money back. The intermissions with the creepy girl were very annoying also.
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Great documentary
laura_e_dillon27 March 2018
Nice to see a quality documentary about such an important topic. Well made and easy to follow. Enjoyable and not at all cheesy. I do not agree with the other reviews. This documentary is very up to date and timely.
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Warning!! Absolute christian drivel at its worst.
jhegre-16 June 2018
This movie consists og the same "end of times" christian fear mongering drivel that we have seen and heard for about 2000 years. Breathtakingly speculative and simplistic in every way. As a documentary it fails on every thinkable account. It must be said however that this movie is not made to convert anyone, this is all about preaching to the quire. This is also thoroughly demonstrated by the reviews. Either die hard christians (the quire) who can not praise it enough (as with all christian movies) or rational people who see this rubbish for what it actually is. The market for this kind of christian drivel is huge, especially in the US, so it is hard to tell if this movie was made by people who actually believe the drivel they are peddling or if they are cynics who are digging into the money making potential like so many evangelical TV preachers do in the US. Be warned.
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Worth your time
fskvdkspd21 August 2018
The movie itself is not that interesting but - and its a big but - it will make you think about what you saw in the movie and who knows, it might change your life. It did for me, made me think about it content and I looked on the internet on this subject and it helped me understand things I never thought about before. As for anything in this world - some will hate it and some will love it, some will think its just garbage and some will find it helpful and thought provoking. I suggest you watch it cause you might actually get something from it. I know I did.
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CutUncut202125 January 2021
This canny putrid cauldron of misinformation, distortion, and fabrication would be hilarious if it weren't for the current dominion of alternative facts in which gullible people lap up the dross doled out instead of parsing the available evidence. There were no 'nations' in the times of the beloved Nazarene, but let's not go into the tribulations of today's Palestine. Every modern nation devises and pushes its foundational propaganda both to itself and to outsiders, the USA and Israel being among the most insistent in the western media. For example, there is no such thing as Nigeria, it's a modern invention, its current sovereign borders were decided by a bunch of upper-class technocrats in a European boardroom a century ago. Look at the map of Africa: when did Nature every draw a straight line? Much the same applies to island states like Britain and Japan, and not least to Brazil with its myriad internal 'nations' of natives and slave descendants. In the case of this pseudo-documentary, the razor-wire foregrounded in the views of Jerusalem says it all. Do any of (re)viewers know where and why barbed wire was upgraded to razor-wire? And who devised anti-personnel mines? The internet offers a splendid version of the splinter-bomb: everything blown to pieces by conjecture and hypothesis. Examples of this kind of pap abound, so there's little hope ahead, to chime in with the 'end of days' paradigm touted here with so much ersatz sincerity and aplomb. Convergence a fig, as Shakespeare would say.
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Very informative! Everyone should watch this.
rick-wallace8813 September 2020
This provides an excellent description of the prophecies and signs of the end times described in the Bible.

I would definitely recommend that everyone should watch this.
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How dumb is this?
nleider30 September 2021
This is the dumbest thing ever. Kudos to the actor in her headdress and boots though.
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Jesus and bible prophecy
bdfrazee0517 June 2018
Jesus fulfilled a lot of Prophecy when He came the first time. Everything He has said brings life because He is the way, the truth and the life. The reason that we were created. To know Him. The rest of the prophecies will come to pass just as they are written. Way to go, team. Well written, well presented. The best I have seen by far and I don't like documentaries. This is truth
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Very Narrow Treatment of Subject
grimes-ron30 March 2022
Whether you love or hate this film will largely depend on whether you are a Protestant or Orthodox Christian. If you're the former, you'll probably love it. If you're the latter, you'll spend your time cringing over one error after another in its heretical interpretation of the prophetic verses to which the film refers.

Ironically, the film depends entirely on Orthodox cathedrals and other imagery when wanting to show inspiring Christian images, but 100% on Protestant ministers in providing interpretations. Not a single Eastern or Western Orthodox Christian's view is given time for an alternate viewpoint. I guess that's because an amillennial view would spoil the narrative of the heresy of chiliasm.

Orthodox Christians won't be panicked by this film as we know that most of the prophecies cited have nothing to do with out times, but found fulfillment during the 1st century. Protestants are still, after more than 500 years since their creation, trying to reverse engineer Christianity. Orthodox Christians, having a tradition of 2000 years, have never had to reverse engineer Christianity because it has been handed down to us, by tradition, from the original apostles to one archbishop after another in unbroken succession.
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Outstanding Movie
simonandme11 July 2020
This movie was an outstanding movie. The Bible says we will not know the time or date but we will know the season of Jesus calling the saved home. This is a warning to those who may scoff at the rapture. Please don't wait until it is too late.
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Excrement storm all the way
keremozkan-765614 August 2022
The net worth of the movie can be summed up as: what comes out if you were to eat Tacobell for 5 days straight! Church owners should not be allowed to carry a camera for filming purposes PERIOD.
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Well produced and edited Biblical documentary.
This is a well put together documentary on Biblical eschatology; the study of Biblical prophecy dealing with the time of judgement or end of days.

I recommend this documentary for anyone interested in what the bible has to say about the last days for the current modern age we live in, whether you are a believer with a good grasp of the topic or someone curious and just beginning to learn.

With Christian film productions often getting a bad wrap for poor quality this would be refreshing for almost anyone especially for those outside of the faith.
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Do not read if you don't want to know...
alyoshadave20 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Major, major spoilers follow.

One of the following may not be true:

1. There is no "rapture". 2. There is no Jesus 3. There is no god 4. There is no trump (don't forget "trumped up" is a synonym for hoax)

For the true believers out there, one question: Why would a perfect, benevolent creator leave the all-important question of salvation up to chance? I mean, maybe I'm lucky enough to see this screed (after all, that is why it was made, was it not?) and change my ways...and maybe I'm not...oops! doomed to an eternity of burnt tootsies.

This is just one of the simple contradictions which prove at least 1 - 3 above...
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brendatomo13 February 2022
Incredible Biblical truth. How can you not believe with the accuracy of the Bible. Loved this and would watch again and again. Everything has come to past and the signs of future events to come.
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Good teaching mixed with very bad teaching.
This documentary starts out to denounce false prophets from the past, who employed vague prophecies, but curiously enough falls just minutes later into a very similar pattern.

1. One key message of this documentary is the fig tree prophecy - standing for the end times which ought to begin with the rebirth of Israel.

First they say in one sentence that many scholars believe the fig tree to be Israel. One sentence later, now from another commentator, they suddenly change to "Now understanding that the fig tree IS Israel" ...

They confuse a UN declaration done in 1948 with the -SPIRITUAL- rebirth of Israel, while ignoring that people in Israel are currently far away from THEOS and little to no spiritual rebirth as biblically specified has taken place. The vast majority of people still denies JESUS and some Jewish denominations even plainly deny THEOS.

Then they calculate 80 to 120 years from that date, exclusively based on the very generic statement of Psalm 102:12: "Let this be recorded for A GENERATION TO COME, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord"

They now state that the word usually translated with 'TO COME', means the 'LAST' generation. But looking at the Greek text, which is the text the 1st century church received as authoritative, we find a clear contradiction to this, because it uses the word 'HETEROS', which -as we all know very well- means 'ANOTHER' or 'DIFFERENT' (Strong's G2087)!

Greek text (here Psalm 101:19): Let this be written for ANOTHER generation; and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord.

Even the KJV translates the verse with "... remembrance unto ALL GENERATIONS."

It is abstruse exegesis to use this generic verse, to inject 'LAST' into it and then connect it to the fig tree prophecy!

2. Later they state that 3 specific countries will be attacking Israel, but they do not inform us how they see those countries in the biblical context (especially Russia, probably extrapolated from 'Gog').

3. They justify in minute 45 a nuclear war through Ezekiel 39:12, supposedly including a command to leave the bodies alone for 7 months, which in their opinion is an indicator for a nuclear war. But this is a plain lie, because the text states that the people of Israel will be in the very place being affected, cleaning it up for 7 months.

4. When it comes to the 'kings from the East' that wage war, they accuse the big players in what we commonly know as the East. But this is based on a bad reading of the world's map. The biblical map almost certainly connects the world at the Bering Strait, meaning that the East is America!
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Biblically accurate!
terecmaione4 April 2022
Wow I'm watching in 2022 and some of the things talked about being a "Possibility" (when this came out in 2017) are now happening! How can people continue to deny the biblical prophecy playing out before our eyes? Keep in mind no MAN knows the day or the hour that the world's end will be... But it's good to be aware of the times we're in. We are told to write the Gospel into our hearts. I hope and pray that many non believers are realizing the truth and come to know Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross, rose again on the 3rd day, and we are saved from sin! Please seek him, believe, repent, and know that we are saved by grace through faith. Jesus really is the truth, the life, and the way. You never know when time will be up whether it's death or the end...please know Jesus loves you and is giving us this time to get right with him. ❤🙏
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Important to consider
sglazier4566 March 2022
Of course the non Christians will call it nonsense, but offer no counter argument. The material presented is true and should give you pause. Even more so now since this was released in 2017. Read for your self. If you have an open mind you should read and see if what they are saying is true. It is btw but that is something you need to find out for yourself. One way or another you will find out the truth. Question is will you accept it or reject it. The clock is ticking for all of us.
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Still fits today
brittanyl-9696922 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watching in 2023. Informative. The girl talking in the latter half really stood out when she says it was a natural feeling unity as in "we are all in this together." I had to look up when it was made. We are definitely in a place of peace being removed in the world. I know that may notnhave gotten every detail correct but it is certainly a lot to think of. Especially knowing of the UN Agenda 31 plan. As of now it is everywhere and people have no clue. The logo is everywhere and being promoted. I was meditating on all the unrest in the world days ago and saw a vision of the wheat and tares. The time is for harvest. There is no longer an option to be in the middle. We are either a follower of Jesus or a follower of the world. A choice must be made.
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madeinisarel30 July 2022
It's Started In 1948 May 14. Isaiah spoke of a Israel being reborn in one day Bible passage: Isaiah 66:7-8 This Is The Great Change Prophesy Fulfilled !

We Are Now In The Era Of First Trumpets. YOU WILL SEE THE END OF HUMANITY, EVEN Now We See Ukraine, prophecy of a hook being put in the mouth of Putin and brought down against Israel is yet to come! Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

The psalmist Asaph broached this issue in Psalm 73:1-28. Asaph comes to understand that a time will come when, "in a moment," God will "destroy those who destroy the earth," as John states it in Revelation 11:18. Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 8:11, "Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Sooner or later, though, their sins and crimes catch up to them, and divine justice-destruction and death-follow.
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Pitch Perfect
sulkair-640774 September 2021
I've been studying these mysteries for over 30 years. I reluctantly watched this documentary because my father asked me to. I was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy and soundness of the theology.

Many will complain that scripture references and quotes were not provided, or that important details of this vast subject were not covered at all. But you must understand, they took only a couple of hours to present a very complex topic. And the audience they designed for will likely have enough on their plate with what is given to intrigue further study on their own. For what they intended, I think they hit the mark with skill.

Two somewhat obscure things that stood out to me:

The idea that mankind is in the process of recreating Babel pt 2 struck me. I've been aware to this fact, but it surprised me that the documentary sought to exposit on it, if even just a little. And I really liked the opening lines of the girl when she said: "Who is it that asked 'what is truth' as it stood before him?" Of course this was Pontius Pilate. In an time when all out war has been declared on Truth, it was good to be reminded that Satan's same old playbook as been in effect for millennia.

The exiled King is coming back. He's coming to make war and destroy his enemies. Before he does, the earth will feel God's wrath. But the exiled King shows mercy and loving kindness to those he makes righteous with his very own righteousness. Go to him, and let him heal you. Let him show you what real love is, and then reign with him on earth for a thousand years and then adventure the universe and every dimension that he has created beyond your imagination forever.
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Biblically accurate
georgewacha10 September 2021
I have read the reviews listed here, and I have to say that the facts coincide with biblical prophesy. So much so that I am recommending that everyone I know watch it. It reinforces what believers like me know to be true.

To the naysayers on here I will say that I choose to believe. They apparently do not. It is a choice though, one that we are all free to make.

I also do not subscribe to what reviewer said about our Creator leaving it up to chance; He did not.

Instead, as has always been told throughout the bible even from back in Genesis when God gave Adam and Eve free will, He has always let us make up our own minds. He doesn't want robots. He wants humanity to decide for themselves that they believe in one God, one Son, and one Way to salvation through Christ, the Great Redeemor. This is no different.

The documentary was filled with facts based on biblical truth in the words of our Saviour, and reinforced with scientific truth.

It is up to the viewer to decide whether to believe or not.

I am prepared, and will hopefully be able to help others become prepared as well.

And to those that say I am wrong I say this: You can tell me I am wrong for believing in God, and His Son Jesus Christ, and of my salvation through Grace and redemption, but if I choose to believe and I am right, I know where I am going during the rapture. I would rather believe and be wrong, than to deny and be wrong. If I am wrong for believing (which I know in my heart that I am not) no great loss when I die. But if I had chose not to believe and found that I was wrong, at the very instant I discovered my error it would already be too late; then I would have doomed myself to spending eternity in hell.

Again, the facts are presented, it is up to the viewers to decide, each for themselves.
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Eye-opening and Illuminating
jagspwn2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I must have watched sn entirely different documentary than the one so pilloried by its many naysayers and critics here. I actually got goose pimples from this film's multiplicity of timeless themology commingled with astute analysis.

And for the one critic who stubbornly insists "no new information is revealed," that's utter hogwash. The microscopic breakdown of the earthquake sequence alone disproves him.

I can't recommend this video enough. Nine out of ten.
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